HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-2-23, Page 5Money To Loan frOM 4 7,. APPIY to ELLIOT Sc GLADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, &a., Main St, Exeter Money to Loan. We have molimited private fonds fer Jana.. nt 1,1pon farm or village property o4t ktwese rates o lamest. _ D1CIC,S. & CARLING, Exeter. T_T ICINSIVIAN, L. D. $, _AND R ICINSMAN, 14, 1). S D.A. S,,Honor Graduate of Toronto:University, Dentist. reeth extracted without .pain or bad after effects. Office an Fan- sou's block, West side ef Main, Street, Exeter. UB ANDOSON. (0 I Si0,, 'S) DBINTIS'1', , Honor Graduate of the Torento.Univereity. alai, Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All Bridge work, Crowns %and Plato . work clone M the neatest possible Manner. A, liarmlese anesthetic for painless extraction, The strictest attentipiegiven to the preservat- ion a the natural teeth, Office, opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. • Farms for sale • 4. few good. f arms for sale cheap_ ;Money to lean, Apply to JOHN SPACKMAN Business Chance The general agency rights of "Our Native 'Herbs" (Alonzo A. Bliss Co, Montree2, for' Minim andSoutheenDivieion of Perth, eY' I be oold immediately •and on easy ' terms as „health tomes me to leave the country, Well laetablisliedand 'Profitable business. 'It ortyesix: sub -agents at Work. Call or address, A.., Shea, Coleman SteSertforth. N. B. Persons indebted to me will Please • -forward at ODOR. NOTICE. The Men of Elliot & Gladman Barristers, Solicitors cte Main St. Exeter, having been clis- Solved by the death *.Mr. B. V. Elliot, I will continue to earry on the businees at the same Offices. All outstanding accounts are to be "mid to me and I will discharge all the liabilities. of the old. firm. F. W. GLAIDZIAN' Exeter 71h February 1899. /VW...WO P•11101100...,........... AUCTION SALE SHORTHORN CATTLE ----ON— WEDNESDAY9 MARCH DTH9 1699, - at 1 o'clock, p. ni. SD head, 20 females and 10 bulls, our herd has • produced more prize 'winners during the past ton years at the leading shows in Canada than Any other herd in tho Dominion The last 0 lsires used in the herd were all Toronto first •prize winners. .Weare confident a better lot of cattle has not been offered for many years. Terms:—.1.2 mouth's credit on approved papers. 1/ocation,5 miles southwest of Paelehill station, G. T. R. Teams will meet, trains evening before • and morning of sale. • Oatalogees sent on e.ppli- oation. CaptelT. E. ROBSON, R. &S. NICHOLSON, Ilderton, Ont., e, Sylvan, Ont., Auct. Props; WANTED. Fifty teams, by _the . •,Stitherland for drawing ,elm Jag's:off .10 t 'rand„,94pAhe 5th concession of Hay-, apply tie' GUS WAGNER. , Gottld's saw. mill, Exeter. ANTED!. Elm Logs & Bolts BxekreR. Highest Cash prices paid by the SUTHERLAND INES 00.0 LIMITED For Elm Logs, cut 11, 13e:, 16 and 18 -feet long. Also Basswood Heading Bolts,21 and 42inches long. CUSTOM SAWING DONE •• Apply at Gould's Saw Mill, GUS WAGNER, Foreman for the Sutherland Tunes Co. ItilOVED 'laving moved one door north of The R. Pickard Co's. store we will. keep a good selection of 1Pleesas anal gireiltedt Also Poultry and genie in season. .SAUSAGE AND BOLOGNA •Beef Sold by the QIIRTIDY ----DEALER IN— deee2 Calf Lamb and Sheep Skins. Note the adOress, one door north of The R. Pickard Co's 'store. LOUIS DAY FRCP. FREE�t We give this fine watch, and also a thain and charm for selling two dozen LNVER COLLAR BST - TONS at 10 cts. each. Send' your address and we forward the Bu tto n s, postpeid, and our Premium List. No money re., quilted. Sell the But, ens among your friends, return the money, and we send the watch, prepaid. A genuine Amettean watcht gumanteed h good timepiece. 