Exeter Times, 1899-4-27, Page 7T .1, EXETER TIMES Vs SkiniMary. •",Y. 1,v4.Recen Ilappeatings Brz'qfly CANADA. Kingston's tax eel() is 18 1-2 mills, :Mee t real pet itlai are beginning a creseide gamiging dons- eseelmen are antieipating good freight rates on the; lakee thia season. Arietter Party at. about 1;100 Donk- h000rs are canneted to reach Mont- real. in, May. line eaid diet fal per tient, of wee - tern Ontaino etetch treee have been killed by the, froete Mining lieenses fax the new gold fiat& will be Issued by the Cauadiaa customs officer at AWL?. Chief vf Puttee Ilundws ,of 1Vicatre`41 has reeoneidered Ins resignation and will eiety la office. The Deem:onto Snaeller Company has _received an export order fee England of ten ears of charcoal iron. ' , There Luc about Seven iiailliou del- lare worth of 0,000 bills in circula- tion, chiefly among banks. ib Liverpool, Dead,on and. Globe will pure up a large Unice building on Place d'Arinee Square, Montreal. .„ "'The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. has declared a half -yearly divi- dend of. 3 per cent., payable May 2. :Kingston wilt invite Lt. -Col. Roose- velt; tfovernor of .New York State, to spend the Queen's Birthday in that eity, 'elle Manitoba Legielaturei has ad- , Junn nen- until <lune lb, after it debate teem the ad.ministration of the school system. .Extensive add.itione are being made to the rolling etook of the Grand „Trunk, Canada Atlantic 'and Intercsd- oniat Railways. ',Henceforward the 'navigation of the Britten ,portions of the i ukon will be reeerved for British vessels with litut- isha Kingston City Council has increased the salaries or the City Clerk, 'areas- tarer and Assistant Treasurer by tele() each per annum. The diaieulties between tne meant- o.etie"Police arid the Aineivean customs authorities on the \Viiite Pass trail have been amicably arranged. It is expected that the ganu.dian Pa- cific will:issue a new time curd about May 15, by which the running time acroes the enntinent will be greatly reduced. • 7 It is announced that the, main line of the /Northern Pacific in Matuitoba is to be a:Stunned nuethwestenty telltale, • with spur linesto Rapid City anu Brandon. `Wiliaipag is asking the Dominion Closet arneft fax better equipment at the East Selkirk inini:gration building foe what is undeistood to be a ,chetse gee rantine, Ilte Postmaster' General has decided to grant increases of salaries, not to the well-peid officials, but to those letter cartiere anti others A -he are in receipt of small pay. The Minister ce: ..blelitta has decided to make a change in his proposed re- -scale of the regulars at Ditweon, and -Port Selkirk., and will leave 1110 oi 'them at, the gold fields. Ohe con eraet toe carrying the Lorain - ion mail nits been awarded to the_Al- lan and Dominion Lines up to July 1. • After that -date IL is eapccced arrauge- ments wilt be made Lee a _teeter, air - At a meeting of the geneeal council of the bar of Quebec. it was decided to celebrate tbe fiftieth anniversary 01 the regular organisation of the bar by a conventien in Montreal on .Stipt. 26, 27 arid 28. A considerable part of Ontario, es- pecially the cities and towns of. the West, are verging tepee u wood fam- ine, and dealers' in wood all over the province are easting aboui for supplies of dry haedwood, but in vain. Meyer Teetzel of Hamilton has re- ceived a letter from the Deputy Min- ister of Maxine, iniorirting him that, the department has decided to have a range light put up on the west end , of the 13eate, piers, as requested by the, Romilton deputation. The- Kingston City Council will ask. the municipalities throughout Ontario to petition She Assembly to repeal the act creating commissioners of the extort of Revision. It coets Kingston 5300 for this service, and the work is not arty better done- than formerly, Dr Smith, inepector of leprosy, in his report to the Government, says there age now 21-lopere in the Tracadie, N. Be lazaretto, repee.senting all stages of the disease. He says that vaccination for small -pox is a fre- quent cause of propagation of the dis- ease. • A predie.tion, Made at Winnipeg by a gentlemen who claims to know the -situation, says that this year will see 75,000 settler's go into :Manitoba and Hie Territories,and that within the next six yearesthere will be a million irthebitarde between Lake Superior and the' Rock' Mountains. 