HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-3-23, Page 1TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR NO. 32.
E. S. Sutherland, Notary Public, Colivear
•ewer, Commissioner, Fire Insarance ageet
.and Issuer of Marriage Lieenses, bo (um.
men ts carefully drawn at rcrtsoncae rates
Money to toenail real estate at low rates of in.
tercet. Oflice at the Post office, Hensall.
(Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrister
Solieltor, istotary Public. Hensall. Ont.
tasoos.-We uuderstena that the
family of James Aitken will shortly
leave Clinton for Beeton, where this
person has for some tine had charge
of a flour •mill in that place; they
have resided in Clinton and will carry
away the good wishes of an extensive
aircle of acquaintances. Mr. Aitken
was miller in the mill here for many
years. -Miss McKay, of Dungannon,
has been spending the past weelc or so
with her brother and sistetain-law, Mr.
and Mrs, William McKay. -Prot essor
Harrison, a Huron College, London,
.preached quite aceeptably in St. Paul's
church, on Sabbath evening. -Mr. A. shop. -Mr. Geiger has moved into ;he
Dent, of Mitchell, was in the village house lately purchased from Mrj.
this week visiting_ his sister., airs. S. Kelterman. -Andrew Moser left on
Sutherlitad.-Mr. and Mrs. Richerd Tuesday for North Dakota to seek his
Wright, who were visiting their sons fortunee-J. E. Hoffman was in Lon -
and daugh4ers in Detroit, Cleveland don this week on business. -P, Hart
and Rochester, have returned home.- man has purchased A. Foster's farm
The snow storm of this week has made
good sleighing for the present, but to
aI appearances will not last long. -
Messrs. Willis & Shephard made a
shiment of hogs last week and again
FSeffery, L. D. $., D, D. S.. Honor Gradu
-ate of. Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth
extracted without pain or bad offeets. Office
in Potty's Bleak, HensaU. At Zurich every.
Monday, commencing 1VIav Nth -
.1110914111•1•05, 40.
in the Methodist eharch on Sabbath
eyening last bis subject being "The
Evils of Debt" and in which the Rev, &moos, - Rev. G. J. Kerr, of
gentlenma urged the payment of all Tharnesville, visited his roster, Mrs. A.
;last debts as one of the most impart- I M. Wilson, last weeks-C,H oe aeon
ant duties we owe to our fellow man bought a Jersey COW last week for his
and society at large. -A song seavice
will be held in the Methodist church
on the evening ot Easter Sabbath.--
brother, W. J. Wilson.- John Andrew
left here last week to visit friends in
Clandeboye,- Thos. Stinson, jr., of
Court Ivy Green Lodge of the
Canes Bayfield, visited friends here on Mon -
diets Order of Foresters is receiving a
number of new applications for naent-
bership. The lodge is and has been
doing fine work in tlae wily of allevia-
ting sickness and distress and has with
in the past, month provided tor the .
families of two deceased brothers in (Too late for last week.)
the way of funeral benecl. fits itninsur-
ances of $2000,00:
day. -Mrs. 0, Rachlsurn left here last
week to visit friends in 'Boston, Mass.
-March is like a lion this week.
BRIEFS - Married on Wednesday,
March 15th, at eventide, at the par-
sonage, Elineville, by Rev, G. Jewitt,
Fenton E. Brown, to Miss Rachel A.
— Coward, both of Winchelsea. They
Bsx.... m. s. Wing ot Bev. will reside at his residence, "Rose cot
lin conducted quarterly services iu the tage" Winchelsea, mad. will be at home
Evitngelical church on. Saturday and.
to receive their friends on and after
Sunday.- J. Pope who -has conducted
March 25th, 1891). -Charles Andrew, of
Constance, was the guest of the Brown
sold out his business to MrMark
a tailor shop here for some time has
Bros. on Tuesday and Wednesday.-
Brokenshire who will carry ethe hi - Robert Denison has
Milt. AlcOolly spent Sunday . at home
a .
business in the stand. Mr. Pope has Blanshard
to Hensall where he has opened oat a moved his family to Seaforth. What
on Monday ofthis week shipped three
decks from this station.- Luling and
skating are still being enjoyed on our
rink and the interest and attendance
aloes not seem to grow less. -Miss
Mabel Reynolds,of London, was in the
village the first part of this week visit-
ing her parents. -George Ingram was
in London this week on business. -The
Messrs. Cook Bros., jr., receivedl by
.express on Wednesday a large ship-
ment of bicycles, which in addition to
their already large stock makes them
wholesale dealers.- Trade with the
present good sleighing is quite brisk in
the village, and large quantities of
grain, pork, wood and logs are being
daily brought into market. -The Hen-
sall initiation and degree team of the
Independent Order of Oddfellows in-
tend in. the near future visiting the
-sister lodge of Exeter andlexemplifying
the work of the Order. -John Caldwill
the first day of April enters into full
• possession of George Ingram's farm,
which he recently purchased --The Rev.
