HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-4-20, Page 5aa EXErEJ.. USX,. Money To L00111 fr011a di lie 5X, Apply to ELLIOT & GLADIVIA.N, Barristere, Solicitors, 1te., Main St. Exeipor Money to Loan. We have unlimited privatef ands for ittlrest- pent upon farm or village property at lowest. :rates ef interest. DICICSON ez CARLING; Exeter. TT RINSIVIAN, L. D. S. AND •••••., DR. A. R ZINSM.A.N, L, D. S D, D. S., Honor Graduate of TorontoUniversity, Dentist. Tooth extracted without .pain or had after effects. Otl1o0 In Van- zon's block, West side of Main street, Exeter. DR- ANDERSON, 0,S I. D.. S.) DENTIST. BODOr.Graduate of the Toronto tUniversity, and RZyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All Bridge work, Crowns and Plato -work done in tho neatest poSSible manner. A harmless ancesthetie for painless extraotion. The strictest; attention given to the preservat- ion of the natUral teeth. Office, opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. Forms •for sale A few good farms for sale cheap_ Money to 'loan. 'Apply to JOHN SPACEMAN F v Sale , L . Part of lot 8, Marlborough st., frame cottage. nne-ilfbh of an aere, good stable 11,46, good ,well of water. Terme cash.• • ,, Apply to Albert Ilex Exeter. • Fern's For Sale. Bruce County.sorae great bargains Apply uo • l'Aants MoK. S•rnwenet. Drawer 16, Kincardine: House For Sale. It, S. Lang offers his residence in Exeter, for nal°, Tho house is a commodious two storey trick, with all couvonien.ces. There are 8 loll. Good' orchard and well arranged shade tre s. Apply to A. McPherson, Exeter . who has the hoY. Notice. 1ot1c0 is herebygiven that tho partnership heretofore subsisting between Remy Cook and Ileinhart Cook, and known as "Cook Bros." carrying on business as ilour millers at the vil- lage of Hensall has been disolvecl by =teal consent, Remy Cook who has always man- aged the Henseli mill will continue the business partnership withEenry Rundle. The busi- ness will be further extended and will be car - tied on at the old stand under the name style and firm of Cook & Rundle. Dated let day of March 1899. A HOOPER,Licensed Auc., tloneer per tha County of Huron. Sales con- ducted in all parts, and for convenience can be arranged for at this Oleo. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Charg,es moderate. Exeter P. 0. Dissolution of Partnership. -- The partnership heretofore subsisting be- tween J. G, Jones and P. T. Halls, and known =s Jones &Holls.carrving on business as gener- al morchants and produce dealers,in thevillageS of Winchelseaancl Exeter, has been dissolvect. by mutual consent. All aceonnts and notes verdue, . must be settled by May first, if 'not -will be put into other hands for collection ; andJ :all accounts againat saiclfirm MUM; be present° by this date. JoNes &• HALTS. Dated April lith. 1899. CALL AT HE FAMILY For first class CORNED BEEF, • PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA and SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS • A. fine selection of 4 - BEEP, t. LAMB, ' FRESH PORK,. • and all kinds of • IPieesle ;and S- exited! Metes, tem hand. ee - Note the address, one door north of' The R. Pic learcl Co'e store. LOUIS DAY PROP. is sometimes necessary but when it cornea to speaking of the many choice things in our stock Of furniture, no talk at all is necessary. In fact the goods speak for themselves and in no uncertain manner. Clornein and Ilene • them sing their own praises and you will be delighted with the chorus. Re- member this 18 the place to get your f nrnithre. ANOTHER OAR LOAD JUT IV R N. NO E FREE.' We give Ellie fine watch,• and s., So a chain and Ghetto for selling two dozen Lavtii COLLAR Bur. Toils, at 10 cts. each. Send your address and wo Forwud the lln tton s, postpeid, and our Premium List, No money a - sired. Sell the But- tons among your friends, return the malty, and We Send the welch, plepeid. A genuine American wattle guaranteed a good innepiece. Mention this paper when voicing. nreerrt BUTTON , eir taide St. Ed forente, Ont. ADDITIoNAL LoCALs, The Beueefield fair was held on Wed- nesday. Thos. Pedclington, of Rayesville, is visiting I. 11, Carling, f. E. Pickard Was in London on Monday on business. 