HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-2-2, Page 54. Molloy To Loan At frotn di to 6X. Apply Le 1,LL.10'1' &GIJADIVIAN, 13arristers, Solicitors. 4=4.., Main St. Exeter • Money to Loan. . . We have unlimited private fends for iiwegt- men b upon farm oraillage property at loweet ratesl'of interest. DICKSON as CARLING, . , . Exeter. , , TT KINSMA.N, _L. D. S. AND /.., DR. R KINSMAN, la •.A.. • D. S D. D. S., Honor Graduate a Toronte Univereity, Deatist. •,,I. je:e. Teeth extracted •without. pain or bad after eifectsee Office in Fan - son's block. West side of Main street, Exeter. DR. ARDIRSOk. DENTIST. Honor Graduate and Royal College Ontario. All Bridge work dope in the harmless anvesthetio The strictest attention ion of the natural tral Hotel, Exeter, (D 8 8 L D- 8) Toronto Univeraitsr, Surgeons a Crowns and Plate manner. A. paipless extraction. to the preservat- opposite Cen- ................... — of the a Dental *Work, neatest possible for given teeth, Office, Ont. ft.........MITAWIMPIMILV.1,102•01, . Farms . .A. few good tams loan. Apply to for sale cheap_ •iVieney to __._. for sale JOHN SPACKMAN Fenn for Sell Cop. 0, lot 4, Blanshard, 103 acres of land in 'state of good cultivation, well underdrained, 6 acres bush, 500 rode board and wire fences, good young orchard,. frame house 3040 ft. kitchen 26x18 ft., barn 86x36 ft., wagon -house 44x22 ft., and other out buildings,,harel and, soft water very convenient with windmill, within miles of post office' school and church. Fca further particularsapply to the proprietor, THOMAS THOMPSON, Woodham, P. 0. Business Chance _ The ,general agency rights of "Our Native Herbs" (Alonzo A. Bliss Co Montreal), for Huron and Southern Division of Perth, will he ;old immediately and on easy terms as ill- pealth forces mo 3 to leave the country. Wed established and profitable business. Forty.six sub -agents at work. Call or address, A. R. Shea, Coleman $te Seaforth. .N. 13. Persons indebted to me 'will please !orward at once. . MORE & INERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO ANNUAL MEETING. _ The Animal Meeting of the members rof the Morn° & Eibliert Muteal Fire Insurenee Co. • will be held in the Publics Hall, Farquhar, on gonday, the 6th of February,.1899, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of receiving the annual •eports, electing three directors and two ateli- ers, and any other business in the interest of ;he company, MOS. CAMERON, JOHN ESSERY. Secretary. President. t t .. OM Logs & Bolts EXBIPE Highest Cash prices paid by the SUTHERLAND INES 00.9 LIMITED For Elm Logs, cut 11, 13e, 16 and 18 feet long. Also Basswood Heading Bolts, 21 and 42 inches long. CUSTOM SAWING DONE Apply at Gould's Saw Mill, Exeter. GUS. WAGNER, Foreman for the SutherlandInnes Co. SIMOMIIML19.61.1.1...P.01W210110 BIRTHS. DOWN ---In Usbarne, on the 31st ult., tho wife of Robt-Down, 2nd eon., of a daughter. OITENTHER-Iu Crediton, on Tuesday, Jae, 31st., wife of Matthew Guenther, of a daugh- ter. ITARTEY-In Usborne, on the Seth ult., the wife of Charles Harvey, 3rd con. of a daugh- ter. OESTREICIIER-In Stephen, on Teesday,Jan. '24th, the wife of Herman Oestreieher, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. READY -BOX -In St. Marys, on Wednesday Jan. 25thby the Rev G. W. Henderson. Mr • A. Ready, of •West Nissouri to Miss Eva, daughter of Wm. Box. CALDER-AITCHESON-At the Man80. Sea forth, Jae. 20, by Rev. A. D. McDonald, D. D., McDotalcl Calder to Alice Wilson, eldest daughter of John Aitcheson, jr., all of Me- Killop. DEATHS. COOK -In Goderloh, on Tuesday, .Tan. 240, .T. Cook, aged 90 years. PORTER -In EgatondvilleJon Jan 22nd, John S. Porter, aged, '7,3 years. JONES -In Stratford, on Jan. 28th, Isabella •Jones, wife of Wm. Jones, aged 65 years. RUSSELL -In Goderieb on Saturday, Jan. 21s1 Elizabeth Richardson, wife at John Russell, 'aged 86 years. BRAITHWAITE-At Granton, on Jan. attb, Mary, youngeet daughter of the late Elijah