HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-4-20, Page 3' 4.460.egeZelogpAir*.i..........*:egAir...:Z,..0.040,Whigh.0114.0.211,14 IN, ,e A 410 1 t 4{14.4p•i‘. „*.4Wi,iiiii:A*0 4140 0.14.1.-• • ..4-4, 4..-iei.,-ipe :we tor ! 72/01P:essiasegeowiat 01. S . Love and *4.4 0 1. . War. , i‘ . ,.. A STORY OP sLAvERy pAys. Iv Vrif . By MARY J. OOLMEs. ib CHAPTER XXV. • Rose. Mather had brought her hus- band home as soon as it was safe to move lane anti with the geod nuraing, of Mrs. Carleton' and Annie, he grew •earwig enough to rejoin his regiment in May end the last whieb Rose heard from him directly was a few words hastily written and sent of to Wash- ington just as the erten, of the Pote- mac was moving on to Gettysburgh. Then came the terrible battle, when the summer air was full of MOW, and -dust, and flying splinters, with clouds of torn -up mirth whieh blinded the horror-stricken men, wbo vainly sough l for shelter behind the trees and • the headstones of the .eraveyead, where the dead must almost have heard the fieree commotiou around them as wail • filter wail of human anguish, mingled with the awful shrieks of dying horses, went up to the blackened heavens and than died away in silence. Where the battle was the hottest, and the carn- age the most terrible, 'Will Mather fol- lowed, or rather led, and when the •fight had ceased he Iay u.pon his face, unconscious of the pitiless xain beat- ing on his head, or the two savage- • looking Texans bending over him, and turning him to the -light. Among the list of killed,. the. Rocks land, Chronicle of jute 10th, had the name of Williaranetather, wiaile in an- • other column, designated by Ione lines of black, was a eulogy upon the de- oeased, who was known to have fought so bravely. Then every blind of ,the Mather mansion was closed, and knots of crape straitened froze the door -knob, and the villagers missed the roll of the carriage wheels which were wont to ea,rry so reach comfort ond sunshine to the hearts of the poor soldiers; and the little, airy, dancing creature, whose bright smile and rare beauty had done quite as good service •as her generous gifts, lay in her darkened room, never weeping, never speaking, except to moan so piteously, "Oh, Will my darling, ray poor, poor hose hand." They could not comfort her, for she did not seent to hear, or at least to understand one word they said, and. the soft, dark eyes had in them a wild, feared look, which troubled the tvatch- ars at her side, earl made them tremble for her safety. Tho knots of crane were taken from the doors, and the blinds were opened at lest, and the light of heaven let • into the dreary house; but there Game to change to poor little Rose, whose white face grew so • thin, that Tom, • when in September he came home to • sae her, would scarcely have known the little sister, of whose beauty he bed beeirso proud. As if the sight of him in Ins uniform had brougbt babk the .horror of the paste she uttered a piercing shriek, and hid her face for a moment in her pillows; ihen, with a .sudden movement, lifted her heed, and shedding back her tangled curls front her pale forehead, she stretched ber arms toward hien and whispered: • "Take me, Tom; hold Ole ypu used to do; let me be a Ifttk girl again in rhe old hoine in Boston, for Will, you know, is dead." And Tom took 'her in his. strong, brotheely arms, and laid her head against his breast, and caressed and smoothed her tumbled hair, and petted and loved ber just as he did %viten she was a little child, with no shadow around her like that which enfolded her novo Ancl then he spoke of \Yin, and the dark eyes fastened eagerly up- on his as he told Ite,r how the very; night before the battle, Will knelt down with him and prayed that wheth- • er he lived or died, all might.be well with him. • "And Rose," he continued, "he bade, me tell you, in case he was killed; that all was well, and you must think of him as in Heaven, not far, as some suppose, but neer to you—with you,— he said, and you muse meet him there. You must bear bravely what God. chooses to send; not give up like this ' when there is so much tube done. Will • my darling little sister heed whet.• ' Poor Will said? Will she. try to rally , • and: be a brave woman?" 1 "Yes, Tom, I'll try," came gaspingly from the white; lips, and Rose's voles • woe, broken with sobs, as the first tears she had shed since she beard the fatal news, ran in torrithts down her face. Tom only staid a week, but lie did them a world of good, and Annie felt she had. never known one half how noble a man he was until she saw how tender he was with Rose, end how kind to his mother, whose heart was aching to its very core for her young- est son. He had been removed from Salisbury, to Andersonville when they last heard from him, and was dead, perhaps, by this thne. Poor Jimmie! The year he had asked Tom to wait wooed be upbefore very long,,but Tom would still keep faith with him. An - hie was sacred to Jimmie's memory, and once, when talking with