HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-5-4, Page 7o a
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literOn G0Unty Notes
Rev, Father McCabe, of Settfortir,
building fine tesidence at a coet of
Dr. P. W. Tweedle,Of Seafortle, has
-disposed of his praetice eo Dr. Mess,
lately paged,
Geo Pollard, sold his 25 acre lot on
She Huron road new Mitchell, to Mr,
"The Bell people a= treating us
white." Anether operator veill be add-
ed to the central staff,
The property in Egmondirille of the
late Mrs. Wm, Carnothan was sold by
auction recently to tars. Thos Fergie-
sou for. $1,025,
joseph Biley, ot Londesboro, h
purchased the Queen's hotel, Sanford,
from Michael Farr, and will take pos-
session o.0 May lst.
The ice used in the formation of the
open air skating rink last winter at
the Seefortb bowling green killed the
grass and the bowling for this season.
Rev. E. 0, Jennings of Hanover has
been appointed to the parish of Bay-
field. Mr. Termings took the services
pollee roe, on ,St. aegis Teel:ins tine
Kn1 niniaoir43,,eu,tu
eleities:172.. irerwoti
Cernwall, On Mee' l3. ---Jake Ice, a
Ste Regis Warrior, wee shot and instautly
all St. Regie by Lieut.Col. Sher-
wood, Chief of the Dominion Police, yes-
terday morning; two other reeskins were
badly wouaded, ana four chiefs carried
off into captivity. Tbe muse of the
trouble claees away back several years,
and was primarily the objeetion of the
St, Regis band to submit to the Incliau
titti, and allow an eM leetion of chiefs be
On March • 97, 1899, when Iasi -rector
ogan ami Policeman Chamberlain of
e Dominion Police were sent down
Ottawa by Lieutenant-Colonel Sher-
wood to assist Indian Agent Long in
holding .in election, they met with say -
age treatment at the hands of the red
men. Everything seemed to have quieted
doeva till yesterday, whenording to
Incliens who came frein $e Regis, a
squad of ilve or six Dominion Pollee
arrived, at Se Regis ou the tug Beaver of
Cornwall, which was olumtered for the
.PTailicrPe•, 7 OnCe arrested Chiefs
rue Low Thomas and Angus
On Sunday last and Was touch appre-
61ated* Pateneaude, who were chargecl with be
Dr Frank Scott, who has been prase ing leaders of tho Hobou moroh 27, and
tieing at Cambellford, s home in Stan- ee assaulting onagers in the exeoution of
ley, tor a short visit prior to leaving thole duty.
for Europe in order to further prose- The news that the officers were again
cute his studieson the reservation and making arrest%
Mr. David McIntosh, veterinary spread like wildfire, and the police had
surgeon, has rented his farm, on the hardly got their prisoners into Mr.
London road, to a couple of Tucker -
smith gentlemen; they will use it for
grazing purposes.
W. J. Plenty, who has been a -mem-
ber of the Clinton News -Record statt
for about a year, has bought the
Southampton Beacon, and takes pos-
session next week.
Long's office when the place wile sm.-
rounded by a . nioli of wild, excited ree
men. They forced their way inside the
building, despite the threatening muzzles
of the policemen's eevolvers. They want-
ed to xescue the prisoners, and things
looked so desperate that the chief deoided
to fire his revolver. The shot took effect
in the arm of the megleader, Jake Ice,
George Mayon ofellurom and Miss but dul not stop hem. The oluef fired
Dollen, of Lucknow, were united in again and killed him instantly. The
enarria,ge by Revs A, McKay, April 26, other Indians then withdrew. These were
and the happy couple len for London the only shots fired. No one else was in
and other cities in the west. tired.
Rev. S. L. Smith, late rector of Trine inquest on Jake Tee.
him" Tegyfield, moved last week Huntingcloa, Que., INiay
re the fanfily will ma,ke
their Sheuwood, chief of the Dominion Police,
ome in the future. Mr. Smith arrived here last night, having in custody
will be supertninuated in june. three St. Regis Indians, Jake Fire, Aligns
W. J. Stinson -of Stanley, has rent- Pateneaude and. Louis Thomas. The M -
ed from M. W. Woods his 150 acre quest as to the death of Jake Ice will
grazing farm, and. intends going into probably take place hero to -day.
Stook raising on a large scale. This
makes 500 acres IS.1r. Stinson handles.
Hr. Sherwood Gave Himself 'Up.
Ottawa, May 2. -The Department of
Five of the Huron Veterans of '08 Justice received a despatch from Commis-
'Iaa,ve joined their fathers since last fall. stoner Sherwood from Huntingdon Que.
and have passed to that country from informing the department of a shooting
whencenonareturre and where 'medals, affair at the Se Regis reservation. The
and tape and undue delay sea unei Indian, it is understood, was shot in self
known, ; defence. Mr..Sberwood gave himself up
to the police, and is awaiting the decision
of the coroner's jury,
The quarterly official board of Varna
Methodist circuit has invited Rev, R.
