HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-2-23, Page 84.41C.ETeia T ,••• CASH or PRODUCE .Cash Store.. ONE PRICE ONLY elv of our leaders in Bt,A,CK, 1.)RESS GOODS. Come and see them whether you want to buy or not. You are, al- ways w43onae to see all that is new with us. $1.50 The Deese end for lovely plain black pure wool serge, a good one. • $1.63 The Deese end for fancy black effects the best low priced black dress we have ever shown. • • 9,1.95 The Dress end for black figer- l'r ed goods. Highest values —new patterns. 2.10 The eiress mid for very ueat black figured goods—new pa•tterns•—and value that is sure to please. (82.60 'rho Dress tIO,1 for new black Brochee effects yery stylish and right up-to-date. (1) 0-) s•- ea -6s 0 0.) • ▪ cd 0 4-a c) es, es ee, — . 1-4 • •-•4 7.4 .4.• • 43 r, --t 0 :"4 Cl2 C) Gt 4-1 • C.) ,„r4 — o eat • - .-, ▪ o cd t•- 4, -Fn- ), cee nee „en 1.0 ese."-4 -tie) e ni te • a ce ea 0 ee spe, PC•1 see, a.) ce E tea 3,95 The Dress end for sore new black goods—sure bar- gaios, ad quite new, $3.50 The Dress end for the new blaclaring around zig-ea effects --s the neweet an most effective goodsinthe trade. $5,(1,0 The Deese end for some of the • most stylish black dresses that we have eyer offered. See them. $5 50 The dress end far extra choice black fancy effects. Just such goods as you might expect te pay $7.00,for. 1o..00The Dress end for neweet black fancy goods, for style, • for quality andfor value, you eannebeat 'eon. $7,00 The Dress end for some yery high elass black goods. Lovely new designs --they are worth looking at. '8.00 The Dress end for our new black novelty goods •' they • are aspeetty as pretty can he $9.00 The dress end for -the richest, rarest and most stylish goods that we have ever shown. - COME AND SEE GUR BLACK DRESS GOODS, YOU'LL NOT BE ASKED TO BUY, WE LIKE TO SHOW THEM. A. STEWART INSURANCE. ERNEST•ELLIOT, Agen for the WSTERN ASSURANCE Coat - PANT, of Toronto; also tor the PricaNrx FIR /NSURANCE COMPANY, Of London. England; the ALLIANCE. Tesnaexce °camerae of Eng and. MEMINIrt=it.10Z,,,V. A.A..14Ari.A=.6137351F253.9021..1.1 For Mardage Licenses, Weelc.lireg Rieteass SieJesaclee, Jlewei av, - - Spec tescaass Etc CALL ON R, HICKS S Many • N -w Faces • Match Repaieieg a-Speeialty. • • The St. Clair river' h.e,Seen,ia'iS -cider of ibe, a. rather serene fea.tirre of the coldest February on pecord. The . Mitchell Spdeting eSsociation atVill. celebrate m4y• 24th by holding D. Campbell, has heen inetr4ted by the Sutherland & Ien'ee 'Co., to go to Exeter and 'remodel their mills there: —Ridgetoevol:Starclqd,, Winan's Cough Beteern, • ft is a, re ia.ble remedy fOr COgla'e, Golds, Bron chitic troubles.. Sole tegnt,ter Dick's Lung Syrup.. • C. Istrr'is Exeter. We have received e eopy of a specie] bulletin dealmgewitinfrniteptilp, issued by ' the ,-..0,ntaridpiutinent of jAgriculture., Send ae4get, a dopy, 'shiets, regular value • 75c ; $1.75 for chilci'sgrey Persian:Lamb ettpeereguler value $3 at Stewart's Big Cash Stbre. . , . , , Are seen in, our, store these clays hunting for bargains in STATIONERY that we feel like congratulating ourselves on the wonderful success of our.sale. People come, in many cases, because advi5ecl to do so by friends. They all buy. • LOW PRICES - DOES THE. 1.111i1HESS. at the MAR • 611?100 MAINSTREET. EXETER. I s'50c each for gentshnlauddried ,(ht Vtitctalt# ? t e• i .,) • 1 • THURSDAY, FEE1RUARY 23rd, 1809 LOCAL HAPPENINGS Miss Eliza Clements, is visiting friends in St. Marys Mart Salter, while packing ice las week, had one of his fingers badl crashed between two blocks of ice. $18.50 for the best black venetian worsted suit made to your own measure at Stewart's Big Cash Store. 