HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-1-26, Page 5Money To Loan
lar oaniortnt o private fawls_ to loan at
J,QWJL' '.i' 1t.A.T1,S Oh INT.PittLST On reason,.
able terresof renaytneut. '
L'arrlstere, Solloitors, &c., Main St. Exeter
Moneyto Loan.
'We hey unlimited private l otids fo inyest-
�olc t upon farm or village property at owe
3'at)aO in'teres t.
D. S D. D. S., honor Graduate
of Toronto University, Dentist.
Teeth extracted without pain 9r
bad after effects. Office in Few
eon's block, West side of Main street, Exeter.
DR. ANDOI ON, (D L D. 5 )
Honor Graduate of the Toreoto 617nivorsity,
and Royal College of Dented Surgeons of
Ontario, All Bridge work, Drowns and Plate
work clone in the neatest possible manner. A
harmless anoesthotio for painless extraction.
The strictest attention given to the preservat-
ion of the natural teeth. Odleo, opposite Cen-
tralMotel, Exeter, Ont.
Paras for sale
A few good farms for sale cheap Morley to
loan.; Apply to JOHN SPAOKM4N
Fann for Sala,
Oon, U, lut 1, Blanshard, 105 aoros of land in
state of good cultivation, well underdrained,
6 acres bush, 500 rods, board and wire fences,
g000d young orchard, frame house 30x20 ft.
ltitohon 20x1Sft., barn 84x311 ft., wagon -house
44x22 ft., and other out buildings, hard and soft
water very convenient with windmill, within
miles of post ofllce, school and church. Fa.
further particulars apply to the proprietor,
Business Chance
The general agony rights of "Our. Native
`Herbs' (Alonzo A, Bliss Co. Montreal), for
Huron and Southern Division of Perth, will bo
sold immediately and on easy terms as ill-
ibealth forces mel to leave the country. Well
estarblishecl and profitable, business, t ortysix
Sub -agents at work. Call or address, B.. 1t.
Shea, Coleman St, Seaforth.
N. 13. Persons indebted to mo will please
forward at onto,
The Auntie' Meeting of the niethbors of tho
lUsborna Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
bo held in the Public Hall, Farquhar, on
Monday, the Oth. of February,. 180% at 1 o'clock
p. in. for the pu.rpoo3 of receiving the annual
xepor'ts, electing throe directors and two audi-
tors, and. any other business in the interest of
the company,
SOUTH 1-111JeaCaN
At ono o'clock, p. m. Meetings will bo address-
ed by A McNeill. 'Walkervillo, 'subject! "The
condition of the soil in relation to crop returne
A. C, Hallman, Now Dundee, subject, Practi-
eal hints on Swine industry, (bacon hog- illus-
trated.) A, W. Campbell, Provincial Road In.
tistructori 'Good roads." A. Innis. Stanley, sub-
,ect, "Horse breeding in general." A- Mustard
Brneefield, and others, will also address the
.Eygo„ritto, SESSION,. 7.30 p no—A, 'McNeill,
subject, 'The social side of farm life.' A. C.
Hellman, The winter care of cattle andhorses.
A W Campbell, "Good roads.'
In IVIoser's hall, ono o'clock, p. m .A. McNeill,
subject, 'Fruit -growing as a specialty or with
general farming.' A. 0 Hallam. 'Cultivation of
fodder corn, and the silo. A W Campbell, P
'Good roads. F Baker, Dashwood, R. Turn-
bull, Brewster, II Smith, Fray, aod others will
address the meeting,
'The public schools a farmer's standpoint.
'Good roads,
Public flail, at oee ek, p. m. --A. McNeill,
'17nderdrathing.' A Hallman. 'Cultivation
of fodder core and the silo! A. W. Campbell,
''.Good roads.' W W Cooper, Kipoen, 'Caro
atiernanageMent.of live stook in summer.'.
Smith, flay, and W M Doig and others will
.also address life Meeting,
'Fruit and flowers in country homes,. A C
Hellman, ',Farming as an occupation. A W
Calnlibell, 'Good. roads.'
