HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-3-30, Page 5Money To Loan
At from 41 to 6%. Apply to
Barristers, Solicitors, 8cc„ Mein St. Exeter
IVIoney. to Loan.
w, have -unlimited private fnade for invest -
=ant upon farm or village property at lowest
=tee of interest,
Ter KINSMAN, le D. 8, AND
Dle, A, B, KINSMAN, L.
•D, S D, S., Roper Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Coati extraeted without pain or
bad after effects. Office in Fair
son'e block, West side a Main street, Exeter.
DR. ABIDEIRg&tp, s L B., S,)
Honor Graduate of the Toronto University,
and Royal College a Lorna' Surgeons of
Ontario. All 13riclge work, Crowns and Plate
verork done in the neatest possible manner. A
karmless =esthetic for painless extraction.
The strictest attention given to the preservat-
• ion of tne natural teeth. Office, opposite Cen-
tral Rotel, Exeter, Ont.
Farms for sale
_A. tow good farms for sale cheap Money to
loan. A.pply to TORN SPAC11VIAN
FL r Sale.
Part of lot 8, Marlborough se, frame oottage.
40n0-f1fth Of an aore, good, stehle 14x16, good
-well of water. Terms cash.
Apply to .A.lbert Box Exeter.
Farms For Sale.
• Bruce County.some great basgains Apply to
jaame Mote, S'I`BWART,
Drawer 16, Kincardine.
Hoiue For Sale.
R. S. Lang offers his residouce in Exeter, ter
sale. The house is a commodious two storey
brick, with all conveniences. There are 8 lots. s
o solve the fuel problem, but will at
The New Fuel, 5iti.pport durieg I 1 1," tin ee yArs 011
/ •
Last Friday he Peoria e aOlennit-
t tahe ee OLegislature p!kseed t ht bill pc,3r-
mitthig, Sekiforth to issue debenterts
Ls in order to wake a loan of .$10,900 la)
Seerglral articlee have recently a
peared in Ttrn DA:WO on the subje
of peat for fuel. This comparativel
new substitute for wood and coal ht
come to the front in au opportune
time. In this part of the eountry,
in Net in all the old settled portions
of the province, wood is really getting
to be very scarce, and the combine on
coal in the United States, the source
of supply foe On MOO, renders the
question, of fuel an it )oetant one to
both urban and rurgl residents or
Western Canada,. Thal, the people 0
this country should time be practically
dependent apon a foreign producer of
an indispeneablo commodity is not
pleasant to contemplate, and hence
the discovery of peat for fuel purposes
is very timely indeed. Taking a retro-
spective view or the rxiatter, it may be
said that the Irian who half a century
ago would have • predicted that woon
for fuel would be scarce in this part of
Ontario at the end of a period of that,
length, would be regarded as a fit sub-
ject for a lunatic asylum. In those fifty
years, however, a -wonderful change
has Wine over the scene, and there are
many sections in the province w hem
the very farmere W110 destroyed
dreds of cords of wood in clearing their
land are now compelled to ,priechase
coal. The entire deforesting of • sec-
tions of the country has •not only had
this bad result, but, by many scien-
tists, is regarded as being account-
able for other evil effeets, such as
the long droughts in summer and laek
of protection from chilling
winter, which were comparatively un-
known when the country was new.
In this respect the Government has
acted wisely in devoting attention to
the necessity of preserving what little
imains t4 shape of tOrestS and
also to the advisability of reforesting
Sonie of the lands that have been de-
nuded. The carrying out of such a
cherne may not now materially help
Good orchard t111(1 well arranged shade tre s. t
Apply to A. McPherson, Exeter who has the
- Fifty _teams, by the Sutherland
Innes Co., Limited, for drawing
elm logs off lot 8 and 9 in the 5t11
concession of Hay, apply to
Gould's saw mill, Exeter.
Meat Mark
For first class
A fine selection of
and all kiiids of
Vitsesla and Si, rated Meats.
on hand.
Note the address, one door north of
The Ro Pickard Co's store.
allitaIR-On March 12tb, the wife of Matthew
Miller, of a son.
FORD -On March 2nd, the wife of John Ford,
Jr., of Stephen, a a son.