her of the captive, he alluded to wbat would pro- bably he virleen jimmie eame home • again. And Annie did not turn from 'him now, as she would once have done had such a thing been suggested. "God onle knows how I might teel," • steid, and by the look in her blue 3 eyes, and the tone of her voice, Tom -khavvthere was no hope for him, •With many kisses and loving words ICHAPTER XXVI. With a howl of despair, Mrs. Baker (mime rushing into the kitchen ef, the Mather mansion, oae morning in nov- ember, startling Annie with her reheat:tenet] as she tbrust into ber baud a dirty, half-worti envelope, which the said was from 13111, who had been miss- ing since August, and wbo, it now ap- peared was at Andersonsille. "Might better be dead," bis mothet said, and then she explatned that the letter she brought Annie had come in ane to herself received that morning from Bill. How he ever got it through the lines was a mystery which ha did not ex- plain; nor did Annie care, inasmuch as it brought news direet from Jimmie. Ile bad written to leer with the pencil and on the sheet of paper Bill had brought him, for Bill was employed outside the prison walls, and allowed many privileges which wore denied to the poor wretches who crowded that swarapy pea. 1 slaort, Bill had taken the Confederate oeth,—"had done some tali swearine" as he wrote to Mune, giving as an excuse for the treasonable act, "that he couldn't eta& the racket" in• that horrible place, where twenty thousand human beings were crowded together in a seetee of twenty-tve acres, and • part of that a marshy swamp,teeming with filth and scum, and hideous things. Another reason, too, Bill gave, and that was pity for the "Coreeral," to whom he could occa- sionally take little extras, and whom ha would have scarcely reoognized, he said, so worn and. changed. had he be- come from his long imprisonment. "1 mistrusted he was there," Bill tvrotb ; "and, so when me and and some other fellow -travellers was safely land- ed in purgatory, I went on an ex- Plorin' tower to find. him. But you bet it want so easy gettin through that crowd. Why, the camp-meetin. thee' had in the Fair Grounds in Rockland, when Marra Freeman bust her biler hol- lerine was nothing to the piles of ragged, dirty hungry-lookin' dogs; some standin' up, some lyin' down, and all lookin as if they were on their last legs. Right on a little sand -bank, and so near the dead line that I wonder he didn't get shot, I found the Core teral, with his traumas tore to tatters, and lookin' like the old gal's rag -bag that hangs in the suller-way. Didn't he cry, though, when I hit him &kelp cointn.an ixe boaeek, am ad want there some tall yi by both of us as we sat there flat on the sand, with the hot sun gouda' down on us, and the sweat ana the tears runnin' down his face, as he told me all he'd suffered. It made niy blood bile. I've had a little taste of Libby and 13e11 Isle, too; but they can't hold a candle to this place. Miss Graam, •yon are the good sort, kinder pius like; but I'll be hanged if I don't blee.ve you'll justify inc in the thumpin' lies I told the Corpwal that 1 hay to keep his spirits up. Says he Have you ever been to Rockland sitme Fredericksburg?' and then I tho't in a minute of the nen in the woods when lee prayed about Anny; and ses 1 to myself, 'The piusest lie you ever told will be that you have been home and seen lease Graam, with. any other triflin' additions you may think best;' so I told him I had ben hum on a. furbelow, as the old gal, meanito my mother, calls it, And seen her too, says I, Miss Graam, and she talked an awful sight about you, I said, when you orto have seen him shiver all over as be got up closer to me, and asked, 'What did she say?' Then I went on roma,ncin' and told him how you spent a whole evenixe at the ole hut, talkin' about him, and how sorry you was for him, and couldn't git your natural sleep for thinkin' of him, and how, when I came away, you said. to me on the sly, 'William if you ever happen to meet Mr. Carleton, give bum Anny Graam's love, and tell him she means it." Great Peter 1 I could almost see the flesh cone back to his bones, and his eyes had the old look in 'em, as he liked to of hugged.me to death. I'd done him a world of good, he said, and for some days he seemed as -chipper as you please; but nobody can stan' a diet of raw meal and the nastiest water that over run; and set I to myself, Corleral will die as sure as thunder if somethin' don't turn up; and. so, when 1 got the hang of thin.gs a little, and. sees how the maeheen was worked, sez I, 'I'll turn Secede though I hate 'em as I do in- sane They was glad enuff to have me, bein' I'm a kind of carpenter and jin- er, and. they let me nut, and I went to work for the Corp'rel. I'll bet I told a hundred lies, fust and last, if I did. one. I said he was at heart Seoes'h, that he was in the rebel army, and. I took him prisoner to Manassas, which', you know was true. Then I said hie sweetheart, meanin' you, beg- ging your pardon, got