HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-5-11, Page 5TIA
Huron County Notes
Tames Yates, of Oodex'ieh, who was
appointed fist. fiery overseer a few weeks
strtoe, has been made Division Court
Clerk in place of Chas, Sewer, reeig::a-
13y a vote of the freeholders Seaforth
people last week decided to give the
Tuckersrnith. Agriceltural Society $300
to help rebuild their Agricultural hall,
destroyed by fire last fall.
Patrick Ryan, of Logan, has pur-
chased from the Coleman estate of
Seaforth, lot 2, con, 8, McKillop, con-
taining 100 acres. Mr. Ryan has got
a good farm at the moderate price of
marriage t ge took- place on
Wednesday last at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, North
street, Seaforth, when their
daughter, Miss Emma, was united in
marriage to Mr.'' William Trott, of
A Manitoba paper says : "Mr. G. R.
Caldwell, barrister, of Brandon, has
been nominated by the South Brandon
Conservatives to contest that constit•
uency for the Legislature," Ms. Cal&
well is a son of Mr. W. Caldwell of
Some two weeks since Richard Van -
stone, barrister at law, a onetime resi-
dent of Godericli, and Miss Nelle Bell,
were united in wedlock's bon cis in St.
Paul's church, Winghaxn, the rector,
Rey. W. Lowe, assisted by Rev, J. H.
Moorhouse, of London,perforining the
W. W. Hicks has lost the contra..ct
of carrying the mails between lliat-
chell post office and the railway sta-
tion. It goes to John Ooppin from
the first of June next. James Mahaffy
will succeed Mr. Rodgers from the
same slate between Fullerton and Mit-
Mrs. Hiram Tuttle, a resident of
Listowel for the past 38 years, passed
away April 29, aged 74 years. Her
death was due to paralysis, the final
stroke being the last of three within
the past five •years. The deceased's
husband, the late Hiram Tuttle, calve
frorn Hastings county to Listowel, in
The property owners of Wiugham
will have an opportunity of voting for
a by-law ratifying the purchase of the
water power and to provide for the
raising of money for the purchase of
the water power, and also money to
provide for the new dam. The by-law
calls for the raising of $4,000 to pay
for the privilege and $3,000 for erec-
tion of a proper dam.
A sad and fatal accident happened
on the Grand Trunk railway abort 1i
miles north of Lonclesboro on Wednes-
day afternoon. whereby Mr. John
Smith, section foreman, lost his life.
The unfortunate man was in the act
of removing the larry from the track,
when the afternoon express struck
and killed him. Mr. Smith was a man
about sixty years of age, a widower,
and leaves a grown up family.
POWDERS are easy to take, harmless
in action and sure to cure any head-
ache in from 5 to 20 minutes.
Your heart beats over one hun-
Bred thousand times each day,
Otte hundred thousand supplies of
1 :good or had blood to your brain.
Which is it? .
f bad, impure
e lood thenyour
1 brain aches. You aretroubled
with drowsiness yet cannotslecp.'.
You are as tired in the morning
asnight. Youno nerve have
ath h
power. Your food doesyou ou but
le good.
Stimulants, tonics, headache
powders, cannot cure you; but
Will. It makes the liver, kidneys,
skin and bowels perform their
proper work. It removes all im-
purities from the blood. And it
makes the blood rich in its life-
giving properties.
To Hasten
You will be more rapidly cured
if you will take a laxative close of
Ayer's pills each night. They
arouse the sluggish liver and thus
cure biliousness.
Write to our Doctor*.
We have the exclusive services of.
some of the most eminent physicians in
the United States. WrIto freely all the
particulars in your ease.
Lowell, Mass.
Money To Loan
At from 43 to 5%'. Apply to
Barristers, Solicitors, &c., Main St. Exeter
Money to Loan.
We have unlimited privatef ands for invest -
Mut upon farm or village property at lowest
sates of interest.
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without .pain or
. bad after effects. Office in Fan -
son's block, West side of Main street, Exeter.
