HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-5-25, Page 5fl'
Notice is hereby given that a court for the
:revision of the Assessment Roll foi` the 'Village
41Exoter will be hold at the TOwn Hall in the
Paid village of Exeter, on Friday the 2nd day
lof June, 1889 at the hour of 7.80 p. in. All per -
Sens haying business , at the said Court will
govern themselves aCcordingly.
G. H. 13ISSETT,,Clerk.
Exeter, 9th May 1897.
Sale Regieter
FBWAY,JUNE TiL--FaTill of Don -
.014 AleKellar, lot 15, con. 11, ilibbert,
..42i acres Sale at 2. o'cloek on the pre -
14% L. lianulton, anat.
nanAT, 111
borne, lot 9, core 7, 100 acres, on the
premises a 2 o'clock, IL Brown; aim,
John Heywood, executor.
The council a the corporation of the cm -1%Y
.of Huron will Meet in the commit chamber in
town of Goderieh on the first Tuesday in Tune
oext at 3 o'clock p.
W. LANE, Clerk.
Dated May 2ad, 1809.
.All parties having wood piled along the dth
And 53h concession, Hay. are hereby notified io
weinoye the same on or before the 51h day of
aline, 1899, or it will be moved at the owner's
Almouso, as the Council intond gradingthe road
By order of Hay Connell. J. N‘,110 WARD,
Notice is hereby given that a court for the
Yevision of theAssessment Roll for the Town-
ship of Hay will be held at the Town Hall in
Vie said yillago of Zurich, on Monday the 5th
lay 01 June,1889 at1() a. in. All persons having;
business at the said 'Court will govern eni-
solves accordiugly.
F. HESS, Clerk.
Ziirich 1.6th May 1899.
-A, Court for the revision of the Assessment
Boll, of the Township of Usborne, for the year
1899, will be held at the Township Hall, Elim-
-vine, on Saturday, Juno 3rd, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon Any person having business at said
ir-ourt will please take notice andgovern him-
eelf accordingly. FRANCIS MORLEY,
Auction sale of a first-class farm of 100 acres
in the township af Usborne, being lot 9, con 7',
a miles south of Elimville. It is of good rich
soil. Eighty-fivo acres cleared, balance in good
hard wood bush, First class brick house and
barn and other outbuildings. Two good wells
Of water and a spring creek. Will be sold by
osiotion on the premises, on June ilth, at 2
o'clock p. m. without reserve, Ten per cent.
of purchase money down, or well secured: hal-
sauce let January, when npossessio will be giv-
on. For further particulars apply to JOHN
ILESTWOOD, Exeter, P. 0., or Erizewern Bey -
'WOOD, Eliniville P. 0. Executors.
Will be held in Coxworth's Hall, 14ENSALL,
on THURSDAY, JUNE 1ST, at one o'clock p m
Yellowing is he program :-Presidont's Ad-
dress ; Report of Executive; Treasurer's Re -
Tort ; Auditors' Report; Suggestions of points
At Which to hold the regular and supplement-
ary meetings; Election of Officers. etc. Tho
'Emoting will also be addressed by J, HugoReed
V. S., Prof. of Veterinary 0. A, C., Guelph.
Eiibjeet :-"Dreerling -horses for profit." The
subject of "Our Roads" will be introduced for
discussion by W. W. Cooper,'Xiimen.
President. Secretary
-lit from di to 5%. Apply to
BarrIters, Solicitors. 8ce., Main St. Exeter
We have unlimited private 1 unds for invest-
ment upon farm or village property at -lowest
rates of interest.
D. S D. D. S., Honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain or,
bad after effects. Office n Fan -
,son's block, West Side of Main street, Exeter.
DR. ANDERROP.(0 D, fl.D.. 8.)
• Honor Graduate of, the Toronto 'University,
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
•Ontario. All Bridge work, Crowns and Plato
work done in the neatest possible manner. A
harmless aniesthetic for painless extraction.
The strictest attention given to the preservat-
ion of the natural teeth. Office, opposite Cen-
tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. .
