HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-5-4, Page 5Ifloney To Loan at from iQ to W. Apply to &, GLADMAN, Barristers, Solleitons, Ste, Main St. Exeter Money to Loan. We have unlimited private) f unds for invest. Ment upon farm or village prOperty at lowest rotes 0i:interest. , DICKSON & OARL'ING, ' Exeter, H KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND • DR. A. R KINSMAN, L. S 0.0, S., Honor Gradriate uf Toronto 'University, Dentist. Coeth extracted without .pain or bad. after effects, Office in IPam Wm's block. West side ef Main street, Exeter. DR. ANDERSO‘N, (D ,D, 8 L $.) DB.,NTIST. Honor Oraduato of the Toronto Thriversity, and Royal College. of Dental Surgeons of Outario. All Bridge work, Crowns and Plato work done in the neatest possible 'manner. A. harmless anoasthetic for painless extraction. The strictest attention given to the preservat- ion of the natural teeth. Office, opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. • • . Farms for sale A few good farms for sale cheap_ •Money to loan. Apply to JOHN SPACKMAN F r Sale. Part of lot 8, Marlborough et., fiame cottage. one-iifth of an acre, good stsble l4x16, good well of WillOt. Terms cash, . Apply to Albert Box Dieter. Farms For Sale, " Bruce County,somo great bargains pply to Jamns MOK. STEWART, Drawer 16, Kincardine • Houz;e For Sale. R. S. Lang offers his residence in Exeter, for sale. The house is a commodious two Storey brick, with all conveniences. There are 8 lots. Good orchard and well arranged shade tro s. Apply to A. McPherson, Exeter who has the key. • A. HOOPER,Licensed Auc- tioneer for tho County of Huron. Sales con- ducted in all parts, and for convenience can be arranged for at this office. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Charges moderate.. Exeter P. 0. Notice. Notico is hereby given that tho partnership heretofore subsisting between Henry Cook and Reinhart Cook, and known as "Cook Bros." .carrying on business as flour millers at the vil- lage of Hensall has been disolved by mutual consent, Henry Cook who has always man aged the Hensall mill will contimmthe business Al partnership with Henry Rundle. The busi- ness will be further extended and will be car. xied on at the old stand under the name style .and firm of Cook & Rundle. Dated 1st day of March 1899. Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween J. G. Jones and P. T. Halls, and known as Jones& Halls.carrying on buiiness as gener- almerehants. and produce dealors,in thovillages Winchclsea. and Exeter, has boon dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts and notes overdub, must be settled by May first, if not will be put into other hands for collection; and all accounts against saidfirmxnust be presented '•• by this date, -Bated-April llth. 1899. • Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween James A. 1VIiirray and Alexander M. Tait; and known as Murray ez Tait, carrying on business as founders and machinists. in the vil- • lage of Exeter, has been dissolved. by mutuaia consent., Alex. M. Tait, carrying, on the mould- ing department, and Jarcos A. Murray, the Machinery department: All accounts must bo zettled at once. " MURRAY &TAIT. Dated, Mardi 1st. 1899. 'CALL AT THE FAMILY t Fon first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, ' BOLOGNA. and SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS. A fine selection of BEEF• , LAMB, FRESH PORK, and all kinds of • Pressl-a earia:1 a0ted Metes. on hand. Note the address, (me door north of 'The R. Pickard Co's store. LUIS BAY PROP. W. H. Davis, of 'Mitchell, and G. W. Dawson, of the Stratford Herald, have purchased the Owen Sound Sun, a eemi-weekly journal. • Fort internal or external use Hag - yard's Yellow Oil cannot be excelled as A pain relieving and :soothing remedy .for all pain. Mr. and Mrs. Go. Logan, of Bruce - Meld, with theirlittle-, boy, left on Wed- mesday morning for the \vest. LIVER TROUBLES, biliOnS 1059, sallow Jcomplexion, yellow eyes, jaudice, etc., yield to the curative powers of Litxa- Liver Pills, They ;ire sure to care. otosonessibeekeeibees 9 "Hoffniat's Headache Powders are indispensable in my house. u 1 heAre given theta to my friendS and they all want to get thein. 