0. Fritz and a, Preeter, of Zurich wee() ha tow n on Thursday. Dr. Sweet is altering and improving the Interior of his residence. Messrs. Carl in g Bros. ne e having the frcint of their block repainted. Chas. a Verity, of 13rantford spent Tuesday visiting friends in town. IVIr. and Mrs • 13alfour, of Kippen, visited are. J. P. Ross this week, Arrangements are being perfected for the races in Exeter on lYfay 24th, Luther Howard left yestexelay for Galt, where he will learn the trade of a machinist. Pearl Levita • the nwner of several handeome guinea pigs, had one killed by clogs Saturday, • Geo, • Reitman has ,cominenced the mason work of P. Frayne's residence on Andrew street. Rev. Mr. Martin will deliver his third sermon on Modern Heresies next Sunday evening on Spiritualism. Mrs, (Dr.) Anderson and daughter, • Miss Muriel, leave this week ta visit her mother, Mrs, Elliott, of Ilitchella, ' On the 26th of April, ethe new dry goods store of Bishop & Son will la opened for business in. Johnstone oie stand. • . Win. Dearing, of Stephen, is 'Pre paring to erect a brick residence on the McNaughton property, Andrew street. W. Levitt on Saturday accidentally ran a rusty nail in his foot. He has since been nursing that member to prevent blood -poisoning. Citizens 3vho have trees in their gar- dens with black len,ot on them would consult their own interests by having them attended to at once. The Sutherland Innis Co., on Friday last raised the frame of their new saw mill and stave factory, and will com- mence operations shortly. The Epworth League of James Si. church will hold a musicel and literary meeting next Tuesday evening, when a good program will be presented. - A number of the Masonic fraternity intend -visiting London on Friday evening to witness the Sivd degree ex- emplified of the Londonlodge. • Next Sunday evening Dr. Willough- by will deal with the "Mistakes of Moses" in his seceudaddress to young men on theBible in Tames st. church. John Sanders, of the 3rd comes - slate of Stephen, this week purchased the residence of Mrs. Whiting,- on William Street, paying for the same $400. ' There is considerable complaint abont the irregular time given. by the town clock. Better to have .no. time all than wrong time-. - The 'matt r should be looked into. If you wish to sena brand new stock of dry goods and groceries; hats, caps, boots and shoes, &c.; call' at Bishop & Son's in Johnston's oldsaand. Open 261h ApriI, (Wednesday...). Thaaservices of garsleall, a 'known andlpoptilardry goods man of Toronto,have been engaged to man age the new general store of H. Bishop & Son, to be opened April 26th. The Sutherland -Innis Company, of Chatham, have purchased a tract of land near Owen Sound, to which they will, in the fall, remove their stave mill now. located at 'BrYanetoh. Wm. Bawden, of Exeter, bas pur- chased the McDonald farm in Hullett, near Auburn, containing 100 acres, for which he paid $3,000. The farm cone tains alarms° end other buildings. The old stand forrfferly occupied by G. G. Johnston has been thoroughly renovated and painted. The new stock Of general dry goods is coming daily, mid the new store '-will be opened on' the 26th of April. :Messrs Matthelv and Robert Reiland of Usborne, received worci last week of the sudden death of their brother William, who died in Exeter, Devon- shire, England, on March 30th.. The deceased was 73 years of age. The Sunday school of Main st. Church will bold their anniversary on Sunday next, when Rev. Mr. Ford, of London will preach