HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-4-13, Page 7•r: •' • 7 7777. •or ems- Summary. * * Recent I-Itzpftening.s. Briefly Told. CANADA. The eepore of the eoroner's inquest At nanatitort a farmal. was tined ee 1 into the eircumetencee of the death Lor feeding raw horaeflesh to hogs. o the stoker a the British cruiser e Terrible, weo was killed by a boiler ti Th ' is talk of ea electric\ railway explosion on board the cruiser, is a • 'I'lle \veil for the Brockville bYe-elec- line between leroodstoele and Ingereoll. verdict exonerating the ()Mears, but the ince recoMnieads the discontinuance of using welded tubing. The tobacco naanufeeturers are eVi-- dntly convinced that the Chancelior of the Exceequer, Sir Michael Hic1s- 13eaeh intende to meet the deficit, by inoreasing the duty on tobacco. At Liverpool, the center of the trade het weele'e delivery of unmanufactured to- bacco from bond totalled 1,391,807 pounds this transaction constituting,a record. UNITED STATES. timiebas been issued by Mr, Speaker Edgar. Aprii 2th is polling day, It is said at Kingston that Bien. Wm. lia,rtee and his son, Dr. Harty, will e,,e-st tepee, of next year in Europe. • ittizabeih Alexander of Hama - tinder arrest for attempting sin - throwing herself in front of ibermen from the Vpper Ottawa aesy heavy floods this spring as a • Et a this winter's exceptionally e snowfall. else F. L, S. Fitzgerald, M.A., of rnwall High School, has been elected, :member of the Council a Queen's hiversity, Kingston. c'Ex-Mayor Wilson -Smith of Montreal aye the $3,000,000 city- loan can be filaced either in Caeada or Great "°i' without trouble. "aambee By-law Committee has .1 to impose a tax a $300 on residing in the city and 4100 etedian residing onlside. ,he report of the Agricultural De- neee• of Manitoba shows an un- eettetied seale of production and an un- ; usually heavy tide of immigration, S A grand inilitary tournament in e Montreal during 1900 is being proposed t -by General ELutton. It is to be the, largest of its kind ever held in the Do- minion, • The report coro.es from Atlin that claims are being jumped promiscuously on every -creole in the district, on the r eha.nce thee, they may prove to be Am - I erican-owned Montreal policeman have to take thie oath: "You swear you are not a member of any secret society and that you will not join any as long as you are a member of the force." Vesseimen meeting at Cleveland. de- cided to forms a marine insurance com- pany. A Ihrluth despatch says Mr, Ogilvie will build a large mill there or at West Superior. United States clay sewer pipe and cast iron pipe companies have consol- idated, the forraer with a capital of $10,000,COO, the latter with 630,000,000. A Bet prepared in the office of the Adjotant-General at Washington shows the casualties in Manila since Feb. to be 157 killed and 864 wound- ed. The Minneapolis City Council has passed a curfew ordinance, under wh:ch cbildren under sixteen years are not allowed on the street after 9 o'clock At the Sandy Hoak proving grounds a ten -inch •breeoh-loading gun, under Lest, burst its breech, killing Henry V. Murphy, the recording clerk; and. in- juring another. The will of Joseph Madill, of Chicago, disposes of $e0,0110,000 in bonds and realty, besides the editor's stock in the Tribune Publishing Company, valued at 62,500,000. It is purposed to raise a fund of $10,003 for the family of Warren Galen, the elevator man at the Windsor hotel OliTARIO LEGISLATUlilo Notes Of PrOeeedinge in the Local Parliament. DE.ALING WITH CATTLE `,P1IIEVES, Pettypiece, IVI.P.P., eeeles in a bill. to have the munieipal. law amend- ed. by adding the following clause re- garding the apprehension of eattle Leieveei—Tlie cannel' of every connstY and city iney provide by by -low for tlae payment of a Tewd,rd to any pereen te oe persons who elapursue and ale, prebend or eauae to be apprehended any person guilty of stealing cattle vvithiu the said eourity or GUY/ and nas-Y: provide that such reward 'shall be paid out of the funds of the corporation on the conviction of the thief on the or- der of the judge before neaten the con- viction Ls obtained, , The Detroit, Windser & Soo Naviga- in New York, who relused to leave his tion Company has decided to place the post and lost his life in the fire. sidewheelers IvIajestie and City of Col- lingwood, on its lines from Windsor- to Georgian. Bay ports and the Soo. Sir W. C. McDonald has added a fur- ther large sum t� his already princely gifts to McGill University by giving Fire Commissioner Scannell of New Y.ork has appointed Rev. Wm. Smith and Rev. jaines Le Baron Johnson chaplains of