46 Send rn e a balf-dozon boxet4." W F. L. LAmsoN, a Cook Aosdomy. Montour Falls, N. Y. tIOffMANS Vkicho Powders Will CUD) allY kind a beadathe In 00 minutes without Cattail:1g any diattgreeahle after •oft0Cts. They are sold bY all druggists in 100, envelopes and o, boxes. THE PrOPPMAII nnucl 00,, litidgebuiVrA Ont. 01,,40466 THE IVIARKETS, Decline of a Coat a 3lisixel on, Chicago Wheat On tions-Ikv.er'pool Also Pc el III es --The Pric Liverpool, May 3.--Whent futures yes- terday closed %A in %cl por contell below Monclay's final figures. Chicago, May 8. --Wheat futures de - dined a cont. a bushel yesterday and olosed near the low figures for ' tho day. The downward tendency was on general selling by St. Louis, foreigners and com- mission houses. LEADING. WHEAT HARICETS. Following wore the closing prices at important centres yeeterdity: Cash. May. Inly. Sept. Chicago.. . , - 87134 $ 7034 $ 7234 New York... - 7734 77 7634 Milwaukee „, 73 - - - St, Louis . 76 •7734 7234 Toledo 7434 7434 7434 Detroit „ 7434 7434 75 Duluth, No. 1 Northern. , . 7134 '7134 Duluth„ No. 1 harcl. . „. - 74% - Minneapolis. -- 6934 7134 6934 Toronto, red, 7034 - Toronto, No. 1 hard (new) 80 - TORONTO ST. LAWRENCE ittAnxiET. GuAm.' Wheat, white, bu. .....$0 7134to$ - Wheat, rod, bu 7134 Wheat, Fife, spring, bu67 • 69 Wheat, goosa, bu65% Barley, bo 43 Peas, bu • 6234 • 631.1 Oats, km_ .. . ... 88% •3J34 Rye, lm 50 13uckwheat. bre., •55 •. SEEDS. Red 'Clover, bu 83 00 to'83 '50 White clover, mod. bu , 5 00 •- 8 00 Alsike, choice to fancy. 3 80 4 20 Alsike, good, No. 3 50 • 3 60 Alsike, good, No, 3.. ,3 00 3 40 Timothy, bu ...... 1 20 1 35 • Beans, white, lye,. 80 90 RAY AND STRAW. Hay, timothy, per ton. 811 00 to $13 00 Hay, clover, por ton__ 7 00 9 00 • Straw, sheaf, per ten6 00 7 50 Straw, loose, .per ton_ 4 00 5 00 DAIRY PRODUCTS. Buttor, lb. rolls. .. : . .$0 14 to $ 13 Butter, large rolls .13 14 Eggs, new laid.. , 11 13 POULT1tY. Chickens, per pair. .. $0 60 to $1 00 Turkeys, per lb12 15 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Apples, per brl • $2 50 to $4 00 Potatoes, per bag. • 80 90 TORONTO LIVE GTOCIC. • Toronto, May 8. -Tho run of live stook was an average ono for this season, 64 carloads, ' composed of 1.017 cattle, 35 sheep -and yearling lambs, 110 calves and 1,400 hogs. The quality of fat cattle was generally good; the • bulk .of these Were exporters. Trade, was clull, with prices lower for shipping cattle, while those for butchers' cattle remained about the same. Total receipts of live stock for last week -1,843 cattle, 314 sheep, 3,807 hogs. Export cattle, choice$4 75 to 86 00 Export cattle, light 4 40 4 •60 Butchers' cattle,plcd. lots 4 50 . 4 60 Butchers', good 4 3734 4 60 Butchers'. medium_ 4 20 4 30 Butchers, common 3 65 3 85 Butchers', inferior_ 3 30 3 50 Milch cows, each 25 00 49 00 Bulls. medium export3 40 • 3 65. Bulls,hvy oxpt,gocal qlty 3 85 4 25 Lds gd but. and ex.. inxd 4 45. 4 60 Stockers and med. to gd 3 50 4 25 Feeders, heavy • 4 25 4 40 Calves, each 2 00 7 00 Sheep, per cwt.. 3 504 00 Spring lambs, each 8 00 5 00 Hogs, 160 to• 200 lbs4 3734 • 4 50 Hogs, light fats. .... 1 1234 Hogs, .heavy fats, . 00 Hogs, sows . 3 00 LIVER vpoL MARTIETS. Liverpool, May 3. -Prices yesterday closed at these figures: Spot:wheat steady at 6s 3d for No. 1 Nor. Futures quiet; red winter. 5s 834d. for May, 5s 134c1 for July and 55 734cl for September. Maize, 3s 5d for now spot; futures, 3s 4%d for May, 3s 534d for July and 3s 5g.d for September. Flour, 17s 9d. . CHEESE PIAlts.,,ETS.