HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-2-16, Page 5„El ,E8 X El , . „ .MART REPORTS. Oxoter, Elebruery 16th,1899. Wheat per bushel ... b8 to, 69 28 to 29 -42 to 45 Pongee..., 62 to Butter-- -14 to Pggs.:- 16 tee .furkejs „ • ”.. - 9 to Illieetio Chickeps per lb ...... ., .... 6 to 66 14 16 9 8 7 to 7 17 to 18 DrIedApples' POrk.dressed . • 4.65 to $ .75 Perk live vreight, „. , ,,, 3.75 to $3.76 Hrty per ton.. , .,..... . . '5 00 to $6,00 Clover seed -.. ; • • • :.. .00 te $6.00 A.lsike clover .. .. 3.60 to *5.00 Timothy seed .. • ... 1,70 to $1.25 London, February 16th,1899. Wheat per bushe....68 co 69 Dane -27 to tta Peas Barley • -.39 to 50 Buckwheat ... .46 to 48 Bye ,..39 to 39 Cein 44 to 45 Beans • 60 to 70 • Butter.... 14 to 14 Eg gs • -.15 to 16 Duoks 60 to 70 ........ Turkeys per Ib.... 10 to 12 Geese per tb 9 to 10 Chickens.... ... • . • 50 to 75 Cheese., ., " 8 to 10 Potatoes 'Per bag..............tol 00 Hay per ton ..$6.00 to $ Fart per cwt.. $4.60 to $5.00 UNABLE TO WORK. jos. Currier, Victortie Harbor, Ont. writes; •".1 ha11Rheumatifen in my knees, feet and el. bows so bad I was nimble to Work. Nothing -did ma any good till I goelVfilleurn's Rheumatic leins. One box and (e. half completely cured, AFTER GRIPPE ' Tho heart awl nerves aro often weak, the "Blooe•watery,aiad the whole system debilitated. Nothing will restore the health and. strength se quickly aa,Milburies Heart. and Nerve Pills. "Thousand§ hayafeend them the very rernedY• they needed. Price Mc., all druggists. aussaasswiliasse, voscucces Money To Loan At from 4i to 5%. Apply to ELLIOT 8z GLADMAN, 33arristers, Solicitors. &o.,,Main St. Exeter Money to Loan. We,havounlimited private funds for invest- ment upon farm or village property at lowest xateteeif interest. DICESON te CARLING, Exeter. TT KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND JeL• DR. A. It KINSMAN, L. D. 5 0.0. S., Honor Graduate of Toronto 'University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or i bad after effects. Office n Fan - son's block. West side of Main street, Exeter. DR. ANDESSON. (D 0S L 11. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of tho Toronto FUniyersity, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Gut:trio. .A.11 Bridge work, Crowns and Plate work done in the neatest possible manner. A harmless aniesthetic for painless extraction. The strictest attention given to the preservat- ion of tne natural teeth. Office, opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont, Farms for sale A few•good farms for sale • cheap Money to loan. Apply to JOHN SPACEMAN Farm for Sate Con. Si, lot 4. itlanshard, 103 acres of land in estate of good cultivation, well underdrained, S'acres bush, 500 rods board and wire fences, d young orchard, frame house 30x20 ft. • hen 26x18 It., barn 86x36 ft., wagon -house Itx22 ft., and other out buildings, hard and soft enter very convenient with windmill, within miles of post office, school and church. Fol. -farther particulars apply to the proprietor, THOMAS THOMPSON, Woodhain, P. (D. Business Chance The general agency rights of "Our Native Herbs" (Alonzo A. Bliss Co Montreal), for Huron and Southern Division of Perth, will be mold immediately and on easy terms as ill- Itealth forces meg to leave the country. Well iel3tab1ished and profitable businese. Forty-six sub -agents at work. Call or address, A. 11. Shea, Coleman St., Seaforth. - • N. B. Persons indebted to me will please forward at'once. 4,414,444.44,444444 NOTICE. The firm of Elliot Sz Gladman Barristers, Bolicitors &cMaui St, Exeter, haying been dis- solved by the death 341.711r. B. V. Elliot, I will continue to carry on the business at the same einem. Alt outstanding accounts are to be amid tome and I will discharge all the liabilities of the old firm. F. W. Geeriaraer Exeter 7th February 1899. AUCTION SALE sit4ORTIH011IN CATTLE On Wednesday, March sth, ism, at 1 p. 20, head, 20 females.and 10 bulls, our herd hs• . :produced more inize winners during the .past ton years. at theleading