J. S. Henderson delivered the first of
his series of spew,' sermoiss on The
Tabernacle" in Carmel Presbyterian
.church on Sabbath evening last. The
sermon was listened to with much
interest by a large congregation. -
The friends of Peter McNaughton will
be pleased to learn that he stood the
operation for appendicitis which was
performed in the London Hospital,
very well, and that at last accounts he
was recovering as rapidly as could be
expected. - Mr, and Mrs. William
Hoggarth, of Cromarty, were in the
village recently visiting1VILIfoggarth's
parents. -We regret to learn that Mr.
Thomas Ballantyne has been quite
poorly during the past few weeks. We
hope soon to see him in the enjoy-
ment of improvedhealthaMiss Sather -
land has returned home from Mitchell.
-James Bell, Jr., of the London Road,
!recently purchased from .david,Eack-
ney, of the Thames Road, a two year
and 8 months old gelding, raised by
George Wren, of Hibbert and sired by
Tames Horton's entire horse "Joe
Anderson," which tipped the beam at
IMO pounds. This is the kind of stock
which meets with ready demand and
•good prices in the market. -G: T.
'Sutherland, agent for Thomas Banat-
tyne, has leased his dwelling here,
recently vacated by H. E. Dever, to
Mr. Bonthron, of the village, who
will move into it about ist April.
-James White, we regret to say, has
beers veils poorly the past week. -W.
...J. Clark and Charles Mann's have rent-
ed jas. Logan's dwelling and lots in
a mile and a quarter east of the village
for $4,500.
B. -Thomas M.orkin is making
preparation to enlarge his barns.
VVIlliam Simpson is following suit and
iatends enlarging his barns also. -Mr.
Mitchell Mountain has purchased a
new covered buggy and John Simpson
e democrat. -D. Cobbledick intends
moving into Lucan in the near future,
as he has sold out his farm implements.
-John Atkinson, who has been very
sick from la grippe,is we are pleased to
say, on the mend. -Mr. Copeland, of I
St. Marys, was visiting friends here
this week. Mr. McDougall, of Lobo,
was visiting here also. -Mrs. °Tall-
ithim, of Clandebove, was seriously
hurt by a gate last week.--MiseMc
Ilhargy has returned to her home
from Windsor.'
is Winchelsea's loss is Seaforth's gain.
-P. W. Brown left here on Tuesday
morning for St. Thomas where he will
take charge nf a butter factory.-Tho.Richardson who has spent the last
week visiting friends M Hamilton re-
turned home on Monday evening.-
Mrs. Cockwell of Centralia, and ars.
Finch of Parry Sound were the guests
of Mrs. Clark sr.. on Monday. -Some
of our neighboring young men are
practicing foot races, for the future
the pathmaster would do them a favor
by reinovhag some of the large stones
off the road. Success Will. -Peter
Coleman spent Sunday at H. Brown's.
-•-Mrs Thomas Clark who spent the
past week visiting her sister Mrs Jno.
C)reery of Alvinston returned home
again on Saturday evening last.
BRIEFS. -The excitement from the
recent explosion has about died out
and the town is having its usual calm.
We understand that the store is to be
refitted with a new plate front and
otherwise improved. J. C. Kalbfleisch
has the contract for repairing the
building, and has a full gang of worle-
men hustling the work along. Merner
' Bros. do not intend to use any more
Brucefield gas and their Ontario machine can be
• 13aamos.-Alex. Ross has moved into
our village, and has rented the house
adjoining Mr. Hill's;his son, William,
has rented his farm on the London
road. -Mr. Dixon gave an oyster sup-
per to a tew friends on Friday evening
last, in honor of R. McCartney, who
has since left for his home in Moose -
jaw, Man. -On 'Wednesday afternoon
the ladies of the W. F. M. S. held a
farewell meeting for their president,
Mrs. Muir, who is leaving them. --On
Wednesday,- the 8th inst., Rev. W.
Muir performed his last wedding cere-
mony before leaving for Scotland, the
contracting parties being Miss Aggie,
second daughter of Mr.Jas.Ross,to Mr.