L. Wilson, of Dawn Mills, to become
their pastor. The invitation has been
aceepted, subject to the action of the
stationing COUDIlittee.
Clinton News -Record In a few
slays the Bell Telephone Company will
begin an all-night service in Clinton
and at no extra cost to the subscribers.
This will be much appreciated by the
• patrons, one of whom remarked :-
It.is our sad duty this week to chron-
icle the death of another of Blyth's
townsmen in the person of John Buie,
who departed thie life Wednesday
night. He bad been a sufferer with
ahecametism for the last few years.
Thursday morning as- Jas. Culbert
was taking material from the jointing
luachine at the Organ factory in God -
emir, his right hand in some unex- ' l'rovincial Appointments.
plainable manner came in contact with ' Toronto, May 2. -The Onterrio Govern -
the knife, which cut off his four fin- meat has rnade the following appoint-
ers. ` ntents: W. H. McCrea, to be clerk of the
Wm. Logan, of Rills Green, has sold Fifth Division Court of Leeds and Grote
skusfarm to James ,Turner, his neigh- ville, Whitmarsh; James Yates, to
bor. The price paid was $5,000. The he clerk of the First Division Court of
farm contains one hundred acres, and. Huron, vice C. Seeger; Cornelius Mar-
as it adjoins Mr. Turner's present farm phy, to bo bailiff of the First Division
be will now have a fine tarta of 250 Court of Lincoln; John H. Fete, to be
acres. He takes immediate possession. bailiff of the Fifth Division Comt of
Mr. Logan intends going out west. Halclimand, and J. Wesley Macassar, to
The Ladies' Aid of the church of En- be bailiff of the Seventh Division dourt
gland, Kirkton, realized $88.50 by of Norfolk.
their entertainment and sale of art
work,held in Aberdeen Hall, on Friday NIS DOSUI ntltiter ill a Darrel.
evening, _edste inst. This makes up Kingston, Ont., May 9. -The dead
about $300, as the result of their quiet body of a woman peeked in a barrel
'work during the past eleven months, a arrived by- the steamer Hero yesterday
creditable showing, it would seem, for afternoon, addressed tteKingstora. Aircona
the Ladies' Aid, of a not very large painting the body was a constable and
congregation. the son of the deceased. It proved that
Mr. T. S. Acheson, seri of Rev. S. the body had bean stolen froin a grave -
Acheson of Kippen and a graduate of yard, and shipped from A.dolphustown.
Clinton Collegiate Institute, is now The body wee that of the late Mary Jane
bead relieving agent of the C. P. R. in Young, buried. at Sillsville on Sunday.
Manitoba and thethird highest in The grave was opened and tire nuseha
point: of salary a the Company's stolen. , ---
agents in the proyince. He is
stationed at Winkler in flameares-ehhe
- I Never Too Late to :fiend.
nfittreson is only
nite distritt- Mht '
44=4 jht:0,5,..Nrirs Of age. lialniltOn, May 2. -After living no less
thins 107 years Mrs. Goodman of Went -
The License commissioners for West ; worth street has decided that to be
see Huron met again at Cilinton on Wed-; entirely happy she must joie the Method-
nesclay last, and granted the applica- ist Clatiroh. Accordingly, at the reception
tons of Chas. Symonds, Sale -ford. N. ; to be hold next Sunday morning at Wes -
Ge Boggs, Carlow rincl John Hamilton, ley Church, she will be welcomed as it
Belfast ,• but refused the application of member by the pastor, Rev. W. F. Wile
Samuel Pike, Clinton, on the ground son. Mrs. Goodman is believed to be the
that the population would not allow oldest woman in Canada, and perhaps on
another license in that town. the continent. She has resided in Hernia
. Mr. Win. Hawkshaws 'of Seafortb, ton for 88 years.
Las sold his hotel to Me. Jacob Kling ,
whose hotel was destroyed by fire a ;• steluudoeitorm and Loss.
shorb time ago. The price paid For ; Timberland, Ont., May 2.-A terrific
the property is $6,7.50, exclusive of the ' thuudoestorm passed OYU this vicinity
furniture, The new proprietor took yesterday, afternoon. It was accompanied
possession on Monday last. Mr. Hawk- by A high winch which levelled many
• shaw goes to St. Marys, where he will fences in the country. The barns of Mr.
become proprietor of the Ontario 'mese Loftus Shier, three miles west of here,
lately conclneted by the late jetties were Amok by lightning, and quickly
Moore. • burned to the grained, together -with 85
"ohs 13,irroess, a lady of emene55 pige, two calves', genie, hey arid Maple -
years of age, who lives with her lees -1 Meets. The lose will bo in the neighbor -
band and 'family in Koppel neer Go- hood of $2,500; insurance about $1,200.
trich attempted suicide Thursday by
Captain floolcofellor Hissing.