shows in Canada than any other herd hi the Dominion. The last 6 tires used: in the herd were all Toronto first riteeeinners. We are confident a better lot of attle • has not been offered for many years "Terms.. -12 month's credit on approved papers. ;location, 5 miles southwest of Parkhill station, G. T. R. Teams will meet trains evening before and morning of sale. Catalogues sent on open- -cation. Caper'. E. ROBSON, B. & S. NICFIOLSON, Ilderton, Ont, Sylvan, Ont., Amt. Props. WANTED: Fifty teams, by the Sutherland Lines Co., Limited, for drawing , elm logs off lot 8 and 9 in the 5th concession of Hay, apply to GUS WAGNER. Gould's saw mill, Exeter. WANTED! Elm Logs & Bolts EXETO IligheA Cash prices paid by the SUTHERLAND INNES COI, LIMITED For Elul Logs, eut 11, 134, 10 and 18 feet long. Also Basswood Heading Bol, 21 and 42 blade long. CUSTOM SAWING DONE Apply at Gould's Saw Mill, EXet0',. GUS. 'WAGNER, Poreman for the Sutherland Innes Oo. Huron County Notes Mr. Robert Ager. of Morritedied last vveek,of pneumonia, aged:06 yeers. The orangemen or North Huron will celebrate the 12th July in Wing. ham. H, 0, Bartlet bas sold his furniture business in Clinton and intends going to Galt to live. The Bell Telephone Co, will extend their line to Httylield via Goderich in the eerly spring, . A. M. Todd of the Goderieb Star is 01 with a congested lung, follciwipg an attack of the grip. David Gadke, the new proprietor ("f the red mill, Seeforth will be in sliape for business next week. 3- W. Hill his bought out the grocery .businees of John McMurray, who has .an idea of removing. from Clinton. Loftus Stark ha e purchased the stook and business of the late firm of Stark Brothers, Seaford', and will continue it on as formerly. Mrs. 0, Rouse, who died at Lanes last week. was a daughter of Thomas East, of Hullett, and lier remains were taken to Clinton for interment. Rev. H. E. Mason, formerly pastor of the Wingham Congregational church, has accepted an invitation to become pastor of Georgetown church. Principe,' Plummer, of Blyth, son of W. S. Plummer, of Clinton, is lying critically ill. His school room has been . closed all Week, owing to his illness. ' Alfred E. tark, senior member of the firm of Stark Brothers, Seaford), died in the hospital atToronto, on Fee. 4, aged 33 years He leave9. a widow and one child. My friend, look herel you know how weak and nervous your wife.ireend you know that Carter'sfron Pills will relieve, her, new why not be fair about it and 'buy her a box ?. Thomas. Kelly, ex -reeve of Morris and latterly treasurer ot Brussels died at his home in Brussels on Feb. 0. Deceased was a fine old gentleman and possessed many. friends Miss Helen Dickson, daughter of Mrs. John Dickson, of Roxboro, Mc- Killop, has recently graduated as a nurse at Harper hospital, Detroit, winning a gold medal and her diploma. .4 wedding was celebrated at the parsonage in H,ensall on Monday after- noon, of last week, by Rev. W. E. Kerr. The contracting parties were Mr. James Ornhilt and Miss Mary Mc- Cann, of near St. Joseph. Robert Dennison, having sold his farm. in Usborne, has purchased the interest of Mr. Wilson iu the grocery and meat business of Wilson & Me - Naughton, in Seaforth, and intends going there to live, and will join Mr, McNaughton in the besiness. Word was recently received by his father, T. L. Lavin, of Clinton, that his son William Charles had met -i)ith a serious and painful accident the latterpart of December in Chicago at a wringer manufactory_ there. His right arm was crushed so badly that amputation was necessary at the Fanny Lair, relict of the late W. Storey, died at her residence on the 14 con„ Mc Killop, after several weeks illness. The deceased, who had reached the advanced age of 88 years,only sur- vived her husband a couple of weeks. At the time of her husband's:death her life was despaired of, but she lingered on for a short time. - The residence of Herbert Crich, Tuckerstnith, was the scene of an in- teresting event on Feb. 1, when his eldest daughter Nettie was