HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-2-16, Page 4• The Moisons Bark\ tCfrattTICIIED flYPleettstantelNat1805) nue aesoenti e2,000,000 - Peltier Capita, Head °Mee, Meestreal, evalasattansian SSIIOMAS,Iteces eneetneest Meateouse letoney advenced to gOOd farmers on their els/emote watieue Or More endorser at 7 per ente pei annual, nxeter Branch. emu ewers 'await -day, trolls a.M. t 0 p*la $TUI4YS1G e•ra, te rem. iorrent rates ot intereet allowed On deviate Ce&B."' LING & DIMS:SON, at. D. 110'111)0N, soiactecies. ereasento Sse,ter, Dee.27tb, CO.lender for February, 1899. Stalnean,, , 5 12 19 26 MONDAY .... ... 6 Id 20 27 TUESDAY . . . 7 14 21 28 WnoseneraY , 8 15 22 THDRSDAY. . . 2 9 le 23 FRIDAY ... . .. 8 10 17 24 SATURDAY ...... 4 11 18 25 "11 HU • tme#. 'TRSDAY, FEBRUARY 16-bh, 1899. NOTES AND COM1VIENTS. The Minister of Edneation will aunts The spring rosu endgeaton has ly issue a eircular letter to the schoela-IdadY bdgaza at WiduiPeg- g ' p ems systematic efforts. have ean made to increase the average reteirnes nstently killed by a falling tree. and to improve the quality of the cerealsnind other leMportant foto crops geoevn in Canada by 'en minuet die- tribistiOn from the klicrierituental Farm at Ottawa, of ;samples of seed of the best and moat peornisioa sorta. Theee, narieties have been -Bast tested' at, the 'Experipiental Farm and only twee which have provep to be the very best bave been chesen ter this dietribution. The sample's *sent oot have contahied three pounds 'each, and 'evety pr*. cautioo lute been taken to have the seed in every i este nee thoroughly clean and true to name, and the packages have been sent free, through the mail. Those who have receivedsuch samples and grown them with cafe bave usually had at the end of the second year • eriOugh seed totsow a large areatand this manner eareful farmers 'all over The loss resulting from pereegaseat the Dominion Iiieve been gradually re- injury to peach trees will be °nemesis.' `placing any ieferior and less productive London and 13., eantford - sorts Which they have been grovving in Stratford hs petitioning the Legis ature breve. joined the Pastavith superior Varieties possess - to empower municipalities to assess iug greater vigor. By instruction of the Hon. "Ministeruf Agriculture, an, other such distribution is being tnade thisWeason, ,consistiog. of samples of oats, barley, spring wheat, field' peas, Indian peril and potatoes. These 'se thanes will be sent only to those who ataply. personally. 'Lista of names freimt "seceeties or indivichiels cannot he con- sidered, and,�n1 one Sample in all can be sent to 'each applicant. Applica- tions ehoold be addressed to the DieeCtor of Experimental Faenis, and ixiay lin Sent any time before thel5th of Mara, aftea whieli the lists will lie' closed, so that all eamples asked for maynent out in good. time for sowing.. Parties writing willkindlyimention the -sort or Variety they would prefer, and should the tevailable stonk of the sett asked for be exhansted, 'some otber, geed Variety evillhe sent in its place. Wee. SAUNDERS, FREE SEEDS. To Teta Emenno-For the past ten boards throtighout Ontario drawing Mr• Nathan Devine, of Duntroon attention to the fact that it hits been • determined to observe the day before eir Rockefeller, intowhose haus the C4stedd s birthday in eaell Year as the Ottawa Gover'nteietithas cest the Empire Day, and askimer them to make Canadian oil iriclustry, already hes an suitable arrangements for such obser- inewne of $3,W0 "11 bc'or• .e . vance. The ntiolater proposes to leave 1 ue•Viuteb insurance, by kaeogpoloodg ttlbdenbglob,t:dt it, to tbe discretion of the echool true- pure With Hood's Sarsaparilla is still tees in coati locality to decide the de- better. tails of the celebration, but be will J. 13. Rogers of Winnipeg is in (its euggeet that an address be delivered teem to seek a charter for a company to seareh for the source of the gold by etatne ptenninent poblie mane that found on the bare in the Red river, the Union • jack be pronsinently soothofWitehipeg. Miners are Washine played, and that various patriotic ex- pot the sand on these bars, aticl there ercises be indulged in. Mr. Ross hopes is said to about $10 a day hi gold. that in the near future Enapire Day