HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-4-20, Page 8J. 43•11. The igsh Store. CASH or PRODUCE. -÷ ONE PRICE ONLY dks The chance of the .season for a swell cesturne at a very little price. We have secured a clearing line of the new Venetian finish costume clotk suitable for dresses, skirts, coats or suits,this is the taewest and most fashionable cloth in the trade, '°Pure Wool," two shades, the new "Fawn" and the new "Dewey Brown, The low price of 75c. the yard. The correct cloth for Ladies' Taylor Made Suits and 3aekets. The yard Another line we closed out. Fancy black Dress Goods, small neat pattern. Lovely finish, very styl- ish, the regular value was• 90c. the yard. We cleared the. line, our great bargain price 65c. Don't delay but come quick if you want some of the best values in Dress Goods that we have ever offered, and remember your money always back if you are not satisfied. J. A. STEWART INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, 4 gen ter the Nazarene' Assmxavice cosi- Rom, of Toronto ; also for the Pst®mx FIRE iissu t BOE COMPANY, of London,, England ; the ALLIANCE INSVRANOE Coi,>?n:ANr, of Eng and. So Many New Faces Are seen in our store these days hunting for bargains i STATIONERY that we fe like congratulating ourselve on the wonderful success of our sale. People come, i many cases, because advise to do so by friends. They all buy LOW PRICES DOES THE BUSINESS at the THE MART 3. GRIGG, MAIN STREET. EXETER. For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Wr ttclie s, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. MOON'S PHASES. Last Quarter 3rd 6.56 a. in. New Moon ' 10th 1.21. a. m. First Quarter 17th 5.53 a. m. Full Moon 255th 2.22 a. m. Try Dix Kidney Pills. Sold by C. Lutz. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Abbott of Lon - on visited here over Sunday. Hall's British Seven Mixtures,manu- factored and sold by C. Lutz. Our town in summer is.our prid. and the pride of the stranger. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bawden, of Strathroy,are visiting friends in town. Oirculation is important to the ad- vertiser. THE TIMES excels on that point. The harbingers of spring are com- mencing to arrive. The frog orchestra is quiet yet. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sample, of Fullerton, spent Sunday with friends in this section. Postmaster Christie attended the Spring fair in Brucefield yesterday. $30 were taken at the gate. W. J. Parsons has leased the Trivitt Memorial rectory for a term of three e s rental - years, at a yearly y ent 1 of $150. W. H. Levett yesterday purchased (IP � 4'Ut�. the property of the late Thomas Tay - for comprising a residence and several (lots. Rev.Ten Eyck has' taken rooms from THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1899 ( Mrs. J. V.Crocker. He left; for London LOCAL HAPPENiNGS Main street was scraped for the first time this season this week. Richard. Gidley is able to be out but I still nurses his injured arm. Sugar -making time is past and far- mers have commenced ploughing. J. W. Ortwein, Hensall's energetic and wide awake merchant, was in town Tuesday. Albert Box has moved onto his farm in Stephen and is offering his house and land for sale or rent. See adver- tisement. Rev.Joseph Edge,of London, preach- ed Educational sermons in James st. church on Sunday last to large con- gregations. He is a pleasing speaker and made a strong appeal for a liberal collection to augment the fund. • Word has been received from Miss Maud Hicks who recently left here for a visit in California. She reports a pleasant journey and says Riverside is a veritable flower garden on which the sun shines daily, and which re- quires to be seen to be appreciated. The farmers in this vicinity are go- ing considerably into the breeding of fine draught horses, and this can be easily seen by the careful observer on the streets any day. The number of large, handsome teams which are to be seen, seems to increase every week. Some of these horses are beautiful an- imals showing blue blood in every ac- Miss Hardy,of Exeter, who has been engaged in teaching music in town for the past eighteen months, was "at home to a number of her friends, on Monday evening, at the residence of Mr. S. H. Gidley. As it Was the first gathering that was held in Mr.Gidley's new home, an enjoyable time Was spent by all. -Blyth correspondent. Mr. Albert Hooper, of this place, has become a full fledged licensed auc- tioneer for the coutity of Huron. We predict for him 'a grand success as there is a wide opening for him along that line. We feel; confident that any one requiring the services of an auc- tioneer would do well to call on him. Mr. Hooper having all his life followed the avocttioil of farming, and now travelling about the country as agent, is in a first-class position to know the value of farm stock, a very important factor in an auctioneer. yesterday and will ship his effects here at once. E. E. Ward,who went to Ridgetown from Exeter, as manager of the Mol - sons bank, has been transferred to the Port Arthur branch. Mr. P. Bawden has purchased the large mirror from Mr. Kerr and new has it at the rear efid of his fine drug store.