united in marriage to Robert Douglas, of Wal- ton. Only the near relatives of the con- tracting parties were present and Rev. II. Newcombe, of Clinton, officiated. The young couple left immediately for their home near Walton. James Fair, sr., Clinton. died at his residence Wednesday evening. Short- ly after noon, and while apparently in the best of health,Mr. Fair was strick- en by apoplexy, aud sank rapidly. He was one of Clinton's best-knewn and most respected citizens, having been in the 11 >ar mill business for the last 30 years. Lie leaves a widow and fam- ily of five boys and three daughters. At Seaforth ;,„ on Saturday night last, when the tele; erature was around 30 below zero, fire le:, ,ke out in the second story of Dick's Central Hotel. The building being frame, it very rapidly succumbed to the flame. and, together with the contents, wee n !most totally destroyed. The preeee proptietor, Mr. Kling, had been I I possession only two months. Insure lee, $3,000, in Waterloo Mutual. On Feb. let a banquet was teneeeed Dr. Agnew, of Londesboro. prin. to his leaving for Germany to pursue lee studies. About one hundred and fifty 'invitations were issued by the commit- tee, and nearly every one me, fielded to the invitation. Supperlaras ser s ,e1Vroui 7.40 in the Massey -Harris war- i ooms and was opened by the Rev. Nr. Ham- ilton. The tables were very neatly decorated and loaded with all the good things customary to such occasions. St. Marys and Fergus won in the semi-finals for the Ontario Tenkavd, and in the tinsels the trophy went to, Fergus by 19 shots, the score being St. Marys 29, Fergus 48, This is tua unusual experience for both clubs, the winners having secured the Tankard for the first time in the history of the elub, while the saintly curlers have held the trophy oftener than any other club in the association. The Huron House of Refuge cern- mit tee,cotupoSed of R,Miller,chairmat Warden Cook and Messrs. Torrance and Snell, met at the Hotel Clarendon on Tuesday; W.Lane,county clerk, and Inspector W. Coats met with them. It was decided to raise the windmill 20 feet,so as to avoid the frequent break- ages, also to build it driving shed and ice house combined -the building to be 24x40, on 11 ft.posts,and fleored above. The itspeethr was authorized to plant nuiple trees and evergreens where desirable. Mr. Jas. Love, of Hills Green had an adventure a few days ego, whichmight have resulted more Seriously. Mr. Love was swamping out loge on the farm of Mr e John Cochrane, of the Parr Line, Hay, when the them which be was driving became Unmanegeable and etarted to run amity with the log. Xn some way Mr. Love was thrown with great forte on the log, and to which his elothes lieettine feeto the bOrees et the Same time going at a furionS rate, In sointi way he got heed front his perilims pOsition, and altimegh tiensiderably shaken tie and bruised, he is not seriously inpared, and. is now able to be around all right. On Saturday, 4011 inst,, a sad gloom was east over AMberly, on hearing of the death a Lizzie J., second daughter Of Jr, F. and Mrs. McPherson, who passed away at the early age of seven- teen years and four months. A very happy eVent took place on the 1st inst., at the Rectory, Bayfield, when john Marshall, jr., and Miss Louisa Johnston, second daughter of Jas. Johnston, both of the Bayfield Line, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. The Huron District hockey cham- pionship series game at Seaforth, Saturday between Clinton and Sea- forth,resulted in it victory for the home team by a score of 9 to 4. The chain- picinebip now lies between Goderiell and Seaford), each team being tie, On Sunday morning, Feb. 5011, the people of Bayfield learned with regret of the death of Margaret, relict of G. Bates. Samuel Heisey, a farmer living a few miles east of Linwood, in Welles- ley, has suffered a heavy loss, In- spector Campbell, of Berlin, was called on January 31st, and pronounced some 12 OP 13 of his hogs to he affected with cholera, and ordered the whole