HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-3-23, Page 841'4. 4.X.M'T:''E-1 The ig Cash t.SR nr PRODUCE THE REe rou Housz.—John Dor- 0 I?and, o,ayslath, wnsaduttec AS an S AL ituu+lte ou loritlay last,. W ln, Well, of Ushorne; eves admitted on Tuesday,s . John Colwell, an inmate (ream Gude- r.ch for eunietittle, took his elepartu e from the house, but, it was early on ,1lootlaty morning; ; reports have come that he has left several other refuges. its the sante unee.'emol i nts master ;. work doee not a4gree with hint. rPPPY1IPY }YYyPPY} Yrq }Y tlrrPUy MYPPP JJ�y YPPgYrl�,+ll�,}PYP}PPYYY p„Yr ■ r r._.. Ej4/y' }}rrYY}(1�}PYPYYYPYiYY�YP1�Yq�IP}PPEt\gPPOPPPYII'r}p9PYdY�\rrP}ea}elgr#PPYPP}}YYgPYYMPYYi WET VVEATHER ONE PRICE CiiLY 'rx10: To ('z,EAx UP.—The time is at heed fora general cleatnieag up of the town. All the trash thrown out into TOU The new black Gloriana bilk for shirt waists. We have it 30 inches wide, 306. and 3oc the yard. Ask to see it; Fancy silk poplins for shirt waists. A full assortment of new and taking effects—a very pretty line m black Gu d whit( checks—We control this line for Etieter,27 inches wide, 750 the yard Millinery showroom is now open and in fall swim;, Our new spring stock is simply grand. 1'ome, you are all wel- come Our show rooms are for the public and are always open. The new Hats are just as pretty as can be and Cash and one price, is always in your favor. We have a frill and complete stock of alt kinds of Fea- ther bone for boning dresses. J. Al, STEWART nesu1l.ANCE. E[� RNEST ELLIOT, � Agee for the WESTERN AssIIRAisrm Com- pany, of Toronto ;, also for the Pracmgm Fnts INSURANCE Colreor, of London, England,; the ArawArroo. INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and. So Many For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Weetches, Clocks,.. .J ewelt ry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. • Wanted—An intelligent boy to learn New Faces printing;, apply at this office. , a Are seen in our store these days hunting for bargains in STATIONERY that we feel like congratulating ourselves on the wonderful success of our sale. People come, in many cases, because advised to do so by friends. They all buy. LOW PRICES COES THE BUSINESS at the .�o G IOG, MAm S'S`REET. EXETER. • 'Come gentle spring,” is the way the poet puts it. "Mr. Spring, get ,•a hustle on," is the language in which the non: poetical express themselves. John Grigg, as intimated several weeks ago, having purchased Miss Gould's ;stock, will take possession lst April. He will run a branch store eat the post office. All notices of property for sale in THE Teems Sale Register cost 50c., ex- cept the x-ceptthe bilis of such sale are printed in THE TTrES job rooms, when a sale notice is given free, Miss Florence Ovens,Maple Lodge,Mc- ' Gillivraywhile assisting in house clean- ing, slipped from a table and fell. across the end of a bed, fracturing several of her ribs. Wm. Bawden this week sold to Richard Terry, sixty acres of the Mc- Donald farm, being the balance of the property held by him. Mr. Terry will rent it for pasturage. Now that the various streame in this section are bubbling sonnets on their way to Lake Huron, it is time that the spring poet took up his . lyre and the liar his fishing pole. T. Prier shipped a car load of hogs from this station Wednesday. The price paid ranged from 3i to 4 cents per pound, according to qquality. The Ions* lean hogs t omnxand the highest price. -.THUti,SDAY, MARCH 23rd, 1899 MAsnow is always unpopular. It does s not harmonize well with the -- first spring birds .and length of the LOCAL HAPPENINGS days. The sooner it disappears, for good the better pleased everyone will — • be. See change of C. Lutz's ad. Farmers coming to town say that Mrs.Levitt,is visiting friends in Lon- the blue birds and grey birds have pre - don ceded the robins this year and are thick in the country. They also say R. S. Lang's sale takes place on Satur- that this unsteady weather is killing. day. • 1 the wheat. Harry Sanders left yesterday for II They say that thunder and lightn- Detroit. I ing are signs of spring. There is an Easter Sunday falls on April 2nd1old saying that, "Thunder in March this year. makes the heart of the farmer glad." Mrs. Irvine Armstrong is seriously It is called a sure sign of good crops, indisposed. in Some quarters. 