HOOPER,Licensed Auc-
'Veneer for the County of :amen. Sales con
Slucted in all parts, and for convenience can be
Arranged for at this office. Satisfaction guaran-
':teecI Charges moderate. Exeter P. 0.
the estate of Peter C Iato f
the Township of Hay, in the Cotulty
Xn e
Iluroe, Farmer, deceased,
Notioa is hereby given, pursuant to Chapter
, .129, Devised Statute8 of Ontario, 1897, that all
;persons hayMg any claims or demand ageing
t he estate of the above named Peter Cantin,
ho died on cm obeli t, the 22nd day of October,
1893, aro requested to f50.nd bypost prepaid, or to
otherwise deliver to Gibbons, llulkern Bz Har-
per, London. Ontario, solicitors for Mathilcla
fifin bin, administratrix of the above named ea-
rl:ate en wabeforo the 1st day of Tune, 1899, a.
'eatemotit in writing of their names, addrosse8
descriptionS, with fall particulars of their.
Slablis or demands, duly verified, runt' the
ammo et of securities (if any) holdby• them. •
An(1 nOtice is horobygiven thatimmodiateTV
• After the said date the said Aclministratrix wil
proceed to distribute the assets of the said do.
,deased among the parties entitled thereto
jtiing regara may to those claims of which she
,shall then have notice, ni,ct the said
;tratrix will net be liable foe the assets or any
.vart thereof se dist:abated, to any pierson or
persons of whose claim she shall not then haVe
yeeelvoilnotico. •
Ad in this trittrix.
London, Onto
• Solieitors for the AduainistratriX,
OR 0V1iR F111174 NBARS, '
Ote Ann aVntreTtaltn
•.1rin8Io1's Soothing Syrup has boon Used for
, over fifty yoax:41 by, inillionSof, in obberSfor,tlitiir
thildron while teething, 'With Perfect tinectiSS..
SOOthea th�qhild satens theeuine, allaye1111
asalra elites wind eolie, and is the best. remedy
fer Dliarticea. Ibis pleasant to tho taste., Sold
tWaraft ists in every- part ot the orId, 20
OelitS a little, RS Value is in onion abler' lie.
'Atte and ask for MPS. 1,Vinsio•w'S Seething
and tako 110 other kind.
you T113 OLD 00UNT1Y.,--11eV.
Fletcher, Wm. Hosleine and Mrs. Alex.
Tait left this week for the Old Country
on a pleasnre trip.
iNOTX011- Exeter, May 1890.
To the shareholders of the Exeter Salt
Works Co. Gen tlemen t. -Please take
notice that, the annual meeting a the
shareholders of the Exeter Salt Works
Co., will be held Monday June 121h, at
the hour of 2 p. in„ Town Hall. T. B.
Ceinazeo, Secy.-Treas.
RESIGNED. -T. J. Loci:art, returned
on Saturday from Detroit, whither he
had gone to seek improved health.
ile bas since resigned the principalship
of the Exeter school, owing to his
health not improving, and the trestees
have engaged Mr. Boyd who has sup-
plied for Mr. Lockhart during the past
month. Mr. Lockhart will remain in
Exeter for a few weeks, prior to leav-
ing for his home.
WooL MARRET. -The prospects are
that the wool market will be very dull
this year, anl prices correspondingly
low. Mr. Muir has shown us a letter
from Messrs. Long & Bisby, wool deal-
ers, Hamilton, in which they say that
the prices paid the farmer in that city
is 8 eta. for unwashed and 13 cts. for
washed merchantable fleeces. An un-
vvashecl wool cannot be exported 'un-
der any circumstances, the I.11t,y being
30 ets. per lb. All wool should be
washed on the sheep's back.
1700D FRUIT PROSPECTS. --- The eel),
son of knossoins has conie, and is al-
most gone, and the plentifulness and
bright colors of the blooms are harb-
ingers of a fruitful year. It is said by
fruit growers that the flower is strong
in bud, and that with the exception of
grapes there are good prospects for a
big crop. - Grapes appear to have been
considarably injitred by the frost,
though some vines came through all
right. • The prospects all round, how-
ever, are for a good average crop of
fruit if the frost keeps away. North-
ern Spies promise to be plentiful.