• Belleville, Ont., May 3. --.Belleville cheese board organized for the season yesterday, Dr, Simmons was elected president,' and D. J. Fairfielcl secretary - treasurer; 740 boxes offered, sold 180 at 934, go at 9 7-16. ARCHBISHOP O'CONNOR. His 'Grams Was Welcomed at Toronto - Tho InstaliAtion Program. Toronto, IVIay 3. -Archbishop O'Con- nor was welcomed at tho Union Station at noon yesterday on his arrival from London, in readiness for his installation, which takes place this morning in Si. Michael's Cathedral.• • Loyal Greetings. Very Rev. Fathers Marion McCann and Harris advanced and greeted the Arch- bishop as he stopped from the train. Each knelt and kissed his ring -the insignia of ituthority-and 5hooli.- hands cordially. These throe dignitaries ofticially repre- sented tho clergy.' Mr. 3. 3. Foy, Q.C., M.P. P., and Mr. Eugone O'Keefe greeted His GraCes as representing the laity of Toronto, The Installation. At this Morning's ceremony ticket. holders will bo admitted to tho Cathedral between 9 and 10 o'clock. At tho latter hour the doors will be thrown open to the public. Tho installation service com- mences at 10.30, following which will be the presentation of addresses to the Ardh; bishop, On behalf of the clergy and laity. Ex-Arel. Dian Did Not Plead. Toronto, May 3.-Wi11iain Middleton Hall, the ex -alderman who '‘Vati arrested by Detective Cuddy on Monday, was arraigned before :Magistrate Denison yea- terclay, There were two charges of accept- ing and soliciting bribes to use his influ- ence In connection with the • intrOdnOtion Of the trolley system, and ono charge of perjury. Only the first charge was read and Hall asked for a remand en all charges without pleading or °looting. The accused was remanded till next Tuesday. Hall's bail was renewed., • • No Pare Unless seated. New York, May 8.-Acoording to de6llat011 ptibIished horo, 811 ordinaneo that I11petss and be signed by the mayor Was introclueod in council at Chl tagto last night providing that no one, shall pay fare in a ptiblie colivoyanee unless Ile shall have a Seat Ti EIX4r,1?EB epiderniC of MeningltiS, Dr.Bryce, of the Provincial Board of I-Iealth, is anthority for tbe statexnent that an epidemic, the malignity of wbich is dree,dful,may sweep over this continent, or a,t. least a portion of it. It is cerebrospinal nueuingitie, a, dis- ease ofi which comparatively little is known by those who bave not studied medicine, The disease seems to be an •affection of the spine, wbieh communi- cates with brain. The victim becomes unconscious shortly after being strick- en with the disease, and death results almost in every case in forty-eight hours. The patient never recovers consciousness. Archdeacon BoadY,s son died of this mysterious disease a few months ago, Dr, Clemens, a well- known physician, of Berlin,Ont.,a hig, healthy, strong man, came home one afteraioon, said he was tired out, and would lie down, Almost immediately he became unconscious. He died with- out recovering consciousness in a few hours. The doctors said he died of meningitis. • One case was recently reported from Peterboro' and two from Guelpb. In some of the states in the Union it is also very prevalent. The physicians are very much in the clark as to the nature of the disease. They have dis- covered the germ, and are not yet certain that the disease may not lit. cornmmiicated. A new treatment by an operation on the head has recent- ] Y been reported from England, by 44,Example is Better It es not what we S4,1) but Than Precept, whit Hood's Sarsapariga does, that tells the story. Thousands of testimonials are examples of what Hood's has done for others, and what it wal do for you. DfaitrirgeOPPeS1111sa-"Iw , DYspe passw i a aenadk nadni gde s'thi oad n In severe form., troubled me. Five bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla made me well and strong." Mils. Witttax Vaxwaxmmunez, Whitby, Ont. A Good IViedicine - "We have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla in our family as a spring mediCine and used Hood's Pills for biliousness and found both medicines very /effective. For impure blood