special sermons. On the following Tuesday an enter- tainment; will be given in the church. R. S. Lang, of Toronto, is spending a few days in town on business. Mr.. Lang has given the contract for re- painting his residence here, whicb would seem to substantiate the rumor of his returning to Exeter to live.. W. T. Acheson the genial landlord of the Central habel, has had erected in front of this ''„fine hostlery, a large iron balcony. This balcony will proye a convenience to guests and will afford them much own -fort in warm after- noons and evenings. •, The Eckardt family of Bell ringers, assisted by local talent will give an entertain client in the Opera 'Ho ase on Saturday, Ayril 22nd, in aid of the Coesumptives, Charitable Aid Soese- ty hospital fund in Canada. See dod- gers. Thomas Ramsay and bride (nee Miss Hamlin, formerly of Exeter,) spent Thursday evening last in town. They left next morning for Los Angeles where Mr. Ramsay will engage in the milling business, Mr. Ramsay is a son of Samos Ramsay of this place.. • The- contracts for the erection 'of the R. Pickard. Co's new store have been awarded. George Heaman • gets the mason work, Mr. Seekelr, the carpen- ter work, Dyer & Howard, furnish the material, while Wes. Welsh does the painting. The building is to he ready for oceupancy by July Ist. In order to meet the growing de- mands for his excellent brand of har- ness leather, Mr. T. H. MeOallum, has furl ib necessary to make an addition to hie tannery: A. number of new vats will be added as well as some chauges Made In the interior. And these im- provements will necessitate an increase in the number of workmen employed, TOBACCO HEART: Mr. W. ,T. Judson, Curtis St,,St. Thomas.Ont., says: "I bad troinele with My' heart for two mire, eatiseclby eXoessive use et Tollaceo. I used, ono bpx of 11411burn's Heart an cl Nerve rhiporicivs and bays not sufrered frOtn 150,14)itatiall I -IOW TO ID HESS WELL, By Using the Never Falling Mirada. Dyes Any Woman Can Have Twa or More Dresses of the Newest Colors tie, Trifling Coet, Women who dress neatly and well find the Diamond Dyes to be their best and truest helpers, One or two pack- ages (according to weight of (Imes) will recreate any faded or discolored dress or skirt that bas been cast aside as use- less, and the cost will ea exceed 10 or 20 cents. Instead of having to depend upon one dress for btreet and chorch wear, • any thrifty and. handy woman with the help of Diamond Dyes can have two or more dresses in stylish colors always ready for service. Do not risk your dresses with imita- tion or adulterated dyes; see that your dealer gives you the Diamond Dyes when you ask for them. GREAT GRUMBLERS Grunehling Will Cease if Exeter People Follow This Citizen's Advice. When the kidneys are sick they grumble. • You hear them clear •through the 41) a e,k. o feel them clear through the bode. They grumble when overtaxed. You woulki know the reason'? It's a simple thing; your back will tell you, Backache is the first grumbling • warning, The kidneys give it; if you heed it not. Look out for trouble. It will sorely come. . Urinary trouble, kidney trouble and many mieeries. Doan's Kidney Pills are made for kidneys only. They cure every form of kidney ill. The experience of -Exeter people proves this. , Efere's a case in point: Mr. W. G.V3issett, the well known proprietor of Bissett's livery, for eleven years it councillor, and for four years deputy reeve, one of our best known business men, says: have only good words fon Doan's Kidney Pills because they proved a splendid medi- cine for kidney trouble in my family. I heartily recorn end them as it cure for kidney trouble in any form' and trust that all suffering from suchcom- plaints will not hesitate to -give thern a trial." Doan's kidney Pills are sold by all druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price 50e. a box or 3 for $1.25. The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont. Ask for Doan's and refuse all others. NOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. • AR OLD AND WELL -TRIED REMEDS.