HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-1-26, Page 1N
J wally Fr
„. There are nearly three months of winter yet, Lots of cold
'E stormy weather yet. We've had a big trade in heavy -419
at- winter Garment3 and Furs, but may be there's some one bere 7-3
and there who felt they couldn't afford even the, ineaerate
prices we ask for them a month ago. Well weve just 23
t .
ra= knacled off Most of the profit—some cases make - on these
Goods and you can save 21 to 35 per cent on regular prices
for Goods that 'Aril1 in some case be good for yeals of stout,
4*--- warm serVice. A. price here and tbere to give you an idea
= -go
f ovaues :--
'Ladies' there Cloth, 51 ifl.
se- wide in new eine shade,
splendid for Women's and
Childrens wear, regular
price $1,25, cleaving at 85c a yd.
est -
33 inch, Ceree.n. and Red
2-- Wool Plaids, regular price
tsee'ree 35e a yard, during this sale
ret-- we will sell it for. .... ... .25
Ladles Coney Fur Cape,
AP- high storm collar, lined
iter- throughoutwith fancy -
tree- farmers' atin, a splendid
'dr-- cape for $9.75, uow only..$6,75
s-- women's Blk. Goat
tete Capes, 74 inches long, 80
datZ inch sweep, high storm
tee collet., lined with fancy
2-- farmers' satin, foemer price
t2e- was $9.75, now. a ....$7.50
2-- Ladies' Bile. Opossum
2-- Cape, extra fine glossy fur,
See-- 25 inches long, 80 inch
ege-- sweep, lined \villa heavy
2-7 satin, two pockets, wear
;2-- guaranteed, save $5.00, on
Friday.. ..,.... .. . . . .. .$19.00
Misses 'Fur Ruffs, trim-
.= med, with two tails on each
side, ht black arid .hrown,
cheap at 60c,. while they
last at .. ... .....,.. .. . ... .. .45
' Men's Black mad Brown
Freize Ulsters, heavy
weight, high sterna collar,
'half belb on back, lined
with heavy tweed, sold :tees'
readily at $6.50, to clear at$1.95-ear
•Ladies' Astrachan jack-
' ets, 32 inches long, 36 inch
bust, made of very best ...ete
Astrachan Skins, beautiful -ID
glossy curl, high storm -AO
collar, lined With fine na
quality satin, cut in latest
style, our regular price is -tee
$45, you can save $10„...$35.00 -ess
Grey 0 oat Robes, mad e of --e.
good skins, size, 46 inches -go
wideliy 6e inches long, lined
with heavy tweed cloth,
many were sold at $5.00,
but we clear the balance et$3.90
A ounaber of other robes
we will clear at big .reduc-
tions, large size Saskatche"NO
wan, the best selling robe
ontthe market., regale: price -etti
$8.50 for... a ........... -56,75 -40
Smaller size, regular price -40
$7.50 for $5 75 -eia
Black Gallaway, made of sese
good large skins, a first class
-robe, large size, regular :::let
e nsal
.11.1011.0 4172PllyitititICZOCTSIVIWRIIMCM01,
morning and evanieg, to leitge
eongregations. On Monday evening:,
Rev, J. W. Clarice, Loudon, lectileed
G. J. set -einem -en , Notre's- Publie, (JoirrnY ' on. "The Sword and Fire through the
,,,ardeirs,sgromflksklan.t,tolte,„„Is."08,u, Trocgledf4An„t. I Spud ...Am." The chinech wee. filled, .encl
Melitif$ ottrotanteeteavei at. reiteonable mem the lecture one ot toe most interesting
teresee Oita° ettetille lectst aloe, Bewail.
noneY t.0 lean_ 0,1:";1.,estato at low rates of ili everldelivered in Hensel'. Music was
furrieshecl by the choir. Several tine
TT J. D. (.10QXE, solos were sang by Mrs. (Ieeve Shaw,
ge. t
(Late with dit4i,..)w & ProudOont)13arrlsi er tektite, p reached in the Methodist church
of Egmondvilltg-Ilev, Saltop, Ceti -
Senator, linter), nbite. Pot,
A. Stliery.'17. D. S., D. D. S,. Boner Gradu R .h a • 'a t
on Sunday morphs..., and evening.
ev. Kerr meas. e m en ra ia.
• ate o Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth
extraeted Without pain or bad effects. Office
in Petty's Block, Homan. At Zinich every
Monday, conFuenclug May 30th. Sebringville.