1+. W. Collins, late deputy-postmas It is stated that Rev. Dr. Pascoe of ter continues very ill. Wingbatn ; Rev. Dr. Williams of Lis Good sleighing of the past few days towel ; Rev. W. W. Leech, of White - has again disappeared. church ; and Rev. J. Kenner, of Trow- Hall's British Seven Mixtures,manu- factured and sold by 0. Lutz. The price of hogs is a little better this week —$4.15'per cwt. Two boys wanted to learn the trad t the Exeter Woollen Mills. The sleighing was excellent and bu ness was. exceptionally good in tow yesterday. Mr. and Mr. Ed Bissett and family leave this week forNorthDakota,where they will reside. Last :evening ' this section was visi- ted by a heavy rain storm, accompan- ied by thunder. Robin recd breast and the crow have made their appearance ; this is surely a sign of spring: Maple sugar and syrup will soon be plentiful. Good Friday oneweek from to -morrow ; Duster Sunday on April 2nd. Baseball is booming in town. If 1 hear Mr, Grigg. Doors, open at 7,30; yore don't believe it watch the flourish- Monday was supposed to be the lest ing moustaches floating on the streets, day of winter, and Tuesday according 8 out all out: to schedule, the first day of spring: bridge, are likely to ask for super - streets and beck yards during the, win- ter should be LIPetti ed of before the. nettle Sun an hunt es the countless mil- lions' of microbes, bacilli, macro -cocci, and Usher disease producers. Dolt's forget the cellar. See to it that, uti c1t'- ca.ying vegetation retains there. Don't be afraid of 'using plenty of lime. See to the latriue and be careful that your water supply bus not been con- taminated, Real etalier that the worst diseases have a ..close relation do dirt and filth. • animation at the next London Confer- ence. E. J. Spackman's Millinery Opening on Saturday elarch 2,5th and following days. Miss McKenny, who has charge of our millinery department,. will be pleased to have every lady of Exeter and vicinity inspect out latest styles in head gear. Railways have announced their Easter rates, viz, At one way lowest first class fare on March 31 and follow- ing clays, good to return April 4, vacation round trip tickets at fare and one-third, Mareh 1.7th to April 1, in- clusive, goo& to return until April 10. There will be an open meeting held. the opera house on Monday evening, arch 2,7, when Sam Grigg of London Het will deliver a temperance address, here will be a, silver colleetion take at the door, Everybody eonie and A N.cw STORE.—On Saturday last the R. Pickard Oo purchased twenty feet of land contiguous to the North side of their general store on Mate st. and will erect thereon a brick store. of txtodern architecture, size 20.00 feet, witIv.red brick and plate glass front, after the design of their present prem- ises. The brick, and other material are already beteg delivered, and the work of construction will be someneoc- edassoon as springopens. This will add to the eppeaaraance of the east side of Main st We understand that another Klock is to be erected at thesouthside of the R. Pickard Ws store. TREY AIM FIRST CLASS.—The Car- lyle Comedy Oo., who on Monday commenced a week's enn'ig(einent to Gidley's Opera Blouse, Exeter, have during their three nights' appearance, scored quite a success. They have. been favored with large and apprecia- tive audiences composed of the best people in town. The company is really first-class in eyery particular, and put en the most popular . dramas, each pointing to a worthy moral. Monday evening the "Blacksmith's. Daughter" was played, Tuesday evening "Only a Woman's Heart" andWednesday even- ing "La Creole," or `Article 47." . Each of the above were produced in an absolutely perfect and highly enter- taining manner, not a displeasing word being uttered or au act perform- ed. that might ruffle the feelings of the most refined. Sadie Farley is a star actress, and among the most clever on the continent. She takes the leading part in each drama, and is supported by a strong company of some 10 or 12 persons,among whom is the incompar- able Ion