Reports from varions froit-raising sections of the Stmtegare to the effect will be obseryesi in the •public schools that the extreme record-breaking cold throughout Canada. spell 1.1t1S been niost disistroes to the ÷ Year's crop of peaches and other fruits. Mr. Dobell is on the high seat again. It is really difficult to keep track of this estimable gentlemen in his goings and Cooling across the Atlantic to se- cure 11, faat ocean service. As nearly to legraph and telerone poles and urn Deputy-reting officers would find •it to their interests to be honest in the diaeharge of their duties. At a muni- • cipal election in Parkhill, a deputy re_ • turning officer, nfains,refused to accept • the ballot of William Wilson because he refused. to take the tenants' oath. Wilson was down ori the voters' list as a, tenant, but since the list was Made eip he had become an owner, and warded to vote as such. Wilson , brought an action against Mains for the $400 penalty provided by the sta- tutes, and was successful before Chief Justice Armour. x C. A. Bower,M. P.P. for East Elgin, is prepax•ing a hill for introduction to the Legislature. In it are proposed. some changes to the education law. the la,ve steads. •at present, every , - eehool ivhich has 50 stUdents must • have a seemed teacher. This Mr. • Bower seeks to have changed. His bill will suggest tbechanging of the figures 50 -pupils to 60 pupils. Further, it pro- vides it is not compulsory that there shall be a second teacher. Two-thirds of the ratepayers will be necessary to appoint a. second teacher. The bill also provides that three of the ten Board of Examiners must be public scbool teachers. x The importation of mysterious strangers to act as -deputy returning- - officers. hu the recent West Elgin election is one of the most barefaced things that have happened in Cana. clian elections for many ayear. Sonia of these men at least figured under assumed names, thebetter to cover up their tracks alter the performance of their nefarious work. Sheriff Brown, thereturning-officer, either cannot or will not, itnpart information about these men, and Mr. Whitney has been obliged to demand from the Govern- ment in open Legislature the facts re- garding therm as can be remembered this is bis filth 'wires at a nrener rn uation, and Will -or is it the sixth ?-trip to Europe for this purpose. Although they ba•ve been usually without results, his lust Voyage was ilot altogether fruitless. Be then personally inspected a harbor in Wales which satisfied him of its suitability as a terminal point. That was something, at all eyents. Pre- vious to tbis, Ize had secured plana ot. new-fangled bottle -nosed ship e which people would come miles to see. .Arni ed -with the bettle-nosed plans and the suitable harbour, it sleauld be plain sailing or Mr. Dobell. x Hon; Mr, Dryden Monday last,intro- duced a bill to take furtber measures against the spread. of the San Jose scale in the Legislature. The bill re- tequires all nursery stock, whether send deputations to Toronto to confer With the Attorney -General on the queseion. One oftheist. horrifying , flees tra theidetory Of Yanktoevo, occurredSeind day morning at o' clock, at theatate asylato, when one of the cottagel took fire irt the bakement, completely gut- ting the building, and causing the loss of the livesof severiteeri inn:tides, con- fined there. The Latest News. For the first time in 25 years Lake Michigan is frozen nearly its entire width. The recent gales in Europe been caused a number of wrecks unequalled in many years. Another colony of Doulthobors,nuin- bering about 1,000, is to be sent to Canada from Cyprus. Benj. F. Parott, of Hamilton, has been committed fort rial on the charge of murdering his mother For the first time in 22 years the Niagara River from Lewistown to Youngstown is frozen over. Rev. Dr Courtice, editor of The Christian Guardian, has gone to Clif- ton Springs for a short visit. St.johns Presbyterian Church Brock- ville, was destroyed by fire, only the bare stone walls remaining standing. .A. large pailful of lizards was taken out of the pipes of one of the pumps at the Windsor, Ont. water -works a few days ago, says the Detroit Newle. Mrs. Peter Robertson, formerly of Kincardine, died at Walkerville Feb. 6, at the