HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-3-30, Page 85.75,55' lig tash• -4 CM,N1140,41.1141.V.G,TII,MIr11.0011391. 555555 5i 5 Ga&No4. • or Busimiss. -W J. Ps Lamas,' or .0,kotzalia. n.ts ourolutsol •t,lae Produce business k )f \V. Levett 4-01C1 will take posaession 1st April, Mr. • Pt,rs,,ns Nvilimuve 1.0 town. We WWe uot learned Mr, Lovett's interitious as to future business operations, batcwill • net leave town. WM PRI ONLY or.ornamvouvonousnr.somm....racspasaaracem Ladies' new spring coats. and capes all in and ready for your 1,.proval The styles are very catChy. Ladies' in fawn, black- and navy. pes555.55555,5555555555.151555.5 Ladies' capes in black Worsted and black velvet. 1,-Itest styles. Come and see them. 101110.... 40e. A job lot of Ladies' undressed kid gloves in the new tan and birch shades, the regular value of this line was 400. We clear the lot at a big bargain .you take yeur choice, while they last for No. wom:555,5.55.25cm5555555, =.20.• Drop in an see onr trimmed Millinery. New • ideas every day. Come as often as you wish, you are • always weicoine. J. A. STEWART INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Afton for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, Of Toronto; also for the Pam= FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of London, England; the xi.LLIANCE Is .&o$3 COMPANY, Of Eng and. 555• So Many New Faces Are seen in our store these days hunting for bargains in STATIONERY that we feel like congratulating ourselves on the wonderful success of our sale. People come, in many cases, because advised to do so by friends. They all "buy. LOW PRICES DOES THE BUSINESS at the For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON R. 1-1 ICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Mrs. (Dr.) Amos continues very low. La st Lord's Day was Palm Sunday. 'Osborne Council will meet on Satur- day next. R H. Collins' condition remains about the same. School will close for the Easter holi- days to -day. To -morrow will be Good Friday, and Saturday "All Fool's Day." Invitations have been issued for several weddings in this neighborhood. On March 27th of last year Mr. John Hawkins, of Hay township, sowed oats. • The recent snow falls are said to be a good thing for the growing wheat plant. F. W. Ciallins who has been ill for some time ,cas able to take a drive on Sunday. Mr. E. H. McKenzie,of R. H. Collins 'office was in the County Town over Sunday. Mrs. Kinsman _arid daughter are visitina at the residence of Mr. Gerry, J. GRIGG, We learn that the,atnecticine troupe MAIN STREET. EXETER. who recently performed here, have disbanded. tottP1 jtuat!i. THURSDAY, MARCH 30th, 1899 - • LOCAL HAPPENINGS • Miss Lily Willis is visiting friends in London. Mrs. P. T. Halls, is visiting her par- ents near St. Marys. David Russell, •jr. is learning the • blacksmithing with Mr. Parsons. ' Mr. and Mrs.Ed. Bissett left on Tues -j •d.ay for Dakota to seek their fortune. ' IL S. Lang and family left on Wed- • nesday morning for their new home in Toronto. • Another shipment of Dinner and Toilet setts just to band at J. P. • OLARKES. • Sohn Evans has disposed of his Mas- tiff dog to a gentienia,n in London for a good figure. Mr, and 1VIrs. John Willis on Tues- day evening:pleasantly entertained• a number of friends. Wanted immediately 2300 lbs butter Of rituriber one quality for which we • will pay 15c. in store goods. Eggs 10c. No nian can count himself a good citizen if be fails to rail against the as of spring weather we are having just now. Rev, Mr. Martin begins a series of Sermons on "Modern Heresies.' Tha first being on "Faith Cure next Sun- day evening. Fired 13issett left on -Monday for Mani- toba, where he will reside. He has for k.orne years been. engaged as clerk Mr. Satnwell and Mr. Quinn, of the I With j. Clarke. Molsons bank, leave today to spend their Easter holidays, the former in Toronto, the latter in Detroit, A. J. Rollins returned on Monday from his trip to Manitoba. He will re - tura to Carberry, if the Council ac- cept his otter, and build a flour mill. Cheap rates go into effect over the different railway systems for the Eas- ter holidays, bash:tiling Thursday, Mitch 80th and lasting until April 4tlia ur supply of rubbers for men, wo- men and children is large and up -to, date; be careful of your understanding tbent year bead Will keep dear -so orne along and get supplia at3. P. 0iarke'o Messrs. R. Patterson, sr.. and G. F. Arnold, of Hensall, were in town on Tuesday. Another general store is to be open- ed in G. G. Johnston's old stand, in a few weeks. Sun -dogs ara an indication of cold weather. There were two of them - Saturday and Sunday. Miss Speare returned to her home in Exeter, after a pleasant visit to friends in town.