HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-4-27, Page 5T .Fil ,EXET „. ere: Itioney To Loan 4,1 Lo 5Z, Apply to IILLIOT & GLADM AN, - Barristere, olleitora. &,0•• Main SL. Exeter Money to Loan. . We have urdinaird elevate funds for invest- ment upen farm or village propertY at lowest rates et interest. DICKSON & CARLING, Exeter. ,_,...., --- IT. KINS1VIAINT,__L. D. S. AND ' DR. A, It KINSMAN, L. S D, D. S. .1(onor Graduate ,a '17oronto 'Mayoralty, Dentist. , r ) e , Teeth extracted withont pain or ' bad after effects, °Ake in Fel:L- eon's bloat, West side a Main street, Exeter. ------• VS- ANDERSON, (D Ds S 1 D.. B.) DBINTivr. ..-- Honor Graduate of tho Toronto tUniversity, and Royal College, of Dental Surgeons . of Ontario, .AR Bridge work, Crowns o,nd Plate Wink done in the neatest possible manner. .A. harmless antesthetio for painless extraction. 'The strictest attention given to tbo Preservat- ion of tno natural teeth. Office, opposite (Jen - Vaal Hotel, Exeter, Ont. "••••••• .-e7'-',:s-••••. ._ Farms for sale ---57-- A few good farms for -sale cheap .1VIoney to loan. Apply to JOHN SPAOKMAN 1:1,.r Sale. ---- . Part of lot 8, Marlborough at,, frame cottage, ono -fifth a an acre, good, steble 14x16, good ‘vell of water. Terms cash. Apply to Albert Box Exeter, Farms For Sale. ------ Bruce County.some great bargains A pply to • JablIts IlitoK.Srimanre Drawer 16, Kincardine. --._. Hou@e For Sale. R. S. Lang oilers his residence in Exeter, for sale. The house is a commodious two storey brick, with all conveniences. There are 8 lots. Vood orchard and well arranged shade tro 5. Apply- to A. McPherson, Exeter who has the hey. a. ,.... __ A tioOPER,7 Licensed Auc- tioneer Thr the County of Huron, Sales con- ducted in all parts. aud for convenience can be =ranged Mr at this office. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Charges moderate. Exeter P. 0. ° NatWest Notice is hereby:given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between Henry Cook and Iteinhart Cook, and known as "Cook Bros." carrying on business as flour millers at the vil- ( 3age of 31ensa3l has been disolvod by mutual ] •consent, Henry Cook who has always Mom - aged. the !Desalt nffll will continue tlie business in partnership with Henry Rundle. The busi- 1 mese -will be further extended and will be car- ; aled on at the old stand under the name style ' and firm of Cook & Rundle. E • Dated lst day of March 1899. t --.— RI Dissolution of Partnership a ----- S The partnership heretofore subsisting be- i tween J. G. Jones and. P. T. Halls. and known s as Jones & Halls.carrying on business as eelnier- . almerehants and produce dealers,in thevillages of Wincholsea and Exeter, has been dissolved t by mutual consent. All aormunts and notes overdue, must be settled by May first, if not •will be put into other hands for collection ; and. all accounts against saifirm must be presented i cll by this date. ' JONDS & HAUS. Dated Aprilllth. 1899. •• 1.] I —of Dissolution Partnershipa, , A --- The partnership heretofore ^ subsisting be- tween James A. Murray and Alexander M. g Tait, and known as Murray & Tait, carrying on e business as founders and machinists, in the VB. - rage of Exeter, has been dissolved by mutual s' consent, Alex.. M. Tait, carrying on the mould- v ing department, and james, A. Murray. the c machinery department. All accounts must be settled at once. , McartAr & TAIT. il Dated, March ist. 1809. I ..