HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-1-19, Page 4"gal!i
(iter Witenioipet1 Coun011. Hui"On f;ot•intY Noteee
irk Council 41et purt,uant to 4(1,101,11'11- Jas. Alei�a31«lne,of Stanley townshipk,
, e,Q..t? Q iaaent ,it the e '1' Own 4i , Exeter, Jan,
ad #1tUte„ Moatrca1.
Fk71 k+i" ti ` THOMAS,Lsq..
dbeenotex �41Aadtw t
oAti advwooed, to good fare
:lees ees an t•ui."Jkr
"slo o with one or more endorsor At 'c•
1ini, ' •
:Exeter Drench
ry Itev till day, from A.m. to 1'
A.TURDAY$, le aro, to 1 p.m.
at ot, letereet anewea on de;Ioi4.:
D.P.;. 7RS ON,
l a'atager•
etor,; .Dote d7tia,'15
Calender for January 1 899.
i UP7xtA.S , 1 $ 15 22 2,0
�allo.Tx� r 9 10 23 30
9'.,1'I,UESTa.\X', 3 10 17 2i .11
SDAX : 4 11 18 25
IIURSD A"i' 5 . 12 19 26
FRIDAY, 6 13 20 27
SATURDAY..... .. 7 14 21 28
The Toronto Globe saysthat without
doubt the greatest industry of Tor-
onto, present ancl.prospective, is pork
packing. It goes on to say that the'
hog is as much a product of dairy
countries as butter and cheese, and
hog -raising is increasing in Ontario at
,1, remarkable rate. In 1889 the in m
her of hogs in Ontario under one year
old was estimated at 908,000, while
last year the number was estimated to
be 1,375,000. The Globe thinks the
time is not distant when Ontario will
raise two million hogs year-or-.n-.orc.
Durinee he.year ending.Jtme, 1598, the
eee'dhadian exports of hams and bacon
to Great Britain amounted to 12 504
tons valued at $8,000,000.
Thi:; 00y assessors• have, -justt ` an-
pleted''t"hei stateret tsMof tt eaixitlunt
of property in Montreal exempted
from taxation. The total exemptions
amount to the enormous sum of
Oyer 1,900 hogs were killed at tlio
ersoll Packing Company's factory
oJetnee7 in, eight hours and a half..
This:: time inehtdles three quarters of an
hour's stop' for to break in ;the mach-
in.ery. 'It was one of the largest day's
work done at the fa toiy .
The CiintonNews-Recordsays rumor
is busy with the names of several an-
plicants for the vacant registrarship
af_Huron, among the nuniber being
Lawyer Holt of Godericla, Editor Mc-
Lean, of Seaforth and Mr. Gibson, ex
M. L. A. The latter's years should
put him out of the race, .though his
now deceased brother received the ap
.pointinen"`e„at seventy, an ;age when
civil service`cffficials are being super-
annuated as' et rule. The office is
worth $2,500 a year.
The Hardy and Laurier Go^, eril-
iruents, by combining forces to carry
West Elgin for the Liberals at .all
costs, succeeded in securing the seat
for Mr. McNish ab Thursday's election,
defeating the plucky young Censer-
native, Mr. McDiarmid by over taco
hundred majority. The latter made a
splendid fight against tremendousiodds
which, proved invincible. The deter-
11, mination to elect Mr. McNish by any
means, fair or foul, the St Thomas
Times observes in its issue of 1\1ond.ay
last, was openly proclaimed.
Canadian . newspaper men ,tvithunt
` distinction of politics will regret, that
the health of Editor J. S. Willison, of
•.the..Globe, has becorne,aecording to re.
port—SO 'precarious that there' is talk
of his retiring from newspaper life to
take the arduous position of postmast-
er at -Toronto. Should he ;do . ro he
will succeed -:a former able journalist.
(._; Patterson, a one-time editor of
the Mail. Mr. Willison's retirement
would be a loss to Canadian journal-
intheevent of a vacancy c his
but n i s
appointment to the position nettled
-would be a worthy one. Mr. 'Willison
commenced his career in the r�eWs-
paper business, as an apprentice in
TrtE TTltEs office. He is e native of
Stanley township.