residence of her son-in-law, Alex. Shaw, Q. C„at the venerable age • of 89 years. Owen Sound ratepayers will vote on a by-law to loan the Messrs. Hay Bros. • whose large chair factory was recently burned, the sum of $15,000 to aid them in rebuilding. A woman who is weak, nervous and sleepless, and who bas cold bands and feet, cannot feel and. net like a well • person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength and rest. The Brockville Peat Company has been granted exemption from taxation by the Elizabethtown Council on the lands, buildings and machinery neces- sary for the carrying on ofpeat menu• factoring on a large sci ale n the town- ship. The mortality among old people in London, Onb., is said to be the greatest known since tbe epidemic of influenza some -years-ago. About four-fifths of the deaths occurring recently have been those of persons over 70years grown in tbe coontry or imported,to of age, be fumigated with hydrecyanic acid A very sad accident occurred about gas, which is extremely poisonous. two Miles from Duntroon Saturday, The object is not only to destroy the morning, when Nathen Devine, of this San Jose scale, but all insect life, the village, - a • s .. - while eneufed in °lemming wood, was instantly died by a falling official view being that the nurseries tree. The deceased leaves a wife and are the breeding -grounds of these three children. , pestsaa Ip case of the discovery of a Mungo Samson, one" of the best ... - , scale be nursery stock, the nursery- known and oldest residents of Kent county, died on Saturday at his home man is to be notified that he must not near Blenheim, at the age of 91 years. permit any of the stock to be disposed He came here in 1830 from Scotland, of until two inspectors bave made a and settled on the farm where he died, full exarniration, and reported that it sixty years ago. Mrs. Benjamin Parrot, Plamiltob, is safe to do so. A third provision The U. S, war bills still pile up. The latest proposes to Spend .$115,00,000 Oin the Nicaraguan canal, the naval neces. sity of which was made very evident during the late unpleasantness, When it is built the country will have sever-' al things not contemplated 1 few years ago. One of thane will be agreat mar ine highWay; another will be es new Mark for a future boundary. The Divisional Court at Toronto has quashed the conviction of J. J. Gat- tard, by Magistrate Bartlett, of Wind-, sor, for selling beer from his brewery in case lots to private families. Guit- tarn was manager of the Windsor Brewing Co. At the trial in the po- lice court it wag held that a brewery could not sell to private families with- out a shop license, and Guittard was fined $50. A fire started at noon SaturdaYih the building Nos. 10 tosI6 Brent street, Toronto, occupied bY Gowaps, Kent & Company, wholesale crockery and glassware, and it was totally destroyed withinbalf an lsour. The damage is estimated at $200,000, of -Which about 820 000 is on the building, the rest on stock. The Board of Trade building, with the Canadian Pacific telegraph offieesin itawas threatened on one side, and the Britisb-America Assurance building on the other, but the efforts of the firemen stayed the flames. Those of our neighbors who so loud- ly complain about the anti -alien bill of the British Columbia Legislature would come into court in a more favor- able light if tbey first removed the anti -alien bills from their own State statutes. The British Columbia Legis- lature are only taking a leaf from the statutebooks of several a their own States. In several of the Weetern States foreigners are not allowed to hold placer mining claims. It requires a large amount of cheek to find fault with Canadians following their Own example. It would be more manly for them to swallow a dose of their own medicine withont making so many wry faces over it. -Windsor Record. died in the city hospital Thursday permits the removal of cluroPs of trees morning froni the effects of the brutal which are evidently infested without assault committed on ber. Wednesday havirig to snake an individual examine, evening by her son, Benjamin Parrot, ''' ii Parrot was tried on a charge of tion of each tree, as was necessary be- - murder and committed. He has fore. always been considered to be