Exeter Times, 1899-2-9, Page 1ee'err77:".. , HUED TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR NO. 2 & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. EXETERONT CANADA THURSDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 9th, 1899. gee este,—eyeages see eve g..Y.k, :I* eseessee. eageoesessege. eye geh. geege e gelegey, , egg ele gee telereleele."Ine eie ese tele ela eN forth arid 13ayfield to renew acquitine ' ei 11;4 fit or r fit .9"• JOHN' Wfel'nel SONe Pabliehere and Piep tore old friends. She left, for Sea. Heneall, was in the village this Week Hensel!. `Ye, G'' 3- Sutbcrluud, l`ruial7 Public,. c°n"Y tanees.--Miss Jennie Dick visited lser reze ancer, Comiresslener, Flee Insurance agent , 4,r, end 'fearer of Merrlege Lioonses. Legal demi sister, Mrs. Doggies, a Blake, this aies meets carefeny drawe at reesonable rates week.—liPrecl Menne has resumed work 9 Money to loan on real estate o,t low rates of in weekeeillness, Persous,of Stan- • ..atun..._We Clear Them Out . torest, Office at the Post office, Bonsai/. at Petty s bu teller shop, after ' several 49.0, ley is confined to.hie bed with an at- * Every year we take stock of the goods we have :41; H. Ill000KE. tack of appenclicitteeP— James White h % on and (Late with Garrow &Proudfoot) Barrister was down toWn silo:king hands with 41/4T) Solieltor, Notary Hensall, Ont. hjs frienTrdsa—Mrs. James elooreis en- „„,_ • The general upheaval brings to light a lot. of Ay, , ye A. Sellery, L. D S., D H. S.. Honor Grade tertaini ,,k,two sisters from Detroit.— oodi we'd rather sell than keep on the shelves. • 4.1 -4, ,ate of Toronto dtaverity, Dentists. Teeth i John Taisp, on Thursday night last 'eV ii; Potty'e 131oelc, 14ensall. At ZurIcli every while performing an acrobatic teat in WS ll. 111Y8t, ery why some lines don't sell quick- ly because we know, they're good value. Maybe -we ..:;.f” Oddfellow's Greatest Concert Ox -1 balcony to the sidewalk. He WOS un- f- bought too many or perhaps they're too high Hced 44 ford Mnsical Club, of Boston, 'Mass. 1. mnsei"s f6r $"ne time* 4. for the purposes intended. At any rate here b theygot: Opera House, Exeter, Feb. 20, 1899, .. eeiee-- . See Exeter locals. 'IVIltchell 1,1). profit or no profit we're going to be rid of them and :4; BE.. _The session 0 f ere Carmel BRIEES.—W. S—hIllinglaw,of Kitchell the beauty of it is they're goods that are useful to you 10, church has arranged for a conference , has been elected president of the Ike to be held in the Preebyterian church *1.* Hght now, mostly this seasons now goods. v t • • • • g Ne„ Monday, commencing May nth, front of the Commercial. fell from the ae 7Pr Let us quote a few prices:— Men's heavy ribbed, pure Scotch Elastic Wool under- shirts And drawers, 16 oz,, blue, grey and flesh ee. 410. .41" eea" Ala IA* t;,N4 :at ea: ottig "TA • N. 1.71; ee. here for the quielsening and deepening Clnton this week.-- George liuriburt else• of Spiritual lite. The meetings will has sold Isis farm, to Mr. Annis, and ate begin on Monday eyening next and . • . ala continue till Thursday evening. There .7,111 MOVe to Manitowaning Apt,. ch. Dr Cull has been elected chairman IA° e, color, extra, Warm, very durable, regular. price 2.30 in will be two sessions ach day e 506. now reduced to............ , ... ..... . ..... ... 30c. each. the afternoon and 7.30 le thevening. Men's Heavy Knit Top Shirts, roll collar, fullsize, ane At each session two riddresses will be .1'+`• given. The meetings will be acIcleessed sold regularly at 75c., to clear at 59c. each. aye. els1 , 36 inch Ileayy Tweed Dress Goods, in sinalligreen and • by Revs. Dr. Parsons; of Knox church, blue check, cheap at 30c, sale price enly20c. a .yd. .4,'N Mc?. Scott, St. JOhn's•church,Toronto, eti Dr. MeTaVish, Central church, -and J. 31 inch Blue Flannelette, veith small white stripe,' • • eve good quality, regular price 10c, to clear at ee, yoei. IV and Mr. H. W. 'Priest, of the China' In - Dress Goods 38 inches wide, large black and white ).-. VA• land Missioe, These gentlemen are fie plaid, suitable for Ladies' wrappers, regular price in the front rank of religious thought, `Ae and it is expected that their addresses a 20c., cut to .... • .. . . 