'Ile late Hirein lc, Inglf hart, of Haan - Won, left an estate of 510,158, of which 52,3)00 goes to the Centenary church, $2,000 to the Y.IVI.C.A., 53,000 to the Blieeionary Society of the Methodist _church, $1,500 to Victoria -University, end 151,00) to the Smeranrinated Min- taters Enact Of the MetJaodiet church. GREAT BRITAIN. It is reported in London that ligitel Rosebery will-resentem political life. Sir Monier Bodeen profeeser 01 Sans - keit at Oxford Univereity, is dead at London. A Isolation eyndicate is reported to be after wireless telegraphy rights across the ocean. Kensington Palace will be opened by the Quito on her eightieth birthday as a gift to the nation. Ole Duke of Devonshiee at a meeting ott Saturday hinted that he may soon retire from notified Jitit., S. S. Gladstone has been appointed Governor and ...A.ugustus Provost De- puty Governor of the .riabk of _Eng- land. 0 It.. Eirt, the defaulting manager of the Mailwall noels Cerepany,I,onclon, ban f.merri committed for trial, bail be- ing allowee at 560,000, Mr. Herbert Gladstone, son of the late Right Eon. W. Gladetorie, has been appointed Chief Whip of the /Jib - oral Oppoeition, in succession to the La te Mr, T. E. Ellis. ib Albatioes, a eew type of tor- pedo-boat deseroyer, just butIL at the yenta a Thornnycroft & Company at CJ•wik 1ia3 attaleed a epeed a 33 knots on her tria,1 trip. M:ttry Ausell ie. eliaeged at Londen with the niqrrier X tier insaue sister, Caroline Aileen.. Poison was eent to her in a cake, her life having been previously insured by the accused, Agt important engineering firm a Sleet:field hae just placed, a large orde for heavy machinery in, the Unite States, the 13ritieh makers being uu able to promise suffieiently quick de livery, Argentine export. klarvescing has be-. gun. r -rhe UniverettY of lfoinsk, Western Si/aerie, has deeided to send three of iM profeesons to search for tlie re- nuioatline of the Ati.dree balloon expedi- The British steamer Kingswell 7'c" wtb flc.aer L8C4Ja.stek'gooLitisat ehrniT.Mianfieeclitlilidthecel Mitd- terraneam, einking her, with the toes of 45 lives. It is the opiaiort of arnaY men in IVIanila that it will regnire the Pres - °nee of 50,000 American troopto ee- ollnY the territory taken arid to lsceP open communieation. The Gerraens are anticipating a pio- thitioi by the United States of the • tiemortatiou of German -made toys, on Id the ground that the paint with NYhicil thoy are decorated is poieonotes. - 4. conapiete overhauling of all the Ituseiten arseaale and supply depots has been ordered• the S. Petersburg authorities being iglierant of the ac- tual amount of the, reserve stifisdy. Licute-Col. G. F. Browne, military attache or the British Legation at Pekin, was arrested for refasing to remove his hat while a religious Pro- cession was passing, lie was after- wards released, The complete returns of Lb.:: rids County Council elections are now to hand, and show an overwhelming vice tory fax Nationeliem, the Nationalists having elected 544 candidates, as tigainet 119 'Unionists. • The report of the decision of the Canadian Government to contributeto the cost of, the Pacific cable has been very well received in London. Ina- Perielists are now impatiently await- ing action by tee Horne Government. Engla,na'e delegates to the disar- mament conferenee will be Sir Julian Pauneefote and Henry Howard, Min- ister at The Hague, with Vice -Ad- miral Sir John Fieher and Major-Gen- eral Sir John .Ardagh as naval and military experts. At a meeting in London on Tues- day in celebration of the Church Mis- sionary Soeiety's centenary, the Right Bev. Goo. Rodney Eden, D.D., Bishop of Wakefield, created a sensation by attacking the Sunday newspapers rs- sued fax the first time here an Sun- day last. The Eouse of Commons on Wednes- day by a vote af 167 to 69 rejected the bill introdueed by -William ant i-Parnellite, providing far the com- pulsory re -instatement of Irish Len - ante evicted since 1879. Mr. Gerald Balfour, chief secretary fax Ireland, described the bi."1:1 es being "bad in principle and mischievous in prac- tiee." TJNITED STATES. Prairie fires are raging in Nebraska. Mr. Bellamy Storrer has been ap- pointed United States Minister to Spain. . North Dakota courts are,- said to be granting divorces at the rate of about three per day. The Great Northern and the North- ern Pacific Hallways have been badly damageci by floods. It is said at Niagara Palls that the Gorge Road may be abandoned this summer, owing to the landslides. -Wedliesdae- morning Tames Doyle, a detective, ehot and 'killed Martin Corey, and slightly wounded August 'Miller, in it Brooklyn bar -room. Daniel Kelly, cie Hilt