HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-4-20, Page 6•TIUJB T13.1 R
eeeteeteetweeeweeeweettenremss~e2 :some
of our farmer bays will take tbe
old homestead and ree.laitn it, keeping
A .
ity ,i,
111 U Us E li 0
- . •
DiaPossess your mind a the
our work
Ye er family will
WY neglected should you
little time te yourself every
even a locomotive is run
vice in so many
a rests 1 y economy.
This is ot I wise
Strongest machinery will wear
fore its time if in ti
con nuous
how riV41011 more does the delicate
chani hich oee to make
• w . g
-woman stand in need of the
and rest. This is only wise
There is no better way
•• ,
Lunt on a busy day than to
fifteen or • minutes for
.twenty• .-
mg the energies. After miswriting's
fort ' body and mind both grow-
the work flags; "things go
Now is the time for the
from which you return to
Y .
fresh, in good spirits ready
on things ' • '
legs with a vim, It
seems seasonable that •a few
daily sleep should have any
effect upon the health, but
is the cage any one may
trial. .
' T • the Iit
To glow e pa m well, ,
tent that we give it good
, , .. -
dkainag-e, and, a pot suited
' -
needs, and • good light, .writes
Rexford. •
It seems to de best in a .soteef
.. •
containing some cuty. Its
• .
strong Una fleshy, and like
themselves firmly supporttsd
ich the row. They have
wh Y g •
dency to run down, rather than
out' therefore the ordinary
deep enough to suit the palm
has xeached the age of two
years. If you, get .pots two
feet deep and. 20 inches across,
will prove well adapted to
of teree eneoimene.
' ' 5 -
Good drainage is of the greatest
portance. If it is not provided,
plus water is often retained
roots of the plant. This lea
ing of the soil, and. this condition
ways brings on an unhealthy
the result of which is soon
Yellowing a the tips of the
and -by the leaves turn brown,
so badly injured that they
plant and must be cut
the ',d
when four or five leaves have
the plant is generally past
ness for decorative purposes,
varieties of the aim reduce
so slowly that they can never
lose many. I find that more
growing the palm will, aeise;•from
drainage than from all other
be sure that each
least three inches of broken
brick, or charcoal in the bottom
to prevent the soil above from
the hole in it. It is a good
a la er a ha n moss
fibre over the drainage material
in the soil. This will
soil from washing down and
cracks and crevices thus allowing
eurplus water to pass off
Great care must be taken
. •
to the appliciation of water.
decorativ-eplants ill b used
w e U
I distance from • the window
I a time, evaporation will be
't is a mistake to ' give
‘‘,1 hee, . . -
- .- the son remains moist.
until the surfane appears dry,.
give enough to the/roughly saturate
the soil in the pot.
Some persons have the
plants used for the decoration
or parlor can be placed in
some other place some distance
good light and left there indefinitely
. . . .
without injury. This is not
o remain in hea
Theseplants,-t —
be k the'window
kept near as
possible. • They do not require
sunshine, ,
but they • need the
ff t f1' ht If
e cm s o strong ig . . one
a dozen plants, they Pen be
nately, some doing necorative
others are in ••tli?, witolow-hosni-
o• recuperate. • .-
tal t'
Pettus are often Injured.
It is therefore necessary that
watched carefully, and that
ons s ou a -en agains
ti h ld be t k '
/ranee and intrenchment of
An ounce of prevention
pound of cure in this c .
. keep pests fram getting
You•can do this h y using a
firstree oil soap. -
le D
idea that
be in any'
take a
day, 'Wla.Y'
into the
days for
Th e
out be-
. 'motion'
up a
of gaining
out out
. • •.
Magie di -Pt
Y our post
to carry
scarce y
that such
prove by
le impor-
' •
soil good
. ,
to its root
Ebee E.
'- .
roots , are
:to feel
by that in
a ten -
p0118 never
eeter Le
or three
or three
the needs
about the
ds :to sour-
seen in the
leaves. liy-
and are
been lost
its useful-
for most
afford to
trouble in
pot has at
of it
plan to put
. or cocoa
keep the
filling the
in regard
As most
at some
for days at
slow, and
more water
. .
and then
• idea that
of hall•
a corner or
the case.
1 th must
much as
. .
as a
h h if
used alter-
. e
by -insect .
they be
t th e ad-
the enem y.
is worth a
Aim to
solution of
them is 'declared by the eixonomical to
ehortee their period. a ' ugauhoss.
More than e MOROI a ordinary wear.
Day them on the ground, wrong eide
up, and beat and sweep thoroughly on
that side, the tern and do the same
with the other. •
Pineapple pie, -Grate one email pine-
apple, Cretan one telicup- sugar and
one-half teacup a butter together, add
the yolks of two eggs end the pine-
apple. When. thoroughlY mixed add the
stifly beaten wbites'of two eggs, and
bake With an und.ercrust only,
' •
,one pint of boiled, rice ; add to it one
tablespoonful of dry flour ; tvvo shakes
of salt and two teaspoonfuls of bak-
, '
v er,three yoUs
14...- 130Wd , eggs, Y lic and
whites beaten separately. one. alp and.
a a o sswee net , en tine ounce
h lf f • t lle 'cl
of melted butter. Bake in waffle -
. Wa SY
rup or powdered. augar.