A 139pet 'TO. TIIE A,I.0FICTED. --He is
BRIEFS --MrS. William G. Kruspe,
eth"le itgetilierilairtS. Phot8omeitil'Ifertweititilli,)cl °lel' fell on Monday and injured her arm -
,.1, • ..,,, , •
Thursday, J emery 2eth. If your
ere affected don't fell to call and see
eyesiShe is improving rapidly. -Andrew
LIKruspe lost a good cleaver last week.
bine. ockjaw was the disease that ended
part in a Methodist church anniversary, which
choir took l its career.-Alterge number of villagers
i attended the funeral of Mrs. Myei•s,
took place in Seratfercl. The
BRERIPS.-The Hensel
TatheV"a`lrellipa Voann \VVVainalle117(017." nevnetinerse-d 1, gdeeecera,"sed lac137 hod many warn -11 fri'eml s
to Appear on Tuesday of last week, I seethe Nci-ell.o rjogprpeitni,1°.lienenntsiemeilaYspeenc(tio*-r-,
did net materialize. They played a sec- was here on the war path on Satueday
evening, but we understand he found
oar hotel men living up to the require-
ments of the law. -A large party of
young people from various parts of
Ellice assenibled at the residence of
mid Olinton.-Mr. and Mrs.
Andrew Bell, of leeppen, on Wechaes-
day, lIth inse, -eeceived the sad news,
by telegram, announcing the death of
their son, William, at Fort Saskatche-
wan, Nnrthwee TeiTi b°17% Mr. ' Allan Stepplate Wednesday last, and
was in charge ot running ths. engme presented him with a beautiful hang.
in his brother's &ruing mill, and in g I amp.
while. in the act of adjusting a belt on
a pulley, he eves caugnt in the machin-
er,y time instantly killed. The remains Granton
artived at Hensel this week and were
laid at rest inthe Rodgerville cemetery. The funeral of the late Thos. Mar -
Much aympathy is felt by all for the shall took. place on Friday from the
family, which has been so suddenly ceinetery. Gtranton. Mr. Marshall
afflicted.--Robt. Thompson, of neer. lea,rned his tra,de as a blacksmith with
Kippee, has been eugaged by W. T. Mr. Cameron, of Granton, about
Miller, as blacksmith -Rev. .T. • $. twenty live years ago. He aftersvards
did business in Stratford, cite the 8th
con. of Blanshaed and in Si.. Jehns.
His mind became deranged through a
stroke of paralysis and for a numeer
of years he basemen. inLondon asylum,
where he died.
The following is taken from the
Henderson well leeture to St Andrew s
Sunday sehool, Kippen, on January
3Dele-Mes. Charles Scobie, of Court -
weight, died on Thursday, 12th inst.,
etee at the ripe old age of 91 years. Mrs.
Scobie, together with her husband,
Mr. Charles Scoble, who pre -deceased
price $10.00, save $2.25....$7.75
N. B. -Highest markeb price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. eel'
1arnis TaneeseeeeVantyne, eldest
-son ofeTitme,s BallanWee, of this place,
will to -day join hand, and heartwith
Miss Maggie ISIcKellaneldest-dengliter
of Duncan McKellar,' of Ceonearby.
We extend con gratulatimas. Ernest
McNicolteeleclesinith, while slaoetng
horse theentbee. (ley had his foob badly
tramp ea,..grOt etnim el.---Misso Hazel -
ton, of Neepaivae , Artiiu, is visibing at
Joseph Vance's and Wm. Ward's.
She leaves for Listowel on Saturday.-.
Miss Cla,ra, Duncan, daughter of John
Duncan, who has been beaching school
in Minnesota is expeebeclhome shortly.
-The aunuel meeting of the Insurance
Company will be held on Feb.. 6th. -
The Farmers' Institute ot So ath Huron
will hold an open meetingheie on Feb.
2nd, afternoon and evening; a good
time is expected. "
HAPPILY \V151). -A very quiet but
,pretty wedding took place on the 25th
:at the residence of John Duncan sr.,
when his clewehter Miss Annie, was
marrieeeterGeorge Mantle, a popular
young business man of Crediton. At
precisely 5 o'clock the bride entered
.on the arm other father, handsomely
dressed in cream, with white slippers'
.carnations in her hair, and carrying a
boquet. Miss Allison played the wed.
ding march. Mr. Fletcher, the bride's
pastor officiated, onlythe relatives of
thelbridniwerelpeesenteTeit Was at once
served and Mr. and Mrs. Mantle then
left for their own home in Crediton
where a reception was tendered them.
The beide was well and favorably
known and Mr. Mantle is to be con-
gratulated on securing such a nice
young lady for a wife. We tom a host
of friends in wishing them every hap-
piness. The groom's gife to the bride
was a handsome upright piano.
From the 28th of August to the 9th
.of September has been decided on by
the directors of the Industrial Exhibi.
tion Association as the date for bold-
ing of tbe Toronto Exposition and
Industrial Fair for 1899.
