Exeter Times, 1899-2-9, Page 4I. Tupper's attempt to coerce Manitoba, no ram BY P.ettLIAMEM',1fs55) at the biddiug of a hierarphy of Que- bec bishops, wonld be a mild zephyr compared to the approaching blizzard of Vaantdian indiguetion against Sir Wilfrid Laurier's attenapt to coerce British Columbia at the bidding a a hierarchy of Yankee capitalists. + = + Either the IV est Elgin Cooservativee are sadly astray in their statements or Donald MileNish, .141. P. P., onght not to be in the local house, and the fine workers who unfairly helped to pet him there ought to be in jail, The West Elgin Liberals may have a per feetly good defence. Their defence evill need to be a good. one. The Con- servativeshave inade statements which must force Mr. McNish to prove that he a.nd his party are not the benefic- iaries at one of the grayest crimes in the history a Canadian politics. The technical right of Mr.MacNish to the seat must be determined by the slow processes ot the law. The Ontario Legislature, which Hon. J. T. Giterow described as the highest court of jus- tice in the province, has an immediate right to get at the truth, The adjust- ment of ?Jr. McDiarinid's rights as against Mr. McNish can be left to the courts, but the country's fame should be vindicated from such charges of wholesale ballotebox stuffing. Every right-thinking Canadian will applaud Mr. Whitney's demand for an immed- iate enquiry into the conduct of the polling officials employed in the West Elgin elections. — Toronto Telegram Indepenant. ol so ns bank The storm raised by Sr. Charles °melte — — 00,000,000 — Bead °Ince, Moutr:al. 14C11:4°,1" lad WoLPLI1STAN TROM.6,8,1Ese., assnaar4MANAcara oney advanced. to good farmers en their „%.1.hote with one or more endorser at 7 per . pm annum. Exeter 13ranoh. ion every lawful day, frOM eall, to pais SATURDAYS, 10 am, to I p. m. trent rates of interest allowed. oia depoits N. D.HURDON, Manager. alin aud Dickson solioitors for the Mol - Ins mink, Feter, Deo, 571h, '95 lalender for February, 1899. 43ND4..Y 5 12 19- 20 PNDAY 0 13 20 27 ISDAY 7 14 21 28 I) P. NEsDAY .,, . 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 'WAN 8 10 17 24 TURDAY... 4 11 18 25 . - - — ivieg, IITIRSDA.Y, FEBRUARY Oth, NOTES AND COMMENTS. The cerfeev by-law, which seems to ;have fallen into disuse•in many places in Ontario, received a prompt check an Vineland, N. J., recently. Mrs. !Oeerisonewife of Rev. S. Olin Garrison, 'superintendent of the New Jersey •traininer School for Feeble Minded !,Children, has said of the law: "It will teach children to defy laws, as it will enot be enforced properly. We already :!,(deave too many laws that are dead. :In homes, if parents dia. not make their children observe their rules it ' would deraoralize the family and weaken the plerents' authority." These L,a-e sensible observations, and are just as applicable here es elsewhere. x ' Consumption heads the list in the . causes of deseth in Ontario for the past three months. There were /46 deaths 4. in November out of a total ef 248, or over one-half. The number is 19 greater than for the corresponding ersentin Au Thin, but the number of municipalities reporting has increased from 563 to 667. Diphtheria comes next, 59 deaths, then typhoid fever 50, and. scarlatina 17. As these reports become fuller (they now embrace 667 out of 745 municipalities) they empha- eize the extent of the ravages of cone sumptiea in this province. This is a reason why goveinmental aid should 1 be given to sanitariums for consurnp- t on, wherever local municipalities show a desire to erect them. x + x It would be euriOtiS if, as is report ed from St. Petersburg, the interest taken by Count Tolstoi in the emigra- tion of the Doiikhobors, should lead to his own banishment. Whatever may be thought about his peculiar opinions, Tolstoi is the most prominent man of letters in Russia, indeed, the only one who is known to the rest of the world. I3ut there has always been a strong eiarty at court pressing for his expul- sion, oia the ground that he did more .....thamlayunsettling people'sminds than all the Nihilists put together. eis the Russian government not only directs what the people are to read, but