HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-3-16, Page 5Money To Loan At from di to 5X. Apply to klialatOT OLADIVIAN, Bearisters, Solicitors, am., Main St. Exeter Moneyto Loan. • We have unlimitetaarivate :ends for invest- ment epee fame sir vutage property at loweat 'rates ot interest. DICKSON &-• CAleLINC, Exeter. • •T7T :KINSMANN. L D $ AND • -1-"-. D SI4 1a L n. .4.. .t • .D. S D. D. S., ,Honor Graduate if Toronto Ileeversity, Dentist, Neal extracted. without .pain or bad after etreets. Office en lam- zotes Week, West sIde oI Meal street, Exeter. UZ AI.44,61,0Z6, (11 D, L DENTIST. — Honer Graduate ot the Toronto •University, and :Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All Bridge wolee, Crowne and Plate work done in the neatest aossible manner, A harmless anaesthetic for painless extraotion. The strictest attentioa given to the preservat. on of the natural teeth. Office, oppoeito Cone tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. Farms for sale A few good farms for sale then afonoy to aeon. Apply to JOHN SPACKIVI House arid Land For Salo. Having decided to remove to Taranto, I will seeee of reYeproperty (formerly ownedby the ante W. Fr. VeritY) tn EXOter, At a bargain, 'First class brick house 13 rooms, with two acres safiland; memento,' and fruit tacos of all kincle. R. S. LANG. Business Chalice The ,generca agency rights a "Our ISTative erbs" (Alonzo A, Bliss Co. Itiontmal). for Huron and Soothern Division of Perth, will be sold immediately and on easy terms as ill- Itealth forces mo to leave the country. Well established and profitable business. Vortyaix stitragents at work.. Call or address, .A. R. Shen, Colomcn St., Settforth, N. B. Persone indebted- to me will please -forward at once. ' • WANTED° Fifty teams, by the Sutherland innes Co., Limited, for drawing &lin logs off lot 8 and 9 in the 5th concession of Hay, apply to GUS WAGNER. Gould's saw mill, Exeter. °ALL .AT THE FAMILY flo t et. For first class CORNED BEEF, PRESSED TONGUE, BOLOGNA. and SAUSAGE, LARD and SMOKED MEATS. A fine selection of BEEF, LA1V1B, FRESH PORK, and all kinds of 31Presta eated isaltecil Meats. :on hand. Note the address, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's store. LOUIS DAY PEP. What Has Made _MYRTLE The best Smoking Tobacco in Canada. rt is Virginia Leaf, selected, sun cured, made by men in the cleanest Factory in America. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS. DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS' &G. Anyone sending a sketch and description mar • cptiekly ascertain .pur opinion free whether an • ,dnvention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents • vsent free. Oldest agency for securing patents, Patents taken through Munn k co. receive) seacial.nettce, without charge, in the • SCientifiC iblitriCab 0 • • ---A handsornely illustrated week. Largest sir. • , • imitation of any seientific Joitrnal, 'Norma. $3 a Year four menthe, $1. Soul by au newsdealer& MUNN & Co 361aPoadwaY., New York Branch Ofilee, 425 P Ste Wasnington. ce earataciteeleasearnemraseentaMeartaaerel FREE. We give this fine e watch, and also a atm and charm tor I selling twO dozen LEVRR COLLAR BUT* aoes, at 10 cts. each. Send your addrese and we forward the Buttons, postpaid, and our Premium List. No money re. quired. Sell the But. tons among yotir friends, return the money, and we send the watch, prepaid. A genuirie Ainericar watch, guatabteed a good tartepicce. Maiden this paper when writing. LEVER 131ITTOcoN ze Adelaide St. le. Toronto, Ont. lee*,siraroa ,oratnaorato Presbytery Qf 'Ube Presbytery of liuron met b Willis' Church. •Cliuton, on the MI filet, There \Vita a large atteeedance 0 )embers. Reports were reeeive( from aid-reeelving vougregations The same grants were given as pre vIOUS1y, excepting' In ti,e of (Aram Bend and Corbett \villa reel ueed. the twarniet, by $50. •"rho reports from ( E. Soeietiee showed avtive metehei 071, Associate <100, total, 1.107 ; raw, for ntiesions irtte toirowaw, res( lotion was passed :— • That.. the Presbytery having, boar the report on Young Peopl&s