15e evil. for roller towels 212 yards long; /c each for pure linen Huck towels/ Big values at Stewart's Big Cash ifore. Th iscourses given by Rev. Chas. Smith ast Sunday, were among the best e er given in Exeter. They were intere tiug, and contained many vaiu- ble lessens. Rev. Mr. .Birks has been invited by his congregation in Stratford, to re- main their pastor during next Confer- ence year. They assure hint their con- tinued hearty support. James Westcott, to -day (Thursday) will shipeascar load of stock to Mani- toba,. Mr. and Mrs.Westcott will leave on Friday for their home in the West, accompanied by Mrs. James Miller, The Town of Woodstock has reach- ed the limit as regards bonasing, and has made enquires about a bill which would permits it to further benefit in- dustries, not any particular industry, but any that it might see fit to bonus, Hon. Mr. Gibson has stated that no such legislation can he entertained. A Woman giving her name AS Mrs - Stevens, and claiming to haye walked. to Stratford from Clinton, was arrested there Saturday night, When arraign- ed in the Poiice Court strong indite - tions ef insanity were discovered, and the unfortunate woman was remanded to Jail Until the proper authorities cold be coinnumicated with. The Directors of the Western On- tatio Cheese and ttitter.Assoeiation at their meeting in Stratford on Monday last, set apart $3,400 for instruction at such factories; and creameries as should apply for it. Vaur tnstructors were appointed. Among them, we •notice the tains Of Geo. MacDonald, , Of IfineYitlel hid territory will comprise the cookitiee of Hilton, Perth, Bruce and Waterloo; he will confine hitt at- tention to the ehtese factories. • AIreNeil perripbell, who has been working loathe Setherlacid Innes Co. here,' left on Monday • 'for G.encoe, where he vill work for the same firm. • Lase:week with weatherat q0 degrees below tero,and this week at 60 degrees above, will give foreignees en idea of •the veriety of weather we get in Can - Ada. • George Hatton has purchased Peter Frayne's eesidence on Carling.se, pay- ing therefer $1,800. Mr. Frayne is desirods ofsecuring a residence nearer his shop, ‘. • Willfam Nicholls, Chiselhurst, had 'two ribs brokerewhile drawing hay lately. • The load epset and he went • the epposite way, falling on a runner of the sleigh. • • Carling Bros. are showing: a very fine line of ladies' kid gloves in green and tans. They are the sole agents in Exeter for Miller's Glovinefor cleaning kicl gloves. 6 pounds best cooking figs for 25c; ouncls best evaporated peaches for 25 uart sealer best clover honey for 30c alf gallon sealer best maple syru r 50c, at Stewart's Big Cash Store, If the Doulehobors can play hocke fast enough to get into the race fo a championship, they will find that martial exercise in Russia is mild anl bloodless compared, to winter exercise in Canada. , John Whims:or, of St. Marys, was afflicted with -paralysis on Feb. 4, and for a time hiseacoversr was despaired of, but hd is now • improving. • His daughters, Mrs. Johns and. Mrs. Crocker are with him. The wedding of William Redden and Miss Amelia Cudmore, daughter of John Cudmore, was solemnized at the residence of the bride's father on Thursday last. The ceremony was performed. by Rev, John Ball, of Kirk - ton, in the presence of the more inti- mate friends of the contracting par- ties, Ting Timis joins in extending , Messrs. Murray & ,Tait, have dissolv- ed partnership. Mr. Tait has taken over the moulding department, while Mr. Murray will coaduct the repairing department. We are pleased to learn that this arrangement has been effect- ed, as Mr. Tait, we understand, was about to leave teWn. He is too good a citizen to lose, and his decision to re- main here will be learned with pleasure by 1118 many friends, At &joint Meeting Of the Ladies' Aid of Ames' ;Street MethOdiet eltureh and the Ladies' Missionai'y Auxiliary, heist on Friday evening last, Mrs, David Spicer Was presented with an address by each society, haying been a valued member of beth. Daring the evening • ahmelieon wadeervedafter whielishOrt addresses werelivon by several gentle', men present. ' 11 -expressed :regretat Mr. and Mrs. Spider leafing the ttAfti and church, Nit Wished. theoi, God- speed in their neWhOnte in th"antrorcl, F. VS/ .C./01.11US 1,10,S resign. - ed his position as Assistant Pesoness ter for Exeter, owing to ill health. His place has been taken by Warren Ross, Mr. Collins will seek some mat -door employment, whiell may prove more c,3n4eiliiii to ins health. In CLAS$ .--T11101.101 the inde- fatigable efforts of the Council the Underwriter's Association have betel. 