HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-5-18, Page 7TII XET.EJR TIMES ews Summary. . 6 6: Recent Happenzngs Brzefly 7old. IA later version of Wycliffe's Bibl anown as the Braeoliall manuserip was eold at auction in Loactone to M Quarilch, e bookseller, for 41,750, - Lord Salisbury has aroased the re sentment of the Ratioaal Dress Leagu in Britain bY making some jeering aai marks apoo lady cyclists' eoistumes. Mr. Ceeil Rhodes has annotnaced tha , the Cape -to -Cairo Railway loan, whic - the Britisti Government evould no guarantee, will be raised in the City it is said that England, has take etees to counteract the R,ussian ex pedition ie. Persia, and that a Brifis gunboat has been sent to the Per Oita Gulf. Sir William lieynell Annexe ward° of All Soule' College, Oxford, is to suo eeed. Sir John Mowbray in the sea in the House of Commons for Oxfor University. Nfulett, O'Hariton ana Fitzharris, th three raen in prison on a life sentenc Lor complicity in the Phoenix Par CANADA. Seeding is late in Manitoba. Chatbana's aseessment is 433,556,623. (Hamilton will tax tie floii1toa Dis tinery $2,500 a year fee 10 yeare, The work on the Soulanges canal will riot be completed or earn° weeks. Twelve guards, over the age limit are to be, retired front Kingston' Peed. tentiary. S. M. Brookfield has' secured tke contract for the new Halifax barranks at $350,000. Private rooms in lIainilton'a Hospi- talhave beau advanced to 0 and $10 per week. Hamilton City Council deolines to pay its promised $100 for the book "Ocean to Oceau." Preliminary operations on the en- largement of the outlet of Lake Man- itoba have begun. Brantford Free " Library,. Board wiehes to buy the First Presbyterian Claurela for its quarters. • Montreal will ask the Dominion • -"Government to pass a law against the sale of diseased meat, The 13th• band of Hamilton will probably lee engaged for the Winnipeg • summer exhibition in July. The largest estimate ot the Klon- dike gold yield this season ranges from twelve to twenty millions. A pality of delegates from Kansas, 'Westin/I' and Iowa has arrived in Winnipeg to spy out the land. An important find of coal; said to be good anthracite, has been mede at Car- inanah Point, 51) miles from Victoria, 13.0. The Montreal Licensed Vietnallers' Assooiation wishes the Dominion Gov- ernment to redline the duties on apir- its and. wines. 3'. R. Jobns,on; a London patteen fit- ter, answered a matrimonial ad., and won a Detroit widow, worth $60,000 , from 54 competitors. • The Calgary byelaw to' borrow ;90,- 000 to -enable the city to own and operate a system of waterworks was carried by a large majority. " The Montreal police are carrying on a determined campaign against garnbl: inga The police say they intend shut- ting up ale. the gambling places in the city. The new contractors for printing • Dominion notes have delivered to the Government 1,131,000 sheets of $1 notes and 312,000 sheets of 0 notes Once Aug 1897 Within the past week there 'mete been shipped froan the fish hatcheries at Ottawa 1,380,000 fry to the different • lakes and fishing resorts throughout the province. Queen Victoria returned. from her stay at Cianiez to Windsor on Friday. Her Majesty was delayed one day at Cherbourg. by rough weather .on the • English. channel-. The contract for permanent bridges to be built on the C. P: R. east of Winnipeg, preliminary to double- traCking the line, have been let to Wm. Grarson, of Rat Portage. .•The moulders in thirteen founaries have goae out on strike in Montreal, and from the present sentiment of masters and Men it looks like the be- ginning of a long, stubborn fight. A Toronto eyndicate is said to have offered a175,00u for the two plants of the St. Hyacinthe Hydraulic Power, 8c Electiic Light Company, and the St. Hyticanthe Gas Works Company, ,and will operate both works. The Hudson Bay Company posts in • the Edmonton and northern districts, including Peace River and Athabanta dietticts, have been amalgamated, and Mr. Livock, appointed manager there- of with headquarters at Edmon- The C. P. R. has ordered for immedi- ate use, 50 miles of 100-1b. rads, to be laid on a portion of tbeir Mae be- tween Montreal and Ottawa. The .rails are the standard section of the American Society of Civil En- . geneers. A eort of regimental strike is on among the men of No. 5 Company of the Prince of Wales' Fusiliers, of Montreal. The men were not attend- ing dent, and Col. Cook "issued thirty summonses against