County, Geor- gia, has just married his third wife in ten ?months, the first two dying a few weeks after the weddings. Directorseef the Maurice G-rau Opera Company at New York have ratified the dividend of 35 per cent. The com- pany's profits for the year were $100,- 000, on ,La capital of $125,000. Arrange mantis have just beeu com- pleted fax tbe consolidation of all the hoop iron and cotton tie interests in the United.States. The capital of the new company will be 533,C00,0.30, Claude A. Thompson, an Englishman, gave himself up to the police authori- ties at New Yotk, last night, charging hinntelf with the embezzlement- of 52,- 500 from a ecaripa,ny ea London, He had. spent the money. A leading and wealthy Baptist chuech in Louisville, Ky., has adopt- ed resolutions practically dismissing from the congregation all members who have any connection whatever with the manufacture or sate of in- toxicating liquors. An order has been prepared at the War Department for a re -organization of the army on a peace basis. Most of the general officers of the yelun- tear establishment will be mustered out and radical changes will be made in the staff departments. At Birmingham, Ale., James Liggars, essayed.- to play ghost to frighten a superstitious friend, 13. H. Bell. Bell came to the window, pistol in hand, and when he beheld the white figure be let his pistol drop, and it s(ruck on tee window sill and exploded. The bullet event through Liggers' long, itt- fiietilng wound from which he died. Governor Roosevelt of lefeiev York lies siguen the bill prohibiting eix-day bi- cyole and oi.her races in that state. The provisions of the bill are: "In a bicycle rates. or other c•ontest. of skill, epeed or encluranue, wherein one or agme persons shall be a contestant, or contestants, it shall be unlawful for any contestant. to eontinue in snob race or contest for a longer lime than 12 boars during any 24 hours," GENERAL. An exodus of Finns to America begin ning. The King and Quegin of Italy are visit' ng- Sardinia, The plegm is reported to be spread- ing througliout.A.sia. A Pails physioian is said to have discovered a cure for cancer. TIen. James Service, ex -Premier of Victoria, is dead at Melbourne. Extensive depoeits of valuable mar- ble have been found in Gorman South- west Africa. Monument:A to the late philanthrop- ist, Baron Illarseh, will be erected at Durlapeet and Lemberg. A Paris story says that a centen- arian there has committed suicide, fearing he evould never die. Vienna •coueLe are trying Mitha.el Szoery, a former millionaire and lead- ing financier in Budapest, for bur- gle ey, The Argeetine Republic laet year imported 4,500 bieycles, of which 2,500 were a Amoridao and 590 of Dritieh nufa °Lure. ,T11 tee', fishing smacks were Wrecked and tiepin y -one members of their crews' lo.t. their lives during the re-. cent ga(0 off the French eoest. 1( 6. estimated that 1,500,006 torts of wheat will, be available for the next PONTON TRIAL FOR TORONTO. Tee ne.ortlis or slits cease Celebrc V a Ilteen Removed r,cona NalianCer• A. despatch from Torouto says :-Mr. Justice Robertson Winded. out his judg- Went on Saturdey morning changing the venue of the Penton trial from Napanee to Toronto. In his written judgment his Lord- ship practically recites the remarks he made on the bench when the ,motion was being heard. He says that not- withstanding the affidavits for the de- fence he cannot divest himself of the opinion , that the people who were gathered in the street on that cold December night were not there tor any harmless or inoffensive purpose. 14 fact the Sheriff acted wisely in reading the Riot Aet, for- there was no knowing what might happen. The judgment goes on to slate that no suet" case has ever been adjudi- cated upon before, and that, therefere, precedents do not count- It Was 110t; a question cif an impartial jury only, for be thought a gooci jury could be ob- tained, but the main thing was to expediate the ends of justice. His Lordship consulted with eight of his brother judges and found all but eine itt favor of changing the venue to Toronto. Counsel fax the Crown and fur the accused were both opposed to Toronto as the place of teial. In order- ing a change of venue his Lordship recommends the Crown to pay the expenses of the Penton witnesses. 