Everybody cot dially invited.
32. mcmcis, 13,. GARDINER,
Preside it, bee,retary
"lightest prices paid by the
summutiv NNE'S C1139, MATED
For Eim togs, cut 11, MI., 16 and 18
feet long Also Basswood Heading
and 4'2 inches long.
Apply at Gould's Saw Mill,
Foreman for the
Sutherland Tunes Co.
Miss Lizzie Crozier, milliner with A.
Beattie & Co., St. Marys, for the past
nine years, left Monday morning for
Oarrna Man,, to become the bride
of Rev, Charles O'Meara, rector of- the
onarriage ceremony will take piece on
'Tburscla y St. John's Anglican
'Church, Carman, of vvbioh the Rev,
F. 0. O'ISle.aNt. a son or the groom ia
the rector, and wite (nee Ly'dia
Crozier) is a, sister to the intended
AN 010 AND WntrAuxun RIEStenlr.—,.Mr8
'Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
Ovor fifty years by ntilTione of mothersfor their
children while teething. with perfeet Success,
It soothes the,child, softens the gums, allaye all
yak!, °urea wand colic, and is the best remedy
tor DiarrItceo, It to pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists hi every part of the world, 25
coots a bottle. Its value Is incalculable. .13o
*are and ask for IVIrs. Wittslow'S Soothing
Syrup, and take no. other kind.
IA the nicest end most effective remedy for
et polling all kinds of Worms. N6 need of giv.
Jog any Cathertic when:it is used. Price 25c.
magyard's Yellow On Corea all pain and
Wafts out SWellin and Inflammation outokor
*Ian oil other to °dr. Price 250.
GiT:F:4./C`'4' WG6"X"?.t'TSW PK:'KA�.".1:�FYL^i
Additional Locals
The Sutherland 'Innes Oo. .09 noth-
ing their new stave mill to whiolt a rt,
R. swttCi1 will be build at one.,
Thos. W illis, of Centralia, has
taken tip his abode in our midst and
will occt py Me. Nukes' residence on
Wtlliatn street,
Miss Cora E'otvell," of W oodstdt"`,
who has been the guest c her aunta,
Mrs, E. J. Spackman for the past
Month, left for her home this week.
1 e axe pleased to note by the Brant-
ford Expositor that Miss Evelyn
Carling, daughter of Mr, T. B. Carling;
Caine out 1st with honors in her class.
at the'X-teas exams;.
At a meeting of the Refortners Of
SOW/1 Perth, e? i Wednesday,- W. 0.
Moscrip was a'rain Selected 1 e contest
the riding in the approaching bye -elec-
tion, should the Courts dismiss the
appeal of Mr. Monteith.
We: note by the meeting of the
Council that they have given the night
watch the go-by. We would advise
them to re -consider this matter, and
re -appoint the night watch, that is if
they wish to get in our former class E,
this being one of the conditions:
Flossie Hunter,' daughter of John'
Hunter, of Usborne who some months'
ago was attacked by an old sow, and
came nearly losing her life, and who
has had several operations upon the
injured arm, a few days ago fell and
broke the arm again. She has. also
a severe attack of inflammation of
the lungs.
Rate cutting has again commenced
and cheap rates may be the resieti.
The Great northern has broken faith
with the O. P. R. and has inade a cub
of $21) on second-class tickets from New
York to St. Paul, and thence to
Seattle, accompanied by a prepaid
order on the Japan -American Steam-
ship Line for an Asiatic steerage ticket
from. Seattle to,Rong Kong, the whole
costing $S7.50.
On Friday last, while Mr. Ed. Bis-
set was killing a beer, in some way
the knife slipped and cut a severe gash
in the index finger of the right hand.
The residence of rs. John Brown
Crediton, was the scene of a pleasant
event last Wednesday, when her son
George Brown, of Kilmanagh, Mich.,
was united in the happy bonds of
matimony to Miss Martha • Grien, of.
The decorum, which is proverbial in.
