HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-5-25, Page 8iu J!XEP1B EIMiS. t Wart Nu Gash Store THE R PI, K HE ONE PRICE HOUSE ÷ DASH or PRODUCE Ne ver before have -we been in as good a position to supply y -our needs as at the present time, Never has our stock been so large or well assorted. Never wel'e prices so much in fa- vor of the buyer, easonable Needs Ladies' blouse,s, good washers, good Print, special 65e. Ladies' blousesstylish and new spi c- lad, quality 85c. Ladies' blouses, white pique, good. quality 100. Ladiesblouse'e, fancy Giughatris self or white collars 100, Ladies' black sateen blouses, self or white collars, special 1,00. Ladies' blouses, stripe pique, very stylish and new 1.00. Ladies' skirts, linen the latest style well made, special 1.25. Ladies' skirts, white piqee, good heavy quality 1.75. Ladies' skiets, linen nicely trinnned, extra, good quality 1,90. Ladies' skirts, white pique,palka spot very stylish trienned 2.00. Ladies' underskirts black satin fancy milewe stripes, special at 1.35 and 1.50. Our 10c Ladies vest is a startler ask to see it.. Our 10c Ladies' black hose is the best value in the trade. See our black parasol at S1.00 its a beauty. Large assortment of Ladies' belts from -10c. to 75c. earsooresoarcenormsormormems J. A. STEWART INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen or the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, Of Toronto; also for OM PINK= FERE INSURANCE. COMPANY, of London, England; the A-Lmiancrs InsmtAncE CaktrAny, of Eng and. So Many New Faces Are seen in our stoie these days hunting for bargains in STATIONERY that we feel like congratulating ourselves on the wonderful success of •our sale. People come, in many cases, because advised to do so by friendS.. They, all buy. LOW PRICES DOES THE BUSINESS at the J. GliRIGG, mAirrSTREBT. EXETER. THURSDAY, MAY 25t1, 1899 LOCAL 11APPENINGS — Additional locals on 5th page. Flower Sunday in Methodist church on June 2nd. The council have decided to put on a night watchman. Fur coats were in evidence on the streets on Friday last. Scarlet fever is prevalent in Staffa neighborhood. J. G. Jones leaves in a few weekslor British Columbia,. ( Carload. seed choice potatoes at W. G. 33issett's wa,rehorise. The Huron County Council will meet in Goderich on June 6th. Farmers veill find it to their inter- ests to read. C. Lutz's advt. Wilbur Harrison has started a pro- duce business in Glencoe. Bert Spicer has received a situation as cutter with White & May, St. Marys. Holy Communion was administered in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sun- day last. Fred Hamkshaw, of London, is spen- ding 24th of May under the parental roof. Mine host Acheson has placed sev- eral fine looking signs in front of his hotel. Circulation is important to the ad- vertiser. TIM TINES excels on that point. Mrs. Page has gone to Seaforth where she wil conduct a boarding house. The fence around the front of E. Christie's residence has received a coat of paint, Wood Bros. Made a Shipment of cattle for export on Monday. They were aceompanied by john Wood. "What is conscience money pa ?" "Conscience Money f. It is the 50 cents yeur mother lersyes in my pocket when she cleans out all the rest," It has been proven by persons who have given personal attention to the matter that sparrows do not drive away the song -bird and are a benefit rather than an injury to the country. To extermitiate eeterpillare bore a hole in the tree tilling it with sulphur, and plugging the hole. The sap rietnthe sulphur to every twig and .etaiki, Wars disappear at once. Albert B�n on Thursday disposed of his residence on Marlborough Stto It G. Luker of Exeter North for a good price. Mr. 13ox has moved onto his farm in Stephen and Mr, Luker hat tnoved into Me. Box s hOitee. •••••••••••111111111.11•MS For Marriage Licenses, Wedclinig Ritags, Watches, Cloc Jewelley, • Spectacles, Etc • cern, ON • R. 1HlICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. MOON'S PHASES. New Moon. .... . .9th.. .. 