. Honor Graduate of the Toronto 'University, -
and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
'Ontario. All Bridge work, Crowns and Plate
work done in the neatest possible manner. A
;harmless =esthetic for painless extraction.
The strictest attention given to the preservat-
ion of the natural teeth. Office, opposite Cen-
tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont.
F14 r Sale.
Part of lot 8, Marlborough st., frame cottage,
one-fifth of an acre, good stable lix16, good
-well of water. Terms cash.
Apply to .Albert Box Exeter.
tioneer.' for the County of Huron, Sales con-
- 'ducted in all parts., and. for convenience can be
arranged for at this office. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Charges moderate. ' Exeter P. 0.
*Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore subsisting be-
tween J.' G. Jones and P. T. Haw' and known
as Jones & Halls.carrying on business as goner-
Wincholsea, and Exeter, has been dissolved
by mutnal consent. All accounts and notes
overdue, must be settled by May drst, if not
will be put into other hands for collection ; and
all accounts against Said firm must be presented
'by this date,
bated. April llth. 1899.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore subsisting be-
tween Tames A.. Murray and Alexander 1M.
Tait, and known as Murrivy & Tait, caisying on
business as founders and machinists, in the vil-
lage of Exeter, has been dissolved by mutual
pOnsent, Alex. M. Tait, carrying. on the mould -
sing department, and James A.. Murray, the
anachinery department. All accounts -must be
aettled at once.
Dated, March 1st. 1809.
in the Surrogate Court,
County of broil
In the estate of Petex: Cantin, late of
the Township ef I-Iay, in the County.
of Unroll, Farmer, cleceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chapter
129, llevieed, Statutes of Ontario, 1897, that all
persons having any claims or demand a.gainst
the estate of the aboVe nomect Peter Cantin,
avho cited on or about the 22nd day of October,
1893, aro reqnested to send bypost prepaid, or to
per,' Lendon, Ontario, solicitorS for Manikin
Cantle, administratrix of• the above named es-
tate on or before the let clay of Juno, 1899, a
statement in writing of their names, addresses
and descriptions, with full particulars of their
'claims or demands, duly verified, and the
ameurit of securities (if any) held by them.
And nOtice is hereby given that immediately
after the said date the said Affininistratrix
In'oceecl to distribute the assets Of tlm said de-
ceased among the patties entitled thereto
laylog regard. °illy to those chains of which she
Shall then haVe netice, anti the said adininis-
thatrix will not be liable for the assets, or any
part thereof so distributed, to any person or
persons 65 WhOde claim she Shall not then haVe
London, Ont.,
Solicitore for the Admielstretrix,
Dr. Low's 'Weise Sertip Is such a annP104, safe
that no other should be %Md. No purgative
4)0etled afterwards. Price 26.
Success Must Follow
That is the Experience of Mrs. Sydney
Druce, of Deseronto, Who Had Siff-
fered fur Many Years with Rhenma-
tism and Catarrh of the Bowels.
From the Tribune, Deseronto.
Onr attention was lately directed to
the wonderful cure effected upon a
resident of Deserouto, which illus-
trates in a very marked way the mer-
its of that widely known health restor-
er "Dr. YiTilliains' Pink Pills."We refer
to the 'cure of Mrs. Druce, wife of
Sidney Druce, caretaker of the High
School 13eing deelrOue of
giving our readers the facts,a reporter
of the Tribune called at Mrs. Druce's
residence, and is therefore enabled to
present our readers with the following
facts, which can be vouched for by
xnany neighbors and friends of the
family. Mrs. Druce had from the
early age of ten years been a sufferer
from rhenroatism and had endured an
untold amount of suffering from this
dire disease. She had tried scores of
different medicines to dispel the mal-
ady but in vain. Doctors told her it
was impossible to eiadicate the disease
from her system and she had at last
become resigeed to the belief that
rheumatism was ineurable. In ad-
dition to rheumatism, about seven
years ago she began to suffer from
catarrh of the bowels with its attend-
ant headaches and depression of sni tits.