tip a row, and made him jin.e the Federels, and prom- ise never to go agin the flag, and that's how he came to be nabbed up at Fredericksburg. I said 'twang: no use to try to make him swear, for he thought more of his gal's good opin- ion than he did of liberty, and I set you up till I swam if I bleeve You'd a knowed yourself, and everyone of the.na fellers was ready to St'an' by you, and two of 'em drinked your helth with the wust whiskey I ever tasted. One of 'era asked me if 1 woe a fair spe- cimen of the Northern Army, and, I'll he darned if 1 didn't tell him ho, for was ashamed to have 'era think the entlerals was all like me. 1 guese, thotigh, they liked me some: anyway, they let 'me carry something to the Corneal every now and then, and / Wove he'd die if t aian't, .sraug- glecl him in some paper and a pencil, and he Is going to wright to you, and shall send it, no matter how, The robe won't see it. and 1 gums it's petty sure to cm safe. 1 must stop now, Mid wright to the old woman. `Y.Otire to command, William Baker, F,square." It Was with great difficulty that An- nie cotild decipher the badly-writtee ,ectrawl; but ehe made it out at last, and then took Sinuniete letter heat, shuddering as she saw un it marks of the honeore vvilich Bill had described but faintly, and whittle Were fulla core roboratte by Meanie hireteelt of SympathY, he bade his sister good- bye when his leave hacl expixed, and then in the hall stood a moment while his mother whispered eametiting to bire tvhish made hin stern and turn pale as be said! "Poor Win 1 he would have been so glad!" Then, as if the news had brought Rose, nearer to him, and made her mere the object of Ids speeial care, he woni back to her a. seeond time, and wetted his ante about her lovingly, as he enid, "Poor Intle wounded dove! God's preedises are for the widow and fatherless, and He, will care for you;" • and Rose guessed to what he referred, but there was no answering joy upon • her fare, and her hands were pressed • Operi her heart as she wa tolled Jahn • evert the window, going from he's just tee -Will had gotte, and whispered to • herself, "it would hove been too much imppineee if had lived ; but now tannot be glad."' 'Is HE 1112CTITili, Tr111118 "My dear Antile," Ise Wrote, "i not Icnow that this letter will ever retteh you, 1 leave hut little hope that it will. Still it is worth trying for, and se here in this terxible Owe, wOoee horrom AO pot or tongise can adequately describe, / am writing to you, who I know thinks sometimes of the poor wretca starving end, dying by inehes in es.ndereonville..011, Anuie you den ?lever icoow whet 1 nave suf- fered from huoger end, thirst, and ex- posure and telth, which Makes my very blood curdle and oreep, and front that weary homesiclatees, which more than aught else knits the poor boys around. roe, When I first. (same beret thought 1 could, rot endure it, and though I knew' I was not prepared, 1 wied to wish that I' might die; bat a little &rummer boy from Michigan, who Look to me from the first, said. his prayers one night beside me, and the listening to him carried me back to you, who, I felt sure, prayed, for me each day. A.nd SO hope came back again, with a desire Lo live and see your dear face once more. My little drummer boy, John- ny, was all the world to me, and when he grew too sick to sit or stand, 1 held las poor head, in my lap, aud gave up my rations to him, for he was alraost famished, and at eager- ly whatever was brought to us. We used to say the Lord's Prayer togeth- er every night when a certain star ap- peared, which he playfully called his 'mother,' saying it vvee har eye watch- ing over hire. It was a childish fancy, but we grow childish Mire, and 1, too, have given that star a name. 1 call it 'Annie,' and I watth its coming as eagerly as did the. little boy, who died just as the star Teethed the zenith and was shining down upon hime His head wee in my lap, and all there was left of my coaL I made into a pillow for him, ancl'heldnhim till he died. His mother's address is, _.__, Michigan, Write to her Annie, and tell her how Johnny died in the firm hope of Meet- ing her again in heaven. Tell her he did not suffer much pain, ---only a weakness, which wasted his life away. Tell her the keepers were kind. to him, and brought him ice -water several tames. thT.ell • her, too, oe the sox which he gazed so long as he had str 'It was all the companion I had. after he WAS gone until Bill Baker came. I shall never forget that day. had crawled np to my sand bank, and drawn my rags around me, and Waa beginning to wisb again that I could. die, when a broad hand was laid upon my shoulder, and a voioe which was MUSIC to ms then, if it never had been before, seed to nee theerily, 'Hallo, old Corp'ral 1 Suth are the chances of war I Give us your fist l' But when he saw what a sorry • jaded wretch I was, his chin began to quiver, and we eried together like two great babies as we were. "Oh, Annie, was it a lte Bill Baker told me, or did you