HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-3-16, Page 8,. •
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Millinery show rooms ktIV ilOW open, and arl
yon: ,The new Millinery- is simply. lovely. 'The
•so varied and the colorings so blended as to make,
_ ••
he dlisplAy
ry interesting. Remember you and your.
triends are a. iya welcome to visit our show rooms and
• study 616, contaritly changing styles.
residence on Lamm street. to A. 1. ,,,AN: rirA . ,
, Beasusta, for a good figure. Mr. It . '
Stewart, whiremain in tame fora time. • .r.„1.; 41 =,.
1 w sae as
• . • 1 ssa eisa
Tins Too& Cum -A meeting of the • tea'
Exeter Turf Club was hold mi Thurs-
day evening Inst. There Wa`i a fah 1 eo•
attendance of members. Dr, Rollins 1 a
was eiected President ; Dr. H. K. I al'a
Ilynciinan, vice pros. ; B. S. O'Neil, I •IA. k"a,
teats. ; A. E. Teuuera, seeay. It, was
decided to hold tt. race meeting on May :414 ....,_
24th, when prizes will be offered tor sas,
four events: 2.20 trot, $225 ; 2.30 trot, ra t
$00; 8 00 trot, $175 ; musing race, 4:1:'s • ''.'
ar" •
Our new black Dress Goods are the talk of the
town, and no wonder, for the assortment is so complete and
the values are the very best that cash and one price can 'do
lor'or you.
Itl`-‘.-- - ---mstatAN0E.
Agen for the WesTBRN AsstraANon Com
NY. of Toronto th
also for e Paces= Fr=
ERRANDS. COMPANY, of London, England;
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clocks,
Spec tescIes, Et c
Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Good Friday, March 31st.
A. Sbeere, of Brauttord, is visiting
hi fam in t
s y own.
Are seen in our store these Dr. H. K, Hynciman was in London
yesterday on business.
a.ys hunting for bargains in Rev. Martin attended a meeting of
the Huron Presbytery on Tuesday.
TATIONERY that we feel
like congratulating ourselves
on the wonderful success of
"—air sale. People come, in
many cases, because advised
to do so by friends. They
all buy.
at the
.J. GRIGG, Frank Case, son of Thotnas Case, of
IN STREET. EXETER. Rodgerville, is laid up with a sore fin-
ger, thought to be an abscess on one
- of the joints.
The mover and seconder of the above
resolution were strong Reformers.
The Sutherland Innes Co. lost a val-
uable horse this week from inflamma-
tion of the lungs.
Miss Struthers has resigned the pos-
ition of primary teacher in the Aliso
Craig public school.
are now engaged- in assessing. They
are anxious that there will be no MRS('
for complaint in reference to the.omis-
lieu of names on the manhood fran-
cbise list. Evert man who is twenty
year of age and o. Britieh sciaject an.
• who Will be 21on or.bout the 1st of
.August or September) shoeld see to it
that. his natue . is made known to the
asseSSOr.: The same law applies to
townships also, and assessors should
see to it, as far as possible, that no
• name entitled to be put on is emitted.
, H. Bishop & Son are occupying the
1 double stores in the old Pickard block,
owing to increasing business.
• Mrs. Jones, of Exeter north, who
recently had her leg broken, is not im-
proving as might be expected.
P. Frayne has the material on the
ground for the erection of a. handsome
briaa residence on Andrew street.
Mr. Spence, a stndent of Huron Col-
lege, preached in the Trivitt Memorial
•church Wednesday and Sunday last.
of the old market have bee The dog poisoner is again on his
rounds; c litifts unO. , several canines in the vicinity
Iduring the past week.
Vacant houses are scarce in town.
n poisoned
• SDAY, MARCH 16th, 1-899 With the influx of families in connec-
tional locals on 5th page,
Johnston, of Varna, was in
ea's back bone has been broken
recent thaws.
n your soiled. kid gloves withMil-
lovin, 15 cts &cake. Coaling Bros.
gents for Exeter.
e date of Spacknaan's Millinery
ning is Saturday, March 25th and
wing days. See our novelties.
ere is no foundation in the report
t William Ba,wden intended mov-
onto a. farm near Alvinston. He
lfrernain a. resident of Exeter.