ot un- sound mind. x We are told, as an excuse for the increase of taxation, of the diminish - beg Crown lands receipts, that last yearewas an exceptional one for that source of revenue. We gathered in 8700,000 more than the Treasurer esti- mated in 1807. So it is not fair to com- pare the receipts in 1898 with the rev- enue of the previous year. In 1896 the Crown lands receipts were only $080,000. Last year they were $1,100,000 or $200,000 more. In 1805 these receipts were 8947,000 or $150,000 lesa than in 1808. EVen in 3804 the receipts were ti�t as large as those of 1808, beitig $1-,' 057,000 as compared with $1,100,000. The diminishing Crown lands receipts annet be urged as a jostifitation for taxaton. The real reaSOtt is that the growth of the expenditure has beets so mach in exeess of the growth of the revenue that sve have been anoning be- hind at the rate of $500,000 a year, and ie now becomes necessary, if the peo- Mee lo 110t, to 'run up a very large ebt, that increased taaation should be id on. -Col. Matheson on the Ontatio laisiget The resignation of a postmaster whose salary is $4,900 ayear is a strik- ing event in the civil service of Cane ada. C. A. Dansereau, who retingia ishes the postmastership of Montreal, does so to re-enter news paper work. No position save that of an editor could indrice a man to resign a $4,000 Job, It is the strongest proof of the power of the press ever given in Can- ada, News was received from Lake Winni- peg, Monday last,of the death by freez- ing of W. Scott„ of West Mich*. He Was engaged in drawing fish from Bab, bit point, when one of bis horees got into the water, He succeeded in get- ting the animal out, but in doing so fell in himself. He got out and made bis way to shore. There are indica- tions that he atteinpted to make a fire, but the matches, being wet, he failed in this, and slowly froze to death. Messrs, teinin & Hamilton, of Hea. riston, who went to Scobtand last No- vember to pueehase evitii•e heavy draught horses, have returned. While they were in Scotland they purchased fonr splendid animels ant started for home on Sannarv !,21st, sailing from Glasgow by the S. S. Concordia. The voyage WAS a very tempestuous oueeso touch so that all of the foot horses died befote reaehing St. Sohn, The DOOtareOppose draaCinatiOra Drs. D. C. Maclaren and A. Q1141,CK• enbush, two Ottawa Idomeopitthistet protest against proposal in eegard to compulsory vaccination in the radw. ieg letter; -"The fear of smallpox boa aroused the periodie frenzy for veceis netion and asave are constantly being asked for adviee on the subject we wish to -tate publicly that we definite- ly oppose vaccination, and desire to warn the intelligent public against it for the following reasoose--(1) As a safeguard against smallpox it boasted powers ere etterin delusive; (2) it is ways atteuded with serious risks td life and health, front the constant dan- gers ot transmitting tuberculosis and other dangerous diseases; (3)in apite of all statements guaranteeing the • purity of the vaccine furnished, it is inconceivable how any sub putrid matter can ever be coasidered. pure." Saturday niglat was the coldest night known in Grand Rapids, Mich., for twenty years, the thermometer.getting as low as 32 below. An electric light tovvermam secured the championehip record for the state by taking it ther- mometer to the top of one of the towere, and when he looked at it Sun- day night be found the mercury at 44 degrees below zero and a quarter of an inch below that. Two deaths from the cold haye been reported. mrs. Mary Anderson, an inmate of the Sol- diers' Mettle annex, started to walk to the home of her daughter, and her body was fouricl by the roadside. Wne. Timmerman, an old recluse, was found in a, hovel in Alpine township, frozen stiff. . Alex. MacDonald, a gold miner of Dawson City, reported to be the pos- sessor of a fortune of $27,000,000. was married on Feb, 9th in the Roman Catholic clarreh at Brixton, Eng., to Margaret Chisholm, daughter of the superintendent of the Thames water police. MacDonald, who is 45, arrived in England shortly before Christmas. He had never seen the young woman. he married. He spent Christmas in London, and afterwards delNered a letter of introduction, which h e brongh t with