Societie hereby thank the opium ee d p daily its convener for their laboesom wOuld place upon record their appre( ation of the good Work being done our young people, commending thee earnestly to the guidance of the glee( King and Head of the church, mid In. seedling them not to be weary in we doing." The Revs. Messrs. IVIcWilliams o Hamilton and Rumball of Morden Man., were asked to sit as correspond ing members. The former addresse the Presbytery on behalf of the Lord' Day Alliance, and a resolution of corn mendation and endorsement of it work was passed. The request of th congregations of Blake and Bay field road for a grant of $100 from th augmentation fund, was referred to t corrnalittee. An excellent report on church life• and work, based. on re ports from sessions, was read by Rev .Anderson. It was adopted and re ed to be sent to Synod's committe, A minute expressive of the h.ppreci ation of the late Father Oluniquy' Work, was placed in the Presbytery' records. The resignation of the Rev Mr. Muir of Brumfield was acceptec and Mr. Shaw of Egmondville appoint ed as moderator of Brucelield session during the vacancy. Commissioners to the General Aessembly were appointec as follows :Revs. Messrs. Oarriere Martin, Musgrave, Dr. cDonald and R. Henderson, with Elders from the congregations of Brucefield, Blyth, 'McKillop, Clinton and Hallett. The Sabbath School report presented by Mr. Graham of Bayfield expressed appreciation, of the good work clone in the Sabbath •schools of the Presby tery during the past year, and the progress made. The report was adopt- ed. and forwarded to the Synod's com- mittee on S. Schools. Dr. McDonald of Seaforth resigned as pastor of First Church, Sea.forth. An adj 0 tt r Elect m cc t - ng of Presbytery was appointed to be held in Seaforth on the 28th inst. to consider this resign Won, and in the meantime the congregation be cited to appear at said meeting. The Pres- bytery then adjourned. ' eNot to be Yi Led Ageliao Some time ago in the State Of Miebi gan, yeeng and enterprising book agent was the emintry travelling from town • to town, selling a work called "The Burly 1 Christian Martyrs," whioh he sold at .115 1 copy, deliveriug the beoks and eolleating the money as be went aloeg, •• Ile bad been two days in oertain town' 1 and Ilea taken .a fair number a main, .1,1* there, when a little before noon be called c in a grocery stere,whero he found the pro. printer alone The old armor eekod il what he had, seeing from his gmpuln case ). that ho was an agent of some kind, go replied. "I'm taking orders for a work. d called 'Tee Early Christian Martyrs,' and s have maly a few copies loft." e The old man's eyes beamecl with delight d as he said, "Is that so? Why, it wee only a few nights ago tny wife and I wore talk- y ing about that book and wondering how 11 we could got it • Sho wants the be eg and t clo I." The moat delivered him a coPY, e and Os the old man gave him a e6 bill in 11 paynaent, he said; "Now, look here, don't you go over to the house and sell a copy to r my wife, because w0 only want one in the fan., iisr. " Certainly not,' ' said the book agent, a "I wouldn't think ec snob a thine„,' and 8 bidding the old man good. 0, tee, he loft the store. It was t hen 11 :5, e and the train Whioh wal to ; to e Chicago started at la 15 pan, ed be himself, " me I have just tito eopy e to tho old lady and get on the tr ' So he entered the nearest dru e' ,ro, and • getting the home address of the old lean from the directory, ho at once hurried there. Of COW'S% he had no cliffloutty in making the sale, as shwas anxious to get ..ork and having received the $5, he uto..a allhaste to catch the train, The old man came hone e for &inter long s after the book agent had gone. His Wife mune toward him sraillbag ana oongrata lating horself upon having seemed wha she had so long wished ' to possess a Oa; of "The Early Christian Martyrs, H did not smile, however, but swore angrily and muttering something about that ha 1 would fix. him, hurrled (not stopping for ) dinner) in the hoped! reaching the station before the train started for