HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-1-26, Page 841 :LIP X, weeseetease., a ,.e.reassee'enan,eateeeteee. sFeeiaesese teessesgesteetteeteek ea--..eaesasree easoeFsesseseaaselestesseses. , ViTaBrepets I.is"'inieergia,---iitiron, oreListowel ; 'Middlesex, Henry Harding-, 000ke, UoWink ; Forth, r.l.'„ E. Ilay 1 of Strati:tray, Oaesrrene SoOlinie-e-An e oyster emeial tinder t$pie( Oi thas Triyitt, Memorial church will be ricla cu1.. ley's opera hone on Friday evening, Feb. tied, cosennerecing tit 6 o'elovit. Adreiesion 250. Jalawe S. Catiantsie-dallee Mortoo will contintie her Ex-tn.:genetic: labers over oext Sunday. She will delivee addreeees niorniug and esrelling and at the Sabbath Sebool in •the afternoon, is expected the clip:Miens &arch will be filled. ..Wsenems0,-- The hoard of managers., of the, Peblie Isibrary again warn tile parson or persons guilty ef eating,. writing or destroying hooks and mane azines iti Reading RooM as they in- tend to prosecute the seine to the f alt extent of the law. Aconmerra-Oa Saturday afterrioot last, while skatiug on the rink; Mies Emma, Mt 'bad the Misfertuue. to break one ef her arms. She slifMede and in extending her hand to save herself, she struek wtth great force on the ice, breeking the member pear the Wrist. BAD.Roaessae-The cancession roads are still in a bad. condition. The path - masters Seem to ha rather slow in hav- ing the wade in their respective beats put in proper condttion for the safety and convenience of the travelling pub- lic and Her Majesty's royal mail. The pathinesters need to be reminded of their duties and responsibilities. They should give atteation to the matter at once, so as to prevent serious teethe dents and injaries. MOUT BE BETTER nickri TAOS. — There is probably not a town ori earth where scores a dogs do not escape the tax collector. A. novel scheme has been successfully tried. in one of the larger towns across the line and has worked successfully. A. list of the - dogs taxed is pasted ep in prominent places and a reward of 10 dents is giv- en to the boys who can hunt up the aulinals that haye escaped. The plan line two ad vantages. It adds consider- able to the town and takes away the temptation to deceive the assessor. Installation of officerS at the last re- gular meeting of the Lebanon Forest, Lodge, A. F & A. M., on Monday evening, the following officers were duly installed by H. Spackeintm-I. P. M,„ W. H. Levett ; W, M., J. A. Steisa art ; S. W., Dr. Sweet ; J. W. Peter Gowan ; chap. Geo. Walrond ; Treas., B. S. O'Neil; Sec'y 0 H Sanders; Tyler, Saan'l Sweet s S D, Dr. Amos s J. D. Isaac Carling; 1. G. Robb, Knight. At the close of the meeting the mem- bers repaired to 'the Central Hotel, where a splendid supper was served. Among the guests preseut was Hon. Thomns Greenway, of gat, itoba. Pg pit R.LY 1•PIRAFAIMMI•W•4/*AVIbilea.....,•••*11512.41. Our annual Stocktakina Sale now on, Some Bargains tI1tLt do y011, 1'0011 allnInin for le Mask Astraehan 0.e for lovely Coluloid. Covered Far Cattle regale t. value $10.00 Photo Albums, eessabee 51,50. le2.1.11,1 for isedsei 1Lack -Astrachan 65e each for the new Combination Fur ;nett, good (plenty. Crokinole Boards. $2'3 50 for Ladiee Choleeet Blade 00c the yard foe the new Beattie.; Istatelaket Fee Coat. 1 -lop Sack Dress Goods all new shades $1.08 foe Child's Best quality Grey regular value $1.00. Peesian taunts Clas, 15c the yard for niee Plaid Dress $2 25 fm. Geot's Best Beaverized Goods, excellent quality. "PA -PeBeseettin. 