:BOX -PETERSON -In London, on the 29t1i
inst., .Alex. l3ox,of Stephen,to bliss Charlotte
' daughter of Nelson Peterson, of Exeter
SWEITZER-BROWN-In Crediton, on the
28th Met, at the residence of the bride's par
ente by the Rev. Litt, Henry Sweitzer, to -
Miss Lavine, daughter of B. Brown.
HODGE-SKINNER-In Fullerton, on Wed-
nesday the 22 inst., by the Rev Mr. Andrews,
Procl o ge to Miss Thursda Skinner all of
STEPPIEN - MALLOY - In Blanshard on
Wednesday 22, by Rev. C.Fletcher, Farquhar,
James Ae Stephens to Annie, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Neil Malloy, of Anderson.
.EILBER-In Crecliton on the 23rd inse, Mrs.
Jacob Either, aged 68 years,
STEWART-Le Clinton, on IVIareh 29,nd, ,Tohn
Stewart, aged 42 years and 11 months.
..HASKELL-In Fullerton, on the 17th inst.
Margaret Reskeleaged 88 years and 3 months.
BROADFOOT-In Tuckersmitb, on letareb. 21st,
James Broadfoot, aged 61 erearfi and 6 months
CAVE -In Tesborne on the 23rd inst.; Martha
Cave, (relict of the late john Cave,) aged 80
• years.
MoCAA-In Egmotidville, on March 21se
Alexander Medea,. aged 82 years and two
HAWKINS-In Hay, on the 27th inst., Froelich)
•Chapman, infant son of John and Jae° Rawl
kms, aged 8 months and 21 days,
FREEMAN -In Seaforth, on March 20th,
•Charlotte Freemateeldes t daughter et the late
Thos. _Freeman, aged 38 years and 5 months
• A MAN NAMED sun%
had a terrible cough. People said he was going
dote constunption. As a matter of fact he wasal-
ready in the early stages of that terrible de-
stroyer. Bet ho had sense enough to take
Cough and Coesumption Cure, and today
there isn't a healthier men in Canada. 25 ets.
50 ets. Eked $1.00 a bottle. Xf it fails to mire, the
druggist will refund your money.
P. Hastings, of Hibbert, left, on Tues-
day for Bossavalu, Man.
R. S. Box, of St. Marys, has sold. the
Murray Cheese Factory, in Nissouri, to
• Alex. Mc(7allum, for $1,200.
Rumor has it that the election of
IVIr. Monteith will be protested, with a
view of getting 0 saw off with West
• A. 13. Gifford of St. Marys, has sev-
ered his eounection with the Journal
mul goes to Peterborough to operate
the typographs in the tlxaminer of -
John O'Connor and George. Morris,
•of Aylmer, haye leased the Ontario
• house, St, Marys, for a tern) of years.
The lease begins on the first day of
" Rev; S. L. Smith, rector of St.
ThomasChurch, Ba,yfleld, who has
• been ill for several weeks and ineapaci.
•'Wed from duty has been advised by
VS medical attendants that he most
-withdraw from the active ministry,
Mr, Smith will apply for euperannua-
least prove beneficial in other ways.
It is to the peat industry that Ontario
must, look for a •way out of the diffi-
culty, and it is gratifying to know
that past indiscreetness has not left
us entirely at the mercy of speculat-
ors and combines. Recent experi-
ments have demonstrated the fact that
the sphagnum or peat beds which ex-
ist in several sections of the province
can be compressed into an excellent
fuel. The new fuel is claimed to be
quite equal to coal and in some re-
spects superior, It is free from min-
eral matter, and therefore free from
clinkers, while the amount of ash is
small, and there is no smoke and no
foul gas. This fuel, it is estimated,
can be produced at less than half the
price a,t which coal is now sold here.
The enterprise is a new thing, and
capital is not forthcoming as readily
as might be expected, buttherecan be
little doubt of the ultimate success of
the undertaking.
• Huron County Notes
• Mrs. Mary McKay, of Goclerich, 83
years of age, was admitted on Friday
of last week to the House of Refuge.
A. S. Fisher, a native of Clinton, but
now a prosperous architect in Denver,
Colorado, was naarried recently in that
city, to Miss Clara L, Perney, of Ham-
J. Thomson, Blake, has sold one of
his Aberdeen A.tigus Bulls, Prince
Charlie,got, by Clinton Chief No. 21380,
to Mr. Thos. Williams, of Exeter, for
a good figure. •
Must not be confounded with com-
mon cathartic or purgative pills. Car-
ter's Little Liver Pills are entirely un-
like them in every respect. One trial
will prove their superiority.