'mimed to place Exeter in class E,, inSt eitd of caws F„ of the Meat -arms seised tile. Thee will give the tnerelients and. others insuring in steels companies, Cheaper insurance than when in ease F. Cenno.—On Tuesday evening the members of the Exeter Fire Depart- ment assembled in their hall, and pre- sented Davicl Spicer with a gold head- ed cane, as a token of respect. Mr. Spicer has been a valued member of the company for a number of years, and his departure for Brantford is re- gretted by all. The presentation was accompanied by a flattering address. THE Ceatesrvan.—The Carnival on Friday evening last was a success, not- withstauding the soft weather. The ice was in poor condition. The atten- dance, however, was large. Follow- ing is the list -of prize winners: Gents' eharaetee costume, R. B. Samwell, as Highlander," Girl's Fancy costume, Miss • Eva Snell, as `'Morning State" 2nd, Ella Heywood, "Stars and Stripes;" Gents' conic cos- tume, -; Czar Rollins, as "Japanese • Buffoon;" 2nd, Fred Gillespie, a‘Pate.ne Medi:hie Man." The two-mile skating race was won by Lorne Cann, 2tid Bert Howard, 3rd Czar , Rollins, but wtts deelared off on account of a foul,. The linekey match between Die Senior and Junior teams, resulted in a tie -1 to 1. IL I • 0 • 0 • F. CONCERT.—The concert givee on Monday evening by the Ox- ford Musical Club, under the auspices of the' Independent Odd -fellows was largo! y attended, by citizens of Exeter and surrounding villages. The enter- tainment was one, of the best given in town for some t ime, end was appar- eutly enjoyed by all. The cornet solos Mr. Rel °weld were s u perb, while t he select ions on the trombone by Mr. Procter weee well rendered. The vocal solos by ICorman and Thrasher were also of a nigh class "and brought forth ninth Applause from the audi- ence. The descriptive selections were also enjoyed and were exceedingly well portrayed. On the whole the concert was one of the •best given in Exeter for some time, and will fully sustain the reputation of -the Society in placing -on the boards nothing but the best. While the attendance was large, the society came out with but a small balance, the expenses for such an, entertainment being large. South Perth election will be held on Tuesday, n'ebructey 28, Alexander Cameron, ofaljtchell, is thinking of going west in fIle spring. • The election in West Huron Tues- day resalted in the election: of Robt. olmes, Liberal by 100 majority. Wm. Dickson, of fhe 7th con. of Mina, brother of Jas.. Dickson, County Councillor and ex -reeve, diedl'hursday morning. Following are the license commis - signers for North Perth. • George Ger- don McPherson, John Way, William Seebring. -.Ed. Hanhana St. Marys, has com- pleted the purchase of MeLarty's Hotel in Meaford and -has teken over the management. • • . Mise vary Brown, Logan, aud Williant B. Le-versage, of Carlingford, were married last Tuesday by Rev. T. W. Holmes, of Mitchell. • R. Berry, Blanshard, delivered a log at the Woodham sawanill last week which measured 5 feet; 6 inches in diameter and made 1007 feet of lun,ber. Rev. Mr. Cunningham, a former pas- tor of the Mitchell Methodist church,is his many friends will regret to learn, ser-iously ili, suffering from ;consump- tion. , Andrew McLellan,' Hibbert, sold 7 head of three year old steers, which averaged 1285 lbs, and for which. was paid 4S cents per pound, or a total of $136.17. The Bell Telephone Co. offered to pay Stratford, $200 a year and give the city the use of one telephone in re- turn for their franchise. They have accepted. John Hedley, who recently sold his farm in Hibbet•t, has. rented Wru. Weir's home, "Oadzow Park,' Church street, St. Marys, and will take pos- session in a couple of weeks. On Friday last. when using his straw cutter Mr. Robert Jamieson, of Russel - dale, had the misfortune to get his right hand badly crushed. The two middle fingers were amputated. W. White, of Prospect Hill, had the misfortune to get seyerely injured while loading logs in the hash. The horse' in drawing the log on, upset the sleigh and log both nn Mr. White. Robt. Ward, Motherwell, has dis- noosed of his farm to Mr. Ross for $5,- 000, and purchased the old homestead farm from his brother for $6,000. Mr. Ward gets possession about the middle of March. E. Condon, for several months past proprietor of the Gladstone house, Stratford, has sold out to IL J. Miller, of Topping. Mr. Miller assumed charge Saturday night, For about nine years Mr. Miller owned and managed the hotel at Topping. Mr. and Mrs. Con- don have returned to their former home in Hamilton. • It appears that the movement on the part of the County Council to have North and. South Perth reunited fog registration purposes will require an amendment to the Registry Act or a private bill, the memorial to the Legis- lature, which has been signed by War- den Ilssy arid County clerk Davidson, not being sufficient.