Alex. Lumham Gibson, Reg -fairer
of the county of Huron, died at his re-
sidence, (.odorich, on Jan. 8, after a
very long illness. The deceased hard,
says the C`oderich Star, since hie ep-
noiritsnent : to the office he held at
••` death, been in precarious health; al-
though at times he was able to con-
duct the business of his Office, but lat-
terly he had been confined to bis lustier
and a few days since his conditiuu war
so serious that a ; number .of medical
enencon: ulted, the outcome of their
(11)YeL�e11C(; tieingen ooperation. The
result, however, eves that deccateed
continued to sink till death came. Tin'
late e L. Gibson ss as bg10 in 1827 in
thc :land of the Heather,his father,
Thomas Gibson, being a native of •r -k r-
eviclesilire. Ile left 111a olct land for
tilts continent in 1:8;!3, at3(1. after ria
'siding in difi'erent parts for six years-
eatl s,he finally settled in Wroxeter, where
his beothers, '•Robert Poet Thomas, tr ed
already settled and had Built the fleet
mill. .tor sixta'e1) years the subje€it
this memoir. had charge" of the ..-w
!drill, atter which period he had sant"
control. a For the first few years in file
ei'.ties the deceased ^eves (loptity Reeve
of ,[Iowickc, but at the incorporation of
the village of Wroxeter he was elelaa`d
byexclamation its first reeve. tncllreld
the position for a,,long pctahe.i.ee
being re-eleC ed evitliottt. t con! eeI
Early it. 13Ocathe regist sirelilp Kli ilue
on being vacant thrt)It£lli the death 1,
.lames Dickson, icksonx, Me. Gibson sten:
3ointed to the officer. In his old U4.'•i „a,
boehocld the-deco/teed took a,Its"rltt,xr
part zn coixtll?reit'tl, crltwatjo:ilr,i ctt01
"'il el matters.
ehn;E "i O h i' EA'I UUT?II) t
e yntt rtarried tosiht oh{.tlnio stela,,€ a.
tiut�t 1, lneuraliic 1' f ?r��reu aro < t,i
o�tw an, takoa potfou Shiloht"otigit •1
C3ttrc• hes overcome 1300)1 , a 1^
tritiflas s' halrtnkr tl
1 'ore More
f' r cr
Oth, 1399., All present,. Minutes of
previous meeting read and confirmed,
Applications for Assessor were re•
eeived from A. E. Poke, J. G. Suui1-
laeo(nbe and WITI Trevethiek,
Unix—Taylor—That A. E. Fake be
Assessor for the year 1899.
Evens ---• Armstrong-- In amend -
latent that W, Trevethick be Assessor
for the year 18009.
The Reeye declared the motion
Applications were received from 3.
Ox'eeeb, Thos. Bissett, sr,; and A. S.
Deavitt for the position of Road
Commissioner, etc.
Taylor--:Muir—That James Creech
11e Road Commissioner with same
duties and same salary as last year.
Securities to be satisfactory to the
Council,. --Oa rried,
Evans— .i'u strong ---• That the ep
pointtur=nt of night Watch be raid over
for future consideration.—Carried.
Taylor—Evans — That Mr. Samuel
Sanders be Treasurer with same salary
and security as last year.—Carried.
By-laws confirming the appointment
of the several town officials were
signed and settled.,
Taylor—Armstrong—That the fol-
lowing accounts be passed and orders
drawn on treasurer for same
Hospital for sick children, Toronto,
$10.00; Municipal World, subscription,
$1.00 ; S. Sanders, postage, 43c. The
Clerk, rent P. i. box, $1.00 ; Dr.
Amos, salary as M. I1, 0. for 1898,
$5,00 ; Advocate printing Co., balance
of printing contract, $8.85 ; G. II.
Bissett,• election expenses, $.20.80.—
Evans—Muir—That the communica-
tion of Mrs. Slee re R. H. 'Collins,
solicitor be filed.—Carried.