the Fire Department, With the rank of battalion chief. It is reported that George II. Dan - sufficient to the School of Mining anct iels, general passenger agent of the 1VINetallurgy to maintain a larger staff. ew York Central, has been made James Kerr attempted to take the passenger and traafic manager, with life of H, M. Howell, Q.C., a well- authority over all the anderbilt known Winnipeg criminal lawyer, lines. Kerr was about to pull a revolver William Scott, a corn merchant,of when the clerks in the office disarm- Li verpoal, England, committed suicide ea him. Customs llouse officers at Kingston on board the steamer Umbria whtle the was en route to New York. Ile was and along the St. Lawrence are keep- found in his state room with the throat ing more strict watch than hitherto cut with a broken bottle. upon women returning from across the The United States transport, Crook line, and will confiscate everything arrived at New York luesday night, • net properly entered. having on board the bodies of the sol - A representation of all phases of diers who died during the campaign Yukon mining work will be one a the in Porto Rico, and the bodies of tal features of the Paris Exposition. The of the soldiers dead from Santiago. Canadian Bank of Commerce will place on exhibition $5,000,603 worth of gold. in dust and nuggets. The students et Wesley College, Win.. resatuton bas been adopted by the State Legislature at Albany providing for a comraittee to inquire into the raising ot money to coreuptay influence treated Re. Hamilton Wigle, Police legislation and. to investigate pastor of Zion church, to a hazing, every department and offide in the City torsing him ina blanket. In a recent of New York' s:erram he had Zell oted °lithe students Mks Catherine Bell Noble, who nar- and denounced the practice of hazirag. rowly escaped death at tha time of the There will be no further appeals in loss of the steamship Mehegan, when the matter of the Hamilton- manta I. upwards of 100 persons were lost, on stead Loan & Savings Society, and the t October 14 last, has tiled suit in Bal - estate will shortly be wound up. It I timore for 030,000 against the Atlan- . is thought that the shareholders will ' tie Transportation Co., owners of the get 12 or 15 per cent. out of the vessel. wreak. A big mass meeting of German - A deputation from the Women's Americans in Chicago on Monday Mehl: passed aloree and ponderous re - Council waited upon the Mayof of Montreal with regard to the condition ef the poor and destitute children. They urged the assistance of the cor- poration towards having the Quebec Government adopt a law similar to that of Ontario for the commitment of those little ones. SUING FOliaSTATUTE LABOR. Up in the sparsely settled districts the authorities have a great deal of trouble in persuading farmers to do statute labor. Q. F. Farwell, M.P.P., for East Algoma, has a bill amending the clause of the Assessment Act re- lating to the suing Of non-residents for statute labor in the unorganized territories. These are the worda he wants added to the present :tot: "The conanaissioners may sue in any Division Court having jurisdiction, any person liable to perform statute labor wil- fully neglecting or refusing to perform the same as aforesaid, tor the amount ef such statute labor commuted at $1 per day." • COUNULLOR'S QUA.LIFICATION. Bill 231 bears the name of John Rieh- ardson. It is to amend the Municipal Act by the addition of the following clause: "Provided that if at the time of the election the residence of a mem- ber duly elected,to the county council IS \villain the counter council division for which he has been sleeted, and afterwards and during his term of office, the town or place in which he resides is separated or removed from Ilia jurisdiction of the county, such separation or removal shall in no man- ner affect the qualification of the member so elected, but he shall con- tinue to be qualified as a member of the county council until the expiration of the term for which he has •been elected." PORTRAIT OF SANDFIELD MAC - solution, protesting ageinst an Anglo- Anaethan al ianca, ana the alleged false assertions made against Germany in connection with the recent Spanish- American war. At Niagara Falls, N. -Y., a great niass of rock, weighing hundreds of thou - The Winnipeg Grain and Produce sands of tons, ieil from the cliff on the south side of the Buttery Whirlpool Exchange has resolved to memorialize Rapids elevated ahd plunged down "the Dominion Government that all grain from Manitoba and the North- west Territories passing- Winnipeg to Fort William, or east thereof, be in- spected