-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothersfor their ildren while teethingwith perfect success. soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all p in, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy f Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold 0,14y druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. 33e eure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. T. urtic SMOKE SEE T In CM on each Pi A Man is always hi the SWMO If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting • SUIT'S Ilais a sure fitter. His pncee are away down. His goods- are the best. Call and examine his goods before buyin g your ,02§1s8....,FALL SUIT W. JOHNS, The Minor. • The Central tae oessee Ila,Ve used Hall's British Seyen IVIixtures for a nuenber of years, and am never without it in my stable, 11 18 invaluable as a dressing in all cuts, wounds and corks on horses. Also as it liniment for strains, swelling, lame- ness, sore throat and influenza it can- not be surpassed. ' W. G. 13xsenTie Manufactured ancl sold by 0. Lntz, English Stock food is giving good satisfaction, and wewottld recommend Steck raiSers to give it a trial, Oise.* C LUTZ "Great Haste. is Not Always Good Speed." gfan,y people trust to tuck to pull them through, and are often disappointed. Do not dilly-datty in matters of health. With it you can accomplish miracles. With- out it you are "no good." • Keep the liver, kidneys, bowels and blood healthy by the use of Hood's Sr' saparilla„ the faultless bloed purifier. Rheumatism-' 1 had acute rheum. tism Mniy limb and foot, I ceraznericed treatment with HOocVs Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pala and in a short time was cured,'' WILLIAM Heexerr, Brantford, Ont, Scroftda-"I was troubled with scrofula and impure blood. A cut on rilY arm would not heal. Hood's Sarsaparilla was recommended and after I had taken three bottles I was well." D,usunr,Itosnisex, 02% Treauley Street, Toronto, Ont. Rootlet Pins cure liver Ms ; the non -irritating and only cathartic. to take with ItoOWS Sarsaparilla. MARKET REPORTS. Exeter, Aprii 10 thin°. Wheat per bushel ... .b7 to 67 Oata...... , . . ..29 to SO Barley .... .. -.... , ... „..35 to 40 POOR.- „ ... .. ...... ...53 to 65 Butter.. . ...... ..... -12 to 12 Eggs 10 to 10 Turkeys.,. 9 to 9 Geese 6 to 8 Ohiekens Per a • • • • • . . ,6 to 5 Docks...-. 7 to 7 Wool.. .. 17 to 18 Dried .d.ppl es.. ' 5 to 6 Pork dressed . . Loh- to oo Pork live weight. 14.00 to t1.r00 Ray per ton 500 to $6 00 Clover seed .... .... • • • • • . • • ... $3.75 to $4.00 Alsikc clover $4.e0 to $4.50 Thnothy seed • . 31.70 to $2,25 London. April 19th, 1890 Wheat per bushe 69 Oats.. •,• ..27 OaS .... Barley„..... . -13 Buckwheat -45 . ,39 Corn . 41 Beans ....... 65 Butter • ...14 Eggs 15 Ducks ' 60 Turkeys per the. • 10 GOOSO peril,- . , 9 011icken50 Chec.ise •" Potatoes per bag Ray per ton . ..$ 6.00 to Pork per cwt.. .. $1.50 to to 70 to 281 Lo 58 to 50 to 48 ID '39 to 45 to 70 to 14 to ie to 70 to 12 to 10 Lo 7h to 10 ..80 101 00 $ 7.50 $5.00 GRAIN MARKETS . _ Teronto,A reel 10.- W beat- Red and white eat IV eat,6Se to G.Sic, and goose 66c to 67c; nitnitidet steady; No. 1 hard, North Bay, 83t‘c, anti afloat Fort liarn May, at .73.e. Flour quiet ; straight roller in barrels Toronto freights, $n3.20 to $e.25. MUlfeed final; shorts.