11ehotion this paper when writhig. LEVER OUTTON 20 edesalde gt. I. Toronto, Ont. .1 OBITUARY. white child borti in the Totvoelsip of ' Nissouri, having lived in the tewnsiliP Mrs. O'Dennell, of the 10th con„ of Bidclulph, died on Friday, F43b 10, at the age of 63 years, Died in Wingham, on Tuesday, be, loved wife of Rev. Dr. Pascoe, The remains will pass through Exeter on Friday morning, en route for St, Thomas, for burial, Mrs, Jas. Erivin was buried in the J3itylield cemetery on Wednesday last. She died on Sabbath eveoing, Feb. 12, aged 79 year, Her hueband prede- ceased her several years. Wm. Ker, aged 18, son of Rev. Robt. Ker, of ' St. Catharines, formerly of Mitchell, died at, 'Walker ton last week from spinal meningitis. was clerk in the Merchants'. Bank in that place. East Zorra lost, one of its oldest and moot respected residents on Saturday night in tbe person of John Burton, who died at the residence of his son Gedrike, lot 24, con. 12, East Zorra, aged 83 years, On Sunday George Crossman, one of the pioneers of Hullett, passed into the Spirit World. He had reached the ri pe old age of fourscore years and had borne his share of the toil and hard- ships inseparable front pioneeving, The death of Mrs, J. Cameron aged 92,f Brucefield, cast a gloom over the • emionunitY on Sunday last. The funeral on Tuesday, we's-largely attend- ed. Mrs. Cameron Was one of the pioneer settlers and endured the hard- ship of bye -gone days. _ • One of the eld pioneers of London township, in the person, Of Mrs. Miry Rodgins, \vile of the late Henry Bud- gins,died at the home of ber.sen-in-/aw R. D, Stanley, Granton, on Thursday, the Oth inst. iseeeased had attained to the ripe old age. of 84 years. Ailsa Craig Bannee:—"The sad news was received on Tuesday of the death of Rev. D, L. Dewar, formerly pastor of the Ailsa Craig: and Carlisle Presby- terian churches, at the home of his mother. at Glen Sandaeld. All will • deeply sympathize with Mrs. Dewar and family in their sad bereavement." Ashfield community was shocked afew days ago by the entirely nnex- pected death of Hngli Girvin, but an equally sudden death occurred on Fri- day, J. Drennan, a well known man, sprang up the other night with a shriek of pain, and almost before help could reach him, he bad expired; -he was married man, and leaves a ife and small family, ' AlexancleeMatheson, one of the old- est setelere of Mitchell, passed quietly away ma TueSclay morning. Ile had been ailing for many months, and the prevailing troubles, which are proving fatal to so inanY -Ol& people these days, ceased him to fail rapidly until the end came. Re was 77 years old, and came. to Canadafroni Rosshire, Scot- land, in Auguste1854, settling in M it- chelPApril 1856,, . There (lied ore the galleon. of Stanley township ,on Sunday, 'February 12th, -tele out fhp. Siffigaloiarnterreltet late William Burnett. Deceased was 84 years of age.Pneumonia had set tied in after a prolonged attack of la grippe. She had been living on the old homestead with her son, Geo. •13arnett. She feavei behind her a family of two sal:1st-end three daughters to mourn their lois. • On SaturdaylaVeithe •spiriteof Mrs. Curigiton fSpoxiley passed quiet- ly- -away ate the; advanced age of 93 • years. She 'had been ailing for a long time, scethat her,eleath was not unex- pected. The deceased Was a natiye of Perthshire, .7Scotlaud, she, , with her husband and family, coming to ',this country many years aproz and settling on the farm on Which -She died, which was then a wilderness of trees. • .. The death of one of •°Or' oldest and most respected citizens of Seaforth in the person of. William Lee, occurred on Saturday last hi the 89th year ot his age. •Deceased was a native of Tiperary, Ireland, and came to this coantry when a young man and set- tled on lot 16, con 1, McKillop, ,clear- ing