what they are to think—there is a spiritual as well as a press censorship—it bad some justification from its own point vieiu wishing Tolstoi elsewhere. + x + IN WEST HURON. Immediately that the West Huron election was declared, there came this despatch from Goderich "Major Gray, engineert'in charge of the Public Works Department, is here arranging far the speedy completion of the harbor works, including the dredg- ing to a depth of twenty feet, in ac- cordance with arrangements nrede by the Citizens' Committee with Hon. .1, Israel Tarte. The dredging company has received instructions to commence operations as soon as the ice in the harbour is broken. and to have the work, so far as the channel to tbe elevator is concerned, completed for the opening of navigation." It is a strange cointidence thkt Mr. Tarte should become so active contem. poraneously with the issue of the writ, . But surely this sort of thing will not inuilence the electors in Huron. 11B ZI,EITV411 COUNTY COUNCIL,. The opening meeting of the County Council took place,when the following members made the usual declaration of office before His Houor judge Mas. eon z Messrs. Bowman, Connolly, Chambers, Cook, Idaye, Holt, Kerr. M flier. M °Ewan, ltleInnis, McLean, Patterson, Rollins, Stuart, Snell and Torrance, Messrs. Whines and Hays noininat- ea Dr, Rollins as warden, Messrs. MeEwan and M iller nominat- ed Mr, Cook, Dr, Rollins receiving seven votes and Mr. Cook nine. Mr, Cook then took the oath of offiee, The report of striking committee was read as follows, and adopted: Executive, Messrs. Holt, MeEwan, Kerr, Hays, TOITallee ; special, Holt, McEwan, Kerr, Hays, Torrance; fin- ance, Rollins, Miller, McLean, Stuart, Mclunes2; education, Rollins, Miller, McLean, Stuart, clunes;Mroads and bridges, Snell, Patterson, Bowman, Connolly, Chambers ; county property Snell, Patterson, Bowman, Connolly, Chambers; equalization, the whole council; warden's, Stuart, Holt., Kerr, Contiolly '• House of Refuge, Miller, Torrance, Snell. Messrs. Canteron & Hohnes,on behalf of H. Medd, claiming damages for loss of horse, at Manchester bridge ; action deferred till. June meeting, Letter from Fle Morley, clerk of Us - borne, calling attention to county bridge between T.Tsborne and Biddulph. Recorumended that the engineer have the bridge on the boundary. betweeu Huron and Middlesex rebuilt, each county to pay half. With reference to the resolution of tbe township of Usborne, respecting Drought's bridge, recommended that the engineer be in- structed to examine the bridge and to make the necessary changes,unless the sdnae can be safely left over until the June meeting, in such case that he re- port. to the council if any changes are necessary, and the probable cost. Resolutions passed by the townships of Hay and McKillop, asking that the county cease to furnish assessment and collector's rolls. Clerk instructed to write the various municipalities as to their opinion. Letter from E. Heaton asking for grant to the Children's Aid Society of this county. $25 was granted. • Applications of Messrs, Gilpin and Mooroe, to be appointed county stud- ents at the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege. No vacancy, G. W. Holman, asking for grant to the West Huron Teacber'sAssociation. $25 was granted. Circular ram the secretary of the Ontario Rifle Association, asking for grant. No action ror Good Roads. There is a rumor that a Good Roads bill will be introduced by the Govern- ment at the approaching session of the Ontario Legislature. The object, it is said, will be to assist in the naain- tenance of main leading roads under Government supervision, It is also suggested that the Government lend money to townships for road making as they do for drainage. It is to be hoped that the Government will make it a feature of the bill that only those who are prepared to help themselves will get aid from the Government Massachusetts has been spending large sums of money on road improvement and this is the course pursued there, There is co-operation between the state and the municipalities. It would lead to active log rolling, and would get the Government into anyamount of trouble if the =meg was given