12.39 p. m. First Quarter .....17th .... 12.13 S. m. Fall Moon ........25th... 12.49 p. m. La,st Quarter......31st . ....5.55 p. im Ed. Pickard, of London was home for the holidays. Fred'S. Hill, of London, renewed ac- quaintaaices in town this week Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Abbott, of Lon- don spent 24th with friends in town. Mrs. Barnes, of London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Evans this week Will Dignan, who is working in Si Marys leaves in'a few -days for Mani- toba. Joseph Hogg, a former resident of Winchelsea, •died. in the Stratford. hospital last week. F. W. Collins, who has been ill for some time is visiting- his brother, Rev. J.. H. Collins, of Dereham. Thos. Meehan an employee of the G-. T. R. here, has been transferred from here to the main line. Thomas Cudmore, of Ushorne, is vis- iting his son, Alfred, in Winnipeg,who I is M, the result of a kick from a horse. I Mrs. H. Levitt last week visited friends in Stratford and St. Marys, attending a wedding in the latter place. Rev. Charles Smith delivered two eloquent sermons in Main street Meth- odist church Sunday morning and ev- ening. Messrs. Paul Madge and Thomas ' Russell left this week for Liverpool with export cattle. Mr. Russell in- • tends bringing back some high bred L., Durha,ras. The proposal to illuminate the town i clock s meeting with favor, and is thought to be a good thing. It would not only be a convenience to residents but would be an advertisement to show that Exeter is a progressive town In some towns the wheelmen are 4 ntributing 10 cents apiece towards , ving. the loose stones removed from lie streets. There are enough wheel - men in town to carry out the plan here, and there are plenty of stones. In Boston a law was passed this spring to exterminate the English sparrow, but five thousand and thirt- ty two friends of the bird, petitioned the Mayor to revoke his order and he did so, allowing the sparrow to live and multiply. At a meeting of the official board. of Main street Methodist church, on mon- day eveningat was decided to ask Con- ference to send either Rev, Mr. God- win, of Goderieh, or Rev. Mr. Harri- son, of Granton, as pastor of this church for the coming conference year. Th e army worm is hard at work near Owen Sound, and reports gay the pest is far worse than last year. Al- most eyery treee up there is literally covered with worms, and their work of destruction can be seen shortly after their appearance. In the town the shade trees are full of them, thous- ands being on every limb, and walk- ing over each other. Four years ago the weather was cold and rainy in many parts of On- tario just like the present disagree- able condition of affairs'. During May, 1895, it was a commoh sight to see owners of fruit trees in tile garden all night, keeping fires going under the trees in order to ward off the frost. In most cases even this failed. This month seems to be greatly similar to that of four years ago. A. E. Hodgert, of Vsborne, has leas- ed his farm for a terrn of years to Ur. Richard Scott, of Woodhant Mr. Scott ie highly recommended as a first Class farmer. The farm is in exeellent condition and the buildings, etenniodi- bus and corrifortable, Mr. Hod ert is OL AR I LIST. We make use of these columns to give information about our goods. The public have gained confidence in these weekly announcements because we never ,juggle with virorcls or prices. All over this section of country there are people who have lammed by actual expel._ ience that PICKARD'S goods are exactly as alvertisecl. This fact gives satisfaction to buy ers, who are never disappointed when they come here after goods This will be found