There died in Clinton, on Monday
March 20th, Patrick Page, an old resi-
dent of Clinton, at the age of 75 years
a.nd 6 months, after an ailment for
some time of general debility. He had
formerly resided in Hullett, four miles
out, and about twenty years ago went
to town,having disposed of his farm to
W. Smithson.
A couple of small accidents happen-
ed in Olmton recently ; on Saturday
Herb Alexander bad a hand cut by a
rip saw,an.d on MondayR. bbeppard
also cut his hand by coming in contact
witb a graving saw. ee. chimney
was struck by lightning during the
storm on Wednesday evening, but ne
damage was done.
There died in Seaforth on Monday
last, Charlotte Freeman, eldest daugh-
ter of the late Thomas Freeman, aged
88 years and 5 months. Miss Freeman
was quiet and unassuming-, but for all
had many warm friends who will 113193
her, more especially is this true of the
home circle where her influence was
hourly felt.
After a long illness John Stewart, a
citizen of Clinton for some eight years,
passed away at his residence, on Wed-
nesday, March 22nd. Deceased was
born at Kinborn, Hullett, in the year
1856, being at the time of his death
aged 42 years and 11 months. Por
some eighteen years he had lost the
sight of his eyes by an accident and
n 1881. learned the trade of basket
risking at the Brantford Blind Insti-
tute, and followed in this line until
hree years age, when his health failing
orced him to discontinue.
At a special meeting of the minis-
ers and laymen of the Whighain the -
riot (Methodist Church), held at
Bluevale, Rev. D. Rodgers was elected
barman on the first ballot, to sue-
eed the) late A. Cunningham, of Kin-
ardine, Rev. S. J. Allin, of Brussels,
vas a close second. A resolution of
ympathy to Mr. Cunningham's &m-
y was tinanimotisly passed and order -
d to be forwarded to them niKincar-
ine, and also to Rev. Dr. Pascoe, in
iew of his bereavement.
A number from the three appoint-
ents of the Kippen cireuie and a few
vited guests met at the Kippen par.
01 Thursday evening and present -
el Rey. W. J. Waddell with a very
ne coon skin overcoat valued at $50
id a large load of oats. The overcoat
as given by the Kippen and Chisel-
tirst people, and the oats by those
Itillsgreen., By request Rev. J. S.
enclerson read a neatly -worded ad -
rose, while Mr. John Sheppard made
e ppseotation. The address highly
logized the good work done by the
v. gentleman, and regretted that he
nab soon sever his connection with
O circuit, The rev.. gentleman made
feeling rein highly praising their
ople for thewarin and very hearty
.ie Van .1.44ginond woollen mill; $17,000
to the Bell foundry, and $20,000 to the
Case pork paCking estahliebutent. Tbe
passing of the bill is foetunate hi the
interest Of tbe town coosidering the
opposition given hi parliament to bon-
us legislation.. The whole .queetioe or
,geanting ban use8 \VAS e Wed h.,' th
cotalnittee hut they allowed the til1t.
pass because the industries to be aided
were already established and it Was ,
mabtee of assisting them to inerease
their productive eapaelty. The bill
has also passed theough Ow Legisla-
ture; arid now the ratepayers of Sea -
forth will have to vote on the question.
It is confidently expected Ghee the Weal
by-law. will carry.
rOttE CO 31/3INES.
Two More Conattininated Virith $10,000,-
000 and 830,000,000 capital.
New 'York, March 28, -Tho consolida-
tion of the clay sewer pipo companies,
embracing hnportant interests in Penn-
sylvania and New York, has been con -
50 plants, Owning largely their own. beds.
summated. It involves a purobase ov.•
only cathartie te take with Nood's Sarsaparilla.
Hood's P1118 cure liver Ms ; the nondrritating and
• No Eye Lae the
health, and if yor; do not
attend to duty, the blame Is
• easily located. If your blood
is out of order, Hood 's Sar-
saparilla wi I purify it.
It is the specifio remedy for troubles
of the lolood, kidneys, bowels or liver.
or aesn1111;errOuotloyleewr'; Tanlidadailiffeesrietatraloaebdlie.
eines failed to benefit me, I tried Hood's
Sarsaparilla and three bottles completely
and Perfeetly cured me." MRS. C. A., Fuzz,
Wallace Bridge, N. S.