herd, compriping some 71 pigs, to be slaugh- tered, end the pens torn down and disinfected. ' - Following are the Mimic i pal officers in Clinton with their salaries ; Clerk, W. Coate, salary, $250; treathrer, Wn. CoatS, $100 ; aseeseor, T. Code, 860; day constable and collector, J. When t ley, $410 ; night watchman,. E. n, $250 : cemetery superinten- dent, IC Reynolds, $300 ; chief engi- neer, Jacob Miller, $50 ; stoker, Albert Seeley, $20. The cold hand of death entered the /Rime of Simon Mitchell, of Wirighain, on Sunday, Feb. 5, and called away Clara, his. beloved wife. Mrs. Mit- chell bad been ill for many monthsend had auffered great pain. Deceased was a daughter.of John Allanby, of Wing - ham, and had resided there with her husband for a number of years, com- ing from Listowel, where the family resided. William Dixon, a resident of Wing - bean for the past six years, died some- what unexpectedly at his home the other day in his 75th year. The deceased took ill with la grippe, from the effects of which he died. He had been a faithful employe of the G-. T. R. for upwards of 35 years, and in all that time had never been once late for duty nor did he lose a single day's work, outside his ordinary holidays, He had resided in London, Hamilton and Niagara Falls, removing from the latter place to Wingham some six years ago, and during his residence there has lived retired. He was of a quiet disposition, Baptist in religion, Conservative in politics and was high- ly esteemed by all who had made his acquaintance. Deceased leaves a widow and two children - Mrs. A. E. Lloyd and Wm. II. Dixon, of Wingham, to mourn his loss. TOU:N!! IT If You Would Avoid the Troubles and Dangers That Stomach Derangements Bring On. ---- Pa.ine's Celery Compound Ban- ishes Every Difficulty and Restores 'Perfect Health. Stomach troubles are exceedingly common and varied in character. To day thousands complain of stomach derangements. Stomach difficulties are usually manifested by poor ap- petite, foul tongue and breath, putrid or bitter taste in the mouth, a desire for acids; some have headache, sleepy feelings, constipation, inactive bowels and vomiting of food and bile. Victims of stomach troubles manifest low spirits, despondent mind, and have fears of impending. danger. It ,matters not what the symptoms are; any of; them indicate low nerve force, end point to the fact that the digestive system is out of gear and the blood in an unhealthy condition In order to avoid the many dangers of indigestion, dyspepsia and general stomach derangements, Paine's Celery Ofimpound should be used when any o.' the many unpleasa,nt symytonts thee lead to trouble are experienced. A few doses of nature's health restor- er will quickly set the digeseive mach- inery of the body in perfect running ,1rder, and good health will be main - et ieed. • If it be that you have long neglected the tee-110)1es that have become deep eeated and chronic, do not despair. The faithful use of Paine's CelerylCom- pound for a few weeks will, without fail, banish all your sufferings ; your appetite will become natural, your rest and sleep will be refreshing, and your food will enrich your blood, making bone and muscle, end your health Will be as rugged as ever before. • -.-__ Has it ever occurred ' to you that No Tobacco burns so long in the pipe a. OLD RELIABLE As cheap as the Cheapest and the, Best. F Left Prostraa weak aniA Run Down, With Heart and Kidneys in Bad Condition - Restored by Hood's Sarsaparilla. of was very mach run down, having been siok far Pevoral months. I had been trying different remedies which did me no good. 1 would have eavere spells of coughing that would leave me prostrate, x waa told that 'ray lenge were affected, and MY heart and kidneys were in a bed condition. In fact, it seemed as teough every organ was out of order. I felt that something must be done and my brother advised nae to try. Hood's Sareaparilla. I procured a bottle and began taking it. 13etore it was half gone I felt that it wag helping me. I continued its use and it has made me a new woman. I canuot praise it too highly," Mus, Sereteneet- VILLee 217 Ossington Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Get only Hood's, because Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the heat -in fact the One True Bleed Putifier. Sok4 by all druggists. 