, . . .- ,
RRabb t 1 • After thrabbit
i Sa me- e
been cleaned and cut into pieces. let
it soak in salted, water for about thir-
ty mmutes. Into the pan in which it
. •
is to be roasted. put oee half teacup of
1z/utter and four tablespoonfuls of flour
and brown together; then add one pint
of good rich stock; stir until boiling ;
then add twelve stoned olives, one tee
blespoonful of catsup or any good, in -
ble sauce; four shakes of salt; oneshake
of pepper, and than lay in carefully
the well drained rabbit. Cover closely
and. . cook in a good het' oven one
• h • d h f' rabbit with au. an a, al . Serve the .of
the 'sauce poured•over it and add a little
e•hopped parsley. 'This is a most deli-
' ' • •
CiOU.S way of cooking rabbits. •
. -- ._ ,. _
' One' is c d o say some-
always expe te t.
on. a new baby, and as i t is neither
thing when looking' for the first timelII
kind nor safe to tell the truth. and
say that the little red pudgy area -
, :
ture doesn't look like anything, .we
give a list of unpeteeted and uncopye
righted remarks to be used on such
pocasions, "Well, isn't lie cunning ? Ho
. , • .
looks like you.1" "I think he's going
to look like his father!" 'Hasn't he
dear little fingers? • Do let me see his
dear little toes 1" "Isn't he large f"
_"Isn't he a tiny darling?" • "How
bright he seems!" "Did you. ever see
such a sweet little mouth?"' "Isn't he
just tot) sweet fanything ?"' An
Lor Y
. '
and- all these remarks are warranted
to give satisfaction.
'. eel% eete, Seee re-. Sieett i.,..Se....S. eeee ei .seeintel.' ' ,
narrietere, Solicitors, Notaries, Coeveyeeeers:
Oeminissiencri, Ete •
.11(101111 Oa Lean at 4l.t. Per Q00* 41.1.15 Pt'r cent.
OFFICelleegANSON'S 13LOOK: lie,K1 .1-3.
Le, eAmeee, e. A, L. ra. pionoon. .
..., member of !he firm will be at Petisall au
xhursday of each week; •
,. ,
' ' : ' ' leyer
e wee horn .and brought el, on tee
old. homeetead wheal had nelongee to
. • • • .
mY grandparents; 'writes J. D. Smith.
it in the family instead a seeking a
I bent . fortu : 'n the Klondike or
px pp ..._ „..
Veltd,113g .all their hest yea•re Mad
western wilds. There are thoesands
of P'raetioelly abandoned faxane in t1e.
etlet, ConVe.Ment te initierete, that •are
not worn onf but elm. Ply n. egleeted,and
inn down, that can be made to bud
and blossom as the rose,"
/ I hat is
itelSaereSeSte.' t1NN.SeeeeeeSAti, Av.
'..-4.0.:-.1. , - t ,i;,•• ,..,..„
0 tr., ,,,, A—•
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if; ;.• .,
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4, •
''4"fer ' .
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-0,t: ,p,o.' „ v. ''..WWA'N 1. -
• ,
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1 e se
.. ,
- ,
p IL' 00.1.4LIN8,
. . • '
. . , • •
arrister, Solicitor t;ouveyamer Etc,
. , . , ,
BxEtutine, - °WV,t
OFFICE :. Over O'Neirs Banic.
- -- ----------- -' ------
.-. , . .
Barnsters,. Solicitors, Notaries Pahlia,
0.011VeyainerS &O, &O.
Iffa-Money to Loan.
9. V, let,LIOT. F. W. etsenett.
The- farm wee oriatnette splendid' erase
land. The grass waS eat, staoked
1,t1 the dield and the cattle allowed
to rtin to the slacks to get their
feed. This system' follewed for a
sexies af years oould but result in a
clegletion, of fertility and decrease
in proeits. Whets 1 game into pos-
session of the old homeetead I had
wily 4150 .with which. to make a
start. Ten calves were purchased. and
the foundation of a dairy herd laid.
• ,,
Some additions were made later. The
first summer these were old enough,
Sueoulent crops for earrying stock
throligh ,wieter or thrOugli the latter 'rolludheuse
part of summer venen pastuxes are
dried up are 'us. e . e '
j i. s !Mess x'Y .fer elle-
ces,s and profit' as feed for any. other
seasoa of the' year, writes Cs IS. Whit-
(*Mb. For pigs, calves and ranch cows
there is me feed in my ex ' '
"Perlenee so
cheap and proportionately valuable, if
properly utilized by sowing at differ-
ent times as to produce a succession.
