HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-1-19, Page 8Y ti ai StQr PT TnlViNe. •--- A coupe of S`QUXaE,.," lutafl.Qnl file CSJtlr,7ttlae• daywit eo+ s ter 1 est, r� Malta hecvitl>, oysters rat I3+tbshaw's: restaurant, stole some of, the bottles from the cruet on the teble while 11 J:rs.Bagsbttw's back was turned. They are known qw - 1 and will he prosecuted if the articles are not returned forwitle. ONEOONLYSrx9o2iz,o 11FLxc� � �A. slaotltialg PRICE match took piece ea Friday last be- tween Johr. Wood, of Exeter, holder of the Exeter Caen Club's medal, end _-,• ^ ^ ^� James 'Westcott, ' of Manitoba, an erstwhile member of tae alit), 1 ad:h shot at 10 birds, Woods .killing scyen, Westcott six. The day was foggy gaud unfavorable to a large score. lair. Wood still holds the trophy. SAWA'S. ST. 'METHODIST OHLTRCII Miss Morton will commence Evange- listic services next Sunday Morning, and will continue her labors for some time. The church generally is looking for an extensive revival, Free sects and a hearty welcome will be given to all strangers. The pastor and congre gation will be glad to . have all Chris- tians co-operate with them m this work. CKTAKINU i pw going on, big bargains in every department.. All winter goods and odd ends must go out. Come quick for snaps. Marmalade oranges best quality 18c per doe,: Buy right. away. yrs orfr sic tea'' Iry Five only Ladies' Astrachan fur capes Choice quality, do you want one, you ksget a bargain if you buy noW. J. A. STEWART INSURANCE. Rig RBI' ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN Assvx+ANCrc Com - reser, of Toronto ; also for the Preoarlxx Ft= urstrearzc>u OoM.*IF, of London, England;' the ALLIANCE INsusaz.OE CoNP9NS, of . Eng and. sissannansaavia moonolida SOHN-1898. TO OUR FRIENDS :— The Christmas holiday season with us once more, and mer doors, that for more than thirty years have swung open to welcome our customers, l will gladly ado so again, and with an Miss Susie Weekes, milliner, is hone added feeling of aratitucle for the un- r f rom Guelph,spending her vacation. For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Weetele es, C1ocics, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON R. Hi1CKKi Watch Repairing a Specialty. — Goon Flsntx O lklormay even- ing a youngman from: Exeter North engaged inre fish business for a short time. .A. barrel of herring standing at the doer of Farmer Bros.', grocery was thefavorite spot. The youth loaded himself with fish and walked up street to a secret spot where he de- posited them.; this he repeated several times until his desires were satisfied. During all the time he was thus fish- ing he was industriously watched, and was followed to the house where he carried the fish. ANA* YAL OettrnOH thsealac.—The annual congregational meeting of Caven Presbyterian church was held on Monday evening, January 16th, 1S90, 'when full report' from all the different organizations was read, approved ' and accepted, manager's report showing a total of $1472.77 col - ays savkApizsefitImp,wAmten,,,,,,sycizfA. mules at ,.duceprices aroa; out all Winter` Goods regardless of cost, Wi✓'.Glear'1ng, Footwear, (Ql'cCS'GOOd,S, Furs, Mantles, Overcoats, Blankets, Underwear, &c,, have had the knife put in deep• Note these. primes. lected for all purposes ; expenditure, $1334.97. The following officers were appointed for the year : managers to serve for two years : Messrs. F. W. Gladman, Dr. Lutz and W. D. Weekes, Messrs. G. A. K. McLeod and W m. Bowden being already elected as mein- bers of the board; secretary, J. Senior; treasurer", Jas Murray ; Auditors, J. A. Stewart and Henry Smith. After business was finished, the Ladies' Aid La grippe is epidemic in the village. provided, a very inviting lunch for all J. A. "Williams,}iam5, o£ Zurich was in . .present. town on Tuesday on business. SOUTH HURON' A:GRICULTUR So- -The annual meeting of the SO- CIETY. --The field -4 -'"--=". held t Bruce �^ �' R8 Men's first quality Swamp Wallaby Coats, best linings and trimnl.ings, regular price $35.00, stock taking price .. $13.00 Men's Black Corsian Lamb Coats, splendidly lined and price made,made,regular rice $25.00, stock -taking price .:. 