really send me your love, and say that you meant it? He told me such a story, and I grew better in a moment. Have you relent- ed, and if I could ask you again the question 1 asked. a year ago, when we sat together beneath the moonlight, would you tell nee yes? Darling Annie, Andersonaille is not: so terrible since I aan kept: up by that liope. I do not mind now if my shoes and stockings are tell gone, ancl my trowsers near- ly so, and I watch for that star so eagerly, and make believe that it is you, and when the cleak clouds obscure it, and the rain is falling upon my un- sheltered head, I say that it is Annie's tears, and do not mind that either. I pray, too, Annia—pray with my heart, I hope, though my prayers have more to do with you than myself. "Bill Baker saicl. he should write and tell you about his taking the oath, which I believe he. did almost solely for my sake, and greatly have I been benelited by it. Rougb as he is, and disgusting at times, he seems to have gained friends outside, and he does us inannFy a kindness, confining his atten- tiomostly to me, who am his espe- cial care. It is a strange Providence that he who took me a prisoner at Bull Run, and annoyed me so terribly Should now be caring for me here at Andersonville, and literally keeping the h e within me, for I should. die w • "/ have not written half I want to say, but my paper is nearly used un, and notOne word have I said to moth- er or Rose. Tell them, they would not know me now, and tell them. too, that in my dreams, when I am not with you, encl. Isvith them, and mother's face is like an angel's, while Rose's spark- ling beauty makes my heart beat just as it wed. to beat when I first began to realize what a darling sister lhad. Dear Annie, you did send thee message by Bill Baker, I will believe, and thus believing, shall 'gain strength maybe to bear up until the day of release. 'Good-bye, my darling. From my oroweted, filthy, terrible prison,1 send you a loving good-bye." Notwithstanding the sickening de- tails of this letter the day succeeding its receipt was a brighter one at the Mather house than the inmates had known foe' a long time. Jimmie was still alive and with Bill Baker's care he might survive the horrors of An- aersonville and come back to them again. Annie showed both letters to Mrs. Carleton, who, when she read them, wound her arms nrourtd Annie's neck and whispered, "Is it wrong for me to be glad that Bill Baker told that lie, when by the means our weis- oner boy is so greatly benefited." (To 13e Continued.) . , NOT INDEBTED TO FORTUNE. From what 3' little we knew of his erly life and inheritance Shakespeare seems to have been less entitled to foeturte than any of the world's great men. The son of probably almost il- literate parents, and brought up m the unintellectual and prosaic atmos- phere of an insignieicant agricultural village, fortune seems to have done nothing to excite and develop his im- 3agination, and very little to inerease his knowledge of mankind. leis very modest -success in Lorldon seems to have been in spite of fortune's frowns and he seems to have, eecaped the cold: wel- come of the Metropolis as soon as he could, There was neither example tier rivalry* to stimulate his efforts, nor foreign travel to inature his anow- tedge. 11 may stress as a comfort to us in all our calamititer and afflictiohs, that he war loses anything and gots wisdom 13y it is e gainer by the losa—L'Es- trangia , t. DOMINION PARLIMENT, WhAt the LegiSlatOrS at the Country are Doing it Ottawa,, ens •. A SENSIBLE KOTe•°' ION3 Mr. John Oherlton bas given notice of the following Motioxl! That the prevailimg practice of de- livering in the Canadian House of Commons, speeches of great length; embra.oing voluminous and. often ir- relevant extracts, has introduced a discursive arid diffuse, rather taan, a concise and incisive etyle of public speaking; is destroottve of pertinent debate upon public questions; is a Waste of valuable time, unreasonably lengEhenxi the sessions of Parliament; is in a marked contrast to the practice that prevails with regard to debate in, the British Houee of Commons, and tends to repe,t the public from, a care- ful and intelligent consideration of the proceedings of Parliament. alhat it is expedient that: rules be adopted limiting the length of speeches and regulating the general conduct of debate in that regard. Meat a special csommittee should be formed to eon- sider the question of parliamentary d.ebate, length of • speeches, geleesal conduct of debate, and proper methods Lor securing the greatest prompti- tude in the despatoh•! of business con- sistent with theeparliamentary rights of -the minority, and the general in- terests of the publioe and report' its recomMendaeions, to this •House. • RAILROAD TO DAWSON, CITY, The standing Orders Conatnittee coosidered the petition of Wit - Haste Mackenzie, D. D. Mann and R. J, Macketneie, praying for power to construct and operate a line of rail- way front a paint on the Stikine river