,.. . „ , _ .
as a mixture or oats and paw. For
early feeding., this cornea long before
. .
CJastoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's
and Children. It contains neither
ether. Narcotic substance.
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee
Millions of 11Iothers. Castoria
allays Feverishness. Castoria
Curd, cures Diarrhoea and.
Teething troubles, cures Constipation
Castoria assimilates the Food,
, and. liowels, giving healthy
is the. Children's Panacea -the
. . ,
prescription. for Infant*
()Dim'', Morphine nor .
It is a harmless substitute ,
Syrups and Caster Oil.
is thirty years' use by
destroys Worms and
prevents vomiting- Sour
li • s ria relieve
Wind. Co c. Oa to *
and Flatulency.
regulates the 'Stomach,
and. natural sleep. CaStoria
Mother's Friend.
I Milked 15 heifers and ' made about
2 25o lbs. of butter. The plitee -WOUrd
corn could be depended upon for turn-
: ,.... ,
+slang green forage, and suPplies a
. VERSITY. M. D. C. M. Trinity Iluiver
ei ,y. OfIlice-Croditon, Ont..
not produce ha more
y enough to keeP
than 15 heed end. a team. The bnlid-
Lags were old and needed repairs, but
well balanced ratioe. With most pro-,
ducers, however, the full value is way.-
er realized from. this crop.
-Yeparate Offices. Residents° same as former.
Ily,..endrave nit. Offices; SP"ict""'s 4111141"r
Slain at; Dr Hollins' same as tormerly, nort I
dear; Dt. Ample' game building, southdoor;
' A. it° Uel NS.. M. D Tl. D. eAIVIOS, M. I)
a " Exeter. Ont
the expenee could not be borne at that
time. The poor oondition of the farm
• t - texhaustion' of fertil-
Was 110 owing 0
ity by excesaive cropping, but largely
• '
due to- the system/ in vogue at feeding
The soil should be made as rich as
possible, and. well drained, so that it
caxl he' seeded early. Plow to a good
depth, work demi the seed bed until it
is thoroughly pulverized ehen sow ject t
, with a drill 2 bushels of common white
Caned orniamopost of
a pees, Place a o
"Castorfn is an excellent medicine for
childreu. Mothers have repeatedly told rue
. •
its good effect upon their children!' . :
•, Dit. G. C. ()scoop,. Lowell, Mass.
, ..
0 If
. . .
"Caster:1a is so wen adapted to children
that I recommend. it as superior to any pre -
scripnen known•to me"'
Et. A, Aitetuta, IV!. D. _Brooklyn, Jr. 141,
.• aii •
:1- W.BROWNING M. D. M. 0. ,
E7 • P. 8 , Eirliduate Victoria University
gam turd remit:lance, Domini° a Labora.
tory, Exeter. - .. , '
. • ,..— es.
cattle • at-atacks,. and theloss .of -Man-
.ure. To re this ' f '
needy with any am-
titles at Isend Searned an almost hope-
, „,.
lasts. task. • •
medieuit **erg:he-on the. ainia Of the
drill teeth so these ••wi'll be foreed
- intothe Tabout f inches.•
down e soi. • our
Then wait one. week, depending 80131e-
hat t geese before seiwin
w• 1
Telt,. .)MLN,RYNcoroner for the •To
e- flaunty ot Huron. (Meek opposite
titling Bros. a tor e„ Exeter..
begin with, the manure at the
stacks was largely wasted. That 'in
the stables was thrown out under the
upon ni 11, g r
ete .9 bu, per aere of oats. beoadeast..
Harrow in well with a tight •harrow.
The -crop, if treated in this .manner
eaves, according to the.ciestorn of those I
and sowed about April 1, can be used
for feed ' • . - i he sea-
by th,e tin of July, f t
T..41. BOSSENBERRY, General Li-
1 "4 • ceased Auctioneer Sales conducted
iu aliparts. Satiehietiouguarauteed. Charges
moderate. Haman P 0, Out;
days, and in addition augur holes were
bared in the stable floor to allow the
. .
free esc ape of the liquids. lianceng
the elsopping u•P of the frozen manure
son is favorable. After the crop of
oats and peas has been removed the
land can be again cultivated and sown
to turnips. I have raised as high as
TT ENEY EILBER Licensed Aim-
.L...1- tioueer for the Comities of Smolt
and. Middlesex,' Sales °marinated at mod.
orate rates, (Mae, at Post-otlice Grad.
ton, on t .
the hardest work an the farm, I con -
ceived the ideeof digging out under-
.h t' f the- and
ueat a por ion o e cow stable,
drop.ping the manure down through.
400 bushels of tutnips per acre cater
a erop of this sort on good ground. I
am now feeding turnips raised accord-
in t this P land
g o is plan. Prepare the'
thoroughly before seeding to turnips
by harrowing and rolling.
