Exeter Times, 1899-5-18, Page 5vy a 51 NOTICE,' TO REMOVE 0.• ''' WOOD. , ' An PartiO8 haviag weed piled along the 41.11. and 5t0 concession, Hay, aro hereby netitlecl ito ;remove the same on or before the ist day of June, 1899, or it Will bo moved at the Owner's /expense, as the Council intend grading the road :By order of Hay Comical. J. N.110 WARD, Pathmaster , • COURT OF REVISION, vitz.hs.oili oto EXETER. --- Nettle) is hereby given that a COL1rt for the govisiou of the Assessmeat Roll for the Villa& of Exeter %YIfl he holci at the 'row Hall in the said villag'o of Exeter, on Friday the 2ncl day lof jun% 1899 at the hour of 7.30 p. ni. All per- -Sone haying business at the said Court will govern themselves accordingly. G. H. BISSETT, Clerk. Exeter, Oth May1897. - , COURT OF REVISION. TowNsEuri oi'+' HAY. Notice is hereby given that a court for the :revision of the Assessment Rollfor the Town- ship of Hay will be lielct at the Town Hall in athersaid village of Zurich, on Monday the 581t dayof June,1899 at 10 a. in. All poisons haying business at the said .Court will govern them- selves accordingly. . F. HESS, Clerk. Zurich 1Gth May 1899. COURT OF REVISION. — , . TOWNSHIP Ori USBORNE, _ A Court for the revision of the Assessment Noll, of the Township of Usborne, for the year 1899wi1l be held at the Townalap, Hall, Ellin- ville, on Saturday, june 3rd, at 10 to'clockin f orenoon Any person having business at said Court will please Lake notice and govern him Self accordingly, FRANCIS MORLEY, Clerk. the - 7, by 2 U. FARM FOR SALE. Auction sale of a first-class farm of 100 acres bi the township of 'Usborne, being• lot 8, con n miles south of Elimville. It is of good rich soil. Eighty-five acres cleared, balance in good bard wood bush. First class brick house and barn and other outbuildin.gs. Two good wells •a water and a spring crook. Will be sola auction on the premises, on June Oth, at o'clock p. In. without reserve, Ten per cent. of purchase money dOW0, balance let January, viten possession will bo given. For further particulars apply to Taro. HEYWOOD, ExCter,P. TIM- ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOUTH HURONFARMERS' • INST1IIITE ' Will be helcl in Coxworth's Hall, DENSALL, on THURSDAY, JUNE 1ST, at one o'clock') in Following is the program :-Presidont's .Ad-, dress ; Report of Executive / • Treasurer's Re - ort; Auditors' Report; Suggestions of points 1 at which to hold the regular and supplement- •1 nry meetings ; Election of Officers, etc, The mooting will also be addressed by J, HugoReed 1 V. S., Prof. of Veterinary O. A, C.. Guelph. c subject :--"Breccling •horses for profit." The t subject, of "Our Road" will be introduced for , discussion by W. W. Cooner, Kippen. D. MoINNES, R, GARDINER, ;• ?resident. , Secretary 1 _____ 1 - t MONEY TO LOAN. ,iit from :4 to 5%. Apply to a ELLIOT & GLADVIAN, I Barristers, Solicitors, &c., Main St. Exeter I 1 MONEY TO LOAN'. 1 •1 We have unlimited_ private funds for invest- 1 neat upon farm or village property at lowest 1 rates of interest. • ' DICKSON & CARLING, • Exeter. 1 • 1 T -T KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND -`•-•-• DR. A. It KINSMAN, L. • D. S D. D. 5_., Ilonor Graduate,. , of Toronto University, Dentist. •.i - Teeth extracted without ,pain or bad after effects. Office in Fan- lon's block, West side of Main street, Exeter. - 1 S X r ,..,`-' S E 13 B A al e, , ex 9 DR. ANDERSDIV, (D D, 8 L D.. $) DENTIST. • • — Hon,or Graduate of the Toronto University, nul Royal. College of Dental Siirgeons of )Mario. All Bridge work, Crowns and Plate vork done in the neatest possible manner. armless antesthetic for painless extraction. rho strictest attention given to the preservat- on of the natural teeth. Office, opposite Cen- ral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. . •. .......