out- right to do the work. Either lend the money at it low rate of interest or advance only a per centage of the cost. Self help should be an essential con- dition of sny such legislation. Events have proven that Uncle Sam, when he began the WM' with Spain, was not only not prepared for hostili- ties, but was not in a position to guard his soldiers againt dishonest United States citizens. On reading the over- whelming evidence of the grossest cor- ruption in furnishing supplies for the army, one can but wonder if there ere honest men enough in the States to preserve the country from the fate of Sodom. General Miles reports that the evideece is indisputable that the beef. , furnished was embalmed with chemicals to preserve it, and that the canned roast beef was the pulp left after boiling the extract out of it. Beef extract is the substance obtaiued froin boiling andtreating beef in the proportion of one pound from four or live pounds of prime beef. This beef pulp was canned and labelled cat- ned roast beef. The soldiers declared that the tanned beef was nauseating, and if eaten could not be kept on the stomach. Ca,n it,be possible that there Were not inspectois and officers honest arid intelligent enough to detect such gross feratds and abuses in the British armee Uncle Sam, betWeert purifying himeelf ancl organizing on a satisfac- tory basis hie vast newly -acquired possessions, vrill have his hands fun. He 'mast first cleitu oat the Angeen stable at borne. ----------- Circular from Dr. Rosebridge, secre- tary of the Prisoner's Aid Association asking for grant. $10 was granted. Requisition from D. French, for an increase of salary. An increase of $25 was granted. Other officials in con- nection with tbe House of Refuge were pleasantly dealt with. The House of Refuge committee composed of Messrs. Miller, Torrance and Snell recommended the following increase in their report and it was acloped:—Dr. Shaw, physician, from $150 to $200; Wm. Coats, inspector, 'from $100 to l50; D. French, superintendent, in- creased $25, and Mrs. French an in- crease of $25. Letter from J. Y. Fisher, re -painting the court house. Left over till June session. Mr. Cameron, of Brussels, and Mr. Beckett, of Ashfield were appointed county examiners. Messrs. Holt a,nd Lane were appoint- ed auditors of criminal justice ac- counts. Mr. A. B. Brown, Managing Editor of the Niagara Falls Record, died at Tilson burg. Judge Woods, of Chatham, and Mrs Woods celebrated their golden -wedding Tuesday. W. J. Doherty,of Huron College,bas been appointed to take charge of Hen - salt Episcopal Church. The C. P. R. has declared two per cent. dividends on both preferential and ordinary stock for the past half- year. At Deseronto, Main Battrick. it youngmillright was instantly killed by being caught on a shaft at the Standard chemical works. The ratepayers ofOrillia have passed hy-law to raise $75,000 to instal an electric plant at Ragged. Rapids, on the River Severn, and transmit the current, nineteen miles, to the town. According to tbe estimates, the town will then have the cheapest, power and light in Canada. W. Higgs, aged 21 years, Grand Trune brakeman at Lindsay for the past two or three years, was killed on Friday while coupling cars. The acci- dent was not evitnessed by any one, but it is supposed that Higgs slipped while coupling the engine to it freig,h car, and the tender passed over his body. Deathewas instantaneous. Higgs was unmarried. RATIVY&Ck IMPROVOMONT. "My face was, ,covered with pimples and braeltheeds when X began taking Hood's Sarsaperille, but after the use of this enedieine a short, titne 1 was ontieely cured. I cannot renornmenti it too highly since it has done so ath for me." MAY Rve.n, North Oangstb, Ontetio, CO take handcuffs for Oenoty constables. Oar- 1 istof Jauerry, 1898. $1,001.42 ; add ten tied. poi' cent. for depveciatiou of imples Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by inents, $01.48; total expenditure. $5, - Mr. SAO, that the Warden and .0lerk 170.40. Deduet expenditure on House, enquire into the case of Miss Dicksou, pig penakteeon capital eecount,$103.80: of the towashio of Grey, who by it will pernianeut improvement, orchard, • was left ward of the county with it gravel, etc„. $85,43 ; expenditare for legacy a $1000, and And if the pro- stock and implements, $63.,45; unexpir- ed insurance, $42; provisions, peoducce new clothing and feel on hand on ist January. 