- A bill has been prepared and presented, Mr. George Kreamyer's handsome new brick house in Fullerton, whieh eost over $2,000, came near being .de - strayed by lire on Saturday evening, The plasterers very foolishly lathed the chimney right rip to the stovepipe hole and a big lire beteg on, the laths caught fire and in a little While the thanes spread and caused damage to the extent of neatly $000. Partially inteited in the. Hibbert and lishorne Ode ." iekard Co. New Goods/ New Goodso We have just opened up a big lot of NEW GOODS among which are a rimhber of lines which we bought,at prices very much below regular values. Our customers will get the benefit ofthese reductions in every- caSe. Ask -to see these spechl lines New heavy Tartan Plaid Dress Goods in a huge varietyof shades and colorings. • 20 yards for Si 00 88 inch Factory Cotton, nice even finished goods a big snap 25 yards for 8/.00 30 inch Factory' Cotton, good weight, no knots or black spots 20 yards for 81.00 40 inch bordered Apron (iing- ham in a variety of ,colorings, a bargain - *•10 Yards for Si 00 • Striped Flannelettes in various colormn.s, just the thing for linings - • 30 yards for 87•00 A big lot of Prints, slightly damaged by Water, regular price, 12Se per yard. ••• yards for 75G • Another lot of more seriously damaged Prints, but still useful, 10 yards for 50G A lot ofTesdies'PrintWrappers , regular prices 85c., $1.00, •$1.25, alt sizes. • , Your choice for 65c A lot of Ladies' Blouses, new styles, regular prices .75c.,, $1.00, • 11 ' •Arochoice for 6 & 0G Ask to see our D. & Corsets for 75c ••• Ask to see our' • Jubilee Corsets at - - .50c Ask to see our Towellings 5' yards for - .25c Ask to see our White 'Quilts Great value for 00c • Ask to see our • Heavy Black Cashmere Hose at - •- • 25e Ask to see our • 15c • Boxes of Paper Sz Envelopes. Ask to see our Grand Assortment f -Back and. side Combs. Ask to see our NEW DRESS GOODS • Our stock is lovely. Ask to see our • New Dinner Setts Our yalues surprise you. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. Highest market prices ;paid, Direct Importer:3 P e rs °nal 1Vie nti n. Miss Louisa Sweet ,is visiting friends in London. Dr'. Carisphelhontarich, was in town on Monday. - J. C. Mellis, of Seaforth, was in town on Sunday. - R. II. Collins has slightly improved since our last issue, . Mrs. W. H. Leyett is improving from her late illness. Mrs. (Dr.) Ames does nor improve in health and strength. Mrs. W. Pickard,of S.,eaforth, -is visiting Mrs. Geo. Kemp. Miss Bawden, of Lacers, visited friends in Exeter this week. ' Miss Elliot, of Mitchell, is visiting her sister Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson. Miss Ada Treble is visiting her sister, Mrs. Roger Crocker, in. Toronto. Miss , Maud Jeckell hes returned home from visiting friends in Aylmer. Miss Mettle White left on Monday for Toronto to attend the millinery openings. Mrs. II. Sariewell, who last week underwent a surgical operation is im- proving nicely, , Miss Edith Sanders left on Saturday last for Toronto where she will spend a couple of weeks. . Dr. 11. R.. Abbott, of London, has been appointed soperintenclent of clinics by the Ontario Dental Society. Mrs. H. Levett, has returned home to Parkhill, after spending a week with her daughter Mrs. W. H. Levett. Misses Horne, Miller and Morlock leftfor London and Toronto on Tues- day, to attend the enillinery openings. H. Hooper has returned from Toron- to, where he attended the High Court of the A. O. U. W. as a delegate of the Exeter lodge. We learn that 112V. Dr. Pascoe, of Wingharn,is seriously ill,and that Mrs. Pascoe is so low that there isnot much hope