HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-4-20, Page 4The Nioisons Bank' CANADA'S DISGRACE (0/1.A.11TalltelD BY PialeldAMENT, 18.56.; P4sei up Capital, $1000,000 nut lama, — *140,000 Ilead Mee, Montreal. aVOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esee G EamItAx, MAsaOtB, Money advanced to good farmers on their own uote with one or more endorser at 7 Per emu. per amine geeter 'lona Open every -lawful day !roma() a B. te 3 p. SATURD,A,YS, 10 a. in. to 1P. n. current rates of interest allewed on deposits. DICE-solec Ce.111.ING, N. D. IITIRDON. sexaerrens. 2rANAomt Exeter, Th, -e. ;nth. ee Calender for APRIL, 1899. SUNDAY..., . • .16 23 80 Ict 17 24. TtlEsDAY „ . 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 TECURSDAY.... 6 18 20 27 FRIDAY, ..... 7 14. 21 28 ShauReaser 1 8 15 22 29 WEDNESDAY. txciq THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1899 NOTES AND COMMENTS. , The Hardy Government after per- sistenturp,ing by the Conservative op- position, did a good day's work for Canada wlaen it moved to prohibit the export of sawlogs just as if the Mich- igan lumbermen had never existed. Tbeir friendship, whether sincere or nob, was no good tu Canada, and this country should simply go her cwn way and allow the Michigan lumbermen to use their influence with the Washing- ton Government for all it is worth. A writer from the Yukon to Scrib- ner's Magazine, says— "The Canadian 'Government sends as inspectors to collect royalties the keeper of a livery stable and the captain of a whaler, whose fitness is their political pull. Most of the civil officials, as far as I could learn, were amassing fortunes at the expense of the honest prospector. Nobody wants any official to be con- de.nmed withont investigation, on the strengthor weakness of testimony like the foregoing. Everybody should want Canada and Canadian officials to be vindicated by an enquiry which can supply the only effective and final an- swer to these general statements which have gone before the reading public of the Anglo-Saxon world as evidence of rascality in the Yukon. By allowing officials to stake out claims the Minister of the Interior invited attack, and by adding the duties of investigator to Mr. Ogilyie's other la- bours he did nothing to enable Canada to meet her accusers with proof that innoceaace had been vindicated or that guilt had been punished. Almost every English and American writer who has gone into the Yukon has made statements tending to disgrace Canada in the eyes of world. Mr. Bergeron, a Quebec member, in the House, on the 10th inst., referred to irregularities in the plebiscite vot- • ing, and in reply to an interruption by Sir Wilfrid Lanrier, said that if the Premier would order a thorough in- vestigation into the matter he would undertake within three days to place ' before him details to justify the alle- gation that had beeh made even by Liberal newspapers in that province, that the -Voting had been carried on for a week in that proyince after the tine appointed for closing the polls. The Dominion Alliance of Montreal, when they asked an investigation in- to those irregularities, bad been begg- hy Mr. Fisher- to consent to a Gov- ertietent enquiry, hat they refused, as they did not want a political, but thortarg,h, invtigation.. The week's voting expiable the etusedavity in thee reports of the results of the plebiscite in Quebec. It will be remerialereci that for weeks, a,. the returns of the • other provinces ca.rne slar,Wieng eri ties for the gel-A*561e, theeereporeS would be Mowed in a few ctlye fry re- ports from Quebec that the fin:if:mite- agairast, was greater than had been tated, These growing majorities gainst the plebiscite were regularly eported for a long while aftae the fine for closing the polls, and ceased oubtless only when it was thought wise not to continue thevotin• longer. The coniplete dimensions of the Government's farce 10 the plebis- cite Voting will not appear until the manner of voting in Quebec is entirely uncoveged. a e p any Montreal is threatened with a flood in the wholesale quartea The bubonic plagne is stated to have caused the death of over 250,000 natives of India since its beginning, Mr, Abdrew R. Melbourne, of Hain- ilton, died suddenly Tuesday in Buf- falo while riding in a carriage with his fe. This Deer Park Gold Mining Com- pany has increased its capital by 500, 000 shatee, the directors undertaking to t e 00,000 at 10 cents, At Winnipeg Mrs, Middleton, wife •f. thccaretaker of the Ottawa Bank building, eves almost instantly k filed while riding. on Main street, Bereelteet Was struck by it eimaavey team and wheels of the waggon cruehed her bead end neck. Charles Tapper in his speech on Mr, E. F. Clarke's amendment, plaoea the governmenb, as well as M. Sinai.), e vex e unfavorable position before the couritey, that is if the government refuses the requelt to appoint an in- dependent commiesion to investigate the elearges of misconduet and cor- ruption in the Yukora by officials of the governreent, and allew M. Ogilvie, a subordinate and relatiye of M. Sifton, to make the enquiry. Fol. lowing are a few extracts frona the speech.