1899, as Per inssnforne 040.01 ; produce sold during1898, and other receipts, 8271.15; revieved twin paying patient, $20.50; total, $L698.841 amouut expended for support, of in- mates, $3,478.00 ; average expense per inmate per day, 11 9-10 conts-; average' weekly expeuse per inmate, 83 1-3 cents.. The expendituee in coenection with the,. House, Including'. salaries, provisions, clothing, f u01,. etc ea:mount-. ed to 54,110.50. • Reports of Road and Bridge,: Educe,- tion,SpecitteFinance, Rouse of Refuge, Comity. Property, and Executive com- mittees,. were reed, referred to. Com- mittee of the Whole, and adopted in conneil. The by-law appointing auditors was thee read and passed, and the Council adjourned to meet on Tuesday, the Oth day of J rine, at 3 o'clock p. -visions of the will eau be enforced, take senator's opinion if they deem it necessary, and report at the next ses- sion of the °oilman Carried. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Patterson, that tale monthly visits of the Warden be on the flint "Tuesday of each month, instead of the first Monday as heretofore, awing to the railway aecommodation from his hoine. Carried. • Dr, Holmes, treasurer, snInuitted the following statement: Receipts— Balance from last year, $3,528.48 ; county rate, $41,211 90 '• 'lend. tax, $704.70;registry.ollice,$958.30; licenses, $977, and other smaller items, Making it total of $58,400,55. Expenditures— Administration ef justice, $7,501,; jail, $2,359.04 ; schools, 82,269.17; municipal government, $3,700.00 ; roads and bridges, 57,075.17 ; House of Refuge, 83,901.07; total expenditure, 557,823.37; cash balance on hand at the close of yeav, $577.18, The jailor reported that ab present there are nine inmates in the jail, all males, eight of them vagrants,and oue on it cherge of assault. He called the attention of the Council to the very unhealthy condition of the sleeping accommodation for himself and family and asked that they take the necessary steps to provide the proper accommo- dation. Serab to the county property com- mittee, snanongu COLLEGIATE INsTITTJTD. The total aggregate attendance of pupils was 72,761 • 38,530 resident and non resident; 34,32.5 county pupils. Governthent grant, 53,073.54; yearly - average cost of maintenance $4,730.09", proportion chargable to cost of main- teuance of county pupils, 52,234.25. The total receipts amounted to 55,- 858.22, and expenditures $5,822.90, of which $4,907,11 was for teachers' sala- ries.. GODERICH pol.r..Een.ATE. Total attendance, 83,453; gross ex- penditure, 519,115.63; Government grant, $3,245.61; net cost of mainten- ance, $15,587.72. CLINTON COLLEGIATE. Aggregate atteudance of pupils, 25,232; aggregate attendance ofnounty pupils, 12,2,03'; cost of maintenance, 55,117.08;. fees collected from celerity pupils, 5530,25; legislative grant, $057.24. Inspector Torn, school inspector for West Huron, reported that he had visited the schools at least twice hi the. year. The Government greets amount- ed to $3,901.15; taxes leved, $47,524.17; teachers' salaries amounted. to 541,- 005.40; the average attendance for the year was 4,245 ; there were 71 fetnale and 02 male teachers employed during the year, six holding first-class certifi- cates, 53 second class, and 74, third class. The average salary paid male teachers was $375, and female teachers $255. Fifty-four schools changed teachers during the year. At the en- trance examination 285 pupils wrote and 142 passed ; at the public school leaving examination, 156 wrote and 65 passed. The teachers institute meet- ing was held in Goderieh in Men-. County Commissioner Ainsley re- ported that be had received a letter from the engineer of Middleseeestating Moved by Mr. McInnis, seconded by Mr. Holt, that the usual grant of $300 he made to the Agricultural and Hort- icultural societies holding exhibitions in 1899. $200 was granted to each on . recommendation of executive corn- caittee. Messrs. A. H. Cochrane, of Brussels, and R. A. Carrick, of Kintail, were elected auditors. The following per- sons were nornhaated : R. A. Carrick, John Burgess, W. L. Ouiruette, A. H. Cockra,ne, Fred Hess, A. Causley. The following grants were made:— To the Farmers' Institutes, IR.25 ; poul- try association, 525, public libraries, $15 : for the purchase and planting of flowers at the court house,$10. Moved by Mr. Snell, seconded. by Mr. McLean, that, the engineer be in- structed to have the bridge, south of Clinton, rrpaired.