for her recovery. , Norman Creech returned to Brant- ford on Tuesday, having been called here to attend the funeral of his de- ceased brother, Willie. George Balsdon, of Dakota, who has been visiting friends in Exeter and other parts of Ontario during the past few months, intends returning tohis prairie home in about two Weeks. Miss Davis, at one tinie a milliner at R. Pickard Co's, left, for Dakota last week to reside with her unele,SamtteI S. Davis, Dakotrs' rnillionaire wheat king. They will Spend the balance of the winter in Florida. "J. W. Browning, who had his arm broken recently was last weele laid up with aii attack of in grippe. He was saying time by having the grip eorne on while forced to remain at home with the broken aeon Mr, E. H. McKenzie, of Goderich, at present looking after the praetiee of It H., Collins during hie Hitless. As a student Ur. McKenzie was artieled with, Messrs, Garrovr & Pro adfoots of Goderich, and wag until recently itt partnership with Sas. Scott, of Olin: ton. II6M1110.1ild6111•••• OYSTER Strpvnit.—All oyster supper is arranged for by a special committee of the Royal Templars to be held on Monday evening, March 6th. Each member of the society is asked to bring one or two, friends or, visitors. Each members will pay 10c and 10c for each friend or visitor that he or she invites. There w111 be an interesting program presented. We want a full house and alarge turn out of members, those frozen ones whose zeal dies with the corning in of winter. Come out to our revival service on the above night. Emma PENPIALE, Rec.-Sec. Miss Sarah Clements, of Winchelsea, is on the sicklist. The diphtheria patients are recover- ing steps were taken to prevent the spread of the disease. The remains of the late John Moores - head were interred in the Exeter cemetery on Friday last. Mrs. Jones, of Exeter North, while walking along the sidewalk en Friday evening last, slipped and fell, dislocat- ing her hip. She will be confined to her bed for some time. • The C. P. R. and G. T. R. will run the neat excursion train to Manitoba on the first Tuesday in March and then every Tuesday during March and April. "That will do it," is the pulpit, topic announced by Rey. Chas, Smith for next Sunday niorning's service, and in the evening his subject will be "A Fatal Sleep." Messrs MeDonell & Co. will ship two car loads of horses to the British mar- kets next week, leaving Exeter on Tuesday. G. A. Turner, of Brncefield will also make it shipment of a ear load. Mr. Stock, the Liberal candidate for the provincial Legislature in South Perth, is of German parents, born in East Zorra, and has for many years been connected with politics in the con- stituency. William, Mies Sadie and Mary Ban- nerman, 14th con., Logan, left Friday Lor an extensive tour to visit friends at Motherwell, St, Marys, London and other pointe. Wel wish • them a very pleasant Dine. Thos. E. Greenevood, Of Douglas, Manitoba who formerly lived in Fuller- ton, hasnet purehased from the G. N. W. LandCO., the south half of/0,11,16. This leaves him owner of about 8,300 acres, about 1,500 acres will be sown in wheat this spring. Citizens of South Perth are very much elated over the fact that Mr. Monteith, the pride of South Perth, is once more the Conservative candidate for the riding, and that he is henna to carry the Conservative banner to it huge victory on Feb. 28, The people are not taking much stock in the Lib - 1 candklate. Deteetive Picard, of Montreal, sort - in -law of Thos. Vale, of Elirnville, eV, bile ort duty In that City one evening last week, was shot in the wrist by a member of a gang of roughs. The assailant to doubt shot With murder- ous intent, but the detective notieing their movements, jumped to One side, simply receiving the charge in the Wrist. The toughs escaped and the detective was taken to the Hospital where he still Ilse, with not much irn. provement. SOring Announcement NEW DRESS GOODS We have just placed into stock a very fine line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods consisting of new cloths and new designs. FeYeeneirluebdderesg ts n g shades 40 inches wide.... 250 Figured bffaelaistres in new patterns • . 25c • Colored Lustres 42 in. wide ... 