25c. the yard, 1 piece only, pure es; e,5 for 0 enoe Persian Lamb Furs Silk " yrtle Green" regular value 05c. Caps Wee bright, out, 200, 2 pieces only, Check ' Union 51.23 Gent's Choicest Persian Lamb f, Silks. J use the thing foe blouses. Far t1ap, uwe better. g 51.90 each f(a. lovely ()herdic Table • W,1,00, t"Srev Goat Robes, largest Covers, alt new desi ens. size, who'e s 25c each for Sn•all Cheoile Table $12 111'ena emly Black Cow Robe, ;Covers, "Job," regular value 75c. we leidee. regeiar ealue 3I6,00„. 12its the yard for best Indigo Ger- $11.00 :lame a IV ombatt, For Cloats span Prints, the kind you always pay be value ib the laud.* 10e for. n') Gen ths Onoiee Kangaroo Fur 20c the yard for the very best Utl- ••• . -46 ()arable Cottonade, always sold at 25c. elentne Black Australian 2ae. each f er. your ic ehoe of 75 sam- Wol V Fur Cleat. A. wearer. g ple*ends of Carpet, each la yards long. tn13. M, Geu Vs 13 laek Corsican Lamb ; J ust the thing :err mats. Fur Coat. Ouly one left. q 45e the yard for your choice of 20 $1.25 each, tor Wool Knee Rugs, pieces pure Wool Tweeds, worth- regu- regular price 5200.,lar 65c to $1.00. • 51.10 for Geat's Black Cud Driving 50e the yard for double fold Ulster Gauntlets, worth $1.50. Cloth, regular Soc. 91)0 for Ladies' Black and Grey curl $2.40, 2,90 and 3.4.0 the pair for gauntlet s, lovely pale wool White Blankets. 75c for Girl's' Grey Carl Gauntlets, 14c to 300 the pair fcr O'nildren and very stylish Misses' pure wool Worsted Hose. The 65e lor Ledies' Black FurNeckRuff, best value NN e ever offered. - e for Ledies' BitckFeather Neck 1 Cotton Shirting. Mind 1 We s.ay the quite nirty. 1lie the yard for the very best 25 Ruff. hest. 1 mileteGrey Persian, Lamb Muff madStores:n-0°lb te. Cheap. End Your Money Wisely ,o itd at 'Stewart's Big Cash $2.00 the pair for very fineNotting- ham Lace Onrtalles, Extra Special value. as you ought. Yes! . It pays Store. J5 A QTP'fri:EIRra _ _ nenetattseseant. ,t,l Agen for the WtilSITAN ..StIt.a.NCI..: Com, aNV, of Toronto; aLso for the .estmssx FIRE ISM-1A:10E C0N1rANY. -of London, England; 18 ALLIANor, Imsus..a.:ccm, COMPANY, of Eng - ad. • ••,,•7 Season -I898. 70 OUR FRIENDS The Christmas holiday season sith us -once more. and our doors, hat for more than thirty years have ' wring open to welcome ear customers, iill gladly do so again and with an aded feeling of gratitude for the un- iminished kindness of those whose tactical expression M it, has brought hem toour counter with each 's emceed- rg year. "How long have your tinily been buying here r ,"I do not - now, my parentsbought here and I ,aere 'bought here in my school days nd now I am buying for my children." re thank the eustomers for the noWledge of it. • We aro doing our best just now to fill ur shelves, counters and show cases tith all that we en procure that may rove useful and pretty and moderate •k price and expect to have everything order for the same date as in pre - taus years, viz. the 15th of December. • 'he cards will he 'ready as usual on the • /th, and in abase we can promise mat to all whose artistic sense finds leasure and eatisfaction in the gems f art that are produced with -each sun- essive year. To those who prefer dealing else - 'here but look to Exeter for theie apply, we can assure a nice and aeled choice in the stoeles of the other eaters in town. There is no need of • nyone going form "home" to buy, GR1641.3 9 MAIN STREET. EXsT ER ASIERECEMORMENEE= , t_ ItURSDAY, 3-A1+117AR:5:n26TE, 1899- _ e "1' • ent• as For &Triage Licenses, Wedding Rarigs, Watote es, Clo Jewe I rya SpecteLcies, Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Skating appears to be a dead