-Seaforth Sun. R. S. Lane's sale on Saturday was largely attended and every article sold well. The real estate was not sold. Plans are out for a new brick block on the corner known as the old Cowan property, owned by Thomas Fitton. Some fifteen families connected with the Sutherland -Innes Co., will move to town in the course of a few weeks. The mean temperature for March keeps on bravely.andit looks as though winter were trying to steal a March on nu. The annual county Sabbath School end Christian Endeavor conyention will be held in Exeter on June 20th and 21st. ' The Carlyle Comedy Co., who gave a week's entertaininent in the Opera Elouse,here last week, left for Petrolea on Monday. W. Westcotb, who for some months ran a small job office in town, left on Wednesday for Toronto, where he has secured a situation. A good deal of the trouble of this world arises from the fact that some folks like to have gardens 'while others prefer to have hens. A. Q. Bobier has disposed, of some thirty cream separators to farniera in this neighborhood. He gores concerts to the farmers with his graphophotie. The remainraf an infant child of Mr. H and Mrs. Jobb Rawkins, ay, were in- terred in the Exeter cemetery' on Wednesday. The child has been for some time. Abe, French, Wife of the late Con- ductor French, who was recently kill- ed at Medicine Hat, a railway acei- dent, visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. E. A.. Follick. The choir of James St. Methodist church has prepared special music for the taster service next Sabbath. The pastor will deliver addresses appropri- late to the daY. Resitming with this week, the week night serviees connection With Main et, Methodist church will during the.suinnier months aorennenea at 8 O'Clbek instead of at 7.80, To OLE:lax ' A OanuNEY.- An easy wits' 'to elean a chin, tiey of .soot has hoeo discovered by a Maine man. In- stead , of going to . the top of . the et, in* ey . au il, pro bi LI g wi th rods he be- g ns at the, 'XX tom. There an opening , is made, and he fires upwards a revol- ver ehargecl u it I) a ' blank cartridge. The concussion, it is said. win clean out the soot. He also claims that the burning of a piece ( f zinc ill a stove m:)i.(t. 1)1clear the stove and its funnel of 1 s ' PUBLIC SCHOOL BOAR,D.-The items of public interest, in the session of the P. S. Board held on Monday evening last were the reception of W. Treve- thick- as a member in place of D. Spicer resigned. The passing of the following accounts under resarve : J. Moore, repairing pump, $1,50, and Advocate Printing Co., reports $5.50. The teacher's checks for the current month to be made available on Wed- nesday 1st, per J. Senior and R. N. Rowe. The repairs committee to sup- ply a fresh set of coat hooks for the boys room, per H. Huston and W. J. Carling. The approval of the action of the supply cormnittee in regard to the present vacancy, per W. J. Carling and R. N. Rowe. The appointment of Dr. Amos as representative of the Board to Public Library Board,per W. J. Carling and R.N. Rowe. The Coun- cil to be asked to appoint Mr. Follidk as truant officer the Board believing. it 'best to have one who ,is at all times immediately available and vvho is by his position intimate with the circum- stances of each ease. J. GraGe, Sec'y. SHAPES AND SHADES. -It was un- pleasant weather outside on Saturday, hut on entering the several millinery show rooms in town, it was forgot- ten in the bright surroundings and gay flowers that suggested warmth and spring sunshine. The decorations of the showrooms were tastefullydisplay- ed and a large crowd of ladies were out to select their Easter hats and bon - n ets. The Easter bonnet -in these later clays is more often the Easter hat -is livelier than has been.It is no exag- geration to say that the spring hat of 1899 is a more exquisite production than that of any other season. Colors and shapes are all of the most exten- sive range, and there is no displeasing one in the lot. Yellow is popular, and comes out ftresh every spring. Then in the newer shades there are Mul- berry and Cyrano, which is a modifica- tion of the cerise so much worn last season, while blue, turquoise and pink in all tones in ribbons and flowers will be much worn. The shapes have not altered very much. Last year many of the shapes turned up at the front, this