cutting her throat. For about six
Washington, Mary 2. -General Ode re-
been10ths th e u fo nee nate wOulan s '
unbalanced, And so,. poets from rife/ilia tbat Capt. Rookefeller
in n tally
iniod being in diet eendition was the tho -Ninth Infantey has boon missing
cerise of the act. She lied concealed SIM° ,April 28, On that day .lio was 031
the Me, oonenamling battalloe near
in her bed a table knife, which her
daughter diem:iv-eyed, and attempted to 051000111).He visited the outposts at 9.30
at night and has not been. seen since. It
secure. The nrother, however, grab
bed the knife, slashed the daughter is believed that he loft hes bearings and
4icross the hand, and then diaw it Wee oaPtneed by tho rebels-
acroes her throat, inflieting it gash
about two inelies long, laying 1)1110 the , s"t" o,,,,,-O,1"t"t•
windpipe, and just escaptng the main' Toronto, May oonnootion with
artery. The evonnel bled profusely, the Smith Ontario oltntion Protest, width
arid =stilted rotn the
Is to be tried et Whitby on the Mit lust.,
The Snell Inquest.
Peery Sound, One, May 2. -An in-
quest. is 120W being held by Coroner
Stoner on the body of Thomas Snell. of
Brockville, who was supposed to have
dropped off the milevav bridge last Nov-
ember. The post-mortem examination
rnacle by Drs. Walton and Appelbe indi-
cates that the man was not drowned, but
that death was caused by it blow on the
side of the head, inflicted by it pointed
instrument as a hole is found over the
right ear, penetrating to the base of the
brain. It might have been inflicted with
a piece of wood. with it nail driven
through lb. The inquest was adjourned
yesterday afternoon for other evidence. .
loon of blood; .Itistioe Osier yesferatsy greeted to ldie
Witeelt WO:Viten'
. Can ho made !atone' tinctialthy by litibiltee
Heat, a
rrid N0%0elcullioe, 50 or -
nor ete °termite Says: Outten tient and
dp4/a ',Ville earitilled rey Mood, eteeegtheried
fierVeS fUlti.r(iSterdl Ind to heeith reed vig
Refuse all substituteeoe imittitione of tho min-
i' 1 es itx.tr tot of Wild Strcievberey
Alost of these Are absoltitel y daelectiatte.
W D. Melsheesoh an order fee it
tion to to issue to Euglend to take the eva
deuce of W. T. It Preston.
eteato to every Kean
Chatham, Ont., Mayee,-Eael everribie
Ils Wotehip Marie Smith, on behalf of
the Cithealen Ramon° S'odietie peosented
the soeiety's bronze inedel to little Mary
Xott, who sated, Nellie Oatmeal froin
Rebels Hold the Main Food SUP -
plies and Are Ohuckling.
Thgje II) a, Victory Over the Oritish
and United States Representatives,
-Whom They Now Consider Powerless
. -Action, ef the Powers in Orderlog
Cessation of Hostilities Was a lied
Move-Rehols Approaching, Apia.
Wellington, N.A., May 3,-.A.clvioes
from Samoa indioate thet the instruetions
received from the powers to cease hostili-
ties make the sitimtion be the istands
very sorioee as the rebels hold the main
fooa supplies, and are again near the
municipality of Apia. The eorrespoudent
of Reuter's news egoista, thinks it is evi-
dent that the home authorities be.90 mis-
understood the situateou In b'amea, Tbe
Germans and rebels are already jubilant,
and claim it victory over the British and
American forces, The correspondent says
that unloose the rebels are made to sub-
mit the difficulties will remain unsolved.
The white people in the outskirts of .tho
city are at the mercy of the rebels. The
American vice-consuPe store at Falifa
was looted last week, 'while a Gorman
store 'adjoining it was loft untouched.
British and American residents all
strongly- condemn the action of the flowers
in ordering it ceesation of aostilitios ab
s age.
• e elites Rad Strong Defences.
1,r.. „ems after the battle ab
•Lieut. It, A. Gaunt of the British cruiser
Porpoise marched his brigade into Vail-
1Ma uuopposed, and was followed. by a
°mummy of British blue jackets, under
Capt. Stercloo and Lieut. Cave. Inspec-
tion of the battlefields showed that the
defences ereeted by the rebele near the
home of the late Robert Louis Stevenson
were strong and well planned. The loss
sustained by the rebels, it is evident, was
ranch greater than was at first supposed.
The main section of Mataafa's followers
who were engaged in the battle of Vail -
Jana retreated westward'to Luluinoeuga,
where they lay In wait for friendlies.
Orders had been' given thorn to capture
Lieut. Gaunt's head. The rebels were
also anxious to genre the superior wea-
pons with which the brigade was armed.
It is rumored that 13 boats filled with
armed rebels aro -approaching from the
east. The town appears to be safe.
Widow of the Novelist Talks Against
Chief Justice Chambers.