in British Columbia, thence by a prac- ticable route to Toslin Lake or there- abouts, thence by a practicable route to Dawson City, also a line from a point on or near the Stikine river by a southerly route to a point in Bri- tish Colu.rabia capable of being made an ocean. port; also a line from &point on or near the Lynn canal, vitt Fort Selkirk, to Dawson City, and branch • lines along the Greeks. The lines are to be known as the Canadian Yukon Railway. There is a rule of the com- mittee that all bills applying to this section of the country must be adver- tised in Dawson City papers. It was pointed out that though several COM - goalies applying for charters haee con- formed to this rule at a very great ex- pense, this company had not. The peti- tioners by their solieitor, stated that they had mailed their application from Ottawa on Decembex 3rd, bot that ow- ing to the delays with th.e mails no paper lead came out later then De- cember ILh. The Clerk of the Council, in rebuttal, produced a copy of the Yukon Sun for February 14. The bill was reponced, no motion to waive the rule being submitted. AFTER. THE C. P. R. Robert L. Richardson, M.P., has moved for the appointment of a com- mission of the House to ascertain the amount of capitai expended in the construeLion of. the C. P. R. ; Ills ob- ject is to try to abolish what is known as the ten per cent clause. This c3lause enacts that until the C. P. R., eaens10 per cent. on the capital a.otually ex- pended on the road the Government is not permitted to control the rates. What Richardson wants to know is how the subsidies voted by the coun- try to the road are to be considered in estimating the cost of construction. The motion reads thus: — That the Parliament of Canada has provided aid in cash, land, constructed railway, and he others forms, to a very large amount, ordee 'that the Canadian Pacifie Railway Company might be able to fu nish transportation to ths western settlers at rates whiell need, be cal- culated to 'produce little beyond the oast of pperation and maintenance, and that the 101 per cent, provision is i em- bodied in the act incorporating the C. P. R.; Company.; That there seem.sto be no well de- fined understanding as to whether the gifts and grants aforeinentioned were not to be considered as a part of the "capital expended on the construction of the road," and that there seems not to have been any method or process 'provided or indicated by the Charter Act; for determining the actual amount of the "capital expended on the con- struction of the road," and It is re.soLved, therefore, thee this House aapoint a commission for the proposed enquiring into and (1) deter- mining the originet cost of the C.P.R. Cernpa,ny's main line and the equipment thereof; (2) tbe original cost of all the branch eines constructed and at pres- ent owned. and operated bythe Com- pany in Canada; (13) the original cost of all lines acquired by purchase and at present ownen by the eorapany in Canada; (4) the original cost ot all the lines at present owned and operated by tbe colmpany in the United States of America; (5) the rentals or other consideration paid for all lines leased and operated by the moupany in Canada; (6) the rental or other eon - sideration paid by the company for all lines operated by il cer operated, subject' to its °oar& in the onitea States of, America; 7 the revenues and expenditures of each of these railways 45 afmementioned in sopa- rate form in so far as Buell separation,. of Accounts is feasible, that this eon, - mission be given full, power to examine witnesses under oath, to demand pro- duction of books of aceount or cor- respondence and of all documents re- lating to the subject matter of this resolution,. NEW 'LINE 01' 8TEAMERS, Application has been made to the Dominion Parliament for the hecorpor- ation of the Canadian 'Inland 'ere/teller- 'ration Coronany, those interested being Messrs. Wm. Christie, 3 FL Oeborne, Geo. IL, Bertram', AL le, of Toronto; Alex. leuttioden, M. P. *1 and ;.fohn Me,, Rae, of Ottawa, and Hon. Semler Fore get, of Montreal, The conepany peos poses to have' a fleet of ten solid steel • Parries, 276 feet in lengtli1 by 43 figet beam, with e capacity' of 78,990 buthele of wheat, with a foorteenefoot depth in the canals. I The promoters tbrik tbey olio carry eargoes to Neon- treel from Lake Superior cheaper than tae,present 6 -cent rate to New York, and in return do a profitable business in return cargooe. The carrying of ore fronr Lake Saporito to the blast furnace at Hauellton, and to the pro- posed one at Toronto, is also content- p•lated. The capital. stock of the cone- pane- will be If e,000,009. ' TO SPAN PACIFIC OCEAN. tbe long -talked -of Pacific ceble will shortly, according to present appear- ances, lie an aecomplisbed fact. The co-operation of the Australian and the Imperial authorities is already pestered, and within a fortnight it is expected the Dominion Government will intro- duce a bill which will declare evitat nafuodr gdian gis