41, six for $5. jig s Fills U. are purely vegetable, re. Hoo Liable, beneficial. 25c. itifitienee of Colman trated roods on 111111c. Often peints made by public speakers fail to attract special attention of listen., era to or readers of their remarks. Mr. Harris of Boston, the expert butter judge, both at the state dairyman's meeting of Verenopt and last year of New Hemp. shire eaoli place made the point that some of the butter was injuriously affected by gluten meal, and that cotton- seed mearalso injured the flavor of but- -ter. We levite the attentiou of butter makers to this point, for to this opinion more than ordinary weight should be at- tached. The feading of gluten meal is on the 'nominee among dairymen, while probably more rapidly with milk pro. dneers than with butter producers; yet it Is a, popular food v,eth butter produc- ers, We regret to note the fact, for gra. ten meal, next to cottonseed meal, is the richest dairy food on the market in pro- tein, find therefore next to it has tho higher& value for farm fertilleers. Gluten meal exceeds cottonseed meal in the amount of fat is contains, ivhioh rises oe- oasionally to the heavy amount of 68 per cent, and generally exceeds 10 per cent. Now as oil or fat has two and one half times the heat producing capacity that preteln hes, it will be seen in this regard that its feeding value is superior to that of cottonseed meal, and on this amount, on the whole has a higher feeding value than cottonseed meal. Bus the very high per cent. of protein and fat combined rnakes it what II known among feeders as a heavy food And one of the dangerous foods to feed, except in limited amounts. Garget and other Woes to which CONT flesh is heir follow,the heave' feeding of this meal, and in giving rise to the off quality of butter from itsinfluence on health is manifest in texture and flavor. Very fatty goods do not aive butter fats of the &mit granular structure, nor do they give thSfinest flavored butter. This we believe to be tete not only of gluten meal but of cottonseed meal, linseed meal and palm nut meal. At the New Hampshire experiment stiition 'Prof. Whitcher, the investigator, found that gluten meal made a rather softer butter than other foode. It.is assumed by dairymen that a mall quantity of gluten meal -a couple pounds a day -when mixed With Buell foods as bran or some food that acts as a divisor to increase its bulk, may be fed withopt any marked or dangerous visible effects. • , Cottonseed meal, objected to by Mr. Harris, attects injuriouSty the volatile acids of butter, and of course thereby its Savor. At the same time it snakes a hard butter without giving it that fine granu- lar struoture imparted by corn meal. Its melting point is very decidedly raised, amounting sometimes to 10 degrees. On accuunt of the influence of these meals on the !sine of manure and their unques- tioned favorable effect on the quantities of it, is pound or two a day, if bran, oats or middlings enter into the ration, un- less the class of gilt-edged butter is being made that draws the extreme prices of the market -prices not secured and nol attainable by one in is thousand. Those who qui snaking the finest class of goods that go into the common markets and that stand. next to the produoer of gilt - edge butter, will no doubt hesitate to use either of these meals. Exact evidence is wanting to determine even in Small quantities whether it is advisable to feed it to the herds of this class Of dairymen. The value of these foods for the reason stated is so great that they should not be wholly parted vvith without closer obser- vation that( we now have on these foods. FOR OVER FIFTY VICARS. AN OLD AND WutipTatED REMEDY. -Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of