London, May 8. -Robert Louis Steven -
son's widow bas written a letter to The
Westminster Gazette, from Funchal,
Madeira, on the honabardnient of Samoan
villages by British and American 'war-
ships. Mrs. Stevenson says;
"Chief Justice Chanabers has been
=presented as saying ia it letter to his
brother: `I never was bapplette He must
be a person singularly devoid of imagin-
ation if he never pictured to himself the
scenes being enacted in these bombarded
villages -the exodus of panic-stricken
people rushing hither and thither, shells
bursting everywhere, the cries of bedrid-
den and helpless wounded people burning
alive in their blazing houses, women in
the pangs of childbirth, mangled children
crawling on the sands, the sea before them
and the bush behind them. we read
that the woods also were shelled. -Who is
to be held accountable for these deeds,
that disgrace both England and Amer-
Dominion Policeman Cawdron Says Col.
Sherwood Was Compelled to Efre.
Ottawa, May 3. --Dominion Policeman
Cawdron, who returned to the city yes-
terday, gives it graphic description of the
affray which took place 031 the St. Regis
. reserve on Mouday, when Col. Sherwood
shot John Ice. The Colonel first shot the
Indian in the arm, 'but that only made
him the more savage. Col. Sherwood
tried to avoid him, but finally was com-
pelled in self-defence to fires second tine.
The bullet streak Ice in the breast, and
he died almose instantly.
The row outside the agent's office where
the shooting occurred had been going on
with vigor, but the sight of the dead man
had it quieting effect. °ewer= believes
had not Con Sherwoodedred when he did
the whole party of constables would have
been overpowered and probably killed.
ifewedrea,area teeheemaneenteleeenhooting
took 'Once Jack Fire and Lewis Tlionias
were bandeuffed and taken to the boat.
A big crowd of Indians followedus down
to the landing, and we had to stand with
reeolvers cocked until off in the stream,"
Commissioner Sherwood has telegraph-
ed, saying that everything is now quiet
among the Indians at St. Regis, Another
Indian, named Louis David, one of the
prime movers in the trouble, was arrested
yesterday morning while passing through
The body of the Indian, John Ice, will
be taken to Dundee, Quo., where an in-
quest will be hold to -day.
Fattening Fowl Pays,.
Ottawa, May 8. -The agricultural earn-
mittee heard Prof. Robertson yesteedae
morning on tire experiments in chicken -
fattening, made last fall, and bis observa-
tion on the same in England, He sale
that there wa,s it prospect for it large
market in this Due, and some sieelers had
offered to take 5,000 cases it week.
Some bred shipments sent last year
netted 70 mats profit per chiekee. They
cost $1.06 when fattened, and 117Dr0 sold
In the English market for $1.76,
Canadians in Notch commie,.
New York,. May 8.--Tbe ineorporators
of the Match Company, which was
organized at Trenton, Net,. on Saturday,
with an authorized eapital of $10,000,000,
are Erskine Henry Bronson and Levi
Crannell of the Bronson Se Weston Lum-
ber Company, Ottawa, One. ; Willicun M,
Ivins of NOW Vol -k, aarnuhmus G. Kidder,
of Oraimo N.J. ; W. It Cook ot the
Adirendack Match Company., Ogdons-
bergs arid G. H. Williamof New York.
To Look tor l'eary.
511. iT011)1'0i girdle May 8.-11e, eealing
steamer elope has- gone into &els hen to
he 11herm-10:11y overhenled and eepaired,
premeatorty to prooebding noetliWard next
Morals with all expedition for tho=lief
of Lied, Peary, the Attie explorer. The
latter left last stuuntee with it 59001013)'
eclected perty, azul rimy 110W' 1100(1 assist -
05 Itia Steamer, the Windward, hes
beon fY02611 in the ice floes elite() the early
part of lastetiviritete
aer,etottn AND sus ets.N,SArn.
oateoeseen ream General (WS...Lawton
Again Defeats Filipinos,
Washlagton,)tfay 3. -The following
eablegrent Wee TOOOlYtal et the War De-
Pesteeleat at Midnight, Miele Maella,
May 3:
Adjutant -General, Washington -List of
prisoners in the hands of the insergente
just received shows that Lieut. Gilmore
and seven enlisted mon of the navy were
lost from the Yorktown, and six enlisted
mon of the army -three of the sir
wrongfully arrested In Jammn7 before
hostilities commenced -all reported to be
doing well. Besides the above, two Men
in the hands a the insurgents, South end
Capt, Rockefeller, are still unaccounted
General Lawton's column, passing
westward from Norzagaray, eeptured
Dalinag and. villages in the yieinity yes-
terday, soattering and pursuing 1,600 in-
surgent troops, Kis only easualties were
two wounded; insurgent /oss, several
killed, large number Woundea and cap -
tired, Numbers not stated. Have opened
communication with Lawton via Malolos,
by means of Hall's troops and detach-
ments from the city*. Obi.
.4312,hiaido Repudiates Them,
London, May 3,-Representaives of the
Filipino Junta say that they have res
°oiled it cablegram from A.guinalclo.
dated April 30, in whieb he states that
his Government has nothing to do witb,
the present peace negotiations, which, be
asserts, are being conducted by it group
of half-oastes and creaks, who aro anxie
ous for peace in the expectation of getting
high Melees under it new Government.