ePgarreaink dt odo in itthesh famr perial .Federation scheme. The Government's bill wilt provide tor supplying funds equivalent to five - eighteenths of the cost of the con- struction of the proposed cable, et] soon as Great! Britaia signifies its readiness to provide a like sum, and the Australasian colonies formally 01i:o 1"egt000sot.ontribute •eight -eighteenths The control of th,e cable is to be vested in a commission to be ale - pointed by the torpeetal Government, eaoh contributing colony nominating representatives on the commission in proportion to the amount, contributed. Thus will be secured the priticiple of government control of rates and mane agement, a desideratum seoond only to that of having the cable entirely under British Management. The Canadian termetial pcient wili likely be Val:motives', although this has not been finally decided u.pon. Thence the. cable win run to Iran- ning Island, on to Fiji, thence to Nor- folk Island, where connections will be made with Australia and New Zealand. The knell of the cable will • be about 7,150 miles. r1 is expected that within three years after its oompletion the cable wall be successfully operated as to • yield a substantial income so sub- stantiai that dividends will be paid on the several contributions of the various states interested. The estima- ted cost will not be more than ielep 500,000, and at the outset only a per, centage of this will be called up. The Government. believes that it can be made entirely self-supporting. , Lord Strathccina and Hon. A. G. Jones have reported on the financial aspect of the project. Their report showthat after the first year the cable would pay expenses, and that from time to tme as bu.siness in- • creased, rates could be lowered. Thuri the cable will become an intego.al fac- tor in the prosperity of the countries which will be its part proprietors. Sir Charles Tupper said: I would like to take the opportunity of con- gratulating my right hon. friend who leads the Government upon the an- nouncement made in the press with re- gard to the arrangement' which has been arrived at concerning the con- struction of the Pacific cable. 'I eegard thatt as a moat important matter, and I think the Government ansi the coun- try are very much to be congratulat- • ed upon the matter having been fin- ally, as I elope it is, a.nd satisfac- torily arranged. I leave long since satisfied myself that the construction of the cable will involve no obliga- tion upon this country whatever, and I am satisfied the time, is n far distant when it will be a source of revenue. Sir .Wilfrid 'Laurier—I must express t.he gratitude of the Government to my eight hon. friend. Of course I might have expected it, for 1 know what his views have been. I hupe that in future when we bring in as good measures we will receive the same sup- port from my lien, friend. Sir Charles Tupper—Hear, hear. • tal reesoo for it whieh we ought to repeat, I "From the above roles nervous peo- ple are exempt. Some of them abso- lutely refuse to find rest until all le quiet and dark about them, 1 leave found that in cases of megrim, a nee" Pelee pain in one sidis of the bead, nothing would do but to place the pa- tiept in an absolutely dark and still room, if Possible at tbe top of the house. I advise that people suffering from sick heedethe should interrupt their dey's work and Lake themeelves for a quarter of an hour to a dark- ened, room proof against noises. Na- ture has pot tvvo great remedies in our hen as—light and darkne,ss. Suffer - ere should feint out for themselves which best agrees with them." NATURE'S OWN MEDICINES, ONIONS CURE ALL SORTS OF NERV- 'OUS DISORDERS. celery and Pleplant GOOd For Rheumatic People—Cranberries and Flo If8041 Whir Effect Against Blood Complaints—Pea- nuts for illabetes. Cin41 aroPert !runs, etc., which they serve, and aot upon the knowledge thus gained, there would be far less n.eed to sunnnon the physician on every slight indisposition of some member of the family. • Of course, this only applies to ailmentsin the incipient form, when, by prompt •action, disease mae•be warded 'off. The ounce of prevention in this, as in other cases, is far better than ,the pound of cure. When disease has fastened up- on .the system l±e only proper course Said an eneinent physician: "If house- wives would make a study of the' medn les of the • vegetables, is to employ the best physician pro- curable." FRUIT PRESCRI.PIIONS. Those inclined to or suffering front rheumatie troubles, says a writer in the Dietetic Magazine, should use celery, pieplant, all tart fruits, aspect - ally lemons -and sour oranges. One troubled with nervous disorders will be greatly benefited by using on- ions, turnips and celery. Onions are said to be almost Llie besi nervine known. Nothing will so quickly relieve nervous prostration and totae up a worn-out system. For kidney troubles use graPen spinach anti common dandelion, making a tea of the roots of the two letter, end taking tablespoonful doses several' times