12Sc.. yd. A •,. prove very helpful along the line . i'le,-,, A 'number of Men's and Boy's heavy winter caps, as - will . e sorted shapes and patterns, the broken]lot of a big Y erof Bible study, the work of the Holy seasons trade. regular prices were 40, 50, 60 and 75 cts. each to clear at Ladies' Bleck Astrachan cape, 25 inches long, high storm collar, fine close glossy curl, lined with heavy satin,regular price $18.00,now you can save ei's thi $1.50 $13 50 s teast of good things.—Miss Hog- - .• eye lex garth, of Hibbert, sister of Jas. Hog - Men's Heavy Freize Ulster% 50 inches long, with 0 • garth of this place, Who had to have '7 50 • part of one of her lower limbs amputa- $,eye are! ted a few years awl; was taken to Olin - eye ton on Monday, where she will be tea, Spirit, and the higher Spiritual Life. see. esSea A hearty invitation has been given " and it is hoped. that many of the neigh - eye Sesegi boring congregations will enjoy the eve privileges and share the blessings of inch storm collar, half belt on back, lined with heavy tweed lining, former price WdS $9.75, cut to On Saturday only we will sell Boys' Odd Pants,in navy blue lined throughout with benevy cotton, good 1 treated by Dr. Gunn. It is feared that wearers, fit boys from 4 to 10 years of age,regular eve, ale the limb will have to be taken off. prices were 40 to 75c., now . ..... .... . . 25c. a pr a aye iereat eympathy is felt for this much afflictea young lady.—nrs. Gilchrist highly of Rev. Seider s efforts ou this A J FORD & CO., WOODI-IAM. " 41. of the London road is very ill, and on important theme: of the High, School Board, Mr. Dent secretary, and S. Salisbury janitor.— A_ man jumped.over his valise the other day, and remarked that he had just got oyer the. grip.—Frank Williams went to Columbus this week to attend the wedding of his cousin. --Me. Swan, the barber, moved. to Toronto this week. -- Alfred Robinson took unto himself a wife this week, with the authority of Rev. S. Nethercott, of Staffs, 'Ent/wine Oddfellow's Greatest Ooricert, Ox- ford. Musical Club of Boston, Mass. Opera House, Exeter, Feb. 20, 1899. pee Exeter leoals. Elimville anniversary services on Feb'y 19th at 10 a. ne and 6.30 p. M., by Rev. A. I. Snider, of Wardsville. Oyster Supper, and Lecture ou "A Woman's Tongue" on Monday evening Feb. the 20th. The Plass speaks very eve Tuesday Drs. Macdiarmid and Brown- Bi-s.—The Winchelsea Creamery Agit. "THE SOLID VALUE STORE." tega le N. B.. inheld .1 consultatiou. — The Misses Co. have during the past week put in —Highest market price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce Murray,who spent the past two weeks 100 loads of ice at a cost, everytbing V e. • ve•kee.ke visiting friends in 'Hensel], returned included, of about $100. This is con - ATA vfree...,*.,atme...gt—trome,„g44.41,?„*.g,•fien.,1144auvavl.,,..sor.,.;_g4 • rnil ole•ii• (0, ik • N •IN /AN AN NI Y. A lk• (AN, ie. A AN home to Clinton on Triesday.—Mrs. J. sidered excellent work and in keeping Sutlaerland has returned home from a with the good management of the con- cern.—The Usborue Councilmet on Saturday . and did considerable busi- ness.—A creamery is to be established at Centralia, on Mr. Windsor's ferns, water being more plentiful there than in the village.—The weddiugs of Miss Brinta,combe,,daughter of john Bejaia - Combe, arid Mr. Hodgson, of Whalen, took place on • Wednesday last. The knot was tied by Rev. Jewett. number of relatives of the contracting parties were present. We join in wish- ing the young couple a frill measure of happiness and prosperity. _ Shipka Centralia • BRIEFS. —G. 0. • Glanville had the misfortune to sprain his ankle the other day.— Willert Bros. have pur- chased a stock of groceries.—Arthur Glanville carries an arm in a sling this week as a result of dislocating his shoulder a short tile Houle- han left for Manitoulin Island last Thursday, where he lagecured a pos- ition as teacher in a. layse school on that island. On the eye before Mr. Houlahan's departure for his new home a large party of friends assembled at his,hoine and spent, as far as we can learn, a very enjoyable evening.—Ow- ing to a high wind recently the .sinoke etacks of S. Sweitzer's mills of this place were blown down. Mr. Sweit- zer has had them re-erected.—sA very important eyent took place in the household of John Sharpe, jr., when a little daughter was ushered into the world. a - Zion Betneas.