.A.guinaldo disevows the present negotia-
tions, and adds that trader no dream -
stances will. he accept an Americen pros
' Conference Was aruitiess.
Manila, May 3. -(Noon.) -The second
conference, held this morning, between
Major-General Otis and the Filipino
emissaries, Col. Manuel Arguleses and
Lieut. Jose Berne'', terminated without
any definite results.
• Polavieja Denounces Weyler.
Madrid, May 3. -General Polavieja,
Minister of War, has made public a let-
ter, which he has just despatobed to Gen-
eral Weyler, in which he threatens, with,
out excess of circumloontion, to shoot the
formter Governor-General of Cuba.
General Polavioja declares that he
knows all about General Weyler's absurd
conspiracies, and adds: "I know that You
are incapable. Without risking your own
hide, eon e.mito the passions of civilians,
who are Ignorant of your weaknesses,
but I am disposed to shoot generals, if
need be, as if they were common sol-
This letter is called forth by General
Weyier's recent mysterious conferencee
with. Carlisle of the Balearics Isles and
Republicans of Barcelona.
Spain .4.fter china.
Hongkong, May 8. -It is reported here
to -day that Senor Navarro, the Spanish
celesta, is now preparing documents in
the case of Spain against China. The
Spanish Government will demand sub-
stantial land indemnity, because the
Viceroy of Contort permitted the notori-
ous Abbey expedition to supply the
insurgents in the philippines with arms
prior to the signing of the peace treaty.
Abbey was captured by Dewey at Batan-
gas, as a result of information cabled by
Consul Wildman. Sylvester and Spited,
who were implicated in the echome, have
fled to Europe.
511 Liberate Dreyfus.
London, May 3. -The Birmingham
Post says It learns that therren,ch Gov-
ernment intends to anticipaterevision of
the Dreyfus oomt-natirtial by setting him
at liberty in advance of the termination
of judicial proceedings. According to this
plan, The Pose says, on. June 1 the pri-
soner will be released, but, in order tbat
the army plural not be disturbed, corn.
pensation will be awarded to Dreyfus, se
that he,
with Ids family, may live out.
side of France.
France and Siam.
Paris, May 3.-Siane according to
clasp -itch from Singapore, has ceded to
Franco the Province of Luang-Prabing,
in the northeastern part of the kingdom.
France in return undertakes to evacuate
the town of Cbantaboon, about 176 miles
southeast of Bangkok, near the Gulf of
Slane and to withdraw from the so-called
neutral zone.
nritain ItIalcos Demands.
London, May, 8. -Tho Pekin come-
inn-pyg 5Eys-ks-kw12Th11taA9
hd.g officially demanded of the Chinese
Government satisfaction for the recent
attacks made by the rebels upon the Brit-
ish authoritioe in, the Kowloon extension
of Hongkong.
Snow in Germany.
Berlin, May a -Since Sunday there
has boon a radical amigo in the weathee
throughout Germany. Terrific ram and
thunderstorms have beenfollowed by
cold and snow. In numy parts of the
Bracken and Hartz Mountains snow has
fallen to the 'depth of two interns.
La Grippe In India.
Allaha,bad, India, May 8.-A severe
epidemic of influenza is prevailing at
Simla. The Vieereer, Lord Curzon of
Kedleston, was attaeked with tbe disease,
hut le now eenvalescout. Tbe leicerene,
Lady Curzon, is now suffering with the
same malady.
'Uganda Railway Going Ahead*
• London, May despatch from.
Mornbasa, undee yestentlay s ditto, says
thatethe Comae Railway has reached
the 800-12211e post a the total distance to
Loire 'Victoria teyenza.
Tee Aimee starts ree Lome.
Nice, Mae; 3. -Queen Victoria started
for England yesterday,
Taggartial Missk Slipped.
°anima e,,iary 3. -Chi the 17th of April
jobb. Weir,&e merchant of -the village ot
Yak, verisfroburnieg to his borne from
hie store, accompanied by his wifa about
9 pan., When they wore attaoked 'on alio
street by two masked num with revel -
vane A desperate steuggle followed, laseing ovee Ave ritheatess The would-be
robbers fled bete= they obtained ear.
Weir's money, amounting to $300, which
they fought hard to get Mrs. Weir mid
the =cognized the voice avid face of Web-
ard Taggart 122 the bright, andonlight, as
the mesk he wore partly dropped from
the tippet part ef his fait. fse Mee)
eetion was taken by the e
Selentlae, Apeli 99, When h varrant eves
lesued for the art:at ef Taggart. Re waS
triett,:restierdaY, and sent for trial.
