HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-1-19, Page 33 alaaor., Lltousanas of a033 is sileece, rattier thee iafl troubles to atestoess. To 'Adieu V7eisotaas Baltn is a, feet booe, It 011E411 Etia 1t;011bik eorrecta rateletidy iri pbaile Ilia aeoleieet stoalos weak seem stroug,, suet renders life woe a living. tate‘geatteasseastes FRENCH -SHORE QUESTION. Tee Ileme Now BC14l to be opportune • to Mound Ott tiac Dominion. ,• A despatch from London, says ;----The impression grows in well-informed cir- cles that now that France is becoming, more, reasonable ever the 'French shdro questien, end, might carseat lo bet bought out by money compensettee4 Canada would, be wise to ,seize the op- portunity to accomplish at the sarae time, the entry of Nesvfounala.nd into the Dominion, possibly by sbarieg itz it guarantee of the necessary payment to France or otherwise. A •leading, public man declaret that now Ca•ne„- canp. statesmen have a magnificent opportunity to round off the Dominicia with eclat. Alaskan balties rarely cry. -Whet) they de they are held under a little stream of running- water, usnally san- d.er a barrel tap, unti1 they stop. aseeeeseassedeeaseesueleameaseeee,...sese 61 Vo case so slighi-yoif'o&Tk. afford to neglect. No case so deep -seater/ tira-;', - Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder will not relieve instantly and cure perm a. neatly. It has made Marvelous cures, and enjoys the esteem and high en- darsation of the medical profession. Through exposure I contracted that dread dis- ease—Catarrh. case became chronic -inlet minutes after first appliqation I had relief, and in a short, while I was complete& cured. W. Lavar.zat, G.T,R:Brakeman.Annondale, Ont. 3S, Sold by C. Lutz, .Exeter. t;6-1 VP/ he News 13riefly Told THE W02LDf8 Eyetrs OF INTVIEST CHRONICLED RI SHORT 0111/Ell.• 'Interesting siappenings of Recent Date -The Latest News of our Own Cotintry,-Dolnes In the mother Lai -W1, Is Going on In the lesitea States -Notes From the Wane over, CANADA. Hamilton s death •rate was ouly- 2e 'per thotteand. • There is a move to establish a tour - 1st aesoolation for Quebec. The estitee et the late' s, Rada - bun, Deseronto, amounte to $89,000. Lase e by fire in London Ont., dur - bag the pap t year amounted -to $e5,000. The Ontario Legislature has been tealled for Feb. 1st for the cleepatch of 'business. peeing the peel- six Menthe London hee had' 291 births, 109 marriage and 196 deaths. individual communion cups were in- eroduced in Centenary Caurch, Hamil eteno-last eights, - .„ T. T. IVIeNnenara reports at Vancou- Ver, the finding of a skeleton of a mas- todon on Ws claim in Alaska. Six cases of smallpox have broken out a short distanee fro ra 1VIontreal, in the vicinity of Coteau du Lac. • Archbishop Bruchesi, in a pastoral letter to the clergy of the Diocese of Montreal, intef ra '9 claurch bazaars. There are now tnree Jaw suits Pend- ing. against London in connection with :its City Hall disaster of aeyear ago. The quantity- of lumber imported. in- to Manitoba during the pest year was over 30,000,000 feet, all from United ',Statee During the pest year the Catholic Parishes -of Quebec city have had 362 •marriages, 4235 baptisms and 1,541 deaths. Harry Cole of Ottawa, who accident- ally .ehot. Wm. Hubbell of-el3s.iveloek near Dauphin last week, has been com- mitted for trial. IL is Deported in Winnipeg that the Local Legislature will meet on Febru- ary 2nd, and that a redistribution -bill will be introduced. Proetesclinge have been taken to ex- tradite P. F. Rollinson, the -Ottawa insurance agent arrested at Adrian, Mich., for forgery. It is reported that the Government will shortly order an investigation in- to the conduct of affairs ae St. Paul's. Mane Indian School. "Indian Jim," who hacked a Chin- tesa storekeeper to death with an axe and was eentenced to life imprison' ment, will have a new trial at Na- nairne, A gweet at the Windsor Hotel, Montreal, registered as Frank Lang- don, Brooklyn,is missing since Dec. 4. His belongings, left behind:, Judi- -cats a man of means. Mr. Christie, of Greenwood„ has tendered his resignation as Dominion • veterms ry. inspector,. for the southern I portion of Yale District, B.C. The