___ , . HO'OPER. A .,Licensed .A,uc- --, ' • ' orieer for the County of Huron. Sales con- ucteclin all parts, and for convenience can be rranged for at this office. Satisfaction guaran- md. Charges moderate. Exeter P. 0. . _..„. .....,...._„,,„,... el ix of oi da w te M In .. I'D: Fl Th To tin •oe• - na cm lut or( ] bY in Go I ,..., '''' • 0gt 1agi " 1 effE or ' COD mu Oh ino, deo tom earl b "1 AColl: bag 111171 1110/ IS yeal this iota -...---- 'am' east len ....,,„,,,,: ,, the. •NI 1 0 o ' -, evOr ... :TOR SALE'. Part 02 108 8, Marlborough st., frame cottage, ae-fifth of an acre, good stable 11x16,, good ,oll of water. Terms cash. Apply to Albert Box Exeter. - -- - , , IISSOLUTION OF PART- - .NETtSHIP. •' The partnership heretofore . subsisting bo- V0003 James A. Murray and Alexatider M. alt, and known as Murray & Tait, carrying on isiness as founders and machinists, in the vil. ge of Exeter, has been dissolved by mutual Insant, Alex, M. Tait, carrying on the mould- g department, and James A. Murray, the achinera department. All accounts most be ttled at 'onco. ,, T„.,,, 11/funakr a AIT. /tea, March 1st. 1809. N THE SURROGATE 'COURT. COUNTY 01' HURON. • •Go L the estate of' Peter Cantini, late of the Township of Hay, n the County • ofauron, Farmer, deceased. • sioace is•horeby given, pursuant tb "Chapter ), Revised Statutes of Ontario, •1807, that all rsons having any claims or demand against o estate of tho above •named Peter' Conti!), la died on or about the 22nd da Y of. Octobi3r, 13;are requested to send bypest,prepaid, or to Vierwise deliver to Gibbona, Mulkorn & Har- r, London, Ontario, solicitors for Mathilcla, atin, administratrix Of the above named cs.. 10 00 or 'before the 1st clay of; June, 1899, a ;lenient in writing of their , names, addresses a doscription% with full particulars of their Lims or demands, duly verified, ancl the taunt of soeurities (if ayiY) holt' by them. Lud notice is hereby' given that anniediatelY or tbo'said date the said Administratrix 'will 100ec1 to clistribate the assets of the said do- teed among the parties • entitled• thereto v Mg regard orly to these claims Of which the ill then have' notice, and tho said adminis- ,trix 'will net be liable for tin asset% or any a, thereof ao distribitted, to anyperson or mtla Of whose claim sho shall not then have eivednotico. IVIATII/IDA CANTIN: •awl Mimi aistratrix GIBBONS, MULKERN & HARPER, London, Ont., Solicitors for the A dministratrix. , ' aaac a . • - • Male (Mtn EIFTV YEAK5, Lar OrIr A.1,11) :WETIPTRIED 111DIED10.-Mrs 0SIOW'S Soothing Syrup haS hem used for a, fifty years by millions of Mothersfor their Mien while teethiag, With perfect sueeess, roothes the,ehild, settees thegums, allaYS all motives Wnd ioolie, ands the best remedy Diarrhoea. lila pleasant to the taste. Sold (haggish; in every part of Ow 'world. 25 its ft bottle. Its yalno is incalculable, Bo o and ask rOr MIS, Winsiew's Soothing " THE MAF.IKETa Witees. Woot 'up »Alf tk Cent at Chicago, /lat Liverpool erieea •neeneee.-- eflie netest Pieces, Liverpool, Nay 17.-Wbeet futurea de- clined %a tq %d per eptal yesterday. abieago, May 17.-Wbeat futures yes- terdity improved eea per bushel in price. 3.a. a. n sew 'svelte:Are man Kama. Followinis were the closing priees aG bnpOrtant centres yesterday oath, May. July, Sept. Chicago-, , .2 $ 70 $ 711/ $ 7034 New York... .. 78W 7034 74% Milwatikee ,. 7334 , , St, Louis ... 73 1434 7134 7134 Toledo ...........7434 7414 7934 Detroit „ 734 73,4 7314 Duluth, No. 1 - Northern... 7134 7134 7234 Duluth, No. 1 'hard, , . , 74% , Minneapolis. c, .. 0934 7034 '62% Toronto, red. 0834 . Toronto, No, , 1 hard (new) -80 TORONTO ST. LA.WEEN'OE MARICET. Wheat, hito, bu, 50 7134 to 5, Wheat, red, 71 Wheat, Fife, spring, ba. 67 Wheat, goose, loa.. , • • - 64 Barley, he. 1334 Peas, hu . . 6234 63 Oats, ha. .. : 30% Rye, ba. • . 