• A Safeguard-" As I had lost Ave chil-
dren with diphtheria I gave my remalniag
two children Roecrs Sarsaparilla as they
were Babied to throat trouble ancl were not
very strong. They are now healthier and
StroDger and have not since had a
Mils, W. H. Puckett, Pembroke, Ont.
You are master of your i
Master's Eye." From
• The amount of money connected with ,
the deal is about $10,000,000, Over 80 per
cent. has been underwritten by the local
interests of the various plants,
The 'United States Oast Iron Pape 'nu -
p ',as completed its organization
iliu uotapany has formally assumed
teed' of its propertiee. The company is
capitalized for $30,000,000.
Was Lizzie Welch Poisoned?
Anaherstburg, Ont.., March e8.-Lizzio
"Welch, after' 10 years, got considerable
notoriety a few weeks ago by having, one
Henry Stubenski, a 'Polish peddler, from
Windsor, arrested for attempted assault
He was committed for trial by bfagistrate
%IeGee, but acquitted by the judge at
Sandwich on Thursday last. The girl re-
turned here on Friday evening, not feel-
ing well, and on Saturday a doctor was
called. She beeame unconscious and went
into convulsions and died on Sunday
morning. Tbe doctor claims she showed
symptoms of poison. The authorities
ordered a post-mortam, the result of
which will not be known imtil to -day.
Her mother is dead, and she has lived
With her grandparents here. Her life was
insured for $900.
They Are ]loth Dead Now:
Butte' Mont Arrirch 28.-Georo-e Bid-
, .,
weU, the elder' of the Bidwell aothers,
who, with several confederates, 'gained
fame by defrauding the Bank of England
out of $5,000,000 through .forged securi-
ties, died yesterday morning, after two
weeks of illness from pneumonia. The
death of his brother Austin here three
Weeks ago was a great blow to hien, and
he took to his bed a few days after the
younger brother died. Both bodies aro at
an undertaking. room awaiting burial,
and 11 18 probable they will be interred
by the county. '
•lcavigation Open at Detroit.
Detroit, Mich: -,-March N. -The steamer
City of Detroit left Detroit yesterday
morning on her first trip to Cleveland,
thus formally opening navigation hero.
Children Ory for
What Has Mae
Exeter, 1VIarch2Oth 099.
Wheat per bushel .... . . , .28 to 60
Oats , , ...„, '. 28 to 20
Barley.... . „ ., :40 to 45
Peas ..... ...... .. CO , to Si
Butter- . - ..„.. .,,.. ,. 14 to 14
Eggs- . . 10 to 10
Turkeys .... - 9 to 9
Geese. - -. G to 8
Chickens per 12 5 to 6
710 7
17 to 18
. 5 to '5
......8J.65 to $.75
Pork live wcitsht. $3.75 to
Ray per ton . 8 5 00 to $6.00
Clover eeed .... .... .... ,... -$L00 to $5.00
Alsikc clover ... ..... ._ - .....$3.50 to $5.00
Three -le/ seed .,.. .. , ...• .• .. , . $1.70 to 81.26
London, 1Vlarch 29th, 189t.
Wheat per Mulls ,.. .... -.68 ,.ei 69
Oats... ..._. • .... ....27 to 28
, ..oa te 6 '
-30 to 50
..45 to 48
. 39 to 39
44. so 45
... ..... . • .• • 60 to 70
.... .. „ le to 14
- . . ... . . _16 to 10
Ducks ...... .. 60 to 70
Turkeys per ri., . , , 10 to 12
Geese per te . .
Pork dresseci .
Rye .
Corn .
Butter ....
Cheese,. .;
Potatoes pee bag
Iirty per ton
Pork per ewl '
11 tO 10
5C' to 75
e to 10
.5 6.05100
.. $4.50 to $5.00
• AN Oen exn Wene.-Treuen RBMEDY.-111r,i
Winslow' s Soothing Syrup hes been used for
over fifty years by millions of mothersfor their
children while teething. with perfect success.
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, andis the best remedy
for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
ewe and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind.
e 0 R
Worn Ne
Not uffer
• The best Smoking Tobacco
in Canada. It is Virginia
Leaf, selected, sun cured,
made by men in the cleanest
Factory in kinerica.