them. As a con- sequence, there is great dissatietac- tion. The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation rival company, by which. conapetition Co. ha 's made an agesement with the between Clayton and Alexandria: Bay and Montreal will not be continued this year. The Richelieu Co. will in return wittidravv its boats from the Islands. The Amalgamated Hamilton Blast Furnace Company and Ontarib Rolling Mills' Company will • apply fore. a charter at once under the name of The Hamilton Steel & Iron Co. Its capital' will be $2400,000, and it will • erect it steel plant by October in' the vicinity of the ernelting works. GREAT BRITAIN. Lord Rosebery has denied that he will re-enter, politics. Lord Curzon ,has been in ill -health ever since he went to India,. . There is another crusade in Londonr against the re -marriage of divorcees. The lerihce of Wales will receive the freedom of Edinburgh on July 6th. Scotch ironmastees have advanced the • wagee of their emea7es 15 per cent. British imports in April were 4889,694 less than in April, 1808, while the ex- ports were 41,961,435 more. • The •remaining Pribenix Park near- derer.e, now io prison, Will be liberated On the Queen's Birthday. Lord Charles Beresford's book, "The 13reak-up of China," deals minutely with that country's politica' and com- mercial questions. In a speech, Lord Rosebery censueed the members of the House. of Commons who opposed the grant to Gen, Lord Kitchener. It is expected in London that Sir Paurieefote, laritieh lembassadoe to the Unitea States, will be raised to the peerage May 24th. The Wm. Cory and the Rickel tSmith Coat icompaelies, of Lemke), Eng., hey° combined,. anaanow tontrol practically the entire oorte. supply of Londen, murders, wilt probably be Pardoned on the Queen's birthday, The London Daily Mail has offered to atop its Sunday issue provided the Daily Telegrapa will do the same. This is the outdome of the crusade against Sunday papers. The Colonial Office declares that there is no foundation for the state - =Lents that the probabilities of war with the Transvaal have been seri- ously regal -den by the Goverianaent. During last year 1,012 head of cattle were lost in transit between the United States, Canada and England, out of a total oe 478,895 head, compared. vvith 5,271 lost out of 91,640 in transit from Argentina. A bicycle funeral took place in Folkestooe Sunday. The undertaker oarried the coffin, cootaining the body of a baby, strapped to the handle, bars of his wheel. The mourners fol- lowed on bioyeles. The betrothal of Princess Margaret of Connaught to Prince Frederick Wil- liam, son of Prince Albert of Prus- sia, ie. announced. The Princess is 17, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Connaught, the third son of Queen Victoria.. , Follovving the example of the Earl and Coma:ass of Warwick, who re- eently converted their properties into of the artieles of food and drink manu- factured in that •eountry are frauds. All kinds of dairy provisions, as well ae nearly every variety of conalinente inoluding toffee the lierey, are ;Wel- teratecl, At Erie, on Feiday, Ed, Harty, a young beeiness man, got np frona the dianer table, and, after kissing his jto'ainainliV-reooatahilailgaii,b,wotal4lcieraciseiiTotharnouldh- the head, dying almost instantly. Nor- man Bates, seeing an ecomien in the evening pa.per of his friend Hartra deata, went to his own room. and shot bimetal through the heart. Tile colored people of the United States will set apart Friday, June 2, as a day of fasting and prayer and devote the sunrise hour of the fol- lowing Sunday, June 4„ to special ex- crisee melee that "God the Father of Mercies, may take our d,ealorabla ease in His own hands, and that if vengeance is to be meted out, let God Himself repay." GENERAL. prgowveedheenr wnreilvly.spenci *3,537,60 0 to ixn- Fresh aggressions by Russia on Per- sia, are reported. ' The Belgian coal miners' strike is about to collapse, A Chilian warship bas been wrecked in the Straits of Magellan. A German Paper says that France is inclined to aid the Filipinos. The total benefactions of the late Baroness Hirsch are 0,350,000. Dr. Martin Von Simpson, the distin- guished German jurist and politician, is dead at Berlin. Stevedores at Havana have struck for an advance in wages to 0 a day, instead oia $2.50. . The valet of the Earl of Strathmore, while bathing near Monte Carlo, was devouredby a ehark. A caravan under two Europeans has been plundered in Nyassaland, Africa, and 50 porters killed. The Uganda railway has reached the 300,mi1e post of the total distance to, Lake Victoria Nyanza, • Over 10,000 textile workers are on strike at Brunn to enforce their de- mand for a ten hour day.