18.00 � 10.00 7,00- diminished kindness of those whose them to our. counter with each succeed-. ng year. Ho cv long have -yoti Philip Holt, God�e w� on Monday family been buyinghere ? I do net buried hist. olt, *+� and I e,e year-old son. He died bought here.. �� w m g ' -"230parentsa" t. : y ,•ra e, o of effectsPp .....en). k�t• be slave bought, here in my school].;-,F�;ss�� t antitlow1 am buyingfo,,,r. Tyeliitdre' Money Orders issued • upon. the we thank, t,.H, r•-',5.---" ""' 1,0,-,,.. customers for theUnited sa,ma rat tis aolnestic orn be ders base at etst ...., =a s: room in loin. our es jiffs n d•for some. days our shelves, counters and a the cases i owing to the illnees.of T. J• Lockhart. with all that we can procure that may , g Elliott,of British .Columbia, is moderate John and -vea pretty and pe price useful echo have everything expected home in a few days to .wing in eand exp or the same date as in pre- ;up the 'bttsinesst!pful�is.l&te ,-fathera. in order £ - s viz. the 15th of December. ,:estate. •oos eax practical expression of it has brought Wm.' Gann, of Exeter visited friends in :.Wingham and Gorrie for a few Ladies' 30 inch Black Fur Capes, full sweep, fancy silk lined, regular price $13.50, special price .. •. • . • Ladies' Fur Setts, regular price:. $10.00, special price Men's heavy Freize Overcoats, well lined and made, regular- ly worth $5.50, now fancy linings Men's Fine Beaver Overcoats, blue and black, and velvet 'collars, regular price $7.75, sale price .... Men's Heavy Freize Coats, rain and wind proof guaranteed, regular price $9.00, now Boys' regular $3.75 Overcoats for. . SP1 ld / ii Ladies' Union Vests full shaped gussit under arm, great 3.9.5 $5 00, 6.5o 2.50 value for , .25 Wool Vests, full fashioned, .fine goods, a snap for. .5o Ladies' '.for o sellers; special 5 ,sizes greatp Ladies'Wool Drawers, various:z L DIE ' ITEWE R showing a beautiful line of Ladies' Whitewear bought Viie�are at a bargain . Ask to see it. g. above society was to c a ��„�: yesterday (Wedn©sdap+) The attes�51: ,.,.. ••.:. , _ _ T "" S' PACKAGE ance was small, owm `nuibt to the APPLE _ ON i,:i,d. �.ya f r^: revel _alteas --- sx dous ,> , tl•'roads and the preval- ence of la grippe in the community. The following officers were elected for. 1809 :—Pres, H Smith, Hay ; let vice- pres, Robt. McAllister, Hay; 2nd vice pres, Robt McMordie, Kippen ; Direc- tors : John Kitchen' and ,Alex. Mus- tard for Stanley ; Mr McCartney for Tuckersmith ; D D Wilson for Sea- Dixlon forChristie Exeter; 'rboseRus ell Ifor e • John Murdock and P_ Mc- Gregor, sbor U , Gregor, M :Y McLean was elected. -Secy-Treas. The Treasurer's financial' statement showed a net balance in the treasury of about $600. A Spring • eld date lcefi will be held at Brucefield, 1 Show w wi ter. 'tat S to be et ow-Tedge'ofit the public We are g best just ow to fill' The Principal' d • school has been close -the l on ready esu sue 't be ne X11 y The cards a we Cahn --10th, and in thesepromise treat to all whose artistic sense finds pleasure' and satisfaction in the gems ' art that are produced with each suc- cessive year. ce 'Bra Postmaster Christie was `in Bruce - field yesterday attending the annual meeting of the South Huron Agricul- tural Society. Mrs. Slee, who ' recently fell on the sidewalk and broke her arm', and leg, d =- where those who prefer dealing :else- j has , written the council asking where but look to Exeter for their ;ages, in $1,000. Han assure a nice and been appointed by we Hooper h p 1 H. supply, Y varied i er othd theattend stocks ofto a toeU. W. thes0 choice i n the Exeterlodge, A. dealers in town. There is no -need of the Grand lodge, which meets : in Tor - anyone going form "home" to buy, ; onto in February. Herb Elliott, who recently went °�'��9 west, has gone into farming, having MAIN STREET. EXE`g"E� sit<latec. farm on purchased a prettily Cussed Creek, near Yorktown. . Mrs. Alexander Tait on Tuesday un- derwent a critical operation for an in- mOqiit �g wardtrouble. The operation was per- formed by Dr. Rollins, who is quite 9<. hopeful of the case. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19Ts; I89 government have decided to re- 'pII The LOCAL HAPPENINGS {deem the three -cent stamps, and now they can be exchanged at .any post office, for their value in stamps of Rev. Mr. Muir of the, Presbyterian other denominations. near future. The concessions in the country are ueefield has resigned theT I church, Br , g Iu_ of , with snow. state1ec le- lie e ossa- T impassable •x. . d ann S an nF c iO I OF F P ox I that congregation ECT ••of ' L E t Q • to a -ds e roe I eth t . urn to Scotland. Pathrnasters should hav � tion of:officers.of the .Tames st. Cizurch will ret Mks onv visiting h rued borne lest one meetsd and scraped, hserious ou, ace dent or Epworth League took place a' few week from her father in Sea- one with evenings ago, And the following forth. ;.While there she suffered a death•• officers were duly elected according; severe attack of la grippe. 3 W Broderick was presented with to the discipline of the Methodist. The country' roads are in a had state' a beautiful ebony baton, bearing upon church: honorary President, Rev Dr. just now. In many places the snow a shyer plate the initials of the recipi- Willoughby ; Pres., W. H, parsons ; is piled up in banks and in other spots ent by tbe members of Victoria Street Vice President, Chas. Snell, jr. Miss the road is »wept hare and the ice Methodist church choir, Goderich, of Ida Ferguson, Sec.-Treas. ; Miss E. wakes travelling very dangerous. It which he is leader. Rollins, Organist ; Vice fres. Prayer ma friends of Mr. Edward Meeting Coma,' Dr. ic.i}derss. ; Vico is hardly' we will have any more The many g, clod Weighing again this whiter. Remick of Usborne will extend um_ Pres., Literary Com., P. Frayne ; Vice real g g g ath to the family in the death, of Pres., Look Oat Corn., Miss gay Gill; Supplementary meetings of the S. p y vice Pres Musical Com Miss L. arc_ h year-old which occurred on the Payea Addresses and Mrs Kernlek have lost within a 1st and Farquhar Feb.2nd. A t Ar OLD RESIDENT. -0. C. Switzer, of Lacombe, Alberta,formerly of Kirk ton, in renewing his subscription to S ' writes :—It is over nine THE TIMES months since we 'moved to •Alberta. The spring opened beautiful, but a th little cold ;the harvest was•good, • fall frosts did not 'hurt .the ripening ;rain. The winter is lovely up to date , about 2 inches of snow ';` tbe ground . froze up about the 2nd. of November. It was zero weather for one week, since then it is mild. The roads are ' good, Cattle and horses run on the prairies, farmers tie them in ab night, Ranchers leave them out all the time. The air is usually very ' clear. The Rocky Mountains120 miles west of us, can be seen from our house and present a very pleasing scenery. . We are very much pleased with Lacombe dis- trict. Lacombe is a stirring little lage, destined to be alarge`town in the TEAS :A. .ttE Z H E BEST From our large stock of Ladies' and Misses Mantles we have only thirty nine Ladies and eight Girls Man- ties left, 'that includes every Mantle in our store. Now in order to clear out .every Mantle in the mouth of JANUARY 'DURING STOCK TAKING. We are 'offering them all at greatly reduced prices, below we quote the prices. ' Mantles, regular price $3.50 reduced prices $2,50 4 only Ladle's M nt , g n ,r r, 2.75 a n rr n I, a.75 4 4. SQ rr et ?.59 4 n. a a fl ?t n 4,04 8 n u t1 U ar. i A ,, n 4,0 1 e a e u „ 5.50 ,, 4.25 5 3 n s • ,r a 6.00 rr 0 0 n n + 6.50 n u , 44+.75 1 II g „ ,r 0.75 n , 5.00 5.504 u u „ i, .7,50 „. .0 5.50 3 rr „ ,r „ 11 5,00 rr ,, 6,50. 2 n a r, II i, 8.50 ,r 7.75 1 „ „ • ,r „ „ 10,00 e ++ 4 „ „ Girls Ulsters at reduced prices. 4 n r, Short Coats at r, rr All Men's andBoys' Overcoats that we have left' will be sold at greatly reduced prices during stock tali{ins;•, , �.:. . "pial 6e 14c, -eggs < paidfor Produce.- ... .: - gg Highest paces 5 dried apples 5Lo, turkeys 9C, geese 6o, ducks 70, j ]:oc, PT? chickens 5e. Potatoes per bush 40c. CA LI G BRO-S gS%r•ailS'eSZ."aeSitDOSZSZSZSIZS?.RAS , .ag Sale OOtS . Shoes and Harness. During the next four weeks we want to turn $2,000 wortlof Boots & Shoes, and Harness int`a Cash, and will hold a slaughter sale. rices in, order to reduce the �Te will offer Boots & Shoes at Cost prices bought and �n well b stock. The goods are first class, have be _ g care- fullyselected, and it will pay you to buy now. Here are some of - the prices Men's Felt Boots from $1.50 to $2,00 Women's Felt Bals or Congress 1.00 Women's Dongola�Kid Bal or Button-1.00 Men's Dongola Kid' Bal or Button.:....:. 