On Logs & Bolts
Highest Cash prices paid by the
For Elm Logs, cut 11, 1311E, 16 and 18
feet long Also Basswood Heading
Bolts, 21 and 42 inches long,
Apply at Gould's Saw Mill,
Foreman for the
Sutherland Innes Oa.
We give this fine
watch, and also a
chain and charm for i
selling twe dozen
Ltvca CoLtAn BLIT.
TONS at 10 cts. each.
Send your address
end we forward the
134 t to n s, postpaid,
and oar Premium
List, No money re.
quired. Sell the But.
tons among your
friends, return the
money, and we send
the watch, prepaid.
A genuine American
watcht guaranteed a
good tanepiete.
Mention thit Melt
when writing.
mo_A &Milo St. 13
Toronto, Ont.
From those terrible side
aches, back aches, head-
aches and the thousand and
one other ills which make
life full of misery.
' Most of these troubles are
due to impure, imperfectly
filtered blood -the Kidneys
are not acting right and in
are daily proving themselves woman's
greatest friend and benefactor.
Here is an instattee: '
Mrs. Harry Fleming-, St. Mary's, N.B.,
says: "The use of Doan's Kidney. Pills
restored me to complete health. The
fast symptoms I noticed in My ease were
severe pains in the small of my back
and around the loins, together with
general weakness and loss of appetite.
I gradually became worse, until,
hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a
box from our druggist,.
I am pleased to testify to their effeet-
iveness in correcting the troubles from
`which I suffered.
We are in the van with ail
that is desirable in the ,line.
Let us show you our stock of
$17.00 Fancy Worsteds in (ill
the newest colorings.
• ItemeMber we put up the
best suit for $10.00 that can
be bought in the county.
.1 H. Grieve
and ran a blood tinged,
Mrs. A. Keirstead, Snider Mt., N.B., tell
hoee her little boy suffered, ancl how
B.13.13. cured him permanently,
There is not a
mother in this land
who lips a child suf-
feting. from skin d is -
ease in any form but
, will thank Mrs, Keir -
stead, of Snider Mt„
N.B., for telling of
thererna,rkable man-
ner in which her boy,
Freddy, was cered
of one of the sever-
est and nlosttortur-
ing of skin diseases
by the use of 13urdock Blood Bitters ; a.nd
uch a
As wearing glasses
you should not, and not
ing thetn when you sl
It Is a mistake to do eith
We only prescribe glas
when they be of u*,
the wearer;
A large proportion of' the cases of painfu eyesight.eyesioa
o e use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses.
In consulting our O
ptiCiall you incur no expense and r
no risk.
being, but, mark you, 47fter eight ye.ars
not only relieved and. cured for the time mornings preferred for testing at
the disease has shown,no sign of return:4.1;g.
ietTtehrefollowing is Mrs. Keirstead's
"With. gratitude I can testify to the
Wonderful curative powers of Burdock
Blood Bitters. Eight years ago our little
son, Freddy, was afflicted with salt rheum
and was in a dreadful condition. His legs,
from the soles of his feet to his body, were
entirely raw, and ran a bloody water,
which appeared to burn and itch until he
was often in great agony.
"After trying several remedies, we re-
solved to give B.B.B. a trial.
"You can imagine with what delight
and gratitude we saw our boy entirely
cured after using one bottle and part of
the second. We gave him the remainder
of the second bottle, and from that time
till the present he has never had a sign of
salt rheum or a sick day. You need not
wonder that I think there is no other
medicine can equal Burdock Blood Bitters
to purify the blood and build up the health
and strength,"
The undersigned has opened up a
new meat market one door
South of Carlin's Store.
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on band.
A Man is always in the
If he wears one of W.
JOHN'S neatly fitting
1±eis a sure fitter.
His pncec are away down.
His goods are- the best.
Call and examine his goods before
buying your
71-te Teatilor
A fall line, 'fresh and
bright of
and every School re-
quisite at
Where the Scholars are
always used well
Buy The Oast
ignore The Rest.
• In the end you will find
it cheapest. Furnish that va-
cant room with one of our
Bed Robin Setts, Tables
Chair., Etc.,
Get Something Ilice
We have it, you want it.
Take a look at our full line of
FURNITURE and you will
find what yon are looking for.