letter in S tratford. Messrs. Rollins and McDanes are at- tending County Council this week. Miss Addie Hollaud, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., is visiting her parents in Exeter North. Hon. Thomas Greenway, of elani- baba. spent Sunday and Monday the guest of Dr. Rollins. Mrs.F. W. Collins on Friday last un- derwent an operation for the removal of e soft, tumor from her back. She is progressing favorably. Messrs. Walkurn and Chapple, of Mitchell, have purchased the business of Stoneman Bcoseeat Kirkton, and will commence business there in March. The late Hiram Walker's prominent Exeter customers neust be greatly shocked to find not their names are not mentioned in any of Mr. 'Walker's fifteen wills. Premier G-reenway while here Mon- day ordered of Messrs. Weekes Bros., a handsome Swede Granite 'Monument to be placed in ruenkory of his son at Crystal CRY. Man. The G. T. R. are diseharg,ing all men on the road who are over 50 years and not insared. As a result of this change Andrew Dempsey and T. Flynn, are thrown out of work. A large number from Exeter attend- ed the Thames Road Presbyterian church anniversary services on Mon- day evening last. The Caven church choir furnished the musical part of the program. 'While passing out of a doorway at the residence of F. W. Glade -nen, on Monday, Mrs. ;Inn. Mellott slipped and tell on to the hard ground, giving her DIAPPte• body a severe javring. l'sro bones were broken. She is confined to her bed in • consequence. Zies Jeckell, teacher," is confined to • Wait for the Odd Fellows' great Con - tet bome through illness. cert, the best, of the season. The cele - Good Friday C/7.110.5 tOte year on the brated Oxford Musical ()tub of Boston, ast day of March ; Easter Sunday on Massachusetts, on Monday Feh'y 20th. :ed day of April. Personal recommendations fromsMa- sonic and Odd Mrs. William BFellosvs' Societies dfrooks has been ara • United States. A two -cent railway rate is now being practically demanded by the 'public. Travelling is no longer one of the lux- uries. It has come to be one of the necce“ariee of life. We are a faster people than those of the last genera- tion and things that were then thought, to be only within tbe reach of the rich are now looked upon as part of the "daily tweed" of every day life. The third annual meeting of the t es &hers of District No.1,West Huron, wilt be held in the Exeter Public School on Saturday afternoorall'eb.4th. Prograktn--(1)What can -teachers do to foeter a national spirit P -Mr. .Gowan; (2)History, Mr. Merl -meson ; (3) Read- ing, Miss Ball (4) Composition 5th class, Mr. Lockhart 4th, class, Me, McKay ; 8rd clase, kr, Ceeech ; 2nd ahitedpost-mistrees of tlie Hay post iffice, Exeter north. Dr. Rollins,of Exeter,poiled the large et vote in the county for County iouncillor, his vote being 1522. In Many of the surroundiag towns ad titles the price of whiskey has ecu advanced to 100 a glass. The ealets here are still selling tit the old Arthur Snicer, who has been in the • mploy of White & May, St. 1‘•fary1, sr the past year, left, for Stretford, . here be bite ceared a situation as utter. In 1831 the postage ou a letter from 'reland to Eeteter was one shilling and eh pence half penny sterling and irk the poeeetge WaS reduced to ten ence s.earsilig, ttoW it is one penny. Herman 33a11„ teacher, is lying eats.class, Mies Ball ; 1t stitles, Miss Halls, erously ill of appenclicitie at his board,- W. B. 3O7aNsWoN3 lit GARDINER,. Sec'y. kg house m Grey township. His ttrents, Rev, Mr, and Mrs. J. Ball, of arkton, are attending at hie bed - [de, Cbarles