„... E li Astray Sow. - •el b Strayed from the premises of the undersigned 0 Lot 9, S. B. Usborne, on or about 10th inst„ it g large white sow. Several rings and horse shoe n mails in her nose. A reward will be given for f nformation leading to her recovery. d• Jorrei Coosa, Whalen P. 0. IN .1........amets......1-1., 111. DA.LL AT . - THE FAMILY M ei For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS. A fine selection of LAMB, FRESH PORK, and all kinds of 'Fresh alibi exit c:11 len hand. • Note the address, one door north of The R, Pic kard Co's store. DAY PM* ,P+4,41.............eacrobarernteY S. J. •T. Brown, District Manager, ofLondon, has been in Olinton the :past few days arranging matters for a *eight telephone system, which they eepect to have for the benefit, Of the town's ei tizens by the first of May. A. quick, sure, safe reinedfor nervous, sielt, and neuralgic head- aches. They aro guaranteed not to contain bromides, eureotiee, ca- thartics or anything that eon do. range the atomaeh or affect the erves. Sold in 10 cent envelopes ad. 25 cent bexea. keit your drUggist for them, THE HOroxiikr oll,u6 co, Bridgyehurg, out. ADDITIONAL LOCALS, DEATH 010 MRS. (REAr,)131tAY.--Wnrd wtla received bere yesterday •of the death of Mee. II. Bray, of London, wife of the late rector of Trivitt Me rxiorial Church here, Mrs. Bray some time to out he hancl,wbile living in Exeter, which since gave her trouble. A few atees ago blood poisoning set in, resulting re her death. She leaves a husband antl family of five small Cbild- ren to mourn their loss. DEATH as' Ulla. Amos, After a soinewhab lingering illness, leers. (Dee Amos passed peacefully away 00 Fri- day last. Some years ago she con- tracted a severe cold, which settled on her lerngsiand despite the best medical attendance and care, she gradually grew worse nntil the end CM°. She was a lovable • woman, highly re- spected bya large circle of frierids. Be- sides a loving mother, and a kind and affectionate husband two small child- ! ren are left without a mother's care The funeral On Monday was lareely attended' The pail -bearers were: *Dr Rollins, H. Smith, J. A. Stewart, Poplestone, Exeter, Dr. Rivers of Crediton and. Dr. McLaughlin of Dash- wood. •, Joseph Senior Las purchased A. Rollins' driving horse, , • F. Wood is re -shingling and other- wise improving his packing house. The brick work of Peter Frayne's new residence,has been completed, Farmers are now about to healx seecling,but the ground is still champ. W. Levitt wheeled to London on Monday. He reportthe roads as rough. Levi Will per was in town last week, and rented his farm, north of Exeter, to John Welsh. The Misses Fotheringham and Mc- Lennan of Blenshard, visited. friends in town on Saturday, Workmen are now excavating for a foundation for T. Fitton's new block of stores On corner of James and Main streets. Messrs. • Zwicker, Dr, Rivers •and August Hill and wife, of Orediton, at - ended the funeral of Mrs. (Dr:) Amos, n Monday. • The Canadian Press Association have made arrangements with the overnment for a 2,5 days trip . to the Pacific Coast. • We learn that the .T. D. Moore Co. will not open a branch of their Pro- uce business here,other arrangements aving been effected. Will. T. Clarke of Toronto University ha is completing, his 4t13 year ineMed eine, has been appointed House Surg- e/1, of the Toronto Western Rosm- an Mr. Samuel Grigg of London will onduct the morning service in James t. church next Sunday. In the evee- g the pastor will give tbselast of bis pecial series on the Bible, Messrs.A.McDonell and A. Dow re- urned from the Old Clountry on. Tues - ay; they broaght with them a fine tallion, mention of which was made THE TIMES some weeks ago. ' Andrew Dempsey, 'who has lately een working on this. section of the . & B., lea,ves' in a few days for alifornie, where' he will look after Smale s (his son-in-law) • farm. .A. very pleasant entertainment was igen in Niain-st. church on Tuesday vening by the Sunday School. The holars furnished the programme hich was well rendered. The gre- eds will be applied to the Library. Rev. Mr. Foed of London, preached the Main SD. church on Sabbath last. his is the first time that the people of xeter have had an opportunity of stoning to Mr. Ford, and we are sure at all who heard him on Sunday will o pleased to be favored with . another portunity of listening to him. He ave two most excellent, pracbical gos- el discourses to the young people and night preached to the older people ith good effect. Mr. Robert Marshall, of the firm of arshall Bros., tea piercbants, died