$14 to $16,and bran :it $12 west. Barley, quiet No•1, 426 to 430 West. Buckwheat quiet 4Sc West. Rye firm ; cars west. 53-e. Corn firm at 37e for Canadayellow west, and 46e fee. old Anierioan, Toronto freights. Oats firm, , at 31e In 32c fOr white west. Peas steady, 'a 1 62e o113c Wt -e; 1410111.1Vill la -Flour -Receipts 2500 bbls. ; markt•t quiet and unchang- ed. • nirt-ras BROWN. -In Crediton, on April 13,the wge of B. Brown, (termer) of a son. JEFFREY. -At Rodger villa, on the 16 inst..the wife of Wm. Jeffrey, of it on Gzaninnetre-]n Orrenway, on the 16th inst., the wife of.). Germeti e of it daughter, MARRIAGE. RA.MSAY-ROSS.- In Owen Sound,on the 12th inst. Thomit4 Ititireety. oe Los Angeles, Cal., to Miss Bea 1t,u, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Hamlin, all formerly.of Exeter.. MoNAUG'HT0N-TU1tN15R-0n April 12th, at the residence of the bride's parents. Stanley. by Rev, S. Ach 0-.0 1. Mr ,John Me -Naughton, of Tackeren it t h, to Miss Susan, eldest daugh- ter of James Tnruer, lfsq , of Stanley, I) RATES. Wirrrn-- In Reniitall, on the 1Sth lust. James White, aged 75 years. DottoArz.-In Debate° on the 18th inst...Agnes, wife of David Dougall, aged 55 years. Suersox- Xn Bensall, on the 181h inst., Mary Simpson, aged 66 years, dtmouths. • 1VIARTYN.-In Mitchell. on April 13th, 'infant daughter of Mr. \Ain]. Attutyn, aged 3 days. TAYLOR -In Bibbed, April 13, Mrs. Robert Taylor, aged 83 years and 0 months. eaveguilitaz.agimaide--i teFev•,.,,,doe.es.0.0; et TEN HEADACHES can be cured with ten Hoffman's Headache Powders. .A. simple; prac- tical, perfectly sure, positively harm- less specific for all kinds of headache - whatever the cause. tIOFFMANS tiedddctie Powders are not cathartic nor narcotic, but tonic in their effect; they relieve solar stomach. Sold by druggists everywhere , in 10c. envelopes and 20e, boxes: The Hoffman Drug Co., Bridgeburg, Ont. The Reason Why. SHOREY'S Ready Tailored Clothing • is sold with the distinct guarantee that it must give perfect satisfaetioll, or the money will be returned to the buyer. This guarantee is made, not because H. Shorey & Co., the makers, think you 'will want your money back, but rather because they know you won't. Their clothing is a combination of fine materials with fine workmanship. It is as good as clothing can possibly be made. There is no way of making the best better. Shorey's Ready -to -Wear Clothing is sold by good merchants, Ask for Shorey's when you buy. IMPURE BLOOD , Always cloansedaurified and eeriebed ; ere is Such a dock Blood B itters. Mrs. John Douglas, PTA- lorton, Ont., says: -I have used 1.3. B. B. foe impure blood, pimples on my face and sick head- ache. Four bottles made my skin clear and free from e•uption and cured me completely. NEW MEAT KET The undersigned has opened up te new meat market one door South ,of.Garitha's Store. where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. • A CALL SOLICITED T As wearing glaSses when yOu should not, and not wear- ing them when .you should. it is a mistake to do either, NITe only prescribe glasses when they will ,be of use to the wearer. • A large proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses. In consulting our Opticiau you incur no expense and run no risk. JOHN T PIANNING Mornings preferred for testing at SCHOOL OPENING A full line, fresh. and bright of SCHOOL BOOKS and every School re- quisite at RHO NING'S Where the Scholars are always used well A HAMILTON LADY Finds Laxa-Liver Pills a perfect cure for Sick Headache. Fully ninety per cent. of the women of this country suffer from sick headache. Liver disorder and constipation are at the bottom of the trouble. Laxa-Liver Pills cure the headache by correcting the cause. And they do their work easily and perfectly without any gripe, pain or • sickening. But the Hamilton ladywe referred to --- Her name is Mrs. John Tomlinson. Her address is 107 Steven St. North. This is what she says : " Being troubled with severe head- aches, I was advised. by a friend to try Loam -Liver Pills. 1 only required to use half a bottle when the headache vanished and I have not been troubled with it since," Laxa-Liver Pills 25c., all druggists. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is the simplest, safest, quiekest euro for 0,11 coughs and colds of ahildren or adults. Price 25e. ods Elm Logs & olts EX/BrrE Higheat Onsh prices paid by the SOTRERLAND INNES 00.9 LIMITED For Elin Logs, cut 11, 13, 10 and 18 feet long. Also Basswood Heading Bolts, 21and42 Metes log. CUSTOM. SAWING DONE Apply at Gould's Saw NEIL Exeter. GUS. WAGN.E.i, Foreman for the Sutherland Innes 00. jj We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you. our stock of 817.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember WO ,put up the best suit for 810,00 that can be botight iti the county. GIVE US A GALL. J H. Crieve T m FITT N5S. Jewellery store. riv.wwwwwiammay.utmeemi.mmiwom,wahmweamsw.v.www.womwagymi Earn this Valuable Watch, Chain and Charm lay se ling twenty Topaz Scarf Pins, at 15 cents each. Send your address and we forward the Pins and our Premium List, postpaid. money required. These Pins will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of the best diamonds, and has never before been offered at anything like this price. The Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fully guaranteed. t "Unsold Pins may be returned. Mention tlais paper when writing. THE GEM PIN CO., Freehold Building, Toronto, Ont. IMMUWWWWIMMIIMPAWNWW/MMAIWYMNIARAWAVA Genuine Padlock and Key V A Solid Gold Shell Ring m or Curb Chain Bracelet ON'T send money. Just your name and address on a POST CARO, and we will send you 20 packages of AROMATIC CACHOUS, a delicious con. -Mellon to perfume the breath, to sell for us, if you can, at 5 cents per package. When sold send us our money, $1.00, and we will send you FR EE your choice of the beautiful prizes illustrated. Goods return- able if not sold. Mention this paper. C SNOWDON CHAMBERS TISDALL SUPPLY CO.,TORONTO, ONT. 'ea eXaWeerea aiiteMef4-12eleffin:' •". A,5 K ,0 II 0 7*, e6e. ; You 'a -see . I BEST FOR TABLE.DAIRY,AND FARM Fi T nainemee, will find at Bissett's Wareroone the following line of Agrien tural Implements •BEIRING BIN DERS, MOWERIS,ROLLS AND BALL BEARING STEEL SULK 7 11 S Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disc and Diamond Harrows Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACH NES. ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer You require a BLACKsuit verY Raymond sewing and wringers often at this time of the year. We are prepared machine to ftt you out in the finest style. Best quality bTuvEs....valig.-- Code closest prices. Gurney stoves and waggons Bu gies Bicycles. Wedding Suits a Specialty )The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin A J. SNELL Buggies. Refreshing Sleep COMES WHEN IMilburn's Heart and Nerve Ps ARE USED. Miss Margaret Beowe, 627 Colborne St., London, Ont, says :-"My mothee has been afflicted with nervousness and general debility for it long time. See suffered a groat deg with insomnia, and found it almost impossible to sloop. "1 Went to W. T. Strong's drug stere and got a box of. Milburn's Heart Mal Nerve Pills, which she took, and derived so mueh benefit from them that I bought another box for her, They have done her wonderfel lot of good, malting her nervous system much stronge r, giving her restful sleep, and removing many other symptoms which previously distreesed her, "1 OAR truly say that these pills' aro, a great remedy for any one safferiug from weak neteres, general debility, sleepleee- nese or heatt trouble." Milbuen's Heart and Verve Pills are 50e. aboilor 8 for.,$1.25, atafl druggists, Buy TheaBest • and-vim-- 141mm The Rest. in the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our I Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc., Get Something Dioe---"Nt- • We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FtTRNITtlitE and you will find what you are looking for. IDLEY & SOk, TIM AND UNDERTAKER, Opera House Block.