season many hats are tilted down- wards. The coming summer will un- doubtedly,be a flower season, blossoms being more popular than ever, largely taking the place of plumes. Ribbons, flowers and fancy net will also be used. Walking hat shapes and short backed sailors and a variety of tur- bans are the leading designs shown. FAREWELL TO R. S. LANG. -On Tuesday evening last a 'number of citi- zens gathered at the Metropolitan hotel to say good-bye to R. S. Lang, who was about to leave for Toronto to reside. Some twenty-five persons sat down -to a sumptuous repast provided by mine host and hostess of this popu- lar host)ery. Tbs sapper over, Reeye, H. Spackman was appointed chairman of the meeting,who in a few well-chos- en words presented Mr. Lang with a handsome gold ring, on behalf of those present. Mr. Lang, who was taken wholly by surprise, made a feeling re- ply and thanked his friends for 'the beautiful gift and kind remembrance. He would take pleasure in wearing it, and cherish it as a sonyenir of the many pleasant days' spent in Exeter. A toast list was then disposed of as follows: -- Dominion Parliareent and Senate, by Dr. Rollins and L Hardy; Municipal Council and institutions, by Ex -reeve Bawden and J. W. Taylor; the professions by Dr. Lutz; banking interests, by N. Dyer Hurdon and B.S. O'Neil '• agricultural interests by A. Tait and 3. McLaughliita the ladies by 3. J. Knight-, and the press by M. J. White. The addresses were intersper- sed by songs from Joseph Senior, N. Dyer-Ffnrdon and James Walters. A very pleasant evening was spent, the meeting breaking up at a seasonable hour. qr. Lang has been a valued cit- izen of Exeter, genial and public spir- ited, and his departure is regretted by a very large circle of friends, whnjoin in wishing him and his estimable wife and family a happy future in their new home in Toronto, for which place ,Ahey left Wednesday: Hall's British Seven Mixtureareanu- factered and sold by 0. Lutz. Peg -leg Brown, who was tried at the London assizes last week for shooting-: Policeman Toohey, has been found guilty and sentenced to be hanged on May, Nth. All notices of property for sale in Toa Trans Sale Register cost 50c., ex- cept the bills of such sale are printed in Tut nuns job rooms, when a sale notice is given free, We are showing a, large. range of English and Canadian slurtings, also English Flannelettes from 100. to 20c. We will show them with pleasure whetA you call for them at J. P. Otaaltn's.. The roads were so filled with snow yesterday that it was with difficulty a funeral cortege tame throtigh from John Hawkins. Several rigs up -set, and a cutter owned by M. McTaggart was badly broken, Alex Brix, of Stephen, and Miss Char- lotte Peterson, daughter of Mt. N. Peterson, section foreman on the G. T. R., were married. in London yester- day, They will return on Thursday to their future home in Stephen Town- ship' Next Sunday being taster Sunday, the services in the Main St, Methodist church, will be meniorialistie itt chat - atter, In the morning the pastor will deliver an taster Sermon, ttld, in the wiggling there will be a Special service of Easter song. , 5,55 5'5 4,5555.557.55,C2I55,0',.4155rX411irP5554.0ese.541111GIN for inspection. Our new spring stock of SHOREY'S Ready Tailored Clothing will amply repay a visit. We don't ask you to buy. Look aronnd--com- pare-then when you are satisfied, we would like your order. The more you investigate, the more you appre- ciate what we have to offer you. In style our clothes are irreproachable. The fabrics are durable and the newest. The workmanship is ,perfect and from the outside to the inside they are made solely for satisfaction. • As we said before, we should be glad to have you come in and look about. If you buy we furnish you with one of Shorey's Guarantee Cards which mean • SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK. .111 0111111111 11 11, 11 1101101 !! 6 ..P.P.M. IMMO. . . .!!!IIP511!-IrMr51111551.5r6 WET EATHER.osi .„, 00C) 11 ellt. .111 We have secured the agency for Cravenett's CJelebra.tecl. Water- it proof garments. .