13nene5. -The annualeneeting of the
Stanley Branch Agricultural Society
Was held et Mrs. E. Elliott's, when the
following officers and directors were
Appointed : President, R. E. Snowden;
1st Tice -president, R. Penhale ; 2nd
vice-president, D. McNaughton • clirec-
tors,-.Toseph Wild, Hall Routledge, J.
Woods, George Bates, D. Galbraith,
Thomas Cameron, W. .T. Tough, John
Johnston, B. Higgins ; secretary, IL
.Irwin ;treasurer, T. Morgan ; aucli-
tete, W. H. Woods and F.A.Edwards.
--Miss Kate Parke, of Front road, at-
tended the wedding of Miss Annie
Marshall, of Morrie' township, near
Blyth, and Wm. Boyle, which took
place on Wednesday, 18th. Miss Mar-
shallewas well-known in this neighbor-
hood, haying taught in the Front road
school, and her many friends join in
'wishing Me. and NIrs. Boyle every
happiness. •
St. Marys
BRIEFS. -- W. Box. left Wednesday
afternoon for Grand Rapids; to attend
•the funeral a his daughter, Mrs. E.
K. Evans, The deceased. was well points ahead. -Miss Matthews, nurse,
known in Sb• gairYs, as Mr. Evans has returned to Londoreher pattent,E.
for over a year conducted a newsPartee Sheffer having recovered. - Mrs.
here ealled the Leader. The deepest Joseph Ellis is visiting friends in Gode;
sympethy is extended to the parents rich.- jobn Scott, who has been code
of the deceased lady. -While pruning fined to his room for several months is
trees, last 'Wednesclay afternoon Jas. eqnyaleseent.-Mx.s. 3.(1.1llefi SlItherlittld.
joTIN eVete're
Ekaili411Ort.J rateeestiee
Buoks LE0.-On Tuesday while
Richard Hicle-s Wes driving' %long the
Looden Road with a load of hayet-, up-
set opposite David Cobbleclick's. He
was thrown violently onto the bud
ground brealeing one of his legs just
below the knee. He suffers considerable
George Gotten, has purcbased the
Dufferm Hotel, Centralia, of which
he has been lessee foe some time, Frew
Mn. -Hannon.
Realsns.-Miss McKenzie, of Owen
Sound who has been visiting here for
the past month left for home on Satur-
day, .Her brother accompanied her
as far Milverton where they pur-
posed stopping over Sunday with some
friends. --The cards are out announcing
the marriage of Miss Mary McKellar
to ,Tanaes Ballantyne Of leagguleete on
Thursday. -Albert Hamilton is laid up
with munips.-Geo. Leary, see is still
on the sick list. -Mrs. Hislop. enter-
tained a number of their neareleighbors
on Friday evening last; every enjoy-
able time Wk1,3 spent. -Mrs. W. Rt
Bell arrived home Monday after a
month's around. Trowbridge.
-G. T. Hamilton is home from Chat-
ham ancl lees been confined. to the
house with a severe attack of la grippe
but is on the road to recovery.
- Doctor Michell. is kept
busy these days attending cases of la
grippe. -Miss Minnie Sullivan leas gone
to Dakota to visit her aunt for 0, few
months. -Miss Ana Fitzgerald. was
called horne from Toronto owing to the
illness of her inother.-Mrs. Robinson,
.of Saginaw, is visiting. her mother. -
J. Wall, of Brantford, was home on a
Visit to his parents last week.--elmand
Mrs. Case teed little (laughter, Bessie,
her in 1870, emigrated -from Glasgow, Abrams Times, Abraras, Wisconsin of Toronto, are around seeing friends.
Scotland, to this country in 1842, loctet- Irving Birmingham and Miss Line L. -Petrick Roach is quite ill and 'triable
ing first, in Toronto. They afterwards White were united in marriage last to be eround -Williem Doyle left on
came west to Huron, settling near
Varna, where Mr. Scobie erected a
flour and saw mill, whieh he carried
on yery successfully for about nineteen
Years. They then nioved to Seaforth, groom is a young man of fine ability
where Mr.Scobieegain engaged in mill- and character. He has had some ex
ing and erected what is known as the perience as a teacher and has taken a
red flour She leaves a son and course in the Janesville school of
daughter to 111 Oil IDA the loss of a kind telegraphy. The bride came from
Perth rewrite' 11\i'-'te,-.
In 0 vvell-fought genie of hoekey, ntor n
the Listowel Seniors, Friday, defeateci el et ork4 ri.
the Seaforth Seniors, by ti, score of 15 wr 03 to Fail
to 5. t .
Miss Bella Gibb, St Maryet left oo
Friday' laet foe Nett h Carolina to at-
teod her sister, Mrs. Ool. Weeilingtoo,
who is ill with ttppeedicites.
The appeals in tbe Smith Perth eke-
- tion ease ltave been dropped by mutnal
'consent tenet a new eleetion will take
place at a date not yet fixed.