true with regard to the different lines enumerated below A Big Hosiery Offering. Manuf'acturer's Agent called on us a short time ago witb samples of hosiery to clear. From the prices at which we are offering this lot of hosiery it will be evident to you that this firm was hard up for money. We paid SPOT CASH: for these goods. You get the bene - fit of these small prices receiving $320 a year rental, and after Ilanuary Ise, when possession is given th he will devote all his energies to e selling of cement and taking and Sup- eraising contracts, Ladies' perfectly fast black cotton hose should be sold for 1.5c. You get them while they last for Ladies' fine black cotton hose, J--lerrnsdorf dye, regularly,sold at 17c, Our price two prs, for •, Ladies' fine Cashmere hose in plain and knit- ted, regular price 4.0c pr. Now. Ioc • • Children's good ribbed hose, double knees, heels and toes ; splendid wearers at 15c, 20c, 25c, 25c and 30c, pr; regularly. worth 'le third more. 30C Garnets arid Gurtaills. Floor 011 Cloth drig ?doers Are you posted on the way we are selling Carpets, Curtains, Floor Oil Cloth,, :and Wall Papers ? 1)o you know how far you can make your money go when buying um' ; things at this store ? Have you conipared stocks, qualities and prices with what 'nay' en outside this store' If not, now while the house -furnishing trade is at its heig' ,ost favor- able time to come and investigate, This is what we are doing for you t week :— CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS Full 36 -inch Union Carpets, in good patterns, bought to sell at much more money, now going at 35c Beautiful new designs in TapastrY Carpets, im- ported direct from Britain by ourselves,pr yd 50c Full yard wide all wool super quality Carpets, in special new designs, beautiful goods for 8oc Lovely new designs inEnglish Floor Oil -cloths floral and block patterns, per sq yard soc WALL PAPERS Ai , /TAINS. New pattern Wall Papers, special. ' I gieatest value ever shown for the p- i roll A new lot of Wall Papers jus' i at 5, 7, 10, 124, 15, and 20 ce- 25 pairs Nottingham La new designs, regularly • t5 ,pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, 34 yards • long, regular,price $1.75, pr, now $1.25 234 . 11 taped, .r now 50c. ftj Drcss Goocis Mations. • GLOTHIN6 BARGAINS. Its time to let many of our Dress Goods go, and go they will if price reductions will do it These are the prices at which you can buy Dress Goods flow: Fine wool and silk mixtures, in all lead- ing shades, lovely new goods, regular • price from 90c. to $1.25 per yard, re- duced to 750 1 Fine all -wool English Ladies' Cloth, worth regularly 65c. per yd ; while it • lasts you may have it for 42 -inch fancy Lustres in various patterns, a special drive for Men's blue serge suits, special $2.75 • Men's fine all -wool tweed suits, in nice small checks, well lined and made, a special bargain for $5.00 Men's fine black clay worsted suits, lined throughout with best materials and made to fit perfectly, and great value . for the money, • $10 50c Boys' 3 -piece suits in black serge, well • made and lined, special for • $3.50 26c • Boys' odd pants, the kind that wear well, Regular 50, 60, and 75c blouse silks for 35eand give good satisfaction, pr pair 50c offaiNear CLOTHING. We have just added to our already large stock of Ready—made clothing t68 men's and boys ready-fnade suits so at present we are showing the finest assortment of ready-to-wear clothing- that we have ever shown. Below we cinote prices of a few of the lines. Groceries. -*•4.601.16111•11+.45:151:000 20 lbs Redpa,th's extra standard granulated sugar for •$1.00 6 lbs new fine off stock raisins for 25c Cream Cheese, first quality, per lb Best clothes pins, per doz 12c 156116 Vests A special lot, ask to see • them. Bealltaul New Diner Soils. 