. _
-eeeesese..ee-ee-eyesaee.essest.e. serteeseestressennel-WeeS sMitles3.1.7"Se-i: •:geReee"04.t1.00,--:•••4'
- - - - • • - • ' ' ' ' •
This soil saturated. with the liquid
exerement was • worth far more, load
Tennent & nnent
_ ....E.:..a -.
'Illeidnate of the Ontario Veterinary Col-
Oftice-One door scuth of Town Hall•
far load, than that taken from the
piles. J. then began drawing the hay
from the cows in the stable. Old
boards, straw, -etc., were used to stop
the cracks and keep out the snow.
Thus improvement was begun. Of
course grain feeding as practiced to-
day was put of the question. The
prineipal grain used was corn meal,
which cost $50 per ton at the railroad
• •
The farnxen likes to see his lambs
growing fast; but it is possible to make
more haste than good speed. The
lamb may have excess of nutriment,
and particularly of its mother's- milk.
All the milk that is swallowed COft g Et:
late.s in the stonmeh, and if it acciunu-
lates too fast the stomach wiii beeome
perfectly choked with it, and the lamb
Sorrow's best antidote is employment:.
-Young. .
...- .
ATERit .t.,,, , NERVE heal, et erre 4 .u.“.r sus-
covery that cure the worst es.r.es of
Nervous Debility Lost Vigor and
BEANS FailiugMnnh°11; reatr th
weakness- of body or in n cam
; by over -work, m the errore orig.
Sooner or later the world comee
round to see truth and do the right.
-Hillard. - •
Though familiarity may not breed
eontexnet, it takes off the edge of ad-
whitely cures the omen of youth. This Remedy $o.
most obstinate cases when all other
xasseezairs Wive failed mato relieve. aold by drug.
gists at.eieer peckage, or air for SS, or gent by mailer;
•ecelpt of price by addrersing MB:Jews memionre
"1°- ri .i t • n
&Id at Browninees Drug Store Exeter '
cAsToRi A
For Infants and Children.
- S
emu, is oe
_ ever
g . `""eS"
Established i u 1.863.
Iles Company has' been over Twente-eish
/ems in successful otter Won in \restoreand.
titan°, and ime ti it ilea to insureagainst loss cr
metre by Eire. Builditurs. Merabalidiss
eautraciorles and all other descrietions.of
framable Intending 'usurers have
15 miles distant. The saving o e foe_
der by feeding cows in the barn, .the
better quality of manure and warmer
stables, ail combined, soon began to
show in the haymows, and my stock of
be '' had
cows began to Increase. Pastures
been allowed to grow up to briers and
weeds. •
will be destroyed T-wo pounds of
cur e rank have been bun le . e
dl d .' * d - the
stomach of. a lamb. When a thriving
lands, with a healthy mother having a
full bag; begins all at once to be dull,
' t essed
and stand panting and Vs r ,
•can scarcely be induced to move,
and is considerably swelled, it is prob-
ably from this cause. '
mhation..-Hazlitt. .
&meth:nes a Alibis failure serves the
world as faithfully as a distinguished-
* -.. •ng i
.. s so haughty and assure,
Int; 'as ignorance, where self-conaeit
sets up to be infallilble.-South.
• We love to expect, and when ex-
pectation is either disappointed or gra-
tilled we want to be again expecting.
He that takes truth for his guide
. .
and duty for his end, may safely trust
- • •
to God's providence to lead hun aright.
E • ' d 1
Every men is a hero an an orac e
to somebody, and to that person, what-
eVer e says, as an vit ue.
h ' henchanted 1
ei .
6) ' •
'Very valuable Remedy in all L
affections of the _ _...„
Large Bottles, 25c. •
peens e"T...A.WeeNcE CO„ Limited
tee._ Pratt's. Perry Davis' Pain -Killer
• — •
' ito 1 Readers d th tl, • • a
, ya an c Great ion Who
u if lit 1 P I lilt t •
e g n rent, t e era nre.
• .
Emperor William of Germany is fond
of romance, and reads to the Empress
the - • ' '
all e new productions in that line.
His favorite book is the "Maitre de
Forges," which he delights to•of
aloud. i the original,h' 11 k '
n e is we - nown
vanity leading him to display his
fluency in that language,' h• h
- of w ic he
an excellent command, even to. a
• •
knowledge of the most minute shades
of meaning
g expressed by the French
The Czar of Russia also has a pen-
chant for Fre.ncle literature, on which
be is able to discourse well.
Mast of the sovereigns of Europe
have some knowledge of French litera-
Lure. • The Czar, at the time ' i h •
• • • . me e -
putt to the Acaderay, told Francois
c oppee that he had learned French
his works. The Prince of Wales
1 the works of Dome fil
reads al . s s and
likes to speak of them. The Queen of
• -•
has a weaknesS for. Lamartine.