ry suddenly at the residence of his urotber, Mr. Geo. , Waterioo street, London, on lVfonday morning. Deceased was apparently in his usual health and spirits to within five min- utes of his decease, end even then • nothing serious was anticipated. Be hadattended chnreh twice on Sunday. Evangelical Association The annual session ef the Canada Conference or the Evangelical Asso- ciation was opened. at Tavistocle, Fri- day morning by Bishop.J. 3. Esher of Chicago. The body consists of about sixty ministers, representing * over • 7,000 communicants in Ontario. Sev- eral matters, of vital importance have been decided. Rev. 5 R Kmechtel, pastor of the Zion church of Berlin, was elected presiding elder of the east distriee As delegates to the General Conference to be held at St. Paul, Minn., in detober, Revs. M b Wing, 5 R Knechtel, D Krebs and 3 P Rauch were elected ; alternates, L H Wagper of Toronto and Prof. S L Nunbach of • N W 0, Napierville, Ill. Licenses to preach were granted to the following: -H L Merner, EU ieloyer, Albert Clemens, le Hallman, F B Meyer, Ezra Heist. The following are to be ordained as deacons: -Revs. WE Deese, J W Bean, and IP M Gischler. Rev. H H Leibold is to be ordained elder. Rey. 12 Mattill of Cleveland addressed the conference in the interest of the pub- lishing house. • Rev. G Litt, of Credielon, Was appointed conference secretary, and chose Rev, SR Knech- tel, of Berlin as assistant, Rey. A /- Heist of Zurich copyist. EFFECTS WERE 'WONDERFUL. 1 had been troubled for years with pales in my sales and kidneys and had aches in all parts of my body, owing to stomach and liver trouleles. I begat). taking Hood's Sarsaperilla and its ef fects weee wonderful. In a short time I was entirely cueed," Mies. lea,AXolet, 209 Ossitigton A.vehue, Toronto, Un- tario. TOBACCO if nieRT, Mr. W. •L Judson, Cortis St,,St. 'Thomas,Onte, says: "I had troublo with my heart, fer tWo years, catts&I by ,'excessive use of Toliacte, I used .000 bcix Of Milburn's Heart and. N'erve Pillls and have not; suffered from palpitation sinec, zirm, ./00 Doty, Port; Gilbert, N. O., Seys, "My little girl vie:Add grindtber teeth, So I concluded shp had worms, 1 gave her time doses of Dr, LOW'S Worm Syrtip which acted with food id' /dot" Price 25e. True Spring raines's, Celery Compound The Great Disease I3anisher and Life Giver. Used by All Classes and Prescrib- ed by Honest and Able Physicians. Paine's Celery Compound makes people well in spriug, time. It is as far superior to the ordinary nervines, sareaparillas and pills as strength is better than weakness. Paine's Celery Compound as a spring medicine has the entire confidence of our varied classes of Canadian popu- lation. Nothing more decisively proves the worth, popularity and uni- versal Ilse of the great medicine than the fact that it is now esed by our wealthiest people who formerly relied on the best medical skill. • Paine's Celery Compound in spring a tee e is up the broken down ner- VOk16 6Yel,LW•lo Purifies the blood, regu- lates and perfeetly tones the whole sys- tem, gives a relish for food, and be- etows all needed vitality and bodily strength. Paine's Celery Compound to -day is prescribed by the foremost physicians for the cure of kidney andliver troublee. It is invariably successful in the work, making men and women well when they have failed with -other medicines. Now is the time to use the marvel- lous Compound if you desire new blood, new strength,. and new life for the work and duties of approaching summer. • Paine's Celery Compound has done wonders for your friends and neighbors ; you need the same never - failing medicine for your case. If you would be cured do not be persuaded to try a substitute. to - MILBURN'S STERLING HEADACHE Powums cure the worst headache in from five to twenty minutes, encl leave me bad after-effects. One powder 5c., 3 powders 10c., 10 powders 25c. ,,The residence of Mrs. Noble,Olinton, was the scene of a pretty wedding fes- tivity on Wednesday afternoon, the occasion being the marriage of her daughter, Miss ?eery, to James McNiel of Hullett. The happy couple will be- come residents of Hullett, FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED REDLEDY.