up an excellent farm, which he worked until about 20 years ago when he retired and lived in 'Seaford]. , • Mrs. John Cook, an old resident. of Clinton, is dead. aged 73. Her husband - died jn Irelal end thirty-eight years ago she came te .enerica.With her ,fam- ily of two sons lee, ,sne daughter. Af- ter living in Bostoe a decade, they came to Huron county, and for twenty years she has been a reeident of Clin- ton, living with her sse e. George and ‘Taines Cook. • Her (.!;4 er. • Mrs. Catharine Cook, of :Melee,.... WAS at the bedside when death epee. „ The cold hand of death entered the home of a Goderich Township reeeles: and called away Mrs. J. A. Bur relict of the late W. Burnett, on See - day last, the 12th inst. rs. Burnett had been taken down with t grippe, settling into poeuneonia, with.) after some ten days' duration card ,1 her away at the age of 84 yeal s ansl 1 month. She hail. been living Nvith 1., r son George on the homestead, coneee- ' sem 7. The death of an old settler and pio- neer of Stanley township, in the per- son of George Crossinau, passed away on Saturday afternoon last, at the age of 80 years. Mrs. Ceosstnan died about six weeks ago, and exnetly one month later Mr. Crossman was taken sick. He was a man who generally enjoyed good health, and the hardships' he ex- perienced as.an early settler, had little effect on him. Ilo was a native of Devonshive, England., and came to this country in the•early forties,settling on the lot on which he died. On Wednesday Mary A„ relict of the late John Ueell, died at the resi- dence of her daughter, Mrs. Upshaw, Clinton, at the age of ,55 years. Mrs. Thell Was ben) hi 'the 'year 1844 in the township of Gbcletich, of Englieh cles- cent„ her parents coming from Eng- land, ahd residing in Huron Co. She lived in the township for some 15 years en the 4th 'eon., then removed to the' 9th con.; same township, for some other 15 years, when She remov- ed to Clinton. About 25 years ago she was Married to .Telin Uzelle who pre- deceased her 15 years ago. Mrs, Nancy Nearwhose funeral took place on Tuesday- from her late resi- dence near Cherry 13 -rove, was the widow of the late Cornelihe Neat arid a daughter of the late Clawson Bur- gess, who was the first settler in Nis- souri, He took up the west half of lot 213, in the dth °eon. of Wed Niseenri, Willett at that time formed part of the County of Oxford this was fir the month of Inne4 in the year 1819. In the month of December of that year Mrs, Near was born, being the first Mrs, Barnette, wife of Rev Mr, Bur,. nette, Methodist minister, Ashtoo, died from heart failure while prepar- ing to undergo an operation. Mrs. John Fleurscbeutz, of Egmond- vine, died on Wendesdey evezzing of last week. She had been ill for Some time with eongestion of the lungs end being advanced in years her system W8$ unable to throw off the attack. A telegram was received io Mitchell • Saturday, bring -Mg the melancholy news of the death ot MrS.Thrank White at $ault Ste. Stevie. Mrs. White left Mitchell nearly a year ago. Besides her husband, she, leaves two children Wiln will lose the Care of a mother. Petee Cole, of Goderich Township, died last week. He Was a native of Ireland and came with his parents to Toronto when but two years of age, and from there moved to Goderich Township, where he settled in the an - broken fors:4st, and there hewed out for himself a beaetiful bome. He was married to jape Miller in 1846. Tames Wright; of the hardware firm of James Wright & Co,. London, died Obis residence there Wednesday evening, atter an illness of nearly seven months. He had been in poor health since July last, but it was not until November that Bright's disease had •worked such ravages upon his FACTS ABOUT HEALTH it is Easy to Keep Well