'he Assizes in Toronto open May 15 and continue until May. 29. The judges on the rota are Robertson, Street, Faleanbridge. It is likely that the case will be heard by -Hr. ifustice Street. _ • SMALLPDX IN CLEVELAND. eeiitterott cases Itepoisein Prank itlYerY Fart or the My. A despatch from Cleveland says : - Smallpox. has incraaaed in this city to such an extent that. the Health De- partment offieiale confess themselves unable. to cope with it under the pres- ent conditions. Three of the Public schools have been closed, and Health Officer Leick has asked the City Coun- cil to immediately place 515,003 at ,Jais, disposal, in addition to tho regular de, pertinent funds. Up to three o'clock thiS afternoon 11 new eases of the dis- ease had been reported to the depart - anent. Seven cases were reported af- ter that hour. They are widely scat- tered, every part of the city being re- prezented. •' Tho pest -house long ago proved ut- terly inadequate to held patients as -e signed to it, and a large annex is being constructed.. An idea of the extent of the, disease can be gathe•red from the fact that, although to-day's'record for new cases is the largest thus far, every day for naorethan two menthe has seen from two to nine new cases reported. " SETTLERS FOR CANADA. ti ran La '4)ola re es D'S':3E1 'Haag/anal and (POURS From alrprats, A despatch from Moutreal, says: -The immigration season is starting in well, and several large ,parties of immi- grants are ori their, way to Canada. The Dominion line stearusslaip Domin- ion', on her' first visit to this port, will bring otit upwards of 200 immigrants eerier the auspices or the English. ern- igration societies., Or (hie number 1.50 are tarin labourers, The Se1C-Trelp Society also has a number of pas- sengers on board under the immediate eharge of Itev, Mr. Il,food. The Elder -Dempster Co. Beaver line si.etunehip Lake Superior sailed from nernaea, 'stand. or Cyprus, (o -day with about 1,00(1 Donk-hoboes, and is due at Quebec, about May 7. LEFT $100,000,000, 11. ran MSS IR I rs cla's ,.r.sca I e, ga el 111,1 ins at of iter Loin lesband, • Savoria to in Vicativi as. Alaove: A despatch from Vienna says :-The estate of the late _Baroness I-Iirech, in - eluding that of he.r husband, the. late Baron, has been. sworn et 520,000,000 r a ric s, about $100,003,000. t I ve receive 100,009,000 francs, The Baroness bequeaths 16,700,000 francs to charity, including' 6,000,000 frame to thei Hirsch foundation n New ?York,609,000 francs to the Eigech insri- tote in Mentteal, and 18,000,000 francs Jewish charities; , in iiention. The reakitte of the 40,700,000 francs is bequeathed to-varions European dew- ish -benevolent funds. IN ANCIENT ATHENS. First. Citizen - Are you it Stoic, 1,rierid? Seeond Citizen -No 1, ttin it dyspep- 8110T DO7111 IN COLD BLOOD TERRIBLE KURDER AT KAMLOOP BRIT/8k1 COL U Siesessin rem et Large -sin Ilinginit 100 eerittety niolis Wiliden tow 0. Cilliv;k. 1110 voi, Arty Pr4P1'104tr4tii. 4. deapateh from Kacaleops, B.O., salf.-3! -.A terrible triurder was committen here on Saturnay evening abou seven: 0 clock, the victien being Philij Walker, a well-known and respecLec citizen Walker had jui;t reached ham after his day's work and Was engaged in slitting his Sunday's wood, whei an Indian, Casimire Pecheesie, same along,carrying a Witieliester rifle lefelker asked. the 'adieu what he IVO, going to shoot, and erdebeesie replied '"Ciceee."•Walker then etooped to pick up some wood, but as he did so, Pecheesie opened fire. The first but - let passed ilareugh Walker's left shoulder, and as he straightened uP he received a eecond one in his body. The last bullet entered just below the right breast, and came out near the left hip. Walker fai against the verandah of the house, where he was picked up by. eye -witnesses of the horrible affair and carried into the Royal Inland hospital, which is about 30 yerds from the scene of the shooting. Medical aid was eunamoned, but the unfortunate man, aldtiough able to talk, was be- yond earthly aid, and died about en hour after the shooting. Walker made, aa ante-mortem statement similar to the details given above. After firing the shots Pecheeste jumped over the fence and made for the river, -crossing the long bridge to the reserve. Ile was immediately pursued by a posse. of police, but no trace of him could be found after ha reached the reserve. The ,search was kept up all. night, and Sun- day men were out in all directions, but up to -six o'clock., Pecheesie had not been arrested, A brother of Pecheesie's and another Indian and a Klootchman were arrested Sunday night, as they were in company with the murderer just before the shooting. Pecheesie is an adopted son of Chief Louie. [fourteen years ago Pecheesie was convicted and sentenced