Queen Elizabeth of Rouxamin the
Qusen and -
Queen Regent Of Spain prefer Pierre
- •
Lot, - Everybody knows- that the late
- • f A t '
Empress o eerie. worshiped Henri
Heine. It has often been said that her
f„,,,e,,,,,, for hen „Lee, from the face
that of
of all the Germans the author 'of
the "Intermezzo" was the 0118 wh 0
was the greatest admirer of France.•
M Theirs
M. was an ardent reader, and
was also handy with his pen, as was
Letts Na,poleons Of the French Frem-
dents Faure was probably the best in-
formed, reading everything with avid-
it with a special liking for books on
Y, g
travels arta colonization and the • Free,
en -Prussian war. Carnet had a hobby
fax works on the French Reveled° .
The new Prestdent, frI. Loubet 'pos-
, ,
sesses a large and well -used library,
and contrary to general report, is a
ell rea,d man •
veil' w-- '
the oplion of insuringon the Premium NoteacTherefore
Cash System.
During' the post tenyears this company has
irsued57,00ii Policies, covering property to the
am t'unt of $40,872.08; and paid in 109903 alone
„Insets, $ !WO 00.00 • Oong*ting of ease
in Leek Government Deposi Med. the ,unasses-
sed Premium 3Notes on hand and in force.
3.11 •W ALPENA. -M.D., President; 0 M. TA rtes.putting
secretary ; 3. V. if ue n vs, Inspector. . CHAS.
ELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity.
I be I t ' 'what the stook
began ..iy cu ting e
did not eat, then fencing off a. few
acres each year, I plowed and planted
to corn and potatoes, using the manure
now saved under the stables. These
ad Pasture fields responded to this
treatment in bountiful crops. These
were tuxne meadows. a
finally• cl intoA
stock increased, weeds and bushes de-
creased, and 1 had the satisfaction of'
— .
Tile l'ery Latest Novelly Introduced 111
_ . .
A very animated descriptive o a bar-
ber shop in which naost of the familiar
operations are conducted by elec in-
' ' b 'L'El art ie For
city is given y e c n.
Is euellshed every Thursday morning at
Mlle% Stearn Printinir House
ma n street, nearly opposite Fitton'siewelr y
' store, Exeter, Ont., by
JuliN WHITE ss SONS, Proprietors.
Firet insertion, per line 10 cents
Et eb subsequent insertion, per line3 can
To insure insertion, advertisemeats should
be sent in not later than Wednesday morale:.
ca the largest and. best equippedin me County
of Huron. .All work en.rusted to us will re-
ceive our prompt attenton.
Decisions Regarding Newspapers.
1 -Any person who takes a paper regularly
from the post office, whether directed in his
/13,010 or 0nOther's,or whether he has subscrie-
ed or not, is responsible for payment.
2 -if a person orders his paper discontinued
he must pay all arrears or the publisher • may
Continue to send it until the payment. is made
and then.collect the whole amount, whether
the paper is taken freer the °nice or not. i
8 -In suite for subscriptions. the suit may be 1
instituted in the place where the paper•is pub- ;
Itsned, although the• subscriber may reside '
hun ireds of miles away. t
courts have decided. that refusing to I
take maw:Tapers or periodicals from tho pose i
office, or removing and leaving them unm.i.ed
tor, 14 ' .
, pruna fame evideme of intentional•
seeing my manure supply not only
much larger but of a superior quality.
' 1 attention to
I desire to call spews
the importance of thorough cultivation.,has
Th ' ' k
e pasture fields 1 began to work
over n ere in many ins a ces
'h . .1., n a dense
tamp of briers, bushes or weeds. Any-
one who has had experience will know
that. such fields are only subdued by
uch leb As compensation I found;
that where briers had been thickest
I got the best erops of corn and Intel -thee
tees, and • when seeded,. universally I
gave heavy yields of clover and timo-
1 field that had been
thy. 1 reeal one
used as a night pasture for cows for
40 years or more. It WI'S the universal
Custom of that time to have a largefrom
area in pasture so cattle would bevel
sorceething to eat when dry weather I
came, with the. result that pastures ,
were not only overgrown with dry, un- '
eaten grass, but briers and bushes
gresv up everywhere.
This particular field covered somewhile
acres. It was taken up in sectioies
bushe • iull d and burned, stones re-'
s 1 e
MOVC and as soon as properly fitted i
seeded to clover, timothy and redtop. I
As year by year I saw barren wastes
or a wilderness of bushes transformed
into waving fields of grain or produce
I example., hot water is obtained by
• ' passing. the -stream of a hydrant
1 through a German silver tube in a
soapstone case, the tube being dean.-
0 ally heated, so that the water is near-
ly boiling when it passes out of the
spigot. "For the • crimpi f th
ng 0 e
Ll'zze.8 " °Lir young women there is
f • • t th
f no longer necessity ox recourse o e
iron. For a long time the defects
• is of heating have been
° f this method
a° ticed, for the capillary artist some-
times forgets and. leaves the -iron in
the heating apparatus too long, 80
bionde or
thatlit ' d with bl d
when is use w
brown heir, b
if it does not make a urn,
it makes the hair red, which is evenItaly
. ,,,„ -
more disastrous." .