if We Know How---Sorne of the Conditions; Necee- easy to Perfect lieaith, The importanee of maintaining good health is easily understood, and it irs • really a simple matter if we take a CPT- reet view of the contitlons required. In perfect health the atomactt promptly digests food, and thus preparee nourish- ment. The blood is employed to carry this nourishmeneto the organs, nerves, muodeo and tissues whica need it. The Ant great essential for good health, there- fore, is pure, rich blood. Wow 11 18 cer- tainly a feet that no medicine hue such record of cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla,. It is literally true that there are hundreds et people alive and well today who would have been M their gravers had they not taken Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is dex)ended upon' as a family medicine and general regnlator of the System by tens of thou- oando of people. This is because Hood's' Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure. This is the seeret of its great success, Keep your system in good health by keep, your blood pure with Hood's Sareapari 'a, whioli absolutely cures when other medi- cines fail ta do any geod whatever. r..1„,„,,i „. I L., are 1130 only pills to take u g- With TrOOd'S Sarsanar.. system as to compel him to take to hie MARKET REPORTS. bed. Since that tinae be steadily con- tte'sink. Ilifolias a rdi Till Mrs. Lawman Used Paine's Celery 00111110Iiild. The Only Medicine That Gives True Strength and Keeps the Body Nourished A Lette,r that Tells of Trials and Sufferings. A new and Joyous Existence Ex- . • perienced After Use of the • Wonderful Medicine. Mrs. 11.1. E. Lamont:en, of Wood- stock, Ont„writes as follows regarding .,13,4_4_124.1.19.12....9,1p_Rftmins and agony: "After serieus it my duty to acknowledge the great good that I have derived from Paine's Celery Compound. No living mortal can inaagine the • sufferings I endured for four months. • Thav demon ‘La, Grippe' got a fast .hold on me; I became nervous, and Nos so prostrated that I emild net sleep night or day. "1 *as reduced•to a mere skeleton, and life beettrae a burden. My appetite was very poo, and 1 was so extreniely nervous that I could not bear to have any person in the room with me. "One Sabbath afternoon I read one of your books, and found that Paine's Celery 'Compound had cured many people. I thought I would try a bottle. and bought one that afternoon., and. conmienced to take it according to di- rections. The relief was almost in- stant. I continued the use or the Corn - pound, with tbe result 'that I can now sleep well all night and feel. rested when nem nip g cornea, My appetite is good, I arn gaining in flesh,' and feel like a new person. "I cannot find words to express my gratitudefor your great Paine's Cel- ery Compound, and for the wonderful cure it has brought about., I am 73 years of age, and can now walk five miles without feeliug very tired. I am telling my friends and neighbors who are sleepless and suffering as I was. I wish you unbounded euccess, and lope this may be read by some one who is afflicted and amcious for relief." IlEillin=121,015411=11:1 MYRTLE OUT The best Smoking Tobacco' iq Canada. It is Virginia Lu; f, selected, sun cured, maa, 1-)y- men in the cleanest Factory in America. • CHILDREN'S COUGHS QUICKLY CURED. • Hardee keep the children from catch- ing run out of doors not propeely wrapped --get wet feet—kick the bed clothes off at tight. What's mother going to do about it 7 Mustn't neglect the children's Coughs and Colds—might efal itl Croup—and Croup end fatally or weaken the lungs for life. Most mothers now give their children Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It's nice to take, and mires all kinds of Coughs and Colds more quiekly and effectually than any vemedy known. Mrs. 11. P.