rnotherstor their children while teething. with perfect •success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be bum and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Seething Syrup, and take no other kind. They Reach The Kidneys, Mr. Conrad Beyer's opinion ---0P— DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. No ono can be healthy with the kidneys in a diseased or disordered state. The Poisonous thie Acid which it is their duty to filter out of the blood, is earried into the system and produces ilhounka- tistn, lioachtelies, Backadhes and hun- dreds of ills anti ailments. Any ono who has the slightest suspicion that the kidneys aro not acting right should take Doan's Eldney iilip. They are the most effective kidney remody known. Air. Conrad Beyer at :CeL Snydor's Shoe Store, Berlin,'Ont., bear this out when be says t ' Anyone suffering with kidney troubles eannot lo bottar than take Dotm's Ma- teY Pills, for,..iley citrod my Wife who Lis boon afflicted with pain ,n the back Intl other kidney troubles for o'lee... time. Thoy have helped a great eon,' of my netrtuuntance's in this towi,. and i mast say they aro the rnedieine tbat taltaelt Cho kidneys with the best effects." - Permano.n...„.. Cure of Chtonic. Perhaps you've suffered with conenva.. tion for years, tried all the pills and 'pure gatiyes you ever beard or t•end of, without getting any more relief' than the one doe of the medicine afforded, Then you were left w‘liee than before, bowels bound harder s.t ever, the con. stipation aggravated ineteed of tired, All the miseries of c .ation-Head- ache, Siek Stomach, 1. e„ less, Pimples, Eruptions, Blood Humors, i Jot piles, Piles, and a thousand and one ote Tills crowded back on you again with red ei bled severity. • Wouldn't you consider it a blessing to be cured of your constipation so that it would stay cured? So that a repetition of all the suffering you have endured would never come again? Burdock Blood Bitters can cure you -cure so ths.t the cure will be permanent. That's where it differs from all other remedies. It makes it thorough renova- tion of the whole intestinaltract tones , , the bowel wall, acts on the liver and stomach, and causes all the digestive and secretory organs to so work harmoniously and perform their functions properly and perfectly that constipation, with all its ettendantsickness'sufferingandill health, become a thing of the past • Miss Arabella Jolie, living at 99 Carriere Street, Montreal, Que., bears out all we say in regard to the efficacy of Burdock Blood Bitters in curing constipation per- manently. This is her statement: For over a year I suffered a groat deal from persistent constipation a:id could only get temporary relief from the various remedies I tried until I started using Burdock Blood Bitters. I =thank- ful to say that this remedy has completely, and per. rnanently cured me and I have had no return of the constOation. DR. Low's Womil SYRUP is the simplest and safest remedy for expelling Worms of all ,kinds. Contains its own Cathartic. Price 25e. Children Orv for AS K "..*; I-Oi- wearhig glasses whe you should Dot, 1).11(1 not wear- ing them. when you should. It is a mistake to do either. We only prescribe glasses when they will 'be of use to the wearer, A large proportion of the eases of painful eyesight are due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses. no riIsnkoonsulting our Optie,ian you incur no expense and run Mornings preferred for testing at d11111••••=.1[1•401.. T. FITTON'S, Jewellery store, 0440414+44,0**.o.e..44,14,..)04,00.43......‘,O1D.0*'04140•410.•400 • t Prevention of Crue ty • 4, 1 o Horses • Malay e poor horse, utterly run T 43 down by impoverishmeet of bleed .'e N ...,-..-... 'and its accompanying ills, is blamed ..7.,,..L.41 The luazsnoefss and hanble treated. IN It> e. ).il, • !i:,,,,,s,„::Ii ee" would fortify him to endure fatigue ,• t te, DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIE• R*. 4,. would', strenghthen such an one, e" enable him to accomplish ivortgLs. .