-Ridgetown Standard. Several valuable dogs have been poisoned this spring and the owner are anxious to learn the name of per petrator of this dastardly trick. A. J. McTavish, an erstwhile resi- deet of Exeter, is now travelling sales- man for the Prime & Rankin Co., To ionto. His district is west of Toronto The wife of John Sturgan, of Kin cardine, died on Sunday morning. Mr. Sturgan is an extensive cattle dealer, and holds periodical sales of his stock in this. section. All notices of property for sale in TiE TIMES Sale Register cost 50c., ex- cept the bills of such sale are printed in THE TIiEs job rooms, when a sale notice is given free, Next Sunday will be the 100th anni- versary of the founding of the Church of England. Missionary Society, and collections will be taken up the world over in aid of the fund. We bear considerable talk of Stan- dard Oil Trusts and like corporations. II A good many citizens of this town are inclined to think that there was some kind of a trust on wood this season. 'L. L. rollick, who has been attend- ing Toronto Dental College for the past several years, and who expects has passed. his final examination, will open an office in St. Marys this sum= mer. William M. Parker, superintendent of the Dominion fish hatchery at Sand- wich, expects to distribute seventy - 1 five million fry in the waters of Lakes Erie, Ontario, St. Clair and Huron within the next three weeks. McDonell and Dow left the Old Coun- try last week bringing a prize horse, the winner of twelve 1st prizes and pronounced by good judges to be the best and heaviest horse that has left England for the last twenty years. On Wednesday, April Sth, Mr, John Charlton, of West Lorne, was united in marriage with Mrs. Dauncey, of. West McGillivray. We utaderstend that they have rented Mr, Westaway's house in Exeter north, and will. be- Come residents of Exeter. alainsEN a F`. gran,' -This noble dran a. in song, of the hook of .ktather, will be produced in Exeter by 'local talent, under the nianageultnt rat Henry Trott, late of Ann Arbois Mich., who has just presented it with great success in Parkhill, Forest and elsewhere. It will be performed. in costume and with full draniette action.. IstailovSNG Tata ROAD.--T.he" town- ships of Usborne and Hay are improv- ing the London rosin, from Exeter north to Rodgers ille, with a road mateliine. They are paring off the WO edges and rounding the road in a manner wbich much improves its ap- pearanee Itis well as rendering it more pleasant for trafiie. The work is suns der the supervision of Reeve Hawkins, of Ushorne township. BEronn Ten Bn uc -A spectacle vendor was taken before the beak on Tuesday for selling spectacles in town contrary to by-law. He was ar- raigned under the Transient Trader'"s by-law, but settled the case by paying $5, He Ieft town yesterday. These travelling gentry of unknown reputa- tion sboald be given a wide berth by our citizens. If a few more of them are subjected to the same treatment as given the hawker on Tuesday, they will give Exeter the go-by. ROYAL TEarrLA.Rs.-A very inter- esting meeting of the above society was held last Monday night: Still better is expected next Monday night. Let those who profess to be members show an interest beyond the fact cf securing an insurance on their lives for the benefit of their families after they are lain aside. Coins and help us. while you are said to be living. Assist the young brother who now fills the chair, by showing him that your sym- pathies are with him in his noble work. SECY. THE NEW RECTOR. -Rev. Ten Eyck, the newly appointed rector of the Trivitt Memorial church, here, entered upon his duties in this parish on Sun- day, preaching two interesting and. in- structive sermons, to large congrega- tions. Mr. Ten Eyck enters upon his duties under favorable circumstances, and will, we feel confident, judging from the energy displayed,"do much towards placing the church in an en- viable position, financially and other- wise. We wish the reverend gentle- man every success. MORE PROPERTY CH it GES, -Dur- ing the past week several more sales of property have taken, place in Exeter. Sam'l Priscator has sold his residence on Huron street to Jas. Brintnell, having disposed of his pro- perty to Sam'l Sanders, of Stephen, *ho purposes moving to town. -Henry saac, of Hay,has purchased the Turn- !. ull property from Wm. Bawden and will also move to town.