„ namere, Parry Sound, Ont., writes: "reeve used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syran for Coughe and Colds of myself mut else of my baby. fini it always mires a Cold quicker than Any other Cough mixture 1 ova tried." Price 25e. LAxA. Cure constipation, biliousness siek heaclehhe end dyspepsia. • Evoey pill geieranteed perfect LIVER td act without any grip - PILLS Oftge'etws,4125°11e.thagor t dsgtigegnistitiarl. Exeter, February Und,1899. Wheat per bushel ,.. .e8 to 69 . .. , .28 to 29 Barley„..„ .. , 40 to' 45 Peae,...... - . 60 to 61 Batter. •. .14 to 14 Eggs 14 to 11 Turkeys • 9 to 9 6 to 8 Chieicene per lt, .... , 5 to 5 Ducke' ..... ,... 7 to 7 Wool.............17 to 18 Dried Apples., . ., a to 6 Pork dressed . • ......$4.65 to $.75 Porte live weight.. .........$3.75 to $3.75 Hay per ton. .. .. . .• ...,$ 500 to 86.00 Clover seed .... .... .... .... ..$4.00 to • Alsike clover ..... ... ..... ..... 83.50 to 85.00 Timothy seed ..... .. .... . .... 31 70 10 London, February 22nd,1819. Wheat per bustie ,.. .... —.68 so 69 Oats.. . ....27 • to 284 Pea oe to 58 Barley. . 39 to 50 Buckwheat • ....45 Id 48 Ite , .. 39 to 39 Corn . 44 to 45 Beans 60 • to 70 Butter .... . .... 14 to 14 Eggs . , .. .. ,.-15 to 16 • Ducks .„. • • 60 to 70 •Turkeys per I.... 10 to 12 Geese peril)' ., 9 to 10 Chigkens . 50 to 75 Cheeee5 to 10 Potatoes per. nag .86 tea 00 Hay per ton •.$ 6.00 to $ NO Pork nor owt.. ... 84.50 to 85.00 LIVESTOCK MARKETS , Montreal, 'Feb. 21.-- The receipts at the east end • abattoir this morning were 400 bead of cattle, 40 calves, 25 sheep and 50 lambs. The attendence was very good, and prices were firm. ...q,egt....eattle sold at 4c to 4cper Ib; lower grade's at 2c ta•es,P,P,Tn lb ; calves sold at $2 to $10, itccOrnm'g itiSize/fa. sheep, brought from 3c tO &-c per lb for choice, and'hillls from 20 to 2ac per Ib; lambs solt-T- ht from • Ce:e to 5c per Ib; hogs soldvat $4.10 to $4.80. GRXIN MARKETS TorontoaOnt., Feb. 21.—Flour quiet, with prices -steady; straight roller in wood quoted. at $3.10 to $3.20 west bran firm. at $12.50 to $13.50 ; shorts' $14 to $15 west, and $16 here; wheat quiet, with feeling irregular ; little offerings White and red held at 69c to 70e; goose firm, at 710 to 72c low freights; No. 1 Manitoba hard nominal at, 700 Rut William ; ab 78c Midland and Owen &gond, and at Sic to 82c Toronto freighteNo. 1 northern quoted at 78e Toronto freight; oats steady, , with white quoted at 20e to 29ic north and west, and at 301c east; peas sold at 136e west, ancl at 67c east; rye Steady at 56e west, and at 57c east; buckwheat, at 490 to 500 outside ; cern quiet and easy, with Donadian quoted at $5c west, and new American at 41c to 42c here. Barley quiet, with No. 1 quoted at 46c to 470 west, and at 47c to 48c easItO Montreal, Feb: 21.--Flour—Receipts, 1,100 bbls ; market quiet and unchang- ed patent Winter, $3.80 to $4 ;patent spring, $4 to 51:20 ; straight roller, $3.40 to $3.60 ; extra $3.10 to 53.30 ; superfine, S2'.40 to $2.60; strong bakers' CHATIT/141 LADY Tells How Her Health °Arne Pack, There are too many women who gaffer dreadful beckon/1es, pain in the side and headaches, who are weak, nerv- ous azul run down, whose life, energy and animation seem gone, Here'S 0e. lady who was cured by tateauesos HEART AND NERVE Mrs.MaryBordeatiiKleg St., Chatham, Ont., says: "11101' Sozne menthe X have beers alaietecl with nervousness and general debility. Going upstairs would • produce a great shertimes of breath and it tired, eicheueted feeliug. I had palpitation and llnttering of the heart, and for months haVe not been well. or strong. 