SPARE THE BIRDS. -An other season is
here; the song. birds have returned and
are busy building their nests. Last
year the school boys made a great on-
slaught -upon bird's nests stealing the
eggs and destroying the nests. They
vied with each other in gathering the
largest collection of eggs, forgetting
that they were bot only violating a
state but Divine law. If this pilfering
is not stopped our birds will soon come
extinct. School teachers should coun-
sel their pupils against the practise and
the Constabla should deal strictly with
boys caught violating this law. A.ful-
ly awakened conscience will recognize
the birds rights, and certainly there is
no rights mere sacred than the bird's
right to live and rear its young. Those
in authority are requested to give the
matter their early attention.
• THE Faatcasio RAT.Lw4v.-A move-
ment is on foot by Goderich and Lon-
don citizens towards establishing an
electric railway bet -ween, London
and Goderich, to run from London to
Exeter, thence to Grand Band, and
along the lake shore to Bayfield and
Goderich. The franchise has already
been granted. A deputation ef citizens
from London and Goderich will visit
Ottawa in a few days to interyiew the
Minister of railways concerning apart -
]y promised bonus to this road, and
urge upon him the benefits of such a
system, ancl secure, if possible, a most
liberal bonus. The citizens of London
are quite anxious for this line of rail-
way, and state in the press that it
would be of great value to the com-
mercial interests of the city. If it is
going to be of spch benefit to London,
it will certainly detract from the in-
terests of Exeter and other villages
hereabout, by diverting trade to that
city. In almost every line of business
the aitii is to centralize trade, and just
now the cities are bard at work along
this line. To preserve the present good
condition of trade in the villages, it
behooves _everybody to oppose this
railway scheme. ln every way and
bring all pressure possible upon the
Government, opposing the granting of
the bonus sought. There may be local
advantages but the disadvantages
• will for surmount any gains.
ON STEJHE. -- The Grand Trunk
trackmen from east to west in Canada
and Maine are out on strike, includ-
ing the London. Huron Az Bruce divis-
ion. They quit work on Monday
morning, and, it is said, in doing so
took the manag,enient by surprise. For
some time the men have been making
vigorous complaints, panticu la rl y With
regard to pay received. They have
stated at Montreal that their wages
are quite inadequate for the work they
have to do and the long hours they
have to serve. For instance, the fore-
men are paid $1.50 per clay mid the
men SI, from which is deducted from
two to three cents for insurance, mak-
ing their pay 98 cents. They are often
compelled to work from fifteen to
seventeen hours per clay, and no over-
time allowed. They complain that one
Of their foremen was dismissed be-
cause he would not admit that he was
satisfied with his position and salary.
They contrast their pay with that
givea by the C, P. R. for a similar
class of labnur, to the (heath -ant -Age of
the Grand Trunk. Tlie 0, P. R. for a
ten-bonr clay pays the foreman $L75,
and the men $1.25. The men say that
while the C. P. • R. has raised the
trackmen's pay 'when times were good
the Grand Trunk never gave them any
increase in good times, while; on
Thanksgivieg day, Christmas and Oth-
er holidays the company laid them
and deducted their pay.
1Vir J. W White,Of Aylmer, Que,,w
the guest of the Misses Jeckell nye
the 24th.
A tiuMber of Liberal attended th
Reform correentien at Alba Craig on
Sather Howard wheeled OVOr from
Galt, and spent the holiday under the;,
parental roof,
• Miss, Itt. s. morlish, musi� teacher
returned last week from Grand Bend
and will resume her ditties as teacher
Wes. Snell shipped:two car loads of
export cattle fronillensell en Menden
• they were pronounced the hest that
have left that station for some time.
• Yossio the live,yeer,old danghter of
WM. O'Neil Clinton while around the
• house On Sunday laSt happened to trip
au dfell so heayily as to fraeture her
left leg above the ankle.
I ,
RECOVERING, friends of a. xi.
Oollins, and they are legion, will be
muelt pleased to learn that be is lin-
proving. He is able to stand OD the
afflicted Weather, the Vain la leas sev-
ere and, steadily decreasing, while be
is regaining flesh and strength, Mr,
Collins has suffered intense agooy
for the past six mortals, and his re-
eovery will he nothing eliert Of a
um, Mich., May 2let,, in his 85111 year,
there died one of the oldest residents
of this section, 'William Case, sr„ who
for the last fqW yeers has been resid-
ing with his eldest daughter, Mrs. A.