—Carried. Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by Mr. Torrance, that the clause in the House of Refuge by-laws referring to the admission of inmates, be amended so as to read as follows : "No person shall be received into the House of Refuge for their maintenance unless in accordance with the law, or under an order signed by the reeve or mayor of any municipality in the county in which the proposed inmate lives, and endorsed by one of the county com- missioners for the division in which such municipality is located. Such proposed inmate must be it resident of the county for at least two years be- fore admission. The expense of send- inginmetes to the House of Refuge must be paid by the local municipality if not otherwise provided for, and that tbe by-law be amended in accordance herewith." Adopted. Loan companies, trust corporations and insurance companies are said to be marked by the Ontario Government As the objects of the new tales to be itn- posed, In Ontario the dislike to get- ting itt the mass of the people whose votes make new taxes necessary, that is noted else where, has full strength. It is the man of enterprise whose wealth the provincial solons love to levy on. Sir Charles Tupper has been actively engaged during the last few clays in consulting the leading Conservatives of Montreal, and in xnaking arrange- ments far the organization of the party for the next campaign. He has formed the tincletts of what promises to be a. very complete and efficient or- ganization there, Not for many years has the outlook of the Conservative party Leen so bright, and we feel assured ths members of the party, rn the le ders down, will enter int usittense that the council of Middlesex had passed it resolution at the December meeting, to rebuild the bridge over Mud Creek on county boundary, be- tween Stephen and McGillivray, and asked this county to take action in the 'natter, each county to pay half the cost. The bridge is an old wooden stracture, and should be rebuilt. The recent freshet has caused some damage to county bridges. At Exeterit carried away one of Mae wings from the north abutment. He had exa.tnined the dam- age, and considered that it should be repaired as soon as possible, and, in consequence, had arranged with L. Hardy to build a wing wall at once. The Baytielcl bridge has also received some damage. The ice flow broke some of the piles used as a protection to the piers. He is arranging- to have the damage repaired as soon as pos- sible. Some of the other county bridges have beenelaniaged in a sligat- er degree. Ile recommended that some flooring be contracted for, as it will be required for next summer. The orders - issued during 1808 amounted to $6,- 511.81. The county buildings are insured as follows: Court House, 512,000; gaol and cottage, 510,000; House of Refuge and contents,$10,000; barn on industri- al farm and contents, 8850. The registrar reported that during the year the gross fees amounted to $5,341.25 • net amount received by registrar, $2,398.25. Number of mort- gages of nominol consideration, • 22; $1,000 and under, 509 ; over $1,000 and under $2,000, 251 • over $2,000 and not exceeding $5,00b, 201 • over $5,000; 18 ; total mortgages registered, 1,001 ; aggregate amount of mortgages, $1,- 332,173,05. .10411,I4004•$•.IVIN•Ple, It is said that the soldiere who hed taken Hond's Sarsapioille steed the long marches in Chiba much better than the others. We nee informed that the body of the late Samuel Westaway did not lie in hot water for several hours. The pipes did mot burst, being simply the sprinkling apparatus that sprung a slight leak. Mrs. William Easton, 14th con. of McKillop, has passed to her