— 'When the senior member for Pie- tou received a visit from a gentleman who represented one of the largest financial institutions in London, ited was told by that gentleman that when he went to see the executive head of of the Yukon, Mayor Walsh was so intoxicated that he did not know what he was doing, he was bound to bring the enatter before the House. We breye placed before this House from a score of thoroughly indepen- dent sources that which demonstrates the absolute necessity for an impartial investigation into these charges. To say That Mr. Sifton occupies such a position that the Government Can- not afford to have his conduct investi- gated by anybody but a relative or connection of his own, is a proposition that only required to be stated to re- veal its utter absurdity. I believe a judicial investigation will have the result of driving the Minister of the Interior out of his seat and into private life. „ •• Mr. Wade' s whole course in the Yukon country has been a most scan- dalous course of misconduct and cor- ruption, and if an -independent judicial tri burial is given, that would be proved up to the hilt. If the object of Mr. Sifton had been to exploit the Yukon country for him- self and his friends, or for party pur- poses, he could not have taken more effective means than:he did. The imposition of a ten per cent. royalty has practically stopped. the whole development of the Canadian Yukon. The Government must in defence of the country, of themselves, and of their own honor appoint a judicial commission, or they will tind that the intelligent people will strike down the men who are unwilling to have their acts submitted to such a tribunal, because they know it would involve them in disapproval and discomfort. C. Mellardy left Clinton, this week for Nelson, B. C. John Wiseman, of Clinton, has gone to Winnipeg where he has secured a situation in a dry goods store. J. P. McLaren, of Seaforth, is nurs- ing a sprained aron He fell off a load of straw and sustained the injury. Henry Cooper, of Burnett has a ewe which gave birth to four lambs, three of which are living and doing well. Alex. McKay, of Egmondyille start- ed. on Monday last for the Pacific Coast where he will push his fortune for awhile. Mrs. jarnes McMichael and Mrs. Chesney, Seaforth, have gone to. Can- ton, Ohio, to take treatment for rheu- matism. A. R. Shea,who left Seaforth recent-, ly for California, fer the benefit of his health, has arrived at San Diego his destination. Ho'od's Sarsaparilla never disap- points. It may be taken for impure and impoverished blood with perfect confidence that it will cure. W. Cook, of Varna, is intending to move to Egrnondville as h e has rented his hotel to Mr. Murray of Blake who takes possession the ist of May. Mrs. Henry Beacon] of Bayfield line Goderich has for some time been un- der the Doctor's care. At present she is improving, thougb very slowly. The Board of Managers of Willis church, Clinton, have granted their pastor, Rev. Alex. Stewart, a three - months' vacation, beginning the first of June. Prompt relief in sick headache, dizzi- ness, nausea, constipation. pain in the side,guaranteed by eteing Carter's Little Liyer Pills. One a dose. Small price. Small dose. Spiel' pill. George Baxter ImS bought A. Seekers farm in Fullerton. He paid $4,500 for it, which is considered a good figure. We hear Mr. Saakel in- tends to remove to Balfalo. Mrs. (Rev. Dr.) McDonald, Seaforth, received the sad intelligence this week f the death of her brother, Mr. David Cavan, which took place ab his home in Houghton, Michigan, of a,ppetadi- ce ! William Robb has disposed of his comfortable brick residence, on Gode- ricb street, Seaforth, to Dr. Cooper, of , Constance,who takes possession and intends going to Seaforth to reside on the first, of May. R. R. Ross, Blake, who has been at- tending the