The pain of the rheumatism and con-
stant headaches wore her out. The
doctors prescribed opiates which only
dulled the pain, hut did not repel the
disease. The two diseases continued
to make steady headway and at times
she felt such pain that she could not
even allow her husband to raise or
move her. The neighbors thought sbe
would never get up again. All kinds
of remedies were suggested and many
of them tried, but all in vain. Provi-
dentially, as Mrs. Deuce expressed it,
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was
mentioned, It was not until the end
of the second box that she realized any
benefit. She then began to realize
that she was regaining strength. Be-
fore she melationed this to others her
husband also observe,d the change, for
lie remarked one day " those pills are
doing you good, you look livelier than
you. have for some time." She contin-
ued the ute of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
until she had taken fourteen boxes,
with the aratifying and 'almost re.
markable results that she was com-
pletely cured of the rheumatism and
eetarrli, not a solitary symptom of
either trouble remaining. Mr. Druce
was -present during the inttrview and
confirnied all that his wife bad said
and wits,delighted as she in praising
the virtues of Dr. es' Pink Pills.
Druce said that out of gratitude
tor this wonderful restoration to health
she had. told scores of other sufferers
from different diseases of the virtues
of the medicine which had been the
undoubted means of prolonging her
life. She hoped that others would fol-
low her plan of glving the pills a fait
and prolonged ttiai 0,8 511e WAS cOtift-
ddnt that le the end success would
surely follow as in her Own ease,
Many t.eacleis will regret to learn of
the decals of Mr. Win, Cirassie, (t onee
well-known and respected resident ,of
Seaforth, 1I'e died at his howe in
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, on the
filth of April, after an illness of several
You Oure') Gzsu BESTED
Because That Tired Peeling is not the
result of ehertion. It is due to the un-
healthy condition of your blood. This
vital fllxid should give no urishnient to
every organ, nerye and muscle.: But
it cannot do this unless it is rich
and pure. That is wilat you want to
curd That Tired Feeling -pure, rich
blood, Hood's Sarsaparilla, will help
you "get rested," It will give yo
pure, rich blood, give you vigor and
vitality .and brace you up 'so that you
may feel well all throughcoming the
summer, If you have never tried
Hood's Sarsaparilla, do so, .now, and
see how it energizes and vitalizes your
whole system.
.F"alr Qcrt, We
i Poor ,Sobstitote
For .tnwarc..i Worth."
Good health, itzw4rdly, of
the kidneys, liver and bowels,
is sure to come if Hood's Sar -
P promptly t
sa arilla is �, l ailed,
p p y
This; secure8, 'a fair outside, and a
consequent vigor in the frame, with the
glow of health 'en the cheek, good
appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood.
Loss of Appetite - "1 was in poor
health, rouble with dizziness, tired feeling
and loss of appetite, Twat completely run
down. T took good's
Sarsaparillaarilia and atter
awhile T felt much better. Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla built me µp�hlzzla A. Rueszta, Old„
Chelsea, near Ottawa, Que.
Blllousness-"I have been troubled
With headache and biliousness and was
much run down. Tried Rood's Sarsaparilla
and it gave me relief and built me up." A.
lercan rsme, 89 Defoe Street, Toronto, Ont,
.Winslow's Soothing Syrup has boon used for,
over fifty years by millions of mothersfor their
children while teething, with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy -
for Diarrhcen. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the . world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Bo
pure and ask for Mrs. Winslowis Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind.
"the Money ,o, dC
t o your Credit,
'When a Gila
y `' cad Tailored Iothin,
the money he pays for it is really All deposit as it would bq in
a bank. It the clothes do notprove tobe"
satisfactory" in
every resect fit, finish and workmanship canback
respect, p he go to
the dealer andget
his money y back,
What �ora can you
,This guarantee is a part of everysale of Shorey'4 Clothing.
y �
A. card to that effect is found in theocket of each garment.
p ,
You do not find such cards in the pockets of ordinary clothes.
Now do you?