a Winnipeg and warehoused in Fort Williani-ois other .eastern ter- - elevators on Winnipeg inspec- tion. GREAT BRITAIN. Birket Foster, the English watercol- or painter, is dead. • The Cunard Company has announced increased profits of 030,972. Mr. Richard Chamberlain, brother of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, is dead. The Great Northern Railway of Eng- • land has ordered 20 locomotives in Philadelphia. The British Court of Chancery has decided that strikers are entitled to P001 law relief. The British and Foreign Bible So - clay is busy getting out Bibles in the Filipino dialect. Opposition has developed in the House of Commons against the pro- posed issue of daily nevvepapers Sunday in London. The owners of the British steamer Wolvinston have been awarded n0,000 salvage for towing the Cunard liner Pavonia, into Si. Micbael's, at the Azores. on the Gorge road tracks and the,build- ing at the foot of the elevator. A lot of damage was done. Fifteen piorainent -citizens of Lake City, South Carolina, will be pnteun • trial in the Unieed StateS Circuit Met this week to answer to the charge of having lynched Poetniaster Fraser B. Baker, colored, more than a year ago. They are also charged. with murderieg Baker's little son, and with burning the postoffice. GENERAL. Snowstorms have disorganized Belgian telephone service. Frontier fighting between the Turks and Bulgarians is reported. French deputies are now agitated over the question of raising their sal- aries. The reports of the approaching mar- riage of tbe Emperor of Austria are renewed. The steamship Arena, of the Thomp- son line, has been "posted" as miss- ing, by .Lloyds, and, according to cus- tom, the insurance is due. Montreal people are interested. Lord Stratheona , has protested against the passing of The universities' degrees hill, a private measure, which if pa:,ssed would oblige Canadian grad- untes to give the name of their alma Mater in connection witb tbeir degree letters. The British Government has decided net te proeeed during the preeent ses- sion of Parliament with the automatic couplings bill, which provides for the eonapulsory use a automatic conpl- ings on all British railroads after a period of five years from tee paseage Of the measure. Ihere is roach sickness aniong the inhabitants of the western part of die df Mull, owing to their having eaten toe freely of apples that were washed ashore from the steamer La- • brador, which Was Wrecked on March 1 rat Maekerizio rock, an ialet on the brides groitp.• the whether or net the, imembera were te receive their full sessional allowanee. The premier Heemed, disposed to throw the onus of the matter ou the Oppoeition. Hp eaid the gneetien Was one for the Rouse, awl not fer the Governmeet. It bad been the original batentien that last Augnst's sitting and tlae preemie eession Should reale as one, and one indetanity cover both. Circumstapees had male the termer position irnpeseibl% but the question re, Maine(' whether they sboiald deduot 0125 from the present; session's allow, ant* to make up for wbat might be con- eiclered an over -payment last sum- mer. THE HOUSE pROTtOGTJED. DONALD. Mr. Whitney made a suggestion .that funds be provided to secure a portrait for the Legislative halls of the First Premier or the province, Sohn Sand - field Macdonald. He also hoped to see a portrait of the present Premier ad- orning the chamber. Mr. Hardy approved of the first part of the suggestion, but as to the por- trait of hiraself he was sure he would not feel at home unless a portrait of Mr. Whitney was hanging close at hand. THE PARIS EXPOSITION. Mr. Matheson asked what provision the Government proposed to make for a provincial exhibit at the Paris Ex- hibition. Mr. Hardy responded that the system would be different from that adopted with regard to the World's Fair at Chicago. Then the Dominion and the provinces made separate exhibits. This year there would be one complete exhibit, under the auspices of the Dominion, to which the provinces would be asked to con- tribute as a part of Canada.' They Were thus relieved of much responsibil- ity, and would not need to spend so much money. Messrs. Archibald Blue, 3. L. Lumsden, C. C. James and Au- brey White would be asked to confer with the Dominion commissioners as to the exhibit.. The Federal Govern- ment would. appoint an honorary com- mission, and it was probable that a commission would be appointed by the Ontario Government to remain a short time in Paris. THE FISHERIES BILL. The Fisheries bill was introduced by the Premier. It prohibits netting in streams frequented by speckled trout. Every provincial