Dental Oollege,in Toronto, and who geadnates this spring, ha,s leased the nice bridle residence of Mr. Kline, and intends benoming aresident of Seaforth. shortly. Quite a number of the adherents of the Hills Green Methodist ohurch, met one day. last week and presented Miss Mary A. Ourry with a beautiful com- bined dinner and tea sea, in recogni- tion of setvices as organist, Adam °Antoine, who returned to Clinton from Assinaboia iri Decenaber 1807 with a badly sprained ankle, which neceseitated the use of crutebes for several months, has so far recover- ed the use of the limbs that he left this week to return to the West. A quiet wedding took piece at the residence of A. Hunter division court clerk, 13russe1s, on Wednesday even- ing of last week, when Miss Florence Isabel, second daughter of hot% and hostess, was milted in marriage'etto Eli Moore, a well-known young gen tienutri of Trowbridge. Y 0 tiNee MOTEItleS Oreep is the terror of Memo:nee of yeume mothers because its outeroak Is se agoeizing and sseeirciley fatal, Shiloh% (sorrel and Con- su ripteen cure ream like mute in caseqof Croup. It has neVer been known to fate The menet OUSOS relieved immecliately. Priee h ets,, 60 eta. MO 21.00. TRE EXETER, The Latest News. The Speoish elections residted in the Ministry being sustained by it laree reltL tiVe deposits of valeadle mar- ble have been found in German South- west Africa, Last Thursday afternoon Peteelleg- eaall, of Logan, end Mrs. J, Meteor, of Ellice, were married, Efforts are beiug inade in Chatham to establish a pork -packing establish- ment on a co-operative basis. DR, Low' e Worm SYRUP is a, safe and sure reliable warm expeller. Acts equally well on childree or adults. Be sure you get Low's. The Leamington News anueuuces thelmarriage on April 11, by Rev. I. B, AVallsvin, B. A. ef Miss Laura Malott and Walter 1V1ckay, of Essex. There is it rumor afloat that Hon. Dr, Montague, M. P. for Halchmand and 1VIonck, will leave federal polities and, will go into the Assembly. The Miami Cycle and Manufacturing Company, of Middleton, Ohio, have de- cided to build it factoiy in this country for the manutacture of their wheels. A Mr. Wray of Thamesville, who has had considerable success in ',locat- ing gas wells, has told of a treasure •buried at Baby's Point, and searching parties have gone to dig for it. The Germans are anticipeting a pro- hibition by the United Sbates of the importation of German-neacle toys, on the ground that the paint with which they are decorated is poisonous. MILBURN'S STERLING 11EADAmaU Pownrase cure the worst headache itt from five to twenty minutes, and leave no bad after-effects. One powder 5c., 3 powders 10c., 10 powciers 25c. The following gentlemen haye been elected to fill existing vacancies on the board of the Ontario Mutual Life Insurance Company:—Bon. F. W.Bor- den, Minister of Militia and Defence, and Hon. J. T. Gamow, a Goderich. The Ontario 'Government has in- formed Lawyer Cleary, attorney for the Canadian estate of the late Hiram Walker, that no succession duties will be exacted, as the property was left to charitable institutions. The much -talked -of deat by which a New York syndicate is to obtain con- trol of the Hamilton Street Railway and build the projected electric rail- ways to Caledonia and Guelph, is said to be nearing consummation. The auction sale of the Savage pro- perty , on thelth con. of Grey, drew a large crowd on Monday .of this week. The I00 -acre homestead Ives sold to W. Ja,cklin for $8,300,and the 25 -acre farm to John McAllister for $500. Sir Hibbert Tupper stoutly denies a despatch received here from Ottawa that he was rebiring from Federal poli- tics t45 establish himself as the leader of a Conservative Government in British Columbia. He Mr that there is not a word of truth in it. Many of the fruit growers around Leamington are using the tobacco stalks and stems as a fertilizer for their peach orchards. It is said that refuse from tobacco is not; only a first-class fert,ilizer, but that ib will kill fungi, borers and all pests thatpray on peach orchards. Last Thursday evening a large por- tion of of the mill dam at Carlmgford was swept away by the ice and • rush of the water. Mr. Knott estimated the damage at about $500. The com- munity sympathize with him in the considerable loss and inconvenience which he has sustained. The Ontario Attorney- General's Department has been informed of counterfeiting operations in the dis- tricts of Wyandotte and Morse, in the County of Essex, The