Chicago, think. ing that the book agent would be sure to leave town as soon as possible after this. When he °tune within WO yards of the station be saw from tho top of the hill which sloped down fo-the station that the train was on the point of starting, so, recognizing a friend of his who was nearly at the bottem of the hill and consequently ()lose to the train he began gestfoulating and shouting to him to stop the agent. His friend could only aatch the words book agent, who was smoking a cigar on the rear platform of a car, ana asked him what the old man on the hil wanted. Tim book agent pretended to scrutinize the fig- ure in the distance, of °ours°, knowing full well who he was and what he wanted. In a few minutes,he said,as an idea seem- ed to strike him: "I know; I know now. That is acus- tomor of MIDIS. HO wants a copy of "The Christian Martyrs," and like a fool I never called on him I forgot him. If you want to do hhna good turn," be add- ed, just as the train was going to move out, "you had better tnIte the book from me and give it to him, so he won't be die - appointed. The price is $5." The man gave the book agent $5 for his friend, and took the book and the train started for Chicago • a.. • aaea att„..ee . COMPLETELY PROSTRATED A Quebec Farmer Tells How He Was • Restored from Almost Hopeless Suf- fering to Complete Health. Mr. Wm. Goodard, a well known farmer living near Knowlton, Que., says :—"A few years ago my health gave way and I was completely pros- trated. The least exertion would use nee up ancl make it, difficult for me to breathe. I suffered from headaches, had no appetite, and fell off in weight until 1 was reduced to 180 pounds. Finally' grew so bad that I was forced to keep iny bed, and remained there for several enonthS. I was under the care of a good doctor, but he did not seem to help me. One day a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I procured two boxes. When bad finished them I could. not see much improvement and would have stopped taking them but for the urging of my friend, who said. that in my con- dition I could not expect. to see immedi- ate results. I continued taking the pills *and by the time 1 had taken a couple more boxes there was no doubt that they were helping me, and it needed no farther persuasion to induce me to continue them. In the course of a few months I not only regained my health, hut increased in weight fifty poudds. These resnits certainly justify the faith. I have in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I strongly urge those who are weak and broken down to give them afair More iiteak, and ailing people have been made stroug,active and energetic by using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills than by any other means. They fihl the veins with new, vigorous blood, and strengthen every nerve in the body. Sold by all dealers at 50 cents a box, or six hoxeslor $2.50, or sent hy mail by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Sohn Madden has purchased the farm of Thos. Lyncb, on the 12th concess- ion of Stephen. —One LAXA-LivER PILL every night for thirty days makes a complete cure of biliousness and constipation. That is just 25 cents to be weed. T. J. Berry, of Hensall, has sold the well-known entire horse, "Elevator" to Hugh Bowman &i A. D. Stewart, V. S., of Ailsa Craig. "Elevator" has proved himself a splendid horse in every respect. The Board of directors of the Cent- ralia Batter and Cheese Association met at the residence of R.Hicks on Sat- urday afternoon last, and, after con- siderable discussion, concluded to pur- chase' the building from Mr. Parsons, including the two lots and contents, paying $700 for it. They will prepare at once lo convert it into a suitable factory, •end commence to make butter nt soon as possible. +4414 'DIV SPRING MONINIS. Are most likely to find your blGod impure and lacking in the red cor- • puscles which enable itto carry nourish- ment to the nerves and other organs. Therefore you feel weak, tired and list- less and are troubled with spring humors. Relief is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla which purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood. Hood's Fills cure biliousness. Mailed for 25 cents by C. L Hood 64 Co., Lowell, Mass. :01111drell.:..Ory. for • TORIA. Influence of Concentrated Foods ou mine Often points made by public speakere fail to attract special attention of listen- ers to or readers of their remarks. Mr. Harris of Boston, the expert butter judge, both at the state dairyman's meeting of Vermont and last year of New Hemp. shire, in each place made the point that some of the butter was injuriously affected by gluten meal, and that cotton- seed meal also injured the flavor of but- ter. We invite the ahtentiou of butter makers to this point, for to this opinion more than ordinary weight should be at- tached. The feeding of gluten meal is on the increase among dairymen, while probably more rapidly with milk pro. dueers than with butter producers; yet Ib is a populor food with butter. produc- ers. We regret to note the fact, for gluten meal, next to cottonseed meal, is the richest dairy food on the market in pro- tein, and therefore next to It has Vie highest value for farm fortilleers. Gluten meal oxbeeds cottonseed raeal in the amount of fat it contains, which rises oc- casionally to the heavy amount of 18 per cent,, and generally exceeds 10 per cent. Now as oil or fat has two and one half times the heat producing capacity that pratein has, it will be seen in this regard that its feeding Value is superior to that of coteonseed meal, and on this account, on the vv.hole bas a higher feeding value than cottonseed meal. . But ths very high par. cent. of protein and fat combined makes it what is known among feeders as a heavy food and one of the dangerous foods to feed, except in limited dinounts. Garget and other woes to which cow flesh is heir follow the heavy feeding of this meal, and in giving rise to the off quanty of butter from its influence on health Is manifest in texture and flavor. Very fatty goods do not givo butter fats of the finest granular structure, nor do they give the finest flavored butter. This we believe to be true not only of gluten meal but of cottonseed meal, linseed meal and palm net meta. At the New Hampshire expsrinie,it ation Prof. Whitelier, the nvestign tor, found that gluten meal Arai° ratilier softer butt& than other oods. It is nsetuned bY dairyman that a mall quantity of gluten meal—a couple canals a day—when mixed with Latch oralsas bran or sone food that oats as a ivisok to inaiPease its, bulk, may be fed vvithont any marked or dangerous visible fleets. Cottonseed meal, objected to by Mr. larrls, attects injurionely the volatile aide of butter, and of coarse thereby its SAW. At the same time it makes a hard utter without giving it that flue arent&.. ar structure imparted by omen meal. Tie melting point is vory decidedly rattled, Mounting soy thothnes to 10 dolies.•Ce ocuunt of the influence of those ineais on he value of manure and their angaes• faVorable °float cal the quantitlem f it, a pound or two a dey, If brat), oats middlings enter into the ration; un- ties the class Of gilt-edged butter IS bailiff ado shat draws the ettroneo priori of he market—prices net seotred and, not ttateable by one in a theusentl. Tbose ho aro -making the Belot alms of goods hat go into • the common in arleets abet tat stand next to the procluo0of gilt- clge butter, will no doubt hesitate ter use tiler of these meals, Exact evidenceIs anting to determine even in Small nantities whether it Is advisable tO feed to the heeds of this ()lege of dairpmen, he Value of these foods for the teason atecl Is So great that they should not be holly parted With without closer obser- Ron than We 110w haVO on these fonds, a E a 6 1 11 a ' 1 WELL, KNO_Will, VI01-1141 Traveled Eetenelvely Throueheut the Provinces—Interesting Statements Coneerning His SePerience. STELLARTQN,1l.S.