a day, when the plants are not procurable for a relish. Buttermilk as a beverage is also beneficial. For disorders of the liver use tomatoes, onions, lemons and salt. Insomnia is often cured by the use ot either lettuce or onions. Use all kinds of fresh, rips fruits to purify the blood and tone up the system. krilaok- berries and raspberries are tonic. Bananas are an excellent food for those suffering from digestive irregulari- ties. • FOR, 13LOOD DISEASES. Carnberries are used externally EIS well as internally for erysipelas, and figs—a most valuable remedy for those suffering with cancer—are used in the same way. Garlic, olives, actions, peanuts and tome toes promote digestion. The beaten yo/k of an egg, with meter enough added to make it palatable, will be beneficial in cases of jaundice.Wake morning and night. Also the beaten yolk with sugar is good to clear and strengthen the voice, and the beaten whites with lemon Jame end sugar will relieve hoanseness. Elderberries are said to be a speci- fic for dropsy. Spinach and onions • will relieve;those suffering with grav- el. Carrots are good for asthmatic troubles. Turnips, onions and salt for scurvy. Those who are troubled with diabetes should use foods devoid of sugar and staroh. Peanuts are speci- ally recommended for corpulent dia- betes. THE LEMON INVALUABLE. A chapter might be written on lem- ons, the free use of which often saves a big doctor's bill. • They are a sov- ereign remedy for cold, if taken in time. 'When a severe cold is felt coming on the patient should take a hot lemonade, made by squeezing and cutting one lemon into a half pint ef boiling water. Add a very little sugar, to make it palatable, drink and go to bed, covering up warmly to in- duce a gentle parenivetlent. For feverish thirst. in sickness, biliousness, low fevers, rheumatism, liver troubles, etc., they are almost Invaluable. . ENDURING PAIN. it Is Easier io Bear in the light Thou in the Dark. All who ever suffered from a tooth- ache know to their sorrow that the pains increase as the night grows old- er. A toothsehe, whirl during the day interfered but little with our enjoy- ment of life is likely to develop during thtehours of darkness into a veritable terror, that makes us curse the acci- dent of our birth.- It is the same with an earache, asthmatic troubles, etc., Asthma is most likely to develop into a smothering nightmare between the hours of 10 p.m., and 6 a.m. At the Vienna University Dr. Gold- scheider has told the reason in ape- . per read before his class. Ile thinks the darkness prevailing in the average AN OLD WARNING. bedroom is at fault. Light, he Says, pleys a greater part in the pathology of aches than most people imagine. Those are, generally speaking, the healthiest members of the human family who live in sunlit, well -aired rooms, and who move about in the sun as much as practicable. If in daytime we axe etackeu with pain, our sufferings are certainly less, relatively speaking, than they would be if the malady had seized us at night, for Iigbt ane sunehine soothe our feet - Inge and do not allow us to abandon OutSelVeS to the feeling of pain. When night comes the painful setsa,- 110/1S increase; they are bearable 48 long as we are in the gas or bonen light, but bettome ittenee the moment we stretch out in bed, enveloped by stillness and darkness. A leeeenlng af the pain is observable only atter sun- rise, " What does it mean?" asks the doc- tor. " That darknese and stilabase Ate not conducive to the comfort of sick people. Therefore, 1 ,itty, if you hove pains in the evening, do not rob Your- selve,s pot the soothing effects of a lamp. In ninety-nine out ot a hun- dred eases the presents of a ]ight in the sick room alleviates pain, For the same reesons ao not let your childrett sleep in the dark if limy prefer' a light, The dental of a night lamp has made many a child ill with heart disease. If children refuse to sleep in the dark it maybe iteettme ed that there Is some physical or men - Ile oldest Egyptian papyrus, which contains a series of moral aphorisms of the fifth Egyptien dynasty, 8566-3333 B. C., is said to afferd the earliest in- stance of the moral treatment of in- toxication, and the first warning in writing against drinking in wine shops. "My sop," runs the injunction, "do not linger in tbe wine shop or drink too m'uch wine. Thou fallast upon the ground; thy limbs become weak as th-ose of a child. One cometh to do trade with thee., and findeth thee so. Then sey they, 'Take away tbe fellow, for he is drunk.' " • ARAB MUSIC. Arab tawncr has been described as the einging of A pl'inacl donna who has rup- tured her vone in trying to sing a duel with herself. Emit note starts fawn soniestatere between a ehattp and a elat, but does not glop evert there' and splits up into four or more polo Liow3 of wheal no peewit can be ex- pecteil to catch more than one at a time. TEA Amr.,,O1PrE.P. An eminent pliyeltlete. says that no parson sbould be petted to dritik tea or eoffee inti 01'he 