constable is made an ex -officio overseer.The finding of nets or prohibited devices in possession of anyone is to be prima facie evidence td lf.m. Every licensee or lessee of fishing privileges is obliged to submit an annual statement of Weright and variety of all fish caught by him dur- ing the year. The overseers appoint- ed by the Government are to fix the blame -at which 'nets may be set. The sales of bass under 10 inches and of white fish, salmon, or lake trout under two pounds are prohibited. Exporta- tion beyond the borders of the province of such fish is prohibited, Exporta- tion of speckled trout, bass, and mask- inonge is also prohibited for five years - 411110a t rio e formal prorogation of the On-- Legislature took place on Satur- day afternoon. In laie House there were plenty of the members,' Seats empty, the legislators having gone home on Friday after the conclusion of the work of the session, Lieutenant -Governor Sir Oliver Movvat'a aides were Lieuteeent Lim - ley, Royal Caaadian Dragoons, and Commander Law. Besides there were Col. Otter, D. 0. 0, Lieut,Col. Dela- mere, Lieut. -Col. Ceesby, Lieut. -Col. Bruce and Colonel Lessard, in attend- ance, The 481h Highlanders 100 strong, 'an - der command of Captain lellehie, with the band of the regiment, eomposed a guard of honor, • Sr. Oliver read the usual speech, thanking the members a the Legis- lature for the work they had done and the House prorogued. LIEUetelelANT-GOVERNOR'S SPEECH Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly: In dismissing you; from the arduous labours ce: the session I have to thank you for tbhe attention given to e publie duties imposed upon you and tor the valuable legislation which have just sanctioned. I cordially approve of the measures adopted for supplementing the re- venues of the province. By the act of last year, which required themanu- facture of sawlogs in Canada, it was inevitable that the receipts from the Crown Lands Department would, be impaired, and, when to the probable loss of revenue is added the expendi- ture arising fromthe increase of popu- lation and the growing needs of the pieple, the public interests required. that provisions should; be made for all necessary expenditure and for the maintenance of the financial etanding of the province. I a.na glad that you have been able to effect this by a moderate tax upon the accumulation of capital and by a reasonable in- crease in the duties upon distillers' brewers' and liguOr licenses. It is gratifying to believe that the taxes imposed will not be burdensome , to any of the classes affected. NOW TURNS TO ENGLAND. The Annan EtedN reenter's luterests etc' 'het Direction. elasnateh from „ Paris, etty3:—te. geed deal of intereat is manifested in connection with the invitation tvhieh ha e just been addressed by the Sultan to the Prinee end Prineees o woJe$ to visit Comtaxitineple on the oceesioil a their approaehingtrip Co A -them, on board the Osborne. This invitation has coincided with the gift by the Saltan of a superb poreelain vase to Lord Salisbury, as a token a his particular regard. The Sultan, awl, in fact, eel the lead- ing state,smen at Conetentinople, are stated to bave been deeply impressed by the eeeent suceesses of English dip- eamaey in connection with the Fashoda question, the Chinese eentroveray with Russia, and in the Muscat affair, and are turning their eyes in the direction of what they believe to be the rising au.n. In fact, Frencn inteeence at the pre- MURDER AND SUICIDE. 'young Frew:Annan 'ranee a Terrible ne- reline Upon Mis Indian Sweetheart. A despateli /rem Toledo, Ohio, says:— James Lablanche, a young Frenchman, stabbed and killed his Indian • sweet- heart, Olga Possamie at Pelee Point, Ontario, and then stabbed hinaself to the, heart. The Point Is near Pelee Island,' and during the winter months the inhabitants are isolated. The steamer American F,agle has just ar- riVed from the island bringing the story of the tragedy.:. • Lablanche and the pretty Indian girl were lovers and last summere they plighted their troth. The rnatriage °event:My was to have been performed sbortly. When the young Frenehman went to call on his sweetheart last week, he learned that another, an Am- erican from Sandusky, had usurped his place in the maidens heart. He was distracted. lIe induced the girl to take a walk with him, and when near "Lover's Rock" he sstabbed her, kill- ing hex inetantly. Ile threw the girl's body into the lake, and after stabbing himself, fell into the water' after her, "Lover's Rock" is a promontory famous throUghout this section of the country. STRIKING AT BRITISH COLUIVIBIA. The Government