Presbyterian churches, was somevehat
interfered with Sunday evening, at
St; Andrew's church Guelph, just be-
fore the service began. A bachelor,
well known about town, who occupies
a responsible position in the "feather
and rag" foundry on Gordon St., be-
took himself to the above named place
of worship, taking his seat well to the
front, in a pew where a bachelor ought
to be comfortable. He' proceeded to
take 'off his overcoat, which he did
and sat down. Shortly afterwards he
ooticedthe girls in the choir smiling
nicely at huii;"-ar7 ;-..yhile trying to
hide his vision lie noticed Tie *as hit- •
ting in his shirt *eyes.
tieera endeavor to make their state -
amide clear itnd truthful ; they know
that an intelligent poblic—especially
the WOMen portion—quickly (made=
ontruthe and deception.
Sortie advertisere, iotending to soar
, high, soddenly fall from the soblime
to the ridiceloue in their statements,
Such. errors are promptly deteeted
the class of people the advertisers
would influence. e
Imagine aa advertieer of dyes for
home dyoing, after giving a long list
of the vietues 'PZ,,,,,as,essed by his pro-
ducts, rernaelting, 'They cleanse and
dye at the same time." This statement
made to tens of thousands of intelli-
gent women is so contrary to truth
and common senee that the advertiser
is, without loss oetirne combined as a
simpleton or deeeiver.
Diamond Dyes, the standard home
dyes of the world dare not make any
such claim. In their valuable book on
Home Dyeing (sent free to all who
send for it) they specially mention
that "all goods should be cleaned be-
fore they are dyed." A Solon,however,
arises in the land and formulates anew
doctrine by asserting that --------Dyes
"cleanse and dye at the same time."
Soon we will hear of some new stave'
manufacturer making e claim that hi
Drag a lady, to the
Bops of Despair.
Death Longed for as a re-
lease from Suffering.
the Victim and Builds her up
Physically and Mentally. -
Gentlemen ain happy to tell yoa
that bave completely recovered my
health through, the use of Paine's
Celery Compound. For some years
past my nerves and systeth were an
most wrecked by , narcotieS used
alItviate pain. The doctors cOuld not
held me, and I thotight I would for-
ever haye to remain a slave to deadly
drugs, oftea longed for death as a
release from my sufferings. After
enduring pains and agonies that were
terrible, I determined to try Paine's'
Celery Compound, withont my full
hope however, that it would cure me.
When I used part of the second bottle
thought it was doling ine gond ;
could sleep well and did not faint so
often, toed I decided to oontinue the
use of the medicine. After the use
of fifteen betties I am completely
cured. I feel so strong and well note,
Mid have .s rich perfect health , that I
sometimes think ib is too good te be
true. For the beneifit of thousands of
poor souls suffering froM the effects of
deadly narcotics I give my statement
salsirttAceenconragement to them—an as -
Will cure them.
Sincerely and .gratefully,
10 memory of Eertie Mannirig.
who died New Year's
In the dark frosty hours of the night,
When the angel of death entered our home,
And bore our loved Bortie to tho
Oh! why was he hero to be taken so 'soon,
Why thus rend the cords of our love. •
Oh! why leave hiS mother in sadness and gloom,
Temin the redeemed abo ye' 1.
We pleaded and prayed, that otio darling be
;.#.4, '0 t the S vior sent "Come unto ina"
reaiitie with grief We dills' te the cIa3r
&venal:ter hie spirit was free,
Oh! Who can explain why the heart of &mother,
Should hob erre we d,and torthand distressed,
Notee„ar will oh Lord but thine must be doney
We bow in submission to Thee ;
Ana wo know that our loVed one will moot us
1Nrhon autginds from. the body aro free.
And eftrve'l'o doer name nt the head,
Ohl Spirit tho Comforter be with us now,
While Wo weep o'er tho graves of our dead.
Syrup. Price 28e,, all dealers.
starch will cleause and stiffen at th
No wonder that; marier of oar women
Acute 131-leurfiatistrl
Palt15 lo tho Foot and 1.1mb —A.