-MTS WinSIOW'S Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of inothersfor their children while teething. with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasanttothe taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for MTS. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. SMOKE INI.MM•111•1•1M.11....IMINN urtic SEET& In Cilt on each Plug A Yiis al ays in the SW1 If he wears one 'of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting Re is a sure fitter. His pricee are away clown. His goods • are the best. Call and examine his goods before buying your -.0ftz....,FALL SUIT W. JOHNS, The Tailor The Central Dhug •$toitce 0800081/ tz s POULTRY POWDER I an using Lutz's Poultry Powder, and have no hesitation in stating that it is an excellent powder for poultry. It certainly increases the egg supply and promotes the vigor and health of the poultry, I would strongly recom- mold poultry raisers to give it a trial. • W. IL Thom A Groat many stock raisers are now using English Stock food med pro- nounce it good. Stock raisers would do well to give ib a trial Dix Little Liver Pills and Dix Kid- ney Pills, memo** LUTZ "Great Haste is Not Always Good peeci, gfany peopk trust to loch to poll them Mrough, and are often disappointed, Do not daty-dally in matters of health, With it you can accomplish miracles,. With- out it you are "no good," e Keep the liver, kidneye, bowels and blood heelthy by the use of Hood's Sar. saparilla, the faeltless blood, purifier. aheurnatism--" 1 bad aelite reenrea. thee in my limb and foot. 1 cemmenced treatnaent with Bood's Sarsaparilla and Rooces Pills and. in a alert time waS cured." WILLI/ix Mom% Brantford, Ont. Scrofula--" 1 was troubled with serefula and impure blood. A. cut on my arm vvould not heal. Hood's Sarsaparilla was recommended and after I had taken three bottles 1 was muunr,Itosulsox, 52N Treauley street, Teronto, Ont. ROOrni rills cure liver ills; the nou-irritatiag and I only catharne to tate witii"nomrs Sarsaparilla; I :• IVIARKET REPORTS. 1 1 Exeter, April 20th1899, PWehafeia. t per busho2,. ..... . ,„ .....21 Le ;3607 Barley. .. „. .• Oats.., .. , • .,35 to 40 ..tiO to 65 Butter.. . .„... ..... ...12 to 12 • Turkeys ... 10 to 10 Geese... - . , . :1: 59 to 5 • 9 ..„ • .., 6 to 8 ChickenDIvuocokiii. .. .s p e r .15. . . . . . .. , _ 17 to 18 7 to 7 Dried. Apples... .. to ork dresse • • 44.65 to Pork live weight. ... ... $4.00 to $4.00 Hay per ton . 500 to $6.00 Clover seed .... ..$3.75 to $4.00 Alsike clover $4.00 to $4.50 Timothy seed$1.7Q to $2,25 London, April 261h, 1896 Wheat per bushe ... 69 to 70 Oats .27 to 28i Peas . Earley Buckwheat .. Rye Corn Beans Butter Eg,gs . ..... SS to 08 ..43 to 50 .. • ...45 to 48 ,39 to 39 44 to 45 65 to 70 . 14 to If 15 to 16 60 to 70 Turkeys per lb, 10 ,to 12 Geese per lb.., ... 9 to 10 Chickens.. 50 to 75 Cheese 8 to 10 Potatoes per bag tol 00 Hay per ton . , .56.00 to $ 7•60 Pork per owt.. $450 to $5.00 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, April 20. -The receipts at the eastend abattoir thisnnorning were 300 head of cattle, 300 calves, 25 sheep and 25 lambs, The demand was some- what; limited, and prices were about the same as on Thursday last. Cattle, choice, sold at dee to 5c p0111.; good at 4c to 4ee per lb.; lower grades at 2ee to Bee per lb.: calves sold at $2 to 510, ace cording to size. Sheep brought 3ec to 4e per lb. for old; lambs sold at ec to 41c per lb.; yearling lambs, Sc to 5eic per lb. Hogs brought from $4.50 to 54.60. - GRAIN MARKETS Toronto, April 26. Flour is quiet and easy, with straight rollers in wood quoted at $2.90 to $3.10 west. Bran firm, at 514 to $14.50 here, and $12 to 513.50 outside. Shorts, $16 to 516.50 here, and $15 to 516 outside. Wheat is dull, with the feeling easier; red winter is quoted at 67ic to 68c, and white at 