biro, to Mies Chisholm's father. He immediately fell in love with the daughter, and their marriage was ar- ranged in the quicitest possible" time, because of MacDonald's business affairs whicb necessitated his return to the Yukon almost immediately. The bride is just 20 and the descendant of at ancient, clan. Director. Centrist Experimental Farm. Ottawa, February 9th, 1899. s---e---deedeees ELECTION FitAUDS. The most eerie -es charge hi the elec- tion protest field by the Conservatives against Donald. McNish, M. -P, P.,for West Elgin, is that a large number of deputy -returning officers wereappoint- ed to cornmit corrupt practices, and that they, instead of placing in the ballot boxes and counting the ballot papers marked for Finlay G. MiseDiar- Mid, destroyed a large ntimber and substituted other, ballot papers mark- ed by persons not electors,or otherwise fradulently and illegally marked for McNith, and were co un tedfor him.', Then follows an allegation that some of the deputy returning officers refus- ed and neglected, ep'swearpereons wire voted at the election,, and refused to give other ballots to voters who had inadvertently spoiled their ballots, but the spoiled bailees itteee nevertheless placedin the ballot boaes. The last charge ip that ballots mark- ed for alisclaiarund emit which ought to have been Counted; for birn were rejected by the deputy -returning offie COPS. ..* '" ' ^ " ea. eesessem.ag-e-, sessega • Once 'again death bas removed one of the oldest restclents of Tuckersmith townshitein the person of the late Mrs:. Whitely, of the Huron road. Her Inaiden name was Miss Rebecca, Dun- can and she was born in the Province a Quebec, near the city of Hula in the year 1816. She wee united in marriage to her late husbarid in the year 1844, and. in the. following year settled in Tuekerstuith on the farm where she died on Jan, 27th last, at the ripe old age of 83 yeats. Her husband died about 15 years ago. WORMS 'BOTHERED Rant. 'My baby suffered terribly' with worms. I used one bottle of Dr Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, whieh accomplished the purpese fer which it was intended, and cured him, „Mrs, 'W. M. Messeear, Watford, Ont. VAN Oli BEAST "I have found Hagyard's Yellow Oil to be the best thing for callousedlunme and outs on num, or beast. Ws a splendid all-twound remedy.' Daniel Brown, /3anks P. O., Ont, • A very happy eyelet took place on Wednesday, Iteb, 1st, at the. residence of II. arida Tuckersmitin svheo hie daughter, Nettie, was netted in the holy bonds aim ate mon y with Robt. Douglas, a, well-to-do anct highly es - Value of the bores WaS in the neigh- teemed farmer of the toWoship borhood of $4,000. Gey. wEsT HURON. .. The NominetiOn of a candidate teal' the vacancy in West Huron, caused by the death of M. C. Cameron M. P. weinbeld on Tuesday. -Two candidates were nominated, vie :--Robt. Helloes, of Clinton, by the Liberals, and Itebte McLean, of Goderich, by the Censers Vatives. There was a largecrowd pre- sent and much enthusiasne prevailed.' The tedidetioo is thet the Riding:will 'elect Mr, McLean. :Hie :ilia:tops with the farissers are elicit is tcagive ban, tong prestige, while his genial and frank manlier win friends wherever he goes. It is simply a matter of hoiv large a Majority. Healthy Happy. Girls Why Light_nifg_ Hits Barns. Jut why incendiarism IS 011 the in- crease in Canada, and why there were more houses and barns struck by light: ning in 1898 than in 1897, were some of the problenus,submitted to the On. tario Mutual Fire Underwriters' As- sociation at the Walker House, Toron- to, last Wednesday. The figures are : Incendiarism -1897 V5,628.4,3 ; 1898, $39,271.23. Lightning -1897, 853,393.28 ; 1898, over $60,00. The former insurance men believe to be doe to the laxity of the law ; and as to the increase in lightning hits, tbeY are attributed to the cutting down of forests and to putting wet grain in the barn, sweating wheat es- pecially attracting the electric fluid. The association still has faith in light- ning rode, but they nuu3t be properly jointed and have aristocratic copper • points, or the fiery boltlikely to run run down the iron leg of your bed, President J. T. Holeson,of Brantford was unable to he present, so the an- nual address was read by