' The pugilistic youths, who Saturday
evening, 4th inst., disturbed the peace
of the town by a fisticuff engagement
on Main street, swelled the town ast-
ers this week to the exteat $1.00
. S. Lang will hold a sale of his
'sehold effects on Saturday, March
a, at his residence, Exeter North,
• will also offer the residence for sale.
. Lang has purchased le famished
• iclence in Toronto.
iss McKenny, who has charge o
le J. Spackrean's Millinery depart-
nt, invites the lathes of Exeter and
nity to call. and see our grand
inery display on Saturday, IVIarch
ana follovving days.
new industry is about to be es -
bed in Seaforth. 3. E. Crealy,of
tra hes rented the old foandry
tartans, and intends fitting it up as
creamery. •.lie has also rented. the
rucefield factory and will run the
vro in conjunction.
A collection was taken up Sames
t. church on Sunday- last in aid of the
1. James chuteh fund, when $100 Were
ubscribed, Dr. Griffith, President of
Ile Montreal Conference, who has ta.k-
O a deep interest in the movement,
s that the fund is growieg velyrap-
y. The debt on the church and the
eiziple building, Which now occupies
he old church site on St. jatnes etreet,
s $000,000. The rentals from the build -
it is believed, are anflitient to car -
800,000 of this debt. • It ios expected
of the $300,000 apportioned as the
Vs share the eolagregetioft of St.
will raise $100,000, the Mont -
femme WOO, and the COn-
`‘ West of Qttebecl/rov-
[tion with the stave factory every avail-
able house is spoken for.
Butchers report beef cattle as scarce.
and say that owing to the increased
prices paid for stock, they will have to
advance the price of beef.
J. G. Jones on Tuesday evening at-
tended &meeting of the Directors of
the Winchelsea Creamery. He reports
the creamery as doing a, daily increas-
ter Christie, Thos. Russell, Henry
Smith and W, H. Sanders were in
Brucefield on Saturday attending a
meeting of the Directors of the South
. Huron .Agricultural Society. The bus-
iness transacted consisted, of the sett-
ling upon dates and places of holding.
the °musty Spring and Fall Fairs. It
was decided to hold the Spring Fair in
Brucefield ou the 2011 April, and the
Fall Show in Exeter, on Sept. 18th and
19th, Exeter being the highest bidder.
The local society give $700 to the coun-
ty for the so-called bonanza.
OONDOLENCE.-At meeting of Ply-
mouth Lodge, No. 53, Sons ef England,
on Monday evening, March 13th, the
following letter of condolence was re-
solved be sent Brother Rowcliffe, and
copy of same to the local press: -To
Brother P. Rowcliffe.-" We the mem-
bers of tbe Plymouth Lodge here as-
sembled, desire to express to you our
great sympathy and regret at the great
loss you have sustained by the death
of your beloved wife. The Almighty
Maker of all things has seen fit in His
inscrutable wisdom to make you bear
this cross, and we know you, trusting
fully in Him. will do so with that
Christian fortitude whichisbegotten of
an sinfinite trust in His Almighty will.
Again expressing our brotherly sym-
pathy, we are yours fraternally. For
all the brethren W. SWEET, Pres.,
GEORGE-1(7ms, Sec'ss.
The Biological Society of Ontario has
receetly been investigating the causes
which have led to the death of so ma,ny
dueks and grebes this winter. Outside
the members the findings have been
from correspondents who only deal
with special localities, and in order to
arrive at, a more satisfactory conclusion
it is asked that sportsmen and others
who have found these dead water -fowl
send to John.Boyd,53Landsdowne ave-
nue, Toronto, a list of the species af-
fected, the number found,the probable
cause of the their death, the condition
found in, whether picked up on the
shore,on tbe icean tbewatee or inland,
with any other remarks that wonld
tend to place definitely the mortality
which lies taken place so extensively
this winter. The various replies re-
ceived, synich we bope will cover the
entire Province, will be:carefully com-
piled and the result made known to
those interested.