68c to 68ec north and wast; goose wheat clull, itt 66c to 67c low freights ; No. 1 Manitoba bard is quot- ed itt 73c Fort William, and at 82ec 83c North Bay ; No. 1 northern, 80e to 81e North Bay. Oats unchanged, with white selling at 32c to 82e north and west, and at 33ec on Midland. Peas dull, at 63c west, and 640 east. Rye firm, at 53e north and west, Buck- evheat,49c to 50c outside, • Corn steady, with Canadian quoted at 30c to 37c west, and American at 41,1c to 42e on track here. Barley dull„ with No. 1 quoted at 41c to 42e west, and No. 2 at 38 cents west. Oatineal uncbanged, at $3.80 in bags, and at 5,8.00 in barrels on track. BIRTHS CEIING.-Th Hay, on the 250h inst., the wife of Win. Ching, of a son. ZUEFLE.-- In Exoter.on the 23rd instethe wife of Wm, Zaefle.,of a daughter. MARRIAGE. McNELL-NOBLE.- At the residence of the • rgigiitiret.hJetfeRICAgeilli 1092, Hullett, 50 Mary Noble, of Clinton. • • DEATHS. SCANLIN.-ln Clinton, on April 20, Catharine Scanlin, aged 53 years. BLAIR-In Ba•yfield, on April 18, SanitelBlair. aged 04 years. AMOS-In Exeter, April 22, Laura Ruth Man- ning, wife of T. A. Amos, M. Deagecl 33 years 8 months and 3 days. Mr, D Vickers, of KirIcton, , left on Taesclay for Austin, Texas. • Athletes, Bicycliste and. others should al- ways keep Hagyard's Yellow 011 on hand. Nothing like it for stiffaess and Soreness of the muscles, sprains, eats, etc. A clean prepar- ation, will not stain, clothing. Price 25c. RDETINATISM.-Flare you tried all the rem- edies you over road or heard of hopingfer a cure? If your'ro afflicted still, take lVfilburn's Rhea. inatie Pills. They never MB, guaranteed to cure or your money back. Price 50c. • Elm Logs & Bolts AT.... Highest Cash prices paid by the SUTHERLAND RUNES CONN LIMITED For Elm Logs, cut 11, 133, 16 and, 18 feet long, Also Beeswood I -Tending Bolts, Deana 42 inches long, CUSTOM SAWING DONE Apply at Gould' s Saw Miii, txeter. GUS, WAGNER, I Foreman foe the utheeland Innes CO. Money for You There is money for ot in baying SHORETS Ready Tailored Clothiag. It will cost you less by the year, and you will be better dressed in the bargain than if you wear any other make. Shorey's Clothing wears even. It Leide it shape until the garments are worn out. There is no stinginess of materials. There is no " skimping " ni its workmanship. Thousands of the best dressed men and boys in Canada wear Shorey's Clothing. The Guarantee Carel in •th* pce•kvt vlserts CATISFACTION OR MONEY RETURNED. Assagammalsomusacumatsiaracem* pause' sersonattMonextaa., IM• PU.RE BLOOD Always cleansed, purified and enriched by Bur. doole 13lood Bitters. • Mrs. John Douglas, Ful- • lerton, Out. says: "I have used. B. .B • 13, or impure blood, patnples an illy face and. sick head- ache. Form bottles made lay skin clear alid. free from eruption and cured me completely.' • NEM MERT MARKET The undersigned has opened up a new meat market one door out ot Garlina's Store, where he will keep the choicest of meats conseantly on hand. A. CALL SOLICITED JOHN T MANNING There is Such a Thin ...,a*Fltgestamee.'" As wearing glasses ;,..,when you should not, and noqwear- ing them when you should. It is a mistake to do either. We only prescribe glasses ' when they will be of use to the wearer. A large proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses. In consultii3g our Optician'y-ou incur no expense and run no risk. • Itilornings preferred'for testing at SCHOOL OPENING1 T FITTO Su laM•1•••••OVI•ramemo Jewellery store. emekeeNielWeinieteeeeleatiniedieffieleeeeheeleleetedeleVenelikelei A fall line, fresh and bright of SWIM BOOKS and every School re- quisite at • Where the Scholars are always used well Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and Charm by selling twenty Topaz Scarf Pins, at 15 cents each. Send your address and we forwar d the Pins and our Premium List, postpaid. /it., money required. These Pins will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of the best diamonds, and has never before been offereclat anything