Scroox, REPORT. --Monthly report of
S. S. No. 4, Stephen, for Aped, is as
follows: -Jr. Pt. I, 'della Schwarte,
Leeilla Schwartz, Gladys Kestlia
PaI , Elde Wein, 1.4P0 Hartmae, Ed-
win Wein, Albert Hartman, Merrier
Eliber; Pt. II, Nora Brown, Cora
Clark, Idella Smith, Della Keetle,
August Hartman, Aaron Wein, Wilber
Morlook; jr. II, Elgin Amy, Willie
R,oezier, Wiliie Smith, Wesley Wein,
Cecil Rowe, Annie Hartman; Sr, II,
Jacob Hartman, Albert E. Whitaker;
Jr. III, Mabel Clark, Almina Yager,
Oliva Hartman, Torquay Roeszler,Ezra,
Wein, Herbeet Morlock, Nora Hart-
man; Sr. III, Arthur nay, Freeman
MorlOck, Wilber J. Rowe, hester
Rowe'Albert Weie, Garnet Amy,
PearlKestle, Fred Amy; Jr. IV, Rus-
soll Bastard; Sr. IV, Clara, Martene,
Mary Roeszler. No. on roll 44, ave --
age attendance 39.
J. H. HowiEs, teacher.
Billups.- S. Salton of Centrelia
exchanged pulpits with Rev. J. W,
Barr, last Sunday. -The Quarterly
meeting a.nd Sacrament service of
Grand Bend circuit will be held in
Boston Methodist Church next Sab-
bath at 10.30 a, m, -Wilson Jerinoeette
succeeded in getting good rock water
on the Mellin farm for W. J. Wilson.
The have moved to 3. Sherritts and
intend to hut down two wells for him.
George Bemger bas gone to Detroib to
visit his daughter, --Miss Alice Dear,
of Parkhill, spent last Sunday with
her friend Miss Alice Wilson.-Nosv is
a good three to plant trees, every per-
son owning land should plant it few
shade anti ornamentel trees each year.
MR. EDITOR. --It is only fair to your
readers andmore especially to those in-
terested he the announcement caused
to be printed by yourself or some other
who were or who were not aware that
the official hosted of Wingham Metho-
dist church had received from Rev. 0.
W. Brown, Anaherstherg, his refusal
of their unanimous request for him to
become their pastor for the coming
yeamfor the good and sufficient reason
that he had pledged himself to James
St. Methodist board,who by special Re-
quest desired either to be released or
additionally confirmed as to their
wishes as he bad ha his possession the
invitation from Wingbara This re-
quest was forthwith dealt with and
the result evired Mr. Brown the fol-
lowing morning. Mr. Brown is pledg-
ed to Exeter and the board to laim
withithe exception of 5 only, who are
by no means opposed to Mr. Brown.
These facts are written to place right,
what might bemisleading and 'calm -
;late(' to ;give a 'wrong Impiegfan
Mr. Beown concerning the charge over
which he is going to be pastor.
Mr. W. H.- Cornstock's official ma-
jority in Brockville is 208.
The date for the opening of the. D.
R. A. amaual matches at Rockeliffe is
Monday, August 28.
It is understoed that the decision
of the British Goaernment with regard
to the Pacific cable is not final.. '
Mr. E. B Eddy has undertaken the
collection of $15,000 to clear off the Ot-
tawa Protestan t Hospital debt.
A big „Derain commission firm may be
established in Port Arthur, M opposi-
tion to Winnipeg grain dealers.
Mr. Robert Crawford, a farmer of
Annan Village, was found dead on the
roadsid.e It is suppeend his team ran
The Atwood, Flax Co have disposed
of the 1898 ctopto S. Livingston at tic.
per 1h. This price, with the cancelling
of the interest due to the shareholders,
will allow the growers between $0 and
$7 per ton for their flax.. The tow has
not yet been disposed of,
The London Free Press has received
it, despatch trom Kingston, Ont.) stat-
ing that at noon on the 27th inst.,
Miss Elia Ma.ckerass, daughter of the
late Prof. Mackerass, of Quebec was
united in marriage wibla H. G. Hop -
irk Post Office Inspector at London.
Mrs, Margaret Brownlee, of Clinton,
died April 25. She was the relict of
the late Tames Brownlee, who depart-
ed this life twelve years ago. They
lived, for ehcmt thirty years, ou the
eatine, Hallett. Of the large family
borntoht-freea,upenn there are three dead,
those rernaininereitegen.Mrs. W.
Paisley, Miss Mary Brownlee,*heg +611ta-
ton : Mrs. (Rev.) Roy, Hamilton ;
Joenes, in Elora ; Isaac, in Summerhill
and W. H. in Texas.
On Monday, Geo. Ferguson, aged 19
years, eldest son of Councillor James
Ferguson, ot Port Staley, was clip-
ping a horse's fetlock with it pair of
shears when the horse kicked at him.
Fergeson raised his baud to protect
himself and ran the shears into his left
eye. It penetrated through the lid and
eyeball, making a gaping wound of
about half an inch, through which the
contents of the eyeball protruded.