counterfeiting is of fifty -cent pieces. The counter- feiting is excellently done, the milling on the edges being perfect, and the col - oris good. The piece is part silver, and is a bit heavier than the genuine coin. Inspection of the fruit trees in Kings -- -pine district shows that fully 90 per cent of the peach trees were killed by frost. Only small trees that were well banked survive. In many large peach orchards not a single live peach tree remains. It is the biggest disaster the peach growers of Essex county have ever known. The loss will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. People have wondered how it was that so few circuses visited Canada during the past three or four summers. The reason is that the United States Government exacted a return duty on the circus 'clients This duty was so stiff that few shows could afford to leave the country andreturn again. It is it poor show that is not worth a couple hundred thousand dollars. This would mean a duty of about $70,000 to be paid on re-entering the country. This duty has been entirely removed so that the corning season will no, doubt be prolific of circuses. Judge Robertson gave his decision in •the application on behalf of the Crown for a, change of venue in the Ponton case. He said that while he was satisfied that a fair jury could be found in Napanee, yet in view of the evidence put in of disturbances occurr- ing at the last trial, and of the circum- stances generally, he was convinced the ends of justice could be better served by having the trial elsewhere. As the counsel could not agree on any place if the venue were changed, be had consulted with eight of his brother judges, and all but one of them had recommended Toronto. He therefore granted a change of venue, and decid- ed that the tvial shall he held in To- ronto. The revised edition of Rand, Mc- Nally & C's atlas published "By the autlierity of the Minister of the Interior," in Chicago has mule its appearance, and it very little, if any, better than the first edition of two hundred thousand, which had to- be destroyed, It is true that an attempt )111,14 been merle to correeb sortie of the Juni ly ridiculous errors which appear in the first edition, but there are still enough sins of ornissioe and commis- sion to make ib Unreliahle, and of little %/able. As an instance Ottawa, which appeared in the first edition as the capital of Ontario, is replaced by Toronto, but thereby gets clopped til- togetbertand does not appear at all on the list of Canadian cities. And Mr, Sifton owns it hotter: in Ottawa, too. Middlesex Tiats I nty NotWheat Farn i he Imminent. —.......... London expects this year to have it tax rate of at least a'a tat% whit61411 (ho% Lewis, of Brinsley, have gone to Loma village ).12.1,„" IWO PIPettit light, if the plant e4:0, Ma& St'lr'SylS* taming. The Ohm). Rill cheese faekury has •boon sold to the St,. 1‘140."S Greamery Company. The West Williams Agrienitural So - clay Spring Show will be hddinPark- hill on Wednesdar, April Miss Annie kIolgins ef LUCall.4 haS beeu appointed assistant matron of the Middlesex Rouse of Refuge. Arther Shipley, second sou of Lionel W. Shipley, of Loudon townehip, died of diphtheria at Chicago orie day last week. The new appliaants for license in the district of North Middlesex for the ensideg Itemise year 18904900 are : John. Whalen, 'Western Hotel, emcee ; Jainee Fanner, Royal Oak, Komoka Mary Ketchum, Sydexibuin .111otisse Poplar Hill. • The death occurred on Thursday af- ternoon of Dr. 13. Percy Macklin, at the residence of his father, Mr. Henry Macklin, 106 ICent, street. Deceased bad been practicing in Lewiston, ',Stich, for some yeers past, but came home recently to enjoy. it well-earned rest end reeriperate. He was a brother of Dr. Edgar Macklin, of London• and formerly resided in Lucart. John Cunningham, an old man with long hair and neglected beard, arrived itt Windsor, Monday morning in a prairie schooner from North Dakota. He is a Canadian who left for the west during the war, crossing the border at Port Huron the day the news was re- ceived that President Lincolnwas shot. He farmed, drove stages in nearly all the Western States, and took up a, claim in North Dakota, Somebody jumped his claim, he says, and he had to light out. He left on Oct. 1 and ina.cle for Oklahama, but got discouraged at the prospects there, and put back for his old home in Lu - can, Ont. He has been on the road ever since, sleeping in his wagon with only two old thread -bare blankets and a ragged overcoat for bedding. • A sad calamity took place Saturday morning when George Saunders, who resides about five miles from leorrie, cn the twelfth concession of Howick, committed suicidellby drowning himself in the north branch of the River Mait- land, which is situated about eight rods from his farm. It is believed that he has been temporarily insane for some time. The body has been found. 