Aetzelt, eff Seaforth, brother f Mrs. T. R. McCa1him o Exeter,has roved himself to be 21 ta.eeder of 1coteli collie dogs of the first rank, a recent bench Arose.' held in Peter - oro, Mr. Aefeell exhibited one of his ogs, "Snow„” This dog took secend laee in the young elase, ho com peti- en with thirty oeher dogsin tile •pen ehiss "Snow' carried ofif third feney. One of the anitrials sbown etkinst this dog was recently sOld in cotittrid for $2,500., The question of allowing the selmol children to give presents to their teaehers at Christmas tinie,Will be dis- cussed at a meeting of the Galt school board. Quite a number eif presents were given this Christmas, and it is said that the parents of sante tef the children wile, efnild not afford to con- tribute anything tosvatela the peeeerptits flea complain that their children feel very seneitiye about it, and ttr6 ed to go to School. The reeOlution bidding the preetice is oVeretane the ehildren goilig to the teaelter after seleeel IsOtirs and Snaking the presenta- tion. FORMER RESIDENTS OF EXETER. - A very happy party was that assem- bled Monday Jan. 16th, at the resid- -ence of Mr. end Mrs. Thomas Allin, 350 Elgin ave., when they celebrated their golden wedding. Relatives and friends were present to bestow their kindest congratulations and sincere wishes on the happy couple whom one would scarcely think had passed their three score years and ten. They were the recipients of several very pretty preseuts.. After partaking of the very elaborate aud claintY repast a most enjoyable evening was spent in happy reminiscences, Mr. I. F. Nix also con- tributed to the entertainment of the guests by several well -rendered selec- tione of reading, and recitations. The joyous gathering dispersed about midnight wishing them cheerful, yet lengthened days and happiness. - Winuipeg Tribune. LA GRIP AND SULPITUR.-G. T. An- gell, of New York, in Dumb Animals, says :•-•It is a fact When' the grip was prevailing as an epicleenic largely in our city a few years ago;I ascertained, by inquiry of my offiCere at---13yam's Match Factorynthat of the 43,..persons employed there not 013e had been. trou- bled with it. I have at various:Mines' told the press how many at MeniPhis' escaped the terrible epidemic of yellOw fever there by wearing powdered sul- phur in their shoes' also the evidence of a distinguishedGerman medical writer, that wearing sulphur in this way has proved a complete Protection against cholera and other epidemic diseases ; also, that those working the sulphur mines of Italy escape the ma - leant which' prevails all about them ; also, that sulphur itt the shoes has cur- ed various cases of rheumatism ; also, that sulphur taken internally or worn in the shoes has sufficient power to pass through the body, the clothing and the pocket book, blackening the silver therein. ea - Additional locals on 5th page Miss Olive Wright is visiting friends in Hensel'. Miss Woollett, milliner, Toronto, is visitingMiss Edith Hynclman. -J. Harris, of Seaforth, is visiting friends in and a,roand Exeter. Jaknes Weetcott, took part in re shoot ing match at Hamilton last week. Mrs. Kirk and two daughters, of Manitoba, are visiting Mrs. Hugh. Oke. Miss Esther Thompson, of Boston, Mass., is renewing acquaintances in town. • Miss V. Banes, oi'Creditork, bee been visiting ,Mrs. A. Hooper, of 'Exeter, for the past few days, • Colman Monctireleft on Tuesday fat Moritann' where he will take f,,a, tourse in telegraphy And shorthiMd. Mrs. Gariand, whO has been' tesiding itt Hensall.for some time, is quite ill, and on Wednesday Mis.Thornas