Hood's Sareapnrilla.
with. emit° rheumatism. in my left side
aud ell the way down my iamb into iny
toot, X live Aye hloelta from my work ank
bed to eton end ;oat several them in going
arid comb:is' I could get no relief from
my troy:, afoul was on the point of givs
ing job when I bappened to hear of
Hood's Sarseparilla. lpureaased betide
of this medieine and a viol of Hood's Pills
and began taking them, Before 1 had
halt finished them I WAS relieved and it
Was net long before 1 WEiki eamPletelY
cured. I never loee an opportunity to
praise HoeoPe Sarsaparilla, for iny cure
meant a great deal to me, as 1 haVe a fem.
ily and must always be et my poet."
„Wanraara Hasxame, yardmen, Grand
Trunk Railroad depot, Brantford, Ontario,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
/s the best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5.
show temper and suitor disappoint
silent when they ma,ke use or dye
the' i‘tend to take out dirt and re -
cease, at, the one Operation. Ne wonder
that deceived WOIX1ell complain of'
muddy and dismal colors after using
adulterated dyestuffs.
Leta, be distinctly understood that
the inventive genms of nom has not
yet devised it -dye that will take out
grease spots: stains and dirt, and at
the same time give a decent color.
The Diatnond Dyea—the world's popu-
lar home dyes..—give the fullest and.
the goods are clean. They' aro the
only warraOted dyes on the market
and always do what is claimed for
them. Do not allow the false claims
eliofs:ny man ufacturee of common dyes
toleed you into trouble and financial
s io3r bushel to as
Chiekeias per
Dried Apples..
Pork dreszeO
Pork live weioht.
s in to tac
The Outlook For Clover Seeds.
Red clover seeds is likely to be very
high before spring opens np. The
American and Canadian crop is a very
poor one. The English crop is of fine
quality, but the. yield is very dis-
appointing, averaging only ta to 2 owt.
per acre, and it is clear that Great
Britain, will have to import largely
from sonsewhere. The French crop is
short, and Germany and Belgium will
be buyers and trot sellers. Russia, will
be able to spare a little, but it will not
be much, as the drought last spring
injured the clover plant in many
tIvA, Europe
will need from 100;00'. to 150,000 'Inegg
of red clover seed next season, and it
is very doubtful if .America will be able
to isupply one-lialf'of this' quality.
While clover seed is a fair crop., in
most producing countries, but really
fine qoalities are repo .ted scarce.
Alaska is a poor crop all over Europe,
but American ancl Canadian seed of
fine quality is evidently plentiful as it
is obtainable at low prices.
Audrey,/ Hoffnieyer has leased from
John McNichol his 50 acre farm, lot
13. con. 2, Downie, for a term of seven
years. Mr. McNichol:wilt retire from
A pleasant oecurrenee took place in
the Simpson Co's office on Thursday
afternoon, says the Berlin News
Record, when Ab. erner,of Waterloo,
on behalf of his brother 'and himself,
presented their father with a valuable
gold headed cane as a momenta of hie
70th birthday.
POWDERS are easy to take,harinless in
action and sure to cure any headache
in 5 to 20 minutes.
The grippe epiclemica which now pre-
vails is not so daegerous or so general
as the epidemic oteight or nine years
ago. At least this is the opinion of
'several of the doctors. At the time
reTtirreel to there was great deal of
heart trouble associated with. the ma-
lady, while this, year it is fortunately
not in evidence. lhe symptoms are
more of the character of influenza-
Oae or the peculiarities of the trouble '
thia year is the partial: inefficacy of '
that tried remedy quinine in Cepieg
with it. Hitherto qninine seemed to
have greater effect on grippe patients.
:The worst feature of the present epi-
demic is the number of cases of pneu-
monia, which hare been induced by it.
TI has been a characteristic of grippe
susceptible to a more serious malady
and this year the tendency is towards
pneumonia. ,
Of soch diseases as Salt Mean, Scrofula
Sores. TIleor_is Dyspepsia and Constipation aro
made by B. B. B. The daily papers aro full of
statements ofthoso who have been permanently
Fifty teams, by the Sutherland
Lines Co., Limited, for drawinc.
elm logs 0,ff lot 3 and 9 in the 5tra
concession of HaY EiPPly to
Gould's saw mill, Exeter.