reward, after it somewhat lingering illness. Her maiden Lame was Eliza lialls,and she was twice married, her first hus- band being R.Sparling, who died about five years ago, she having only been married to her now bereft partner for three years, and he, with three chil- dren, survives her. La Grippe's Victims. THE AFTER EFFECTS MORE DAN- GEROUS THAN THE DISEASE. An application was received from the Poultry Association, for a grant $25 was granted. Moved by Mr. McEwen, seconded by Mr. Hays, that $20 be paid Thinnas Henderson for injury to horse. Grant- ed. R. S. Hays, of Senforth, was nomi- nated as trustee of the Seaforth Colleg- iate Institute, John Rensforcl for Olintn, and Rev. Dr. Ure for Goclerieb, and were duly elected. On tnotion of Dr. Rollins and Mr. Chambers, the hispectot of the House of Refuge was instructed Lo have an Ice house and implement shed built, the windmill repaired, and maples and evergreens planted around the farm and house, On motion of Messrs. McLean ancl I -lays, Mr. Cheney was allowed $4 for injury to a horse an Silver ()reek bridge. Moved by Mr. Meltwan, seconded by Mr. Patterson, that Mr. Ahaaley be in- structed to puechase plank required for (looting bridges tins season. Oar- ried. 'Moved by Mr, Meteare seconded ,by Mee• Melllevare that the Olerlt be tore on 1,1ouse and farm, $4,110,60; add alathorized to purclume one. dozen pair value of provieions and fuel on hand on Permanent ure of at Rhem, A \Veil Known Qnebec Farmer Suf- fered Untold Misery for Three Years Before He Found Relief. The epidemic a lagrippe which has swept over Canada like a scourge this winter, has left thousands of weak and despairing sufferers in all parts of the land.. Grippe is a treacherous disease. You think yon are cured, yet the slightest cold brings on a relapse. Its victims are left in at weakened condi- tion and fall an easy prey to its mani- fold complications. The blood is left impure and impoverished; the nerves shattered, and heart trouble and nerv ous prostration are too often the result. The following statement made by Mr. Daniel Olossey, a well known farmer living near West Brome, Que., indicates the ravages made by the after effects of this scourge. Mr. Clossey says :—"Soine five years ago had an attack of la grippe. The ear- lier symptoms passed away, yet I con- tinued to fail in health, a,nd suffered intense pain in my head. I was sub- ject to attacks of diaeiness, and. unless I would grasp something would fall. I gradually grew so weak as to be unable to do any work. My legs and feet were as cold as ice even in the summer months. 'If I attempted the least exer- tion my heart would beat violently. For three yeers I was in this helpless condition, and although during that time I was attended by three different doctors, their treatment produced not the slightest benefib. At this tinae I read the statement of one who had suf- fered from similar trouble, who was cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to try them. The result was simply marvellous. A dozen boxes did what three years of expensive medical treatment'failed to, accomplish --restored me to full health and vigor, and I tun again able to do my work about tbe farm. 1 honestly believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved my life and I am glad to make this statement for the benefit it may being to others. After an attack of la grippe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the only medi- cine that can promptly restore you to health. They drive every trace of the poisonous germs front the systern,build up and enrich the blood and. strengthen the nerves. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Clo., Brockville, Ont. Always refuse imitations or substitutes. HOUSE 01' 11BEITG/Ii INSPEOTOR. W. Coates, inspector ot the Rouse of Refuge, reported as follows : Total No. of inmates admitted since opening of House, 150; No. adz/mates on 1st of January, 1898, 77; No. admitted during the year, 32 ; No, of deaths during the year, 10 ; No. absconded during the year, 2; No. discharged during the year, 13 ; No. of inmates la House on lst of January. 