Vice-l'res- deist, W. Turnbull. It urged that the Government be petitioned to limit the distance at which steam engines- were placed front barns and outbuildings; that judges instead of juries fix the degree of loss, and that fire losses be registered by municipal clerks. . I • If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia makes you nervous, and. nervousness makes you dyspeptic; either one rend- ers you miserable, a'nd these little pills cure both. Coal oil has gone up a cent ancl a half a gallon because Abe Canadian Ministers who were going to reduce the price have surrendered our in- dustry to the Standard Oil Company. David Allen nnd his wife, of Wiud- .ser, had a narrow escape front •death by coal gas Tbursclay night. Both nobiced that something was wrong, as they awoke with a headache, but did not understand the cause, of their ill - noes and went.to sleep again. A neigh- bOr on Feiday happened to be passing the house, and, seeing ne signs of the fandly moving about, he gained an en- te.ance and founti husband and wife unconscioos. He at once summoned medical aesista.nce, arid the couple .vvere restored to consciousness. OFTEN I3ECOME LANGUID FROM NO APPARENT CAUSE. The Blood is a Vital Element -It Must, Be Kept Pare, Rich and Red-OnlY, in This Way Can Young Girls At- tain Perfect Health. In the early, daye of her womanhood every girl -no matter what her etation in life --should be bright, active, cheerful and happy ; her step should be light, her eye bright apd her cheeks rosy with the glow of health, But the reverse is the unfortunate condition of thousands of young girls throughout' the Dominion. They drag along, al- waystired, never hungry, breathless and with a palpitating' *heart after slight exerciee,so that merely to gt) stairs is exhausting. If a doctor,' in consulted he tells them that they are aneernia-the plain English for which is they -have too little bloodeaand 1111 - lap: a poWeitul blood. enriching, nerve- restiering tonic such as Dr. Williams' -Pink Pills for Pale _People is taken to restore health, decline and. an, early grave is only too likely to. follow. The benefit whicb follows the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cases of this kind is amply illustrated by the following testiinonial from Miss Ida Bookman, of Markville, Ont. Miss Bookihan says "It gives me muth pleasure to acknowledge the benefit I have derived from the use of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink. Pills. My health was completely broken down; 1 became so weak I could scarcely walk across a room. I was very pale, had no appe- tite and gradually lost flesh until I was merely a skeleton. I was subject to pal- pitation of the bearadizziness and vio- lent headaches. I was under treatment from two doctors, but neither seemed to benefit me and 3 went on in this way for about seven months. Having seen Dr. Williams' Pink Pills recom- mended I determined to try them Before Ifinished the second box I betran to itnpreve and by • the time I had used eight boxes I was as well as ever I had been, and had gained 22 pounds in weigbt. ram grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills bave done for me and freely give this testimony in the hope that it may benefit some other girl suffering as I was." • More pale and bloodless girls have been made bright, active and strong • by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills than by any other means. Mothers should sea that their daughters entering woman- hood are strengthened and invigorated by the use of this great blood making tonic. Solcl by all dealers or sent post • paid at, 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. She sed The r;liable Diamond Dyes. RESULTS WERE SATISFAC- TORY AND PLEASING, For Carpet and Rug Makers Diamond • Dyes 'Mean SuccesS end Profit. • Having' a Carpet to make and a good deal of ool dri ng to do,I. tie Minh t I would give the Diamond. Dyes a teal. I used them, arid they piste:limed most beauti- ful colors, ancl Tawas pleased with the effects in the Carpet. I am a farteee's Wife, and after this will use only the Diamond Dyes. MRS.NgLSON WOOD, Cam pbellfotel, Ont. it slangs If it as only health, we might 1e ft cling. But it is a cough. One cold P0 sooner passes Off before another comes, But it's the Same old cough all the time. And it's the same l old stern, too. There is first the cold, then the cough, then pneto Mettle or consumption with the long.siekness, end life treinb. ling m the balance. 