—The matrimonial fever and the grippe are having a close race for supremacy just now. Some of the young people who have an attack of both have been forced to take great care of •themselves as they are in a ,dangerous condition. The Rev. G-eo. jewitt precribes for the former while Dr Ferguson takes care of the latter. —John Johns and. Miss Carrie Brock were the last victims of the fever, but have been permanently cured by Mr. Jewitt, who, in the presence of a large number of friends, administered an adhesive plaster which bound them together for life. The pleasing event took place at the residence of John Brock father of the bride and the good wishes of the whole community go with them to their new horsie Exeter. Johnny took his medicine like a little nian.—The grippe is visit- ing at the homes of Samuel Peart and Sarnuel Horn.—Thos. Brock wears the happiest smile on the line. It's a boy, —As the snow has come again little Peter will be able to take his Dyke to Holland. Good sleighing svould be - welcomed as there is considerable teaming to be done. BRONCHITIS AND CROUP. Mrs. Henry Wordon, -Winthrop, Ora., says: "1 have used Hagyargs Yellow 011 for the -vast 10 years and nee it a wonderful remedy for Croup and Bronchitis. I am never with- out it in tho house.' Priori 26e, OHOPPING.—All kinds of chopping done,Tues- days, wednesdays, and Fridays. /000 cords of elm stave bolts and1000 cords of heaaing bolts wanted. Highest price paid. T. Elston, Cen- tralia. . Oddfellow's Greatest Concert, Ox- ford Musical (Nub' of Boston, Mass. Opera House, Exetea, 'Feb.' 20, 1899, See Exeter locals. BRXErs.—The remains of the late Edward Rollins, of London, were brought to Centralia last ,Menday morning accompanied by his three daughters and the Rev. Mr. Kennedy. 1 A short and impressive service was conducted in the Methodist church by , the pastor, assisted by Mr. Kennedy ' and Mr. R. Luker. The remains were ' then borne to the Nursery grave yard. C-reat sympathy is felt for tile bereav- ed claughtees who are very highly re- spected.—Oeutralie is to have a butter factory. The old cheese factory is to he converted into a suitable building. Stocks are being taken up rapidly at $10.00 a share, and the patrons are already drawing ice.—Mr. R. Hicks is improving nicely and will soon be upon crutches.—Mr. James Auderson is lying veep low atthe residence of his son and cannot survive long.—Mr. Wm. Baker is on the sick list again.— The quarterly business meeting of the Thursday evening last was very large - Methodist church was held last Tues- ly attended by citizens and people from the surrounding towns. The day. The finances were found to be in Zurech brass band discoursed music, a very satisfactory condition, and the svtiale a merry throng of skaters glided pastor, Rev. S. Salton, was. unani- mously invited to return for f third gleefully to the sweet strains. The year.—The literary given in oonnec- costumed skaters were numerous, while the skating :races_ were keenly tion with the Epworth League on Tuesday night was a great success. contested. The prize winners are as follows :—Ladies' character costume, There was a good attendance and the subject, "London (Jo'y" was ably handled by Misses Livens, Hicks, Jameson and others. The singing by the Misses Baynham, Boyle, Hepburn and Alla Hicks was very good. The chair was taken by the president, Mr. H. E. Huston.—The Rev. S. Salton will preach in Lucknow next Sabbath for the Rev. Jno, Learoyd who is down la grippe.—Mr. T. Elston has his crusher running in full blast.—Our village is growing fast and the wonder is that we cannot have a resident physician.—Mr. J. R. Evans still keeps laid up -with rheumatism and is very poorly at present.—Mr: J. S. Delgaty is expected to visit us soon a,nd renew old acquaintances. Other correspondence on 5th page, pleasant visit with her sister in Thanaesville.—The Orangemen of the local lodge attended the annual meet- ing in Exeter on Tuesday, It Was de- cided to celebrate the 12th of July in Exeter this year.