Jas. Craig, of Hullett. About three
o'clock the wedding march was played
by Miss Lillie Taylor, London. Mr.
and Mrs. Craig will at once settle in
BRIEFS.-Revivalservices have been
conducted in the Methodist church
the past week. Rev. Ford, of Park-
hill, a former pastor, assisted on Mon-
day evening. All were pleased to see
Mr. Ford. -Mr, McDougall received
his fortune on Sunday evening last,
his wife having presented it to him, it
being a baby boy. Success. -Dr. Hes-
se,* still keeps his bed. We trust the
fine weather will bring health and
strength to the Dr. -The Presbyterians
purpose having a social which will be
held this (Thursday) evening at Tames
Anderson's residence. All welcome.--
Mrs. Porte is still at St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London. -Mrs. R. Horn visited
her cousins Mrs. T. Brown and Mrs,
this village and the latter will move 0. Hartford, of London, last week.
into the dwelling the first of next Mr. Brown was an engineer on the L.
amouth.-- E. Rennie intends holding H. & B, road. -Several of our towns
his Millinery openings on Friday and people are M London this week as wit
Saturday of this week.- Mrs. S. B. inesses at the spring assizes. -Mr. Will
Rumeston purchased the dwelling of and Jennie Brooks, of Whalen, visit -
Geo. 1Cydd, which was offered for sale ed in town on Sunday last. It is feat
an Saturday last. -The Rev. W. E. eel Will is about capturing one of our
Kerr delivered a very Practical sermon fair •ones. -Mr. Porter still continues
'tossers' Hail,
on the following afternoons and evenings viz :
Tuesday, March 28th.
Thursday, March 30th.
Saturday, April lst.
Tuesday, April 4th,
Thursday, April 6th.
Saturday, April 8th.
Tuesday, April 11tb.
Thursday, April 13th.
Sales to commence each afternoon at 1 o'clock and evening
at 7 o'clock.
TERMs of sale : Cash or farm produce at cash prices.
JOHN HALL, Dashwood.
1,1a. deptnareent, now open and managed by Mies Slack. of: Lon-
don. A lady a long eXpeilatiee satisfaction gtiaranteed.
bought cheape-C. Eilber has disposed
of his driver to the Wizard, of St.
Joseph, for $180. This is a good price,
but the new owner can boast of having
the best all around driver in the
county. - Eilber is now busy fitting up
"Maggie E," for the road. -E. Bossen-
berry will begin selling the balance of
Zeller's drygoods stock by auction on
Saturday 25th inst. This will be a good
chance to stock up for present and
future wants.- A rather unpleasant
incident happened in connection with
the marriage of sir.Finkbeiner to Miss
Tillie Faust on Tuesday last. The
groom, who is a tinsmith. in Milve abate
was due to arrive on the evening train,
bat by some means failed to make
connection at London. Being of a
plucky turn he engaged a rig at Lon-
don and drove here, Arriving about 1
o'clock in the night, when the cere-
mony was duly performed. We would
say that no train should leave London
on time when such an important event
is to take place. -Thomas Kelly is en-
gaged at Zeller's hardware store. He
seems, to be an active and obliging
young nsan and will make many
friends in town. -D. Steinbach is the
owner of two fine dogs at present, one
, a grey hound, and one a common
every day hound. There will be few
rabbits left in this section by 1000. -
The hard winter seems to die hard but
we hope this to be the death struggle.
-Geo. Geiger,Jr. of the 14th conallity,
will hold an auction sale on Tuesday,
April 4th- He intends going to Michi-
gan; where he has purchased a 40 -acre
farm near Sebewaing. His father,
George Geiger, also contemplates going
to live in Michigan. .
BRIEFS- -Sam'l Hall, who has been
very sick for the past week, is slowly
recovering. - The "Scotch Twins"
Evangelists are still holding meetings
here and are meeting with fairly good
success. -The snow was a welcome
visitor and the farmers are taking ad-
vantage of its -Wood bees are quite
the order of the day novv.-No doubt
the chirip of the robin caused them to
think that spring will soon be here. -
Chas. Andrew, of Constance, visited
relatives and friends here last week.
Must be some special attraction down
this way. -Chas. Drew left last week
for the west; he expects to settle down
near Willow City, N. Dakota. Success
Chasa-Word has been received here
that John Gregory. formerly teacher ,
' of our public school, is very sick at s
boarding house in Yorkton, N. W. .,
where he is Principal of a large school.