Braithwaite. -IteCULLOCII-In Seaforth, an Jan. 25th, Jean McGinn, Tenet of the tato William McCulloch aged 91 years and 6 months. RALE -In Ethel on the 25 ult., Herman Ball. son of Rev Bala Kirkton, aged 21 years, 5 months and six clays. WESTAW A.Y- (Accidentally killed)in Brant- ford, on Jan, 28, Samuel Westawase former- ly of Exeter, aged 56 years. DODDS-In McKillop, on Jan. 23r5, Nellie la Doddsalatighter of the Into Peter Dodds,aged 9 years, 1 month and 17 days GAIRDNER-At the family residence, Bay - on Friday, Tannery 27th, 1891), James A. •Gairclner, Esq., aged 79 years, STURDY -In Godorich township, on Wednes- day, Jan. 25111, Francis Abigail, daughter of Samuel Sturdy, aged 16 years. ffelleTTTF,NDEN-In St Marys, on Tuesday, Jan. 251h, Pamela, Dodge, mita of the late Laurieton Crratenclen, aged 88 years, .TLIST LIKE SMOKE. • A cough is like emoke. Smoke imlicatee that that is Jiro tient owb ere. 'A cough indieatee 'that there is a serious disease hidden awey in the 13rokthitv, organs. , Pat out the tiro with water and tho smoke will disappear. Put out thront and haw disetees with Shiloh's Consumption Cure and yew' cough wilt disappear. 26 dee 50 ets., and $1.00 a bottle. Guaranteed to do everething claimed. for IL WANTED. Fifty teams, by the Sutherland Innes Co, Limited, for drawing f -f clm lOg olot 8 and 9 in the 5t1b1. conceSsiOn of Hay, apply to GtJS WAGER. Gould's saw mill, Exoter, Al:ntlV14V1,0.31q.l4,Grlu.:04.0..rem El rots Oot.IntY NOtots. I .At the ripe' age of 52 years, Oatheis Me relict of e bite John Baird, Mit- (1)e11th road, Viilltirtonopaeeed sway on d Jan, 28, at tbe residence of D. 4c- ' Olticherty, her son-in-lasv. Deceased, • was one of the very ar$i; settlere, of VUllttrt911. A L Chiselburststleury it Len. an no Houghtoo, eta, hplit, a 1 al pile seven coede of wood in 8 henrs :Led 1 e masa This is their a vveage work Thos. Elstoh, who hits resided th W bit eford farm at, •Ru ge v 1 for 14 past, 'five yet11.8, Inured 10 Centrhli onday, ,where he will 1110 the ele. per. Death has claimed as its vita in anothel or the oldest residente of Hensal I section. .1 ttlbet4 FI wv$L.of Pet Lie, Stanley, passed away 14bit 851 year. Sato uel Sturdy; tile well know:. ex Oouneillor, of God e h 1. moist: if mourns the loss • ef his dough to Frances Abigail, under p11101 Lily den cireurestances, She was 0 elm reit I1Y quite well on SundaY, hut 011 Mouday was supposed to he talciug the grits from which Mr. Sturdy was just re- covering. On Tuesday a elector was summonesi,bot on W ed nesday b e bad become so inuch worse that dee th catile before the doctor could agate reach her. From the latest syinptonis tile trouble is supposed to have been en 'at- tack of appendicitis' The annual congregational meeting of Chisel hurst, Presbyterian eh :mull was held on Monday, 160, inst. The treasurer's report showed the church to be hi, goodfinancial standing, al- though the • re -building and fur- nishiug amounted to $1,141. The old oflicere were all re -appointed, v iv : James Connor, secretary Henry Hos ton, treasurer ; John t.:elsa en, leader i of choir ; Miss Eliza J. •:Lerlor,organiste Charles A.berhatt, James Morrieen, R. N. Gilgan managers ; George W. Wren, Daniel McLean, Charles. Aber - hart R. N. Gilgan, collectors, and Robert Newell and James Morrison, auditors. • • On Wednesday of last week the spirit D of George Oeivin, sr., an old and es- ' teemed resident of Brussels took its flight. The old gentleman had 1, been ailing for some time,but was OltlY e confined to bed for two weeks, The cause of death was kt general breaking " tl e •fii sic Ll ;18 he op 3 t y had passed hie 90th mile post on life's journey. Deceased was bran in Done- ), gal, Ireland,m 1808, and there followed Blyth will ask the Ontario Legislas tore for an act to consolidate the fol- lowing debenture debt of the village: - $3,300 salt bonus debentures, maturing May lst, 1899; $2,000, woollen mill de- bentures, maturing February 1st 1902, Lod $3,000 fire protection debentures, maturing Noverneer lst, 1908, "for the ayment of Which respective sums only $1109.10, $950.40 mid $964.10, re at the credit of the seyeral sinking funds applicable thereto, and auth- orize the issue .of new debentures for he sun; of $5,500 for the vedemption hereof, aud for the payment of the ncidental expenses of the said legisla,- tore." The appointment to the rectory of 1. John's London toteaship, has been onfirmed by the bishop. Rev. Canon ichardson, M. A., present rector of be Memorial church, London, sec- eeds to this important beneficiawhich vas created and endowed by patent rom the eta:sm.-its January, 1830, and w s wen. held or years n succession by Rev. Benjamin Orpnyn, afterward first Bishop of Enron ; Ven. Archdeacon 0. C. Brough, with whom was associated Rev. J. P. ThiMoulin, present Bishop of Niagara,and latterly by Archdeacon Marsh. Canen Rich- ardson will carry with him to his -fine suburban parish the good -will of a large circle of friends in London,Where he has labored diligently and success- fully for over 21 years. "Not to be visited Again:, Some time ago in the State of Michi- gan, a young and enterprising book agent was in the country. travelling from town to town; selling a work called "The Early Christian Martyrs," which he sold at $5 a copy, delivering the books and collecting the money as he went along. He bad been two days in a certain town and had taken a fair number of orders there, when a little before noon he called in a grocery store,where he found the pro. prietor alone The old grocer asked him what he had, seeing from his sample case that he was an agent of some kind. Ho replied: "I'm taking orders for a work called. 'The Early Christian Martyrs,' and have only a few copies left," • The old man's eyes beamed with delight as he said, "Is that so? Why, it was only a few nighte ^go my wife and I were talk- ing about th hook and wondering how vie could; get She wants the book and so do I.' The :lolivered him a copY, and as the old 41-0 him a 35 bill in payment, he said: ‚v, look here, don't you go over to the. 1. nil sell a copy to my wife, becans.4 „t. • • rot ono in the family." 'Certainly not, ' vela 0 1 ap,4ent, "I wouldn't thin." and • bidding the old t: ho left the store. It and the train v:10, 1 o Chicago started lilt 3 . hiniself, "I have just . to the old lady and get ,al So he entered the near. kill . getting the home address of ta,• . tut, from the directory, he at one,: .lojyritlA there. Of course, he had no diRt,otty in makbag the sale, as she was anxious to get the work, and having received the 35, he made all haste to catch the train. The old Man came home for dinner long after the book agent had gone. His wife came toevard him smilling and congratu• lating herself upon having secured what she had so long wished to pessess, a copy of "The Early Christian Martyrs," He did not smile, however, but swore angrily and muttering something about tbat he would fix him, hurried (not stopping for dinner) in the hope of reaching the station before the train started for Chiongo,think• boa that the book agent would be Mire to leave town ite soon as possible aftet When be came within 200 yards of the etation he saw from the top of the hill Which sloped down to the station that the train was on the point of starting, so, recognizing a friend of his who was nearly at tho bottem of the bill and. consequently close to the train, he began gesticulating and shouting to him to stop tte agent. His friend could only catth the words book agent, wile was smoking a cigar •on the rear platform of a oar, and asked him wim11 tthe old man on 00 11111 wanted. The book agent protendedie ecientinize the fig, um in the distance, of course, knowing full well who he was and what he wanted In a few minuteS,he said,a0 an idea seem, efl to strike him: "I know ; I know now. That is a OW ioMor of mine. Ile wants a copy of "The Christian Martyrs," and like a fool I never