—Messrs. Ayer & Mc- Taggart hays opened an implement wareroom in Co4;worth's warereoms,— B. B. GUAM, of Seaforth, was in the village on Tuesday. Mr. Gann is quite sanguine as to the carrying the several money by-laws in Seaforth. They ag- gregate $47,000 Which amount will be given in loans, to Messrs. Case to in- crease the pork packing businessthere; Robt. Bell, to establish a foundry, and Messrs. Van Egmond to increase their woollen mill business.—Mrs. Macarthur visited friends in London this week.—McDonell Bros, are remod- eling the interior of their 'store, im- proving it considerably. — Miss Louie Moir bas returned home from the To- ronto Conservatory of Music.—While in Heusall on Tuesday evening, Dr. Browning's horse ran away. — Later in the evening it ran away while being clriven. down the London Road, having been frightened by a dog running at it. The doctor was thrown out and some- what seriously injured.— The Curlers were in London last Friday and play- ed two matches with Embro, being de- feated by one shot.—The carnival on CLEARINO s2812,,0F SURPL S STC AKE ter: 002(•00.4.110110winalteerpFICIOCr LiE“. aeseeessesiMe Heavy discounts will be given on Men's Fur Coats Fur Capes, Robes and all,lines of fur goods. Ladies' Jackets, Men's Ulsters, Boy's Ulsters, Ready-made Clothing, also ordered Suitings, Caps, Mitts, Shirts, drawers and all lines of Winter Goods. All the above lines must he sold beforetrrival of Spring StOok, Do not miss this sale AS you will get bargains on the above'. JOHN HALL, Dasitwood. Ladies Miss Myrtle Hodgins, as "Angel"; girls character costume, Miss Vera Mur- dock as "China Woman," Men's char- acter costume, J. F. E. Berry, as "Chinaman"; boy's character costume James Patterson ; Men's race, two miles, Albert Reichert ; bny's race, one mile, W. Sheffer ; boy's race, under 10 years, Frank Peart.—Miss Bella Taylor h as returned home from visiting friends in Toronto. --A number of young people of the village attended the 'ball given in Seaforth on Friday evening last.— Hadley Doan, who grew considerable tobacco plant, has manufactured some cigars for his own use. They are a very good sample,— While chopping in the bush the other day, Albert Whitesides had. the misfortune to cut his foot with an axe he was using,— The Curling Club will give a ball in McOloy's hall nn Friday evening, for which 200 invitations haye beer) issued. It evill be a swell affair.—Corn. Cook has purchased a driver from Wm. White. — The Klondyke Comedy Company gave a concert here on Mon- day evening to a smell house, The entertainment was of pow. quality. --- Mrs. F. C. McDonell visited j friends in Exeter on Tuesday.—George Berry is visiting his brotlaer here.—Robert jarrott, last week :sieved onto his inablier'slfartn 1 miles north of Ilills Green, having disposed of his own near the village to Wrie Anderson.— A number of young people drove to Exeter on Thursday evening and en- joyed a skate ou the Ihseiter Fred Lang who hits for some time been it faithful employee in Bell's Foundry, left on Monday for Owen Sound, where he has secured a position as foremen in a foundry. there. /Peed was a favorite among the young people, and all regret his departure •.-Mrs. Sparks is very tow with la grippe.— There was quite a stir in the village on Tuesday, .several horse buyers being in the burg. Mr. Trott, of Brandon, was among the number. They purchased sevetal fine specimens •••••41.1•10. Wood ham Oddfellow's Greatest Concert, Ox- ford Musical Club of Boston, Mass, Opera House. Exeter, Feb'y 20th 1899. See Exeter locals. BRIEEs. — Business here has been good the past few days. Logs 'are coming into the mill in large quanti- ties.—Mr. Thompson, near the village, has sold his fine farm to jarnes Allen, who has purchased it for one of his sons. We congratulate Mr. Allen upon securing such a fine property.—The Winchelsea Creamery Co. have during the past week taken over 100 loads Of ice from Pedlar's pond, for use in con- nection with their factory next sum • men—Robt. Edwards, who has been very ill during the past fesv years and whose recovery at times was doubtful, has thoroughly convalesced, and looks the picture of health. The writer,who had not seen our old friend for nearly a year, was pleasantly surprised to see Mr. Edwards: From a mere skeleton he has gained flesh until now he weighs 180 pounds and feels as well as he ever did, being able to personally look after his saw -milling business.— Ben Allan, of Stratford, was in the village last week.