-Mrs. P. T. Hall visited friends here
Sunday and Monday, P. T. Hall being
at St. William selling off a benkrapt,
stock for Mr. Broderick, of Exeter. -
George Andrew, S. Pym and S. And-
rew passed through the village on
Monday with fat cattle which were a
credit to the feeders, G. Andrew hav-
ing one that is pronounced by shippers
to be the best in the township. It cer-
tainly pays to breed and feed the best
His success in feeding is probably at-
tributed to those large rnangolds that,
We heard so much about last foll.-The
hired men are going their respective
plates for the eurnmer, while yet
number of farmers are inquiring for
Men, who ate (mite scarce.- Revs
Jewett and Thompson preached in the
Tames St. church, Exeter, on Sunday
lasts -R. T. Johns, our merchant, is
booking orders for binder twine. M
may pay farmers to leave their orders
early, as prices will be high owing to
the scarcity of Material catteed by the
recentwetwith the I.I. S.
Orsoressio.-all kinds of chopping done,Tnes-
days, Wednesdays, and Friday'. 1000 cords of
elm stave bolts endless cords, of heacting bolts
wanted. ,Highest price paid. T. Elston, Cen-
Basors,-The Revival services con -
Untie this week with unabated inter-
est and power. Seekers of eelvation
are to be found every night at the altar
of prayessand aligady about fifty have
been seeking, 'Most of whom have
found peace, meetings will pro-
bably close ou Friday night, ,when Mr.
Grigg will give some personal remin-
iscences onisalife.-Last Sunday Rev.
Bev, J. Ball preached missionary ser-
mons when $120,00. were realized for
missions. Last years increase will be
still further increased this year. Cen-
tralia is a live place in the mission
question an.d the queotien of salvation
--Next Sunday morNtig a baptietnal
service will beheld, and an,
tic service in the evening. Visitors
from Exeter continuo'lo attend the
special services here.
(Too late for st week.)
revseivices still
continue and seeker e of pardon are
nightly found at thealtar of !prayer.
Last Sunday was a tithe never to be
forgotten as a time of Baptism -of the
Holy Spirit. Dr.Willoughby,of Exeter,
preached with his °idea time fire one
evening last weele,anaMev. or.Hussar,
of Crediton, preacherFanetber evening
with great power and acceptance. Be-
tween 30 and 40 have already been
formed. as seekers Of salvation. Mr.
Grigg is a hard worker, and a man of
faith, and God honors hirn. We shall
try and keep himanother week. --Next
Sunday Rev. Mr. Ball, of ICirkton, will
preach Missionary sermons in the
Methodist church here and at Eden at
2.30 p. m. -Messrs. Fitton, Carling,
Follicle, Tole, and oars from Exeter
have attended the spial services here.
-The sick around heilan are all remade
ing.-Next WednescheY night die Rev.
D. K. McKenzie, returned. Missionary
from Japan, will speak at the special
meetings herein the Methodist church
and exhibit one Inindred views of
the life, customs, etc., of Japan, under
the auspices of the Women's Mission-
ary Auxiliary. Don't miss this treat.'
-S. Grigg went to Crediton to preach
last Friday night. -Wm, Parsons has
gone on a business trip to Montreal. -
John Parsons has closed' the bargain
for his cheese factory to the patrons of
Centralia creamery. A jarge business
is anticipated(hisspring,
BRIEFS. -Thomas Hern, jr., is nurs-
ing a sore hand, hasesinggsatit jainnase
while cutting down a tree ; he has WO'
use of the member since. -Several of
the children have not been able to
attend school on account of la grippe
and mumps; the mumps prevail now.
Philip Hart and S. Peart's children
are afflicted with them now. -Miss
Eliza Lingart was visiting friends in
Exeter the past week. She is going to
live with Ma. Shieraef Kirkton, for the
summer -James Squires is going to
work with his uncle, George, this sum-,
mer. -A large number of people of
Zion attended the services at Elimville
during the week, and especially on
Sunday night. -The matrimonial fever
is again prevailing on the Oth con. of
Usborne. There set sail on the voyage
of life together on Wednesday even-
ing, ,r. Sinclair and Miss Elizabeth
-Gorvett eldest daughter of James
Grorvett The young couple drove to
the Elimville parsonage and got the
knot tied by the Rev. George Jewett;
then returning to the residence of the
bride's parents, where a large number
of invited friends assembled to re-
ceive them and sat down to a sumptu-
ous repast, and spent the evening in
social games and chat; then dispersed
and went to their homes well pleased
with the evening's enjoyment. The
presents were numerous and costly,
showing the high esteem in which the
young couple are held. They will re-
side in the city of Granton. -Also
Fenton Brown and Miss Rachel
Coward, daughter of William Coward,
were united in marriage by the Rev.