Armstrong-Muir—By lav No. 6;
1899, to appoint a board of health,
medical health officer and sanitary
inspector as read be now read a second
and third time and finally passed-
Taylor—Muir—That the clerk be in-
structed to ask tenders for printing.
Armstrong—Evans—That the clerk
be instructed to ask for tenders for
Evans—Muir—That the clerk cor-
respond with the management of the
OrilIia Asylum in the matter of the
removal of the;', deaf a11d :dumb
mute, Fulton, to: thalt;1. hshtiit ou.
A communication from the ,Grey. C.
Snaith, asking for an additional marri-
age register was laid before the coun-
cil, and on !notion of J. W. Taylor,
seconded by T. Evans the communica-
tion was filed.—Carried.
Taylor-Arnlstroug-That the re-
quest of John Hind for permission to
cut down an elle teee in front of his
residence be left with the Road Com-
missioner. --Carried.
Taylor—Evans-That the Road Com-
missioner examine cnlyert at Hawk-
shaty s shed and have the necessary re-
pairs made.—Carried.
Taylor---Muir—That the . clerk ;lilt
for tenders for stone.
Evans --Taylor- That the Council
adjourn to meet Friday, January 20t1i,
1899 at 7.30 p.—Carried.
Presbytery of Huron.
-4.7t, Clinton on the 17th inst., the
Presbytery of Huron wet with a large
attendance of .members. Rev. Mr.
Fletcher was re-elected. Moderator for
the ensuing six months. Session min-
utes were examined and attested as
correctly. kept. A. deputation from
Hayfield Road congregation composed
of R. I1cllvane and. John Sparrow ap
pealed before Presbytery stating that
owing to the removal of !amities from
their- co ngregation it was unable to
.meet its present financial obligations.
The Presbytery appointed :1
deputation to visit • the ' congregation
and report to the next meeting of the
Presbytery. The committee on the
Remit re Theological Education, re-
commended that (1) Three years study
in some ataprovedUni ersit be requir-
it -
ed for enrnce to Theological
(2) That all stud(:nts before licensure,
be required to pass a central Examin-
ing Board
xamin-ingBoard appointed by the General
Assembly'. 3 That in these cases this
A a s
be sufficient, for ordination This was
accepted by the Presbytery, The Re-
init on the reclnctionofrepresentatiyes
to the General Assembly from one-
fourth to one sixth was agreed to.Rev.
W. Muir resigned the pastoral charge
of Brucefield on the .grouncl of the
necessity of his returning to Scotland.
The resignation was received and cox -
sideration of it postponed till next
,meeting of the Presbytery. The con-
gregation of Briicefiield to be cited to
appear for their interests at the same
meeting. The ,Presbytery recorded
its synip'ethy with Rev. J. Pritchard,
late of Forest', but formerly a mem-
ber of this Presbytery, now
seriously 111 at Goderich. The • next
meeting' was appoint'ed for Olin ton
incl the Presbytery adjourned. t
At Chilton on the 17t11 inst., and in
connection with the Presbytery of.
Huron the W. F. M. Presbyterial So-
ciety met in Willis church, 14Irs, (Rey.)
C.. Fletcher, President, presiding. A
large attenclance of Ladies from the
different crngregations in the Presby-
tery was present, The reports showed
a total iueuibership of 408 and an 311-
01(5180 ln giving over the previous year
of $71.1.4. An extensive and interesting
program of music and ,tcletresses eon
sinned the whole day end ' evening,
,lemons diose who tbek part from out-
side the Auxiliary were llrs. McCrae,
of GYelph, and Rev, Mr. McLennan,
returned Missionary, end. two rl,tier-
tett es
ier-tett.es front the Methodist clhurdles cif
.11ec:lo(r Elliott, of Seaforth, 1100 re-
tired from Ili cteaching- profession, fat
7.aa tufts' a least, and intends tinning his
3'tteiltion to. some other line of Nisi-
D71 f OW"!`I W Or'lt rii r l 1'
I': tIto nioowt and tiio,1 1 ffei,1ivr, rr+Ilnotl,y for
33411fng alt ltiurls of::WOrina, No n 11:,10, Ifit'.