- • The Sultan will pay $100,000 for losses sustained by Americans in Turkey dur- ing the Armenian massacres in 1895. A severe epidemic of influenza is prevailing at Simla. Lord and Lady urzon of Kedleston were attacked. Lod and Lady Warwick Co., Ltd., the but are convalescent. Tliere is an extraordinary increase of infanticide in Germany. No less an 32 bodies of new-born children .1 have been found in the Rhine within a few clays. , Earl of Roselyn, it is reported, will float the Roselyn estate as a limited liability company. Rev. Mr. MoWle, speaking in Exetex Hall, London, upon indeeent pictures and publications, said the literature of to -day was bad, but the advertise- ments were worse. The stage is the worst offender. It pictures are 'hor- ribly suggestive and indecent, and in- duce fast living; yet Christian men and women patronize the stage." (Cries ot Shame.") In fact, he was bound to say that he felt the need of a sec- ond reformation. UNITED STATES. A cororter's jury has found that the recent Andrews fire in New York -.was accide.ntai. e A. tornado caused great destruction in Southern Oklahomo. Several people were killed. • Mrs. Wm. C. Witney, wife of the forma United Stales Secretary of the Navy, died Saturday. Two thieves held up and robbed a polios captain in a sleeping- car at a depot in Boston. One is in jail. It is expected at 1Wahingson that President McKinley will call a ape: - call session of Congress early in Octo- ber. As a result of a demand. for an ad-. vance in wages, the glucose sugar re- fining works at Peoria, Ills., have been closed. The forthcoming wedding of Mrs. George W. Childs end General Wheeler is tarnishing gossip for Washington society. - - Nearly the whole male population of Wallace, Idaho, has been arrested by United States troops in connection with the recent riots. The combination in steel interests, said to have been effected in New •York, will have a capital of something like $50D,000,000. , President McKinley has handed over the ete0,000,000 to M. Carnbon, the French Ambassador, to be given to Spain for the Philippines. Another beer brewers' combination is in process for formation. The new company will take in all the large breweries in New York city. The famous asbestos mine' at Salt Mountain, in White County, Ga., has been sold for $2e0,000 to Bancroft &- Kenniok, mining engineers, et London. A consolidation cif the peanut indus- try of the United States under the control of a single .00mpany, with a capital of a50,e14,000, is about to be farmed. Capt. Titoinas, of the steamer Coya, arrived on _Friday in New York, af- ter an 18 -months' voyage on an Ant- arctic expedition. He liad never heard of the war with Spain. Lawrence Duffy, 70 years• old, of New York, died -suddenly on Friday, after smoking a pipe of tobacco, from Ilia effects of a eaucer formed on his lip through excessive smoking, J. W. McAndrews, at one time one of the best known. minietrels in the country, known as "Haverlyes original watermelon Inane" has been commit- ted to the inane alert= at Elgin, Ill. The Preeideni of the United States has amended thethlif and port regu- lations of Cuba and Porto Rico, ad- mitting butter, oleomargarine and vitrified briek at reduced duty and re- laxing the navigation regulations. The Px.esidenL o/ the United States bas runendect the tariff and port regu- lations of Cuba and Porto Rico, ad- mitting butter, oleamargarine and vit- rified brick at reduced duty and ree nixing the navigation regulations, The Rev. Dr. L. G. Broughton, of eat tante, Gan has been most out- spoken in his denunciatien of -the lynchiags whiela have occurred in that State. The whites resented his words and took revenge upon him by wreck - trig the Baptist Tabernacle of wiich. he is the pastor, Dr. We It, Wiley, Chief Chemist of the United States Departinent of Agri- culture, Says that fully 90 per cent. Tne sealing steamer Hope is under- going repairs at St. John's, Nfld., be - ore proceeding northward with the ex- pedition for the relief of Lieut. Peary, the Arctic explorer. - Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, is su- ing his father-in-law, the Duke of Par- ma, for refusing since the death of the former's wife, to pay the annuity