announcement made by Hon. Mr. Gib•
son in the Legislature that it is the in-
tention to introduce a, bill this session
giving effect to the recommendation
of the Fish and Game Commission for
the repeal of the section of the game
t hibiti a the shootin deer in
ac pro na g
the water will be welcome news to
many sportsmen. The further infor-
mation that the results of the vigorous
protectinn given to ganne under the
Ontario Act, coupled with the setting
apart of the Algonquin National Park
as a lareedieg ground, has seen a mat-
erial increase in the number of deer
and other fur -bearing anima]s, will
ing business. also be appreciated. The prospects
All notices of property for sale in held out by the Hon. Conimissiond
THE TIMES Sale Register cost 50c. ex- that he would probably be able to re-
cept the bills of such sale are printed lax the prohibition of moose hunting
in THE TIMES job remise, when a sale
notice is given free,
The senior aud junior hockey teams
played a match on Monday evening,
resulting in a victory for the seniors
by a score of o to 1. The carnival in
connection was poorly attended.
The Nashville Students gave enter-
tainments in the Opera House on Fri-
day and Saturday evenings hist, to
fair houses. They present a good pro-
gram and a good all-aronnd entertain-
Mrs. Thompson and family, who
have been visiting in Exeter North,
returned to Manitoba, last week. -
George Brooks also left for his home
there on Monday, while Miss Brirna-
ombe went on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs Rigney on Monday
elebratecl the anniversary of their
edding day. A number of relatives
were present from Granton and Lon-
don, to join the festivities. 'We wish
them cootinued health and happiness
that they may enjoy many such anni-
1 versaries.
The bill providing for the exemption
from certain taxation of farm lands
isituated within the corporation of
Eteter, has passed its third reading in
the House of A.ssembla. By its enact-
ment farm lambs in blocks of 20 acres
and oyer are exempted from electric.
light, water and all other local benefit
• The ICingsyifie Reporter informs its
readers that by examination of the
buds,it is found that the early varieties
of peaches are all dead, but the very
tate, such as Salways and Smocks
seems to have stood the frost. No
where in the coanty, except at this
one place has the frost king touched
the peach butte with its withering fitig.
ers. Experts allow that, while the
Essex et, op will be somewhat delayed,
this season there will b 'an almndant
sUpply of peaches.
Our stock of B k laid Dress .6 oods
is now most Complete and comprises *
of all the newe.4 atia most whimmtbie
fabrics shown f'or the Coaling season's • * 1111"
wear. Ail101iar the best selling lines
Q., •
tills season 'Oral be Poplins A.Mir.-zotis,flabits,Crepons,
.Mohairs, Cheviots and Bengalines. • We shall be very
* Veased to have you inspect utir stook.
a a .4 a ,
•4) -
4; _eta
hibition when Miss Sbanklin of the New York Featherbone patlere,
10 will give FREE lessons in featherboning• and ccirding. Reinetaber ag
'AV instruction absolutely without charge and you are not. asked to buy ea
eta anything. •ge.
gas • • . • • Sata.
sty N. B. -Bring a waist with you and iss Shanklin will featheabone it 10
free of Charge, just the cost of the bone.
13 Vs*
Direct Importerz.i.:;O:
March 16 17
In our store 1 Thursday afternoon, I
Riday, ail Clity
given of the superiority of featherbone in its various
uses and applications in the art of' dressmaking,' espec-
ially as an aid towards the improvement of the 'FORM
and FIT of the WAIST. giving added beauty to the
lines.and curves of the bodice and perfect smoothness
to the cloth.
THE USE OF FEATHERI3ONE has revolutionised t he older
methods of staying a waist as it is stitthed in by machine RIGHT
THROUGH SEAM BONE AND .ALL becoitangactually a part of the
bodice moulding it into a shape that it will retain instil worn thread-
bare, giving to the form a graceful outline and a decided elegance to
the figure.. -
22 22' :2 22 82 2: 82
in piping and cable sizes ; the very newest and daintiest thing
for collars cuffs, belts, etc., Made in contrasting silk or plaids will be
the correa accompaniment with cloth or shirt waists.