t;ouS Catliarthewhen Itisu:;ul 1'rir,'25c,
frih"a rd'v Yellow 011 Omni all pill,. ant!'
tAloe mit 13rvellii(0 Itnd 1nflanttnat(lon ritarcltrrr
"IWv,luagreatly IIT'li tc'ilWitflbtitttic,u,lrtt( iti,f•:r
1 • lug,< tine flirt 415 Tdl,,i: f -' 1114411011' to .1+111 1
01710 to°;r 1(11. l,'rc In thrteeolovs
A ftia,n It11),' Other remedy V1110C 2.1e.
tfU:7c'1? 011551. c)1 3(rr.TI(..1,.
i4fr, 1,',4'11531101', IIArlen) ,AYr. ,'Jotont.i1.3Vuix.
Huron county, is credited with ma -
ing $1,000 a year on his sheep,
About half the people in Seaforth,
says a correspondent are laid up with
la grippe a.ud the doctors are on the
jump day and night.
Dr. Robert Steinbach, of Riehville,
Mich., son of D. Steinbach, of :Zurich,
wasrecently married in Saginaw,Mich.,
to Miss Minna Moeller.
Andrew Govenlock, an aged farmer
of McKillop township has been called
to his long home. Deceased was wide-
ly known and much respected.
Mr, Robert Lane, of B.elniore, has
purchased 100 acres, mostly bush land,
on the ninth of Turnberry, from Mr.
Turtle, of London, for the suns of
At the opening of school for the
New Year, the pupils of school section
No. 9, Grey, presented their teacher,
Miss Nina J. Isbister, with a handsome
i'1iss Jean Goveniock, of North
Dakota,was called home on account of
the serious illness of her father, Mr.
Andrew Govenlocl:, ofiWinthrop, who
has since died.
A pretty wedding was celebrated re-
cently at
ceu lyat the residence of Mr.Miller,
10th line, MoKillop, when his third
daughter, ISIiss Lucy, was married to
Robert Archibald,
One night last week as Sallies Mc-
Michael, of Seaforth,was coming clown
town to attend a meeting of the Sons
of Scotland, he slipped on the icy side-
walk, and falling bruised his shoulder.
11Irs. Mooney, of Brnssels, passed
away to her celestial home on Satur-
day last. The funeral took place Sun-
day morning, from her late residence,
Mill street, interment being made in
the Egmondville cemetery.
At the first meeting of the Seaforth
Council Win. Elliott was appointed
clerk J'. S. Roberts was appointed
high School trustee, Win. Somerville
was appointed auditor. The chairman
appointed J..0. Rose, the second audi-
tor. -
Mr. Joseph Bushleld has disposed of
his farn'i in McKillop to Mr. John
O'Rourke and intends becoming a
citizen:of Dublin. He will soon devote
much more of his attention to. buying
all kinds of stock. Joe is a hustler
and bound to succeed.
Jo ei?13 Drewsonl ef,Hiiy,, near Zurich
.roes with a,sad accident - one day, 1st
week. While engaged in hauling wood
home from the bush,his horses became
unmanageable and 'ran away, throw-
ing him out of the sleigh, breaking his
left leg above the ankle.
A pretty -home wedding took place
at the residence, of D. Tiplady, , on the
11th inst., when his niece, Miss Bar-
bara Ellen, daughter of Geo. Tipiady,
of Hornsea, England, was united in
matrimony to Thomas D. Southcombe,
of Toronto, late of Clinton.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Roderus, Wingham, was the scene of
0 very pleasing event on Wednesday
evening last, being the marriage of
their slaughter; • Lucinda Avis, to
Edward C. Lundy, of Blyth. Rev. W.
Lows tied the everlasting knot which
made them one.
At the annual meeting of the Cen-
tralia L. O. L. the following officers
were elected: --W. Master,A. McNeyin;
Depy. M. R. Handford ; Chap., S.
Davis ; Rec, Sec. H. Mills � Fin Sec.,
J. Wright ; Treas. J. Huxtable ; D. of
C., H. Candy ; Lectnrei, Frank Davis;
Committee, Wni. Cave, C. Shenrdown,
Wm. Davis, P. J. Davis, T. Cave.