Dr. T. Lioesey, seta oe Tie. Ltoilsay,
Goclerich township, lekl, for Listowel,
'Wednesday. He goes there to assist
Dr. Rutherford, of that place.
Monday at the home of the grooms Wednesday last, for Maybee, and pine
parents, Me. and Mrs. Jesse Binning- poses residing there in future. -
ham, in the presence of a few relatives Matthew Purcell, of McKillop, died on
and friends, Rev. Moll °Meeting,. The Saturday last a,nd his funeral togle
place Monday. -Mrs. Martin Ryan is
very ill and lies in a low condition --
Mr. Walker, section foreman of the
railroad, has moved his family from
Clinton and will reside in the village.
-Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald died on
Sunday last and her funeral took
place on Tuesday. She leaves a sou
and daughter to mourn their loss.
They have the heartfelt sympathy of
all in their sa,dlionr of affliction. --Mrs.
Thomas Malachy, who has been ailing
for sonae time past, breathed her last
on Monday morning. The deceased
was a good kind lady end a valuable
neighbor, and much sympathy is felt
for the fatally.
and loving mother, viz : Mr. John
Scobie, of Courtwright, and Mrs. John
McAllister, of Hensel), and 17 grand-
children and 28 great -grand -children.
-Tames Coxworth has purchased of
James Petteethe fifty acre farm on the
London road, near Ilensall, formerly
owned by C. A. Brown. --Henry Run -
die has moved into his fine new dwell-
ing on King street. --James Bell, son
of the late Robt. Bell, intends leaving
next week with a shipment of stock
fax the Old Country. - Mrs. W. 0.
Davis is recovering from a 'severe at-
tack of la grippe. -Miss Davis,milliner,
is visiting her brother, W. C. Davis,at
present. -W. McKim is holding
auction sales every evening. --Mr and
Mrs. Cluff, Tuckersmith, were in. tbe
Canada sterile 7 years ago and has since
been a teacher in the public schools
winning many laurels being excelled
by few in etementary work. She is a
sister-in-law of the Rev. Thomas
Austin, who wet Pastor of the M. E.
Church here for three years and is a
very amiable lady, whose friends are
legion where she, is known. She will
continue as instructor in. the primary
room of our public school until the
close of the school year, residing with
the groom at his father's home. The
prospects for the future of the young
couple are very promising and we join
with the cotnmunity in extending to
them our heartiest congratulations,
Miss White is the daughter of D. G.
White shoemaker, of Granton, aud
village on Smithey visiting Mr, and sister itelaw of T.11. Jameson, Tp.
Mrs. Whitesides.- Wilson Wood, of clerk-Rannoeh.
London, is here this week, being called
1 Kirkton
rinks of the Tunior Colts CurlhageOlub
went to Lucknow,Wednesda,y, to play --
a match there. We hope they will Stoneman Eros. Kirktou will sell goods from
render a good account of themselves. ea
nave sold their stock. andrbre leaving, Kirkton.
ow until about Mai:chest. at cut prices as they
-Mies Ella McPherson, who has been gu winter goods will be sold at eostpi•ice.
spending several weeks with her sister, Baners.-W. J. Stinson,of Carbeery,
Mrs. 'Wm. Robinson, of Falkirk. re. mail., is visiting friends in this vice
the Senior Colts Curlers played a curl- neat than
nity.-le is easier to get the grip just
turned home this week. --Two rinks of
ing match at Seaforth on Monday. the password. -Nearly every
The riek of which C. A. McDonell was town in Ontario wants'a pork packing
skip, had not their usual good. luck,. -
losing by twelve pointsente the t•ink of A raaup• --A Young maa who gives
which. John Sta.cey, was skip,achieved his name as Easton and lives in St.
thus leaving the Hensall teem six ness ia the eastern pare of ITsborne
Mares, has been doing a rnshin g base
brilliant success, winning by 18 points,
owing to tbe death of his father. -Two
)sb hi- • d " 11 t f one of eel, sister, Nies. G. F. Scott. -Miss
el 1 North ward, ie some manner
Maud Glemeof the boundary,Usborne,
visited at It. D. Bell's this week -Miss
Patterson; of Toronto, is yisibing Mrs.
G. F. Arnold. -Mrs. Balfour is visiting
Mrs. C. McDonell. - Mrs. Benlayson
died in the Hospital in London OD
StAtirdity and was buried on Monday.