0.wing to the increase of black knot among the plum and eherry trees the Brant council has seen to try and exterminate it. Two Inspectors are be appointed, whose duties it will be to enforce the law and see that all black knot is cut out and In -in -zed. A Brant County paper says it is to be hoped that everyone will at once des- troy all knot found upon their trees, thereby giving the inspectors no oc- casion to resort to the law. The sur- rounding townshhips cannot do better than to follow the example of 13rant in this matter, and, ' thus banish the disease from the country. The same good advice applies with equal force to Huron county and all parts of the province. WPM'S Irif1tie HAS MADE Paine* Celery 'Compound The Great Horne Medicine. As a Spring Remedy it Meets the Wants of Women in Every Sphere of life When wealtly,sick and brokeredown -women are seen to gain health and vigor from day to day from the use of Pame's Celery Compound, no room for doubt is left to the most skeptical in- dividual, Medical science devised Paine's Celery Compound,a medicine uniform- ly successful iu .banishing ehe troubles that afflict the great majority of women, and honest physicians are al- ways pleased to recommend. it. It is a well known fact that all the women who have reccvered healeh and strength be- means of Paine's Celery Compound were induced to use it through the influence and persuasion of other women --sisters, mother or friends. In the spring dine, when women are week, overworked, nervous, have tired feelin gs, dyspe pales, backache, -neuralgia, blood troubles or any of the meny namelees ills frein which they suffer in silence, Paine's Celery Compound Will quickly banish all dnuger and soiree- ings ; it will impart that strength, health end vivacity Oa at make wothen womanly and admired. Paine's Celery Compound is at pee - sent carrying on this joyous transfor- mation work all over Canada, end women,young anti old,of all ranks end conditions, bless the memory of Dr. Phelps who conferred such it blessing on their sex, " Dear women of our country, why con bin ue in misery and sefferieg when such it friend as Paine's Celery Com- pound is within such easy reach, and ready to do for you ell you so much desire ? Do not be deceived by any of the many nervous, bitters, sarsaparillas or advertised pills ; they eannot bestow th at pearl at great price ---good health. Paine's Celery Oompotind hes given new health end life to yonr friends ; it will not fan in your particular hour of need. Bear in mind thetPaine's Odell Compound makes sick people well. s• ee, YOte TINOW Consumption is preventabee Scienee hal proven that, and oleo that heeled is smokiel. rho eerst cold or cough cen be eared with She lobe Corigh and nonstimotten Crum, Sole on pbsitiveguararitee for over fifty years. Ch4legni Aprfl 10, --:The Board of Tradeis waking up to the facttliat the Winter wheat crop is in it bad condition, The reports and. private adyises ra- eoived by big gram houses indicate. tuti despite "the increased acreage' the crop this year will be orie of the smallest harvested.i many years. The estiaiates Of . the Wiutee wheat ercip Nsield this year plaee it between 250,000.000 and '300000;000 freshets, as against it yield of 8170,000,000 last year, Tho trade has heretofore been inclined to look upon the crop clarna,q'e reports as exaggeration, bunj this advice from all the wheat -growing States has be- corne so theisteet that the eoal market is entirely ebsorbed in the crop sitnee "Of center) the cold Weatherwas the cause of the poor wheat. In years past, we always have bad more or less news et crop damage. But with favor- able weather it was usually seen that these reports were exaggerated, But taste year thesituation isvery different. Instead of revealing anything to de- tract, from the early estimates of dam- age on account of severe Weather, each day brings in more 'setioue ad- vices, • Tiro d find Lan—uuld TRE EXPERIENCE OF AN ESTIM-1 • ABTA totNdt,AD:r, _ Her Blood was Poorand Watery-. Suf- fered from Sick Headache and Faint- ing Spells -- How She Regained