There is quite a big boom expected
in barn buildings in Tuckersiuith next
spring. Mr. Leonard Sholdiee intends
enlarging his barn and. building a
foundation 'undernettth; Mr. B. Cleary,
building a. foilnclation ; illr. Thomas
Sproat, enlarging his barn building by
a foundation ; ilii. John Sproat a new
barn ; Mr. Rohert Doug, a new barn
Mr. Grunalnelt, anew barn, and many
The Tuckersrni.th council elect for
1809 have appointed the following
officers:=Messrs. I1. Hicks and Henry
Horton were appointed 'auditors to
audit the books and accounts of the
treasurer. Mr. D. Mclntosb,of Bruce -
field, was re-elected a member of the
Board of Health; Win. Chesney Inas
i t ii d
e. o rte assessor, ata
Next 1\ eZt iuectin of
the Council
`S gat
�vle's hotel, on Marc! Gth, at 10
A Guelph despatch says C. 1'. R.
officials have been here this week look
ing over hatters with a view to ex-
tending, their line from here to Gode-
rich in accordance wi:di the promise
of Sir WD3Nan Horne to the people of
this city when they constructed tice
Cainpbeliville branch. 'It is currently
reported that the C. P. R. people have
not been warmly received at Goelericli
in this 'matter, and Guelph people' are
disposed to credit this report.
bi1_the 10thinst., a pleasant event
occurred at the home of William Die
chonan, Henson, in the marriage of
his seconil,"dattghtez`, Miss Jen(, to
James hope, a prosperous farmer of
Carberry; Manitoba. Than ceremony
was lierformecl by Rev. J, S. Hendee
sou. The bridesmaid was Miss Ettie
Ballantyne , of the township of }fay,.
while the groom was supporteclby Jno.
Buchanan, of the Agricultural 'Col-
lege, Guelph, a brother of the bride..
The happy couple intend spending r1..
couple of weeks among the 'bride's
many relatives in Ethel and vicinity,
and then. retinal to Hensall,be,forc leav-
ing for their;laonie in the' west.
The death of Matthew Robeetsou, on
Friday evening last, 'removes one of
the pioneer business men of r80,i,fortl3.
The deceased had Dern in poor health
foe'et;'couple of years, *and for the pest
few months lied been bed riduen, Mr.
Robertson was born' in London, Cet-
arid, 67 years ago. In 1.8!-1•, his father
lnoyecl to Godericb, evhcre he Cone 'r,;t-
e(1 with the Can edar,Cornl-p3', "T1i(l1',
et the ;age of T9 years, Mr. Robertson
embarked in the cabinet nod under-
taking 1)315 10ss, In 1866 1)e went to
rr.;t1'c,r•t:i told started the furniture and
undertaking lousiness, which he con-
.ion-tinue 1 until afenvyearsago, Ile leave
i, widow, four Sons• --John; 11(31x.+:1.,
('lt rales and Albert—an (1 (lin? sl,lugl114 0,
A0lwhi..,e11., to month his dclniso,
71"lits et:m tins of Thotie S M,er;.liaeli.
Cxrantolr, who died in Ole London
llospitall 'Aveiro ;hipped to Ore lttor4
y'ooday, vas, 48 rage, r,''
.4..,w4',Y+M,f+4.?K AA,
mil be of more than usual interest during 7899• 13es1(1eS a seties of articles on
11014Wortby otalcots, it ti`111 8000in a comprehensive political and narrative
1Y. R Howells
lolly, Fox, Ir.
who Is eminently fitted for the task, not alone because of his ability as a
writer of American 511,0301y, but for the position he has held in our government.
There will also appear such articles as
Admiral Sampson's Fleet Battle of Manila Bay
13y Lieut, A. 15, STAL'NTOS, IJ,S.N. By Lieut.. J. M. ELLIoorr, U.S.N.
'i't'1EIR $11.NE1 -WI DDING JoURNY
By WUHiam•Deata Howells
A serial story—to appear—containing all that characteristic charm that bas
endeared Mr. Howells to the reading public.