—Taznes -B. Murray, a well known vloliniSt, of this place, who has traveled extensively throughout the Provinces, reakea this Statement waS ranning down in health and my weight fell off from 175 to 156 ,pounds. Prescriptions did me but little good. My trouble was called nervous dyspepsia. I resorted to Flood's Sarsaparilla and after taking fve bottles I Wa$ greatly benefited, I feel as well now as ever in my life, and have increased In flesh so that I DOW' Weigh 177 1)41111(1$, rim well known in this part of the country, having followed my profession, that of a violin musician for the last 26 years. I gladly tell my friends what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. Before I began taking the medi- cine 1(11(1 not have any ambiti ut now all is changed and my. dyspeptic '1, ble perfectly ured.” Ja.xclo 11./rfunuA.2%,. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sar- saparilla, do not be induced to buy any substitute. Be sure to get Hood's. are the only pills to take _with Hood's Sarsaparilla. W1400,1*.knipt. •„MARKET REPORTS. fleeter, March15th,1889. a. heel , -,r bushel ati to 60 ,,are •. .11 to 29 veley• • ift, to 45 Of tO al lItti Ler.. 11 to 14 0• . AO to 10 rkt1y, 9 to 9 t ;(•ese... .. (1 to 8 L'Idvkiii,s per lb ...,.. 5, to 5 [woke •• — .. 7 to 7 wool .. 17 to 18 leave. Appleat. .. — . .. 5 to 0 Perk dressed 84.66 to Sao Pork live weight. ... ..,$3.75 to $3.75 Hay per ton.... ... 8 5 00,10 $6.00 allover seed .... .......• .... .00 to 85.00 Alsike clover - .... ...... 3.50 to $5.00 Timothy seed . . len to, $1.25 London, March 35th, latia Whew Per bash° ,• • — • • '' tas . Barley. ••••• • • • - Buckwheat Rye • Corn................. Boaus ..... Els•gs Ducks Turkeys per lb Goose per ib .. . .. . Chickens ...... ...... 50 Cheese . .. a Potatoes per bag...... 8G Hay per t . on • .5 6.00 to Pork per cert.. .. $4.50 , to to 69 to 28 .5o to 58 89 to 60 to 48 • 89 to 39 41 to 45 60 to 70 14 to 14. 15 to a,a 60 to to 10 to 12 to 10 to 75 to 10 tol 00 $ 7-50 $5.00 • The writer ot a recent book of legal anecdotes has unearthed some curious testimony as to William Shakespeare's knowledge of the English law of his time. , Lord Campbell, a former Lord Chief . justice of England, in the year 1869 published a book entitled "Shake- epeare's Legal Acquirements,” • in which he submitted three -and -twenty of the thirty-seven plays to a etemeathat close examination, !and deduced .therefrom large number of examples' illu.e.tratie e Of legal knowledge or acquaintance with technical terms on the part of the author. Abounding as are these law phrases, points and metaphors, the marvel is that they are always accur- ate and appropriately used. There is never a mistake. "While novelists cual dramatists," says Campbell, "are con- stantly making mistakes as to the law of marriage, of . wills, and of inherit- ance, to Shakespeare's law, lavishlyas he propounds It, there can be no tie - niurrer, no bill of exception, no writ 0e ' Tehrtercirpo2ints of the perfect bulldog as established by the judges of the pres- ent day may be noted. The nose is tilted upward and there are numerous wrinkles on top of the , nose, between the eyes and on the forehead. The loser jaw projects slightly—i.e., is un- aershut. The two jaws and the nos - tills present an extensive flat and rect- angular. surface. The lower teeth are properly even, but loverof the P1C:- turesque often prefer, unevemiess. The head is large and round, thus contri- buting to the general air of solidity. The ears are thin and neatly bent over at the top.. The ehest is very deep and broad: The forelegs are short and straight, not bowed, but the fact that the shoulder's point outward. in the per- fect dog conveys a suggestion of bow- leggednees. The feet are round and ot well proportioned size. The body is short from the shoulders tci the, begin- ning of the hindquarters, and rather thin, or fine, so that there is lightness where there ean.not be much strength. The hindquarters are large and strong, the line of the back and haunches be- ing a bold curve. The hind feet are round in shape. The tail is stralget and gracefully /minted, and symbolize the direct and incisive temperament of as owner. Refreshing Sleep COMES WHEN Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ARE USED. Miss Margaret Brown, 627 Colborne St. LOndon, Ont,, says