HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-5-11, Page 8.71
tWtt, t
wart's IQ 6d811 StOr6
A Little Tplk on
Rea.dyto=wear Clothing.
Few, if auy line of tratle has shown the same aiax.ked improvement as to
• be seen in the well tailored ready-to-wear clothing or to -day. We have studi-
• ed. the clothing trade for the past twenty -fiat years, and if experience counts
we consicleawe are on the grotted floor in thW clotbieg line. We handle ex
elusively for this district the celebrated W. R. Johnston & Co's., of Toronto,
clothing. 'Which we consider with our long experience in the clothing trade
to be the "par excellence," The neatest, the best made and most perfect fit-
ting brand of ready-to-wear clothing on the Canadian market to -day. Its the
kind that neakes a satisfied cestchner. Our stook was never so well assorted
as at the present tune and size is second to none in the county.
. , . .
Mons good all wool Suits the
solid wearing kind sizes 3a to 44 $5.00
• Mena fine all wool suits very
neat and stylish small pattern in
• brown mixed tweed sizes 25 to 44 $5.75
' Black aud navy all wool serge
suits. This line is one of our
best sellers, sizes 36 to 44, , . ,,, ..$6.Q0
Mens fine suits made of the
newest style overcheck tweed 'a
very nobby suit, sizes 36 to 44.... $6,50
Mons da,rk and light grey
tweed suitayery small pattern
extra quality, sizes 36 to 44, •,....$7.00
Men's extra fine tweed suits
dark brown Mixed pattern this
was a clearing line, realar price
510.00, sizes 36 to 44................57.50
In Boys and youths suits our stock is very heavy, Serges, Worsteds an d
Tweeds,Blouse Suit s,Brownie Soits,very stylish and two and three Piece suits.
Blouse suitefrom 75e, Brownie suits from $3.00, two piece suits $1.90, Men's
Overalls, black, white, blue and. cottonacle ; Men's Smocks, white,blue cotton-
ade and check. Money back if uot satisfied.
elens navy worsted snits made
of imported goods extra quality
of lining and for finish eqoal to
any tailor made, sizes 36 to 44-$10.00
Men's navy and blade. clay
worsted, suits made of a special
line of imported goods tailored
and finished in the most approV-
ed style, our great leader $10.00,
sizes 36 to 44.
Men's extra fine English wors-
teds suits in grey, superior lin-
ings, no tailor can make you a
better finished. or more perfect
fitting suit, very special $12.00
A clearing line of men's pants, •
hewry dark grey stipe cloth,extra
sp $1.35
. - .
PANY, of Toronto; also for the PmENrx FIRE
INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, England;
New Moon....... .9tb... .. 12.39 p, m.
First Quarter .....17th .... 12.13 8. m. Circulation is briportant to the ad -
Full Moon ........25th.. , . 12.49 p. m. vertisere Tim TIMES excels on that
Last Quarter......31st . , .5.55 p. m.
point. •
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings; '
Wa.tclics, Clock,
Spectacles, Etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Reactil-to WcaF •
* Glottlin
Oalender for MAY, 1 899 Wingbeem's Peettletion is 2,20.
SUNDAY „„ , 7 le ee ee Me. end Mea
R. O'Neil, Of Lucite,
are goeste of their son's D. S. O'Neil.
TUESDAY 2 9 16 23 30
areazeiesaAez.., .3 1.0 17 24 31
THURSDAY . ,. 4 11 18' 25
5 12 19 20
SATURDA.Y... • 13 20 27
eatizens shoved remember that cows
are eot alloveed their liberty mail Key
The entrance examination awl pub-
lic scbool leaving will be held on june
28th, 29th, auasoth,
Dcmaki McCosle merchant of
Lucan, has made an assignment, for
the benefit of his creditors.
Miss 141. la White who spent the
West mantle visiting in Detroit and
Windsor bas retuened home.