—D. Gedke goes to Seaforth shortly. The mill here will be run by his brother.—La grippe patients are recoyering since the steady cold weather set in. Grand Bend BetneFs.—The many friends here of Mrs. Munroe, of Sarnia, vere shocked by the news of her death on Monday. —Geo. Meers and Miss Thompson, of Parkhill, were the guests of Geo. Sherritt ever Sunday.—Mrs. Yule, of carmen, Manitoba, who has been spending some weeks with her sister, Mrs. Carriere, returned home last week.—Miss Emma 1VIollard returned home Monday, after spending a feev days with her uncle, of Parkhill.—Mr. Brenner, who has been bad up for three weeks with Ia grippe and inflam- naetion of the lungs, is recovering rapidly. —Fred Fallis,of Parkhill,spent a few clays here the latter paet Of last week. &Mot RDPonT.—The following is the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 8, Stephen, for the leant& of Tautiary. Sr. IV, Bruce Bosseliberry, Harinan Gill, Nelson Ravelle ; Jr. IV, Edna Wolper, Alma Bossenberry, Ernest Mollard, Emma Zafte ; Sr, III, Alice Gill, Leo Diejarcline, lVfaurice Brenner, Emery°armee, Willie Zaffe ; jr. III. Victoria Gill, Archie Webb, Papal Page, Arthur Baker, nitainie Rexene, Jeremy Gravelle, Willie Lovie,jerecny ensjardin ,e Joseph Ravelle ; II class, 1V1yrele Webb, Harold Wolper, Ida Page, Essery Disjeedine, Dolphue Dis- jard Frank Statton, Esther Me - Pherson Pt. 11, Roy Holt, Charlie Page, 'Willie Baker, Dave Telaaate Noah Tetreeu, Blesset Disjardhse, W. Baker, Luthur Stat -ton; Sr. 1, Georgina Tanen, Peter Ravelle, Emery Dis- htedino, Ileum Walper, Major Bilker, at good pieces. —1Viesers. A. and G WLIter Pep, Sohnr.y Rumford, ZWicker, Of Crediton, visited friends MOreille Dispiedine, Lydia Dislatdine ; in the village Jr.Sunday,—Miee Morri- T, Laurance Carriere. son, of Winnipeg, a, fOrneer resident of LuserreA, CUNNINGHAM, Teather, Staffa Dashwood BRIBES. --The storms of the past week have improved the sleighing.— Miss Eliza Stuart is spending a feiv weeks with her want, Airs. P. Mc- Naughton,—A number from here at- tended an oyster supper at Russeldale on Thursday eveuing lase—Mrs. Joseph Norris has an attack of la grippe.— Mrs. Bryan has been confined to the house for a few days. She had the misfortane to slip and fall, hurting herself seaerely.—Mr. and Mrs. George Oliver entertained a few of their friends last Friday eveuing. . _ rkton Oddfellow's Greatest Coecert, Ox- ford Musical Olub of Boston, Mass. Opera House, .Exeter, Feb'y 20th 1899. See Exeter locals. Betanes.---Mrs, McGregor, an aged lady whose serious illness was reported in, lase week's l'esens died on Friday last, near Winchelsea, of la grippe. She was an old resident of this section, formerly residing on the east boundary of Usborne. —The young people of this section will give a i ball n Aberdeen heti on Friday evening. It is expected to he a swell affair, invitations having been sent some distance. Rev. Mr. Ball occupied his pulpit last Sunday, after two weeks absence owing to the; death of his son.—Stoneman Bros. give up business here on March 1st. Their successors are hustling business men and vvill keep up the good name of the store. Wm. Hazelwood is slightly hnproving. Musical Club of Boston, Mass. II' Odefellow's Greatest Concert, -Ox - lord rHEAp sA Ey Opera House, Exeter, Feh'y 20th 1809. `‘f.,' gg See, Exeter locals, Bames,--H. Willed shipped a car Special sale of load of bogs from Exeter station on ' Monday, for Toronto.—Chas. Lindefeldt is on a business trip to New York, in the -interests of the Flax Co. The good sleighing has improved the condition of the roads ---The revival meetings hieve been productive of much good. —A. move is going to be made at mice (o have the mail. route ' between Dashwood and .Exeter le- i newed. The corm:Enmity hereabout suffer great incottyenience by it being cancelled. If the Goyernment runs mails for the accommodation of the public, they cannot too soon re-estab- lish this route, and what wouid be better still to give us a twice -a -day ,sererice.—Several of the older citizens are low with the grippe, and it may be one sad duty in a few days to chronicle same deaths.—Our butchers are har- vesting their ice which is considerable 'le or owing to having to draw it so far.