She had undergone an operation and
was recover:ug nicely wheo she was
attacked with typhoid fever. The
Inisband aud family have the sympathy
of a large circle of friends.- John
Wood, Tuckersmith, died on Saturday
from the effects of la grippe. His re-
usable will be interred in the Rodger -1 do., Wm'. Hanson ; Directors, Samuel
ville cemetery ou Thursday. His sons Donee, Geo. Bentley, W. B. Carr,
coming from 'Manitoba, necessitated Amos Doupe, Walter Gowans, john
the poetponement of the obsequies. Fotheringhtun, John Sawyee, A.Scott,
Mr. Wood was one of the pioneers, Devitt Roger. The Treasurer's report
0 and was respected by a 'art.:cc circle of was accepted. showed a beleeme on
friends. -On Friday evening the Ladies' hand after paying 8100 of the debt.
Auxiliary of St. Piture elmech will Lest yeti's fele was a grand sudeess,
bold an apron social in Peety's block the gate receipes, $250, being the
on west side of track. Refreshments. largest in the history of the society.
-Mr. Webh, a student of Huron Col- Robert Beatty was elected Secretiny-
lege preached in St. Paul's church on Teetts. • ese
Sunday last. -Mr. Doherty, who has
been appointed to this parish evil] Me. etcPhilips, London, comisel
preach next Sondity and each succes. for Marion l3rowie the peg leg,received
sive Sunday thereafter. -The funeral a letter yesterdey froai the State De -
of the late William Bele sop. of And- paiiment at Washington to the effect
rew Bell, of Ilene Kippen, who died in that the depaeatnent has addreseed a
the West, wee lergely attended on notice to the Beitish ansbaesador, ask -
Saturday lest. Service was held in ing him to at:quaint the proper eau -
Cannel church. the edifice being filied achan authorifes to facilitate the in-
to the doors. The deceased Was a high. vestigation, re Brown's arrest, as
ly respected youngnetn. His death wee speedily as possible, anti in all proper
the tastes, nft inintles snstnined in his lettere. A letter bas also been reeeived
beather's mill some months anl) parti- from the Lieutentint-Goveimor of On -
"C'1' t 1 t 1' 1 t
altars eS which a i)pearei, ,J1 ac...noW et ging Co nsc s et er
TIMES.--MiSs Polly Moore eves in Clin. Concerning the prisoner.
ton during' the past week visiting re-
halves and friends. -Richard Wright
left ,here laeb Week foe Deteolt and Is' a Signal that the train is coming, and If yea
Toledo, whey° ho ,evend a few (14111:!Vantgabgt:a,witilisitnigaTtecket
months visiting his eons. -Mi t sinepeee &Aimee and you had better o
yisiting Roteleester, isr Y. 16,1,
, Oathe WiV tO 8top oontninp o
is in Thaenesville this week visteing
the trees and dislocated his left arm.
Dr. laving reduced the fracture, and
the patient is now doing nicely under
the circumstances. -Miss Ida Oliver of
Cleveland, Ohio,„ is at present spend-
ing a few days ia town, visiting her
mother ward.
The thue to put out a fire is when it starts.
Consumption is like fire. In the beginning it is
it destroys. At the first sign -when th
Ott$37 Mire. The longer it goes on uogke
begins and when flesh is lt3t,,,-coujice t 25w gisi
5Shloit'smCc / e oce eta n
(1'81.100 cll.' leatilesu vont°. money' refund:
eclIfsiefails to cure. •
212813...—OF SURPLUS STOCK—...sank
:le • eke
les ./Av
and Blanshard, Whet be says is
a new kind. of very superior -stove
poiislit Ile claims You will only need
to polish a stove once a year if his
polish is used. He sells the boxes at
25 cte. each aucl says they cost 21 cts.
On being teekee the reason he sold on
so small a margin repliecl be had heart
disease and e family to support and
had to do something for a living: On
writing to a firm in Toronto, who
matinfectures the polish, they quoted,
Jeremiah Kelly, son of 'James Kelly,
who lives on the town tine between
17sborne a,nd Biddulph, is lying at his
feeler's home with small chances for
recovery from a serious attack of brain
fever, which came on him in a sudden
aid peculiar manner. Theother morn-
ing he started away in the wtvegon to
Lansfield's fartn, on the swamp fine. Re
was there until early afternoon,and 1eft,
Lor home still 1,1 seeming good healeh.
About four o'clock his father was sur-
prised to see the young man bringing
the team up the road to ivards bhe house
at a breakneck speed and lashing the
beasts into further efforts. Into the
beam yard he drove,and around by the
barn, narrovrly escaping a break-up 111
a dozen .places, until finally he eau the
horses into h straw stack, and they
were stopped. For a time his parents
could not make o01 what was wrong,
but as he complained ot. a terrible pain
in the hack of his bead, Dr. Lang, of
Granton. was tailed for, and by the
time he arrived the sufferer waettossing
on his bed in the wile delirium of brain
fever. One pathetic feature of the ill-
ness is worthy of note. Lest, Sender
at St. Patrick's church, Rev. Father
Noonan macle special prayer for tbe
ount.,* nsan. It is said that if it had not
t have been riamouncecl Armstrouct St`i. 0141 Vice ; diveetors, 1.