has announced that it will inapose a tax on all mining cor- porations deating in properties outside this province who sell stock in Ontario. This is a blow at some of the British Columbia companies. MAY QUASH BONUSES. I assent with much pleasure to the act respecting aid to iserta.in railWays. Since Confederation the energies of the Assembly have been directed to- wards the ,development of all sections a - the province, and as a result of a wise and prudent expenditure of pub- lic moneys, nearly all the outlying portion of e, older settlements have been Placed within easy reach of the markets of the world by the improved transportation facilities thus afforded. In order, however, that the agricul- tural resources of the northerly and westerly parts of Ontario may be °Pelted for further settlement, and that the valuable mineral deposits now generally believed to •exist in 'great abundance in the same districts may be brougle within the possibilities of development and that the timber and other resources of those •districts may be made available, the further exten- sion of our railway systems to those sections becomes necessary. am pleased therefore, to think that within two or three years access will probably be obtained by railway to the agri- cultural landa in the, Rainy River dis- trict and the mineral and timber lands lying between Rainy Lake and Port Arthur. 1 am also pleased to notice that through part of the railroad sys- temst projected it is intended to place the capital •of the province in direct communication with the tide waters of Hudson's Bay, thus opening a new region to the energies of our Own people and establishing a new high- way between our own province by way of 'Hudson's Bay and the northern territories of the Dominion. The amendments vvhich y,ou have made to the statute laws of the pro- vince, and to the Municipal and As- setsment ' Acts fix. the purpose of facilitating the adminietration of jus- tice and rendering tneve effective 'the government of municipal mirporations and for other purposes will, I am cell-, dosses of the community. '41" Tax' The Attorney -General introduced an amendment to the Municipal A.ct by which a town that has been robbed of an industry by another town may take propeedings jo quash the by-law - by which inducelinents have been extended to the manufacturer.' CHANGE IN REGISTRATION. A change in the statute law was also introduced, by which Boards of Regis- tration in towns and class of less than 20 0J0 pop ula tion shall sit three days in- stead of four, one of which days must be a' Saturday. MONEYS 06' ESTATE. Dr. 31:eXay introduced a bill in- creasing exemptions by the addition of the following clduse to thesess- meet Act. Capital molaeys of any estiee in the possession or under the control of any ' trustee, , guardian,. ex- eeutor or administrator awaiting in- vestment where the ammint of such ecipital Moneys 8o awaiting investment is $10,000 or under, except the ihcorae thereof earned by such capital moneys pendireeen investment, Mr. Mumee's electric light bill was passed by the Municipal Committee by a vote of 21 to 12. The bill provides that in going into the business, muni- cipalities Shall take over the plant of electric light cerapanies at a valuation to be determined by aebitration, in de- fault of an ageeement as to price being reached between the corporation arid the municipality. THE SESSIONAL INDEMNITY, fr.Ccannee made an enquiry as to elos to their ideatity; sent raoment is at a Oleo -mint on the Bosphorus, and a very. important rail- road coneeesion, in Asia Minor, whicla had been promised theough the Merlon, Embassy to a Parisian syndicate, Las just been granted to a greup of Eng - Esti financiers instead It te considered here that a visit on the part of the Prince and Priecess of Wales to Constantinople at the pre- sent junction vveutel tend to still fur- ther strengthen British prestige at the expense of that of Fraeee with the Turks, all the tilote as neither the Prince and Princess have seen the Sul- tan sines he aseended the tlarone, al- though they knew hen well during the lifetime of his uncle and predecessor. Turkish sentiment itself is stated to be distinctly in favor of an under- standing with England, owing to the apecial care which the English au- thoritiea have taken to safeguard Mo- hammedan interests during the teeent difficulties in Crete - FAST TIME TO PACIFIC COAST. Eight or Ten Molars to be Saved by flft tanadan Paellie Mann ay. A despatch from Montreal says :—The Canadian Pacific railway is arranging to establish a vexy fast service be- tween thi.s city and the Pacific. coast. The work