fixed in the marriage contract. The German press is discussing the proposaL of a militant clergyman, who urges that Germany's answer to the powers that humiliated her in Samoa should be the building within three years of 40new warships. British residents at Lagos, West Af- rica, are suing Bislaop Tugwell, Angli- can Bishop of pourttorial Africa, for having stated that 75 per cent. of the deaths of Europeans on the coast of Africa were due to drunkenness. .MAY NOT MEET. The Joint !Ugh Commission Will Probably Abandon the ileetIng Fixed for August. A despatch from Washington says A11 hope of reconvening the Joint American -Canadian Commisser in Au- gusi has been abandoned. The confer- ence adjourned after having rnade good headway, as it was thought" at the time, towards the drafting of an agree- ment, owing to an unexpected and in- surmountable obstacle in thle sliane of the lumber and boundary questions. The joint aponference adjourned to meet in August, .witta the understand- ing that •meantime the Governments bf the two countries would test pub- lic sentiatient. It was also hoped that some of the difficulties that had pre- sented themselves in,the way of con- sented themselves in the way of a conculsion of the work of the confer- ence inighe in the interim be reni.ov- ed by cliplonaatie riegotiations. It has now been demonstrated, however, that the temper of neither side has yielded sufficiently to warrant the ex- pectation of any successful result at- tending the reconvening of the com- mission. It is said that the .United States commissioners are thoroughly discouraged at the time-consuming manner in evhich,various propositions that have been put forward are bandied back and forth between London and Ottawa. REVENUE COLLECTOR SKIPS. W. S. Jones, of liossland, a Defaulter to the idsteut of einem). ; A despatch Loan Roseland, B.C., sus: -W. S. Jones, collector of internal re - Venue, is a defaulter, and has left the country. inspector illinnand Gill are here froxn Vancouver investigating the matter. Jones has beet absent from Rossland, for about a month, but it was understood that he would return. The amount taken will he about $1,000 says the inspectors. Jones' where- abouts is not known to the authorities. DYING ON ASHCROFT TRAIL, novernmentensited to Seed Ineratallate lief to 200 Starving nen. A despatch from Victoria., B.C., says; -Mail Carrier Alex. S. Brinale leas made a perilous trip from the Stiokine river to urge the Dominion and Pro= vkoial Grovertimente to tiend ittimedi- ate relief to upwards of 200 men who are facing starvation on the Ashoroat trail. Mules Mid dogs had been the sole diet of the men for weeks pas( when Use Mail earlier left. REWARD FOR THEIR CAPTURE,' The lnducetnent Will be goes ror Either lease or Hoiden, aufaaa 111"h the Damian, A despidesh. from Toronto eays:-The provincial authorities Lave deoided to take another important etep in the efforts to x•eaapture Pare ,and. Hold- en, th.e Napartee bank blerglars and gaol -breakers. A eieoular lias been tee sued from the Attorney General's de- partment, offering a subetantial re- ward for the arrest of either or beta>, of the runaway thieve's, and it is hoped by this means that their ultbaaate cap- ture will be rendered more probable. The circular coneabee full deeserip- none of the two men and of the cloth- ing worn by them at the time of their midnight flitting from the hospitality of Nepanee's gaol. 11 gives all infor- mation that might be ot a.ssiatanee in their identification, and offers a sub- stantial sum for their arrest, The amounts of the proffered rewards are rite for either of them and $1,000 for both Several thousands of copies of the circular leave been printed, and for- warded to the police authorities in all centres of iraportamee throughout Can- ada and the United. States, to the va.r- ions deteotive agencies, to the crimin- al departmentse of the various prov- inces and States, and, in feet, to every person or official to who the infor- mation is likely to erove of value, or the reward an incentive to activity in tn'e searon. A DELIBERATE SUICIDE. How a French Doctor litethotiteally Went About the WOrk or len-attestv am ion, A despatch from Paris says: -The suicide. at Chaisy le Rol, six miles south of Paris, of Dr. Laforest, a prom- inent and wealthy physician, has caus- ed a sensation. Dr. Laforest was acmes - ed of disgraceful conducts and his ar- rest was impending. He discussed the position with his wife, and they