Jewett. They will reside in the town
of Winchelsea. Your correspondent
wishes them joy, happiness and long
life. -Psyche has been under the care
of the V. S. since the five mile record
through the rand. Don't drive so fast
next time. -The League, on Friday
.-.1.4. ..,4- to Bethel,but there was not
Huron County Notes
Frank Upshall, of Clinton, len last
up Manitoba, where be will take
Chas. Wilson has purchased the
business of Ford & Murphy, butchers,
Thos. Thompson, has sold the Bras-
sels-Seaforth stage route to R. Wil -
hares, of Brussels.
Peter Campbell, of the township of
Stanley, is studying deutal surgery
with Dr. Agnew, Clinton.
Mrs. John Pfrirnmer, of Benmiller,
and family of eleven children left on
the 14th inst., for Morden, Man.
Robert McCool,of Varna, has rented
a store in Drumbo,bought a new stock
and embarked in business again.
G. H. ClearWorth, of Goderich, has
been engaged as organist and choir-
master itt Knox church, Walkerton,
at a salary of $250 per year.
James Dalton; mail clerk on the L.
fst: & 13. between Wingharn and. Lea-
den, bas been transferred to the
NiamValls andLondon run.
RalpliStephensot, jr., of the Goshen
line,Stanley, left Brucefield on Tues-
day for Manitoba. He took a settler's
car with hitn. He intends to settle
A happy event took place at the resi-
dence of Jas. Robinson on Wednesday,
March 8, when his daughter, Lizzie,
became the wife of G-eo.Na,ylor, ofEast
Messrs.. Hugh McDermid. son of Mr.
Angus McDerinid, of the Huron road,
and E. McIntosh,son of Mr, James Mc-
Intosh, of the 2ndce00ession of Mc-
Killop, left on Wednesday for Color-
Among the military circles we notice
it regard to the 33rd battalion of
Huron, Second. Lieut. B. Def. Grantof
Goderich, has been promoted to Lieu-
at vice, Dr. J. W. Shaw, trans-
fAt, the last meeting of the Official
Board of the Lucknow Methodist
church, an invitation was extended to
the Rev. John Learoyd, to continue as
pastor of the church for the second
Conference year.
On Wednesday word. was received at
Londesborough that Mrs. Thos. Hag-
gard, a former resident, and one of the
tirst settlers in the Londesborough set-
tlement in Manitoba, had passed the
silent majority.
The retuin hockey match between
Waterloo and Seaforth took place at
Seaforth, Tuesday. The game which
resulted in favor of Waterloo by six
goals to four, was fast and exciting
especially the last half.
The county of Huron, as well as our
neighbors, are losing many of its resi-
dents, deciding to locate in Manitoba,
the Northwest, British Columbia and
the Western States. Many have left
and as the spring has come the number
Robb. McLean has sold his farm on
the 3rd con. ,Goderich township, to W.
Sowerby tor the sum of $4,1.00. The
farm ha been:in pasture for a number
of years. and no doubt, is very rich
land. The price of land. is certainly on
the rise.
An interesting event took place on
March 15th, at the residence of the
bride's family, on the Bayfield
when Miss Lydia Townsend was united
in hymen's bonds to Thos. Sanderson,
of Bayfield, Rev. E. A. Shaw perform-
ing the ceremony.
A happy e,vent took place on Wed-
nesday evening, March 8th, at the resi-
dence of Mr. and Mrs. R. Fulford,
Leeburn, where a company of friends
and relatives had assembled to witness
the marriage of their daughteasMinnie,
to Wm. Stuart, of South Dakota.
A quiet wedding took place at the
Presbyterian maase,Auburn, on Wed-
nesday lasts when Alonzo Parker, a
popular young farmer of Goderich
township, was married by Rev, Mr.
Henderson, to Miss J. B. Cockerline,
popular young lady of Goderich.
Word has been received of the death
of W. Tees, Massey -Harris agent at
Prince Albert, N. W. T. ; he was Well
known in Winglaarn a,nd vicinity • his
death occurred on Feb. 27t1), fleena
erysipelas ; he had only been ill a few
clays; he leaves a widow and family.