of rearranging the time -table is now under way, and it is expected that the new servioe will came into operation eorne time during May. It is yet too early to say just what the reduction in time wiil be, but it is un- derstood that at least eight or ten hours will be gained under the new arrangement. The trip across the continent now occupies upwards of six days. With the new time -table in force, it will be possible to cover the distance between this city and Van- couver in five and one-half days. Spec- ially large and powerful engines are being constructed to haul the fast trains, and no effort will be spared to make the train service of the C. P. R.. across the continent the fastest yet at- tempted by any trans -continental road. The new service would probably be inaugurated before the rush of sum- mer tourist travel commences. ATA1iBT8 OF TIE WORLD, PrieeS o Grain, Cattie9 Dilheser 40, In th.e Leading Mains, TorOato, April 7.—We had ii tetel et Ioarle on the Market at the Weetern cattle yards here lo -day, including 1,- 200 hogs, 290 sheep and lambs, and a few calvea and milkers. We had a fair araoant of bueineas or ari oft -day, but trade was not so brisk as it has been lately, and both buyere end millers were inclined to hold over for tee regular market to- morrow. As a result all the stuff held was not sold. There was no aetael etiange 18the rates for shipping cattle, and priees ranged from 4 1-2 to 5e per lb, but there is a tendency towards weakneekt and should we have a heavy run of cattle on Friday it will be intensified, and lower Prices will Prevail- leutehers' cattle is steady at from 4 to 4 1-2c for choice etuff. Loads of fine butcher% tattle eel' at about 4c Per lb,, and this kind are in good de- mand. Secondary cattle is a good sale at about 3 1-2 to 3 3-ec per lb., and inferior sells dewei to a little over 70 per lb. We had scene good butch- ers' cattle here to -day. Stockers were easier at from 0,50 to $3.'75 per cwt., and for a few choice select:logs as newel as 0,90 was occa- sionally. paid. Export bulls are easier at from 4 to 1-40 per lb. Bulls are particularly weak in England just now, Here are same of the leading trans- actions to -day :— Fifteen cattle, average 1,100 lbs., sold at 4 3-40 and ten dollars over. Seven butchers' cattle, average 780 lbs., sold at 4e per lb. Twenty-two cattle, average 1,080 lbs., sold at 64.6J per cwt. Nin.eteen cattle, average1,100 RM.: sold at -$4.8e per cwt. THE MASTERS OF ABYSSINIA. French Have Lost Prestige, But the British • are Feared and Respected. A despatch from London says :—The well-known French Painter, Aime Nicholas 1Vlorot, who has just returned to France from Abyssinia, tells a piti- ful _tale of the manner in which he was treated by the Abyssinians and of his • disappointment over the loss of French prestige. He says a very wrong idea obtains in France regard- ing the influence enjoyed by French- men- in Abyssinia. He elaims French- raen are contem.ptuously looked down .upon and are regarded as less than nothing, while the British, on the con- trary, are feared and respected. He concludese— "From what I have seen, I am per- suaded the English will soon becorae masters 'of Abyssinia, just as they have of Egypt. This is inevitable." 'Twenty-three cattle, raixed buiclaers' cows and rough stuff, sold at $3,95 per cwt. A load of shippers, average 1,150 lbs., sold at $4,80 per cwt. A load, average 1,025 lbs., sold at 4 laic, per lb. A load, average 1,200 lbs., sold at $4.65 per cwt. A. load, a.v,eraese 960 lbs„ sold at 4 1-4c, and. five; dollars over. Owing to the fel run of last Tues- day and to -day yearling larabs are a little dearer. The k range is from 5 to 5 1-4c, per lb., vvith 5 1-2c, for a few extra choice. More are wanted. There is no demand worth speaking of at present for spring lambs; the weather is too cold. They are nomin- ally worth from' $3 to $6 each. Sheep are unchanged atfrana 3 to 3 1-2c, per lb. , Bucks are "worth from' 21-2 to 2 3-4e per lb„ A few good veal calves are wanted. We had no change in the hog market to -day, but Mr. Harris complains that fax too many light hogs are beings brought in. The top price for "singers" is 4 3-80 per lb.; light are only worth 4ca and heavy fat hogs sell at nothing over 3 3-4c. Sows are fetching 3c per lb. Stags sell at 2c per lb. Stores are not wanted. - Following is the range of current quotations:— Dyspep ta and indigestion, conunon diseases. but bard to • . cure vvith ordinary remedies, yield readily to Manley' Celery -Nerve Compound. • W. 11, Beciriaghaniatid King At. Rant tlamilten, Ont., $ays,;,..,1 was troubled with PYnaereita aml ladigention for