Sood's Pills euro river ills ; the non•irritgting and
0111) cathartic to tak0 witb. RIood'4 8arliaparina.
E silyir!re
I50c. and $1.00; all druggist.
SCOTT St BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. '
just remember that all your
strength must come from your
food." Did you ever think of
Perhaps your inusoles need
more strength, or your nerves;
or perhaps your stomach is
weak and cannot digest what
you eat.
If you need more strength
then take
of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypo -
phosphites. The oil is the most
easily changed of all foods into
strength ; and the hypophos-
pintos are the best
tonics for the nerves.
SION' is the easiest
and. quickest cure for
weak throats, for
coughs of every kind,
and for all eases of de-
bility, weak nerves, *
and loss of flesh.
The NI olsons Bank
Paid up Capital, - $2 000 00U
, Head Office, Montreal.
MoneY advanced to good farmers on their
own note with ono or more endorser at 7 per
cent. per annum.
• Exeter Branch
Open every lawful day from 10 a. in. to 3 p.
Current rates of interest allowed on deposits.
somorrons. MANAGER.
e 4? t Market
The undersigned has opened up a
new meat market one door
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on band.
if you take Hoffman's Headache
Powders. The first powder seldom
rails -the second, never. For any kind
of headache, from any cause. Posi-
tively harmless- disagreeable effeets
never follow. The surest, quickest,
best headache remedy ever prepared.
Are sold in 10e. enVelopes and 26o.
boxed by druggistS eyeryWhere,
The Hoffman Dreg Co., Bridgeburg, Ont.
The Ache
Will Stop
Exeter It
Wheat per bushel
lay 10th 1899.
.o7 to 67
_31 to 11
9 to 9
6 to 8
5 to 5
17 to 18
5 00 to 86,00
3.75 to 4.00
4.00 to 4.50
London. May
Wheat per bushe
Peas .
Beans ......
Turkeys per ib
Geese per lb
Cheese, .
EfaY per ton
Pork per cwt..
1 70 to 2,25
55 to 58
-43 to 50
44 to 45
65 to 70
60 to 70
10 to 19
9 to 10
50 to 75
8 to 10
Elm Logs & Bolts
.. �e •r.
E U.1 ER.
Highest Cash prices paid by the
For Elm Logs, cut 11,131, 10 and, 18
feet long. Also Basswood Heading
Bolts, 21 and 42 inches long.
Apply at Gould's Saw Mill,
Foreman for the
Sutherland Innes Co.
There is Soch a Thi
As .Wearing glasses when
you should not, and not wear -
Mg them when you should.
.It is a mistake to do either.
We only prescribe glasses
when they will be of use to
the wearer.
A large proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are
due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses.
In consulting our Optician:you incur no expense and run
no risk.
Mornings preferred for testing at
Jevvellery store.
A full line, fresh and
bright of
WORAVIS cannot exist either in child-
reu or adults when Dr. Low's Worm
Syrup is used. 25c, All dealers.
The improved
For five to twenty-five cows. Ca-
pacity 275 lbs. per bour.
The Above cut represents
best on the market. There
are six si4,es to choose from. -
The general advantages secur-
ed by using a Separator may be
summarized as follows:
It saves a great deal of labor,
especially for the women on the'
It saves time in butter -making,
reducting it more than half.
It produces more cream from a
given amount of milk.
It produces better cream.
Separator cream is more
"churnable." It can be churned'
in less than half the time.
It gives from zo to 30 per cent.
greater yield of butter ; that is to
say, from 20 to 5o lbs. more frOm
the milk of each cow. A differ-
ence of from $ro to $15 per cow.
per year.
The cream and skirn-milk will
keep sweet much longer.
Doubles the value of the .skim -
milk for feeding to stock. The
farmer can feed his calves fresh
warm milk, instead of old sour„
skim -milk. The milk is free from
disease germs, because the filth is
is removed by the Saparator.
PROM $40 tYP,
Agent, i8Xete0.