we know Hood,'s Sarsaparilla is a good medicine." R. S. PAyroti, publisher Bee, AtwOod, Ont. Hood's Pills our liver ills; the non -irritating And only cathartio to take with H004.'8 Sarsaparilla, MARKET REPORTS. which the matter which accumulates Exeter. April 26th 1891 i; taken away, and the pressure upon wheat per buebei Oats-- . thi• ••• n is relieved. Cerebro -spinal meningitis was epidemic once before in 1873 and 1874. • In 1873 the deaths from it in Ontario numbered 821, and 111187003. • It is not ireprobable, says Dr. Bryce, that the disease is induced by atmospheric conditions. Dr,. Bryce is afraid that Ontario will not escape tbe dread visitant. 43:14 THE SPRING MONTHS Are most likely to find your blood impure and lacking in the red cor- puscles which enable it to carry nourishment to the nerves and other organs. Therefore you feel weak,tired and listless and troubled with spring humors. Relief . is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla which putlifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood. , Hood's Pills Curti biliousness. Mail- ed Inc 25 cents by C. 'I. Hood's & Co., Lowel, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoneman, late of Kirkton, left on Wednesday for California, where they will make their future borne. ',Mr. Nicholas H. Stout, son of Rev. Wm. Stout, Kirktomentered on cluties in the Bank of Commerce, Sarnia, to which be had been appointed on Mon- day last. , FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REUEDT.-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothersfor their children while teething. with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhceo,. 11 18 pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. SMOKE T.&B urge Navu SEE T & '13 In Cilt on each Plug A Dian is always in the SWIM If he wears one of W. , JOHN'S neatly fitting SUT Ile:is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. - His goods are the best. Call and examine his goods before buying your --alsom.--„FALL SUIT •W 4/404 -INS . 9 The Tedlor. The Cental DiUg totce' 0006410 • Litiitz's4 POULTRY POWDER I am usitig Lutz's Poultry Powder, and have no hesitation in stating that it is an excellent powder for poultry. It certainly increases the egg supply and promotes the Vigor and health of the 'poultry, I would strongly recom- mend poultry raisers to give it 8 trial. • VV. H. TROTT. I am using English Stoat Food, manufactured by C, Lutz, and find that it irnproves the condition Of Milch cows and ncreases the fiolig of milk. I woilid, irecommend steelt raisess to give it a trial, • W, H. DEARING. Wilmsielb* Butter.. . Eggs Turkeys ... Geese.. • Chickens per lb Ducks., .... Dried Apples,. Pork dressed . • 451to Efay per ton . 0 o 50.00 Pork live weight.-- ,Clover seed ..$3.7o co $4.00 clover $4.00 to $4,50 Timothy seed $1.70 to $2.23 .b7 to 61 ....29 to 30 „ ...35 to 40 -00 to 65 ..... -.12 to 12 ...... 10 to 10 9 to 0 to 8 5 to 5 7807 17 to 18 4.45 5to tU08 London, April 26th, 1896 ' Wheat per bushe ,.. .... ....69 to 70 Oats.... ...... ....27 to 28A ......55 to ob 'Barley. 43 to 50 Buckwheat .. . ....45 to 48 Rye • • - -. ... - 39 to 39 • Corn • 44 to 45 Beans 65 to 70 Butter 14 to 14 Eggs .....• 15 to 16 Ducks .60 to 70 Turkeys per lb.- 10 to 12 Geese per in. .. 9 to 30 Chickens 50 to 75 Choose • E to 10 Potatoes per bag . . .80 tol 00 Ray per ton ...... ...... . ..$ 6.00to $ 7'50 Pork per cwt.. .. 