You Tried
to Cent P
:tete Sl
_Li LE
015 L100 196
1677 itt000 1687
tO 6,60
to k3s.rg
13uck wheat
131" a° ilise i
...... . . i .. .. .. . . . .. .. : .1'3:9 ttoo0 13,9t
Butter —
(30 to 70
TEgreys , .10 to 12
15 to 16
. Chickens
Cheese 8 to 10
Potatoes per bag ...80 tot 00
ANDREW—In Constance,on Jan. 2nd, the wife
of Thomas Andrew of a son.
PETTY—At Hensel), on Jan. 5th, tho wife of
G. C. Petty, of a daughter.
13IRMINGHAM —WHITE—In Abrams, Wis-
--oegota, zoo,Muorickly Jan. 2tol, by Rev. Mr.
Bennett, iiiwniiiITTitir,,?1,AAR.W0 -Miss
Lena L. White, formerly of Granton.
MULLONEY—McPHERSON—jan. 11, at the
It. C. Church, St. Marys, by the ttev Father
Brennan, John 'Mulroney of Blanshard to
Christie 114:Pherson.
Rev. Geo. jewitt, on Jan, 25th,Jas. Hoddeson,
John Brimacombe.
MANTLE—DUNCAN—In Usborne, on. the 25th
inst., at the residence of the bride's parents,
by Rev. Colin Pletcher! George. Alantle,
of Crediton, to ISILs Annie, eldest daughter
of John Duman
WILSON — HACICNEY — Hibbert. on the
25th inst., at the residence of the bride's par
ants by Roy Colin Fletcher, Benjamin ',Alli-
AlmIncler Hackney.
church, Irishtown, on Jan. 17th. by Rev.
Father Downey, of Logan, brother of the
bride, Janes of Seaforth, to Miss
Maggie. youngest daughter of Stephen DOW—
nu, or meanfop.
DURIE—In McKillop, Jan. 15th, James Durie,
aged 86 years
OfILORRI8T—In Seaford), on .Tan. 13th, John.
Giletuist, aged 32 years find 2 mouths.
WOOD—Ie Tueitersmith, On the 21st,, Jemmy.
John Wo.3d, aged 75 yen. s 0 months.
1'. Eyre, aged 6 years, 7 months and 27days.
BROADFOOT—In Tuckerstnith, on Jan. 13th,
James Broadleaf, aged 57 years. 0 months and
21 days
LOGAN,In on Jan, 13th, Euphemia
Johnston, relict ef the late Patrick Logan,
aged 81 years,
FINLAYSON—In the London Hospital on the
19th inst. Mrs. Willieon Ifinlayson, aged. 28
years, 7 months.
Tells how Eli! ,i'll's Heart find Nerve
Like t'ne co. o,,terinto, armies of Britain,
which are moo:thing-10 victory in eveny
quarter of t_,hef_1....7.,:,,,,,,,iNifibLtrni..,.'s Ifearit
and Nerve Pills are eaerywhere tritaneb-
Mr. David 'Walsh, of Carlsom Pince,
tinction and cradit in the British army,
and is now an eraployee of the C. P.
Railway, says, " in the army 1 got
broken tioton, and my nervous system
Was completely shottered.
" was much troubled With liVer corn.
plaint, loss Of appetite., cfc. My rest bes
canao broken and was dieturbed by vivid
dreams. This had been going on for 14
yearS, although took a great many
ireinedies to eseepe from the troubles
which afflicted me.
" However, got no relief until
Nerve which esort together w4lae,
Laxa-Liver Pills, tied now after batrink
have be In roe --eers. My nerves ace
restored to fasee and vigor, I eat and
sleep wall, ned iriy entire system has
been toned alid Stretioctliened."
Moir action is nattfral Ind efledtive."