con- cluded that even if he was acquitted he wag ruined. The doctor then re- soIvee to kill hianself. He rap.de his will, bade farewell to his wife, shut hinnsele in his bedroom, papered the cracks of the door and windows and then turned on the gas. For two hours he conversed with his wife through the closed door, and then his voice gradual- ly became feebler and feebler, until it could not be'heard. Ninclama Laforest then informed the police, who upon en- tering the room found Dr. Laforegt dead. WATCHING THE RIVERS. °Marto Government Guarding Against the leExtic.n1 of Logs by illebig in lumber. u The Ontario Government has station- ed forest rangers at the mouth of the principal streams flowing into Lake Huron, the Georgian Bay and Parry Sound, in order to see that no logs are exported to the United StatePexcept those cut previously to the prohibition coming into force. The rivers" so Watched are the Mis.sissauga, Thessa.- Ion, tVlitte Fish, French, lelagnetawa.n and. Sequin. The Grown Lands De- partmute does not believe that any of the Michigan lumbertaen will attempt to export in defiance of the law, but deems it best to be on tee safe side by guarding against such a contin- gency. One of the largest Michigan firms, Eddy Bros. of -Bay City, have cut 15,000,000 feet in Ontario limits during- the past winter, and will pro- bably leave this all manufactured un - dee contract in Ontario. NO DRUNKARDS IN RUSSIA. In St. Peter.tburg Hereafter Only One Drank in a Saloon Wilt be Allowed. • The erratic footsteps of the wander- ing "toper" are to be seen no more - in St. Petersburg, at all events. Hither- to, one who had strength enough of limb to support hie overthirsty body might be supplied with drink, provid- ed, of course, such drinks were settled for. But such days are over. The familiar lurching figure, once such a feature of the streets of the capital on the Neva, will have depart- ed forever. That afiecdonate nature which once took such en indiscriminate delight in embracing various lampposts and passersby will be nipped in the For the new "pubs" of St. Peters- burg are very sober affairs indeed; some 25,000 good old landmarks of the • wayside have been summarily closed, and 5,000 "liquor saloons" have been opened in their stead. 'Phe new "pubs," if one may be al- lowed to thus style a state_ raonoply, are to be run by ladies. The grog is to be served in "tiny" flagons, ear% one of which iaisealed and. stamped by the state. No one is to obtain more than one drink at each tavern, and 0, bit- terest droo of alll any one who shows the least sign of intoxication is to he 'pitilessly refused. QUEEN'S YACHT LAUNCHED. Duchess or YOlit 8C11411g the Stately Ship net the Water -A Gay SeellAC. A despatch from London, says: -The Duchess of York, accempanied by the Duke of Connaught, Mr. George J. •Goethen, First Lord of the Admiralty, and others, launched the new royal yacht Victoria and Albert at Pemaroke on Tuesday afternoon. After the uottal prayers the Duchess severed a cord and the yacht glided into the wa- ter anairlst vociferous cheering. The scene attending the launching Was one ot the gayest imaginable. The clocks, the neighboting buildings and all the vessels in the harbor were elaborately decked with flags and bonting. Among the spectators wove many naval and military officers and members of;the civil government in unifoern or in their the yards, and the greatest eattaisieeirei robes of atfioe, There were an enor- mous coeeourse of people in and about was manifested, , MORE REOULARS FOR CAP TOWN.. No tiearIng lea the eransvant arirris, Say the Officials, despatch from London, says: -Ane other draft of regular ti-oops 'sailed for Cape Town, Saturday, and others vvill sail this week to reinforce the cavalry at Natal. It is officially stated. these reinforoomente leave no bearing On ilia Transvaal crieis. It is interesting, to note, however, the transfer ot troops to Cape ToeYel, has been going on stead- ily aor the last six months. rahe Gove renanene is evidently determined to be on the safe side, President Kruger's refusal to pelmet the dynamite concession is likely to re- sult- in renewed discussion in Pae.lia- meal this week. • There is no reason to regard Joseph Chamberlain's letter to Presideat Kruger as an ultimatum. Mr. Cham- berlain expressly stated in the House of Commone several weeks ago the negotiations with the Transvaal Re- paiblireeliad not reaclted the ultimatum stage. The letter did, however, indi- cate