The new 'curling irons heat them-
1 * inc interior *of the rods is
selves. IL
a fero-nickel wire, •vehieh oan be.,
brought up to thei proper temperature
- and will then remain at this isartm tem-
, . . . , ,
perature indefinitely. But it is. in the
Vetting ox the hair that electrieity has
.produced the most complete revolution.
Ihe scissors have slowly given way to
No true and permanent fame can be
founded exCept in labors which pro-
mote- the happiness of mankind.--
Charles Sumner.
Mistrust the man who finds every-
thing - good; the man who finds ev-
erything'evil, and still more the man
vrhc. is indifferent to everything. -Lav-
ater .
A soul occupied with great ideas best
f II duties; the d' t
performa sma e tvuaes
views of. life penetrate most clearly
• t th t me- 'es -Mar-
in e e meanes e Igenci .
tineaue •
. • —
imereaseti'rwo mittens or Peopie in Ftny
• . Years.
, _
Mx. Robert Vegers delivered. his
wr 'dential address at the Surve ors'
--ea Y
Institution, Savoy street, Landon, .re -
cently. There was a large attendanee.
Speaking as a surveyor of fifty years
standing he had, he said, seen the open
spaces taken possession •of by the ex-
tra 2,000,000 people who had. had to be
provided for 'during that time. •• The
'Children Cry for
A „. T ,... 1 .
ii - .A
-population within the administrative
Crytinty of London had rieen from.- 2,-
363,274 in 1851, tai 4.2312,118 or anal
_. . . ‘•
f t • '
ix y -six peisons to the aere.. 1.11
number of inhabited. houses.was 306,064
. .. :s . I . . _ i
• MEN. • . . I
Antipathy, like fear, is somethbag
• •
unreasonable; it is. an instinct, and
therefore absolotely , unconquerable.
Great men have suffered from strange
antipathies King Henry III, could
- - • • • •
not remain alone in a room with anat.
The Duke of Epernon fainted at the
sight of a leveret. Tyeho Brahe svas
all in a tremor :at the sight of a lev-
et or a, fox The Marshal of Albret.
er . t. .
d b • ' •
was made .1.11 if a young wild oat ee a
sucking pig was served a.t the table
where he sat. The famous scholar, Sea-
linger, shook all over at the sight of
watercress.' Lord Bacon swooned away
at an. eclipse of the moon, Bayle went
into convulsions at the sound of wa-
ter -running out of a faucet, Lamonte
le Vayer had nervous eorteutsions at
hearing any mashie 1 instrument. But
the moat ,extraordieary of all was
King -Ladielaw of Politind, who fled
• • . . , • thesighi. of an a -
precipitately at , . , P
ple. Had, he only been in the pla.ce
• Fve svould
of Adam the temptation of ...
have- been of no avail, '
in 1851, and 548,315 in 189E' The seri-
Le - h • 'd
ous prob ne was ow to provi E) a pop-
ulation increasing at the rate of about
500,000 in ten years „with the peeper
means of internal. ' eommunicatton.
'Speaking • broadly, the bulk of the
:heavy traffic of London was between
. • -
' the north and eolith or the terraluz of
.‘ • s ' . '
•the great railwlys on each side of the
• .
river. rine lighter traffic and the ebb
and flow of the pedestrian tide was, on
the other haud, mainly from ' east tc
west They neght wonder what the
•state fthings•• Id b ' t • Mt tsr
o .,you . e in we .Y.
thirty years time, ' and yet nothing
had been done to mitigate the grow -
ing inconvenience: The widening of
the footpaths had scarcely b$011 Con -
sidered. 'Ihe system a tube railways
would probably ' absorb some o.f the
foot, traffic, but their earryteg capas
. . ...,
.city would soon be reached, : and \sees
er roads and • pavements become ire -
' What heel hi thee to been
perative. ,
./ . tinkering,• d .
done was incie 1.n an
enormous expenditure would have. to
, , , , _ • .. ,. sts,ets
be incurred in neither widening
like Oeford • street Holberix the
Strand Fleet street and Ludgate Bill,
: • . .
which were originally laid .Out Or a
population oneefiftla the present siza.
'1 PI LL*.
C u
dolt Fleadeche end relieve
dent to a bilious state
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness,
sating, Pain in the Side,
remarkable success has
' ---'771-7r-T.,..