81.50 to $5.00 Notice Re Buck Lambs. The attention of fanners is called to the. following notice re buck lambs, which is given by four of the leading Dressed Meat firms in the United States, and which will govern the price of Canadian lambs in the Buffalo mar- ket. Farmers can save this reduction by cutting their bucks at the proper time: We, the undersigned, hereby give due notice, that for the coining season we will not buy Buck Lambs unless at valuation of at least $1.00 per hundred less than Ewes and Wethers, and all mixed loads which have not hereto- fore been discriminated against, will hereafter be bought by us witb the understanding that the Bucks shall be thrown out at a price not less than $1.00 per hund red lower, or on the same basis as has hitherto governed our pursbases of -Sheep. And this rule shall govern all our purchases of Can- ada Lambs for the season of 1800. NEW ENGLAND Dressed Meat & Wool Co. MESSRS. ZIMMER BROS., MESSRS. CANNON & SWEENEY, MR. CH.A.S. CANNON. . Wonivrs caunkb. t exist either in child- ren or adults when Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is used. 25c. All dealers. Ellin Logs & Bolts Highest Cs11 prices paid by the SUTHERLAND INNES CO.9 LIMITED For Elm Loge, cut 11, 13i, 10 and 18 feet long. Also Basswood Heading 'Bolts 21 and 42 inches long. CUSTOM SAWING DONE Apply at Gould's Saw Mill, Exeter. GUS. WAGNER, Foreman for the utherland Innes Co. CHILDREN'S COUGHS •QUICKLY CURED. Hard to keep the children from catch- ing cold -will run out of doors not properly wrapped -get wet feet -kick the bed clothes off at night. What's mother going to do about it 7 Mustn't neglect the children's Coughs and Colds-raight end in Croup -and Croup end fatally or weaken the lungs for life. Most mothers now give their children D. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It' g nice to take, and cures all kinds of Coughs and Colas more quickly and effeetaally than any remedy knoWn, Mrs, 11,P. Leonard, Parry Sound, Ont., Weritest "1 11,ave used. Dr. Wood's Norway Pito Syr* for Murals and Colds of myself and also of roy bobs+. I find it always cures a Cold quicker than any other Cangli mixture I ever tried." 'Price 26c. LAXAka sCitlekreheoetinaSatolphaotittonild, bai; i8opuc7 sl! Every pill gaaratteed ' LIVER and to net without any grip- ingn, weakening or PILLS sieltennag 0 LUTZ irm effects. t5e, at all druggista, 040.000.40.E.We • The man who buys Shorey's Ready Tailored Clothing looks and, feels independent. His apparel is • just as stylish as though lie had paid high price to a swell tailor. His appearance is a recommendation if he is seeking employmentThe simple fact that he is wear- ing Shorey's Clothing is proof of his well-balanced judgement. And the guarantee card he finds in the pocket of each garrueut. nakes him independent of all risk. The clothes mnst satisfy him or be can have his money back. Mrs. H. D. Drury, of Hibbert went to Douglas, Man., on Tuesday. Peter Patrick and family of Mitchell have moved to Stratford, • EDW E fIT The undersigned has opened up a new meat market one door South of Garling's Store. where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on band. A CALL SOLICITED • JOHN T flANNING Mornings preferred:for:testing at There is Such a Thin As wearing ,glasses 1;vi you should not, and not w ar- ing them when you should. It is a:mistake to do either. ,We only prescribe • glasses when they will be of use' to the wearer. A large proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are due to the use of unsuitable.or improperly fitted glasses. In consulting our Optician'you incur no expense and run no risk. • SCHOOL OPENING') ° 411111110...-.-• A full line, fresh and bright of SCHOOL BOOKS and every School re- quisite at BROWNING 9S Where the Scholars are always used well z I • NA Witrr" T U FITT 5 Jewellery store. Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and Charm by selling twenty Topaz Scarf Thies, at 15 cents each. Send your address and we forwardthe Pins and our Premium List, postpaid. No money, required. • These Pins will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of the best diamonds, and has never before been offered at anything like this price. Te Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly yell made, and fully guaranteed. Unsold Pins may be returned. Mention this paper when writing. THE GEM PIN CO., Freehold Building, Toronto, Ont. MNIWAMMIMPA They Reach Genuine Padlock and Key • The Kidneys, ---- Mr. Conrad Beyer's