1.250 Men's HeavyR.ubbers 1.0 • Men's Heavy Overshoes.......... 75 number of Setts of Light. and We. have a •�•���'�'�'�' I3arness sin Ie and double, which we Heavy g market prices ' ace taken at highest, de fiom tl,� 1 odare. ma Farm 1s aprices. of Frr All kindsThey in exchange for goods. 'will also sell- at greatly reduced p g best stock and by competent workmen Call and; see the•Goods and test our prices. ho=R. Direct Importer k l t FOR SALE OR RENT. -Brie co age 1 with 6 rooms on William street, ely La odea fed by A, .Hastings. Apply to Toronto Evening — He teachers t Th aures Roti Telegram fed an article to the A B x T Smith will he at TT.P pagain, coming Mr. > k M veeis est ,Beverley work 1luso ted �oband menRti omd< school cMrs. Friday sc o at F •t that onY effecHotel, Commercial , rn mer Cl,i attend -Co the ano withNeve Jeckell, the principal, late of Toronto, and then of Ny 27th and, ..8th. anceh ofSat and attendance Kirk, his it ssistaut ki Iia err had killed her child on July 2'6, Saturday, January ' to tendauce of 45: i, y suicide. It If your eyes are affected dont fall with an at E ane :then committed of the Canada Bank of pears, however, that there had been` call and see him. Mr. Tait,' been 'ch Commerce, Parkhill, has Con , Aug. 3last, the oron o E veni v OSE AFi'LYbrEi� The new e < ,ram ublisl Road On J. TREBLE, Exeter. LIVER TROUBLES, biliousness, sallow complexion,yellow eyes, jaundice, etc , a;- ie overs o fLax yield to the curative P Liver Pills. They are sure to cure. ang pea , _.►-- '' , and hislace there and that woman who was Mrs•. ed , mistake, arising out of a similarity . o - r, (Dr.):Amos continues very ill. the to St Ctitilarines p names, e taker b Mr. Peters, who I he of the tragedy was another Miss Rose Zinger is visiting her has been y t subjectb as „ ,„ Tlptro t. h been transferred from the Guelph of the same name living in- a place Huron Farmers' Institute will he held the son,which 15th inst. This is the fourth child Mr. gory ;Vice Pres., Floral Com., Miss L. Bayfield Jam 31st Dashwood Feb. Rollins, The whole league were ,ap pointed on the relief Com. and every P do .his - d1tt. in d to risex expected _ y membe p that particular line of work.; The president of the League"is also Vise President of the Forward Movement, which is becoming a great factor in arousing :interest among our young de • sonar 'n the missionary eo le not onlya r people, de- partment but also in :every other branch of Epworth League work. At the time the movement was introduced into this district by Mr. Emberson, of `Toronto, pur pastor Rev. Dr.. Wil- loughby expressed himself as being in sympathy with it and promised. his co- operation and support. We are look - big for the fulfillment of that promise. Com. e ux vv....— -- — as ' In }rut ' v hro la g The rat , a of St y told. ron ton the .Co y ar , branch•' near to that of Miss S this week! ere rail accordingly published a full her cousin,: Miss Rose Halton.' . i Sutherland InnesCd ai The Snumber of teamsc- l denial of there ort, giving the correct Exeter a P Mr. and : Miss White, of Mitchell, brought to and the mach account in its next issue, and sabre-. Miss G. Holland on Monday. of horses, hesa sive mill. further pub visited inery•their As soon as uently, after fu .. complaint,. , an barrister, has been • weg kit r sawq Y 1 x licit apology. . This, F. W. Gladm raitious will begin : fished aa full enc e pPublic for Ontario. dl favor us wtti a pert, of your a sleighing, ope g er did not end the matter,' for appointed. a Notary $ln y bigseCano work; however, ke has moved into trade•and we will endeavour to ptease'. for a Mr. Joliii I�ersla Richardson, M. A., Mrs. Robinson entered .ltn .action The Rev. Canon Riche ,the paper er for $25,000 damages, his: new brick house. which is a , credit you theMemorial church in against p p , Road, ex Landon London; has been tendered:' by the . and at the assizes in Toronto the other to the Lo the jury:warded her $1. rs, Windsor, of Brown City,. Mich. thet of Huron what; is- known as day . M • • t Trios. Rowe's and other. "Crown" of St. 