D. D. Wilson,of Seaforth, has taken
Publishers and proprietorS
IL 0. Bell, of Winghture has been
appointed United States Consular
3,0. Keeps of Wingha,m has bought
the boot and shoe besiness of hie bro.
tiler la Listowell.
The Oadfellows of Groderich have de-
cided to erect a $7,000 building, to con-
tain an opera house.
S. Gidley of Blyth is able to be out
again, but is quite lame, having to
have the assistance of a cane.
Rev. Mr, Muir and family, of Brace
field left on Thursday for Scotland]
where they n ill in future reside.
Miss Nellie Pybus, of Chiselhurst,
returned home Tuesday
ant visit to friends at Thtunesford and
after a Pleas" • reduction
A change has occurred at the Ken-
sington Furniture factory, Goclerieh,
the whole plant having been purchased
by a near firm.
Special sale of
Boys Overcoats at......$1,00
Men's a I, $3 to $5.00
Mr. and and Mrs.W.41thirsk of Stan-
ley left last week for Edmonton N.
W T and Tohn Cowan of BI th to
Deloraine, Man.
Tames L. Doherty, and wife, of Clin-
ton, have left for San Antonio, Texas,
where it is hoped the climate will im-
prove Mr. paorty's health.
Miss Annie Worthington of Clinton,
left Wednesday for Chicago where she
will spend the balance of '99 with her
brother, J. Worthington.
A. S. Fisher, a native of Clinton, but.
now a prosperous architect in Deriver
Colorado, was married recently in that
city to Miss Clara L. Berney,of Hamil-
Tensile, daughter of Robert Hamil-
ton, of Ethel, died after four day's ill-
stock taking we offer:a
in all lines. '
Speeial line of
J. P Ross
Evervladyiainvited to the Millinery open-
ing at2wieker's on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, next.IVIiss Williams will be pleased.
to ihow the latest novelties.
Btaors.-Geo. Eilber, of Philadel-
phia, is visiting under the parental
roof. -Tuesday was our first day of
spring by the almanac but by the wea-
ther it was somewhat wintry. Looks
as if our coal bins will need replenish.
mg before lanes -Miss Gertie Pincombe
of Strathroy, is spending the week m
ness of appendicitis. She was twenty -1 our village the guest of the Misses
one years of age, and. was highly es- I Zwicker.-Mrs. J. Eilber, sr., is very
teemed. low, seems to be sinking fast and we
chiaNrn'tsj,. nweams PustertedonienofnBialrYrtillagse mer
ri understand her children at a distance
Wednesday evening to Mrs. Mary have been summoned to her bedside . --
Victoria Grasby, daughter of Wm. H. Eilber, M. P. P., spept Saturday
and Sunday at his home here. He as
Sanderson of Hallett.
On Monday last another of West
NirawanOell's old resicletts passed
away in the person of Mr. James Mc-
Gowan. Deceased was an early settler
and. was lsighly respected.
Neil Brown has sold his farm on the
Oth concession, Tuckersmith, to a Mr.
Rays, of North ErIthope. The farm
contains 100Saares, and is in first-class
shape. The price said was $5,100.
Miss Pearl Evans, who presented
Sir Charles Tupper with a bouquet on
the occasion of his late visit to Gode-
rieh, has received, from the gallant
knight, a life-sized photo of hinaself.
B. Blair, formerly a well-known resi-
dent of Kmpens who has been a resi-
dent for some time in Maclennan,
Algoma, has purchased a farm inMicli.
igara near Sault Ste. Marie, and has re-
moved there, but still owns his
farm in Maclennan, on which his son
hreaRlislobaboitiUsghletila 200 acre farm near Wat-
of Stanley township
ford, for which he pays $5,900. There
are fifty acres of uncalled bush, some
of the tioaber being oak. As . prices
role Huroa this ought to be a cheap
farm, but land sells better in Huron
than in parts of Lambton. Mr. Afc-
Ilveen was offered another 200 acres,
thirty-five in fall wheat, for A6,000.
Wm. Sealer, who was killed at the
Falls the other day, by an engine
knocking him down, ran as a brake-
man. on the L. H. & B. freight be-
tween Wingham and London for nea,ny
years, and left a few years ago to re-
side in Sarnia., and to run on a train
from Sarnia to Niagara Falls. Deceased
leaves a widow a family of small child-
ren, an aged mother, brother and a
number of sisters. His remains were
buried at Wingliana.