R -,.
all the troublea i el.
of the system, sucha as
Distress after
ite. While their most
been shown In curing
ing 3 tons of hay per acre, we began;
to feel that our dream was being real-,
ized, and yet I was sadly handieapped'
by old, cold stables, and my barns
could. not hold all our produce. 'How-
ever, not until 1876, eight years after
the purcha.se of the farm, did I feel
warranted in building a barn.
ea improving" my farm buildings I
began by ?liming my stable. floors
directly as the ground. This was on
a level with surrounding grounds,
thoroughly drained and dry. Not a
particle of air circulates beneath. the
cows. Manure trenehes were water
tight and not a particle of solid . or
lqui. exertmen va e . o ne w. 0
1. 'd . ,, ' t e st d T o b,
bas never had the experience, it is. (life
remit to the by the use
eliPpieg machines,. and. these, in „their
turn must disappear before an else-
trietally heated. platinum, wire, with
which the. hoar may be burned off.
l'he apparatus, as described, consists
of a. raetallm cemb, along one side of
which. is stretched the hot wire, and
as thee is passed. through the hair
the red-hot wire burns it off neatlY
and smoothly, and at the same time
seals up the end off the -hair, it being
supposed in this way to produce every
desirable effect. The method is, ee
course, entirely antiseptic, but it
hardly seems likely that the air of a
barber's shop will, be very pleasant
th bt ' 'el•
w en t ese new me oils ct. aux a wi e
h -h.
popularity. '
Often the housekeeper desires to pa-
per a ceiled partition or wall, and it
is 'very' vexatious to have the paper
crack off, as it is .almost certain to do.
- ' ' . . •
Various expedients have been tried, in-
eluding papering over the wood with
.' • •
newspapers, placing strips of cloth over
the cracks,. etce all of which have been
found uesatisfactory. The best -way,
1 success 'ul. way is to coy-
the only teal f
er the antire wall with cloth, the cheap
t muslin being as good as any
put it on not without waste, but
with upholstery tacks, which are small
and •fiat -headed and de not show un-
. . . , •
der the paper. Put the noitsiiii on in
strips as you do the paper. • It you wish
. ... ' , - . • . .
. • - • s • •• tn •
tO paper a venlig, Seam , e breadths
f ' 1, t
o plus in ogether ; tack it at.one end
and stretch it tightlyto ' th • oth .
e el:
,..-' .Penn.,
Teck teat end, and that drive tanks
a, foot apqrt all over the surfaceeThen
• • '
it is teady to paper.
riat 11 a which - ,- - see
• e Pd. e wool, '.8 bener Y
uninerchantable or sold at a dieeount,
ittaltes fine comforts for winter ' use.
. •L ' '. t ' ' I
Weigh out two .and. a half pounds o
wobl, • wash it arid pick it apart; mak-
1114. it 1"se' light alla linfi'Y' If ' s-
can get a' pair . of wool cards, hrtake
. . .
b't 8.•thtl I' ' ' 1.
, it into a -s. tee e ie aung on you .
quilting frames ; lay the wool. evenly
' •,
t rid ut n the oritside Peek
V" '.' t!'. e ,, '
tnree inenes apart. SUOu ventoots aro
Wanner .tban eaten ones. . ,
flanging carpets on a, line aneb,eats
A ' • .
warning is issued by Mr. W 3.
Arkcoll, a London veterinary surgeon,
• . •
to families in which cats are kept,
against allowing .theni to be in the
house while suffering. from. a mere cold,
- " I have recently discovered," he
, ' •
writes, " that in many parts of the
west and northwest of London a num-
ber of the feline race have•been strick-:
• • • '
en, with influenza and of a most dan-
gerbus ferin, AS the, epideraie May be
contracted from pets it .behooves la-
• ' ' ' ' •
dies end gentlemen not to handle or
fonale afflicted animals. I would par-
ticulasly forwaril them not 16 allow
nu 'with, .t
e i ten to play ' or go near o
' -
a cat ow dog which ,appears to have
on15 contracted a Wight cold"
Afier 1,
Pefare. ' 'Woods Phosphodino '
The Great English itesnedv,
Sold and recommended by all
i . druggists in Masada. Only ten.
, able Medioine ctiecoveted, sit
A A i --.‘ .2a ackages guaranteed to mire all
• 1 11 1vious.
fares Of Serum WeeltneSS. a effects 0, abuse
or eicedS, Mental Worry, giteessive user/ eo-,
baisM, Opihre or StimulantS. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $t, six, $5. One will please, .
Six isigeure Pamphlets free to any ttddreati.
• - - - i d Onts
The 'Wood Companyi W n itor$line,
Wood's Phosphodine Is sold. In Exeter
by j. W, Browning,. druggist.