ince this price, The Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fully guaramteed. Unsold Pins may be returned. Mention this paper when writing. THE GER PIN CO., Freehold Building, Toronto, Ont. MUMMY Are You Weak? There's a Remedy that will make you strong ; give youvitality and energy; invigorate the heart; enrieh the blood; make the pale cheek rosy. It's Milburn's Heart and nerve Pills. Mrs Mehlenbacher, who lives at 29 Ann • 7 St Berlin' Ont. made the following statement: /c ement: I have suffered from nervous BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY.AND FARM prostration and general debility for the past four years, often despairing of a mare. "Since I have taken Milburn's Mart looks bright to me. I have taken four and Nerve Pills, however, the future boxes of them and the benefit I derived is wonderful. They have made my nerves strong, restoredtheir elasticity and g,iven rae physieal strength to a greater degree ' than I could have anticipated, Beyond doubt, they ale the best restorative for nerve trouble, wealmess, debility, etc., in I existence, an.d I heartily recommend thera t to all who suffer as I did." BLACK Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure you require it Palpitation and Throbbing Dizziness, often at this time of the year. We aroMprIvenarcerY d Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Loss of to ftt you out in the finest style. Best quality APPOtite, and Sallow Complexion, COO ds closest prices. .Anemia, Debility, General Weakness or any condition arising from a• Weak lEfeart, Disordeeed Nerves or Impoverished Blood. Sold bv druggists at 50e. a box. ete .are'..ee eel Genuine Padlock and ev eteeefeel-514e tereeeeleettele" V A Solid Gold Shell Ring or Curb Chain Bracelet ilaON'T send money. Just.your name AP and address on a POST CARD, and we will send, you 20 packages of AROMATIC CACHOUS', a delicious con- fection to perfume the breath, to sell for us, if you can, at 5 cents per package. When sold send us our monen $1.00t and we will send you FRE E your choice of the beautiful prizes illustrated. Goods return- able if not sold. Mention thispaper. DON CHAMBERS TISDALL SUPPLY CO., ;YR% wro. orir. lee.,-,teeleeeeteeeeee,e, 1411P,Iik •,teeirfonwal A '10 , r Wint You efeeeee-ae,— will find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agrice tueal Implemeets BERING Bi N DERS, MOW Ell S.1-7OLLS AND BALL 13EARJNG STEEL SI7LK le 1,S Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disc and Diamond Harrowe Plows, and Turnip Drills. 'SEWING NADU NESg Ero The celebrated Knoll Washer !Raymond sewing and wringers ' nea.chine ISTOVES.-020-- Gurney stoyes and earances. wagns ug cycles. Wedding Suits a Specialty The Chatham Waggon and a full • IBinueggoifest.li e celebrated McLaughlin A J. SNELL Often. Colds settle 031 the Throat and Bronchial Tubes, and make the voice hoarse and husky, and an effort to speak, distressing. It may be reduced to a whisper or lc)et entirely for e while. In %see of this kind nothing will so soon give relief and restore th.e vole() as We are in the van with all Ur° Wmd's that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stock 17.00 Fancy Worsteds in dill the newest coloring's. Remember we put up- the best suit for $10.00 that can be bought in the county. GIVE US A OALL. • J H. Grieve way Pb Srup. This .1.5 whet Thos. 2. Smith, Caledonin Out ' ;etta 3e71° ago 1144' n' vel7 86.V.°);* 6°a iitawhict ,onia a(lAre:qg.1:itTL`cickth4;tit,.... ggttsi:YoN; „,ni'l!!grvi,pge:-Yrun, which templet -411z LAXteelLiVer Plies cure eonstipation without any griping, wealtening, or slake enbeg. Price 25e, all denggists. .131111_,L4 my The Bemd ignore The Rest. In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that •va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables Chairs, Etc., eet SordathingNioe We have it, you want it. Take a look at our fail line of FURNITURE and you will find what you are looking for. C1DLEY & 8ON0 FURNITURE Awn UNDERTAKERS, Opera House Block, 1