'Until I took Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, I almost despaired of it • cure. 1 have only taken one full box, and now feel splendid. • • Illy nerves are strong, eh the heart troubles are eempletely removed, the shertness of breatb has vaniehed, and the constant tired out, all.etone feeling is a thing of the past, It IS needless to say that X esteem this remedy the best in the world for heart and nerve troubles." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are ii0s. &box or 3 ter 1,25, at'all druggists. filiSs Philips, of Seaforib, is no v freight tlerk at the G. T. R. station; St. Maus, and Mr. MoDeugall, who held the oositiou for three months, leta been remeieel Lo Niagara,. • There is no one article in the medicines tiest gives so large a. reil.rn for the 'money as it good porous "strengthee tog plaster. such as • Car- ' ter's Smart ed sold Belladonna Back aebe PI iseere. F. Goebel of Mitchell intends 'start- ing up a kesitt ing factory at.New Ham- burg, to Manufacture hosiery, etc., -which will give employmeot to about twenty -live or thirty hands. cry.f' T. -0 it AS K L.a•Z. FOR There ucts aThir As Nvoqrin.' oils4( • you 81100 Id uot, and. 0; It Jug it is a iniStiiko to do, either. We only twesc,rii)e giitsses when they viI1be — to 'tho wearer. A. large proportion of the eases of painful eyesight aro due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses. riIsil_ Iii our Optician a you incur no expense and run no Mornings preferred for testing a T FITT N'S. • Jewellery store. ° • Au. 14 Sfyle and Stamina Cannot be expe_efed in a horse which is `ruia down,"—"out E Sorts', through impoverishment of the blood —but build ep with Dick's Blood Purifier and he has bcith. It • all the impurities iu his system and fortifies it. .ls good and his spirit is high. It aids digestion-- giveS'g his coat --brightness to his eye—vim to his • actbu. •louble his usefulness and value. SC CENTS A Ra...ascs. TR'IAL SIZE 25 Currs. 4.• DICK & CO., PROPR1£Toas. • LEgrAirie, MILES & CP.., MONTREAL, AGENTS, vvc.pe•-••••,. WilAMNAMII*WeAsii4iiisMIAIWAWATINAININAMIWWWWIMAttylirl. ‘c As)7 BEST FORTABLE.DA1RY.AND FARM NEW MEAT VUIRIVET The undersigned has opener'. -.0"cn eat in new roe,. eare'croor • 8011111 Garling's gore. , where -bo will keep the' choicest of meats constantly nn hand, A. CALL SOLICITED JOHN T rIANNING All accounts due. me must be' settled by ca'sh or note. before February 15t11, 1899 WITHOUT FAIL. etteetiesereetes. will give special bargains until that date FULL STOCK ON HAND. Undertaking:a Specialty. R. N. HOWE 3.80 to $4;Ontario bags $1.70 to $1.80. Wheat—No 2 Manitoba...hard 76c to 78c ; corn, 44c to 46e; peas, 70c to 72c; oats, 31e to 33e; barley, 55c to 570; rye, 60c to 62e; bUckwheab, 52O to 53c ; oatmeal $1 70 to $1.80 • cornmeal, $1 to 51.10; pork, $15 to $15.50 ; lard, 7c to -8c ; baton, • 10c to 11e; hams, 10c to lle ;. eggs, 14c to 16e. • FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. • AN 0,LD, Nb WELL -TRIED REMEDY. --MTS -Winslow's Seething Syrup had' been used for over fifty years by millions of noothersfor their, children while teething, with perfect success., It soothes the child, softens the gains, allays all pain,cures Wind eohe, and is 'the best remedy for Diarrhcea. 11 45 pleasant to the taste. Sol by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be euro and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. They Reach The Kidneys, Mr. Conrad Beyer's opinion DOAN't KIDNEY PILLS. No one can be healthy with the kidneys in a diseased or disordered state. The poisonous tirie Acid which it :is their duty to filter out of the blood, is .earried into the system. and "prodeeee Blietuna- tisrn, Headaehes, Backaches and hun- dreds of ills and ailments. Any ono whOhas Ibe slighteet suspieien that the kidneys aro not acting right should take Doan's Elfiney Pills. They are filo most effective kidney remedy known. Mr, Conrad Boyer, at E. K. Snyder's Shoe Store, Berlin, Ont., beers this out when he says: "Anyone stiffeling with kidney troubles tanuot do hotter than take Boan'e ihd- ney Pills, for they cured my wife who has been afflicted with pain it the ' inid ether.' kidney troubles for time. They.