Hamilton Board of trade has ap- pointed a committee to consider what improvements cak he matte in the an - satisfactory :assessment in that city, Guards in Kingstem penitentiary are being subjected to a rigid examina- tion as to, physic,a1 pondition. •Those .considered unfit- for service will be dismissed • At the opening of the British Colum- bia Legislature the Lieutenant -Gover- nor announced that a bill would. be brought in for the exclusion of aliens in Atli district , The Crovv's Neatt Railway is now in workbag order, and three passenger • trans are sent over it ellen way. every week. The regular freight traffie is steadily increasing. - Bridget Blasdeie of Lyndon has been • released from tlie penitentiary- at King- • store She had been -Senteuced-for but after nineteen years' imprisonment •aa, pardon was granted her. • At Baldurs Man., ttiv-ci men entered the office of Mr. John Hanover, Tree:- 1811X,er Of- A:egyte manicipality, covered revolvers and tookai700 from te safe and made their escape: amilton citycouncil has passed a by-law granting the T., H. & l3. Rail- waY,a rebate. of $1,000 a year on its• taxes, he company. to extend a branch - to lateriorthern aection of the 'city. Fred..1 W. johnson, the colored man who, with his ecdored lady companion, was refused orchestra seats al the .A.cadenay a Music, Montreal, and sued Sparrow Sc. Jacobs for damages, has been awarded. $50 damages and all costs. Sett has been entered at Victoria, •against D. A. Sloddart, ex-M.P.P lor Eas.t Lillooet, in the British Colum- bia Legislature, for $26.),000, being the penalty at $500 a day for having, as alleged, sat during the last session without qualifization. The ialdiand. 13oarceo1'Trade endorses a the propoeition of catistructing a loop •t lino railway from a point between Al- lendale and Cralingwoocl on the North- o ern Railwae „so Bradford •on the .same f alse, and a tesolution to that end was otd.ered Lo be sceht to the Board of , Trade of Toronto. • The will of the late Robert '1'hainsen, promoted to the ponWQfl of Adjutant General of the Eseyptiau army, The Duke el Connaught and ilia son, Prince A.rtatir, teave--,Eiorence for Egypt and Klairtmun siva. Week, Atalyarct Kipling, Mee, Kipling and his family svill sail from Liverpool. for New Yoser on the steamer Majestic on January 25. The London Chronicle says a corclittl vSelooshe will be exteaded to Mr. Joseph Hodges Choate), as United, States Am- bassador to Great Britain. Loadon is delighted with tile novelty having 03:Mle ef ite fire Ladders drawn by horses instead of by hand, These are called 'leased fire escapes." • The London, Eng., liesPital has asked. -305 weelthy persons to seud abilr,ot(heicitvs eaeh, to that enstitution on tbeir • The KYnOch Com.pany, of Blinainge ham, Eng., hes a contract for 10,000,000 eartridges for the Uhited States Government, 1,000,000 weekly. Great Britain's revenue for the guar - ter ending Dec. 31, • was 0143,061,670, an increase of $4,318,000 over the cor- responding quarter of east year. It is rumoured in theatrical circles in London that Sir Henry Irving, • owing to illnese, may retire from the stage and sell the Lyceum Theatre. The Board of Trade returns of Great Britain's foreign trade for the month el December show inereases over 1897 of 43,998,100 in impor•ts and 41,658,300 in exports. According to official figures, Great Sritein expende $90,000,C00 a year on the support of the poor, and GermallY §25,000,000. Tads does not include pri- vate charities. • Aubrey Beardsley's original draw- ings have made their appearance in London auctions. The first lot sold since the artistOs death, brought from $36,50 to $38.50 apiece An English guide -book • makes the curious assertion that a large propor- tion of these who have made the ascent of Mont Blanc have • been persons of unsound mind. • Six Henry • Hawkins, the English jedge who resigned last week, has pre- sented Cardinal Vaughan with $15,000 towards a new Roman Catholic cath- edral at Westminster. The Rev. Mx. Grundy has been vicar of Hey, in Lancashire, for sixty years. He is 92 years of age, and read prayers before the Princes Victoria: in William' IV's time, ;The Duke of Beaufort is one of the few