—John Hall has rented a grass farm and intendsgoing extensivelyinto the stock business the coming summer. Harpley. Cromarty. BRIEFS. —Mr. G. F. - Hamilton and Norman spent Saturday' and Sunday amongst friends in Brussels.—Mrs. Boyle has been confined to bed by a severe attack ofPleuro congestion a both hings,we are glad th know thatshe is recovering under the skillful treat- ment of Dr. Hutchisore—Reeve Ho- garth's infant child of a few months old was buried on Saturday;the parents have the sympathy of the community in their bereavernene. — Politics are being stirred up ; many guesses being made as to who will be the candidates as it is rumored that neither of the old ones will stand again. The town- ship meeting was held on Monday, and delegates appointed to a Conven- tion in St. Marys on Tuesday to bring out a candidate to contest the riding in the interests of the Reform. party.— Mr. A. Purdon is still very poorly, also little Jas. Gillespie. BRXEFS.—Mr. C. Stone has let the ' contract of mason work on his new residence in process of construction to Mr. J. Eyans, of Exeter. —Mr. S. Webb and J. Love attended the funeral of Mr. Jas. Forest, sr., of Varna.—Worcl has been received from the City Hospital, London, that Mr. Jim Clark, of Grand Bend, has under- gone an operetion for appendicitis and is getting along nicely.—Mr. Norman Buchanan of Shiplsa has been hewing the timber for J. Love's barn this coming summera—Deatla visited the home of Alvie Armstrong on Friday morningrend took from its number a bright little boy of three years of age by some throat trouble.—Wm. Baker sr., who has been seriously ill is re- covering.—Mr. and Mrs Catruthers are still -very ill.— We are are pleased to hear that Jno. Sherritt, is recovering from a severe attack of la grippe.—At the business meeting held in the Methodist Church, miss Lottie Sherritt was elected organist, Mr. N. B. Oliyea Leader. —Mr and Mrs. Wm. Down in- tend moving to Thedford next week. t.:recitton. Oddfellow's Greatest Concert, Ox - Anderson ford Musical Club of Boston, Mass. Opera House, Exeter, Feb), 20 1899. BRIEFS.—The Misses Beak, of Hen sail, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Walks. — Charles Hyde is suffering from a severe attack of la grippe.— Mr. Mills of Dakota, is visiting friends here.—The home of J. Pearn . was the scene of a very pleasant gathering Friday evening, numbering some 90 who drove to his house. After sotne time was spent in hand shaking, Mr. Pearn was presented with a handsome gold watch, accompanied by an appro- priate address. Mr. Pearn is about to leave this neighborhood to reside near St. Marys, and his many friends took this opportunity to express their regret at his departure. He and .Mrs. Pearn will be much missed as he was an active church -worker, being super- intendent of Sunday School for sev- eral years, and leader of the church choir. 1Vhile Mrs. Pearn was an active worker in the W. F. M. Society. His many friends join in wishing him success and happiness in his new sphere. Farquhar Oddfellow's Greatest Concert, Ox- ford Musical Club of Boston, Mass. Opera House, Exeter, Feb. 20, 1899. See Exeter locals. • BRIEFS.—G. B. Glanville, who con- ducted a general store here for some weeks, has made an assignment, and the stock was sold Feb'y 8th to 3. W. Broderick at a low rate on the dollar. —The annual m eeting of the Usborne & Hibbert Farmer's Fire Insurance Co., was heldhere on Monday. The weather was fine and the attendance large. The several reports were read and adopted, from which it was shown that the company is in a prosperous condition. The number of policies in force on 31st Dec. was 2206 covering an insurance of $3,620,635, an increase in anemia in- sured over last year of $51,540. The two retiring Directors, Messrs. Bain and Season were re-elected, while Messrs. D. Hay and W. A. Turnball were re:elected auditors.—The meeting of theFariner's Institute was a success. The attendance was large and the in- terest keen. We hope for more of such meetings in this section.—The newly wedded have settled down to the sterner realities of life.