W, Wright, of that tovvie His father,
the late Thomas Case, with a family
of teu sons and two daughters, left
their native conntry, Ireland, in the
year 1836. Corning to South Huron,
he purchased a tract of land from the
Canada Co., ancl being satisfied with
the prospeets itt sight sant his son
William to Ireland and disposed of
his interests there. He, remaining a
Year, met and married Lissy Hawk-
ins. Returning in the year 1888, he
took to farming, which he successful-
ly followed for 35 years, disposing of
his farm and retiring to live in Ex-
eter in 1874. For many years be act-
ed as Justice of the Peace and held offi-
ces in connection with theeducation
and municipal affairs. Ile will be
remembered as a Man of firm con
victims, never treating lightly the ser-
ious affairs of life, warm in his friend-
ships and of a courteous, friendly
emeeeeelent. He leaves behind him
his aaa ,t wife and a family of three
sons and five daughters. His pall
bearers were six nephews, namely: -
T. M. Case, Peter Case, Joseph •Case,
Adam Case, Thomas Hawkins and
John Hawkins. He was interred in
the Exeter cemetery. The impres-
sive Episcopal services were read by
the Rey, TeeEyck, rector of the Triv-
itt Memorial Church.
A brass band has been organized in
The Exeter contractors are busier
than ever this year.
Geo. Jerinyn, of Granton, visited at
W. Levitt's this week.
Mrs. (Rev.) Willoughby is visiting
her daughter in Arkona.
Mrs. (Rey.) Martin yisited Ingersoll
and Innerkip this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Amos, of McGillivray,
visited at Dr. _Antos' this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Senior visited
friends in Clinton this week.
The death of Mrs. Matthew Rout-
ley,of Elimvillc, occurred on Thursday
last. .
Miss Lelia Ross visited her friend,
.skElla Switzer in Loudon this
Rev. Ten Eyck, spent a few days of
this week visiting in St. Johns and
Rev. Kerr of liensall and Rev. Mr.
Martin exchanged pulpits last Sabbath
W. Brooks left on Monday for the
Old Country for a trip in the interests
of his health.
Mrs. P. L. Bishop has returned home
from a pleasant visit among friends at
For sale, a3 spring one-horse light
waggon, nearly new. Apply to John
ieMannes Exeter.
The stock of D. J. McCosh of Lucan
was sold in London on Saturday at 60
cents on the dollar.
Miss Annie Stewart left on Wednes-
day for her home in Breeben, accom-
panied by little Miss Kathleen Stew-
Tuesday was Empire Day in the
Public 'School but no celebration of a.
public nature was held in honor of the
Mr. Millard, the trick bicyclist gave
an exhibition on the bicycle in Exeter
ou May 24tInand performed some diffi-
cult feats. • .
J. G. Stanhnry,of Toronto, son of
Dr. Stanbury, of Hayfield, will open
a law office here in a few days, in
partnership with R. H. Collins.
• The lacrosse ntatch qn Wednesday
between Exeter and' Egmondville
team resulted in a victory for the home
team. The Exeter team played a good
and strong combination game
John Bissett, wife and child, of Lon-
don, visited friends here this week.
Mr. Bissett is just -recovering from an
illness caused by a broken leg .some
time ago, particulars of which were
given at the thne. ,
The wedding of George Gecldis and
Miss Annie Northcott, daughter
of Wm. Northcott of the 2nd con, of
Hay, took place on Wedhesday. There
was a large attendance, and the pres-
ents were numerous. We extend con-
gratulations to the young couple.
Mrs. Robert Coats. of Clinton, died
Saturday evening at the age of 68.
The deceased was the wife of the
oldest dry goods merchant in that
section of the country. She was one
of Clinton's early settlers, and was
greatly esteeined. She leaves is hus-
band, two sons and three daughters.
Tuesday afternoon, May 23rd, Mr.
Hurclon, one of the most patriotic gen-
tlemen of our town, sent up to the
school a' beautiful porLrait 04 Her
Majesty the Qi:een which wasr.7pres-
ented to Miss Pringle's room. Mr.