A representative of J. C. King, a
Montrealmillionaire, was in Wingbam
last week and purchased Robt. Mc-
Indoo's driver "Flossie" for 8250. Flos-
sie has been shown ten times, and has
taken ten first prizes. J. C. Ring "
some time ago purchased the fatuous
"Wanda" from I3eattie Bros. of Wing -
ham at 82750. Flossie has been pur-
chased not for track purposes but as a
private driver, and goes to one or the
finest stables in the Dominion, a stable
where tiled and carpeted floors and
brass fittings make for her a very lux-
urious home.
W. F. Luxton, one of the oldest
intopartnership with him, in his ex- journalists in Manitoba, has been ap-
as many as we would liked to have tetsive egg business, his son, Sohn A. pointed manager of the St Paul Globe
seen there.
Wilson, and T. K. Richardson. late of and will take charge of the paper at
SARN. -We Cann Ot too strongly nor too
often urge the supreme importance of
'slanting seeds that are perfectly pure
and. fresh. Seeds that are offered at
cheap prices are almost invariably of
clonbtfal origiu anduncertain age, sure
to cause the planter disappointment
and him The thoughtful planter's on- half. Very true there were no cases,
ly surety lies in buying seeds sent out for their conaide.ration, and only the
by a conscientious and trustworthy irispectims ot the goal, etc., but the
house. A vast number of gardeners custom has beeri to clwaddle along for
have (and have had for yeare)the ut- two or three days and draw pay to the
most confidence in seeds that bear the end. Perhaps not a little credit for
name D. M. Ferry & Co,, Windsor, this is due the Foreman, Mr. Sohn
Ont. The present generation of plan- Middleton, of Goderich township, who
ter, con hardly eemernber the time believes in carrying on publit business
whet] Ferry's seeds were not on sale with as Much despatch as private
everywhere each year and as regular- affairs.
Fergus. john A. Wilson has been con- once. Mr. • Luxton first began his
nected with the businessfrom. his journalistie career in Ontario, having
youth, and Mr. Richerdson has had a owned the Strathroy Age, in coniun-
very successful career in it similar busi-
ness in Fergus and is a first-class matt
in every respect.
lion with Hon. G. W. Ross. He after-
wards owned the Seaforth Expositor,
selling it to the present owners. He
went west early in the history of that
The. Grand Jury at the Huron Assizes province as correspondent of a Toronto
this week set it precedent in finishing
daily, and afterwards founded the
up arid being paid off in a day and a
ly platted by 091181111(18e -with the
greatest faith in the unvarying (pal-
ity of the seeds and in the integrsty of
the firm that grew them. Every olau-
ter, whether already a, buyer of Fer-
ry's Seeds or not, should send for Fel-
ry's Seed Atnual for 1809. It is toll-
ed free to any one who Writes for it
4 -
Alter a painful illness extending
over several months, Mrs, 3m.
ston passed aWay et Monday lastaged
51 ; Mr. Toliteton had it hard time Of
tat-esti/at we hope the clouds' will lif bawl
the sun shite Mice Store.
Butson, of Sbaffes left for Mauls
Obit on vititsatty last, wh 001)6 int elide
to Stay for the ?..Iuminer. Davis left
Andrew McKee of Meledworth. ha'
sold his farm, lot 1st couo
to Peter Doig for $4,000.
for Manitoba Thursday. Geo. Millet
and Alex, Felton, Who spettlast elan-
ther theta, have tree brads.
On Friday, March 10, Rev. A.reh.Mcs
Gillivray, of Goderich, passed peace-
fully away after a short illness, aged
75 years. The deceased first saw the
light in the land of the heather, but,
losing his parents while young he, at
an early age, emigrated to Canada,
settling near Toronto, whence he re-
moved to Ripley, an appointment as
Gaelic pastor for the district. Some
25 years since he was appointed to
Goderich, where for some years he
preached in the old kirk, but latterly
his services have been hcia at the resi-
dences of members of the congrega-
tion. Deceased was twice married,
and by the first wife he had four Serie,
of whom two survive, 'Malcolm, pastor
of a Presbyterian church in Alabama,
antt Donald, a iniesioneay of the Sante
denomination in China. A second
Wire and tire art, n/ 1,1 7 • f7„ friatole.
Winnipeg Free Press.
Postmaster Farrow, of Brussels,cele-
brated his 60th birthday on Wednes-
day, and is apparently good for !many
years of activity yet. Few men have
had it more varied experience than
Mr. Farrow, For la years be was it
patine school teacher, then he spent 14
years in mercantile life and has been
postmaster of Brussels for 10 years.