balled on him I forgot him. yon want to do him a good turn," he add- ed, just as the train was going to move out, "you had bettor take the book from mo and give it to him, so he Won't be dis- appoinied, The price Is $5." The than gave the boek agent 85 for hiS friend, and took the book and the train started for Chieago "1 one* • the occupation oi farming. In 1839 he was united in marriage to Miss Ann currie: who pre.dePeased him about nine years ago Aboutfifty years ago, in company with his 'Wife, he emigrat- ed to Canada. • After a long and painful illness, Mr. Xohn S. Porter, passed away on Sun- day last, at his residence in Egmond- Ville, He was bordering on his seyenty- third year. Mr. Porter was ono of the pioneer residents of the County, and one of Soaforth's oldest mica most Successful business men. He was been in Brandon, Suffolk, England. On leaving the old country and strik- ing out for himself he first settled in Sandusky, Ohio. After a residence their of two yeane, he removed to Goclerieb township, in this county, 42 ; s :lc :1. He came from there to *Settitiri , I:ere he did business for 33 years, although residing in Egmond- yilIe. He was for nittoy years largely engaged in dealing in bides and skins, to which in later years he added the furniture and undertaking business. The death of one of the oldest resi- dents of Grantme, in the person of the late Mrs. Albert Beatson, took place at the famil3r residence in that village last 'Wednesday. She came to thio country from Aberdeenshire,Scotlancl, with her father, the late John Grant, and brothers Alexander, deceased, and Leslie now a resident of Iowa, in 1843, and settled on the farm, part of which is now occupied by Grauton village then a howliug wilderness. Shortly afterwards she married the husband, who now motirns her departure, and Fettled on the Beatson homestead, just south of the village, -where she lived until a few years ago, when they re- tired from active life to enjoy a well earned rest. Deceased leaves behind a husband and four sons, Joseph, Albert and George, farmers of Biddulph ; and Thomas, of Manitoba, and four daugh- ters, Mrs. T. Mitchell, of Loudon town- ship • Mrs. F. Arnold, of Granton; Mrs. 1W. Lawton, in the Northwest, and Miss Maggie at home, all grown to manhood and womanhood; also a nunaher of grand -children, and three brothers, William .and James Grant, J. P., of Granton, and Leslie Grant, of Iowa,to mourn her departure. Deceas- ed was aged 74 years and 11 months, and was carried to her last resting place in the Presbyterian cemetery by 6 four grand -sons. • Waning ad Abiloo To a Those Going Deathward. HOW TO MEET AND VANQUISH KIDNEY- TROUBLES. Feline's Celery Compound the Sutter- . er's'Only Salvation. --- Too many Men and women forget the fact that the kidneys are most impor- tant organs of the body. The are wonderfully constructed machines that filter all poisons and impurities from the blood. When, through dis- ease, they are unable to do their reg- ular work, poison and death are car- ried to all parts of the system. When the kidneys are disordered,the unfortu- nate victim is quickly and surely brought to a knowledge of the dangers that develon. Bright's disease and betes. The hackaches ; there is indi- gestion, dropsy, inflammation of the bladder and a constant call to urinate There is generally abundant sediment in the water ; sometimes it is pale in color, frequently it is slimy and streak- ed with blood. Any of the symptoms noted above ould create alarm, and warn the • 101 that be or she should at once ke tise of Paine's Celery Compound, 1,17, only medieine that can put toflight , toms of a dreaded cued deadly dict ;She action of Paine's Celery Com pos. prOtnpt ancl telling in the ost sggi. • .ted fornas of Kidney dis- cat.,,, ; t sent.. es out every weak spot, and e heal i og vireeses bring strength and )i, lat.' :1( to every organ, What P :Toe s Oeievy Coinpound has done foi o here in e past. it, will do for you 110V, , Do not hestitate or pro- crastinate poor sufferer ; lay holcl of Paine's Celery Compound at once, and health will be your reward. 