50 Buclrwheat, ... . , 55 SEEDS, Red clover, . , ...53 00 White clover, seed. bu. 5 00 Alsike, choice to fancy,' 3 30 A lsilre, good, No. 2. . . 8 50 Alsiko, good, No. 3.. 3 00 Timothy, Uri, . ..... 1 20 Beans, white, ba, 80 RAY "AND STRAW. to F..3 5D 8 00 4 20 360 340 1135 ' 00 Hay, timothy, per iou.$10 00 to 512 50 Hay, clover, por 8 00 9,00 Straw, sheaf, per ton. 6 00 7 00 Straw; loose, per ton. 4 00 5 00 DAIRY PRODUCTS. Rutter, lb. rolls 50 14 to 5 17 utter, largo rolls... • 13 14 Eggs now , 11 13 POULTRY. hickens, par pair, ... , 50 40 to urkeys, per lb. . .. 12 50 75 " 15 FRUITS AND VECEITABITES. pples, nor 'brl. • ea 50 to 54 00 otatoes, por bag 75 85 TOILONTO X.IVE STOOK. ' Toronto, May 17. -The receipts of • live took at the cattle market yesterday were arge, S6 loads all told, composed of 1,600 ogs, 1,500 cattle, 122 sheep and lambs, ith about 75 palves. The quality of fat attic was good, the supply being equal o the demand for both butchers' and ex- orters. Trade was .brisker than it has eon for several weeks, but owing to the rge run prices did not adVance,' remain:. g fairly steady at last Friday's quota - ions. . • Total . receipts of live stook for last eek word 3,829 cattle, 395 sheep and ,241 hogs. xport cattle, choice....54 80 to 54 90 port cattle, light. . 4 40 4, 60 utchers' cattle,pkd lots 4 50 . 4 60 utobers',. good, ....... 4 35 • 4 40 . utehers'. medium_ .. 4 20 4 30 utchers , common.. 8 65 3 86 utchers', inferior. 3 50 3 60 ilch cows, each.......30 00 47 00 ulls,hvy expt,goocl qlty 3 75 4 1234 ulls. medium export.. 8 40 3 65 ds gd but. and ex.. mxcl 4 4a' 4 60 toekers and med, to gd 3 75 4 25 ceders. heavy 4 40 4 60 alves, each . ..... 2 00 , 00 hoop, per cwt, . 50 4 25 ring lambs, each 2 50 4 50 Logs, 160 to 200 lbs,4 75 ogs, ligbt fate...4 3734 ogs, heavy 4 25 ogs, sows ...... 3 00 MADI&ETS. . Belleville; Ont., May 17. -- At the oese Inarket yestorda'y 20 factories arded 1,110 white and ' 30 colored eeso; sales, 715 bcixes, at 9 3:16c and c, all Aprils, . Ingersoll, Ont., May '17. -- At the •eese market held hero yesterday 670 xes second Week of May niake were' erod, but no sales; market very ,quiet account of heavy rains.'" Lxvimroon mAnai,sxs. Liverpool, May 1717 -The prices yester- y closed as follows: Spot wheat easy; Ila Ss 834d; futures steady; red win- , 5s 8d; May 55 (3d; July 5s 534d. izo steady, new. 3s 534cl'; old, as 6%c1; tures quiet, 34 534d for May, 3s 51411 July, and Bs .534d for September. our, 17s 61 DO -NOT WANT TO DE TIED UP. . e Niagara Polls Council. states Its Views on Power Ouestion. iagara 1ls, Ont. May .17. -At eial ineaing of the) Niagara Falls wn Council held.' `yesterday noon for o purpose of discussing the proposed V agreement that the Ontario GOVOI9I- nt was likely to make with the Ameri- Power Company, the following reso- ion was carried unaniinouslY and orcd to be telegraphed to the Attorney - oral, which was done in tho afternoon: loved by Alderman Haman, seconded A.1dorman Stephens, that, tho follow- irosolution be wired to tho veruot-in-Council of Ontario: oselved, That the Covini1 of the town • Niagara Falls respectfully- protests hub any provisien in tho proposed cement „with the Canadian Niagara or Company which will have the et of binding the Paovince of Ontario ho Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Iiark missionors to ally line of notion as to re agreement respeetieg power or erwise, and -811ggOst that, if the prov- ciforesaid, or.tho said commissioners, ni it Wise to grant mere favorable ng th' aty other person, porsone or )oration, that '010 SUMO rates be applio- o to the said Catadian Niagara Power pony, proVided the said. company 0 developed, or will develop, the SA010 IDA of poWer as spa:deed in the Agree - t with saeh -other person, persons or oration, • A YOung Lilo crushed Out, incisor, Ont., Ma,y 17.