Health's Bloom, The Record, Brockville. On case of the finest farms in Wol- ford township, Grenville county, re- sides Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Smith and family. Mr. Smith is perhaps one of the best known men in the county, as in additiou to being a practical farmer he represents several agricultural thi- pteinent companies. His family con- sists of two estimable daughters, the eldest being seventeen years of age. To a correspondent of the Brockville Recorder who recently called at Mr. Sinith's, Miss Minnie E. Smith, the eldest daughter, related the following story :— "About two years ago I was taken quite ill. I became pale and languid, and if I undertook to do any -work about the house, would easily become terribly fatigued. I beganie subject to terrible sick headaches, and my stomach became so weak that I loathed food. My trouble was further aggravated by weak spells, and my feet, winter or summer, were as cold as ice '• in fact it seemed as if there was nofeeling in them. filled several kinds ot medicinee,but instead of help- ing tne I was growingwea,ker. One day ,in March,1898,my father brought home a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. imruediately discontinued tbe other medicine and began taking the pills. I found that they helped rue and four more boxes were procured and. by the time I had finished them I was en- tirely well. •I have never had better health in my life than I am now enjoy- ing. My appetite is now always good, and I baye increased in weight. All -this is due to the efficacy of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and I would advise any other young girl troubled as I was to use them, and, they will certainly cure if the directions are followed. The facts above related are itnpor- tent to parents, as there are many young girls just budding into vvoriaan- hood whose condition is, to say the least, more critical than their parents imagine. Their Complexion is pale and waxy in appearance, troubled -with heart palpitation, headaches, shortness of breath on theslightest exercise, faintness and other distress- ing symptoms which invariably lead to a premature grave unless prompt steps are taken to bring about a natu- ral condition:of healthy. It this emer- gency no remedy yet discovered can supply the place of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which build anew the blood, strengthen the nerves and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. They are certain care for all troubles peculiar to the fenaale system, young or old, these Pills also cure sue) diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locornotor ataxia, St. Vitueelance, nervous headache, nervous prostration, the after effects of la gaippednflucnza, and severe colds, diseases depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysi- pelas, etc. Do not be persuaded to ac- cept anyenitation, no matter what the dealer may say who offers it. • Imita- tions neva. cured any one. See that the full name Dr, Williams' Pink Pills !A Fleshy itsumptiv Did you ever see one? Did you ever hear of one? Most certainly not. Con- sumption is a disease that invariably causes loss of flesh. If you are light in weight, even if your cough is only a slight one,you should certainly take COtt s Emulsion 9 u of coct liver off ,wilb Aypo- • phosphites. No remedy is such a perfect prevent- ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and yott find you are losing flesh, you should begin to take And no other remedy has cured so many cases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with this disease, Scott's Emul- sion will hold every in- ducement to you for a perfect cure. All Drueelets, see, and $14 •SCOTT 8s BOWNE Toro/AO. for Pale People is oti rthe Wrapper armind every box you buy. Finron Ommty Notes • Miss Rachel Kirk, of Kirktou, has recommenced her ditties as teacher of the Thames road school. Miss Tena Kirk, of Kirkton, has re- sumed ber duties a,t' the Andersen school after her yacation of sickness. T.he Methodist, churth of Ethel cir- cuit have condemned the Government for its policy in rejecting the plebis- cite touching prohibitory legislation. A. O. P. R. extension deputation from Goderich will wait on the Gov- ernment this week, and if snceessful, will also interview the O. P. R. man- agement. • F. S, Scott has sold the old home- stead, at Ethel, to William .Tacklin, for $3,300, • It. contains 100 acres. He also sold a twenty-five,ncre lot to John McAllister for $600. The