'John's in Mrs Arthur Atkinson, of Winnipeg, ns vi sting a hos. it Exeter. thee Lon -Atkinson Bid- friends in and township of London, hitt the is the. week. 8. remain and Mr. Frank Anderson, south of the donpeciple'uva�rit him to dmph,-tlzisre- is'again sn a'very low state of hemselves in a: ,ait is' a own, strongly o so . expressed t Winan's Cou • h Balsam,is doulitte P _ i,' 1s recovery h andh On Suhalt , on.B ron utl.Colds, 0 eso:C doCoughs, ou orfor U w 1, n.. s oed trreg , 1r}} �liableCentralia, h �r Richardson announced his ic troubles. Sole agent for Dick's r. Thomas Handford, of liens., rt dayst`11 chitd the ,Carling property Londonpurchased. c in Exeter. ui 1 friendsLenz, has mady C. LU ' ,P and hisSyrup. ' S r nnmoving' L> hope do mayotbe induced to reconsider g y of Ps intention of accepting theappointment ,, No.l hides 7 cts. at the Exeter Tan -y. south in tbenear future. ten. the matter. W. TRVLTH16K, —DEALER. IN=— Staple andFancy P GROCERIES r on'interesting topics will be delivered by several renowned speakers. All farmers 'who can should attend these meetings. Program can be 'seen in another column. An exchange says ', A mail who does not ` simply 1•iecause his grand- father dve iud not, ught to wear knee pants and a queue., The man who does not advertise because it costs money should quit paying rent for the same reason. The pian. who does not adver- tise because he tried it once and failed should throw his cigar away because the light went out, The •man who dont advertise because he don't know how himself alzooid stop eating because he don't know how to cook. few years. lin Messrs. T. B . Car `.f g, Last week ex - reeve sand W. G. Bissett, ex-deputy- reeve,.were '(each served. with e. writ, at' the instance of .A. Q. Bobier in con- nection with the alleged misappro- priation fund particulars nation of a sinking , of which were given in THE TIMES some weeks ago. The case will go to trial in Goderich inMarch next. .sera The Presbyterian concert on Friday evening was well patronized. Re'v. Mr. Martin was chairman. The con- cert was opened. with a well rendered and splendidly executed piano solo by Miss Mattie, which was loudly'ap- plauded. 'Miss Webb was exceedingly good and very entertaining and. the audienee was highly pleased with her. iXr. hodsdon, who . was so highly re- 1 ainfui and was sim deP en d PY O m + cm tiresome to hese. His voice was frost- ed and broke in almost every 5010. The great surprise .of the evening was a trombone sola Rocked. in the cradle David- son, Alfr ed Da b 1Vfaste of the deep" son, 'His tones were perfect and his executions Waal excellent and through She seleetioti he was applauded many times, Every person recognized in the young roan of 18 - years 0 coming star and one who will make one of Canada's future entertainers. Master John Spackman played the piano part perfectly and both young men deserae to great amount of Credit for their abilities and a oottlllli tuneful. C1tYlti. If you feel" like this you have the 'c chills s la, with h wvi 1 "ns y • Ib rip, g mg tag up ands: de ti your spine. You shiver wheira,door opens and can de- tect a;'dratlght through; Sr 'pin-hole, An irritable disposition is' upon you 'to n howsmile, t,'nd yotx have #°dlrgotuer headache, neckache, shooting pains in the eyes, backache, wateryeyes, s incommoded, hot chills, nostrils int,tttzattlodecl, i;ditd ort ,, flushes, loss of appetite, ennui, and other similar sickening details are all salient 5igfas that 10tx are, a ltierked Van- These are folcrw•ed byp general stand alote, and yy,,,,,, : �0411.'t debility, "yKitt , your head is in a Whirl, a1.nd you talk dllseonne ;telly: Your knees ate weak oft are Io4ng' your grip, You'have #41t 1110lattipp 3, - 1 �er Oyster Supper and Concert at Eden School House, S. S. No. 4, Usboine, on Frida .,Jan. 27th. Supper from.5 to 8: Admission; adults 25c, children 15. - The attendance, at James street Methodist Sunday a School OI Ou Sabbath nbb t h`. n last was •345, there being 100 in the senior Bible class, the largest atten- dance in the history of the school. The wedding is aunouced, at an early