W. B. Cockburn, the promoter of
the Oxford Creamery Co., which was
incorporated a short time ago under
the Ontario Companys' Act, has sig-
nified his intention of making an as-
signment for the benefit of his credi-
tors. This probably means the col-
lapse of the industry which the prom-
ised funds of a large number of Ox-
ford farmers erected on the brow of
the hill overlooking the Beachville
Owing to the increase a bleak knob
among the plum and cherry trees of
Sentorth the Council has semi tit to try
and exterminate it. Mr. William Copp
has been appointed inspector, whose
duty it will be to enforce the lv and
ece that, all blade knot is tut out and.
burned. It is entreated that everyone
will at once destroy an knot fonnd up
on their trees. thereby giviug the in-
itv.eer 110too occasion to resort to the
At the Ingersoll pollee court on
Wednesday Peter Minter, ja. Was
charged with abusline and beating his
fe. Mrs. Minter's father, Richard
et, of Downie township, near 8t.
tiflAys, was present. Peter was peni-
tent and pleaded guilty, though be
said his wife had provoked him by her
her unruly Conduct. His Worship sene
tented the prieoter to jail at Wood-
stock for a term of Silt ffittlith8 hi de-
fault of ifiyirig it flee of $100 and
JE Wil IT le IS
Wi1LT' 11 IE R.gEt 1301tkPlvt Area), Re4i
Piro EVEN WthEri THE,ftE14.0:PELit. ramoc.
/nu E fir
re ye irkire
MODELS A ANL) B. -445.9.4 40/7/06/titaraf oel
A -A- I2AcEp..• • • • 75.92 CleiV4142:14e_s.a
MODELS 1-'4 CriA111155
David Vail, of Hesson, lost a Talus
able mare and colt, and Wm. Korman ;
a valuable cow last week.
Ie is said that a joint stock tompany,
'with S. D. Moore the heaviest share-
holder, is 'being formed, who will take
over the St. Marys Argus, with. pro-
bably T. H.Race as editor andbustriess
Must not be confounded with corn -
mon cathartic or purgative pills. Car-
ter's Little Liver Pills are entirely un
like them in every respect. One tria
will prove their superiority.
On Tuesday noon while Gertie
youngest child of john Skinner, Mit
chell, was running along the walk
near the mill race not watching where
she was going, fell into the water arad
as she was about to go down the last
time George Shipley, w•ho was near
by, jumped into the water and rescued
berjust in time to save her life.
Rev. -H. Graham, B. 4..„ of Toronto,
haS'hheh appointed to- fill -the Metho-
dist pulpit, -Kincardine, for the balance
of the conference year, owing to Mr.
Cumaingliaires death. He is a son of
W. H. Graham, St. Marys.
The stores and equipment of No. 4
Co., 28th Battalion, have been trans-
ferred from Capt. Hamilton to Lieut.
Money, the headquarters of the com-
pany now being in Miechell in accor-
dance with an order issued by the
Militia Department last year.
John Oorsant, aged 70, and his son
Henry, aged 28.1ot 14, con. 11, London
Township, esere given it terrible beat-
ing by four unknown men who visited
the place between 3 and 4 o'clock on
Saturday morning. The old bean was
awakened by it noise in front of his
house, and when he went Out to learn
the cause be was seized, dragged away
and violently kicked. Mr. Corsant's
son came to his father's assis-
tance and .was kicked almost into in-
sensibility. So far there is no clue to
the miscreants.
The Clinton News -Record thus
voices the opinions of residents in that
vicinity on the Dominion Government
estimates: "The Government brought
down its estimates or. Monday night,
but it furnishes no grain of Comfort
for Clinton, for while Goderith -is
given it grand total of 506,500, for
dredging $20,000, and for breakwater
extension $40,500, the Hub is given no-
thing whatsoever. Apparently we
are to get neither post office nor ar-
mory, about both of which we heard
so much when the present member
was appealing for support during the
late campaign. It is really too bad that
the interests of Olintotiare ignored in
this way.
The spring non-juty sittings of the
High Court of Justice for Perth county
were this year very. brief, court being
over by five o'cicek Tuesday afternoon.
After council had argued some hours
freethe case of Riordan v. Belbeck, an
ment was entered by consentin which
the lease it question was ca,neelledeoad
the plaintiff got immediate possession
of the farm. Each party is to pay Ins
own costs, and the. plaintiff Is to pay
defendant for the fall wheat and
spring ploughing. Theplaintiff, James
Rierdan, lives in St. Marys, and the
defendant who is James Belbeck, re-
sides in Blansiaard. The farm in ques-
tion is lob 30, con. 0, Bianshard, and
action Was brought to recover value
thereof, the plaintiff claiming that the
defendant had broken the terms of
agreement in imposing it chattel mort-
gage upon it.
- of
w; oh, • nd also a
cht•n nocs vb4•*tri for
sct ,w- c.ozen
1.3,w.13C: C:.-)t.E.AIE 1UT.