Hnrclon's kindness and generosity has
nob only been appreciated by that
room but each pupil wishes to extend
their\ any thanks to Mr N.D. Harc on
for thi.. generous presentation.
e f lowing letter was recei ed by\
oseph S nior, Photographer, a few
days ago,
MY DEAN, ua,-Your kit:A, favor a
the 18th at and together v,/ith Ofe
photos. Permi me to tliaft,ik you most
sincerely for tl,q samOkon 'behalf of
myself and wife. \Wc,,bolli agree that
I haVe never hadit tter work done
'before and all of it ' lends to whom
thave shown the 0, ox'Vro ounce it
superior in every/way.• do n b know
what you meoed by bdthg ytprse11
in an out ebf theWa -own
like Exeter./ Such :work wild aedo
credit to ax/it of ourlarge cities, Kidd-
ly tell me .what you can futnis me
one-lialf oze,n of each for, and Iiqv
much subsequent ones can be furnisl.,.
led . aphice. •Thanking you. egain, 1 re-'
Ita sin Ati tbfail y yo nrS.
• ` • MORGAN Wool),
ebple say 0.00(r sarsapp.tina etireS
w len all Other preparations 1 ai to do
ithy good, and yoti tun no tisk in gtv,
tilig it fair trial
t Womts cennot exist either in child -
',tett or adults When, Dr. Low's Wovna
Srupb usod, 25o, All doalors,
"Fair Outside is
4 Poor Substitute
For/Mari Worth."
Good heath* inwardly, of
the kidneys, Elver and bowels,
is sure to come if "food' s Sar-
saparil(a is promptly used.
• This secures a fair outside, and a
consequent vigor in the frame, with th.e
glow of health on the cheek, good
appetite, perfect digestion, pere blood.
Pighzinitdel z-"eIss,edWtairfengi
lAell-altilatroCtufAbledP w
and loss of appetite, I was completely run
down. I took Hood'S SarSaparIlla and after
awhile I felt m.tieb. better. Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla built me up." Lizzie A. RUSatLL, Old
Chelsea, near Ottawa, qua,
Eousness-" I bave been troubled
with headache and biliousness and was
much rundown. Tried Dood's Sarsaparilla
and it gave me relief and built me up," A,
l‘loaarscar, 89 Defoe Street, Toronto, Ont.
Hood's Pills cure liver ins; the non -irritating and
• pnl) cathartic to take with flood% Sarsaparilla,
Mr. Geo: D. Hamilton, son of Mr
Geo. Hamilton, Fullerton, bas rented
the Mitchell foundry for a term of
.five years,
To get relief from indigestion bili-
ousness constipation or torpid liver
without disturbing the stoma:eh or
purging the bowels take a few doses
of.Carter's Little Liver Pills they will
please you.
Of course Sir Wilfrid Laurier is
much too good and kind to perpetrate
a gerryrnamder, but he ca,n fashion the
finest imitation of tbe. genuine arti-
cle which this cauntry has yet beheld.
You 'hardly realize that it is medicine
when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills
they are very small; no had effects; all
troubles from torpid liver are relieved
by their use. ,
Miss Jennie Mitchell formerly of the
12th con. Grey, has resumed her form-
er position as school teacher at York -
ton N. W. T.
quick, Sure, safe roxnedy for
nervous, sick, and neuralgic head- 3,4•`,:.
aches. They are guaranteed not to col,
* contain bromides, narcotics', ca.;
1,4 therties, or anything that can de, qi
n. range the stomach or affect tbe
a nerves. Sold in 10 tent envelopes
* and 25 cent boxes
Tr, Ask your druggist for them.
4 f,
- THE HorzsrAN DRUG CO.,
Bridgeburg, Ont.
EktEAMtA.Neniklki) Thu
The Central
x. -Lot‘e
• This is to certify that I have
manufactured by C. Lutz, for
calves., tnilch cows, and young
pigs and in all cases have found
it most satisfactory. The calves
have grown faster arid done bet-
ter than ever before, the • milch
cows have improved in condition,
the flow of milk has increased 20
per cent. and is of greater rich-
ness. The young pigs .have done
FOOD than I ever knew them
do before. English Stock Food
is a most excellent and valuable
article and should be used by all
stock raisers Only requires to
be given a trial, in order to prove
its merits, another merit is its
cheapness as compared with other
foods : I have much pleasure in
recommending 4 to stock raisers.