Arbor Day was observed here by the
school children. The grounds weere
cleaned and flowers mad shrubs plant-
Dotet, forget that all our field seeds
re positively new and clean. A large
shipment, expected this week at J. P.
11. Bishop & Son are fitting up the
second story of the dry goods store for
ready-made clothing, crockery and
eT, B. Cerling, is in Toroneo this
Week attending' a meeting of the
Directors of the Methodist Book Rontil
he being a, director.
The woods in the yicinity of Exeter
are filled with beautiful fiowere. In
many places the ground is literally
carpeted with violets.
Just arrived at H. Bishop & Sob's, a
r load of seed. corn, car of barb wire
nd a car of blacksmith's, George's
reek, Cumberland, coal.
Mrs. Wesley Bissett, who has be
attendance upon her sister, Mrs.
Inksaten Paris, who has been very ill,
returned home on Monday,
John Gill on Monday exhibited
foar potatoes, the aggregate
weight of which was 4e pounds. They
were grown by Joseph Gill, of Grand
' The Exeter croquet players have
their grounds at R. Blatchford's nicely
fixeci up for the season. They have
erected comfortable seating accom-
modation for the ladies.
Seats should be secured as early as
possible for the, Morgan Wood
lecture. The audience will be a large
one and every arrangement is being
ompleted for the comfort of the pat -
Rev. Fletcher leaves next week fo
the Old Country, where he will spend
three months, having been granted
leaye of absence. Rev, W. Graham.
Bayfield, has a call to Latona, Grey
We are showing and selling large
quantities of IVIangel and Turnip seeds,
Yellow Leviathan mangel, improved
efanamoth Long Red, Yellow Globe,
Golden Tankard, Yellow Ovid and In-
termediate, at J. P. CLARKE'S.
D. M. German, of Wiarton, Grand
Master for Ontario West, will be one
of the speakers at the Orangeman's
deraonstration on July 12th. Rev.
McDonagh, of Stratford, will be
another. There will also be other
noted speakers.
Monday night J. R. Munsha,w's jew-
ellery store in Wingham was burglar-
ized, and goods amounting to nearly
$1,000 taken out. Entrance was made
through the front, door by prying it
open with iron bar. There is no clue
to the burglars as yet,
j. P. Westman who has been attend-
ing Victoria University-, Toronto, is at
•present spending his holidays at•home
in Granton, having successfully com-
pleted his course of study for the min-
istry. He will be ordained when con-
ference meets in June. Mr. Westman
spent, yesterday in town.
Messrs Becker and Meyers, lately of
Tilsonburg, who are reported to • be
experienced hands in the furniture and
undertaking business, have purchased
the stock and good willof A. Be Cor-
nell's furniture business, in Goderich.
and the gentlenoen say they are here
to stay and make their new invest-
ment pay. -
On Thursdayafternoonof last week,a
horse belonging to Mr. Andrews, store-
keeper, at Constance, made -things live-
ly in Seaforth. • It was standing in
front ot D. Wilson's egg emporium
Whee soniething.frightened it and it
made off down street at, a lively pace,
scattering egg boxes and other mis-
cellaneous article's by the way.
• Winghain Town Council on Moriday
evening passed a bylaw to govern the
early closing of certain place of busi-
ness in town on and after May 15th at
7 p. tn. each night in the week, eacept
Saturdays and evenings preceding
holidays, The by-law provides for the
closing of hardware; harness, tinwares,
flour and feed. jewelery, and dry
goods stores at 7 -o'clock, and book
and stationery stores, at &o'clock.
In the early part of last week Hy.
Balfour and his aged parents, residing
on the Thames •road, came nearly
having their composite dwelling laid in
ashes. Before leaving on a short visit
to Mitchell the former happened to
notice fire in the balk kitcheu chimney
which he at once put out and started
for town. Shortly after he left, leis
wife observed the roof in flames and
instantly gave the alarm. Willing
hands hastily responded to the call and
succeeded in saving the building.