-Tlio 234- -Oil child 91 71011103 aloGarvin of toWn ViInclored into the street yes - ay at noon. Just as a heavy wagon 70 by a tealn Of herSea happened nd the dormer the child ettlxibled aud and le 1118 iestant the little Ilie was hod oat by the horses' heel's. Ono of great wheelg a the wagon phssed the brat a the and, breaking rib in tbe littlo body. She tittered no 0f7 nctvet.' Settee:a en, taaion- eelots of the eeeldent. TIi • "Where We Are AV' The Itev,. Morgan Wood in his fain - ens leetnee, "Where we are at," was, listened to by an intelligent and ap- Preeiative. audience • in the Opera Widomur k°aurtriioridictInPedtteandchaireTetiniast• introdeced the epeaker, Mr, Wood is a pall man with beaVy 'brows, a large Menn,. •and a 'very expressive face. His voice is excellent. .As g eloca- tionist he is superb, and as a lecturet' ,quate entertaining, Following is an abstract of the lecture a- a "The important time a all tintee is the present. The Evolutionist has worried himself to know where I came from, and the Theologian to leuow what is to become of me ; but neither coin give me one definite fact as to my origin or ultiuutte destination. Nor yet do 1 care. I wish to seize the present, realizing as I do that he who gains the preseut will gain the filtilre; the mat who is to make most of to- morrow is the man who bas made rnost of to -clay ; he who has grasped most of this life will get most of the life to come. So it is ouly the present that reMly concerns us. It is to -day that is vital. ' Let us ask ourselves if our day is he ter than that of our predecessors, an the rank and file answer, "Yes." B have that rank and tile answered truth or in bigotry ? Rave th examined 4nd compared and weigh their decision honestlY ? No ; the answered yes because they wished t /1,11S.WPI. to be yes. ls„the world bett le -de ? the individual? the com- bluntly ? the nation ? Our gaols are to -day in better condition than ever before. Our ,poor houses are more numerous and our paupers are more carefully attended. Our asyltuns are institutions of which theaeast has never thaught. Onr natioual -contributions to charity are greater than ever known before. Oar national and individual love and sympathy is greater far than the history records show. But does that prove the supremacy of the present over the past ? No. It proves that these advances haye been Met by a corresponding necessity. Then, we think of our institutions of learning, our colleges and universities, and we say to ourselves, "Never has the world taken auch pains to educate itself." Why these pains ? Because she realizes the necessity of learning. So if we would answer fairly we must strike the average between the world's neceseity to day and what the. world is doing to meet that necessity; ia,nd. having done so we will find that it is partly better, and partly worse. Na- turally we look at the bright side; we are apt to be • optimists rather than pessimists. Such is our condition, partly better, partly worse; and we wish to know wby we are not altogether better. A learned theologian bas lately given us two 'causes of evil, two principal causes ;--Ignorance of Law, and In-- telligence of Law, arid at , the same time wilful violation. of it. Where lew is violated retribution must be inade. All is result, and when we have rha,stered Law we have overcothe evil results. We, ourselves, are causes; sometim es in telligen y, som climes ignorantly, but ignorance never ex- cuses any mere in Natural than in State Law. Think not that when you suffer you see the hand of Providence in your pain. It is but the fulfillment If the Law, if we en.' we suffer. We speak of an accident, a bap -hazard happening„, but there are none such; all things are caused. You fall and say you had an accident. It was no accidental ; it had a cause. You take t cold and wonder how it happened t had a