Oarroll,together with Francis Ooulan, Elba Wright, Wilkes Stewart, Julia Hurley and Elizabeth Muller, who also take important roles. Each evening's entertainment is equal to the best given in any city and well worth an admission fee of 35 cents, while onlyl5 cents is charged. During Thursday, Friday and Saturday even- ings they will introduce some new plays. R. N. Ourray, J. of London, died Monday afternoon. He was one of the landmarks of Middlesex. Robt. Hodgson, of St. Clair, a for- mer or mer citizen of Maguire is at present the guest of bis sister, Mrs. Thos. Hodgson, Messrs. W. J. Cunningham and Jos. Carter, of the 2nd of McGillivray, cu and split and piled six single cords o wood in six hours recently.' Mr. Hobson, an East Zorra farme bas been summoned by the iVoodstoc police on a charge of selling tainte meat in that town. A gentleman was in Parkhill on Monday in the interests of the Owen Sound cement works. Cement side- walks, according to his statement, can be constructed at lints. per square foot and will be guarnteed' for 15 years. Thos, EColman end wife, Of Salem, MetetlY a foot of snow and an icy eas- Oregoo, spent Monday tailing on ota tern wind which. sends a ,chill down friencle in town. They were gueets of Wm. Drew. Every lady is respectfully invited to attend our Millinery Opening on Satur- day., March 26th and followtng days.. Mis8 Horne will hold her spring Millinery opening on Saturday, March 25th. The latest novelties in hats and bonnets, ribbons, etc. An elm 'Jog was delivered a,t t e oVer 1,200 feet of lumber, four logs ag- the wayfarer's back:,. is almost enough to make one clisbeheve the almanac. However, " figures can't lie," but lia,rs an figure. By way of contrast it may a interesting to state the kind of ea,ther Exeter was enjoying a year ago today. Ott the 14th of Match there as gOod, wheeling, and on that Tuet ay people Were eating ice erearici. Week later dust Wae thick on the tteets, and bicycles were in general use. Monday and Tueeday of that Week enoWstOrbtl, Which Would do credit to the MOrtth CO January, raged Robt. Orr, of Denfield, pleaded guilty to having sold liquor without a license on the 23rd of February, and was promptly fined $50. Wm. Eluap- ton, storekeeper, Bier, sold liquor to accommodate a friend and was fitted $50 and costs. Namee,Lucan, who for souie time past has been station agent at Hamburg. Michefor the Aun Arbor Railroad, has been promoted to the higher position of joint passenger agent at Ashley, Mich., for the Ann Arbor Road and the Toledo, Saginaw and Muskegon Railway. It seems to be settled that London is to have a drillshed. The Dominion overnrnent's proposition has been ac- epted in the city council, involving $40,000 building. The site is to be he old St. Jamee' church, the price of hide if $12,300, of which the city is to give $10,000 and the Government the balance. Mr. Jos. Carter, of the second of Mee Gillivray, joined the rankslof the bene dicts on Wednesday evening March 1, when he was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary Lee, daughter of Mr. Get,. Lee of 4th con. of McGillivray. The ceremony took place at the Methodist parsonage, Parkhill, Rev. Mr. Ford The deatKie'recorcled of Mrs. Simon Thompson, which took place at the family residence, East Williams, Thursday morning. Mrs, Thompson was the daughter of the late Mr. john Dewar, and was born in East Williame 25 years ago. About 16 years ago she became the second wife of Mr. Simon Thompson, of East Williams. Alex. Grant, the crack long distance runner from St. Marys, is cutting considerable congealed moisture in university athletic circles on the other side. in the Georgetown University games at Washington he won the mile handicap and the 880 yard race scratch, beating good fields. His time in the mile was 4,46, and in the half 2,13. In the latter- race he defeated V, Cregain of Prineeten. T. Batter, Of the tnivereity of Penn- sylyania, eame within a fraction of an inch of erjnaling SWeeney'S record. of 0 feet 3 1-2 inehtS for the high jump, falling AM+ at fl feet 81.8 inches. 11 1899 3pring 1899 We' take pleasure in inviting you to our Spring Millinery Opening on 100 also display the newest modes in Silks, —Tress goods, Crimmings, &e. ne 2. 