We invite the ladies of Exeter and vicinity to yisit this Free
Demonstration and inspect the skirts, waists, cordings, etc., anex-
• satt
71° THE
• •
4404') etrigrefr rgt1rrtrfr
Ier Vert:. et. ... IC* ••• Ir• ler IA., IA IA. .. Ie.. IA.... ref, IA.
Mrs. A.F.Manning is visiting friend
in Russeldale.
J. A. Williams, of Zurich, was in
Own on Tuesday.
Mrs. McDougall is visiting her mo-
ther, Mrs. Page.
Miss Maud Hicks left last evening
en route for California:
Two boys Wanted to learn the trad
at the Exeter Woollen Mills.
'Slinday morning next Rev. Geo,
ewett, of Eliinville, will occupy the
pulpit of James St. church, while Rey.
ThoGpson, also of Elitnville circuit
will preach in the evening.
Thos. Cookson, who has been resid-
atg on 'Ann Street, last week purchas-
Ailsa Craig Council has exempted a bd tbe dwelling at the rear of Years.
skating rink from taxation. , Dyer & Howard's planing mill, from
Harry Sanders, who spent the past the estate of the late John Mogg.
winter in Manitoba returned home Rev. Dr. Willoughby for the next
this week. •two weeks will 'supply the pulpit for
his son, Rey. Gerald Willoughby, in
Alvinsten, who has gone to the old
country far the benefit of his health.
The Western Fair directors have fix-
ed the date of this year's exhibition for
Sept. 7 to 16.
T. W. Hawkshaw has. a string of
trotters ready for training as soon as
• the season opens.
Da .0. W. Thompson, late of the firm
of Laing & T.hoinpson, Granton, is lo-
cating in Clinton.
-IV. E. Gundy, a former resident of
Exeter, is chairman of the alidgetown
Public School Board.
After theist of May there will be. no
more licensed drinking saloons in On-
tarM. Every drinking place must
have accommodation for a certain
number of travellers; in other words,
only hotels will be granted licenses to
sell in small quantities to be ma-
rstoned on the premises. •
Frank Ruse, who has been an s -
for a week in 1900 will arouse the en- The Orangemen have inyited nearly eemed resident of Exeter for a num-
thusiasm of sportsmen of all classes, 100 lodges to take part in the celebra-
ber of years, and a popular teacher of
and great will be the preparations for tam here on July 12th. music,has decided to move to Toronto,
the week's sport should the antica The remains of the late Dougall Mc-
where he and his brother will engage
potions be fulfilled. . • Coll, of Rodgerville, were interred in the Dental supply bushiess. While
— the Exeter cemetery on Monday. •in
we regret losing Mr. Ruse, we wish
him success in his new venture.
Rev, S. W. Waddell, of Hensall will
preach Educational, sermons in Main ee - - ss--------------------
st. Methodist church next Sunday.
Miss Polly Sinallacombe on Tuesda
underwent a surgical operationlit the .,
residence of Herman Kelly. She is
Miss Reid, of Varna, was the guest
Mrs. John Dignan this week.
Mrs. J. 0. Ovens, of Maple Lodge, is
yisiting her mother, Mrs. Jones. •
Rev. Dr. Willoughby has received
an invitation to become the pastor of
the Forest Methodist cherch. for tbe
coming conference year.
progressing favorably.
Messrs, jones &Halls last week made
Wilkes Stewart, who was presented large shipments of clover seed and an -
the Lady Grant Jubilee medal by the pies. They have this spring shipped
Royal Humane Society at Toronto last over 800 bags of clover seed.
spring for rescuing ayoung lady of
that city from drowning in Toronto Messrs. Perkin & Martha, dealers in
pianos, bicycles, etc., have dissolved
Bay, is with the Carlyle Dramatic
i, . partnership, Mr. Martin continuing
Conapany. e
the business. Mr. Perkin will retire
The Carlyle Company open a week's from business.