'loosens tbe grasp of your cough. The congestion of .the throat and. lungs is removed; all in- flammation is .' subdued; •the. •parts are put 'perfectly at rest and the cough drops away. It has no diseased tissues on abich to hang. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectora! • Plaster Turners geneeal store at IVIeGregor Man., was destroyed , by fire Thursday 'night. The fire spread and also eon, stoned 0sta:damn fruit store, ShoisIns .tailor,shop.Seott &Co.'s harness shop, alettio'a general store and dwelling and: Arkellee drug store. 0.0440.44.04444.04.00.0•44444000,46061 1 "Advice to 1 g i IC0113111 ptivesi There are three great reale- , ' dies that every person with weak lungs, or with consump- tion itself, should understand.• i These, remedies will cure I about enery ease in its first a stages ;and many of those I more advanced. It is only. the Most advanced that are I l' hopeless. Even these are• t I wonderfully relieved and life ; itself greatly prolonged. 7, • What are these remedies ? ,S i i Fresh air, proper food and stows Enmisioa I 1 of Cod -Liver Oit wit' A llyfro. 6 • 1 phOSpititeS. Be afraid of draughts but not of fresh air. Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of milk. Do not forget tohatts,h Scott's gh ott'snEomutlhsioornouisthlye I id tested and the highest en- • dorsed of nii remedies for weak throats, weak lungs and I consuMption in all its stages: sceT•r 8ot.' aBitOdW$14' .EG6, ;Chsieldr luIsig tis,gT1'te'rettte, 111••••••044.0004.4.444444440***0411) 1.' A, draws out inflammation of the • lungs. ifialtrICO Free. • Remember we hat% 5 BledlettlDepart- meat. •/f you 13207R any complaint whet - ever and desire the beat medical advice you can possibly bbtain. vrrite the doctor freely.You, will receive a prounit relay, without cost. Address, DR. J. 0. AYBIC" Lowell, Mass. MIIMINOOMIMIMMO. BIRTHS. OVENS -In McGillivray, on Feb. 4th, the wife of J. C. Ovens, of a daughter. DOUGALL-In Usborne, on the Oth inst., the • wife of Henry Dougall, of London road, of a sou. . MARRIAGES. COLBERT-MOORE-In St, Marys, Feb. & by Rev. G. W. Henderson. Mr. Colbert. of Lon- don. to Miss Moore. FERGUSON-PORTERFIELD-At Anburn.on • Jam 31, by Rev It. Henderson, James Fergu- son, of Bayfleld to Maggio, daughter of Mr. P.Porterlleld, townsinp elerk of East Wa- , wanosh. aDY-BolaSSAN-On Fel>,8th, attheFirstIVIeth- odist Church, London, by Rev. J. V. Smith. Franklin Wm. Edy to Jennie A., daughter of the late Josephglolman, formerly a resident of Exeter. • Take Be 13o This Spring, 'Twill purify the system -Give you • strength and energy. • Very few people escape the enervating influence of spring weather. There is a dullness, drowsiness and inaptitude for work on account of the- vvhole system being clogged uo with int - purities 'accumulated during the winter months. The liver is sluggish, the bowels incline ed to be constipated, die blood impure, and the entire organism is in need of a. thorough cleansing. Of All "Spring Medicines," Burdock Blood Bitters is the best. •' It stimulates the sluggish liver to an. tivity, improves the appetite, acts on the 'bowels and kidneys, purifies and enricheie the blood, removes all poisonous pro-- duots, and imparts new life and vigor te •"those wile are weak end debilitated. • DEATHS. FAIR-In01 inton, on Feb. 8, James Fair, sr. aged 63 years. BATES -In Hayfield on Feb. 5, Margaret.rolict of late Geo. Bates. TELOIVIPSON-In Blanshard, on the 10th inst., Wm. Thompson, aged 79 years. PERKIN-In dhiselburst, ou the 13th inst. Samuel Perkin, aged 31. years. WHITEMAN-In Stanley, on the 14th inst., Lames Whiteman, aged 90 years. COUSINS -In St. Marys, Feb. 0, Marla, wife of James Cousins, in her 73rd year MADDEN -In East Nissouri. Feb. 6, Dennis • Madden, in the 3Sth year of his age. CREECH-IntExeter, on the 14th inst., William • Chester, son of Wm. Creech, aged 10 years, 3 weeks. ANDERSON -In Stephen, on the lfith that., Joseph Anderson, aged 79 years. 