Opera, Bongo 13lock,
Jew liery store'
-..abfleem ...,41,1•011Seam".•elOrisp.,•1111,114a.W0.110
Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and Charra by selling twenty Topaz
Scarf pins, at 15 cents each, Send your address and we forwardthe
Pins and our Premium List, postpaid. N., money required. These Pins
will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of the best
diatnonds, and has never before been offered at anything like this price. Tim
Watch is neat in appearance, thorotighly well made, and fully guaranteed.
'Unsold Pins may be returned. Mentiou this paper when writing.
TEE GER PIN CO., Freehold Building, Toronto, Oat,
AVM ,MIlaWaMfamparap
ouweeseela r._
ICREEV A Solid Gold Shell Gin
a or Curb Chain Bracelet
nON'T send money. Tint your name
LI and address on a posr CARO, and
we will send you 20 packages of
AROMATIC CACHOUS, a delicious core
lection to perfume the breath, to sell
for u.s, if you cen, at s cents per package. When sold send
us our money, wee and we will eend you FR EE your
choice ot the beautiful prizes illustrated. Goods return-
able if not sold. Ideation this paper. r
They Reach
Reach •
The Kidneys, up
•The Central
Mr. Conrad Beyer's opinion
No one can.be healthy with the kidneys
in a diseased or disordered state. The
poisonous Urie Add which it is their
duty to filter out of the blood, is carried
into the system and produces Rheuma-
tism, Headaches, Backaches and hun-
dreds of ills and ailments.
Anyone who has the slightest suspicion
that the kidneys are not acting right
should take Doan's KidneyPills. They
are the most effective kidney remedy
known. Mr. Conrad Beyer, at E. K.
Snyder's Shoe Store, Berlin, Ont., bears
this out when he says:
"Anyone suffering with kidney troubles
cannot do better than take Doan's Kid-
ney Pills, for they cured my wife who
has been afflieted with pain in the back
and other kidney troubles for a long
time. They have helped a great many
of my acquaintanees in this town, and I
must say they are the medicine that
reach the kidneys with the best effects."
You require a L A 0 K suit very
often at this time of the year. We are prepared
to fit you out in the finest style. Best quality
I ods closest prices.
Wedding Suits a Specialty
Tells How Her Health Came Back.
There are too many women who suffer
dreadful backaches, pain in the side and
headaches, who are weak, nerv-
ous and run down, whose life, energy
and. animation scam gone. Here's a
lady who was eured by
enteetileel,s letAerr ANC) NERVE PIMA.
MrS,MaryBordeautKing St., Chathain,
Ont,, says: " For some months I have
beeu afilieted with nervousness and
general debility. Going upstairs would
produce a groat shortness of breath and
tired, exhausted feeling.
• X had palpitation end fluttering of the
heart, and for months have not been well
or strong. Until I took Milbuan's Heart
and Nerve Pills, I almost despaire1 of a
cure. 1 have only taken one full box, and
now feel -splendid.
My notves are strong, all the heart,
troubles are completely removed, the
shortuess of breath has vanished, and
the constant tired out, allgone fooling
is a thing of the pai
past. It s needless to
say that I esteem this remedy the hest in
the world for heart and nerVe troubles."
Milburn's Mart and Nerve Pills are
110e. a box or 8 tor ($1,25y itt all druggists,
1 Stock raisers will find it to their
I interest, to use English Stock
I Food. This food contains no in-
1 t jurious or useless ingredients and
is perfectly safe to feed any day,
For horses, mileh cows, fattenitt ,
} cattle, animals out of condition,
: calves, sheep, pigs and poultry, it
I will be found of great service, and
will amply repay the outlay. T
food will improve the appetite.
promote digestion, enrich the
blood, strengthen and invigOr-
atet. he . whole system, and will '
increase the flow and richness of
IWe simply ask 'stock raisers
to give it a trial.
of my complete stock going
at old prices.
in a short time Buy now at
old prices and get a bargain.
Unde rta.king ra, Specialty.
You will find at Bissett's Wareroom
• the following line of Agrieul
tural Implements
IBEREN 13:r Nst
.fu]] line of Seed Drills, Cultivators
Disc and Diainmid flarrowz
I Plows, and Turnip Drills,
The celebrated Knoll Was e
Raymond sewing and wringers
Glirney Stoves and furances,
wag. ons
The Chatham Waggon awl i full
line of the celebrated McLaughlin