cause. You takee-a fever ; you on't know why, yet, it had a cause ; earch may find it. Natural laws must be preseryed inviolate as • Geda. To day is the supreme moment of ar Jives, a focal pointea crisis, a time f greatest difficulty. How are we to 133eet- it ? ,Ruskin says to,. handle a iffie'ulty, we should not endeavor to o round it, or under it, or overit,but traight through it. doing so we ow a seed -- that • Will one •day eveiop to a beautiful element of haracter. • We ask the pioneer: why t eighty;five he is still strong physic- ily,, ancl he will tell yonthat it is be- ause of the physical difficulties with hich he had to eontend in years gone y. You ask him -1-thav it is .that now n old age he has- a fortune by him, nd he answers that it was because of be financial difficulties of his youth hat taught him money's' worth.' His est developments are the results of is best efforts to overcome hi a great- st difffeulties. Notwithstanding this reat truth, how many, beheving it to e trtfeaare rearing their sons in exact ppOsitdou to its teaching. What is ie result? Our young man to -day is nonenity, a vveakling, overcome with ffensinacy and, lack of purpose. He ees as a son of his father. He waits r his father's shoes. 'Yet Ibis *age is healthy, a problemat- al age is always healthy, individual - and nationally. The leading natioris the world to -day are , those whose ves have been a, daily problem, those ho meet a new difficulty with each mn., A nation that basks in peace, is in ate.of political, national, and inter- ational stagnation. The tropic -isle hose sky is always a roof, apci whose ees are always a larder,.. -is never a 'eat becauee she has no difficul- es. She has no house to build, no ble to supply, DO feet 'to warm, •no tile to fight. Why is Great Britain e IlliStteSS of the world e is an axiom I can ansWer. Because of the diffi- Itie,s that surrounded her through - the ages that are past. The whole WI waits te-day , to know her poSi- n on this question. and that, before kriews its own. in the Cuban war e lent noShips, she gave no anobey, e sbld no arms, but yet she gave the eetest that could be Rivet -she said the world, "Stand •Back, /tad let, ein fight it out,"a,ral the world stood. at hag marked a beginning of a nelv och in our histerse it has thrown e waned in the labour throes of a ly national idea, an altreism rather an an egotisin, Nationalism is ex - 'ding : the brotherhood of nations is ing felt. NO more Win WO sing, our tiOnal Songs AO we have sung thern the past, our spirit will be different, e• lovesnet Catada' the less but the cl more. The antheni Of the future be universal, )1 'Canada, during the past year, we ne experienced it chatige of senti- nt teSvard one brothers oh the settth cl they toWard 119.• OluanberlaiWs XBT Fair Outside is Prom. 4 Poor Substitote For Inward Worth,'" Good health, inwardly, of the kidneys, liver and bQwels, is sure to come if Hood's Sar- saparilla is promptly ,ased, This sectires it fair outside, and a consequent yigor in the frame, with the glow of health on the cheek, good appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood. Loss of Appetite - 441. was in poor healtbaroublect with dizziness, tired feeling and loss of appetite, 1 Was eonapletely run down. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and after awhile felt much better, Hood's Sarsapa- rilla built me up." lazzre A. RUSSELL, Old Chelsea, near Ottawa. Que. Biliousness -4; X have been troubled With headache and biliousness and was much run down. Tried Hood's Sarsaparilla and it gave me relief and bleat me up.' A, Momusox, 89 Defoe Street, Toronto, tint 7 MAO' d need's rine cure liver ills; the non -Irritating and lit old) entna.rde' t� take 'with Beed'r, Sarsaparilla. 