For siscyeavs he was School Inspector
for the county of Huron arid from 1875
to 1887 he represented first:North Her-
on and afteewatels East Huron in the
Dominion House of Commons. He,
along with the late Ainos DM...Jostles,
of British Coltunbia, introdaced Hon,
Thos. Greenway in the Connisees
when he was elected for South Harem
AAA when it was dotabtfel which side
he belonged to.
An old settler of Logan by the name
of Champion &Wilson, passed away
on Saturday, March 11, at the age of
87 yeas. He was burled in the laretlio-
dist cemetery it Mitchell.
• Mrs. Haskell died at the residence
of her son-in.law, Thomas Edwards,
Mitchell, on Friday afternoon, having
attained the good old age of Sa. She
was an olcl settler of this section and
Wee reepected by a large eircle of
looking well and seems to be enjoying
life in Toronto. -Death has again vis-
ited our community and silently re-
moved from our midst Mrs. Thomas
Appleton, which sad event took place
early last Sunday morning. Mrs. Ap-
pleton has been it long but patient suf-
ferer from. asthma and consumption.
She has not been free from pain for
magy a day but is now at rest. She
has left to mourn her loss a sorrowing
husband and seven 'children some of
whom are quite small. The bereaved
family have the sincere ata 'practical
sympathy of the entire community.
The funeral took place Tuesday after-
noon to Salem cemetery on the 18th
of McGillivray, Rev. Hussar conduct-
ing the service. -The youngest child
of Rev. Mr. Hussar was dangerously
ill from inflammation of the lungs dur-
ing the past week but we are pleased
to be able to state that he is now out
of danger and making rapid strides
towards recovery. - Special revival
meetings are being continued in M. E.
church this week this being the sev-
enth week. It was practically decided
to close last Friday evening but the
interest was deep andthere seemed to
be an intense desire on the part of the
membership tocontinue another week;
the pastor though very much exhaust-
ed from the long strain and lack of
rest on account of sickness in his home
decided to prolong the series daring
this week. He was ably assisted on
Monday evening by Rev. Litt of the
village who preached a powerful and
convincing serrtion from the words of
Felix to Paul 'go thy way for this
time &c." -Rev. Crompton gave valu-
able service on Sunday and announce-
ment has been made to the effect that
Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Hensel], will be
present on Wednesday and perhaps
Thursday evening. No pains have
been spared to Wake these meetings in-
teresting and muds good has been ac-
complished. -Rev. E. Crompton who
has been residing with his daughter,
Mrs. R. E. Walker, duringthe winter,
left on Wednesday for his home in
Carlisle. Mrs, Crompton will follow
him in a few days. We will nsis s the
Rev.G entlenman-Mrs. Walker is slow-
ly improving, -Miss Williams, of Wy-
oming has arrived and taken posses-
sion of the Millinery department in C.
Zwicker'e store. We welcome Miss
"Williams to our village and wish her
well. -The recent storm has interfer-
ed with business for the present, but
the snow will prove a benefit to those
having teaming to do.- MM. Jacob
Eilber has been very ill the past few
weeks, with little hope of recovery. -
Benjamin Eilber, of lably, Mich., WAS
called home to his mother's bedside,
and will remain for it week or so, or
until som_e_im_provemerit in her condi-
tion sets in.
BRIEFS. -A number left here last
week for points in the west, amongst
others were Andrew McLachlan and
Geo. Millerar., Who go as far as Moose -
jaw in the Territorie. •MeCtilIoch
who puchasecl the blacksmith business
from W. R. Tien, started to work last
Wednesday. The Stella cheeker club
to which a number of our villagers be-
long gent a team to play a Watch with
DORM one evening lest aveek, but eufs
f tired a slight defeat., owing to having
to take one of their weaker players la
place of another who could not go;
but a retnrn match is to be played this
week when they expect to turn defeat
, into victory. -Mr. G. T. and. Miss Lizzie
and Jessie Hamilton spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Ballantyne Jr,,
Farquhar. -W. It. Ben is trying to
purchase a property M Staila belong-
ing to Dr. Naismith of Milverton.
John Riggs, who has latterly been
with Meseta. Careen 4t Melaee, Lis-
towel left this week for Ituthwell,
southern Manitobit where be gees to
take charge of a general store.
W. Honey, of Mitchell, returnea
March 14611, from Manitoba, where he
went a few weeks ago With a cat load
of horses, lIe reports finding the
Market SIOW for horses, though he
managed to dispose of all of his at a
fair profit.