Two Stratford Ladies
Tell Row Milburn's Heart and. Nona
Pills Hake Weak People Strong,
sa : "1 speak a good word for Mil.,
bur 's Heart and Nerve Pills with pleasure.
Thcty proved to me inost excelleilt
re cly. for eervouseess, nervoes debility
anq exhaustion, and I cae heartily reconi-
me d them."
l\ttS POLAND, BrUnsWick Street, says
4t y husband suffered greatly with ocr-
voiiso0s5, complicated by heart troubles.
Mi bern'e Heart and Nerve Pills have
c ed him, and he ow is well and
LA14. "LIVE.11 Taferfe'ere°tnieritIlltgli, Ig;ITicb1C141
PILLS. woot While you sic
avitlibut a grip or
g thick ettrhig BillobSiless, Sick Headache,
Conant:41116h arid DySpepsia, and make y011
&bootie,. h, thdolookildg.
Exeter May 24t1i1899.
Wheat per 'bushel • •VT to 38
Oats„, ..... ..nr.. ...SO to 31
Barley. ,.....• .„...,....,,35 to 40
05 to 55
..,11 to 11
10 to 10
Tarkve , • •••••• „ • 9, to 5
1,0.4.04 p • • 6 to 9
Chickeus per 10 5 te 8
Duelts...... , 7 to 7
Wool . „, .. 17 •ck 18
Dried_Apples- o
PoniPork live weigh.t. , to 4.09
r iesse .. • • 44.65 to 15.00
Day per ton-. — ....86.20 to $6.20
Clover seed . .• , • • 3.70 to *4.00
Alike clover' ..... 3.50 to 83.59
Timothy seed .... . . . -a.- 1.75 to 31.75
Batter --
London, Illay 241.h,1890
Wheat per bustle ,.. -- ..., 06 to 70
. ..97 to 281
. ,,,..,55 to 58
13arley-. t, ,' ...... . ....43 to 50
Deekwhea..... •• ....45 to 48
Rye „ „ • ,39 to 39
Corn -----------
Beans . 05 to 70
Rutter .... „ ..,. . II to 14
Eggs,. 15 to 16
Dunks ... , ...., _00 to 70
Turkeys per lb. , .. • .,. .... .10 to 12
Geese pert.. ., • , , 9 to 10
chickens , ,. ,....50 to 75
Potatoes per bag...... tol 00
Hay per ton .... . „..$ 0.00 to i••59
Pork per cwt.. 84,50 to 85.00
The store of T. Ager, grocer, of
Lueknow, was visited. by burglars the
other night. They secured 50c.
Meat Market
The undersigned has opened up a.
new meat market one door
South of Carlin's Store.
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on band.
¬her permanent mare
by 8.11.11. after two
doctors failed.
Ask any doctor and he will tell you
that, next to cancer, scrofula iscne
of the hardest diseases to ewe.
_ Yet Burdock Blood. Bitters applied
externally to the parts affected and
taken internally cured Rev. Wtri..
Stout, of Kirkton, Ont., permanently,
after many prominent, physicians
failed ; Cured Mrs. W. Bennet, of
Crewson's Corners, Ont., perman-
ently, when everyone thought she
would die. Now Mr. H. H. Forest,
Windsor Mills, P.g., states his case
as follows :
"After having used Burdock Blood Bit-
ters for scrofula in the blood, I feel it my
duty to make known the results. I was
treated by two skilled physicians, but they
failed to cure me. I had running sofas
on my hands and legs which I could get
nothing to heal until I tried B.B.E. This
remedy healed them completely and per-
manently, leaving the skin and flesh, sound
and whole."
A fall line, fresh and
bright of
and every School re-
quisite at
Where the Scholars are
always used well
We are in the van with all
that is desirable in the line.
Let us show you oar stock.of
$17.00 Fancy Worsteds in all
the newest colorings.
Remember 'we put up :the
best suit for $10,00 that can
he bought in the •comity,
Jo Hi
here is Such a Thin
As wearing •glasses. wberk
You should not, and not wear-
ing. them when you should.
It Is a mistake to do eitheX
We only prescribe glasses
when they will be Of use to
the wearer.