#11AVe helpod a great many of tuY aeqUanitanees in this town, and I must Say they are the medicine that reach the kidneys with the boot effects," A Man is always in the SWIM , If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting , • SUITS lieLis a sure fitter. • • His prices are away down. His goods are' the best. • Call and examine his goods before buying your SUIT JOHNS, • The greailloir•' SCHOOL OPENING' A full line, fresh and bright of SCHOOL BOOKS and every quisite at • BROWNING'S Where the Stholars are 'a ways iised well School re - EARN A W C C,4 Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and Charm by selling twenty Topaz Scarf Pins, at 15 cents each. Send your address and we forward the Pips and our Premium List, postpaid. /4-0 money required. These Pins will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of the best diamonds, and hasnever before been offered at anything like this price. Tke Watch is treat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fully goatenteol. 'Unsold Pins may be returned. Mention, this paper when vrriting. • . . THE GE111 PIN CO., Freehold Fading, Terento, Ont. ANWIAMIMPARBIFIMMTO, Genuine Padlock and Key eseeeeseeeefe I A Solid told Shell Ring Chain eracolet ON'T send money. Just your mato, and address on a POST CARO. .4 we will send you 20 packages of AROMATIC CACHOUS, 0, delicious con- fection to perfume the breath, to sell • for us, if you can, at 5 cents per package. When sold send us our money, $1.06, and we will send yon FREE your choice of the beautiful, prizes illustrated. Goods raturn. able if not sold. Mention this paper. TISDALL SUPPLY CO. SNOWDON CNAMBERS I TORONTO. ONT. • • DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP i expelling all kinds of Worms. No need of giv- le the nicest and naost effective remedy for I FAR -ameba infiallYtAthltlICVIeldift . agy takes out Swelling and Inflammation quicker, than any other remedy. Price 25e. fug ,tote We would recommend those suffering f1.0111 COUt4ITS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WIN'S CoUGFE BALSAm. It is also • a reliable renaedy for children. We manufacture WINAN's LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy •for NE'ORALOli, PAINS, SORE THROAT. RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. • Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. • • Try our Lotion for scratches on horses also condition ow- der for same SOLE AGENTS FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. C LUTZ ne Tailoring You require a BLACKsuit very often at this time Oi the year. We aro peeeared OM you out in thelinest style. Best enality Coods closed DVECOS. Weddfn Sui s a Spacialtst A .1 SNO:.,, , riatemzezL..-- Zou will find at Hissetfe Wareroom • the following of A.grican total TmpIeniente • N.ct DERs, MOWERS,ROLLS AND•BALL BEARING STEEL SULK r S A.full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disc and Diamond flarrowe Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES. ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVES. -4$0!---- Gurney stoves and furattees. waggons Buggies• Bicycles. The Cha,thata Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Thiggies. 6 I-412 Winter 0 \ We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let 11.8 Show you, our stock of 17.00 Fancy Worsteds in Al the newest colorings. Pernembor we put up the best suit for $10,00 that can be bought in the county. GIVE, US A CALL H Criev