A word about the celebrated W. E.
jtile tglttitt( Citne0.*
TEIRSDAY, MAY llth, 1899
nte.. Hensel
TrI Dix Kidney Pills, Sold by 0,
an is visiting his bro-
her in Sarnia.
Miss Jennie Roy, of Logan, is visit-
ing friends in Exeter.
P. le Halls was in town last week re-
newing acquaintances.
Seaforth is likely to have an all
night telephone service.
William Robinson, aged 80 years
died in Goderich last week.
Wanted -An intelligent boy to learn
printing, apply at this office.
Hall's British Seven Mixtures,manu-
actored and sold by 0. Lutz,
The Public Schools have to celebrate
Empire Day on the 25rd inst.
Knox Church, Listowel, has given a
call to Rev. J. S. Hardy, of Ayr.
R. E. Pickard was in Loudon on
business, Monday.
In all, 37 licenses have been granted
in West Huron, one more than in 1898.
Mr. Beaman, architect, of London,
spent Sunday a guest at Mrs. R.
The Ontario Government got $21,
000s fees for new companies, in four
The woods are as far advanced in
leaf as some seasons it would be by
the 24th of May.
Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson has returned
honae from a pleasant visit with her
mother in Mitchell.
We are showing beautiful styles in
Ladies' Buttoned and Laced boots, also
Oxfords at J. P. ()Lamm's.
alr.james Elliott has secured a situ-
ation in Exeter and left for that town
this week. Wingham Times.
"Feeding on Ashes" is the pulpit
topic announced by Rev. Charles
Smith for nextSunday evening.
Messrs. McDonell & Bawden on
Wednesday shipped another car load
of first-class horses to the Old Country.
A. Dempsey left on Monday for
California, where he will look after
the ranch of his son-in-law, Mr. Srnale.
Toronto has. voted $500 to assist in
entertaining the delegates to the
Orange Grand Lodge, which is to be
held. in that city in August next.
Samuel Prouty, Stephen; Oscar An-
derson, Centralia; and Geo. Davis,
Exeter, ,left on Monday last for
the Rainy River District to engage in
Mr. McComb was hi town on Satur-
day looking for a site o11 which to erect
an oatmeal mill. Be was favorably
impressed with Exeter, and it is likely
he will build here.
Division Court was held her on
Friday, his Honor Judge •Masson -pre-
sidieg, in the absence of Judge Doyle,
who was detained on account of the
death of his -mother.
Vegetation is making very rapid
strides forward, The indications point
to heavy crops of small fruits, such as
plums, cherries and berries A heavy
frost would do incalculable damage.
OurGentlemen's footwear has never
met with greater sales than this spring.
Our Oxford gaiters and laced bicycle
shoes expected this week with never,
slip soles, in black and tans, at J. P.
Always buy the best seeds. The
Steel Briggs Co. Mammoth Long Red,
Giant Yellow, Intermediate and Gol-
den Flushed Tankard Mengel seeds
have no equal; for sale atStewart's Big
Cash Store.
The coming 24th May, which is now
very near to us, promisee to be a mem-
orable one. It will certainly not be
the fault of the Exeter Turf Club if it
is not. Never dicl the Association put
forth stronger and better directed ef-
forts to make it,what it should be, a
lorious celebration of the birthday of
ur gracious Queen.
The merchants generally will close
tores during the spring and Sumnier
eason at 7 p. m except Saturdays,
Wednesdays and evenings preceding
holidays. This will give clerks and
others a little evening recreation, and
they deserve the consideration of the
purchasing public. Readers of THE
TIMES should bear in mind the closing
hour and make their purchases early.
The life boat at Goderich station
went into comtnission May lst under
command of Capt. Wm. Babb, late of
the Royal Navy. The names of the
crew are as fellows:Capt. Jas. Iekster,
Capt. John Craigie, Cat. Peter Wylie,
Capt. Alex. McLean, Angus MeNevin,
Dan. McLeod. They ought to make
a pretty good record if their services
are needed during the season.