opinion -01"- DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. No one can be healthy with the kidneys In a diseased or disordered state. The poisonous Uric Acid which it is their duty to filter out of the blood, is carried into the system and produces Rheuma- tism, Headaches, Backaches and hun- dreds of ills and. ailments. Any one who has the slightest suspicion that the kidneys are not acting right should take Doan's Kidney Pills. They are the most effective kidney remedy known. Mr. Conrad Beyer, at E. K. Snyder's Shoe Store, Berlin, Ont., bears this out when he says: 'Anyone suffering with kidney troubles cannot do better than take Doan's Rid- ney Pills, for they cured my wife who has been afflicted with pain in the back and other kidney troubles for a long time. They have helped a great many of my acquaintances in this town, and I must say they are the medicine that reach the kidneys with the best effects." Wint r Goods We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stock of $17.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up the best suit for 81.0.00 that can be bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL. .1 H. Crieve leS* FFIEET I Bracelet A Solid Gold Shell Ring or Curb Chain TION'T send money. Just your name LP and address on a POST CARO, and we will send you 20 packages of 5, -`*-7.-4.1'111'14.-‘ AROMATIC CACHOUS, a delicious con. fors, if you can at 5 cents will per package. When send fection to perfume the breath, to sell us our money, ta:oo, and we send you FREE your choice of the beautiful prizes illustrated. Goods ra_tm•a• able if not sold. Mention this paper. 169 TISDALL SUPPLY CO. SNOWDON CHAMBERS 5 TORONTO. Our. BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY.AND FARMERS ---ww83511eST 411012zrea.-- 1 You will find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agrico FA R M 1 tural Implements i BRING BIN D DER S, 1VIOWERS,R0LLS Fine T Hering You require a BLACK suit very often attlus time of the year. We are prepared i to fit you out in the finest style. Best quality Coq:ids closest prices. Wedding Suits a Specialty A J. SNELL CilliTHANI LADY Tells How Her Health Came Back. There are too many women who silfrol dreadful backaches, pain inthe side and headaches, who are weak, nerv- ous and run down, whose life, energy and animation scam gone. Here's a lady who was cured, by MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. Mrs.MaryBordeaulKing St., Chatham, Ont., says: "Per some months 7 have been ardicted with nervousness and general debility. Going upstairs would produce a great shortness of breath and a tired, exhausted feeling, had palpitation and fluttering of tho heart, and for mOnths have not been well or strong e Until 1 took Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, I almost despaired of a cure. 1 have only taken one full box, and now feel splendith tervee are strong, all the heart troubles are completely removed, the shortness of breath has vanished, and the eonStant tirea out, alt gone feeling is a thing of the past. • It as needlesto say that I esteem thiti rentedy the best in the world for heart and nerve trotibles." Milburn.18 Heart aita Nerve Pills aro 1506. a ha or 8 for 41025, et all druggists. AND BALL BEARING - STEEL SULKY PS Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disc and Diamond EarroWe Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACH NES.; ETC The celebrated Kroll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVES.-4Prft-' . Gurney stoves and fura.nces„ waggons uggies • Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. BILL, Buy The Best and-vne--- • Ignore The Rest. • In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our IBed Room Setts, TableS , Chairs, Etc., L 10et Something Nice -44* - IWe have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE and you will find what you are looking for. • CIDLEY & SON, PTIRNITUAti AND IINDEUTAICTM$4, •'Opera House tiluelt. 4 a