• These garments are made of a fine all wool cloth and are suit- able for dust in the summer or rain in wet weather and will last for years. They are made thoroughly waterproof by a chemical process, . . . ' without a particle of rubber- thus avoiding the oder so common with robber waterproofs and in the Oravenett garments there is no cement- ecl seams to rot andlet the garment come to pieces. When you buy a Oravenett 'Waterproof you are buying one of the finest waterproofs on the market and one that is fully guaranteed by the makers. no 2. silk hard Co. ..,xeter, Ont. 1 PP, 90 998,9644904449999990449994.00999641444:4424999914: 99999.9340414434941449444949 Ei0 CLOTHING TO ORDER 4% 42 41. . • We are at present showing a beautiful range I of Canadian and Imported suitings, and would call special, attenti6n to our Serges and Worsteds, import- ed direct from the manufactures in England, Ireland and Scotland, and purchased for SPOT CASA. Ask to .see our Worsted pants to order for $4.00 they are right: The R. PICKARD CO., Direct Importers. .••••.11,111.1mmimp... The South Huron Farmers' Institute have decided to run an OSCUrsiOn to Guelph, to the m odel Farm, about the middle of June, irsatisfactory arrange- ments can be made to that end. The annual meeting of the North Middlesex Liberal-ConservativesAsso- ciation will be held at Ansa Craig on Friday, April itla at 1 o'clock, for the election of officers andaither business. Another fall of snow on Tuesday gave us more good sleighing. Winter still lingers in the. lap of spring, and the indications are that the 1.st of April will this year see sleighing. We have now had over five months of winter, with spring variations. The crow is the first bird of spring ; when it complains the caws are gener- ally to announce the balmy spring weather. March is the month for maple sprup ; if the weather keeps in the way it has been, the sap will be short. Israel Smith and family and W. Kunz and family on Sunday last at- tended the funeral in Oriediton, of Mrs. Jacob Either, mother of 1\frs. Smith and Mrs. Kunz. Deceased was also mother of H. Eilber, M. P. P. for South Huron. She was held in high esteein, and the funeral was largely attended. Sam Grigg, of London,on Sunday i last gave two discourses n Sallies St. church, ,and on Monday evening de- livered an address in the Opera House on "the reminiscences of an erstwhile hotelkeeper." Each meeting was at- tended by a large and appreciative udienee. Mr Grigg is an eloquent, earnest and impressive speaker. G. A. Mace, of Toronto, formerly of Exeter has been awarded $5,000, in his suit against the Toronto street railway Co., for injuries sustained by his family in an accident which befel them some time ago. -A trolley car ran into their carriage, demolishing the vehicle and seriously injuring members of the family. T. J. Lockhart, Principal of the Exe- ter School, is confined to his bed through illness. His reran is in charge of MISS Ball, the latter s classes being taken by scholars from the Principal's department, Mr. Lockhart has asked for a month's holiday, which hag been granted, and it is probable that his place, will he taken by Mr Boyd, of Belfast, Aaron Ootinty. Thee are many sections of country in vvhi b the mail service is overlong stretc es of Ordinary highways. Dur- ing a. conside..able portion of the year tlieliequency and regularity of such pAttra service is largely dependent on t e oridition of the roads, which are often rendered impassible by emit r ly inclement weather. Great packages of mail matter have been known to lie by the wayside for several days, in sotne localities, and become water - soaked and ruined because of such conditions, Improved rural postal ser - 'ice and free delivery of mall depend principally upon the facility with which the homes of tha people may be reached. Improve the country roads s American cattle buyers are scouring this section in quest of yeeng stock. As high as twenty to twenty one dol- lars is being paid for calves. This is certainly a tempting figure, but even at that price it is questionable economy Ito sell our young stock. A cattle farn- , ic I ine in the near future will the result and consequent high pes. Mei there will be the loss sustained by sell ing fodder off the fa,ral when n stock is to be had to eat 0 up on the premises. t Town killers are classified in eight , separate groups as follows :- First, those who systematically go out of Itown to do their shopping; second, those who are opposed to any im- provements; third, those who prefer quiet town to one of push and busi ness ; fourth, those who think the own the town a fifth, those who ar always deriding public spirited men sixth, those who oppose every move nsent that does not appear to benefit. themselves; seventh, those whirroppose every movement that does not origin- ate with themselves; eighth,those who are jealous of their neighbors and seek to injure their credit or reputation. Robert St. John, proprietor of the Queen's Hotel, Lucan,. found