NS, a 1;8 cts. each.
srad you- addre,s
Ana ilr,c-aot the
te po,tpaldh
and tor Premium
Liet. snooty re -
gaited. Seil the But-
tons armee. yoot
friends, return the
aod we send
the watch, prepaid.
A gflauine American
waccb. guaranteed a
zeod si nepiece.
Mention this paper
when W4itirsz,•.
'rta, ".1l'els5t.',E,
!Ttoorite, Ont.
Tbe points fir Lae perft..:tbeditii,,s ae
established by tae Judges ef tes, es-
ent day may 1.3.F, noted, The rwse is
tilted upward and there sre menerous
wrinkles on top of the nose, between
the eyes and on the forehead The
lower jaw projeets slightly-i.e., la tin-
dershut. 'Tbe t %\ ,• sia.,..:3 and ills, nos -
0115 present an ext-Insive flat toot r1111 -
(angular sp.:_rface. 'Ili. awe,- L.A..... are
Iproperly even, hut lovers u.
turesque erten prefer unevenness. The
bead is large a.nd round, thus contd.-
btzting to the g.. neral ai,. o. solidity.
The ears are riain and neaziy 1,e1111 over
at the top. The enest is 1 ef ;. ueezia...1
'woad. The foreleg's ex,: short and
straight, not bowed, but th.-.3 fact ma
ithe shun/dere pUillt outwaid 1.1 ,...., Per-
fer:t dog con“rys it suggestion 3., how-
11.ggedness. The teet are 1 Liu -ad atit^ :IC
/011 proportioned eize. Th. 1,....3ris
short Lunt the shoulders to the, begin-
ning of the hindquart.rs, arid ratner
thin, or fine, a., that tlitru ts Ligatness
where there cannot be mach st....31..;.th.
'Phe hindquarters are large and strong,
the line of the back e.t.d haunches be -
11. bold curve. The hind l'eet are
r.und in shaps!. The tail is stralgot
and gracefully pointed, nod eyinuellAes
the direct and- incisive temp:aa‘nent of
,ts owner.
SEVERE SALT Retrilteet
"BurdOok Blood Bitters cured ins Of Salt
Rheum 3 years ago, and T havo had no return
a It sine°. I was so bad, with it could not,
sleep, it only took two bottles to effect It aura"
Mrs. Wolth, Greonank, Ont,
"1 suffered with pain in the back for ovor
yearand could not got, enrod. Throe 13ot11oa of
sagyerde Yellow ad removed the entire -
la' MarahatMiller, McGregor P. 0,, Ont.
Anyone sending a sketch tied,descriedou may
quieter emertein air otettiott *ate/lama+ 1111
hivitettereie prebablylworainge. Communise.
attictlYeattletintlar. Handbook On Patents
Sent tree. OldsittAttendY tonttednititt Patent&
Indents tar.it tistOtigh Minn .& Co. remits,
opedia, AOtiC8;Withont eliorge, laths
citotitic Jitotritati
A titilicUonIelyilidatrattid %Vbekly, ratidett_bir.
'ealittlen of arty` tolifluttfiti joarnitt.. TOMS, sa S.
YOrttl.fent infoltiatkidi SOld by allAltichaiSttlerri.
uNN & co Illitroadway, New yeti i
'staid, °filo,. hap, Wieleetiteten. '
"rn telt you the queerest story yot
ever liearcl," said L.:tiler Dickinson et
the department of fire the other day, ,
to a Cleveland .Leader reporter, "and
it is a true stem- a; teat. In 1861, tc
ward the end of the war, I was at Net
, actor at
the bend 3.1 11i. 1:1lt Oc.;,. regalftent.
The war waz hst, and, *1 °ours:, wn
were all intenso:y inter,:s.ed in the
very latest we etaild get about it
Newspapers were scarce. and when we
etrana-geork_to so: 1T 0T1Wn'
ed it as a. treasureen. day I was
sortuna.te enounb te get r.e.a at a. copy •
of the Philade:p1 ut Inquirer, which
contained a lot O. waf news. After
T' had read it I handed it around
among the boys, t.rd linally loaned it
to a man narn.1 iireyroMar. Yester-
day who should \ ;Atli into my Offte
but Breymeier, who le:turned the paPer
with tharen. De -was looking aver his
old papers' to get iofeemation to assist
• he widow a an old comrade in getting
it pension, ,and he an across the In-
quirer. What i , yee think of ,e con-
science of anum lam wonid return si
Paper a.fter all that time?'
Chtittiren Ory for
I "Hoffman's Headache POWders
• aro indispensable In my house. SIP
have given theni to my friebda •
and they all want to get them.
Send me a half-dozeu boxes." V
cook Aatutomy. Montour Fame N.Y.
F. L. LAntaolz,
win cure any kind of headaelie
In 30 rainutea without consitig
ally disagreeable after O1feet5.
Tioicto.yogrseisoopiLlianudeizhad3igelesi,e itt
.1 11.00.0041100.0
'Inn nnutirottlkolln, :Avg" al.'