to Kruger in unmistakable ternas the Government was seriously in earn- est in its desire to have the obnoxious concession either revoked or radically modified. • HITS KRUGER'S POCKET. •There he been many enquiries as ...to why Mr. Chamberlain fixed on the dynamite question instead of raising the whole issue. The reason given in welt -informed circles is the dynamite concession makes a good test case, as showing the extreme British view ot. the London convention. Besides, it hite hard at the pockets of the burghers, and especially Kruger's. 11 is popularly believed here Kruger profits personal- ly by the dynamite concession. Cer- tain it is Kruger is particularly pug- nacious on the subject. The general opinion is that the country has reached the limit of toler- ance of Ooan Paul's diplomacy. • It is felt that something must be done to terinine.te the present unbearable sit- . uation. STABBED AND ROBBED. Jew Cattle Shipper Picked up on the G. T. IL. Track atEastwood Terribly Injured. A despatch helm Woodstock, says: - A Russian Jew, Natsin Stein, by narae, was brought to Woadstock on an early G.T.R. freight train on Thurs- day morning, suffering terrible in- uries. The man had been picked up by the train hands near Eastwood, vebere he was found lying by the aide of tbe track, When taken to the hospital, it was found that his hip and area were broken, while ne was other- wise bruised about the hea,d1 and body. Ile was also injured internally, and the doctors say that there is not ranch hope of his recovery. !The mean says that he is a cattle shipper, and that he missed a train at London on Wednesday night. He intended to go to Montreal, and with this purpose he crept into a box car of a following train. aire was accom- panied by another ma,n. Somewhere along the line he say a they were .joined • by three tramps, who rode: with them as far as the Governor's crossing, near Eastwood. Then the tramps fell on him, fobbed, him of what little money be had, and after stabbing' him in the hip, threw • him out of the car. -The man's companion could not be found. The doctors do not think from the wound on the hip that the man was stabbed. TO TALK ACROSS THE ATLANTIC. • The Wireless Telegraph ContPithY WIJL Make the Attempt. A despatch from London, sayfe-Ac- cording to a statement made to the correspondent 'here of the Associated Piess on Friday by the Secretary of the Wireless Telegraphy Company. the first attempt to transmit trans- Atlantic messages by the Marconi system will be made during the contests for the America's cup. Stafions will be established at Sandy Hook and else - Meer° along the course laid out for the great yacht race, from which the entire contests will be visible. Messages recording the progress of the races -will be transmitted from those stations to a point nn the Irish coast in the neighbourhood of Water- ville The secretary of the Wireless Telegraph Company added that Sir Thomas Lipton and the authorities of the United States and Great 13ritain had been notified. of the project, and that all had expressed themselves as being intensely interested. • QUEEN'S MAID DISMISSED. Dud Been G !filling 50 l'er Cent. Conmals- Sion On Ail Purchases tbr Her l'illijeSty. .A despatch from London says -'-&n musing story has been sent to the Pall Mall Gazette from its correspond - exit in Rome. The Qaeen of Italy had a trusted maid who did bee shopping; The maid fell ill, and the Queen.sent a lady in waiting in her stead to buy a gown. Tbe shopkeeper asked 1,0(4 francs for a plain pique dress, and the lady demurred at the price. The Shop- keeper declared that the price was not eneessive, saying :-- "There are Pappina's Thies to tome out of it. She always insists onahav- ing ,over 50 par oent. commission," The result was the dismissaa of Pep - pine, a sadder ancl wiser, but not im- poverielied women, ber pergnisites hexing been enormous. POINT NEIVIO NOW. story or Gold istscovertes Exceeding the ilieluoss of Gilondlite-Stampede A. peeted, deSpa Loh from Sae. Francisco, says: -The Examiner printe a story regard- ing the new geld diseoveries et Point Nemo, in Alaska, whiah lis adyiees de- elare to exceed in richness thoseof the Klondike. The strike is on. the River and its tributaries, abode tivitity miles -baelt. from Cape Nemo, ma 120 miles from $t. Michael's. A statapetie 15 expected. •NALRKET OFTJIB WORLD, Prices of Grain, C▪ a▪ ttle, Cheese, dm, in the Leatilng 1Vtarts. a'nronto, May 12, -Between fifty