Si C
Headache, yet CARTER'S
are equally valuable In
and preventing this annoying.
they also correet all disorders
stimulate the liver arid
Even if they only cured
Ache they would be alment
who sorter from this distressing
het fortunately their goodness
hole, and those who onea
these little phis valnable
they wM not be *mist
But after all sick bead
is lihe bane of so many lives
we -make aim great boast.
while others do not,
Cennuesi Metre elven
And yoty easy" to take.
is dose. TheY are eteletly
lot gill or purge. but
lease a I who use'theat,
tater 1. Sold everywhere,
s alitTela keelOnal
111 ?II kali Dm,
: 1
Constipation, curing
complaint, while
a tho Stomach,
regulate the boisteel,
priceless to Mesa
does not ena
try them will find
in oct many trrayri that
to do witheet theme.
that hero fa where
Our pills aura it
pule areveryinedi
One Of two pint nwske
Vegetable Mid- de
by•their gentle Station
tit tale at 25 etietai
Or SentbY MS&
00,, OW tato 7
Stail .
realize gain
of the new barn with its improvements.
The bays and feeding alleys were tight
See of send or leaf lost
tied not a pare ‘ , .
After u.sing the new, warm stables one
winter, 1 became convinced that from
this saving a seeds, fine particles 'of
h . If 'th the 11
ay, eta., in connee eon ivi. e sma -
eit amount of fodder cOnsUmed because
of vsarmei stalsles, I e,ould keep five
more Cows. • When I cone to apply
• the manure daily from the stabies„
, t 'd it vvas ith th l' 'd
Batumi e as w e ique s
there was at onee a p.erceptible in-
crease in the hay crop, ..
While in ray ease some advanee-
mut had .been intide under the aid
system', the real gain hascome since
1 began using- the new barn. I Wa.8
considered little better teen a lunatic
in building snob a "nianitnoth barn,"
• • • ' •
t was called but aired(' two ad-
as .!, I , Y
dition,s have beet put en, whil e ar-
rangements are eve being Made to nut
t ' f 20 76 4 et I the
an an ex atmon 0 X e, • . . n e
30 years I have owned the fated the
cow -keeping . capactty has ' been quade
rupled and .1 expect to continne to add
. IS WI ' • 0' ee ing
te the ROMher It ' ' th it t ' 1 '
°f bottstfifinese that 1, have narrated
these taste, but with the hope that
(:1[1]eie 161111groerSe
. .
pea ers
• Thonssecta of aetoni,pubilit
- entertainers,. singers, lectur•.
en, preitehera. and readers '
are tormented with throat
weakness. These delicate
organs being overtaxed be-
,..., coin() susceptible to h ea d
. • e, made influenza, hoerseriessj
/4/ e tickling in the threat sileoz.,
/ Ing, dropping in the throat
, . . . ,
14 nein over ty eyes, ury
throat, me.; al these are,
forerunners of Catarrh,
Asthma; Torisilltis, and are but stopping stetiee to
tiVeAlriwciliVAVAVIltrf atroikti.. ir....,..„
- --` - — -- — ' - - - ---''``
Ispeevorfa eiainless•
,liarttikaa andquick-actinmand
will dare Watch troubles -relieves in re malutes.
"I cite Is t or I lin jer Ae %,?$t Cat r h 1
tier ii W du II" .1' t ` -"i i i iv a 13°1v'
, sie er u „Twig per pert eu ar y or singers
" s , ease. myself and le were, both
sautVetellieF e
an fie a o Oneillti$ and Catarrh, 811 never „mind
ything to equal this great remedy for quick actloe
end curative euelltles...it is a woad er orker, I
heartily recornmsed ii to my brotherpretwesslonals,0
, . At 'amnion RAW, Ateht; New York. City. --St
. S d , tz Exeter
re •
GLASS 1?IP..,.
, •
„ The. iAteet invent:1mi is a pipe one
• ' ss "' says the Bradford
made of gla , . '
'The• , .
Ere, glass manufacttir-
The value of property had enerinciesly
rimen in the city; and he lane pureleiere
fen in73,000 ' pi operty fox Meth the
geeedfather .of the vendors had given
.1r00 •
i., s .
• , . -
• ,
ing firm whose plant I8 located al Port
. , . , ,, , , .
) is pre-
Alle..alp,„ hear Bradford, 1 u,,, ,,
s' . ' . that . - ,
paring to Make ?lass tubes tan
be used fax Sending oil or gas across
the country, for carrying off sevvage,
supplytag oitiffs with Water, etc. The
g ass p pe oes no corr e, 1
1 * I d, • ' t od 't is iniper.
, to electrolysis in underground
it A I i . • u, .
eonde. s, an t a claims asless like-
iron An oho
, ,,, , ,
The latest tn the-bulding [inclis the
, . ,
aurairiaurti . hut for Klondike miners,
.• ,, paciked • for earrie.ge ii, •vveight
1 10 pounds. It is oomposed of t eur
sides and a :roof of thin sheets , .0t. al -
• At up it contains
uminiuni,' a.rid when p .
190 cubic feet, . . .
ly to leak than pipe. .
. , , , , , tti • ' s h a 1 e
eeraPanY le 110W PU ng in ne , p p
li • d ti 1 test of th • -
an a prao Oa, e sys-
• •distance•
f era will Soon be possible foe a
' ' '
of one hundred tulles,
Children Ory
c . e