10 ey , ed Y declaration was like the calling of a he mother to a chilcl, one who had been er v,one for years, hut yet fleeh of her flesh and bone a her bone,. True, the gin,go press on either side of the line belittled it, thinking that Great Britain should have stood upon her dignity. What. dignity does a parent know toward a child? Great Britain and United States believe that their leaders are leading them to a broader and greater nationalism. Take' Britain's work in the Nile. What did the world know of it until one day it takes up its paper and reads that one Ititchner, Lord Kitchner,liad won a. tight, Omdurman ; that Kar- teuni had fallen, and that Gordon bad been revenged? Yet she has been silently working there for years. There is a power in righteous silence, on knowing' that right makes might. United States has a lesson to learn from that Nile campaign. The States htrve been fighting over their. civil war. Before the Cuban war if one locked In a magaZine, '110 matter which, Mc- Clare's,- Leslie's, Earner's, Munsey's, and it was war, war, civil war, in pie - tures by pens and pictures by plates, war, war. Isn't that a tin soldier business ? It's like the 031111 who has exalted himself in his own eyes, and then parades enquiring "Did you see Inc do that ?" 1•Yhen Omdurman, was won it was done; we hear no more of it now. And Iiitchner instead of being photographed, a side view, a front, a rear, a full, a three-quarters, a half' a sit, a, stand, conies bonne, not as a hero, hut as a beggar ; as a financial agent for a eollege. to educate the dark remnants of superstitiou ? , Does that not .teach anew nil tionaliern.? The first petition presented to Me- Kinley after the Cuban war was from the teachers of good old Puritan NI assa- ohusetts asking hirn to establish on the island a public school system by which the people might be raieed from the depth of their misery. Governor Hazen S. Pingree, Mictiegan, sneered that he was getting sick of Great Britain and 'United States ; be was afraid they were going to. organize themselves into foreign' miesionary societies, As for me, I -should. say, that one could imagine no more glor- ious national organizatien. sit sb gr te th Th The nations are . disturbed to -day with the problem of capital and labor. We may work for chance but results will not come in a day, we must go stage by stage, step by step, precept by precept, and age by age. You may endeavor to better the world. in a week, but he not disconeaged if you fail to be able to note the benefits at which you have. aimed. To -day is a day of hobbyists and dreamers. Each has a panacea, eath knows a Utopia, the Single Taxer, the Socialist, the Coinrnunist. the extreme Prohibitionist, the Anarchist -each has his fad, each makes his promise, his prophesy for the future. Well we can bear with therne if they are honest. Honesty has at least a germ in it, a bacteria. Eugene Debs set out lately to form. a &ate Coinmonwealth. I say, "God bless hine" but 1 know he'll fail. But when I say I remember that failure is relative not absolute God builds his greatest temples on seeming failures. I know that Debs i11 fail,tlaat scheme has always fatted, Oliver Wendell Holmes tried it and failed. The ele- ments upon which a commonwealth must exist is co-operation. Co-opera- tion is subjective and objective. There must be at least two parties to it, Deb's coramonwealth must have co-opera- tion. With what ? Poor Doles will An but God will make hislfaihire to be one day a gigantic victory, • His pro- ject contains a germ of success. God Bless him I He is working for a principle, Bear ye one anothei's burdens. How we like to hear that read to us on Sunday mornings, we like to betty it in poetry, aria song, we delight in seeing it in our brother and in pictures, we adore the very sound of ib, but it's seldom we ..see a man with his coat and his sleeves rolled up carrying: another man's burden, but we love it just the