ana eixty loa.as camp in Onday, wniclo wth the retook loft over from Tuesday, current Buffalo May 12 -Spring wheat -Dull; No. 1 Northern. spot, 79 5-80. Win - tee wheat -Dull; No. 2 red, on track, 710; No. I. white, local, 76c. Corn -Dull and weak, No. 2 yellow, 39 1-2c; No. 3 yellow-, 390; No. 4 yellow, 36 to 37c; No. 2 corn, 38c; No. 3 corn, 37c. Oats -Weak; light demand; fair supply, No. 2 white, 33 1 -de; No. 3 white, 32 to 32 1-4e ; No. 4 white, 81o; No. 2 mixed, Fele.; No. 3 mixed, 29e. Rye --Nominal, Ca.nal freights -Dull; wheat 2 1-2e; corn 2 1-8e; oats, 1 3-4o. Flour -Quiet; unchang- ed. • Detroit May .12 -Wheat -Closed -No. 1 white, cash, 71e; No. 2 red, cash, and May, 75c; June, 74 5 -Se. Toledo, May 12 -Wheat -No. 2 cash and May, .75c; July, 74 3-8e bid. Corn -No. 2- mixed, 34 1-30. Oats -No. 2 mixed, 28c bid. Rye -No. 2 cash, 58c. Cloverseed-Prime new, cash, and May, $3.75 asked; Ociober, $4.50 asked. Duluth, May 12-Wheat-No.1 hard, oath, 755-80; July, 75 3-8e Nb. 1 North- ern, cash, 73 5-8c; No. 2 do., 65 1-8c. Milwaukee, May 12 -Wheat -No. 1 Northern, 731-2o; No. 2 do., 72e. Rye -No. 1, 59 1-2c. Barley -No. 2, 41c; sample, 41c. Minneapolis May 12 -Close -Wheat in store, No. 1 Northern, May, 70 1-8c; July, ,711-4 to 71 3-8e; September, 687-8 to 69o; on track. No. 1 hard,' 721-80; No. 1 Northern, 71 1-8o; No. 2 Northern, 99 5-80. Flour -First patents, 43.75 to 0.85; second patents, 0.55 to $3.65; first clear, $2.70 to $2.80. made a heavy run far an off day, In atapping cattle there wits in- reetivity, and a tete amount of trading Wee done, but prices were unchanged at from a4.25 to 464.8.a.' and 04.90 per cwt. Still the tone was a more heal- thy one, and prespecte are eneourag- . ing. We had a f air demand for the best butener cattle at from S4 to $4.50 per cwt.; choice seleotioris fetch occasion- ally ten cents more There is rather • too much common stuff here, and this • m1S74teoper tlLeehr,esareu over..nipdods.te steady at from a 3-1. to 4 Bulls, feeders, and milkers are un- changed. A feev mote eleetee calves will find a ready sale. Yearlings, sheep, and spring lambs are unchanged in price; all are want- ed, if of, good quality, and yearlings es- pecially are in active dezn.aied:- Hogs are steady and unchanged; aboutons a onreeatdhyae. thousand were. here, andfoundu ,Prime "singers" fetched this morn- ing 4 5-8c, per lb. jigphart lhbo.ge are worth from to 1-8oThick fat hogs fetched from 4, to 4 1-8o, per lb. Sows fetch 3e, per lb. Stags sell at 2o, per lb. Store hogs are not wanted, quFootlaltoilovnns:ig_is the range of CATTLE. Shipping, per cwt. . . . $4.25 a4.85 I3utcher, choice, do. . . COO 4.50 Butcher, med. to good. . 3.50 3.80 Butalver, inferior . . .3.30 3.50 Slieep and lambs. Ewes, per cwt.. . . . 3.50 4.00 Yearlings, per owt . . 5.50 5.75 Bucks, per cwt. . . . 340 3.25 Spring lambs, each. . . 2.00 5.00 Milkers and Calves. Cows, each. . . • . . . 25.00 45.00 Calves, each • . . • . . 2.00 6.00 • Bogs. Choice hogs, per own . 4.25 4.621-2 Light hags, per cwt. ..,. 4.00 4.12 1-2 Heavy leegs, per cwt. . . 3.75 4.12 1-2 HIS LIFE FOR HIS BROTHER'S. Seized With, Cranipt While Swinuning to nesene a Young Lad. A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Says ;-August Grant, 22, and resident at the base line, Koran town- ship, -voluntarily gave his life on Sat- urday to save that of his little brother. The boy was fishieg from a punt in the Raver St. Maty, when a land breeze threatened to carry away the craft. Young Grant saw the danger, and promptly stripped and entered the ice- cold water, at the same time shouting instruotions to the lad in. tbe punt. He had nearly covered the distance to the punt when cramps aeized him. and be event under. Coming again to the surface,' he shouted to his father to come to his help. But before assist- ance reached him he disappeared under the water. U. S. SOLDIERS' ATROCITIES. Pope Appealed to With a' View of Stop- ping Them. A despatch firont London says despatch from Rome says that the i Philippines have sent an addresso heads of the religions orders, in the . Pope' protesting' against the atroeities which they, allege the American sol- diers commit, an the natives. "Never was there such a bental war," says the ad.drese, adding "'hatred of the United State -s will live frever in the hearts of the .leilipinars." NOISELESS CANNON. New Guns Tliat Austria's Artillery IS to De Armed With, -4, despatela frona Vienaa says: -The new quick -firing gums with