'Pickard Co. Bargains in Fancy dla.ssware Friday and Saturday, Special, 200 pieces at 5c . each. Dyer's 2 doors south Of Post Office. Sam Grigg, the evangelist, will preach in James St. church next Sun - John Grill, a resident of St. Penis, died Wednesday at the age of 22 years. WANTED AT ONPE.—A yonth to learn the general mercantile business. Rev. Viraddell, on Sunday last, preached two Educational sermons in Main st. church. So for everything, favorable for the restoration of the mail route between Exeter and Dashwood. James Gardiner, of Farquhar, held a very successful sale of stock on Mon- day. Everything sold for goocl prices. Most of the farmers who feed cattle for export in this section have already sold at remunerative prices. A large number have been shipped from here the past week. Dr. Willoughby will spend this week and next Sunday in Alvinston. is expected home next Monday. Rev. Gerald Willoughby is reported in good health and. he is to sail trom England. for home this week. Seve ral contributions of spring poetry have been received at this office. It has been decided to hold them over until the iceis all out of the lake, and the catkins are a -bloom on the willows and the suckers come into "Steuble Oreek and the little lambkins are frisking their tails athwart the ambient air. R. A. Hagen, of Sowerby, Algoma, n spent Wednesiay with his father -in- ur law, James Ramsay. Mr. Hagen is a delegate from his lodge to the Grand Lodge of thaMacca,bees,now in seesion in Teondon. Mr. Hagen formerly taught school in Hay township, but is now engaged in the mercantile busi- ness in Northern Ontario. There died at the family residence, Exeter, on Friday last, Mary Pom- eroy, rend of the late William Pratt, at the age of 68 years, 2 months and 6 days. The deceased had been in fail- ing health for some time. She, togeth- er with her son and daughter, moved here a few yearS ago from St, Marys. Her remainS Were interred in the Exe- ter cemetery on Sunday. Mr. Thompson, a former teacher at Bayfield, and who had. been ill for some time with appendicitis, told his friends that he is none the worse for his long illness but thinks it wise to be careful. He is studying. for the minis- try and is now an assistant ,as local preacher at Elitnville, and went up to spend &short time with his parents at Goderich. He says driving about the eonntry has strengthened him, We trnst Mr. Thompson will find him- self thoroughly recuperated at the end of the seaeon, so that college work May not injure his tonstitution in the THE SPRING MEETING MAY 24t1 -s, 1899 2.30 Trot or Pace 2.00 Trot or Pace Running, Open $225. $200. $175. $155. DR. ROLLINS, A. E. TENNANT, Sec'y. Pres. Abraham Hotham, of Delaware, uncle of W. Levitt, of Exeter, died on March 2nd at the age of 74 years. He was a native of Yorkshire, Eng. He was a brother-in-law of Mr. Levitt, of Granton. We had a pleasant call on Monday from our old friend, Benj. Eilber, of Orediton. Bilber some few years ago, went to Ubly as a clerk, but by integrity and indefatigable effort he has become a partner in a very large business there. With his partner they owd two large mills and a general store which enjoys an extensive busi- ness. Mr. Bilber was called home ow- ing tn the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Sacob Eilber, of Crediton. UR ENGLISH Import Goods to Nand Came to hand, this week they are open for inspection. Every line is a boon to the buyer. The Dress Goods are ahead of our ex- pettations. The Tweeds and Worsteds, Scoteh suitings and panting are first class goods. Oxford Shirtings and Flannel- ettes are just what are being ask- ed for daily, great values. Prints and Ginghams, it is only to see them and you are taken up with tnem. 111 proof GOO MYtllSf jtaYg'P}Il.l ' 4Y�V V1�11'I111Y rlllill! YI IIIIOY These garments are made of a fine all wool cloth and are Stilt - able for dust in the summer or rain in wet weather and will last for F,11,11 years. They are made thoroughly waterproof by a ehemidal process, II ei withent a particle of rubber thus avoiding the oder so common with. rubber waterproofs and in the IJravenett garments thereis cement- :1 When you tiny Oravenett