same,,you know. It should be our aim to help our fellowmen. Help him to taste of Reaven on earth. You may tell him that he will some day inherit a , man- sion in the skies, But demuree, "I'd like to haVe &cottage while 1 am here." Yoto may preach to him that eighteoes- Ilea will reward him with 11 Want of desire for food when he gets to Heaven but that won't decrease his capacity for steak while he - is here. toid it ever strike you how material you are P bow that yen got hungry, and cold, and tired, a.nd sick, and lazy? Then let us aim to.assist our brother in a Mateeial manner. ,r The student of' history and, of the philosophy of history sees that We al e on the . dawn of a better day. The younf; man luta a gre tter chance than ever before, there opens befdre him an avenue of golden opportunities, All trades and professions are Galant- fr,r young, and better men, The put i„ crying for more vigor, the press ' for more truth and politics for more hon- esty. Money for You There is money for you in buyi $11.01?EY'S Ready Tailored Clothing. It will cost you less by the year, and you will be better dressed in the bargain than if you wear any other make. Shorey's Clothing wears well. It holds it shape until, the g-armen.ts are worn out. There is no stinginess of materials. There is no " skim,ping " in. its workmansbip. Thousands a the best dressed men and boys in Canada wear Shorey' s Clothing. The Guarantee Card in the pocket means SATISFACTION OR MONEY RETURNED. 1`) etagtcatacsemaessari egtvizavaiimonsuoaserno, MARKtiET---R—EPORTS. Exeter ay 1711 Th ,:at7::busel .. ,h7to 6!Onts---.131 10 ere is : 1. ' : '. l'' . " :: 16311°70 tt.1 0o00 1164 ' 0301 GI 3Turkeys Peaset t ee"r. : • .7. . : . . ' ' Eggs . Wool -----------DC huicokkioi s per 11 . . :V,- 59 ttoo 96 Dried Apples.. .. ' . 1 l: 1477 to o: 1 878 .. 5 to 6 Pork dressed . 4.G5 to 55,00 Pork live iveiglit. . Hay per ton. 1.00 to $4.00 Clover seed .... .... .... .... 27050 to o 5846..0000 Aisikc clover . . ...... ....,1.00 to $4.50 Timothy seed .. .. . . .... ...... 1.70 to $2.25 London, May 1.7111,1890 Peas, ... OlAarhtsea.t per bushe ...• 69 Barley .5a . Buckwheat .43 ....15 BeansCRoe'r . ...n . '166:5 to 70 41 Ducks Eggs tg it Mornings preferred for testing at Pork per owt.. . ..l: 6.. 0-0 - lt 6o. 5 V 50 Turkeys per 113.... ...... .. .... . . 50 tto0 7152 Geese per's . to 10 cChheiekse 8 to 10 Potatoes per bag , ...80 to1 00 Hay per ton -----84,40 to 35.00 UC Teas " As wearing glasses when you should not, and not wear- ing them when you should. It is a mistake to do either -We only prescribe glasses when they will be of 'use to the wearer. to 70 A large proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses. . In consulting our Opticia,n you incur no expense and run g. no risk. \ to 70 Killed his Wife. Frederick Wood of Greenwood. shot his wife twice Friday morning, one bullet taking effect in the abdomen and the other in the back. He then shot himself through the heart dying instantly. Mrs. Wood is still Hying but cannot recover. Wood quarrelea with his family last spring and as a result was locked up in Whitby jail for three months. Since his release he has been wandering from place to place, his family refusing to admit him to their home. IS MY BLoOD PLIRE ? • This is a question of vast importance to all who wish to be well. If your blood is impure you cannot expect good health, unless yoa begin taking Hbod's Sarsaparilla at once. This great medicine inekes the blood pure and puts the system in good health, cures spring humors and that tired feeling. --- Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache, biliousness and all liver ills. Price 25 Winalas cannot exist either in child- ren or adults when Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is used, 25c. All dealers. • SCHOOL OPENING) ____000-041164,„ A full