to seven years in penitentiary for shooting at Constable Smith. He is also suspect- ed of having murdered another Indian. Pecheesie cannot escape, arid it is only a matter ot Hine when he will be ar- reated. Walker leaves' a young widow to mourn his death. She is a daugh- ter of J. T. Edwards, 32., of this city. The inurcier was the most colds blooded ever perpetrated in, this province. There was no provoeation for it. THE MURDERER, CAPTURED.. A. later despatch. from Kamloops, says :-Casimir Baptiste, the Indian who rauedered Philip Walker here Sat- urday evening, is now behind the bars in Kaanleops gaol, About nine o'clock this morning word .was brought to town that the fnurderer was in Chief Louis' house on the reserve,- just -across the river from the city. immediately about thirty armed men started for the reserve, followed by nearly half the citizens. On reaching the reserve Alex McLean, a .half-breed; was sent to interview the. murderer. In a few minutes McLean returned with word that Cesinair was willing to give liim- saif up to his chief, butthat he svould shoot the first white man who ap- proached the house. The chief being absent, McLean was again sent to tell Casbnie that if he did not surrender by onc• ceelock the police would open fire on him.. Time dragged on, and still the murderer, rifle in hand, pacerl up and down the room, passing and repassing the open windove in full view of all present. Shortly after twelve, women and children were removed from the adjacent houses, and alt ar- rangements made to open fire. Mc- Lean again interviewed Casimir, with. the result that Casimir promised to surrender if he were allowed to fire off all his ammunition. This was granted, and a few nainutes later Ca.a.- role appeared at an upper window and fired ten shots, the last two coming dangerously close to two ellizene, Casimir then threw down his rifle, and promptly at one o'elock opened tho door, walked out, and quietly step- ped into a rig which was waiting to convey him to gaol. Fifteen minutee later- lie was safely behind the The most intense excitement pre- vailed all along. The County Court, which was in session, adjourned, and everybody either went to the resetve or aecured placea an the tops of beild- •ines where they nould see every MOtrella. ,ril, Over 1,00) peeple followed the vehicle ecntaining the prisoner to the gaol, and when the doors closed behind Casimir they gave a cheer and ditspersecl. Casimir will be tried at the assizes here neest week. Walkerei ftinerel Look piece yester- day, and was largely attended. 500 ROUSES DESTROYED. iisisaar,tron, Fire on ill," 1,11,avolt or c.o.cole. A. itespatch from St, Thanias, D.W.t., says :-A fire destrOyed 500 houses el, La Prelate a Pitre, Island of Guade- loupe, Monday night. La Peirito a Pitre was nearly destroyed by an earthquake in 1813, but has greatly prospered sinsie that time. Its popu- lation numbers about 10,000, PETROLESM, TH.2 NEW VICE. Tilt: time -Worn vices of.morphomania and alcohollem, have been to some Ale- grce supereeded..by "petroliem," whieli described by physicians who have -treated patients for it as ne, grim novelly %Most without parallel." The taste for petroleum, it is said, grows upon the tippler until it develops into an irrest.dib I passi o.o. Pbysici inc who devote Ilientselve,s Le the vei ious forms of dipsomania ,have not yet laid opportunity' to study the, fuJi effects of petrolisna, and their views as to its cure tied future are. sontewlint diver- gent. But, the e,onsensue Of 0Iiinion is that the vieliel of thie now habit is sad and raela,neholy. The I/tine:sot alt does nol temporarily stuntilttte and encour- age alcohol or trarphine. CAUSED 250,000 DEATR8. itavages or Me Plague le )(nolo, reesent syeettity netorti, 4. despateh from Bombay, says: -Ace eording to etatistice gathered rega.rd- i-" the' bt4b"ie PlatPW/ it is establish- ed. that there have been 250,000 (teethe :recorded in India eince its beginning. These figaree, however, are undoubt- edly fax below (bit actual fetal, as the natives Are known to have fa:nee:tied quite it nuraber of deaths. f3crmlm,Y presideney suffered the roost, beixtg re- eponeihle for 134,000 deathe, without couritieg those evnielt oceureed in the ciLY of Bombay, which, with Kurrachee, were the chief hotbede of the disease. Obe deaths. in , BembaY presideneY are still about, 1,600 weekly, With the rettirn of hot eveallier, the plague, which is now the third epidende, is again rapidly dieappearing. The mortality welch was 250 daily in the oily of