Clarke and liftee.Richard*Blatebford,of Eteter,, visited her. - •I "We lean that a seeond grist, mill is 1 to be startecl in town. on the old Me, .Nabb property ROM' -tbe river, weal , • also that a Soltit $tOOTE COltipAnY ftbOilt to be fOrmedte establish ama- chthhe nes'' Ili cindtn3fd Tertaking establishment at No, 118 Dutulas street London, will be Conducted 1:ly lfessrs,WAir, Clarke, SOn of W. S. Ciarke,fontet4y-atesident of tteter, and W, S. Smith, B011E gentlemen bave had wide eXperiet1e0, b4,Ving been connetted for -sitars with the Otto of S. Vergnson & Co. esavstivvv-,--, r_ gaflflt,tn,}tra,ca We are clearing out all Winter Goods regardless of cost, Frirs, Mantles, Overcoats, BlEmkets, Footwear, 'Dress Goods, Underwear, &c., have had the knife put in deep. Note these prices. Men's first quality SwaEnp Wallaby Coats, best linings and trimmings, regular price $25.00, stock taking price .. Men's Biagi< Corsien Lamb Coats, splendidly lined and • made, regular price $25.00, stock taking price .... • . - • Ladies' 30 inch Black Fur Capes, full sweep, fancy silk lined, r6gular price $13.50, sphcial price Ladies' Fur Setts, regular price $10,00, special price •,5 18.00 18.00 10,00 e, 00 • MEN'S OVERGORT8 Men's heavy Freize Overcoats; well line& and made, regular- • ly worth $5.,50, now Men's Fine Be -aver Overcoats, blue and black, fancy linings and velvet collars, regular price $7.75, sale price Men's Heavy, Freize Coats, rain and wind proof guaranteed, regular price $9.00, now .... Boys' regular $3.75 Overcoats for... UM BRW R.. Ladies' Union Vests, full shaped gussit under arm, great value for . • 0 • • • • • • • $ • • • ...... Ladies' Wool Vests, full fashioned, fine goods, a snap for... Ladies' Wool Drawers, various sizes, great sellers, special for ..=•rms, 3,95 $5 00 6.50 2.50 I $1V4etietFAMee*PAMitSiftfirfeWASSO .. *6,9, From our large stock of Ladies' and Misses Mantles 0 we have only thirty nine Ladies and eight Girls Man - •‘‘00,),. ties left, that includes every Mantle in our store. Now S in order, to clear out every Mantle in the month of 0,• JANUARY DURING STOCK TAKING. MO We are offering thern all at greatly reduced prices, below we quote the pries. 4 only Ladle's Mantles, regular price 553.0.050 vet:aced prices $2.50 8.75 e 0 •2.75 4,50 e 11 3.50 0 4.00 65:0500 •/,' ' 0 4.50 4.25 11 6.50 n II i 0,75 /1 e 5.00 If 4,75 e '7.50 e e 5.50 ;t3 2 1111 . 11 0 0 1 0 11 11 1 II 8 e 4 It 11 0 1 0 4 4 it 3 e 0 II 11' . 6 ,, ,, P II /I it 4 1, IrII . 3 0 11 II 0 4 8.00 11 , 11 6.00 2e e n 11 8,50 0 0 0.50 1 0 11 If 0 10.00 n e '7.75 4 •• e Girls Ulsters at reduced prices. 4 e 0 Short Coats at e 11 All Men's andBoys' Overcoats that we have left will - be sold at greatly reduced prices during stock taking. Highest prices paid for Produce. Butter 140, eggs I.6c. dried apples 5id, turkeys 9c, geese Go, ducks 7c, chickens 5e. Potatoes per hush 40c. . CAtL4ING lEitiROF 4SeidSeSeSer'ed-trilfiAtti(ZSZSZSZ,S433 lau ter ale o IP Boots &Shoesand 11 mess. `^-4 During the next four weeks We want to turn $2,000 worth of .25 Boots & Shoes; and Harness into Cash, and will hold a slaughter ..5,0 sale. .50 We will offer Boots & Shoes -at Cost prices in order to reduce the . stock: The goods are first class, have been well bought and care- fully selected, and it will pay you to buy now. Here are some of the prices 1-1ITE ERN We are showing a beautiful line of Ladies' Whitewear bought at a baygain . Ask to see it. APPLETONS' PACKAGE TEAS ARE THE BEST All kinds of Farm Produce taken at highest market prices in exchange for goods. 