'has at - tattled the agao 113 yetern,' In the young those beverages unditly excite the tetvotia syetem, and haVaaxi the Janette eft0e1 uPen the- digestive:prom • WHIT ONCLE SIM 1 111 ITEN$S OP INTEREST ABOUT Ttlii litisY YANKEE. Neighbor!), Interest in His aoings—teatters of Moment 3114 Mirth Gathered from His Deily Recert. The net funded debt of tbe city et New York, on. Januitr,y 31, -1899, waa $247 016 820.80. Denver has e death rate of 948, Los Angeles, of 13.16, San Franeiaeo ot 17. • Every day brings new reports of an inerease in wages in manufacturing in- dustries. • - The Salvation. AiTetien to,:kbe inoore porated under tile' j of' the State of. New York. Two-thirds of the United States have abolished days of grace on cone- mercial paper. Gold worth almost ;06,000,000 hen been taken out of the mines In Lite Cripple Creek district in the last eight years. A coloured woman, a native oe .Haylo, who died recently in Baltimore, left an estate of 4$25,000 to chari- ties. The International Air Power Com- pany has ratroliaeed the Rhode Island Locomotive Works, at Providenee. Miss Caroline Hazard, the new -preen - dent of Wellesley college,' is herself not a college graduate. -• She is 42 ' yeara old. , Since Senator Allison • became a widower, over fifteen years, ago, his , wife's mother has been the manager of bie household. President McKinley frequently does his afternoon's work in the White House library, which is now used on Mrs. McKinley's sitting roora. In a family in Kirwin, Ks., one son is a. doctor, another an undertaker, and a third a tombstone maker, whose • wife is a registered pharmacist. In 300 New York sweat -shops the highesb wages earned, according te the Board of Health report, is 45 telexes Lan eighteen hours' work a day. The statistical tabulation of church membership in the United States for 1891 has a. grand total of 27,714,523, with a net gain of 802.e00 for the year. Gen Elwell Otis, was at one time one of the best amateur raarksmen in the east, arid is said still to retain much of his former skill in this line. During 1898 the Labour Commis- sioner of Seattle, found employment Lan 18,154 people, in addition to a large number sent to the hop fields to pick hops. The table in the beusehold of Ruse s sell Sage is said to be one of thet beet furnished in New York, both as to meals and the manner in which they are served. Edward Gray, the principal of tb.e Davenport echool, Fall River, who has just died, was one of the oldest edu- cators in Massaohussets, having taught eon tinuously f or fifty-sevea years The promoters of the Admiral Dewey gold mine on Puget Sound have sent a certificate for 5,000 shares to "Mrs. Dewey,"- apparently ignorant that 'the edtniral has been a widower for 26 years An oId landmark of San Franoisoo will soon be removed. to give plaoe to a modern business building. This is the Isthmus House, which In 1849 and 1850 stood on the shore of the bay at Firs( and Jessie streets. It is estimated- that it will take six years to complete the New York har- bour improvements, altbough in lees than that time the aCNV obannel vilL have reached a depth sufficient to ad- mit the largest steezners. The Lalande prime of the French Academe- of Science has 'been confer- red upon Prof. A. C. Chandler, of Cam- bridge, Mass, in reeognition of "the splendour, Lhe importance, and the variety of his astronomical work." Ex -President Harrison will leave for Paris on May 17, and after arguing the Venezuelan ease before the board of arbitration will probably give some months to travel through Europe and the Holy Land, in company with ars. lia.rrisen. It is repoitea that Englishmen re- presenting a large amount of wealth havn secured an option on 100,000 acres in the new op, fields in the Cherokee, Natton, and it is proposed wheel the syndicate completes its plans to com- pete with the Standard Oil. James E. With, of Berlin, Worcester County, Md., :meander received a hand- some ebony sane with a gold knob which bore the following inseription: "Preseuted to James E. Wise, of Ber- lin, Md.'the oldest undertaker in the United State, by the Sunnyside, the oldest undertaking journal in the world, on his 82nd birthday." Not- withstanding his great age, Mr, Wiee ie still actively engaged in the under- taking business, and only a short time ago drove tweutyefive miles and conducted two funerals the same day Alered von Bruening, Beee,eta.ry of the German Embassy at Constantin- ople and formerly an attaehe of the embassy in Wiestilegtori, is Lo marry Nese Gordou McKay of that city. The alIiitnoe is not approved by Ambassa- dor von Bollaben, and it is seta Bruening asked ter e change of post on tine accouttle Mee, McRae, who is an exceedingly beepletenit womita, ua ale divonted wire, of a Boeton tont has iin enema allowanee of $25,000, Von Bruerting ie a clever man of. about 30, ,a, trteraber of an old and aristooratio tunny. Tee is pepularerad mink- mteit f cyt eignere Wilt7 tAarvy Ara. eleven women, possesses 11ounfortahle • • -