Bombay five, weeke age, has now sunle to IN per day, The Liar" - kine fluiti hes been very euceessfut, • SPREADING IN FGRSIOSA, The plegue still peevalle on the Is- land ol Vernmea, end is causing the death of hundreds or persons, `.flui Singapore it utheritiee have declared Hong Kong, to be infected with (bit diseese, and have established a quar- antine of yessele from that port. A fire at Kakezuaka, C'hinti, cia Marele 22. destroyed raore than three hundred residences. BIG BLAZE IN LONDON. re in it itcolala latiad Rat Butici:au EierTel, Movies In itfeigial. A despatch from London says :-The British, metropolis narrowly escaped from a calamity on Monday, which might have rivalled the horrors at the Windsor Hotel fire in New York. Hyde Park Court, Albert Gate, one of the finest and most fashionable blocks of residential flats, overlook- ing Rotten Row, caught fire at half past nine Menday morning. The build- ing, whicah is eleven stories high, was built by the notorious Jabez Spencer Balfour. Tlae fire broke .out ,in the lower part and spread up the eleva- tot shaft with great rapidity. The flames involved the upper storeys -be- fore their occupants were aware of the danger and when the alarm was .raised the affrighted servants dropped from the top windows to a veran- dah on the ninth -story. The defective arrangements of the London fire brigade were again de- monstrated, as the fire escapes were too short to reach the people in the upper etories, who only escaped with the greatest difficulty, while the fash- ionable residents of the lower stories streamed out of the building carry- ing what they could of their belong- ings. 'The flames were not under control until one o'clock, when the upper part of tbe structure was gutted IL is considered lucky that the fire occurred in daylight, or otherwise it would have resnited in loss of life. All the floors were supposed to be fire -proof. RIOTOUS U. S. TROOPS. -- end reds or Them lit seta Francisco Set All law at Dctiance. A despatch from San -Francisco, says: -There was a riot at the gates of the Presidio on Sunday evening, evbere 011 the troops are quartered, as the result of which a saloon was wrecked and burned, and one hundred soldiers of the regular infantry are under arrest. The trouble began Saturday evening. Charles King, a recruit for 'Manila, became involved in a row with some soldiers in a saloon, and was SO se- verely beaten that he was taken to the hospital, Sunday night a crowd of privates, King's friends, went to the saloon, threw out the bark.eeper and made a complete wreelk of the place. BY this time 300 or 400 soldiers had surround- ed the place. t kb e police were jeered, and the rapt) demoliehed the doors and. windows, ending up with firing the building, which' was quickly in flames at every poi n t. Col. Freeman ordered out several troops, of cavalry, with instrections to round up all, the recruits anet others in camp, and keep bem under' guard pending an naveatigation, CHARGED WITel. HI3H TREASON. German, Oilicer CSICal aor kuisset wont tun ithry MO6re: A despatch from Bolin; says: - Set gi.-Majoc Albrecht, of the 1.2911a Regiment, has' been arrested, at Bromberg, Prussia, ebout 70 miles from Posen, and has been (oleo itt ohains to Spandau., nine miles from here., where the Slate prison is situated. I The prisoner is charged With high treason, in furnishing Russian agents with detailed plans; at German forti- flaAiona and plans fee mobilizing the G•e mien army. ID1SCONTIN'l)liII) 1118 TEI.APHONE. Had My telephone taken out la,st, weak, said the nrin who is knoWu itt certaih S eC t ion, itt aneb a good neigh- boranal metered it bark igai it. Gtrt, mod and cut my nose off to Spite My DeAll voiced man WI th all of- fictal tone called lite up and said he omitted to test the ineirument.4.11 right, 1 celled hexer, go ahead. Please steed to the, right at the trgnuunitter itnd LI lit, .be directed, itnd I did. NOW {,0 Um left, and 1 did, NoW kindly talk directly into the transmit- tal', and I did. Now stand on your heed and bilk, and he rung' off before I"hill. tftmit to paralyze him with a few Se rt tfAICC,S. A, Mall IltWer reneons when he's ea w thy as 1 Was.. 1 Ordered. that 'phone out inside of an hour, or I'd remove at with an as,tr, PIARICIITS (1F Till') WORLD) Dyspepsia nd incrigestiori, ri?es , Grain, Cattle, Che, 860. in the Lea 'Torerito, April 21, --Wo had a total reeeim, of 40 loads of offerings at the . -tern cattle yaede this =ening, but eeertely any trade was done, as drov- ere and. deilleYS Were