0 9 Direct 1111pol-tem 1•11•,•••••1=••••MM••••012•11. Read T. Fitton's advt. in this issue See R. N. R,owe's change of ad i this issue. • • The young people will give All a sembly shortly. T. J. Lockhart has recovered from. his recent illness. The ice harvest has commenced and the quality is good. W. H. Levett was in Toronto on Tuesday on business. There will be racing contests on the rink Saturday night. Miss Turnbull, of Winchelsea, is vis- iting Mrs. J. G. Jones. • Mrs. (De.) Amos is improving slight- ly from her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. T. Boyle last week celebrated their wooden wedding. Miss Thonipson, of Elimville, etisited her sister, Mrs, -StstelIa,rttin,. over -'80„Y? W. J. Carling attended the Poultry and Fat Stock show in Clinton yester- day. ' Will Bagshaw recently passed the Norinal School examinations for sec- , ond class certificate. The annual meeting of the. South Huron le 0, L. will be held in Exeter on Tuesday Feb'y 2nd1399. George Teson of Mr. Eyre, of Chisel- hure,t, died last week •of appendicitis. He was ill only a few days. R. H. Collins is still confined to his room. He is iinproving, however, from a severe attack of rheumatism. Revival meetings are being con- tinued in the two Methodist churches this week, much interest being mani- A convention of the Royal Templara was held in Credit= yesterday. A number of the Exeter sisters and bre- thren attended. , Mrs. Sheldon, of Detroiteyisited Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins last week. She is at present visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Treyethick, Creditoisa The License Corm:Giesler:kers for, Kindly favor us wth a part, of your South Huron are: Peter Douglas, trade and we wlil endeavour to please D. D. Wilson, Seaforth ; you Henry Doyle, Mt. Carmel. ' Winan's Cough 13alsitna, it, is a re- liable remedy for Coughe, Colds, Broil' We sell chitic troubles. Sole agent for Dick's ling Syrup. C. LUT, Elteter, Oyster Supper and Concert at Ed. xeter -and School Hoese, S. S. No. 4, UshorieektOn Friclay4ark, 27th. Supper frana 5408. Admission, adults 25e, children 15. Seshn Wood, pioneer resident M Tockersiinth towoship, died oti a tus- day last. His DettlatitIS will beinterred.", in the Rodgerville eemetery Thntsday. A 130oes TO TER AFFLICTED. - is coming again'T. P. Smith will he at the CommercialHotel, on Friday and Saturday, January 27th and 28th. If your eyes are affected dont fail t call and see him. No. 1 hides 7-1- cts. at the Exeter Tan- nery. Miss Maud Parkinson is visiting in Detroit. Miss Enaeline Howard is visiting friends in St. Marys. Mrs. A. Beatson, of Granton, died on Friday. She was of advaneed years. Miss Carrie Reid is yisiting friends in Detroit, and other points in Michi- gan. • W. Levett on Monday rode a bicycle .to-Oentralia and back. He reports the Wheeling as good. -S. J. Southcott has been appointed customs officer in London in succession to Daniel Donaldson, dismissed. Mr. Southcott was a former resident of Exeter. Rev. S. J. Allan of Brussels will . preach Missionary sermons in Main st, church next Sunday morning. In the evening the service will be not only missionary but evangelistic in its (character, in harmony evitla the special /services which are now being held 1 every night in that church. t- TRLvETHIGK —DEALER IN -- Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Flour. Apples, Potatoes Carling Bros. are showing ,fa very 1 oh, d floe the 'office, kid gloyei )gree4 Bran,Shorts. cen ee and toms, They are the sole agents " Exeter -for 11/fi11er's Giovinefor deeming and Oil °aka. kid gloVeb• , Sarnia, VVhite (bal. Oil, 160, Trevethick R. It Collins. On TtleedaYereeeivedg' a telegrant. feorn,,,Uanitolitte announcing the death of Nfr, 'Xiehoi,•.eoh.ItOaw tf pattlitiottE The 00$0ii•..WA9 PPPO as they 110 note heard of Mr. bcng 111. Men's Felt Boots from $1.50 to 52.00 Women's Felt Bals or Congress 1.00 Women's Dongola, Kid Bal or Button 1.7050 Women's Heavy Bale Men's Dongola Kid Bal or Button ........ 