The Princess Xenia Spanish War Story
By II, B. M. WATSON 13y Jona Fox, .Tn.
A serial story full of adventure and A serial story the scenes of which
strong situation are laid during our recent war.
333 BranANderR1L A3ntthewsSKY By " N 3111 Crinkle"
By Octave Thanes By Stephen Bonsai
By Mary E. Wilkins By Ellen Douglas Deland
By Henry Smith Williams. 141.D. -
These papers will thoroughly review the work accomplished by scientists
throughout the nineteenth century. Other series of papers to appear are:
White Man's Asia Republics of South America
35 C,'nt a Copy Subscription, ,34 00 a Year.
Address HARPER Fe BROTHERS, Publishers, New York, N. Y.
S. 0. Crockett
!Catharine De Forest
A thoroughly up-to-date be,
eeerioodical devoted to fashions for vomer
during o9, as heretofore,
Exclusive models of gokvns from Paris, London, and New York will be
published each week.
The Paris Letter - The London Letter.
By £.4 THARINE DE FOREST By a Special Correspondent
The New York Letter
will aid women in all those little points of fashion matters that are such helps
keeping one dressed in good taste.
Cut Paper Patterns Outline Patterns
of selected gowns will be furnished will be published free every other
at a nominal cost. week in supplementary form.'
published once a month, will assist women in selecting the proper colors
• for dress.
4%FICTION ra1 -
KIt Kennedy ' . . The Meloon Earns
:A Confident'To=Morrow -
are three serial stories to appear in 13139 that have seldom been equalled in
plot and treatment.
Christine T. Herrick Harriet P. Spofford
Nary E. Wilkins Margaret S. Briscoe
Elia W.1?eattle Caroline Ticknor
Marion Harland Ruth'IifoEnery Stuart
The Busy flother The Deaf Child
Women Earning a Living After College, What?
In addition to these there will be many others, all of instructive -value to women. C
10 Cents a Copy $4 00 a rear '
Brander I:7atthe.rs (9) Address 1-1 ^ 1'., 1 R C+ BRO HERS, Publishers, New York, N. Y. r
�v'c^�'. �i�K*�'Eav+:�v :t-.., ..,,..�:.��•2r r,..._:v-."'..v�'.�J"?� i�. ^w�ue:vv�eL�..i'Y�h.'d}�t�
at' ¢� �% 1l;� I I _ a i 1
Caspar Whitney
ankle elattlie is
Will continue to give: week by week during 1899, by means of illustrations
and text, all the Important news of the world in a clear and concise manner:
Independent of pirties, devoted to
good government, it will not hesitate
to approve or disapprove, whatever
the situation may be.
Cuba and the Philippines
Special articles will appear on these
two countries by Messrs. Phil.
Robinson and F. D. Millet, both
of whom made special journeys to the
The leading artists of the country
will contribute to the pagesof the,.
WEEKLY, as heretofore, malting it 8)
the foremost illustrated weekly: ' %)
Hawaii and Porto Rico
Theselaces will be similarly treated i7
W. by Caspar ar Whitney
e: and )
' t f
DInw iddie who likewise se made a O
study of the places.
.. THE BEST...
and its industries will be treated in and its resources will be the subject.
a series of articles by• Franklin of a series of paperS by EdWard J.
Matthews. Spu re.
The London Letter This Busy World
will be written by Arnold VVhite. iv E. S. Martin, will continue to
and will be full of timely matter. amuse and instruct its readers.
will be continued weekly by its well-known editor, Mr: Caspar Whitney
10 Cents a Copy Subscription, 34 00 a I'ear •
address tiaateEE aeon -Mae, name:hers, New Yorlt, N, Y.
The Ontario Gazette announces the
I or Ailea be Police Magistrate
Air, re, „, .1([ (yr./ for the seid Village, and else for the
tart on nineteen yeals ago awl moved other ;d8 cotnPdeing the
Gio`oo d tred:r t ' room and eteerl of Soho Hall Priestly
a ems:
Wheal the children get their
feet Wet and take cold give them
a hot font bath, a bowl of hot
drink, dose of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and put them to bed.