a hal frozen meadow lark in the hotel barn n Tuesday afternoon. BLACK and COLORED silk Velvets Just taken into stock a splendid qual- ity of Black Silk Velvets at LOO, 1.25, 1.75 a yard. COLORED 'VELVETS Cirese, Old Gold, Royal Blue, Nile Green, Myrtle Green, Cardinal Mid Brown. • COLORED SATINS 23 and 24 inches in all shades from 60 to 88cthese are very fine values. • LACES in great varieties Whites, Creams, • Butter Cups. • Bk Silk Lade feern 6c. to 85c, OUP Spring Deese Goods are on the tnove,passing over our counter \ into the hands of pleased and satiafied cust•- °melt, i Po CLAttKE 11" . Below we give a description of a few lines: - Ladies fine all wool Cravenett Waterproof .with 'velvet collar and Military cape, in black or navy. 01 0 1 Ladies' fine all wool Crivvenett Waterproof with fancy cape, in brown mixed shades. Highest•price paid for Produce. Butter 14c, Eggs 10c, Potatoes per bus. 50c. CARLING BROS • mportant to Parties iilIdinga Call or write and Get Prices. 00 am.* T/911•615=56.5 :1113 We Are in an exeeptionallygood position this year to gaote prices on all Builders Hardware as we Have Bought Cements, Barb Wire, Plain Wire, Wire Nails In Car Lots We are holding the prices on the above goods the Mine as Before the HeavyAdvance At the first of the year. We can and will give you surprisingly low prices on CEMENTS, WIRE NAILS, LOCKS, BUTTS, HINGES, ETC. We have also placed an order for a large shipment of Glass from the Old Country In all sizes and will also be pleased tc quote very low prices. . We make even lower prices on Eavetrough, Iron Work, Metallic Shingles, Furnaces, Etc. when tendering for the entire contract. H. BISHOP & SON. SPECIAL PRIZES.-SIK prizes to be given at the THE fall fair of the Stephen & Usborue Agricultural ,Sbciety, by. Messrs. Stone Ss Wellington, Nur- Exeter Turf Club. sery men Toronto who will offer special prizes for the best specimens of potatoes grown from I seed purchased this season from Thos. Grundy, I the agent of the following :-Sir Walter Ra- I SPRING MEETING leigh, Great Divide and Carman No. 3, as fol- lows:-Ist t.11) worth of Nursery stock ; 2nd $5 Mk A le 24th 1S99 worth of Nursery stock. Winner's selection. These prizes will be given for each variety. W. G. SANDERS, Pres. DRESSMAKING. - We beg to an- nounce to the ladies of Exeter and vi- cinity, that we have opened a dress- making establishment in the rooms over the Post Office, and are prepared to do all kinds of dress and mantle making, in latest styles. MISSES C. & L. SWEE Dolls Given Away. A 75c Doll with every $2 -purchase. A 50e " " $1.50 " A 35e " " $1.25 " A 25c " " " $1.00 " This is no lottery -you get your premium when you make your pur- chase. See my window for 5c pickle syrup and butter dishes. DaDYE, Good hard wood wanted; apply at TIMES Office, Two boys wanted to learn the trade at the Exeter Woollen Mills. Wanted -An intelligent boy to lear printing, apply at this office. WANTED AT ONCE. -A yonth to learn the general mercantile business. J. P. Clarke. Will E. Yeo, of Staffa, is remoVin this week to Manitoba, where his a dress will be Douglas P. 0. LEVITTS' PAIR esW. e have just receivdd:a. lot of imported goods and Easter novel ti - Ivory 5 'piece setts,. Louis XV 4 piece setts, fruit sett's, water jugs and Dewey canary water setts, Oregon setts, Easter eggs, Easter Lily Plates, Lustre plates, Paris- ian Bon Bon dishes, jewel cases, Cusstea.rdeoticrupwsindow of 5 and loc. goods. Baking Powder ioc , Starch, Soap, Blue and ammonia. Oysters direct from I3uffa.16. Fresh Oranges, Lemons, dates and Candies. With every 50 cent purchase you get a ticket, which, if the lucky one wins the haedsetne dell in our window, Value Vb. Levit,ts" PROGRAM. 2.20 Trot or Pace 2.30 Trot or Pace 3.00 Trot or Pace Running, Open $225. $200. $175. - • $125. R. ROLLINS, A. E. TENNANT, • Pres. Sec'y. EXTENSION F(BUSIN [SS. if Having purchased the Exeter 1V1illo• e are now prepared to do general gristing and chopping. Flour whole- sale and retail. A1.1 kinds of grain bought. Grain delivered at first eleva- tor p aid for at Mill office. Flour and feed delivered to all parts of the town freeof charge at reduced prices. Seed wheat, wheat, oats, peas and barley for sale. COBBLEDICK & WILLIAMS. W. TREVETI-116K, --DEALER IN - Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. gonarst,siwicamio... Kindly favor us wth a part, of your trade and we will endeavour to please you We sell Exeter and Hensall Flour, pples,Potatoes Bran, Shorts, Chicken Feed a d Oil Cake Sarnia Whitt coal Oil W. Travail& 1