whieb the entire Anstrian.aetillery is to be arm- ed will be not only smokeless but also noiseless and ,flameless: The .preetent guns, though 'loaded with smokeless -powder, still betray their position by the -flash and detona- etiono but .tlav. neW Austrian weapon will be. (1180h:tried .without any flash or any report. . • An enemy mightthue be shelled ter Imam without the peeciee. position Of the artillery. being ,discovered. Dyspepsia and Indigestion, common disease; but hard to cure with ordmary remedies, yield readily to Nianley's Celery -Nerve Compound, W, ft, Esuckingliarteee6 King 5t. East, kfamilten. Ont„ was troubled with Dyspepsia and Indigestion for a on time, and could Fot no relief until 1 tried Manley's Celery -Nerve Compound, which "'cured me, and 1 cannot speak to highly in its praise," 111==0i.OPNIMIUMMIIMIY DYNAMITE AT DULUTH. A Loaded Car itiolvtit Pront the Traelt--, Other liars Jta,lIy leantaged 'With Stoics. A despatch from Duluth, Minn., saye: -At 11 o'clock on Tuesday night riot- ers attempted to blow up a West Duluth street car with dynamite. There were ten passenaers in the car and they all received slight bruises. The ear was thrown violently on its side and its trucks blown to pieces. No arrests have yet been made. The strikers have been quiet for several days and more oars were run on Tues- day than at any time sinoe the trouble began. Mobs in different parts of the city attacked cars with stones, breaking in tlee side of one and wrecking • the windows of several. There is talk of calling out the rallitia to protect tho property of the street railroad company. .....t1:16;14111115:11111112041ZON, Rheumatism? SOUTH AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE A UNIVERSAL 'LIBERATOR. Relief in six hours! 'What a glad game sage to the paha-ranked, bed -ridden, des- pairing sufferer from rheumatem's cruel grasp -and this is a fact,,, borne out by volumes of evidence, for this greatest of pain conquerors. Rheumatism is ourable-South Amen - can Rheumatism Cure is an absolute specific, and radically cures the most •etubborn easeein from one to three days. • . " I suffered intensely from rheumatism • and sciatica. Pried. many remedies aai; benefit. A. few doses of ,South Amer many physicians without any testi: can Rheumatic Cure wonderfully help me; two bottles cured rne."-E. Erreth, ' ) Mernckville, Ont. .1 Thou.:Ganda offreed slaver toll tho " same story -don't suffer an hen? Sold by C. Lutz, 'Exeter. war lt...1.61.16...samOmay.m..... •OUR, RECO!) !I 1873 DISEASED MEN CURED WE Cd'HE pERYOUS 18L.006, SK[11. .DP;5111' AS4'Et; 250,00 a CURED YOUNG MAN iratirnaturo l when ignorant of the terrible crime you were committing. Did yon only consider the fascinating alluremente of this evil lignite When too late to avoid the _ter- rible results, leers your eyes ODellea te your peril? Did you later on in man- hood contract anyPRIVATE or BLOOD disease? Wereyoueured? Doyettnow and then see some alarming ireiriptoms Dare you marry in your _present den- dition? You know,' .LIKE FATHER. LIKE SON." If marriedare you con, stantlyliving in dread? Is marriage a failure with you on account of any weak - nos °awed by early abuse or later ex - cosecs? Have you been drugged with mercury? This booklet will point out to youth° results of these crimes and point out how our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT will positively cure you. It shows how thousands have been saved 1-1Y our IIEW TREATMENT. It proves bow we can GUARANTEE TO CURE We treat and cure -EMISSION , All! CURABLE CASE OR NO PA RICOCELE, SYPIIILIS, GLEE , STRICTURE, IMPOTENCY, IS (MET DRAINS, UNNATURAL DI OHARGES, KIDNEY' and BLADDE diseases. CURES GUARANTEED "The 'Wages of Sin" sent Wee by enclosing 2o stamp. CONSULTATION FRE E. If unable to °all, write for PlITESTIO BLANK for ROME TREATMENT. . 7c.iast. KENNEDY & KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave, and Shelby St. DETROIT, NI IC al. A0-1W4KEIVE Me3i3.0.N.IEWILw NEVir Fat it eiVe GAII8FABle ;nen eini r an' ate 'ma' a'a'a'a EMULSION CONatflarnelotv and all LUNG IeViD,ASICS. SPITTIffel or EsLOOO, tOSS" ON A e'D'ETS'Ito 0.61111,111f, tbe twee/tie of thlit article are most Ey 'the aid of The D. & L. Emulsible1 have gotteritid of a h adk g cotorh Whith hut troubled me for Over a year, and tem gainee eonfideo ably in weight, T. 11. WINGIIAM; 0.15, Montreal. Sfie. and St per Settle DAVIS & LAW/tete:0e ben Lithited, 140i4Tatar.. • Trin 112CETE.11; TaNT.ES,