The Orangemen of Exeter have se-
cured the Public School grounds for
their demonstration on July 12th.
They are fortunate in anis obtaining
these grounds. Being convenient to
the village, clean and well shaded
with trees, renders it a desirable spot
for sech a gathering. It will well, re-
pay a visit to Exeter simply to see
these grounds-ethe best and largest in
the County.
The county of Huron, one of tiiie
largest counties in the Province, .with
populationof abOtit 60,000, presents
a Very creditable recOrd in regard to
criteinel statistic.- According to the
annual report of the inspector of
prisorea the county stands second en
the list, in the Province in the lowest
number of prisoners committed to gaol
for the years 1806, 18e7 ande1898, the
number of Prisoaers being 81, 75 and
44 respectively.
Now, since Pare and Holden are
again at liberty, any amount of bank
robbing end safe tracicieg can be done
en theredit. The office of the Ot-
tawa and New York Pailevey at Coma
wall Was entered, the safe blown open
and robbed of $800 an Wednesday last,
Anct Pate and laoldett are accedet of
doieg the deed: No doebt they de-
perted itora the Napinee jail With
empty peckete, were in rteod, of it little
money, and VeOuld Very naturally help
themselves to the first $300,, More et
1m51, that they eould emavetuently lay
their hands on.
ING-. •
We have one of the largest Ready-to-wear
stores of any town in Canada. Mere bignels
advantage in everything. • In Clothing as in Dr s
Millinery, Boots & Shoes, it is.
When you bay a suit yon waIt'to have the
sources at your command. Yon want to be -sure yo
miss anything you want to see.
not an
• Goods,
gest re
will no
There is nothing good in CLOTHING
you cannot get HERE.
• We have many styles you cannot get anywhere else.
Besides an assortment of regular goods,we have many special
lines, we alone ,can sell you. And added to all other adva,nt-
• ages of resources,.experience and. skill, we believe, there is
no other' kore which has ability and motive to sell as cheap-
• ly as we, and judging by our clothing sales we are doing our
• work well.
500 Men's Suits from $7.00 to
it it ts $5.00 to
800 11• 1 $4.00 to
0 can give you the best $4,50 Ault
all woOl, and well made, to be had
in any store in Canada1
400 pairs Men s odd pants, ranging
from $1 to $2, Worth $2 to $3, All
13oy's and children's clothing ranging
•inAtizes from 22 up, at from $1.50
eadtparte fot W. E.$4
ord's ready-to-wear clothing.
MORGAN WOOD„ - The 'famous lee
mar coming to Exeter, Friday even -
ng of this week, iti Galley's Opera
Rouse. Plan open at S a. m. to •day
et Grieve's tailor shop. Person e either
ounee or ow sbctot , not , mies this
Vinw PneetoOnereree-J. Senior is
prepaaael for 'making photographs of -
your boine and seenery eurrounding.
-If you think you would like. e photo-
graph of Tau, home to Damara, to
distant fled:ids, S. Senior can. make it
fOL you. --View photography and ex-
terior gruups made by j.Senior, photo -
replier, Exeter, •
s me parts of the proyince there is
something:of a cattle famine. Generally
beef cattle are scarce, and Mr. T. W.