-W.H.Levett, who a few days ago sold. his Produce business, has purchased the Mace pro- .erty, on corner of Main and Carling streets, and will conclucta eoal, wood and•seed business: He will move the residence portion of the building to a lot on a back street, and rent it. ADJOURNED VESrRYMEETING.--The adjourned Vestry meeting of the Trivitt Memorial Church to wind tip the business of the Easter meeting,wa held on. Monday evening last. T auditors' report was read andiadopte and proved highly satisfactory to ti congregation. The finances are in excel- lent condition, and indicate a growing interest in church work. At the con- clusion of business, a reception was tendered Rev. Ten Eyck, the newly appointed Rector. Addresses of wel- come were delivered byseveral persons present, after which Mr. Ten Eye gave a short address dealing the with incidents connected with his coming to Exeter. During the reception, t ladies, through Mrs. Bobier a Mrs. F. J. Knight, handed the rect. $360, collected to pay a, debt of $22 owing the Synod. The balance $140 will be applied to paying the organist's and caretaker's salary. A very har- monious and pleasant meeting was brought to .a close by the ladies pro- viding a well-prepared lunch for those present. a " Additional locals on 5th page. r Mr. Will H. Skinner, of London, 1st basso soloist at Band concert Mon- day, April 24. Hear him. Be sure you are amongst the big crowd who are securing seats for the Band concert on Monday evening, April 24th. Eugene Lockhart. the boy artist, o anada. Read the press notices scat- tered throughout town about him. Hes at the Band concert Monday evening, April 24th. Hear him. On Sunday last, Dorsthy, little klaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bute c�AA, of St. Marys, fell from a chair a d in doing so had the misfortune to break her arm. PUSHING FORWARD. Since our last notice of receiving cer- tain lines of goods, the inflow of cus- tomers to examine and purchase have been. more than we nave time to enum- erate. ickar The 13icycle season is right here and we are prepared for it. We aredaily making sales and taking orders for the fam-. ous Columbia . and Hartford wheels, These wheels are strictly high class and are ' thoruuguly reliable anit wily guaranteed in every respect. We are selling them at prices ranging from $30 00 to $ 7 5.00 the latter figure being for the beautiful new chainless models. We inyite you to inspect or new models Dress +.a .,,,s We are just mentioning a few of our leading lines in tbis list,'we have many others -equally as good. 42 inch blackand colored bengalines, warranted all wool in all new shades, special at , ., .. , ...... .. . 50c. 42 inch all wool Amazons in good weight, very suitable for tailor- made suits, a special snap at • 60o. 40 inch black figured lustres, good weight and splendid gloss at,. . 25c. 44 inch black all wool Idenrietta, beautiful pearl finish, special .... 50c, louse Silks 500 yards blouse silks in a great as- sortment of colors and patterns bought for SPOT GASH at a sacrifice price, regular values from 60 to 75c., special„ ...... 35 WALL, PAPER 4 4 4, We have them from 3c. to 25c._ per roll, beautiful new goods, latest designs and prices right in every case. You will bedelighted when you see them. We can save you money on wall paper 4, • # Highest marketprices paid for all farm produce. The R. PICKARD CO., Direct Importers. SPaciss.. PrtIzEs.-Sit prizes to be given at the fall fair of the Stephen & Usborne .Agricultural ociety, by Messrs. Stone Sc wellington, Nur- sery inen Toronto who will offer special prizes for the best specimens of potatoes grown from seed purchased this season from Thos. Grundy, the :agent of the following :-Sir Walter Ra- leigh, Great Divide and Carman No. 3, as fol- lows: 1st *10 worth of Nursery stock • 2nd $5 worth of Nursery stock. Winner's selection. These prizes will be gfl.yen for each variety. W. G. SANDERS, Pres. Wanted -An intelligent boy to learn/ rioting, apply at this office. Fon SALE CrxEAP.-Shelving and ;ton.nters for a general store. Apply to W. H. LEVETT. GENERAL SERVANT WANTED. - I private family, where nurse is ke and pian attends to furnace and fetch es coal. All conveniences. Apply to 380 King st., Lonclon. Bert Gidley left on Friday last for Detroit to take a situation. Arthur Ramsay was in Owen Sound on Wednesday last, assisting as "best man" at the wedding of his brother, Thomas and Miss Ena Hatmlin. Mrs. Hotham, of Deleware, Mich., ister of Wm. Levett, of Granton, died t her home on April 2nd, one month after the decease of her husband. She was an aunt of W. Levitt, of xeter. Busy is our password, and we ex- pect so to be: Never in our experience have been so rivited to our duty. . Our Ladies' Boot & Shoe department has been beseiged with delighted ad- mirers and buyers. We have to announce an; advance of 10 per cent in rubber footwear, and this will continue throughout the year or until some bombshell can he thrown in among the hungry and never satis- fied atinfied manufacturers. Brit all are alike in this affray and we will face the music like men. we Butter 14c. Eggs sic. J. P. CLARKE THE xeter Turf Club SPRING MEETING MAA' 24g1-1, 1899 PROGRAM. 