Nothing' like a.13.13. for healing'
sores and uicQrs,, no matter tiOW
large how• chronic they May' be,
13 la 13 applied 'eTlernally and
taken internally according to direc-
tions will soon effect a cure. It
sends rich, pure blood to the part,
so that healthy flesh soon takes the
place of the decaying, tissue.
"2 had hecn troubled with sore
fingers and sore toes around the
The salve I was using' did not help me
and I was getting worse, I was advised
to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and after
using nearly two bottles my sores were
consider B.B.B. a. za,13
wonderful blood A
G. I-IORST, Biome- Tem./Lea
ingdale, Ont.
The undersigned has opened up as
new meat market one door •
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on hluad.
iL11:01 eanii11:: ti
A large proportion of the ca s of painful
due tO the use of' n n$mitable or improperly fitted glasses,.
in cousultino, our Optician you incur DO expense and MU
no risk.
ting a
Ckn not 1,),e erre, tel. itt ,horse ' run
destroyslil the ots s in hi; system and fol titles it.
tie heels imod audible spirit is high, It digE Alen -
1 gives gloss ia his coat—brighteess to hie c to b.ls
3 metier:. It mill double Ms usefolues3 a lid valoo.
et 00„ 11101.RIETORS.
co, FA
All accounts due me must
be settled by cash or note
February 05th, 1899
,T11( II t1191
will give special bargellueeetvits..
Undertaking a Specialty..
ft tiOWE
A Magi is always in the
JOHN'S neatly fitting
a sore fitter.
His price are away down.
His goods are ' the
Call and examine his goods before
buying your
,citkz=.—,FALL SUIT
A full line, fresh and
bright of
and every School re-
quisite at
Where the Scholars are
always used well
Earn this valuable Watch, 10 :7 telFai 'Ctn. Tepat
Pins and our Premium List, pc, t;.7.., ' 3.4quirecl. These Pins'
will almost sell themselves, for • -.01 the brilliance of the' best
diamonds, and has never before atqtiliag like this price. ,
Watch is neat in appearance, ei ..;:kit :made, anti folly gummiteed.
Unsold Pins may be seturnad wheu writing.
El DT Carib allaittBraoalat
lihON'T send money. Jost your name -
for us, if you can, at 5b4."(lepenres-
us our money, $190, tind we will .
choice of' thebbautiful prizes illustrated.
able if not sold.v1fention this paper. '
Pad look
We would recoupnend those
Suffering from C.OUSIIS. COLDS,
and BRONCHIAL, troubles to
It 13 al.S0 a reliable. remedy
for children.
We manufacture WINAN't4
LormET.5.r; an excellent reme-
Also NSTE.Jui't.:5
Powr.),En, the best in the mar-
Try our .Lotion s4atches
on horses, also condition pow-
der for samo
Vie give ,fids doe
watch, and also a
ehein eod charm for
selling two dozen
Lavas Coman Pet,
gess, at 10 cts,
Send' your address
and we forward tbe
tiattets, postpaid,
end Our Premium
tnoney re.
.ennetl. the Bet.
tons among your
friends, return the
money, mid we send
the watch, prepsid,
good timepiece.
1VIention this paper
When 'Writing.
o Adelaide St. El.
reroftte, Oat.
„ Afull line of Seed Drilla,. Cultivators
' Disc and Dianiond Harrow's
' Plows, and Tornip
SEWitie MAN To
The celebrated Knoll Washei
Ray -Mond' sewing and veringeme,tet,,,,_
line of the celebrated bieLatIghlin
Should Combine now a clay's,
Correctness of Style,
Good Workroanshfp,
Model:ate Cost,
Perfect Fit,
You look for these in an old and
reliable Place, and A, J.
SNELL never disappoints hi
patrons any of these. A
larie assortment of
Pall 86 lArittor Goods
.Xn orst6ds and Tweeds, are
now on our shelves, and we wil)
take much pleasure in showing
them to you. There are many
otherlittes that are specially at.
IVe are in the yati, -with 11
that is dean:411)1e the line,
Let us show you our stock o
$17.00 Fancy Worsteds in a11
the newest eolontig,s,
be bought the oot