House, commencing March rOth,
Opera Ambrose Smith, of Hayfield, who
engagement at the Exeter
Mol -
opening in the great society comedy: last week joined the staff of the Mol-
• "The blacksnaith's Daughter." -"This Sens bank here' has been ordered to
excellent company opened what was the branch at Aylmer, and leaves for
to have been a three nights engage- that place to..., -day. ,
• night, presenting Article 47, or Cora, '
Mr. and ears, William aberry, of
rnent at the Opera House, Motalita
the Oreole. Miss Farley, by her fila B ucefield, visited at J. P. Ross', the
forepart of this wieek.jamas Swener-
ished. artistic work, created a favor- ton, of Niagara a so visitedis aug -
la' d h
able impression from the opening of
the play, and at the conclusion of the
second act receiyecl a well deserved
certain call, Mies Farley is the best
leading lady that has yet graced the
new Opera House. Mr, Wrighta Mr.
Spalding, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Clonlin,
Miss Raven and Miss Hurley deserve
special mention for their clever work.
Owing to the fine work done :b3r the
company the manager has induced the
dornpatiy to remaiii all week and can,
cel their engagement at Ingersoll for
Thule:days, Friday and Saturday. The
cc:stow:iris under the management of
len Carrot, well and favorably known
liere.",-Tileeriburg LiberalaPrieee IOs
I,5 and g0 tantiffr ,
secured the agency for Oraveuet t's Calbera N‘led Water-
proof gN:111111111111111:
a •
These garments are made of a fine all wool cloth and are suit- all,
able for dust in the summer or rain in wet weather and will hist for Ell
years. They are made thoroughly waterproof by a chemical process,
31, without a particle of rubher. thusavoicliug the oder so common with it
IA rubber waterproofs and in the Cravenett gartneuts there is no cement- Pi
When yovi buy a Oravenett Waterproof you are of
e buying one ri
W 12
ed seams to rot .and let the garment come to pieces.
by the makers.
the finest waterproofs on the market and one that is fifily guaranteed 1
• To dye well ;3.61 ensure safety
hereafter, would almost mean a life of
study; or how to blend, or to become
immoveable, so as to become absolute-
ly staitiless,or beyond a stain; hut such
has been accomplished ba the distin-
guished dyer, Louis Hermsdorf, whose
dyes have become a household eharm
by both men and women, especially
those who wear hose and half -hose,
bearing the stamp of Louis Henna-
dorf. We are taking into stock this
• week the largest variety of men's and
svoinen's wear having this manor's
ter, Mrs. 3, P. Ross. •stamp. They are certainly superma
Senses Gardiner, of rarquhar, will goods, beautifully finished, and carry --
hold. an extelleiva auction sale of dairy ing priees unprecedented by us. We
cows, stockers and horses at bis arm, say without fear of successful centre,.
on Monday, March 20th. There will diction, the bess values eyer placed on
be sone 75 head. offered. •out counters. After you,have care -
A, J, Rollins,. who le in Manitoba, fully examined them yau ill be the
has eeveral favorable sites hi view with better preaared to say if their equals
the object of eatablishing a milling
business at one of than He is offered
encouragement On ail sides.
E. s. Spackman's Iltillibery Opening
n Saturday March 26th and following
days, Miss MelIennyi who has charge utter 16o.
of our millinery department, will be ggslae,
pleased•to have every lady Of tImeter
and vicleity intipett mat leteet stylee in hI J, P. CLARKE
are shown In town.
low •
•bead gosir#
Below we give a description of a few lines; -
Oravenett Waterproof al Oravenett Waterproof a' aae
Ladies fine all wool OS • Ladies' fine all wool ,EA 'gill
with yelvet collar and ai with • Amoy cape, in 0 11110
Military cape, in black 10 brown mixed shades. 0 41111
or navy. ' ° 11111111
Highest price paid for Produce, Butter 14c, Eggs 10c, Potatoes per
bus. 40c.
RIR . !-M5310VPIMM-93°Er "" !3°A3 '' 333n301- - WWI
• Call
anti net
Are in an exceptionallygood position this year to
prices on all Builders Hardware as we
Have Bought
Cements, Barb Wire, Plain Wire, Wire Nails
In Car Lots
We are holding the prices on the above go
sa,me as
Before the Heavy Adv
At the' first of the year.