far nesse itt their views as to values. The eattle here were aineuel entirely ellipping eattie, and between the diffieulty in obtain- . lag spaec on the eteamers and the loev Priciee prevailing for ciattle in England, exporters are -.not at all anxious to IDuy, itt peesent prices espeoiallsi ; hence we, had no shippiug trade te-dity, and local demand worth speaking of, Pi ice e are reaminally unchanged. We had about 150 eheep, yearlings, and eyeing lambs; these also were quiet and unchanged. Stookees and feeders atone show a rattier firmer tendency - About four hundred hogs were here, mad the prices of Tuesday still held good, Ptont all appearaneee we shall not licioalTv:.'inuola of a market here to -mor- row, and should receipte of cattle be heavy, prices are likely to acme Following is the range of current (1S:i°11'nantrii:n, 's ;a: r wet ..4,.t 1( ..$114.25 )5 5.00 Iluteber, e,hoice, do 4.00 4.30 Dutcher,m d. to good- 3,50 3,E0 feu teller, inforiox' .3.00 3.40 Sheep and Lamlas. Ewe, per .. .. . . 13.50 4.00 Yearlings per snyt 5,6.0 5.40 Bucks, per aunt 2,75 3.121-2 Spring tambe, each 2 le) 5.00 Milkers and Calves. Cows, each ±512) 45.00 Calves, each. 2,00 8.00 Hogs. Choice hogs, per OWL4.00 4.50 Light hogs, per owt 3.75 4.00 Heavy hogs, per cwt5.00 3.75 MONTREAL Montreal, Aped]. 2L -There were about 323 head of butchers' cattle, 50e calves, 40 sheep, and. 20 spring lambs offered for sele at the east end abat- toir to -day. The hitchers were pres- ent in large numbers, and. trade was fair at unshanged prices. Prime beeves sold at from I 1-2c to a little over 5n per -lb; pretty good stock at from 3 3-4e to nearly 4 1-2e; common dry cows and taiiknaen's strippers, at from 234 to 3 1-ao per lb. 13ulls of varying degrees of texture sold at from 3 to le per lb. Calves sold at from $1 to S7 each, eep, with thin fleeces still c -n, sold up to 4c per lb, amt yearlings upto near Ga do. Spring lamisee sold at frone S2.50 to 55 eaeh Straftght lots of fat hogs, just off the, •car, sold at tfbbut 4.1-2c per lb. Toledo, April 21.-Clost--Wheat- ac- Live718ce.ashc,017nd, Mcsh y 73;1 y3 -4.3e J1-u4lcy. Oatt, cash 28c, May 27 1-2c. Seed, cash 53.42 bid, April 53.65 bid, Octo- ber S4.35 bid. Oswego, April 21. 1 p.m. --Wheal market, steady; NO. 2 red, 84 to 84 1-28 No. 1 northern, 89c; No. 1 hard, 89t to 90e. Corn steady; No. 2 yel- l° 44c; No. 3 yellow, 41c; Na '2 mix- ed,'ie41 to 41. 1-20. Oats show more strength ; Na. 2 white sold at 37 1-4c; No. 3 white, 36 3-4 to 370. Barley mar- k -et ehows no change; Canada nomin- ally 83 to 880; western 53 to 60e; au entire absence of transactions; prices therefore nominal. Rail freights to New York -wheat, peas, rye, and bar- ley, 10 1-2c per cwt. . 'CAR TAXAMETERS. New Device Usr,a1 In London fax ne.ga,,. a„pclztp; 1+0.e tmqtauce Yon Vide. London has at last risen against the cabby. A machine lately invented win register every circumstance in connec- tion with, a ride in a cab, and so uni- versal is the cry for these, and so pointed the manner in which cabs that have them are petronized in preference to cabs that *have not, that the owners and managers of the various cab sys- teine aee epeedity putting theta in. The machine, -which is known as the taxa- metet, registers when you get In whether you have a valise or not; direcee your attention to the fact that you have ridden a mile by the loud ring on it bell, and at every half mile thereafter. 11 you wait in front of a store the charge is just the same, as a device under the control of the driv- er shifts the regulator from the wheel to a clack. On lighting for the last timu a spring ie touched to show up ea a, card the amount of yQUX fee. The drivers of the company which put the machines in first Wen, C a distinguish- ing badge, and are doing all the busi- ness. They are well and regularly paid, in conseauence of which they are uniformly polite and obliging. It looks as if London were to get rid of one of her great•est nuisances. MONEY SAVED, A Member entered a well-known London club at a coniparatively early Oh, steward, said ha, did you find a fie-e-pounn note on the writing table list night? I wrote a let tee intending to inclose the note and I find this morning (het 1 did not, inclose it, so must have left; IL on iho writing Yes, sir, replied the steward., with gra Ve impor Lance, 1 did find it, anti 'ere: it is. And it's well for you, sir, es none or the members 'ad. been in before 1 saw it! P LAG UE EPIISIADXiOG. lp,:11A' 81'110 Nettinv,eat Ttraaleatee li , A. despatch. from London, Says :-Des-, patches from the Bast show that the plagee has spread throughout Asia: It is raging with renewed virulence in the Punjaub, ITt /long Kong there, have been forty-tlAree deaths, and every precaution is beirig taken to prevent it, spreading by vessels to Manila. common diseases, but hard to cure with ordinary rernfflies, yield: readily to fittatiey's Celery -Nerve compound, w.11. nuckinghatn, ee6 KiserSt. East, !tontines usite sees:feel sytt3 trogbled with DY$PPPMzi end leeinestlee for a toes: 'tinter g1.141 ',email get no rata tent! 1 tried " Mon tey ' s cetery,Nerve compound, wincb cured me, eed 1canilOir speak too eishiy le ite Praise,". LONG 1141AD. Do you think that, Russia and Great Britain will disarm 1 aeked the Anglo- Saxon caliee. Really, answered. Li flung Chang, who, of course, does net understand elegant diatinctione in English, I don't know that it in dais much difference to mo what they do with their ems so long as their legs remain in palling dietanco, THE CECEERFUli IDIOT. By tbr way, asked. the Cheerful Idiot, the follow who plays the alto horn plays second, doesn't her' I preen:ate it might be expressed that way by the laity, aid. the musieal boarder, What I want to know is, does have to get his second, wind to de soil 11:,,NG41r4Orarp181.^orgr.utt4,-., roovergoarmgdo. C;atar Shackles Brolten in SO Mint.stes it's an alarming fact, but staiistics bear it apt, that at least so in every liana died persons in this country are tainted in a kcsef or greater de,gree by Thai disgusting, often. sive and dangerous dis- easa-Catarrh. 12 symp- toms appear, such ais cold the head, dizziness, pains in the forehead,. - headache, dropping In droat, offensive tread), loss of taste and smell, 4D Caurrilsitecidns may be nght ening about you - ;rat. CATABITCTAL POWDER .the moat potnnt Catarrh core known to-day-- ...moniraeadoi by emit:oat nose and throat sped al, „„---zives teentin from to to Si, minutes, "For yearn 1 ;vas it victim of chronic Catarrh; _ first appiioation °inn Agnew's Catarrhal pow - r gave rue trtant relmf, and In au incredibly st ghee 1 was yrrroanently cured,"---janans Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. gammas.= E.: Eg The.Leadiag S ieelalists of America 20 Years in Detroit. , 250,000 Cored. WECUr 411"rTURE 'Thousands of young and middle-aged menaretronbled with this disease -many uneenseionsly. They new hare a smart- ing,. seesation, small, twisting stream, sheep cutting pains at times, slight dis- charge, dinicalty in commencing, weak omanR, emissions., and ill the symptoms of nervous debility -they have STRIC- TURE. Dointletdootomexperiumeton you, by nettles, stretching, or tearing Yen. Tfais win not cure put,. as it will re- . turn. Our NEW Isle:TROD TREAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; hencexemoyes the strietareperinauentne It can never return. No pain, no suileze a ing, lip detention. from business by our method. Thesexaalorgensarostrength-, caul. The nervea aro Invigorated, arid the bliss of manhood returns. , WE: CURE GLEET 'h 4-4011Sands of Young and middle-aged men are 'having their sexual visor aud vitality continually 'seeped by thiS dis- ease. -They tire frequently unconselons of the c?Iise of these symptoms, General eVealteess, Unnatural Discharges, Paining kltinluoacl, Nervoeseess, Poor Mem-- ore, Irritabilitynat, tirecs Stinting Sen. setien, Sunken Eyes, with dark circles, Weak Beak, General Depression, Leek of Anthitiot, Varinocele, Shrunken Parts ere. GLI1ET and ST11101.TIRE may lie the sausic. 1San't eonsuit family bi doctors, as they have no experience in, theseseccial diseases -don't allow 113 Quaelts to exeerImeet on you. Commit 14 Secciabistseirhehtwomailealifestudyof Diseases of -Sion mid 'Women, Our NEW METHOD TREAT -el -ENT will posi- tively cure yoe. Ono thonsa.nd dollars for it case we eccept for treatment and caneoteure. Tereismederatoferaeurce s 1 iiJl' 5'7 S JA±TEP. 'WO treat and sere: PIII:CSSIONS, VARICOCELle SYPHILIS, OLEifen. STRICTU'RE,IIIIPOTENCY, SECRET u. DRAINS. UNNA.T DISC1IAR.G- ES, 'KIDNEY end Tine .CONSTILTATIMII :MEE. 11001e8 'FREE.If unabie to call, write for QUESTION' BLANK fax HOME TREATSHINT. reetcen it If or Miolliffail,4 aPd Slrin St 9 . r DETRoa, 4",eeasgil gee - .11 11 On' 10 • Iff,USIE ALL YOUR P111115 am-nlier, Modloirto Ohost tri ittoft Ziirople, Sato and Quick dere for RAMPS, bi lur1asA, COUGHS., !OLDS, Rilin;f0ATISt, NEU R ALGI nnd SO oent Bottles. 138wARE og MrfATION8. BUY ONLY CHM CISNOINt PSRRY DAVIS' kaitIMMOIME .CTIE! BXBIT811; TIMES, '' OF ANY rr