Hodson, secretary of the Live Stock
Association said last week that he
vciuld not be surprised to see the price
of meat rise. Asked as to the cause: -
Mr. Hodson gave it as his opinion that
the large munber of cattle shipped into
the United States since the quarantine
regulation had been removed, wee re-
sponsible to a great extent. • He did
not, however, look foe a cattle famine
• for a while yet, and -ventured the opin-
ion that when farmers foand they
could raise more fish for food in . one
• ere of a fish pond than they could. in
0 acres of lend, they would have fish
onds, ,
NOTORIOUS PAIR.- A notorious
pair who travelled. through this section
two years ago and secured,a, living at
the expense of other people have been
in town for a week or ten days. They
formerly styled themselves the 'Can-
ada" or 'Canadian Banner Company"
-now the simple name Slimmon"
is good enough to ply their almost
worthless vocation. just now the man
and woman are decorating and placing
advertisements on hotel ceilings, a
class of work to prove any benefit to
the advertiser is likely to turi
eople upside down before they can
ead. The work is not only inartistic,
nit it is of little or no value, and TEE
'Tau has the word of those who have
aken spaces that it is valueless. The
man and wonaan two years ago
swindled the then proprietor of The
Huron News -Record out of an honest
printing ccount. They are certainly
notorious characters, and. our ex-
changes would do well in protecting
an honest public to pees this roan and
woman around. They, left here yes-
terday for Wingham.-Goderich Star.
READY IN TROUBLE. -i few days
ago a man named T. Willard Ready,
who claimed to hail from Chicage,and
who also stated that he was the inter-
national president ot the Consump-
tives' Charitable- Aid Society -an or-
ganization heretofore unheard of by
the people of this 'section, at least, -
was in Exeter and vicinity endeavoring
to stir up an interest and obtain sub-
scriptions to a fund for the establish-
ment of a Canadian branch of the
above society. He drove about town
considerably, and nobody could draw
from him a satisfactory explanation of
his seherne, His 'actions caused 'sus-
picion, and he efeected but little if any
business laereaboue On Saturday last
Ready was arrested in London on, a
charge of cruelly treating a horse be-
longing to a livery -keeper there.
Ready had the horse hired for three
weeks, and when he took it back
it was so thin that the livery -keeper
did not recognize it. The case was
settled by Ready. The London Free
Press says :-Ready is a somewhat dis-
tinguished -looking mani of about 35
years, with gray hair, smooth face, a
plug hat and a Prince Albert. coat.
He had a number of circulars in his
possession, stating •that the attention
of the Consumptiyes' Charitable Aid
Society bad been called acutely to the
needs of sufferers from consumption.
who were declined admission th hospi-
tals, and it had started a'fund for tbe
building of a Canadian hospital, pro,-
vided with everything known to
modern science for the isolation, relief
and•cure of the .disease.. Every sub-
scriber to the filed, yeceives a certifi7
cate of membership to the society -
"the noblest society ever instituted
far humanity's cause.
We have -just added to our already largestock of Ready-made
°thing 168 men's a6d, boys ready-made suits so at present we are
'lowing the finest assortment of ready-to-wear clothing that we have
-,ver shown. Below we gnote prices of a few of the lines.
We have there feone $1.00 up
The line we draw special at-
tention is a line of Boys pleated
suite, sizes 22 to 30 ' ..... *......$2.75
Boys suits with sailordollar
and vest for boys from four to
seven years... • .. 53-25
Boy e 3 piece suits in serge or
good strong tweed $3.75
• Also It large range of boys 3
piece suits $4.00
A large range of boys duck
and crash suits in plain or Fancy
stripe just thing for sunemer $1.-
25, $1.85, $1.50.
Palpitation ok the heart, nervousnes
tremblings, nervous headache, col
hands and feet, pain in the back, a
other formsof weakness are relieved b
Carter's Iron Pills, made specially fo
the blood,nerves and complexion.
R. S. Lang and family returned to
town last week and have again become
residents of Exeter. We welcome
them back. Mr. Lang will represent a
• large English firm of apade dealers, as
Canadian agent, and will tneke Vaeter'
his headquarters.
HANLAN-In Centralia-, on the 8th inst , the
41:Wife of Patrick Hanlon, of It dallghter.
HORNEY,-In IlshOrne, on the 8th inst,, the
wife of C. H. IlOrney, of a daughter..