mother has been afflicted with nervoliellees ansi general debility for a long time. She suffered a great deal with insomnia, and found it ahnost impossible to sleep. "I event to W. T. Strong's drug store and got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve P1118, which she took, and derived so lunch benefit from them that I bought another box for her. They have done her a wonderful lot of good, making her nervous system much stronger, giving her restful sleep, Mid removing many other symptoms whieh previontly distressed her. "I can truly say that thee° ptlis nee a great remedy for any elle l3ufferate ' weak nerves, general debility, sleop-eee- tess or heart trouble." Milburnrs Heart arid Nerve Pills are 50c. a boX:or 8 for.$1.25, at all druggists. I MIMI Makes Rich Red Blood. The Bost Romody for Spring !Reath Weakness. The Blood is the very essence of fife. As it eourses through the system it earl les with it, if pure and riela nutrition to every cell hi the body. a impure, it spreads cli6case. If' thin anti watery, It falls to hence we have weakness, ity and decay. It is the wonderful power B.B.B. has in purifying impure blood, making thin, wetery blood rich and red, that is at the bottom of as marvellous success in curing disease. 'I'hose who are pale, thin, weak, troubled with blotches, pimples or erup- tions of any kind should take 13.13,11. It makes the pale cheek rosy, the skin clear and smooth, and infuses new energy into weak, worn, run down, shattered constitutions. Skin "I bee, to state I have used Clear. Burdock Mood Bitters for im- • pure blood, pimples on the face, Scc., and derived great bonefit from it. My skin is now very clear and free from all eruptions. I only used four bottles of the 13.I3.B. and can strongly recommend it to any person suffering- from impurities in the blood or eruptions of the skin." MRS. G. /3. HELATORE, Spence's Bridge, B.C. Every "I have taken B.I3.B. every Spring. spring now for some years, to purify my blood and keep my system in good order, and can honestly say that I do not know of its equal anywhere." MRS. AGGXE BARNES, Lunenburg, N.S. DR, Low's WoBet SYRUP is a stile, and sure reliable worm expeller. Acts equally well on children or adults. Be sure you get Low's. NO NEED TO suFrER The agony -of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago or Neuralgia, Milburn's Rheumatic Pills cure yOu effectively—cure after other remedies fail , :Price 50 cts., all dealer. ,Mrs. Joseph Langtry, Brockville. Ont,, says: "1 bate used Dr. Low's Worm See:upend I can say that ib done my, children good. It never fails to act promptly. Price 25e. A PHRENOLOGIST SPEAKS. I Prof. J. W. Croute r -writes from Penetangua; shone: "twee troubled with palpitation of the heart which became very !severe. Hearing of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills I determined to try them, and after taking them for about a I week I was cured. As wear:mg glasses Avben you should not, and not, w4, tr, ing them when you shculd, It is a mistake to do lA76' only prescribe p.,11:1,,es ' when they 'WEI be of w - ,c the wearer. -A. large Proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are duo to the uso of unsuitable or improperly fitted glassos. In consulting our Optician you illeUr DO expense and run no ,risk. Mornings preferred for testing at 10 ' rINVINAINAMAMMIIMVINAMMIMAYWVINAINAMINIANWMANWAIWWWWWW681Mair4 -T* wellery etc, • Earn tea valuable Watch, Chain and Charm ey se ling twenty Topaz Scarf pins, at 15 cents each. Send 1;our address and we forward the Pins and our Premium List, postpaid, le e money required. These Pins will almost sell themselves, for die Topaz has ail the brilliance Of the best diamonds, and has never before Peen off,red at anything like this price. The Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fully guaranteed. Unsold Pins may be returned. Ideation this paper when verking„ THE OEM PIN CO., Freehold Building, Toronto, Ont. Tonp Genuine Padlock and Key E I Arcsi'hcoa cill 1 dl: h09:1: o 3114 tranarT send money. .bat your name AY and address on a POST cup, and we