A large proportion of the cases of painful eyesight •are
due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses.
In consulting our Optician you incur DO expense and run
no risk.
Mornings preferred -for testing at
Fi T N'S.
• Jewellery store,
t M rket.
For firit class
A fine selection of
and all kinds of
Fresh eared e3itcd Meats.
on hand.
Note the address, one door north of
The B Pickard Co's store.
You require a BLACK suit very
often at this time of the year. We aro prepared
to fit you out in the finest style. Best quality
Coods closest prices.
Wedding Suits a Specialty
Hard to keep the children, from catck-
Ing eold-will run out of doors not
properly wrapped -get wet feet -kick
the bed clothes off at night. •
What's mother going to do about it T.
Mustn't negleet the children's Coughs
and Colds -might end in. Croup -and
Croup mid fatally or weaken the lungs
for life.
Xest mothers now give their children
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
It's niee to take, and cures all kinde
of Coughs and Colds more quickly and
effectually than any remedy known.
Mrs. R. P.Leonard, Pally Sound, Ont., writes:'
"Ibaw used Dr. Wood's Norway Pin& Saran for
Coughs and Colds of myself and also of my baby.
I find it always cures a Cold quicker than any
other Cough mixture I ever tried." Price 25e.
Cure constipation, biliousness
sick headache and dyspepsia.1
Every pill guaranteed 'perfect
and to act without any grip:
ing, weakening or sickening
effects. 29e. at all druggists.
Elm Logs & Bolts
IligheSt Gash prices paid by the
For Elm Logs, cut 11, 13, 10 and 18
feet lona, Also Basswood 1-Teading
Bolts, 21and42 inches long.
Apply at Gould's Saw Mill,
Foreman for the..
Sutherland Innes Co.
A Man Is always in the Exeter.
If he wears one of W.
JOHN'S neatly fitting
•Suits .
lieis a sure fitter.
His pricer, are away down.
His goods are the best.
Call and examine hie goods before
buying your
-41tiss,FALL SUIT
The Tailor
20 YEARS 110117R -I
A. Belleville Lady, Whom Doctors
Failed to Help, Cared at
Last by Boan'sKitoy
No one ‘viao has not suffered from kidney
disease can iinagine the terrible torture
those endure who are the victims of some
disorder of these delicate filters of the
body. Mrs. Richard Rees, a well-known
ancthighly respected lady of 13 elleville, Ont."
had to bear the liordeo. of kidney complaint
for over 2o years and now Doan's 1<W:ray
--41m4/141r Ateleesece.—
You will find at Bissett's Wareroom
tbe following line of A grien
• tural Implements-
Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators
Disc and Diamond Harrows
Plows, and Turnily
The celebrated Knoll Washer
Raymond sewing and wringers
Gierney stoves an.d furances.
wag ons
The Chatham, Waggen and a full
lineofcelebrated McLaughlin
Buy The est
merit of her case: "Per .so yeara ni3r 'wife
lier husband made the following state-
•an1:17ore The Rest.
Pills have cured her when all else failed.
has been a sufferer from pain in the back,
sleeplessness and nervous:leas and general
prostration. Nothing seemed to help her.
Doctors 4nd medicines all failed until we
got a ray of hope when we saw Domes
Kidney Pills advertised as a positive cure.
"She began to take them and they helped
her right away, and she is hew better in
every respect. We eat heartily recom-
mend Doan's Xidtiey Pills to all sufferers,
for theyseeto to striketheright spot quickly,
add their action is not cmly quick but it Is
PerPrelle,erinriLot say more in favor' of these
wended:11 pills than that they Saved My
wife from lingering torture, which she had
endured for 20 years past, and I sineerely
trust that all sufferers will give Doan's
Xidney Pills it fifir trial."
LAXA* Cute eonstifation
linen Every Pill guaranteed perfect
sick headac tuicl dyspepsia,.
arid to aet without any grip-
ing, weakening or sickettirig
rmatave ends, itt all druggists,
In the end you will find
it cheapest. Furnish that va-
cant room 'with one of our •
Bed Room „Setts Tables
• Cbair,s,
Oet Something Nioe--N-
We have it, you- want it.
Take a look at out fu1i line of
VURNITURE and you will
find -what you are looking for.,
Opera lions