—The Thames Road congregation consists of 75 fent- ilies in the Thames road section and 50 in the Kirkton section. Since Mr. Pletcher's settlement one of the finest churches to be seen in any Country district was erected by the people at Thames Road at an expense of up - weeds of $9,000, the virhole cost being met by the congregation in twanettrs. They have recently made eepedin im- provements upon the manse and erect- ed a fine new stable and out -buildings for the Minister, wl.lo is deservedly re- spected by his ettebleea congregation. It well not surprise the friends of Thaffies road and Herndon to learn that, before Mr. Fletcher celebrates his twenteefiest anniversary as their pee - tor they will have given tie other indi- dation of their appreciation of his seta Vices by a handsome increase to his salary. Woinen with pele,colOrlest.faces who feel weak and discouraged,will receive both Mental and bodily vigor by rising Carter's Iron Pills, Which are made for the blood, nerves and ceemplexion. The people of Guelph are still agitat- ing for an extension of the 0. 10,R. from that city to Ocalerich. See Exeter loca/s. BRIEFs.—MiserBeaver visited friends in, Exeter this week. -- The recent sleighing has gladdened the hearts of those haying teaming to do, as also the merchant's, as business has improved.—John Whyte & Son, of Mitchell have purchased all the tile the manufacturers bere can make for some time, for their new packing house in Stratford. Seven hundred thousand is the order.—Wm. Lewis attended the orange meeting in Exeter Tuesday.—The residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Wind svas the scene of a pleasant event 'last Thursday, when their daughter, Miss Louisa, was unit -- ed in the happy bonds of matrimony to Mr. John K, Scbroeder ef this place. .Rev. Litt performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives of the contract- ing parties, who are highly respected in social circles, and the very warnaest wishes for their mutual happiness are extended to them bytheir manyfriends. Miss Emma Lewis is on the sick list.— Mr. and Mrs. Brown have returned from Blenheim, where they have been visiting friends, and intend starting for their future home in Kilinanagh, Mich., shortly.—The naany friends of E. Simpson, our past public school teacher, will be plersee to learn that he was successful in his Normal School examinations. — G. H. Zwicker has returned from. Toronto, where he has been studying to be au optician. Dublin. name-se—Miss Minnie Evans left on Friday last for Toronto to join the order of St. Joseph. -- Miss Maggie O'Brieu went to Brantford during the course of last week to attend the funeral of her cousin. -- Miss Lizzie Downey was married to William Devereux, of Seaforth, this week. Miss Doyle, who has been ill with 1 grippe,is again able to fill, her position —Misses Casey, of Seaforth, attende the funeral of their ,grand -mother, Mrs. McLaughlin, which took place Met week.—Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter ere slowly recovering from their sick- ness of several weeks.—Professor Haw- kins, of Brussels, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Simons on Friday last. —Cornelius Jordan and bride, of St. Josephs, spent lest week With Mr. and Mrs..Terues Jordan and theie friends in town.—Mr. Klinkharnmer, who has beeu confined to the house with the grip, is able to be around again. —M. Currey, of Manitoba, is visiting re- latives and friends at the present thne.--Thonias RaVery has sold his property and residence to Ur. McKenna. —Miss Katie Maloney died at the resi- dence of her brother, Patrick Maloney, Hilbert, and her funeral took plate Monday morning to the Roman Catho- lic cemetery.—The Klondyke Concert Oo. have taken their departure. Noe - withstanding their netisicel abilities they failed to attract crowded houses or evee the applause of the public. -- Mrs. Heigh ISlcLaughlin breathed her last on Monday and her funeral was largely attended.—Mrs. Thos. Craw- ford died on Thursday last, egad 64 years. The remains Were taken to Toronto for interment on Saturday morning. The deceased is survived by a bereaved husband who has the heart- felt sympathy of all in hie sad,affliction. — Mr. Weber, peoprietor of "The Dominion," is having thine improveMentes Made in the interior of his hotel. Overcoats Boys Overcoats et.. , ..$1.00 Men's e $3 to $5,00 Before stock taking we offer a reduction in all lines. Special line of e CEVercoats aoss _z=Fxamm _____4•42mAmgmuMw Exeter Municipal Council. -- Council met Pursuant to adjourn- ment, at Town Hall, Feb. ast, 1899, All present. iyfiootes of previous meethe,g read and confirmed. • Evans—Artastrong—That tbe Audi- tor's report as presented be adopted.