will send you 20 packages of AROMATIC CACHOUS, Odelicious con. fecaon to perfume thebreath, to sell for us, if you can, at 5 cents per package. When sold send our.money,51.00, arid we will send you FREE your choice of the beautiful prizes illustrated. Goods return- able a not sold. Mention this paper. f TiSDALL SUPPLY CO. SNOWDON CHAMSSRS To RoNTo. Otrr. 1:1,5 L. cr, 0 tl ta` Saved the baby. "Dr. Fowler's Extract o Wilcl Strawberry saved my baby's life. She was cutting her teeth and was taken ill with Diarr- ii` . tea very adly. My sista advised Fowler's ,I B EST FORTABLE.DAIRY.AND FARM. 1 "Ca..41%."411./tZtt. trouble at once.' Mrs, Peter Jones, Warta a orth, Oat. Strawberry. I got a bottle and it stopped the 1 , . I i of my complete stock going at old prices. FOIL OVER Ellen YEARS. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for , over fifty years by millions of rootherstor their , 0 AN OLD AND WELL-TRIDD RDMEDY.—^Arrs i Em Logs & Bolts i children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gems, allayeall ; path cures wind colic, andis the best remedyi • for Direalmea. It is pleasant to the taste. Soid ! -. • • Aar" 1 in a short time. Buy now at . • bore ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a andbottle. ts value is incalculable. Bo EFE. 1 : Syrup, and take no other kincl. EXErF fold prices and get 4 bargain. , IUndertaking a Specialty. ANOTHER OAR LOAD MEAT NBW Highest Ca.sli prices paid by the SUTHERLMID IIES 00,19 LIMITED! R. N. WE For Ehn Logs, cut 11,18i, 16 and 18 feet long. Also Basswood Heading j RKET BtiS2TONI SAWING DONE I FARME S 1 and 42 inches long. You will find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agrici,1 tural Implements The undersigned has opened up a new nieat market one door South of Garlina's Stero. where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on band. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN 1' riANNING A Man is always In the SWIM If he wears one of JOHN'S neatly fitting Be:is a sure Ram His price° are away dewn. His goods are the best. Call and examine bis goods before buying your -.460......,FALL SUIT W JOHNS, Tailor. W. SCHOOL OPENING A full line, fresh and bright of SUM NOR and every School re- quisite at BROWNING Where the Scholars are always used well Apply at Gould's Saw Mill, Exeter. GUS *WAGNER, Foreman for the RIis,ixt Sutherland Innes Co. BON A HAMILTON LADY Finds Laxa-Liver Pills a perfect cure for Sick Headache. Fullyninety per cent. of the women of this eountry suffer from sick headaehe. Liver disorder and constipation are at the bottom of the trouble. Laxa-Liver Pills cure the headache by correcting the cause. And they do their work easily and perfectly without any gripe, pain or sickening. But tee Hamilton lady we referred to— Her name is Mrs. John Tomlinson. Her address is 107 Steven St. North. This is what she says : "Being troubled with severe head- aches, I was advised by a friend to try Laxa-Liver Pills. I only requiredto use half a bottle when the headache vanished and I have not been troubled with it since." Laxa,-Liver Pills 25e., all druggists. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is the simplest, safest, quickest cure for all coughs ansi colds of children adalts, E'riee '25e. Fin T i rin BLACK'You Nieuwe a, suet vera Often at, this time of the yam'. We are prepared to fit reaout i10 the finest style. Best geality COOdS closee't prices. Wedding Suits a Specialty DERS, MOWERS,ROLLS AND BALL BEARING STEEL SULKY 1/ S A full line of -Seed DrIlis, Oultivators Disc and Diamond Harrows • Plows, and Turnip Drills, . SEWING MACHINES; ETC The celebrated I Knoll Washer Raymond sewing I and wringers,100.,.. 'machine STOVES. Gurney stoyes and furanees. • w gg ns Buggies • Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of tinecelebrated McLaughlin .Buggies. We arc in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let -as show you our stock of 17.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings: Remember .1V0 put i best suit for 810.00 that' %%ix be bought in the county. GIVE VS A CALL. A J. SNELL J, H8 CrevE