line, fresh and bright of SCHOOL BOOKS and, every-,' School re- quisite at IIROWNING% Where the Scholars are always used well • 0 The The Central fug $,-tot'e oosese Lutz's FOULTRY FOWDER I am using Lutes P0011877 Powder, and have no hesitation in stating that it is an excellent powder for pOultry. It certainly' increases the ogg supply ancl. promotes the vigor and. health of the poultry. would strongly recom- mend poultry raisers to give it a trial. W. XI, Tho. T. am using tri Hsi" Stock Pond, manufactured by . ,Lutz, and End that it improves the condition of milch cows, and Increases the flow of milk, t,would rmmnd. ecoestock raisess to give it a trial. W. H. DEARING. OisistoeS T. FITTON'S. Jewellery store.. Fine Tailorin 'You require a BLACK su often atthis time oofsetshteeyear.s. We arepirtepvareerdy to fit you out in the finest style. Beet quality Coods ei Wedding Suits a Specialty A J.. SNELL A Man is always in the SWO If he ' wears one -of JOHN'S neatly fitting 13.e.is a sure fitter. His pricee are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine his goods before buying your -.FALL SUIT W The Tailor. Rev. Mr. Haist, who has been sta, tioned at Zurich for the past, two yeaas has been moved to Berlin and Be Finkbiner, takes the Zurich eircnit. WANTED ! Elm Logs & Bolts E3XI3TER. Highest Cash prices paid by the SUTHERLAND 1NNES Zao5 LIMITED For Elm Logs, cutll, 13e, 16 and 18 feet long. Also Basswood Heading Bolts, 21 and 42 inches long. CUSTOM SAWING DONE Apply- at Gould's Saw Mill, Exeter. GUS. WAGNER, Foreneenlor the • Sutherlatd Innes Co. W. FARMERS You will find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agricv • tural Implements IBBIRING BIN DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER . AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULK F PS Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disc and Diamond Harrows • Plow, and Turnip Drills. A CARRIAGE MAKER SEWING MACH HES, ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Suffered ten years from weak heart action and nervousness. Cured by Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. 'No trade or profession is exempt from disease or derangement of the heart and nerves. The pressure of work and the mental worry are bound to produce seriouS consequences sooner or later. 13 /0 0 7n • Mr, Doneld Campbell, the well-knOtet carriage maker of alarriston, Ont,, said: “I have been troubled off and on fOr ten .years with weak action of ray heert said nervousness. Frequently myheartvvetad palpitate and flutter with great violehee, • alarming nee exceedingly. Ofteri 1 had sl.farp pains in my heart and c;ould net sleep Well at night. I got a boX of a/filber1:0e Heart and Nerve Pelle and frets them de- rived almost immediate benefit. They re. storedNigor to myteryesoma strdngtlioned niy entire system, relnOvingeveryaymptom of terve or heart trouble, and enabling vie to_get restful, healthy sleep," Milburn's Heart and Here Pills etre palpitation., throbbing, dizzy and faint spells, nerVOualleta, sleepleesneee, weak. nese, female ttaables,aftet eiteota of grippe, ao. Eike 60e, a box et 8 foe 51.m, attu artiggiAta. T. Milburn &Co.,Woronto, Ott. LAXA-LIVER otion tree tillituienesel, Sick rtti Raymond sewing andwringer machine STOVES.—osta--- Gurney stoves and furances. waggons buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a bit line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. Buy The Best and -tom -- ignore The Rest. tho end you will find it it cheapest,. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our IBed Room Setts, Tables 1 Chairs, Etc., I Get Soivething We have it, you 'Oant *it's Cake i, look at our full line;ot .Ft11INITORT.,i':: you find, wiiat -NU Aro for : IDL SON t N ilDbIRTA Ope 0 ' 1 . LOTZ D's"'`'`'11*' Spilt/oak Its Bkory OHO #eirikittAgn They da 10) tibit-ielle F TR