long time, son could get no relief ttetil 1 tried Manley'e Celery -Nerve Compound, which eared me, and 1 C1811110t Speak too highly In its pralas," A Parisian doctor is being sued by a woman for burns received during Mt eXpOSUre to the Rontgen. Rays, Experts who have been examining the gold deposits near, Lake Victoria - Nyanza say the ore assays $120 to the tore The French Cbamber on, Tuesday de- cided by 315 to 166 to retain the motto, "God Protect France," upon the coin- age, A wealthy gentleman named Tour., ret was shot dead Friday evening on the Bois de Boulogne, Paris, by a man who mistook his victim for President Loubet. During the Queen's stay on the Riviera three sailors of the royal ya.cht were mobbed by the people of Ville, franclie. So far over 9,000 claims have been' registered under Now Zealand's Old age pension. scheme, and 2,30 have been granted. QUI.,BEC DEATH DUTIES, fident, be of material advantage to all An important • Chanze Made 1 the Sneces- The Acts respecting Public schools, A despatch from Quebec), Que., says: the amendments ta the election laws, —An important decision has been the further improvement of our min- reached by the Quebec Government ing industries, for tbe protection of • to the suctession tax. our fisheries, and for the better ad- with reference . with my hearty approval. faze value of the estate. Thus, if a I have with much satisfaction as- man lett a legacy of $10,00e, though sented to an act for facilitating and: • lessening the costs of the procedure he actaally received only $9,000, be ministration of the game laws, meet Hitherto the tax has been paid on the by which workingmen who- suffer in- was compelled to pay the tax on the juries in the course of their employ- fan amount, $10,000. A complaint meat may obtain awl compensation based on the above incident was made •a.s I am confident it is the desire of to the GoVernment. on. Mr. March - the Assearibly they should receive. 1 and, after consultation with the law have no doubt this act will greatly aid officers of the Province, came to the 'in securing to workmen and render cbnclu Sion that the °este' of inventory less onerous upon employers the cost and division mint be deducted I rom of recovering compensation in the the amount of each estate before cal - event of such accidents as are incident culating the succeesion tax, and all to many of tbe industries of the pro- collectors of provincial revenue have vines, • been notified to that effect. L notice that the private legislation i bie sessiou has been. unpreeedently large, a fact which marks tile ever in- KAISER'S ENSLISH VII'„ e,reasing wants of an active Pelinlatt. ---- Lion. These me"-ires, some a which In'ith tau- Empress Us WM Stay Two bear evidence of having received"care- are of a very ' imtiortaat eharacter. A elespaSh ' feota Loneten says 'weeks. .ful coneideratiom • ..•*, ; ' I thank you for the libeFel appropria.- Truth says Emperoe Williani of Ger- 'dam which you have made Ler the. Many Willi be accoraparried tn Cowes, public.: 'eervice. The supplies which re. you nave granted win be expended e'le af Wight' ter the Yaehting--vvek" with prudence and in the public in- ther by the Empress aed Princes Wil- terest. liam and Eitel Frederick, His IVIajes- DIED HOLDING A BAGr 01' GOLD. A despatch from Victoria, B.C., says: —Isaac ,Tones whct has arrived here from Alaska on the steamer Amur, says that not more than 5 cents per pan was taken from any creek in the McQuestin and Stewart river dis- tricts this winter. All work was Atop - ped by water. He also tells of the finding of two dead bodies in e teht on the Upper Stewart river. One was clutching a bag of gold. There was no „ Cattle. Shipping, peT. °wt. $ 450 $ 500 Butcher, choice, do ... 4 00 450 Butcher, med. to good ... 350 880 Butolaer, inferior ... ... 25 340 Sheep and Lambs. Ewes, per otvt 3 00 3 50 Yearlings, per cwt 4 50 5 25 Bucks, per ewt 2 50 2 75 Spring lambs, eacb... 3 00 6 00 Milk,ers and Calves. Cows, each 25 00 45 00 Calves, each 2 00 10 00 • Hogs Choice hogs, per cwt 4 00 4 8714 Light hogs, per cwt 3 75,1 4 00 B.eavy begs, per cwt 8 00 8 '75 LAST WEEK'S RECEIPTS. , ty, it is edded•, will bee on board his yacht, but the Empress and her sons will be the guests of Queen Vietoria. at Osboene. The visit Will probably last tW:eive days, where the Imperial yacht, Ilehenz011 ern will orooeea to Ab- erdeen, and the Beelines will land there and epend a few weeke at Abet- geldie castle, whieh the Queen bas of- fered. to Place at her disposal. In the (\Vent of the programme being cerried oe.e, the younger ehildren of the Em- Yell:nor thae"laftmerfraer Aolifel9gentinadiaenYcaswtliell. ,The receipts at the . western cattle market last vveele were 1,846 cattle, 469 sheep and lambs, and 3,883 hogs. The .weighing fees amounted to 4101.54-,- Milwaukee, April 7.