1890, 81 ; No. of males, 58; No, of females, 26. No. achnitted during the year 1808 from rural 'mini- cipelities; Townships,--Ashfleicl 1, Col- borne 2, Goderich I, Grey 1, Turnberry 1, 1VIcKillop 1, Morris 2, Stephen 4, Stanley 1, Usborue 1, East Wawamosh 2,-17. Towns and yillages,—Goderich 2, Clinton 4, Seaforth 0, Exeter 1, Bey - field 1,-14. Born in the House, 1. Cense of pauperisne—Intemperance 4, old age essickness 7, injury 2, weakness of intellect 4, bl nd ?less, wh ole or partial 2, epilepsy 8, enceinte 1, mother in. House 11 insane 1, plying patient 1. Nationality of inmates admitted clues ing 1809, England 10, &Wand 4, Ireland 0, United States 1, Canada 11. No. of days' board .of , inmates, 29,280 ,• No. of days board keeper's feenily end help, 1,310; average number of inmates during 1808, 80.22; with keeper's family and help' added, 88,151; total expendi- Afittese- 1-A Fleshy onsum tiv Did you ever see one? Did you ever hear of one ? Most certainly not.. Con- sumption is a disease that Invariably causes loss of flesh. If you are light in weight, even if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly take eS jrW of cod liver oil 'with hypo- phosphite's. No remedy is such a perfect prevent- ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you find you are losing flesh, you should begin to take it. And no other remedy has mired so many cases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with ,this disease $ Scott's Emul- sion will hold every in- ducement to you for a perfect cure. All bruggista, oe. and Si4 Se:CYFT & BowXt, Toronto, Your heart beats over one hun- dred thoesand times each day. • One hundred thouerind supplies of good or had blood to your brain. Which is it? If bad, impure blood, then your brain aches. You are troubled with drowsiness yet cannot sleep. You are as tired in the morning as at night. You have no nerve power. Your food does you but f, little good. n Stimulants, tonics, headache !-1 perwders, menet cure you; but IMneele'dietW ' wiII. It makes the liver, kidneys, skin and bowels perform their raperwork. It removes all im- einitics from the blood. .And it e makes the blood rich in its life- . giving properties. Vo Hasten 0,00011easys e You will be more rapidly cured 5 if you will take a laxative dose of Ayer's pills each night. They 4 arouse the sluggish liver and thus cure biliousness. Wile to our Dootoro. We have the exclusive services of sonic of the most eminent physicians in the United States. Write freely all the particulars in your case. Address, DB. J. O. Axiut Lowell, Mass. The Latest News. 'The fight is on in West Huron, the writ for the Dominion by-election hav- ing been issued en Jan. 30th. Nominee time day will be February 14th, and election on the 21st. • • HAGTARD'S YELLOW OIL is prompt to relieve and sure to cure coughs, colds sore throat,pain in thecb.esthoarseness quinsy, etc. Price 25e. I. S. McKinnon, late of Blyth, 'but now of Toronto, has become a member of the S. F. McKinnon Co., wholesale merchants of Toronto. Ig's a pleasure to take tbat children cry for itebut it's death to' worms of all kinds. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. Price 25e. -All dealers. INSTANT RELIEF gnaranteed by using Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders. No depressing after-effect. Morley Habkirk has purchased the union bus line from Mn. Shank, Sea - forth, and takes possession about the middle of the month, Have no equal as aa prtnupt and positive curefor sick beaelache,billous- ness,constipation, pain in the side, and all liver troubles. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them. eeese-e DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP Is the nicest and most effective remedy for expelling all kinds of Worms. No need of giv. ing any Cathartic when it is used. Price 2se. Hagyard's Yellow Oil Cures all pain and takes out Swelling and Inflammation quicker than any other remedy. Price 25e. QUI= CURE OFSCIA.TIC4.4..? Mr. A. Taylor, 74 Afton Ave., Torontlites: "1 was greatly afflicted with Sciatica, bti after using one box of Milburn s Rheumatic Pills I was able to go to work in three, days and have not boon troubled since. Children Ory for ASTORLIA. • satason....gaw.......arx,I.I.:. MOVED I The permanent cure