Mr. Stoodley of 'Metcalfe has engag-
ed to teed-) at 5 S. No. 8, Downie.
He is an expeeienced teacher, having
been peincepee in a town SCll001
some years.
The vacaneies in the Mitchell Public!
school board. !neve been filled by the
nomination of De. Smith aud Messrs.
Mathesou S, Seat, Who were
the retiring trustees.
Two rinks of Stratford carters went
to Seaforth on Friday and defeeted
two rinks of that town in the first
round in the primary competition for
the OntariO tankard by a score of 37
to 26.
Rev. Mr. and. Mee. T. Greene, of
Holmesville, formerly of Granton,
were in the collision on the railway
near Owen Sound a few weeks ago.
Fortunately they escaped without ser-'
ions injury.
Sohn Fox, for many years a resident
eof Atwood, before reresovitee to Chero-
kee TOW% With Thomas` Hawke -taw
need family, died tbe ee JAM a Be
Leaves an aged wife, two eons and
five daughters.
.A. very luterestin,g event took piece
Wednesday eeeoitte at Thomae
ie's. Downie, wheo. Lily D. Shaw
was married to Arthur T. Thitstle. a
young and proseetorts farmer of the
Gore of Down.ite
Mrs. Thonias Beard died on Monday
afternoon at her home near Mitchell.
Shehad sutfeeed from la grippe, eirid.
died frotn a relapse. She had hoed.
here a long tune, and was one ot the i
old settlers of the dietriet.
been for this Clines's, the banns of bis
the price at 5 ate. per box. e begs his wed lug were o
lodgings as he says he is unable to pay at. the time thathis recovery was merle
for there. and live. Look out for him, the subject of prayer.
he is a feaud, anti polleh is not
BRTEFs.-The Celdivell twin bro.
what ib is recommended to beet thers, evangelists, are holding revival
et rig
pecrial sale Of
Boys Overco at.. , .$1.00
MOD's . .jg'1 to $5.00
Before stock taking, we offer
reduction in all lines.
Special of
J. P.' Ross,
-- -
Exeter Winn lc ipal Gelu no II.
The Conti ell met pursuant to ad jo ram-
ment at Town Hall, Jan. 2011s; 1$9e.
All present, Minetes of pveveaus meet-
ing read and confirmed.
Taylor -Evans-That, Me. Cinech be
instructed toship 3 lengths of clefective
hose to the Vieeterons Engine -0o., and
the clerk, write the company regarding
the same. -Carried.
Evans-Maie.--Tbat the clerk he en-
stractecl to procere a letter bobk z:4141.
copying press,---arried.
A communirettion from the
Underwliter's Association was laid 'an
table, and on motion of J. TV. Taylor,
seconded by I. Armstrong, the clerk
‘..tras instructed to write the
tion. --Carried.
Taylor -Muir -That the Reeve
tbe necessary steps regarding.
moval of the boy Fulton, -to
Oriente Asyliame-Carried.
Taylor -Muir -That the B.eevc.>. and
Olerk alga the petition of the council
,ot the town of Stratford,re...the amend-
ment to Municipal Act.-Crried.
Armstrong- vans --That the clerk,
ask for tenders for tbe use of elle-
weigh scales. and hellringibg-teeders
received to Friday 271h inst-Oarried-
Armstrong-Taylor-That thy, ser-
vices of night -watch be dispensed
after Tan'y 81st. -Carriect-
Taylor-Evans - That tendez' of x.
White ete on, ler print -Vag being ehe
lovirest. be accepte(..-Otemecl.
maylor-Evarts - That the regular
meetings of this coin -roil be held the lst
s.nd 3rd Fridays in eaclemoritia. Car -
Evans- Taylor - That the council
adjourn to Jan'y 27th at 7.80
Guo. H. BISSETT,Tnel.4,-.
Exeter Publio:Sohool
Inaugueal meeting ee the Hoerr.' held
The Presbyteeittns of Mitchell are
contemplaeing making an extension to
their „0-raveyard io town, and a cor-
respondent suggests that perhaps it
would not be amiss tor 1,he council to
consider the advisa,bility of of -ening up
a cemetery.
An interesting wedding ceremony
was solemnized at St. Columben
church Irishtotvia, on Taesday, when
Miss Maggie, youngest dangliter of
e5tephen DoWney, and James Neville,
of Seafortht were united in the holy
bonds of matrimony.
After the election of offtcers of the
North Perth A.griceltural Society, the
discussion tts to what action would be
ta,ken to iteegease the interest in the
annual exhibition and augineub the re-
ceipts was continued.. It was decided
to hold tbe fair ties vear.