97 -piece, beautifully colored and gilded dinner setts, a decided bargain, for $5,90 97 -piece dinner setts, in beautiful exclusive designs, something extra fine, beautifully decorated and gild- ed, for $10.00 2 To! 256, BOY'S 2 PIECE SUITS We have them front $1.00 up The line we draw special at- tention is a line of Boys pleated suits, sizes 22 to 30 .. ... . .. , .$2.75 Boys suits with sailor collar and vest fax boys from four to seven years ...... , . $3.25 :BOY:S 3 PIECE SUITS Boys 3 piece suits in serge or good strong tweed • $3.75 Also a large range of boys 3 piece suits ..... ........ , . BOY'S DUCK SUITS A large range of boys duck and craslisuits in plain or Fancy stripe just thing for etaumer $1.- 25, $1,35, $1.50. MEN'S SUITS • Mens black clay worsted suitswell made and good $9 -lining with farmer satin in back .0(1 of vest Also a large range of Tweed salts from $4. to $10:00 MEN'S ODD -PANTS • Mens Tweed pants from $1 rip. Men's black stripe worstea pants. . , . .. . ... —.. $2.75 Men's extra large sizes40;42, 44, , $1.75 •Men's line stripe colored wor- sted pants... ..e , $1.15 sors ODD PANTS 4' We have earl short pants for boys at all ages from 4 to 13 yrs. 750, 850 and $1.00 per pair, WE ALWAYS HAVE OVERALLS AND SMOCKS AT RaGHT PRICES. PIMIUMINCS111.01.9601.11# See our Electric bug and insect sprayer at $1.00. CARLING E3 ROS 11231.11.111, SISII26099.04 Housn TO RENT.—Con Jrner of Car- ling and Gidley streess. Apply to G OBOE HOEGINS. Fon SALE Onnan.—Shelving; an counters for a general store. -Apply to W. H. LEVETT. • CARPET WEAVING. — Carpet weav- ng done with despatch and satisfac- tion. Prices moderate. Atrial solicited. Miss A. Oddy, corner of of William and Mill st. , Exeter. Fon RENT. -00e of the coziest and ost comfortable cottages in town, at present occupied by A.E. Bennett,cor- of William and Huron sts. Parties desirous of rentin a may inspect. S. W. • ROYMINC4, M. D. Ed. Harness, of Lon& is visiting friends in town. Miss T. White spent t lay in Sarnia and Detroit. , Mr. and Mrs. James 1='A - visiting friends in Detroit. \ Nelson S. Prior has seems tive situation in Swan Lake, . Mrs. Gavin Ross went to Lon- don Hospital this week n, breat- h was Miss Lilla Johns who• f(ft last ment. week to visit friends in WieUipeg, not Miss Ida. On June fith twb excellknt farms in 3rd con. Usborne 'township will be sold by. auction. Ie is the intention of the Molsons bank to move their branch here up town, at an early date. Alex. Martin, of Toronto, is home spending vacation. He will remain home during the simmer. The Queen yesterday celebrated her nth birthday. She is still in good health and likelytosee many more such celebrations. • Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of Hamilton, will take Rev. Fletcher's place at Thames Road and Kirkton during his absence in the Old Country • • AlfredBayley, of St. Thomas and Rev. Thomas Brown of Queensborough were in town last week attending the funeral of the late William Brown. Mrs. Silas Stanlake, Jr., of Sodom, .died on Friday last, a few days after her confinement' Her remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery on Monday. It has been decided that Canadians who served in the Fenian troubles and the first Riel rebellion, and also in the lase North-west troubles, will get two medals instead of one medal with clasp as originally proposed. There is every promise of a great apple harvest ad of splendid crops in every line except fall wheat. The fall wheat crop is an utter failure. • It was found necessary in many places to plough the land up and sow it with other grain. Dawson City experienced another serious fire on April 21st. Total loss about $1,000,000. The Parsons Produce Co, of which there is a branch in Exeter, lost their branch in Dawson. being heavy losers. They carried an insurance of $10,000. At a meeting of Huron Presbytery, held at Brucefield on the 23rd inst., the Rey. Mr. Graham, of Bayfield accent- ed a, call to Latona, Co. Grey, and:the Bayfield Road congregation Were' al- lowed to proceed with the erection' of a now church at Varna. District meeting of the Exeter Dis- 116tUre frallies toriii„etThursdaylis t enhdargi,dIvyasl last, here 25 Picture Frames ranging in price from $1 to $1.50. • Your choice for ..1111(16•1'.090111Q.".H . Ladies' White Skirts, in • See otr new summer cor- - speeial values at 75,$1, $1.25 set at 500 See our D & A Corset' at Ladies' night gowns, new styles in great values, 11,00. 