2.20 Trot or Pace - 2.30 Trot or Pace 3.00 Trot or Pace Running, Open - $225. $°Z00. $175. $125. DR. ROLLINS, A. E. TENNANT, Pres. ' Sec'y. LEVITTS° FAIR HOUSE CLEANING scrub brushes 5c. stove ,, 10c. carpet whips 12c. brooms 10c. stove polish 5c. varnish 10c. ,2 pkg tacks 5c. tack lifters 7c. shelf brackets 8c. 4 ds clothes pin 2c. curtains pins 5c dz picture hooks 20ca whisks 5e, egg cups 20e dz (t �uggaes ! Buggies!! Buggies!!! or a first-class - buggy cheap go to W. H. Parsons, the lar - est carriage dealer in town. ikados, Farmers' Surries, and buggies of all kinds. Horse shoeing and general jobbing promptly attended to. A. Call solicited. W. H. Parsons. EXTENSION O BUS1N[SS. Having purchased the Exeter Mills we are now prepared to do general gristing and chopping. Flour whole- sale and retail. All kinds of grain bought. Grain delivered at first eleva- for p aid for at Mill office. Flour and feed delivered to all parts of the town freeof charge at reduced prices. Seed wheat„ wheat, oats, peas and barley for sale. COBBLEDICK & WILLIAMS. Try a bag of Diamond it is the best Flour in the market CANDY We have i i . chocolate ors L5 walnut e 25 commit e 25 almond , We have a nice lot of field and gas - maple a 25 den seeds, all chocolate earls 20 peanut squares lc tag btl?yars 1 " le fiNew and Fresh. cocoa rocks lc cocoa squares 1e maple walnuts lc charlotte russe le butter slice lc lap cocoa lc lemon Stick lc horehound le Bananas . Oranges Lemons 'Ticket for the doll in our win-" dow given, E with every 50c. purchase. Lucky ticket wins doll. Levitts' Fair .., 4 • 20. LBS, GRANULATED S Sugar = $i.00 Everything Cheap J W. Trevethick FURNISHINGS! This is the time of year that you will be needing some house furnishings. Below we mention a few of thelizles:; - WALL PAPER .Light and medium shades mika finish with border to match per double roll 10c. Light and medium shades mikes finish with border and ceiling to match per double roIi 15c. Fine extra heavy wall pa- per, gilt finish, border and ceiling to match per double roll 25c. We have a large range of patterns of the three above lines. A large quantity of inter- mediate and higher priced paper. CURTAIN POLES Curtain poles with wood trimmings in Oak andMaho- gany, pins and everything complete each 25c Also a range of brass eur- tain poles, trimmings and white curtain poles, WE SELL 16 OZ. BUNCHES OF We. CARPETS Two ply Union carpet 36 in wide per yard, .. 85c., Extra heavy two ply union carpet, 36 in wide. .. , .. , , 45 & 50a. Also a fine range of all wool and tapestry carpet. Oil Cloths Sc. Linoliurns 2 yd wide floor oil cloth per yd. . ... . . .. .. :... 50c. 2 yd wide do extra heavy 75c. 2 yd wide Linoleum per yd 90c. Lace Curtains & rluslins We are showing a very fine range of white lace curtains - from 25c. to $5 a pair. We have just placed into stock a range of white and , pale blue inuslins for curtains • .,,;, ..: 20&25cayd. ON BATTING AT 121e.. Highest price paid for Produce. 'Buttes <a., ggs10c Potatoes 0e8 per [ . 50e CAFZEING Etnois 11 51�.I: mfr ii „nr WEDNESDAY,APRIL 26u,nrmor.I ��� • :11n ,Will :IIIIimm. �.1i1111113 • WILL OPEN 111111 21,114 1 11111111. ,21111111 111111 111113 11 11 II I 4111 11 11 111111 111113 1111111 11113 14. alas 411 er THE NEDW 1„, ST RE. IN 0 H Ns T 0 N' min W PM 11 OLD STfIND. The stock is large, fully assorted with the latest styles and makes in General Dry -goods Hats & Caps Boots & Shoes Ready -Made Clothing Crockery & Glassware and the finest stock of GROCERIES to be pro- cured. Everything is new and sparkling, no shelf - worn or bankrupt goods. You get a large assortment of everything to choose from, at prices you will say are correct. Our motto will be. to please and give the greatest possible value for money expended. Remember the date APRIL 26th. Remember the store, Johnston's old stand, opposite Hawkshaw's Hotel. H. BISHOP IL SON. 4/444,044.10104444.11444.1.44414.41.4446 The hardware department will, as usual., receive personal attention. This spring the stock kas been increased by large importations direct from manufacturers, thus we are able to offer goods at "first cost Farm produce taken as cash. Vaal ▪ - IMIIFFFm 1.1 :111113 • 111, 11 FM Elba 13111111 111111111 „ 4112.