11 cures surely and permanently. Has R ever occurred to you that No Tobacco buims so long in the pipe f.t, OLD RELIABLE T. & As cheap as the Cheapest and the 13est. • EXEER TINIES •^0},,Agnl.1.,..,14, FRIVIDS PRE,VAII-ED A Nervoes Toronto Woman Waikee the Floor Puring the N teht for islotsrs et a Time -She Makes a Statement, TORONTO, ONT.-"I was troubled with nervausuess. It was impoesible for nae to keep still and if the spells came over me during the eight I had to get up and walk the tioor for hours at a time, 11iy bleed, was very poor arid I wee subject to bilious attacks, lYfy feet would swell and I was not able to do nay own house- work. I treated with two of the best playsielans here but only received relief for a time, I became discouraged, One day a friend called and advised me to .try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I laughed at the ad. - vice but I was prevailed upon and pro- cured one bottle. Before I used it all 1 began to feel better. 1 took several bot- tles and also several boxes of Hood's Pills. Now I can eat wad drink heartily and sleep soundly. Rood's Sarsaparilla has entirely cured me and also strengthened me so that I now do all my own work. claeerfully recommend Hood's Sarsapa- rilla to all sufferers from nervousness, weakness or general debility." MRS, H. ,F. PA,BM, Dearassi Street. 's our Liver Tha eaky to talte, Hood's Pills to operate. 2a cents. IVIARKET REPORTS. • Exeter, February let, 1899. 1 Wheat per bushel e, .63 to 70 , Oats8 to 29 Barley.... , ...... .. • • -40 to 44 .130 to 64 Butter ..... ..... ...14 to 19 &gee.- Is to 16 Turkeys • . • ...... O to 9 Geese 6 to 8 chickens pert) •••• • . ... 5 to 5 Ducks-. . •.• • • .. T to 7 Wool.. .... ...... .. 17 to 18 Dried AT,' pies, . . .. .. .. , 6 to 6 Pork dressed 31.6.5 to 3.76 Pork live weight. - „.......$3.75 to 33.75 Hay per ton.... .... 8500 to 36.00 Clover seed .... .... ..-. .... -34.00, to 35.00 .Alsiko clover 33.50 to $5.00 Timothy seed 31 70 to 31.25 —0-__ London. February 1st, I8e9ri,. 921 21! Nvoo,htse,t per bushe ,.. .... ...:.:4359 to oo 4850 peas .... ......... 55 to 58 Larcliemyth eat .. 39 to 39 BBC:elan:sr : .• : : to 16 • 41 to 45 60 to 70 14 to 14 Eggs 16 60 to 70 Ducks . ,, „ .. . 10 to 12 Turkeys per lb.... Geese peril:, 9 to 10 Chickens Cheese. . to 75 E to 10 Potatoes poi' bag ..30 tol 00 Hay per ton ...... ...... . .3 6.00 to $ 7'50 Pork per mat.. . .. 54.50 to $5.00 GRAIN MARKETS. Toronto, Jan. 31. -Flour is firm,with the demand moderate ; straight rollers in wood west are quoted at $3.20 to $3.30; bran firm, at $11 here and $12 to $12.50 west; shorts, $16 here and $14 to $15 west. Wheat is steady ; red winter and white are quoted at 71c to 7.2c north and west, and goose at 71c to 72c low freights; No. 1 Manitoba hard, 740 to 75c Fort William ; 81c to 82e Owen Sound and Midland, and 85c Toronto freight; No. 1 northero, 81e • to 82c Toronto freight ; oats are firm, with sales of white at 29ec to 30e north and west, and at 31c east; peas sold at 66ec north and west, and at 67,1c east; rye firm, at 54c to 55c.; buckwheat, 490 to 50c west • corn is steady, with Can- adian .quoteh at 37c to 38c west, and American at 43c to 44e on track for new; barley firm, at 17e to 48c west, and 48c to 49c east. Monti•eal, Jan. 31 -Flour--Receipts, 1,700 bhls ; market firm. Flonr quota- tions :-Tatent svinter, $3.80 to 54; patent spring, to 54 20; straight roller, $3.40 to $3.00 ; extra, $3.10 to 68.20; superfine, $2.40 to $2.60 ; strong bakers' 83.80 at 84 ; Ontario bags,$1.70 to $1.80 ; wheat, No. 2 Manitoba hard, 75c to 77e ; corn, 44c to 46c ; peas, 70c to 72e ; oats, 31c to 83c; barley, 55c to 57e ; rye, 50c to 58o; buckwheat, 51c to 52c ; oatmeal, $1.70 to $1.80; cornmeal, $1 to $1.1&; pork, $15 to 615.50; lard, 7e to Sc ; bacon, 10c to 12c ; hams, 10c to 12c ; eggs, 14c to 16e. • FOR OVER EIFTY YEARS. AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED Rumnpv.