We can and will give you surprisingl
• We have also placed an order for a larg
• Glass from the Old Coun
:In all sizes and will also be pleased tc quote very
We make even lower prices on' Ea,vetrough, Gal
Iron Work, Metallic Shingles, Furnaces, Etc. wl
tendering for the entire contract.,
fall fair of Stephe
Society, by •
say rnen 'Toro to
for tho best spec
seed purchased
leigh, Great ide
the agent of te
lows: -let 0 wort
worth of ursery s
These p • es will b
rises to be given at tho
&, Usborne Agricultural
one & Wellington, Nur-
ho will offer speeial prises
ens of potatoes grown front
season from Thos Grundy,
dewing :-Sir Walter Ra-
nd Carnia.n No. 3, as fol -
of Nursery stock ; 2nd $5
ek.• Winner's selection.
nyen for each variety.
W. G. SANDERS, Pres.
ijfiESSMAEiNG. - We beg to an
nce to the ladies of Exeter and vi
cinity, that we have opened. it dress-
making establishment in the rooms
over the Post Office, and are prepared
to do all kinds of dress and mantle
making, in latest styles.
such'person or persons as the council
may appoint."
Good hard wood wanted ; apply at
, TIMES Office.
I Ma Phillips, of the Lucan Sun,was.
in town on. Monday, obtaining .
motion relative to electric light'
being the intention of Luca
to instal a plant at an e
The hens will soon be warbling their
spring lays.
Beefy lady is respectfully invited t
eaten& our Millinery Opening on Satur-
• day, March 25th and following days.
Don't forget to see Sadie Farley,
with the Carlyle Dramatic Company,
the cleverest leading lady appearing
at popular prices.
P. T. Hall, is in St. Willianis runn-
ing off a Bankrupt Stock with J. W.
Broderick. Mr. Hall may again en-
gage in the mercantile business.
J. H. Wisner, blacksmith, Brussels,
bas bought the residence and black -
Smith shop of F. Seigner of Zurich,
, and will take possession at the end, of
this month.
Miss Mary Taylor, died at the test -
deuce of her brother, Alex. Taylor,
Exeter North, at the age 77 years. She
had been ill. for some time. ()Id age
was the tease of death.
The Rev. Mr. Waddell, of Hensall
will preach in Main St. Methodist
claurch next Sunday, morning and
evening, in the absence of the pastor,
who will preach anniversary sermons
in Grimsby, where his brother, the
Rey. Wray Smith, is the Methodist
A meeting was held in the tOWn hall
on Monday evening for the purpose of
nominating a person for school trustee
to fill the vacancy caused by the re-
moval of David. Spicer to Brantford.
Messrs. Wm. Ba.wden, R. E. Pickard,
John Wood, Samuel Martin aiscl. W.
Trevethick were nominated as candi-
dates for the office. All the nominees
resigned egcepting Mr. Trevethiek,
who has been declared elected by ac-
A. vera important bill bas been in-
troduced into the Ontario Legislature
whieb reads as follows: "The council
of any municipality may pass a by.law
or by-laws whereby in case of titer -
chants engaged in,retall trade the as.
sessment instead ot being en the per-
sonal property of snob merchants be-
longing to their business, shall be a
bustiness tat based instal the sale or
turnover in the business done during
the preceding year according to A
Ch0 d lah, to he g$ea by the ceuncil
seataaassiesaa '
Mr, W. 0. Ross of
his chestnut geldio
W. Hawkshaw, of
figure. 0a,rthage i
ing 16 hands high,
dam Forest-Mambrino.
Having purahased the Exeter Mi6s
we are now prepared to do general
gristing and chopping. Flourvvholee
sale and retail. All kinds of 4rain
bought. Grain delivered at first Kayo -
for paid for at Mill office. Flour ald
feed delivered to all parts of the town
free of charge at reduced prices. Seed
wheat, wheat, oats, peas and barley
for sale.
W. TREVETI-1161(,
Staple and Fancy
Kindly favor us wth a part, of your
trade and we ,w11.1 entleavont, to please
you •
we sell
Exeter and
Hensall Flour,
Apples, Potatoes.
Bran, Shorts, °Woken Feed
and 031 Cake.
Sarnia -White Coal Oil •