—'Wheat—Ne. 1 Northern, 73; No. 2do., 71 1-2e. Rye— No. 1, 56 to 57e; No. 2, 56n. Barley—No. 2, 47 1-20; sample, 40 to 46 1-2o. Toledo, April 7.—Wheat—N�. 2, cash, 74 5-8e. Rye—No. 2, casb, 57c. Clover- seed—Prime cash, old, $3.25; new, cash and April, $3.130c, hid, Minneapolis, April 7.—Wheat — No. 1 Northerh, A.pril, 7d 1-te; May, 70 1-2 to 70 3-4c; July, 71 7-8c; on track, No. 1, Lard, 71 3-8c; No. 1 Northern, 70 3-4c; No. 2 Northern, 68 7-8a. Flour--Eirst patents $3.L.0 to -second do., 33.50 to $3.60; first clears, $2.60 to $2.70, Duluth, April 7.—Wheat — No. 1 bard, cash, 73 1 -ac bid; April, 73 1-4c; May, 74 3-4c; July, 74 3-4o; No. 1 North- ern, eash, 70 1-4c; No. 2 Northern, 66 3-40. Buffalo, April 7.—Spring wheat — Dull • weak; No. 1 Northern, 81 3-1c. Winter wheat—Unsettled; No. 2 red, on track, 76 to 76 1-20 bid. Cern— Weak; No. 2 yellow, 39 1-4c; No. 3 yel- low, 38 3-4c; No. 4 yellow, 38e; No. 2 corn, 38 1-4c; Ne. 3 corn, 37 3-4c, Oats —Dull and easy; No. 2 vebite, 33 1-20; No. 33 white,- 32 3-4c ; No. 3 mixed, 29 1-2o. Barley—Nothing doing. Rye— Doll and weak; No. 2, on.traek, offer- ed at g3e. Eloar—Qiiiet, NAY. D 'etroit, April 7. --Wheat close-di—No. 1 white, cash, '73 3-1e; No.:2 red, cash, 7e 1-4a; May, 75e; July, 73a. • RELIEVES IN 30 IVIINUTES. A MAGICAL LIFIC-GAMR. The most prom:ruined symptoms et heart disease are palpitation or fluttering of the heart, shortness of breath, weak or Irregular pulse, emothering spells at night, pains in region of heart. The brain may be congested, causing headaches, dizzi- ness or vertigo. In short, whenever the heart flutters, aches or palpitates, it Ia diseased, and if life is valued treatment must be taken. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is the only remedy yet discovered which win always give relief in ad mho, nem. and cure abso1ute1y.-28. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. The impression prevails at Bucharest that Turkey is preparing for a war with Bulgaria. The steamer Bulgaria reached Ham- burg on Satierday, reeeiving anentitue elastic welcome. The Japtinese Gevernment is seri- renal* contemplating the, nationaliza- tion of railways. Genetal Toral, who commanded tbe Spanish troops at Senliagoe ie dyteg in prison at Madrid. The iminense vineyarde in Alsace- Lorraine end Baden, leave' been seri-, ously damaged by frOstra. e•-• 4'1%0 RS1 flYry111010[02.9 The leaing Specialists of America ;14 20 YEARS Ill DETROIT. 250,000 CURED. WE CURE EMISSIONS Nothing can be more demoralizing to t young or middle-aged men than thepres- ewe of these "nightly losses." rhey Produce weakness, nervousness. &feeling of disgustand a whole train of symptoms. They unfit a man for business =riled life and social happiness. Nji matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual exoesass, our New Method Treatment will positively mire you. NO CURE- NO PAY Bes,der, you need help. Early abuse or later exoesses may have weakened 'you. Exposure may have diseased 3ren, Yon are not Bale till cured. Oar New Method will cure you. Yonrun no risk. 250, 0 0 0 CURED Young Man—Yort are pale, feeble • end haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, '4 and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form. and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WE CURE VARICOCELE No matter how serious your ease may • be, or how long you may have had it, our NEW METHOD THEA.TXLENT will eurp it: The '"ivormy velar return to their normal condition and henee the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural drains or losses cease and manly powers return. No temporary benefit. but a permanent cure aesured. ' NO OGRE, NO PAY. NO OPERA- : TION NECESSARY. NO DETEN- TION PROM BUSINESS. b CURES GUARANTEED W. treat and cure 'SYPHILIS, GLEET, EMISSIONS. IMPOTENCY, STRICTURE, VARICOOELE,_ SEMI- NAL LOSSES. BLADDER. AND KID- NEY diseases. C 0 N SUL TA TION FREE. BOOKS FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to cal.Nvfite for a QUI STION BLANK fax ROME TREATIvLENT. rasaa, KNNEDYC, KERGAN 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT. MICH. 44, .21 'IWIINAW- RAD-MAKER 14'3111.43,Mffee FAlle TO cies SAIRSEATielli vele eeg un -ex A� Sf111711611 #10 Dati LAsro CRIGI`"Th BE5PAN11-RtiEUMAT1G 'HERAI.61A PLAS11R MADE Rojoll0 eAtft riAsreq111E14/016110 LAH. aa7111130?t PRIC3 254/i1.50 IN IVO ROtta leitee41,00 DAVIS&ARDICE CO LT- . taatier,arcrinena tioritneak TITE EX BIER, !VINIES. OEF Attt