Waterproof you arelmying one or .,1: the finest waterproofs on the market and one that is fully guaranteed :1111,.. by the makers. ed seams to rot and let the garment come to pieces. Ladies fine all wool .E.e Morilnitaavryy. cape, in black 0 Cravenett Waterproof with velvet collar and te Ladies' fine all wool Oravenett Waterproof with fancy cape, in brown mixed shades. boHs.ig50hce.st price paid for Produce. Butter 14c, Eggs 10c, Potatoes per Impodant Padies Building. Gall or write and Get leo We Are in an exceptionallygood position this year to qaote prices on all Builders Hardware as we Have Bought Cements, Barb Wire, Plain Wire, Wire Nails e In Car Lots We are holding the prices on the above goods th same as Before the ileavy Advance At the first of the year. We can and will give you surprisingly low prices on CEMENTS, WIRE NAILS, LOCKS, BUTTS, HINGES, ETC. We have also placed an order for a large shipment of Glass from the Old Country.. In all sizes and will also be pleased tc quote Very low We make even lower prices on Eavetrough, Galv. Iron Work, Metallic Shingles, Furnaces, Etc. when tendering for the entire contract. fall faar of the Stephen 8:: T.Tsborno Agricultural SeEcrar.13nmEs.--Six prizes to bo given at the sery men Toronto who will offer special prises 1 for the best specimens of potatoes gTown from 1 seed purchased this season from Thos. Grundy, ; the agent of the following :—Sir Walter Ra- leigh, Great Divide and Carman No. 3, as fol- lows: -1st :AO worth of Nursery stock ;2iia $o -worth of Nursery stook. Winner's selection. These prizes will be glyen for each variety. DRESSMAKING. — We beg to an- nounce to the ladies of Exeter and vi- cinity, that we have opened a dress- making establishment in the rooms over the Post Office, and are prepared to do all kinds of dress and. mantle malting, in latest styles. Bacot loc. CLAIRKE The Maple syrup malting season is The spring fair -will be held ih Mit- chell on Thursday, April 6th. Wm. Ryan has purchased. the resi- dence of Jabez Sewell Mitchell,, who will shortly lea,ve for Manitoba to re- side in future, Eggs took a rise in quantity and a tuinble in price last week, cobsequent- ly some of the merchants lost consid- era,hle by it. They are now 10c. Fred Bissett, who has been in the employ or J P. Clarke sor several years leaves this week for Manitoba, to seek his fortune. 'We wish him success. Good bard wood wanted ; apply ab Trams Office. 3. Trimble, of Mitc.hell, has secured situation as painter in the IVfaxwell works, St. Marys. Amon those who left this week for hick and Louis Long, both energetic young men. of town. Word has been received from A.. cDonell, who left here recentl3r for e Old Country with a shipment of rses. He arrived with the stock good condition, and reports a pleas - EXTENSION OF BU SI N S. S. Having purchased the Exeter Mills we are now prepared to do general gristing and chopping. Flour whole- sale and retail. All kinds of grain bought Grain delivered at first eleva- for paid for at Mill office. Flour and. feed delivered to all parts of the town free of charge at reduced prices. Seed wheat wheat oats, peas and barley Mitchell for the first time is troubled 11N TREvETHIGK with a Jack -the -hugger, as some f young man has been molesting ladies on their way home or coming down -DEALER IN - town. If the chief catches him he will have a cell for a few daYs. LEVITTS' FAIR We have just received a lot Of imported goods and Easter novel- ties. Ivory 5 piece setts, Louis XV 4 piece setts, fruit setts, water jugs and Dewey canary water setts, Oregon setts, Easter eggs, Easter Lily Plates, Lustre plates, Paris- ian Bon-13on dishes, jewel cases, Custard cups. See our window of 5 and toe. goods. Baking Powder toc , Starch, Soap, Blue and ammonia. Oysters direct from Buffalo, Fresh Oranges, Lemons, dates and Candies. With every 50 cent purcnase you get a ticket, which, if the lucky one wins the handsome doll in our window, value OD, ,Levitts' Fair Staple and Fancy sumaraconastmetamermo • Kindly' favor us wth a part, of your trade and. we wlil endeavour to please you we sell Exeter and Hensall Flour, tran, Shorts, Chicken Feed and Oil Cake. • Sarnia, White Coal 13i1 W• TreVethiCk