after per- manent mire that is being published week by week has placed Burdock Blood Bitters fax above all other remedies in the estimation of the sick and suffering. Even the severest and most chro- nic diseases that other remedies fail to relieve yield to the blood purifying, blood enriching proper-, ties of B.B.E. Salt Rheum or Eczema—that, most stubborn of skin diseases, which causes such torture and is so difficult to cure with ordinary reme- dies—cannot withstand B. B. B.'s healing, soothing power. The case of Mrs. Jas. Sanderson, Emerson, Man., shows how effec— tive B.B.B. is in curing Salt Rheum at its worst, and curing it to stay cured. This is what she wrote; "Burdock Blood Bitters cured me of a- bed attack of Salt Rheum three years ago. It was so severe that my finger nails came off. I can truly say that I know of no. more valuable medicine in the world than B.B.B. It cured me completely and permanently, as I have neverhad a touch of Salt Rheum since." Sale Register. ' TUESDAY FEB. 28TH. — On lob 8. con. 11. Hay, auction sale of farm, stock and hnplements. Ed. Bossen.- berry, aact., Damiel Livergoocl, prop. SATURDAY FEB. P.TH.—Alleti011 sale of homes, rigs, household furniture, four lots and a house. John Gill, meet., David Spicer, prop. Szok lInanacern, however annoying and distressing, is posibively cured by Laxa-Liver Pills. They are easy to take and never gripe. • Isaac Oressman, Lebanon, Ont. writes "13e - ore I took Burdook 13lood Bitters 1 was weak ancl run down, and could eat very little. After I had taken one bottle I felt improved and when I had finished three bottles I was com- pletely cured." Alex. McKay, of Grey County, met death by a sapling striking him on the head while be was releasing it from under a, fallen tree. The same day his grandfather,Doaald McKay, who lived with the boy's mother, died, aged 84 years. Both were burled together. Having Moved one door north of The R. Pickard Co's. store we will keep a good selection of . Fieesfra farad S'esiteci Meats. Also Poultry and ganie in season. SAUSAGE AND BOLOGNA Beef BM by the Quarter —DEALER IN— Hides I Calf Larcib and Sheep Skins. Note the address, one door north of The IL Pickard Co'S store. LOUIS DAY Pm P. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE. MARK s DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyend Sending a sketch and desCription may quickly ascertain Gur opinion free Whether an InVention ie probably patentable. Communioto tons strictly obnedentlaI, Handbook en Pattinte Sent free, Oldest ammo for Euteuring_patents. Patents taken through Munn So co. receive spaiat fiAtida, 1471th.rt olunytk the Stientific iitutricatio 8. handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest ,ole. °glutton of any selentifie iotirnal. Terms. $if reari fent raonthlie, $61.stooladha3rya:i nowsdealerA. New York Drawl mace, k18dw 5 8t,, Washington, 1). MUNN & Co THE PIONEER LIMITED Is the name of the Only perfect train in the world, now running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul and Minneap- olis via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway—the pioneer road of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illustrated pam- phlet, shelving views :)5 beautiful scenery along the route of the Pioneer Limited, will be sent. free to any person upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. .Address Geo. H. Heaftord, General Passenger Agent Chicago, 111, The Oxford County Council . hag adopted it report of the toll roads com- missioners in favor of the purchase of all the roads. elb ICYCLES .1Nig Ave You interested Wheels? We --Handle some ofhe lead- ing and k e t prices ERICAN ADIAN to st le times. AY few second han4 5iorgans 5 and Octave, che' Sewing Maetiii-Aem ALWAYS ON HAND. P. S.—Selling out.Dise Har rows at cost; PERKINS & MARTIN, Main street, Exeter. Buy The Best a n d Ignore The nest • In the end you will .flnd it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tablei,- Chairs, ea &waive. ilice--"NY- We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE and you will find what you are looking for, =LEY & SON, FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKERS Opera House Block.