-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has .been used for over -fifty years by millions of mothersfor their children wbile teething. with perfect success. It seethes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo, andis the best remedy tor Diaarlicea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is ipcalculable. • Be bum and ask for Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take Do other kind. WEAK, NERVOUS WOMEN Suffering from palpitation of the heart, dizzy or faint spells, watery blood, etca can be readily cured. A Manitoba Lady Tells About Her Case. There is no need 'whatever for so many women to be the subject of faint spells, heart and nerve weakness, anaemia, or any of those health destroying ailmente peculiar to her sex. Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve 'Sse, Pills regulate the heart beELt and mase it strong and full, tone the nerves, °midi the blood, and relieve the pain and weakness from which so many women suffer. Mrs. Alex. andet Setter, of inurnit Pigeon Bluff, 4.1 Man., writes an 'HEART & • account of hee • case as f0110Wilv NERVE "i have greee pleasure in &- Lug My experi- ence of Mil burria • ^)/"J Heart and Nerve Pills. For about ten years was trot:ailed with throbbing and fluttering of the heart. 1 tried five doctors and eoveral remedies but awe of them Ea me much good, Lately I heard of 1VIiiburnis Heart and Nerve Pills and bought two boxee, Before etarted using them. I could not do my hones work and gave myself up to die, as I thought I would never be cured. Now /feel really splendid since taking the faills, do my work, enjoy rny meals and feel as if there wite gonna thing in life worth living for," Milburn's Iteart and Norve Pills, gold by all deuggisth 500. bot or 3 boxes foe 0.25. T. Milbuen Se CO., 'Toronto, Ont, lioniitt-LIviie Cure. tininUsfiosil, Sick Illaaditahoo Clibhittiptitioil., and pielditia, Every Pill Perfeeti Pride goo., Always Cured by Doan's Kidney Pills. Mr. I. Patterson, Croft St., Am- herst, N.S,, ma.kes 'lle following statement: " Ha\ ',teen trots. bled for some tins: . • distress- ing backa.ches ana o • kidneys, I decided to try 1 • Kidney Pills. They •aci•cd 'tly and effectively in remov tie s trouble with which was aril:, , tnd re- stored me to my It is a pleasure for Inc to on them to others." Doan's Kidney Pills are il• effective remedy in the wo, 'or Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Dt „ Backache, Gravel, Sedim• in Urine, and all kinds of Ki Urinary Troubles. Price et. or 3 boxes for $I.25. Th., Lt ti Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, "1-.t. Remotriber the name, "Do:, ," and refuse all others. BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY,AND FARM NBW NUT MARKET The undersigned has opened up a new meat xnarket one door Son et Garling's 8tore. where be will keep the choicest of meats constantly on band. • A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T TIANNING Ti S1.36111WeGSVS11 V All accounts due me must be settled by cash or ,note before February 13th, @99 WITHOUT PAU,. aCeeaelaresaAtte I will give special bargains until that date FULL STOCK ON HAND. Undertaking a Specialty. R. HOWE A Man is always hi the If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting • SUFI'S lie:is a sure fitter. His pricer, are away down. • His goods are the best. . Call and examine his goods before buying your -FALL SUIT JOHNS, The mutor. SCHOOL OPERINGi SCHOOL BOOKS r A full bright of line, fresh and and every School re- quisite at Where the Scholars are always used well $ Su.:h a Thing As wearing glasses 'hen you should not,, and not war - ng them when you should. It is a, mistake to do either. We only prescribe glasses when they will he of use to the Wearer, A large proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses, no consulting our Optician