11 months, 18 days. GILORRIST-Iu Hensall, on the 18th inst., • Anile McArthur, wife of James Gilchrist, aged 33 years, MOORSERMAD-In the House of Refuge, at Clinton, on the 14th inst., Johr .Moorsehead, aged 79 years. cAMERON-In Stanley'on the llth inst., • eatherin e Sinclair, wifeof the late Alexandet Cameron, aged 93 years. • AND3EWS,-.4 t Ellinville, on the I31,h inst. Lydut,L,Watneyer,(wife of Sidney Andrews; .aged 25 years, 9 months. MOVED! 7 Sig Mr, Wm. J. Hepburn writes Boils. ' fromCentralia,, Ont.: "I can . ieythatBurdock Blood Bitters is the beet spring InediCine on the market. List spring my blood got out of order, and had seven or eight good! ,s1;ed boils cense out manly body, and the one on my leg was much larger than an egg. lagot a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, a,nd inside of sae daYs, when 01 half' the bottle was talcen,. there wasn t 'a boil to be seen. I have recommended .B.B,B. to differentpeoplein our villages and ,a11. derived benefit fromnit. 1 wisit ,B.P.13. every success, as it is indeed a great inedicine for the blood." B.B:11, is a highly concentrated vege- table compound -teaspoonful doses -add • water yourself. • Having moved one door north of , The R. Pickard Co's. 'store we will keep a good selection of Fresh' ettid Setited. Meats. Also Poultry and game in sealon. SAUSAGE AND BOLOGNA Beef Sold by the Quarter ----nBAx.n, ItT— E-Zidels 7. Calf Lamb and Sheep Skins. •• Note the address, one dooe north of The R, Pickard Co's store. • L. Li IS DAY_PROP. -ta-,..m.ce,,e,ar.,..m,---,ro,ar ' lai 61‘, • We give thii fine watch, and else a chain and charm for selling two dozen LEVER COLLAR:BUT. tons, at 10 eta. each. ' Send your address and Vit forward the Bu t to ha, postpaid, aid' • our Premium List, No money ii- quired. Sell the But.. tons among year friends, return the roeney, and ws. send th-O watch, preppid. A genii eo American watch, gtetraotted good tnneptece. Mention this i115161 wile' writing, MINIM AWITTON' CO .tar A di ialde St, Eh Toronto, Sale Register, TUESDAY FE13. 28TH. -- On lot con. 11, Ray, auction sale of farm stook and implements, Ed. Bossen- berry, auct., Daniel Livergood, prop. la's a pleasure to take Unit *ohildken, cry for itebut it's death to Worms of all. kinds. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. Price - 25c. All dealers. • INSTANT RELIEF guaranteed by using. 14filburn's Sterling Headache Powders.. No depressing after-effect. RA.GYARD'S YELLOW OIL is prompt to relieve and sure tocure coughs, ,colds sore throanpain in thechesalioarsenesse quinsy, etc. Price 25c. Sem HEA.DAORE, bowever annoying: and distressing, is positively cured by Laxa-Liver Pills. They are easy to. take and never gripe. Isaac Creasman, Lebanon, Ont, writes : fore I took Burdock 13lood Bitters I was *weak and run down, and could eat very little. After I had taken one bottle 1 felt improved and when I had finished three, bottles I was com- pletely cured." • . THE PIONE1.111 LIMITED. _ Is the name of the only perfect train in the' world, now running every night • between Chicago., Milwaukee 3s St, Paul and Minneap- olis vut the Chicago, 'Milwaukee Ss St, Paul Railway -the pioneer road of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and mm °oent of passengers. An illustrated pam- phlet, showing views af beautiful scenery along the route of the Pioneer Limited, will be sent free to any person upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address Geo. H. Heaftord, General Passenger Agent Chicago, 111. QUICK CURE OF SCIATICA. Mr. A. Taylor, 74 _Afton Ave., Toronto,writes? "1 was greatly afflicted with Sciatica, but after Wing one box of Milburn IS Rhetimatic Pills was able to go to work in three days and have' not been troubled since. BICYCLES ..•••••••••• NOM.. Are You Interested In Wheels? We Handle some of the lead - Mg CANADIAN and AMERICAN makes at prices to suit thetimes: A few second hand organsc 6 and 6 Octave, cheap. ' Sewing Machinem ALWAYS ON HAND: P. S.—Selling out Dise Har rows at cost. PERKINS & MARTIN, • Main street, Exeter. Buy The Best •Ignore The Rest. In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our , Bed Room Setts, Chairs, Etc., Get Something Nice'v. We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of' 1URNITU4E and you will find what youare looking for.. CIDLEY et, SON, • • ND UNDBATedeKERS' • °per& 'louse Block.