30a Fancy two shade effect Dress Goods. : ....... 50c easeees..............................sesseasesaaaesaan 1 Plein blk Lust,res fine finish 25, 40, 50 & 60e, a yard, • Black Sergedress goods 5,85, 10, 45, 50 & 75c. a yard. 131k Rep. Cloth Dress Goode hi new patterns 40 & 50c a yard, • : Feeley bile Crepons at 85, $1.00 & $1,25 a yard. We also carry a very- fine lino of Black Cashmere Dress Goods, in Blue and ,jet Black, at 40,60, 60, 75 and$1.00 a yard. We sell .1 lb bnnches of white Cottoilg, 12;lca bunch,. This week we have placed into.steek the last shipm.ent of • • .N'ew Prints .so now We are showing a very fine range of print and Fancy„Ginghams.. You are invited to call and inspectthese goods fOr, yourself. Highest 'price paid for Produce. Butter lie, Eggs 14e, Potatoes per bus. 40e • CAIRILING 0.1;10 510.;110INAIROILYNONCOSI' ZRAMIC111111193% A Important to Parties Building. Cali or write and Get • Prices. - We Are in an exceptionallygood position this year to qnote prices on all Builders Hardware as we • Have Bought Cements, Barb Wire, Plain Wire, Wire Nails In Car Lots We are holding - the prices on the above goods the ' saindaS Before the Heavy Advance At the first of tbe year. We can atunwill give you surprisingly low prices on CEMENT'S, WIRE NAILS, LOCKS', BUTTS, HINGES, ETC., We have also placed an orderfor a large shipment; of Glass from the 014 Country In all sizes and will also be pleased to quote -very low prices. • We make even leever prices on Eavetrougla, Gain; Iron Work, Metallic Shingles, 'Furnaces,. Etc. When tendering for the entire contract. . • ILBISHOP Sc. SON. eNo: cts. the,Exeter Ta ry. Seaforth has established a ft library. Good hard wood wanted; apply a TIMES Office. st It pays to deaVset Stewart's Big Cash. Store. Wheels have again taken the place of runners. It isn't only the wicked who walk in slippery places these days. _Rev. B. L. Hutton, Of Dungannon has beeninvited to remain a third year. • Sailor Boy Jopan Tea 25e;Mexa,watta tea 30c ; Monsoon Ceylon •tea 25c, 40c 500 at Stewart's Big Cash Store. A. Burritt & Co., Mitchell, are goin i to the manufacture of ladies' under- wear in addition to their large hosiery business The Parkhill highschool hockey team defeated Ailsa Craig Thursday by a score of 10 to 2, thus winning the championship of North Middlesex. The school will, in all probability, en- tera, team in the 0. 11. A; junior series next year. A inovernent is on to build substruc- tures, the superstructures, poles,wires, rails, cables, tracks and other property of street railway, telephone, electric light and power, water, gas, telegraph and other such companies assessed as real estate, as part of a going concern, and that the basis of value thereof should be the same as any real estate owned by a private owner. • Mr. Colwell is moving from Bruce - field onto the farna recently purchase(' from the estate of the lete John Wal- ker. Alexander . Mustard, of Brucefield, recently sold a heavy draught gelding', • five years old,to T. J. Berry,oftlensalls or $140. • Benj. Gray, an employee at, the chair ,factory, at Wingham had the points a his fingers on the right hand cut badly on Tuesday afternoon, while operat- ing 0, saw at the above factory. ! 1YOILIVIS BOTHERED BABY. "My baby suffered terribly with worms. uSed one bottle of Dr. Low's ' Pleasant Worm yrUp, which accomplished the. purpose for , hich it was intended, and cured him, „lift's. , . M. Messccar, Watford, Ont. EXTENSION OF BUSINESS. Having perehased the Exeter Mills Iwe are now prepared to do general gristing and chopping. Flour whole- sale and retail. All kinds of grain bought. Grain delivered at first eleva- tor paid for at Mill:office. Flour and feed delivered to all parts of the town free of charge. SOO cords of wood wanted. Hard er soft. COB131..EDICK & ' are W TREVETI-116K C01111111NG elanelnele. Look out for • our ENGLISH • GOODS next week, impo r t eel direct. esesseteeets. SOME:OF. THE eery choicest sekctions. VVill give particulars in next j• P' CLARKE Staple and rancy. Kindly favor ae wth a part, of your , . trade and we wIiI endeavour to please YOu • • We sell Exeter an Hensall Flour. Apples, Potatoes Bran, Shorts, Chicken Feed 4n.cl Oil Cake, Sarnia, White Coal Oil Troyethick