7.5c, and B00tS iSc SliOeS 750 Lovely fast col'd blk Taf- • feta gloves, best value we've ever shown, for 25c 696 Summer goods and was a large attendance. The finances were shown to be in good condition. Rev. Jewitt was appointed on the stationing commiteee. _ Dress Muslins. We are showing a line range of GIOVO Spe61als -?rtItiesi'avv1::11hiFe°1;71" Lav7i1'311 cords running up and down and also See our beautiful, 4 -hut. insertion worked back, kid glove, a beauty for 50e We have just opened a be- 13eautiful White Bed autiful new a,ssoranent of Lad - Spreads, see what we are ies', Men's and Children's new showing at 95c footwear. Call and see it DiRecir IMPORTERS. Ask to see our beautiful new Shirt Wa.ists and Blouses at 45c °thee Vferchants ask more money for same goods, around the skirt, also White Satin PK ,Linen Suitings 27 and 36 in. wide. These goods strike the enquirer it first sight. GINGIIAMS, AND PRINTS, A large collection of patterns to select, from. A few ends only of job lines at clearing prices. Laces in abutdance and Embroderies llkevvise. Our fame for flenhelettes is abroad,see have only to say that their admirers are legion, our sales for Same never larger. Our DRESS GOODS sales have ex eeeded any two years previous. • We invite the intending bayer " of SPECIAL 1)RIZES.—Six prizes tobe given at the 11.1 lair oE the Stephen & Usborne Agricultural ociety, by Messrs. Stone 8c Wellington, Nur- ery men Toronto who will offal, special prizes for the best speoimens of potatoes grown front seed purchased this season from Thos. Grandy, the agent of the following :—Sir Walter Mt, leigh, Great Divide and Carman No. 3, as fol- lows:—Ist 310 worth of Nursery stoo k ; 2nd $3; worth of Nursery stook. Winner's selection. These prizes -will be given fax each variety. W. (.1. SANDERS. Pros. ' EXTENSION OF EiU SI N S S. Having purchased the Exeter Mills we are now prepared to do general gristing and chopping. Flour whole- sale and retail. All kinds of grain bought. Grain delivered at first eleva- tor p aid for at Mill office. • Flour and feed delivered to all parts of tb,e town freeof charge at reduced. prices. Seed. wheat, wheat, oats, peas and barley for sale. COBBLEDICK & WILLIAMS., LEVITT'S FAIR Flags and Fireworks all kinds for 21th May. Holiday goods Fancy belt and Stock clasps, Belt and Stock pins for waist and skirt. Blouse setts, cuff and collar buttons, • Wizard cuff bolder, Bangle perfume • holders, latest in pin charms, Bon Bon trays, fancy combs and hair pins, all kinds of candy. See our large assort- ment. Fancy cakes and biscuits, Ice crea,m and summer drinks. Lunches be served in our ice cream parlor 21th of May. Come and see our display of fire- works. • Levitt& Fair Buggies! Buggies!! Buggies!!! For a first-class buggy cheap go to W. H. Parsons, the lar- gest carriage dealer in town - Mikados, Farmers' &wriest and buggies of all kinds. Horse shoeing and general jobbing promptly attended to. A• Call solicited. W. H. Parsons. Try a bag of Diamond it is the best Flour in the market We have it. 110411.10311/0.111•191N.C. We have a nice lot of field arid gat - den seeds, all New and Fresh. 20 LBS. GRANULATED . Sugar $1.00 such goods as heretofore enumerated to call and be tot -winced. Everything Cheap We are at your eervicee. J. 13. CLARKE wpTrevethiolt