BAWDEN-In Strathroy on the 7114 inst.. Dome
Bowden, formerly of 191)xotor, aged 81 years.
MOIR-In Sioux county, towa, on April 19th,
Sessie„ Wife of the late AleXander Moir, aged
year8 and 5 dare
Goderiph, onFriday, April 2.8th
at 10 a. m., Rebiesca, aged 80 years
and 4 months.
PRIDI/AM-In GoderiCh, oit Friday*April 08th,
Freettie, sOn of F. 3. Pridham, aged 9 years
and 10 Menthe.
Aux Yeti lefaitalEnt
Ato yea married: to the eldeitne belief that
tonSUMPtion 10 itientabie/ If SO vett ere wedd-
ed tb a Mistaken neaten, Shila's COligh, and
eantnintintien Catelni.S OVeretene nianY Setif:ins
CA0O0,041d it ti,tWer Mile 'When taken in the eerie
• Stag ' h ttittrWill irv&uoret� yeti thee.
WhOle Cold .niti Of argunient., TrY it. 10foir
btatle gliarantettL 2504650 els. and. .$1,00
In Turnip Seeds we are offering,
Batigholtn, Purple top, Sutton's Cham-
pion, Monarch or Tankard; and in car-
rots. Large White' Belgia,n, Long Or-
ange at J. P. CLannes.
Tenders Wanted -
For the painting of Elimville church. The
outside to be painted and inside painted and
grained. Tenders to be in by May 16th. at 7
o'clock p. m. For instructions apply at parson-
age or to Richard. Hunter, Elimville,
Court of Revision
Notieeis hereby given that a court for the
revision of the AssessmentRoll for bhe Village
of Exeter will he held at the Town Hall in the
said village of EXeter, on Friday the 2nd day
of June, 1809 at the hour of 7.30 p. na. All per-
sons haying business at .the said Court will
govern themselves accordingly.
G. II, EaSETT, Clerk.
Exeter, Oth May 1897,
Summer goods and
Dress Muslins.
Mens black clay worsted
suits, well made and good
lining with farmer satin in back
of vest.. .. .... . , $9.00
Also a large range of Tweed
suits from $4. to , ... $10.00
Mens Tweed pants frone$1. up.
'Men's black stripe worsted
pants • $2.75
Men's extra large sizes 40,12,
44..... ........... ... . .. . . . . $1.75
Men's fine stripe colored wor-
sted pante ...
We' have odd short pants for
boys at all ages from 4 to 13 yrs.
75, 85c and $1.00 per pair.
See our Electric bug and insect sprayer at $1.00.
FOR SALE CDEAP.-Shelving an
°enters for a general store. Apply
SEEDS. -The Steel Briggs Co. Men-
gel and. turnip seed.' It pays to buy
the best. Stewart's Big Cash Store.
• CARPET WEAVING. - Carpet weav-
ing done with despatch and satiefac-
Mon. Prices moderate. Atrial solicited.
Miss A. Oddy, comer of of William
nd Mill st., Exeter.
Fon RENT. -One of the coziest and
n ost comfortable cottages in town, at
present occepied by A.B. Bennett,cor-
of William, and Huron sts. Parties
desirous of renting mey inspect. J. W.
DIED IN SU.'RATHROY- -At the pat-
riarchal age of 81 years, Isaac Bawden
an old resident of Exeter, departed
this life at his home in Strathroy on
the 7th-inst., where . he had resided
the past few years. Until lately he
had enjoyed cornparatively good
health!, but the infirmities of old .age,
superinduced by neuralgia of the heart
gradually weakened .his constitution,
and he has. goue the way of all mortals.
He was a native of England,. and
leaves. a widow to mourn his demise.