house in which Mr. John Fob - lick has been living at Dixie,Efay town- ship, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday last, The fire resulted from some defect in the pipes or chimney. Mr. Peter McNaughton, of Hensel', who has been in the hospital at Lon- don, during the past month, having undergone an operation for appendi- citis, was sufficiently recovered to per- mit of his returning borne on Wednes- day last. The Many friends of Mr. Beverly Ketchen, of Knox College, Toronto, formerly of Brucefield, will be pleased to learn that he has secured a mission field in Manitoba, for the summer, and loeftrgtlTefi Toronto last Monday to tak he -1Arord has come from W. Foote who left Varna for the Klondike. The hitter was written from Skayway and be was enjoying the trip •splendidly and had.good health. lie still bad a month's journey at the time' of writ- ing. Thursday night about 9 p. m., rain fell in Seaforth without a cloud being seen. The above ca,n be verified by two gentlemen evho were on their way home at the time. Will some of our scientific men explain how that can • be. Mrs. W. Purdy, Varna, who receiv- ed the sad news that her brother in eichigan was at the point of' death, left Monday on the afternoon train. He was one of Varna's old citizens and blecksmithed for some time in the Mc- Naughton stand. Mr. John (Marriclge of the Clinton organ factory staff Met with an un- usual and painful accident on Satur- day last. He had undertaken to clean a revolver for a friend. It was load- ed, which he knew, but it, wouldn't dis- charge in the usual way, and while working with it it suddenly went off and passed clean through the palm of one of his hands. Friday eight about 10 o'clock, Mr. . James Perkins,. grain dealer and treas- • urer of the township of Elowick, was out with others trying to save logs from the flood of the Maitland River, at Gorrie, when he was knocked from a log bv a. large piece of ice,thrown in- to the water and drowned. He was 66 years of age. The body of James Perkins, who was drowned at Gorrie on Thursday, was found. Sunday lying in ten feet of water. On Tuesday, March 28th, the cruel band of death was felt in the recently furnished home of Mr. A. It. Allau at La nisfail in Alberta. Last summer Mr. Allan, who carried on brisiness in Gode- rich for some time, moved his effects to the far west and settled on a ranch. Thither his father and mother went from Clinton after their son John sev- ered his connection with the drug busi- ness in (Minton hi June last. Mrs. Allan while just on the early side of old age, found her health declining a,6 6ai.rdadyised on above date at the age of . The ;following. changes have taken place in 1, arna:—Miss Mitchell has sold her house and lot on Main street to Mr. Thomas Keyes, for 8500.—Mr. JameeMcKie has sold his blacksmith shop and business to Mr. D. McNaugh- ton, the former proprietor of this es- tablishment. The price paid was $650. Mr. McKie, in turn, has purchased the property and business of Mr. Daniel Campbell. The property consists of 'a nice, comfortable residence, a black- smith shop, and about an acre of land. The price paid was $1,200. Mr. Mc- Kie will continue his business in Mr. Campbell's shop, Until Monday, April lOsh, says the Clinton News -Record, J.& N. McL. Fair owned the biggest horse in Hu- ron county, and likely enough in the whole country. It was a six-year-old gelding, called Big Tom, which as a four-year-old measurec117 hands, 3 in- ches, without shoes, but be has since stretched up to 18 hands, 1 inch and weighs 1800 pounds. Mason & inch, den bought him for the 13ritish Mar- ket, where he will be sent to astonish the natives. • Big Tom was used for dra,ying, arid Harry Glazier, the dri- ver, never succeeded in getting on sufficient load to hold him. A sad and fatal accident occurred on Satiarda.y la,st, in Michigan. Mr. John Robinson was 'hiving a team for a hay press, whet the whiffietree broke and the arm Rely back and struck with such force as to render him insensible. Re never regained consciousness, and died on Monday evening. Mr. Robin- son was well-known in Stanley, having carried on the blacksmithieg in Varna for over twenty years. • Re sold his businesS to Mr. MeNatighton some ten year ago, and removed to Marlette, Michigan, where he has since beeb en- gaged in farming. Mr. •Robinson leaves it wife and family of seven child- ren, three of whom are married. D. Caritelon, of Clinton, says that oe the late winter verieties the Mane was the best