A very plensing affair, he which a
former St. Marys man was one of the
chief pagticipants, took place iet Bridge-
port -on Jan 1001, at the residence of
eireend Mrs. Chas. Smith, when their
c....1dest daoghter, Miss Annie was
united. in marriaeee to Dr.Geo. H.Gibb,
of Seagate erne of Dr. W. Gibb, el St.
It was a barely, jovial . eowd that as-
eerabled at the hanieveme residence of
Mr. and Mee. A. Stewart, of the leth
coneession of Logan, on Wecinesde-ve
evening, an. nth, to witness the met -
riaeee of their delight :r, Mary J., to G.
F. McKenzie, a prosperous young me,
chanic, of illonkton.
Two rini.e. uf Marys r;oriers- ad-
ministered a sound iteNitt,
ford brootn wi alder's Satarday after-
noon in a Colts' League g3:11:,
bonsil!iel tutme uif in the local rilik and
the visitors einet.ged victorious by a
score of 45 to 23. about as sound a de-
feat as the Classic City curlers. ever
At the meeting of the South Perth
Agricultural ht/eiet,y, 13,2,r, at Se.
P.Kfarys Wednesday aftere000n the
following- efficevs eleeted for the
yeae 1890.; J. fiteele•., presideut ;
Robert McColletieli. filet . vice • P. 8..
Aortactiwnitax. Socitrry.- At the
tennual nseeting"of the members. of the
Agricultural Society, held in Kirkton,
on Wednesday, Tee. 110, the follovv-
ing efficees were elected for the year
1899 :-Pres., Wm. eltieelwood. ; vice
Heavy discounts will be given on. Men's Fur Coats, Ladies'
Fur Capes Robes and al) lines of fur aoods.
Laiies' Jackets, Men's Ulsters, Boy's Ulsters, Ready4n3de
Clothing, also ordered Sultings, Caps, Mitts, Shirts,
drawers and a lines of Wmter Goods.
All the above lines must be sold before arrival of Spring
Stock. Do not this sale as you will get bargains
on the above..
JOHN HALL rio bwood
is iit lion is t stog
De einbly, 1 1 . 1.1 tt a te S i .oh'islo C li li the c°1 -1g
Av8 metal ;-' ll ' ill
TottAnco,, Nloder,ttoe G tr.-....,b
0, Preac le( amilvete eta tetre. cts ""t4 Vab '611str1).
, d and el. 0 a bo OA),
118 to e itt
eery isernion Cantiel clime:el On Still- Money 'dun c .
services in Clandeboye 1VI•et3iodist
eluweb this week, end have a crowded
house to hear thein. --Mr. • David
Cobhleclick has sold his farm to mr. E.
Mara, of Lotman, for the sum oi $6,500,
and considered a bargain at that price.
It is -one of the best farms in Middle-
sex. en ley are all good. -Mr. Thos.
McCann has taken several beeee con-
tracts of cernentiqg barn ald statrio
floors for next spring's nen.k.-Mr.
William Sohn Smyth has been appoint-
ed assessor this year. --We regvet to
have to announce the death of Mr.
Tereniiith Kelly, one of nee „most re-
spected young farniers. Tie; teleith wee
cansed by been fever. He was buried
at St, I.iatrick's Catholic cemetery on
Saturdtty last. Deceased was to have
been married in the cc tirse of a low
weeks if his life had been spared. -
We ere pleased to note that Mrs. Witt.
Porte, who has undergone an operat-
ion lit the Teonclou hospitid, is again
convalescent, stud thab Me, Gilmour,
who has also been an imnitte of the
London hospital, is improvirtg rapidly
and. will be able to 'resume his calling
in tbe spring, if all is well. -Me. A. „le
Relate bas ref:rimed from it prosperous
tont from the oil NVeliS at Petrolee,
where lie has 14000 investing lately.
There has beee retied an the Walkee
farm 84 Harrow this lest season SOMO
bushels of corn, 60,000 bushels of oats
and 1,625 hashele of wheat, The farm
contains 2,000 acres anclUStially io men
are employed. Sugar beets and tobac-
co are likely to be extensively raised
this yeav.
D. Moore, William ?earn anti John
Legge, St. Marys ; Bianshaed, 3. Don
aid Downie, -97, Porter, W. Oliver ;
Fullerton; W. Rotter ; West Nissottri,
.T. TermaneE tub NiSsonri, John Beal.
; dit irt D Mnrl,tili and
O. Robson ; repaseentatives to elVes.
tern Fair, A, ane Time. Steele,
A strange and stateling utory comee
to hand from Amapa, which forcibly
recalls the adage thee truth is strang-
er than fiction, Three weeks ago E.