,noret PRIZES. -Six prizes lobe given at thm
fair of the Stephen & Usborne Agriculturol
ciety, by Messrs. Stone & Wellington, Nur-
7 men 'Toronto who will offer special prizes
• the best specimens of potatoes grown front
edpnrchased this season froniThos. `Grimdsr,•.„ -
e agent of the following :-Sir Walter Rs-
'gh, Great Divide and Carman No. 3, as fel-
vs:-1st SIO worth of Nursery stook ; 2nd $5
rth of Nursery stock. Winner's selection.
se prizes will bo given for each variety.
W. G. SANDERS. Pres.
{ Having purehased the Exeter Mills
we are now prepared to do general
gristing and chopping. Flour whole-
sale and retail. All kinds of grain
bought. Grain delivered at first eleva-
for p aid for at Mill of6,ce. Flour and
feed delivered to all parts of the town
freeof charge at reduced. prices. Seed
wheat, wheat, oats, peas and ba,rley
for sale.
Use English Stock Food and Lutz's
oultry Powder.
We are showing a ,fine range of
Orgeraes, French Colored . Lawn,
White Lawns, White P'KS., with
cords renning up and down and also
around the skirt, also WhiteSatin
PK.,Lieen Suitings 27 and 36 in. wide.
These goods strike the enquirer at
first sight. • •
• A large collection of patterns to salect
from. A, few ends only of job lines at
cleating prices, Laces in abundance
and EmbrOderies likewise. Our fame
for flannelettes is abroad,we breve only
to say that theit admirers are legion,
our sales for same never larger.
• Our DRESS GOODS sales mire ex -
needed any two years previous.
We invite the intending buyer of
such gotide as heretofore enumerate&
to all and be cotiviticed,
We are at year serVices.
ew Faces
Are seen in our store these
days hunting for bargains in
STATIONERY that we Teel
like congratulating ourselves
on the wonderfUl_ success of
our Sale. ' People come, in
many cases, because advised
t� do so by friend. * They
all buy.
-at the
J. GRIGG,' -.
Meat Market.
For first class
A fine selection of
and ail kinds of .
Fteefele arid Salted Meats.
on head. .
Note the address, one door north of
The R. Pickard Co's, store.
is sometimes necessary but when it
comes to speaking of the many choice
things in our stock of furnituee, no
talk al all is necessary. In fact the
goods speak for themselves and in no
uncertain manner, Come he and heat
them sing their awn praises and you
will be delighted with the chot'us. Re-
member this is the place to get your
11. N. ROWE
0 piece toilet set 100
1.90 to 4.50. Jardineres 10 to
Lemonade setts1,00 1.00
to 2.00 Shaving, hancleend
Bird cages 75 to 80c wall mirrors5to 50
wire meat cvrs10,35 Faticy plate La
Flour sifters 15 n 35 dies 5 to 10.
bake boards 25,, 80 Fancy belts and.
wash e 15 1118 belt pins 10 to
toy gdn setts15 20 30
frying pans 15 ,,85 Fancy hat pins 10
ganite pails,granite to 20
pre'g kettles 35to80 Fancy blouse sett
china,delfo,and gte 25 to 50.
cuspidors 15,, 75 Painted castors 10
Sauce dishes 5 to to 25.
Balls and bats, Skipping ropes 5 andbe
Agents for the Parisian Steam
Laundry, of London. Laundry sent
away everyPhursda,y.
• Oar ice cream parlor is new open
to the public. Ice cream, Summer
drinks and Fruits. •
• Ticket for the doll in our win-
dow given, with every 50c. purchase.
Lucky ticket wins doll.
Levitts' Fair
. Buggies!!'
. ,
For a first-class buggy cheap
go to W. H. Parsons, the lar-
gest carriage dealer in town..
Mikados, Farmers' Surries,
and buggies of all kinds.
Horse shoeing and general
jobbing promptly attended to.
A. Call solicited.
• W. HN Parsons.
Try a bag, of
in the thaeket
it is the best
We have it.
We have a rice lot of field and gat -
den seeds, all
New and Fresh.
* • ••
Everything Cheap
W. Trevethick