2 Fine
and every School re-
quisite at
Where the Scholars are
always used well
You require a BLACK suit very
0 Goods
0 often at this timeeloofsetshtepyriecaers.. We are prepared
to fit you out in the finest style. Best quality
Wedding Suits a Specialty
The Central A Man is always in
ictig If he Swear! one of
I am using Lutz's Poultry Powder,
eund have no hesitation in stating that
it is an excellent powder for poultry.
It certainly increases the egg supply
and promotes the vigor and health of
the poultry. I would strongly recom-
mend poultry raisers to give it a trial.
I am using English Stock Food,
malinfactured by C. Lutz, and find
that it improves the condition of milchl
,cows, and increases the flow of milk.
I would recommend stock raisess to
give it a, trial.
Winter Goods
We are in the van with all
that is desirable in the line,
Let us show you our stock of
$17,00 Fancy Worsteds in ck,11
trio newest colorinos,
Remember we put up , the
best suit for $1.0.00 that can
be bought the county.
J Grieve
JOHN'S neatly fitting
Re is a sure fitter.
His price. are away down.
His goods are the best.
Call and examine his goods before
buying your
The 'Tailor.
Can be made strong and healthy by Milburn's
Heart and Nerye Pills. Miss Sk-ullion, 59 Tur-
ner St., Ottawa, says: " 1V1ilhurn's Heart and
Nerve Pills enriched my blood. strengthened
my aerves and restored me to health and Nig-
Refuse all substitutes or imitations.of the gen-
nine Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbefe7,
most of these are absolutely dangerous.
" I suffered withpain in the back for over a
year and could not g•et cured. Three bottles of
Hagyards Yellow Oil removed the pain entire -
.1y.' Marshal Miller, McGregor P• O.. Ont.
Exeter Turf Club
MAY 24th, 1899
2.20 Trot or Pace
2.30 Trot or Pace
3.00 Trot or Pace
Running, Open
'Twill purify the
system -Give you
strength and
Very few people escape the enervating
influence of spring weather.
There is a dullness, drowsiness and
inaptitude for work on account of the
whole system being clogged up with im-
purities accumulated during the winter
The liver is sluggish, the bowels inclin-
ed to be constipated, the blood impure,
and the entire organism is in need of a
thorough cleansing.
Of all "Spring Medicines," Burdock
Blood Bitters is the best.
It stimulates the sluggish liver to ac-
tivity, improves the appetite, acts on the
bowels and kidneys, purifies and enriches
the blood, removes all poisonous pro-
ducts, and imparts new life and vigor to
those who are weak and debilitated.
7 Big Mr. WM. 3. I-Tepbere writes
Boils. tom Centralia, Ont.: can
eincerely say that Burdock Blood
Bitters is the beet spring meclicifte on the
market. Last spring my blood got out
of order, and I had Seven or eight good
sized bat come out on my. body, aiid the
orie on my log Wag dwell laeger than an
egg. !tot II bottle of BurdoCit Mood
titters, and inside of six days, w ien only
half the bottle was taken, there vvasn t
a boll te be seen. 1 have recommended
13.B.B. to different people in our village,
and all derived benefit from it. I Wish
B.B.B. every success, as it ftp indeed a
great medicine for the blood.
13,B.13. is a highly Conceetrated Vega.
table conapeurict-tea0ootirul 4040'44"
water yourself'.
You will find at Bissett's Wareroom-
the following. line of Agrieu
tural Implements
Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators
Disc and Diamond Harrows.
Plows, and Turnip Drills. •
The celebrated Knoll Washer
Raymond sewing and wringers
Gurney stoyes and,. fnrancea.
The Chatham 'Waggon and a full
line of the celebrated Metatigialin
Buy The, Best
arlicgin7re The Rest.,
In the end you will find
it cheapest. Furnish that va-
cant room with one of our
13,ed Room Setts, Tables
Chairs, Etc.,
Get Something Nioe'*
We have it, you -want IL
Take a look at our full line of
FM TITRE and you will
find what you are looking for,
Opera Ilouse
lee t,