-1 wiehout loss of tissue and make him a cheerful, willing worker. * -- 01` 1i Pays '., use Dick's Blood Purifier. It greatly increases the flow and rich- 2: • ness at a cow'. milk.4 •to ' eo CENTS A PACKAGE. TRIAL erns 25 CENTS. & 4 q LEEa MILES &, CO„ Agents, Montreal. DICK & CO., Proprietors, I st6i....,...,—.........,.........4)..,-0..t.4646444.44.0....4 4 BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY,AND FARM NEW MEAT MfIRKET The undersigned has opened up :• new meat market one door South of 6ar1ina'5 Store. where be will keep the choicest of meats constantly on band.' A CALL SOLICITED JOHN 'T rIANNING NOTICE! INIMINIMMIKOM•011 All accounts due me must be settled ,by cash or note before Februarylath91899 WITHOUT FAIL. ^elbena.,1115v.311., I will give special bargains until that date 4.14. FULL STOCK" ON HAND. Undertaking ra Specialty. R. N. ROWE A an is always in the SWIM If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS Ele:is a sure fitter. His priceo are away down. His goods are the hest. Call and examine his goods before buying your ..diss....,FALL SUIT W JOHNS, The Tenor SCHOOL OPENING A full line, fresh and bright of SCHOOL BOOKS and every School re quisite at BROWNING'S Where the Scholars are always used well EARN A WATCH Wig Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and Charm by selling twenty Topaz Scarf ping, at 15 cents each. Send your address and we forward the Pins and our Preeitum List, postpaid. N.., money required. These Pins will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of the best diamonds, and has never before been off•eedat anything like this price. The Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fully guaranteed. Unsold Pins tray be returned. Mention this paper -when writing. THE GEM: PIN CO., Freehold Building, Trronto. Ont. rtiMiNtrIrWAIMMAIMVIRMINIMMANWPMFAMPAVA 40P- 64-A-Jtsbj Genuine Padlock and Key FREE! A Solid Gold Shell Ring a or Curb Chain Braosiel TiON'T send money. Just your name • IP and atletress on a POST CARO, and we will send you 20 packages of AROMATIC CACH0113, e delicious con- fection to perfume the breath, to sell for us, if you can, at 5 cents per package. When sold send us our money, 511.00, and we will send you FR EE your choice of the beautiful prizes illustrated. Goods return; able if not sold. Mention this paper, TISDALL SUPPLY CO. satOINDON CHAPESERs ; TORONTO, ONT. .4.114•1•11•1=4, ern. ee, eeee ''ieetelasserite Is the nicest and most effective remedy for DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP expelling all kinds of Worma. No need of giv- ing any Cathartic when it is -used. Price 25c. j idegYard's Yellow Oil Cures all pain and takes out Swelling and Liflammation quicker than any other remedy. Price 25c. iicrrz's cu tofe We would recommend those 'suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT, BFIEU1VIATISM INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in. the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENTS FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. C LUTZ Fine Tailorin _On require a BLAC K sui.fi Very often at this three of the year. We are mewed to Iit you out in the finest style. Best •quality Coods closeet prices. Wedding Suits a Speciatty A. .1 SNELL AMMER ..--4611131aW eilitisterae— You will find at Bissett's Wareroom the following line of Agricel tural Implements IIBEFZIN BIN DERS, MOWERS,ROLLS AND BALL BEARING STEEL SIJLK S.' F 5 Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disc and Diamond HarroWs' Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACRINES. ETC The celebrated . Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVES. - Gurney stoyes and ferances. waggons - Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Haggles. , 4BIL,11_49 WinterG oods \\N \ We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stook of $17.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest coloring. Remember we put up th best suit for 810.00 that oan be bought in the county. GIVEUSIAsiCilaiottriev