dateof 111sAnnie, eldest daughter ti ter of Dalin Duncan, sr:, of sneer Farquhar, and George Mantle, a prosperous and io filar young business man of great - ton. ;. The following were ainon the sac- Christmas eae• rodents at the , cessful s anninations of the Ontario Agricultural if nox, i , College . lelgrave, Iluron ; si'. It. Varcoe, Car- low, liuron ; Second year, W. Link- later, Stratford,' isa comparatively tivel is an international weekly journal of literary criticism. Itp a Y new periodical,which has been recognized from tts first number as a' review of th: highest tattding. ; CRITICAL REVIEWS Thou htfltl` thorough, and coni rehensive reviews of all important publica. tions to the civilized world, reach, German Italian, Spanish, as well as English and American works, are treated from u eek to \leek. BELLES-LETTRES petsal articles appear weekly in tin paper, sometimes under the title of. !Among: My lionks f' written by such well-kuowu authors and critics as EDMUND .(IOSS1' MAX MULLER DEAN. STUBBS" SIR ttERBER'i':IYiAXWEL4 s and from time to time original pieces of literary work, Imems essays are published, but in each case only from the pens of wfctionorld-fahand totts' writers, such as ' RUDYARD KIPLING GEORGE MEREDITH • week a leading article in the nature of an editorial appears, These reek Y g exclusively with literar y subjects. leaders aro prepared by the editor, and deal ext Y a S ICA R AMERICAN LETTERS Who tti•weekiy� letter, written by William Dean Howells, deals in that author's, original and keen way with subjects of vital interest in the American world of letters and art. FOREIGN LETTERS Trench, English, lish , Gcrm au a nd 'Italian n Icttars will hepublished, n ak•ng this periodical of great value and readers interested in the grotvill of literature. Occasional work by Henry James, and men of like ability, will also appear. SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS u itl beDuo&1 published, aerated to descriptive iYCarticles b n!such s 7c etras rare and caribi►! bob a book•plrtes, special editions of furious books, noteworthy Atnertcah editors, eta - -- A PREMIUM[ OFFER fall set of LITlLRATtilt 'S 'anions portrait supplasants of �•, •�•� A is e s ri tion, n�a+• t6 ul9hed men of tetters (3oin ail)', for one l da s b e p dist g Trial Subscription, 4 Weeks, z5 Cts. J0 C e s e• Copt Sithscrlpllou, $4 DO a Yea? Addrebq HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, NMty Vork, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MclKay, who have been visiting his, father, Duncan McKay, Exeter north, returned on Monday to their home in Nebraska. W. A. Cook has just received riffs certificate for Civil Service Examina- tion having qualified: with first-class honors: .Also three optional subjects. Carlin;;: Bros. are showing a very fine line of ladies' kid gloyes in green 'sand tans. They are thesole agents in Exeter for Miller's Glovitne for cleaning kidloves. g The following is the statistical re- turns of births, mail ieges and deaths of the village for thee ;ir ending De- cember 31st, 1808. Births 40 mar s • deaths 21. 13 , es ria , , g of the Mrs.. `S, F. Robinson, wife o Rector of St. Thomas church, Walker- ton,formerly of Exeter, was presented by the members of true Woman Auxiliary with a silver tea service, each piece being engraved with her name .and that of the society making the gift. The service was presented on Christmas Day. We Exeter and EXTENSION Of &JSlNSS. (laving purchased the Exeter Mills v general we are now prepared zareef to do g gristing tancl choppiug. Flour whole- sale and retail. All kinds of grain bought. Grain delivered at first eleva- tor paid for at Mill office. Flour and feed delivered to all parts of the town free of charge. 500 cords of wood Wanted.: l.lard or. soft, COOOLZDJoic & WILLIAMS, Hensall Apples, Potatoes Bran, Shorts, Chicken Feed. and Oil Cake, i Whitt real OIL 1 Sarnlc`i, � �11 _ OIL Flour, W. Trevethick New Yea GREETt1G We againjoin •oin Ilanctb, in wishing our many cus- tomers and friends a happy and prosperous new year. TakeNotice W. That on and after this date V will offer for CASH only, t balance of our Persian Lai Caps and all other Vas, seili them at half price, J.r