yon incur DO expense and inn M9rnings preferred for testing at • Tal FITT JeWellery -$1orei. reoesesoosao-o.o•esoaceo-receoo-o-ceo•ooesteatacsoasoeso-esteckao-cso-oomaso-oes r, a t Tir• ed Fedi g" cornmon and just as 'e horses as it is in -hen their blood is im- I their appetite and Lve them—their work as bard. Dick's A Purifier-, i•4 lost vitality—The food is enjoyed --Every payticle • rhe hide frees itself. Bots and kindred worms aro des. horse thrives. • 1. cants a Package. Trial Size, 25 Cents. g O. Montreal, AgeRts, DICK O. GO. Propretors 0 ,•• rilVitiffili'sWddiVitlitst:itaittii41141tRitWaititlfes,ci,t'.•' • • :;.'„essideeSeaSSWSWelfdigaiSliki Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and Charra oy selling twenty Topaz Scarf Pins, at 15 cents eacb. Send yetir address and we forward the Pins and our Premium List, postpaid. bi-, money required. These Pins will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of the best diamonds, and has never before been offered at anything like this price. The Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fully guaranteed. Unsold Pins may be returned, Mention this paper when writing. THE GEM PIN CO., Freehold Building, Toronto, Ont. -a• --Sera Genuine Padlock and Key CI A Solid Sold Sholi Ring u or Curb Chain Braoatot nON'T send money. Just your name AN and address on a POST CARO, and we will send you 20 packages of AROMATIC CACHOU 5, a delicious con- fection to perfume the breath, to sell for us, if you can, at 5 cents per package. When sold send us our money, 51.00, and we will send you FREE your choice of the beautirul prizes illustrated. Goocis return- able if not sold. Mention this paper. TISDALL SUPPLY CO. SNOWDON CHAMBERS 5 TORONTO, ONT. SeseeNisleAVES,Sa eatiesigal bgnalMIR J.LT.T.TZ'S I c ' fug ), to 1' e ,,,,,,......, D , w find at B We would recommend those ( suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, j and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WIN'S COUGII BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT. RHEUMATISM s INFLUENZA. Also WIN'S CONDITION PowDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches W on horses, also condition pow- der for same • SOLE AGENTS FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. LUTZ (11 ,:srstivor,..ry,m....so,tx%ra,caszn.-oran, FREE. We give this fine watch, and also a chain and charm for selling two dozen LEVER COLLAR BUT. TON% at 10 ctS. each. eSneddweYbfuert waardcldrte8he Bu t ton s, pestppld, and otir Premium List. No money re- quired, Sell the Bot tons amohg your friends, return the motley, and we send Ike watch, jaep,aid. A genuine Atnericart wateht guaranteed a good totleplese. IVIentien ties paper eirlietio;trvi,ttinitg. MUTTON' .11D Ade (aide St. B. Toronto, Oat, A Suit oar Gimes or a Singie Garmeot Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, • Moderate Cost, • Perfect Fit. You look for these in an old awl reliable place, and A. 1. •SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A • large assortment of Fall & Witter Goods In Worsteds find Tweeds, • are now on our shelves, and We Wil) ta.ke riraoli pleasure in Showing them to you. There are many otherlines that are specially at. A,C Jive. • 641' ortnuti. the following line of Agrees. • tdral Implements BERIN BI DERS, MOWERS,ROLL 5 AND BAIL BEARING STEEL •. ) A. full line of EgEd Dulls, Cultivators Disc and Diamond Harrow,k. Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MAH NES, .TC The celebrated Knoll Washer mRaayehmittoned sewingil and WringerS STOVES. -42v13 -- Gurney stoves and furances..-__ wag ons • uggies icycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full lino of the celebrated McLaughlin Blames. 6.13ILfL49 We are in the van with all that is desirable in the IMe. .Let us show yon our stock. of $17.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember vve put up the best suit for $10.00 that ca be bought in the county. GIVE ITS A CALL. J. H. CrievO,