1.25 Men's Heavy Rubbers 1. Men's Heavy Overshoes 7005 Harness We have a number of Setts of Light, and Heavy Harness, single and double, which we will also sell at greatly reduced prices. They are made from the best stock and by competent workmen. Call and see theGoods and -test our prices. J. TREBLE Exeter. • • s „este-se-4 ' •'' 14trA 1htuC CyPts C. Adam •,5 4 3to2.-tt ut.3,13 during 1399 will be devoted to Fiction, Trirfvel, And tEriart., and will be tt,. best ail -around boy's paper mil,- . TWO SERIAL STORMS . " Forward , March I" Gavin Hamilton 13y KIRK MUNROE . By MOLLY ameter seewitia, is a story of a young hero with Roos& Is a story of the time of King velt's Rough Riders. • Frederick the Great. SOME SHORT STORIES SCOUTING ON THE PLAINS AN EXCHANGE OF SHIPS By " But:rm.° EtLt". By Cittottna- WOLVES vs. DISCIPLINE THE GUNSHOT MINE . By Monty IV. FISCHER fly CHAR LES I.rataits A DANDY AT INS BEST THE KING'S TREASURE -SNIP 13' JULLA.N_Ti A LIR! Sly ,n 401551.0 GOVISIA . STORIES OF TtilE WAR THese stories are founded orafaecto,fthe In cases are the actual expeil• • eric THE RESCUE OF REDWAY GRUI8ySlNIOvAVvITSTNFIODE8WEY - 1y II A LO MAn ROTit,t BILLY OF BATTERY E A SCARED FIGHTER . By COLGATE liA ERR ( By AV. 3"; 11 eNtsltsoN - i WAR CORRESPONDENT AFLOAT Ily Ca:ur:roat T. CHAPMAN WITH CAPTION AT EL CA.NEY By FLETCHER C. RANSOME , ARTICLES ON SPORT AND TRAVEL • These articics'will be of 0900151 518081 to every live and energetic boy wbo I) ( loves adventure,,and nut -door sport. ) ) ALASKAN FISHERMAN ARCTBIsCcWiAuysFCA.P,AEDRASMS LET OF FLY-FISHING By It. C'..! _;-:w:ii TWO -.1 rypl°17(--P. s.F.siN51.1.j.13sEgrECHAvNTING s .. :If.11 ?••• '15'..'7.-'•-:., CLUB -HOUSES ne E. 0. KENT 33, i)AN REA R 0 THE C.:All,.1 CLUE 91 BICYCLE POLO By A., IL GOttrstEe • ‘..)„,•!,. I ;14.1 sow vn (04' " A:t:11";t: S: ''''' , 4 p TsTill.TtiraiTsiTAGNRD'S 0T.A1NB51,i-.2, q In • .. , f• .. All will receive attahi,. each month in the ...,.. ',IND TABLE fit. IIA PP/ ' , "y., .' ..7S, r',0:"P! . •. 'T.0 Vuric, N. V. Stl,. , ',,,' ption, Si 00 a rear 4,4 PRO.ai r. • Mel euzzeBe .t. Mr. and Mrs. Sevenerton, who have c been visiting here for some time, left,> for London on Saturday. r A hockey match between the Exeter ‘: and Seaforth hockey teams wilt be played next Moriclay evening on the Exeter rink. R. C. 0. TreMaine and Bert Giciley are each tarrying disfigured faces, the result Of injuries inflicted while prac- tising hockey. , LIVER TnOtreiats, biliousness, sallow complexion;yellow eyes, jaundice, etc., yield tope, , curative powers of taxa - Liver Pals. •They are sure to cure. EXTENSION �f; BusimEss , Having purchasedthe Exeter Mills we are now prepared to do general gristing and chopping. Flair whole- sale And retaih All kinds of grain bought, Grain delivered at first eleva- tor paid for at IVIill office. Flour and feed delivered to all parts of the town free of charge. ° •500 cords of wood wanted. Hard or soft. COBB4E,0191( s WMLIAMS. NEW! etteetkeea., We are showing New Spring Kris Choice patterns with excellent quality and finish, also • Cirighams. The balance of- our LADIES' SHIRT WAIST:PLAIDSrsvill be sold at greatly rednced figures. JI P. OLARKE • •