— OrraA1.1me dsf. rong—Taylor — That the fol- lowing accounts be passed and orders drawn on treasurer for same : D.Dyea copying press ancl letter book $8.00, ink,paper and pens 95c.; James Creeeh wood, $6.10; H. Parsons, night watch services to Jan Slst, 1899 523.25; Jas. Creech, refund of error in R. Spicer's taxes, $1.00 —Carried. Taylor--Evans--That the 'corrected account of the Electric Light Co., for $75.92 for lights to Feb. lst. be passed and. an order be drawn on treasurer far same.—Carried. Taylor—Muir—That By -Law No. 7, 1899 to grant certain priveliges to the Sutherland Innes• , c es read a first thee be now read a second and third time and finally passed. --Carried. Armstrong --Evans-- That By -Law No. 8,1889 to provide a, fixed rating for lands used as farm lands in blocks of 20 acres or more as read. a first time be now read a second and third time and finally passed.—Carried. Arinstrong„--Evans—That the coun- cil adjourn to Feb. I7th, at 7.30 o'clock p. m.—Carried. GEO. H. BissErr, Clerk. • Zurich --- Oddfelloev s Greatest Concert, Ox- ford Music a (Nub of Boston, Mass. Opera House, Exeter, Feb'y 20th 1891 See Exeter locals. BRIEFS. —Mr. Foster took possession of the Commercial hotel this week.— Ed. Bossenberry has just recovered froin a severe attack of la grippe. --N. Deichert's sale on Saturday was a sue - cess. Mr. and Mrs. Deicheet leave this week for Dakota, where they will make' their home.-- Mr. Preeter will shortly move into the residence vacat- ed by Mr. Deichert, having parcbased the sanae.-0. Fritz this week purchas- ed from Ed. Appel, the store vacated by him, opposite tbe post °face. The store now occupied by IVIv. Fritz will be used by Zeller & 0o., to accommo- date their largely increasing trade.— A. Williams will be in Toronto nexe week as a delegate to the Gra,nd. Lodge of A. 0. U. W., as a delegate of the lodge here. — Bart Hooper visited friends in Exeter on Sunday. — The Zurich .band played at a. careivar in Hansen on Thursday evening last. They report having e good time.—Mr. Either has purchased a driving mare. She is' undoubtedly the making of a handsonie driver and it is believed un- der his training, she will step in 2.40,— Mr. and 'Ars. Kraft, of Cavalier, N. a, were the guests of 0. Brill. -0. Cann, Exeter, has 'commenced his diaties , porter at the Huron House. J.Durnart, the former one, has gone into the im- plement business.—Ice has been put in for next sumtner by some of our people who report it was never better than at preseat.—Mr. Brenner had another offer for his speedy driver. John nne clerstands horse flesh. Oddfelluev's Greatest Concert, Oa ford Musical. Club of Boston, Mass. Opera House, Exeter, Feb. 20, 1809, See Exeter locals. Thomas Thompson, an old and e tee ed resident of the 8th cot., )31. shard,died very suddenly of heart ail - bre, on "Friday evening, 27th ult., at the family residence. A. curiosity in the shape of a calf with two well -formed heads WAS one of the rare sights to be seen on the farm of Win. Stewart, Carlingford. The calt was the offspring of a Durham cow, and carne into the world alive and otherwise properly formed. The many friends of Mr. A. :Steak, merchant tsilor, Seaforth, will be sorry to hear that he is very danger ously ill. He passed through success- fully a most difficult operation, which was performed on him t the Percent° General Hospital on Monday of laet week, and Was making a speedy ee! cOvery to all appearances, when Bud- denlY coMplications set in. 1 -Te is in a critical condition. Malcolm McGinnis, of Parkhill, died about 12 o'clock Satutday ni ;ht. On Friday evening he visited at a neigh- bors and left for honte about 0 o'clock, It appears he did not rise in the morn- ing. Aboet10 a. in. Seturdely,. it was noticed he eves Oland uneoeseteuts, Ire lingered Mita midnight, Though able to be around his health had been poorly' for SOOTO years. Xsf. 'WO inn ie was a heohener and ft sister resided with him. 4, iittu over turoyeere age, owing to failing health, he reated hi feria on the toWnline of Stephen and roilee West ofAlie Oeta mei, and went to Parkhill to reside. as,