Jacobs, the weeeke own hog bayer of
W'oocIsL�cks w,its shippine a load of hogs
at Atwood, atal in thc romy to get
through beforsederk nee hog was for-
got -Len and left. in the small enclosnre
when the shippers went away.. On
Tuesday, the lOtt,one eve .k tater ehip-
meet, Mr. Jacobs was up mere again
making another' shipment when the
bog WAS discovered buried in the enow
beside the fence. When dug out he
was still alive, aethough rather weak,
and hungry enough to eat a stump
Very Many wore shoelz ed extol -day
morning to learn of the death of eite.
W, C. Myers, Sere trore, whieli gad
event, took place at the residence of
her parents, Mr. end Mrs.' ,T. 11.
Schmidt, Nelson street, about 8,80
Friday evening. A month tete° Mrs.
Myers removed to Olin toe her
husband but after a reeideoce there of
sleisise thhaaed twnoot sere)eektl,,e,tc,itt
tligteuec11,411o,i(ex)lett. •
health for some time. 1ettle3dtty
the arrival of a little son IA her
very weak state, not hem- eeeore
her death she revived and (he iVitutO
Who surrounded her lin a ii,t1h.thmight
of any serious result, Co e bete:need
reality and Mr. Myers cspetlilly, 1no
shock is a heavy One,
tWowedui3ne:stcillaaYt' $ j.;.DPI.104A1111. 1p8e949„. Jelt'llict'-.
following is the order,of the -%-itiess
duly passed. . • -,
Signinee declaration of office by
Messrs. a. Senior, R.. N. Rowe nod D.
Per H. Eueston and 'W. S. Carlirm.
that P. Frayne be chairman.
Per 3. Senior and R. N..Rowe, t'ilal
the corporation at the village otExc CO V
he treasurer. , _
Per 3. Senior and R. N. ]owe, timt
T. Grigg he secrettery.
_ Per lEf. Huestoil and J..,,Seii,lor. that
P. Frayne bc the wood efutinlitive.
Per J. Senior, and II. Hiceston, that
R, N. Rowe and D," Spicer ,Ile the ve-
p Lirs conamittee. -
Per W. J. Carling anti R. N. Be.
attl..L. 8enit):14 be tbe supplies
Per R N. Rowe and D. Spicer, that
IC.. 1Tuesten, W. T. Carling and, 3.
a42.11ior be a grounds P red sanitary coin-
Pee R. N. Rowe .!aitcl W. S. Oarliage
thee the eig-ht, a :I)) Ceting ,bs -the hist,
Mernday in eat.h. inerAh. '
Per IL Huesten and D. Spicer, that
the iree, eeteral visits of the Board. la:-.._
made tit the instance . of the eliair VOCII
etle.1 members kts may bo available.
Per R. X, Rowe and TT. linesten,
that the foie° wirig accuutiteitese deciar-
05 tepproe,ed foe payment ieee ranscii.
lemur, 40 cts. ; De. Lutz, crird,gSi'D,3 as.:
ana snbject 1!10aline:tette 'of the re-
pairs ecnuniitte'. ;T. ;ember, p5c,
Per R. N. ilo and D. Spicer, th,0t.
the engageinert , f Mie eeck ell 01. a
eatery or ee25 Les enti eft,. ee repttet pa
hy teachers supplies tatainittee he
cleelared nap/icy:ea.
Pee II. Tinestonmid e. Senior, that
the secretery confer With p110 ei pal
to secnre a proper list of 011 notoreei.
Sent pupils. Tie eoensaittee from tet.
Board ot Heal 1, eves teteet.ree to the
grout -els abet sanitary committee.
Per Vcr. 3. Carling, adjourinnent.
j, Onion; Seey.
Thelnes Ra ad
Stoneman 13704. Itirkton, 1,.i 0 sem tietir
entire general etoek and request that, all ee,
counts ripe thom be settled co soon cis possibls:
The anniversary of the Thateee :ft oed
Presereteteeti church was held on Site -
day and Monday, teed thaoughoet the
seevices Nvere al•nong 'the nioSt eu1 ecee.
ful 111 the hietory "of bile church. Ote
Sundeee, Die Witreert, of Ttiteitito„
i)reaehed t6 large cougregat anis, ine
dieertuteee teeing highlyetteepreitiated bg
toed toa, v7t44
held. Tee ituildire ked with a,
tine lookirtr ptt,tv who we
ear, s-detv e.av nore p d41n to St bet-
ter e!rtIll,.etl'et•prteie • were
in abunclanee .
e anti ao i1.4.
'chew of the Tt•ii, a Fligeolett tut(
eetti,en, weer, nod riese„..e. -eve t,4 .c..1 et ea
'105 inegtehrzed lei lie ,,c114
ftev'tls.' tt ant ,,1110 tri list) 01
:Whin Ville, WO while
the Exeter Presbyterian elftielt
feriiisited tee onisie. Th'v Ie. Plet-
cher occupied' f,he chair Ili ilisela