The chancce are they will be
all right in the morning, Con -
Old coughs are also cured;
we mean the coughs of bron-
chitis, weak throats and irritable
lengs. Brea the hard e.etighs
of consumption are always
made easy and frequently cured
by the continued use of
Every doctor liniews that wild
cherry bark is the best remedy
known to medical science for
eoothing and healing inflamed
threats arid lungs.
Cherry.' Pectoral
WO 110'47 have some of the most emi.
nent 1)11751010ra in the United States.
Unusual opportunities and long experi-
ence eminently flt them for giving you
medical. advice. write freely all the
particulars in your clise.
Lowell, mass.
It is said Mr. Rockfeller made over
$80,000,000 by the rise of Standard 011
liquidating certificates.
WORMS cannot exist either in child-
ren or adults when Dr. Low's Worm
Syrup is used. 25c, All dealers.
The Populist Senate of Kansas now
proposes to fix the legaltate of 50 cents
for •berths in sleeping cars in that
'Smith & McLaren, of Brussels, are
having a large.sale of their stock for
the purpose of -dissolving partnership.
Albert E. Meissen, clerk in the Mer-
chants' Bank at Montreal, has been ar-
rested. His shortasse is said to be
almost $60,000.
By a tunnel 300 feet in length,
through the Moentaies, Gold Lake,
Sitka, has been drained and' its enor-
mous gold, wealth .mede available.
There is a fresh outbreak of snaall-
•pox in Essex county. Word wasre-
ceiyecl by Dr, P. H. Bryce, Provineial
Medical Health. Offieer,that the woman
who had escapedquarantine at Detroit
a few days ago, was now a victim of
small -pox in the township of North
11 is caused by a cold or succession
of cold.s, combined with impure blood.
Its symptoms are pain in the head,
discharge from the nose,ringing noises
in the ears, It is cured by -Hood's
Sarsaparilla which purifies and enrich-
es the blood, soothes and rebuilds the
tissues andrelieyes all the disagreeable
Hood's Pills cures all liver ills. Mail -
Lowell, Mass.
Children Cry for
Having [moved one door north of
The R Pickard Co's. store we will
keep a good selettion of
Also Poultry and game in season.
Boef Said by the "Outer,
1 Calf Lainb and Sheep
Note the address, one door north of
The R. Piekerd Co's store.
50 YE'ARS'
quickly aseettain our opinion free *nether int
Invention etoteeiy patentable. commeelea-
sent Trot, Oldest rtgehoy for toeutingnatelits.
decatatitettoo, Witliput charge, la the
Second Hand Cook
Second hand heavy
on Hand:,
(AT STARLING) redUctiOns.1
Pattie sbuilding get our prices
1-1 Bishop &Soli,
monasenea.maaros-,-.. ems.
Is the name of the only perfect train in the -
world, now running every night between -
Chicago, 1V1ilwaukee & St, Paul and Minneap-
olis via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul. :
Railway—the pioneer road of the West in ad-
opting all improved facilities for the safety and
emoyment of passengers. An illustrated pam- -
phlet, showing views of beautifulscenery along
the route of the Pioneer Limited, will be sent"
free to any person upon receipt of two -cent
posta,ge stamp. Address Geo. H. Heaflord,
General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ill.
The Grand Trunk offered Mrs. Casey.,..
-wife of the engineer who was killed at
Murray Hill, $100 per month for three•••,
years, which she refused to accept.
Are ItSto Interested
In Wheels'
We Handle
some of the lead-
makes at prices
to suit the times.
A. few second hand ,organs,
6 and 6 Octave, cheap.
P. S.—Selling out Dise Liar
rows at cost
Main street, Exeter.
uy The est
igneve The Res
In -the end you will find
it chea,pest, Furnish that va-
'cant room with -one of our
ed Room Setts, Tables„,
Chairs, Etc.,
Aet Something
We have it, you want; k.
Take a look at, our full line of
FURNITURE and you will
find what you are looking for.