of them all. It, stored better and brought the highest' price in the English market, the chief of tests, The Baldwin, Ben Davis, Chtnacla Rech Phoenix and Russetts were all good sellers iii 'Liverpool, The Northern Spy, which is the mo5t, extensively grown in Huron, has no superior but is too thin skinned to stand tteeoes- °cowl transportation,though 'treadles the North-West in splendid condition, The Cranberry Pippin, is it good seller but is more of the fall variety. In has a limestone bottom , the Pippin I Price Ealvaed county, where the soil - .. '' WA% .ig,1443404i1 , A ave ifoto ai sic Perhaps you have had the grippe or it hard cold. You may be recovering from malaria or a slow fetes; or possibly some of the chil- dren are just getting over the measles or whooping cough. Are you recovering as fast as you should? Has not your old trouble left your bleed full of impurities? And isn't this the reason you keep so poorly? Don't delay recovery longer but TOM, 43, .s' MEM It will remove all impuri- ties from your blood. It is also a tonic of iminense • value. Give nature a little help at this time. Aid her • by removing all the products of disease from your blood. If your bowels are not just right, Ayer's Pills will make them so. Send for cur book en Diet in Consti- Pliareentie'en our Doctors. Wo have the exclusive serrlces of acme a the most eminent physi- cians in the United states. -Write freely and receive a prompt reply, without cost.- • • Address, DR. 3.100.,,AeltnE, Rma, is. CC111=141ESIffiara..=.71 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE M ARK S DESIGNS CoPYRisHvg • Anyone sending a sketch and description mar quickly ascertain our opinion free whether am Invention is probably patentable. Communiea- tions strictly contldentifd. Handbook on Patente sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive . special notice, without charge, in the • Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culationa any scientific journal. Terms, 28 st• Year; four months, V.' 3001 by all newsdealers, MUNN &Co 301 Broadway, New York Branch Office. 625 1' St.. Washington. D. TEE PIONEleR LIMITED Is the name of the only perfect train in the - world, now running every eight betweens -Chicago, Milwaukee & St,, Paul and Mirmeap oils vas. the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Pout: Railwav--the pioneer road of the West in ad -- opting all improved facilities for the safety andl enjoyment ca passengers. An illustrated prime- phret, showing TiOWS ibcautffiil scenery along:* the route of the Pioneer Limited, will he sent free to any person upon receipt, of two-centl- postage stamp. 'Address Geo. R. Reaftord,. General Passenger Agent Chicago, 111. thrives exceedingly well and is a gob& looker. It cloes not, however, de so' well in Huron, owing most likely to-' the difference in soil and bottom, arid. is liable to spot. RnEOSIATISM.—Flave you tried all the rem- • edies you ever read or heard of hopin gfor a curer it your're afflicted still, take Milburn's Ellen- inatic Pills. They never fail, guaranteed to,. cure or your money back. Price 50c. Makes Rich Red Blood, The Bost Remedy for Spring Weather Weakness, The Blood is the very essence of 'life As it courses through the system it carries. with it, if pure and rich, nutrition to every' cell in the body. If impure, it sprea.ds - disease. if thin and watery, it fails to - nourish, hence we have weakness, debit- - ity and decay. , . It is the wonderful power B.B.B. hasin e purifyin:; impure blood, making thin, dm:sretz,b;00c1 rich and red, that is at thei bottom of its marvellous success in curing' Those who are pale, thin, weak, troubled with blotches, pimples or eru12-. tions of any kincl should tike 13.B.13. ' • It makes the pale cheek rosy, the skim clear and smooth, andinfuses nen energy ' into weak, worn, rue down, shattered, constitutions. Skin "I beg to state I have used Clear. Burdock Blood Bitters for lin- pure blood, pimples On the face, &c., and derived great benefit from U. My skin is now very clear and free from all eruptions. I only used four bottles 6f. the B.13.13. and can strongly recommeod it to any peeson suffering frem impuritia4, in the blood or etuptions of the skin." MRS. G. B. HES...moire) Spence's 13ridge, B.C. Ettore "1 have taken 13,13.B. every Spring, sprieg now for some years, tcn purify my blood and keep nij, system in good order) and can honeStly say that I do not know of its eetilae anywhere." Mas. AeelA BARiltSi leislenburg, N.S. ' C es' e