people in England who have carrie eci on extensive experiments in the breeding of the large mules used in Flanders and Spain for light road work. • A cargo of parrots that arrived in Leith, Scotland, was bought up at once by a firra of whiskey manufacturers, The birds were taught to cry "Drink Blactk's whiskey," and were then dis- tributed in gilt cages to Liverpool saloon keepers. At. a banquet in Scotland recently, Lord Ifosebery lost a ruby, out of a two:rite ring. ,-Ile avas very .much wor- ried about the loss, and when alter dil- igent Search one of his Scotch friends found the jewel, he gave a handsome cheque to the finder. A London plumber is under arrest for stealing two houses. He was two months at work tearing them down and tak:ng away the material without any one interfering with hina. It was only* when the owner Went to look at his houses himself that he found they were gone. Mr. 'lhomas Townthend Bucknill, Quoen's Counsel and member of 'Par- liament in the Conservative interest for Mid -Surrey, Epsom, has been, raised -US the Bench of the High Court of Judicature, in succession to Mr. Jus- tice Henry Hawkins who recently re- tired. .T2tne, Dow,iger Lady Carew, has just entered upon her 101st year. She danced at the Duchess of Richmond's ball at licuesels on the night before Waterloo. Two •other ladies, still liv- ing at a very advanced age, were pre- sent 6.'t ,the • ball, Lady Louisa Tighe and her sister, Lady &villa Cecil. ale latter, a child of six, had been put to bed, but stole out in her nightgown and. watched the ball from over the banisters. She was a" daughter of the Duchess UNITED STATES. • There are about 200,000 Mormons in Utah total the contiguous States and Territories. Ice dealers at Syracuse, N. Y., haat) formed_ a combine *with a capital of. $60.0,000. Shipments of iron ore from ' Lake Supexior are about 1,200,000 tons great- e.r than in 1897. The present population of New Mex- ico is estimated • at 283,000, including about 26,000„tclians. i elew- . York /.:Superior Ccurt* t , judges lamented . in +black silk t.ce ,,33,3 on 5 hursciay for the first time. • Itaffaell r(Ingerro, at Chicago, en his. way -to St. Cloud, B.C., was robbed of $505 by a bogus police officer. George F. .13ie1meier, a 'aureola) man,' his been found watitlering in the streets of San Francieco, insane. During the eleven months ended with November, 516,852 persons vieited. the 'wig ressional Library at Wasaing- on. . Six miners were killed by the fall f a cage down a shaft five hundred eet. at the Lake Superior Iron Co.'s nine at Isbeeming, Mich. Tae Chicago Chief of Police has in- truded, hes men to "shoot to kill' viaed necessary in dealing with high-- buriberman, liner been filed for probato et Hamilton, Ont. The personal es- tate Le about. $100,C00 and real e.sta Le $100,000. • Alter a. legacy of a410,0a0 Lo a eiece and $10,000 to a slater of de , ceased, •the balance of the estate goo. ' to the widow and the'son, J. J. Chartreuse Therapeon. .S GREAT BleITAIN. t. vaymen or notorious thugs. It is said that the recent advance in °minty market values, has added not ass thsrt :025,000,e0J to the person a opt uno02 William K. Vrtildrbilt. Zola is writing of his flight tram Evince. i An English vice -r just sent to geal C for• forgery had jubliehed a beak en •9 tilted "Resist not evil.” s as been computed that more than 100,000 inhalsitarste of LontIce are, 001 • e Moral at eight worlt, ii Sir Alfred Milnee, Governor of South Africa, will atcil from Landon for Cap,' 1 Town en January 28th, \Valliant . Morris's librarY, rocentle • aeld et auction. in London, brought S; nearly $55,000 for 1,2,15 this. •w erg. Sir Frames Wingate las been. ai I hs friends. of Sett stet: IVICalilla.tt of iichigae says that whe,n his term as oreiter expire, ht, will return to De- raii and engage in active business-. Ths enrollment of the ChicItastriv ne- on bee lasen completed, by t.ne Dawes oramiesion, and sleeve a total of 13,- 0, of when). 9,938 are Chickasaws MI 3,502 Choctaws • In ISteferin a Metter ie in operation hich at each cut removes a, straying it tivelve Inslete wide from solid cast on. 'Di,. knife is between twelve and Arleen inchee (hide. Mrs. Laceetiti Kent, a widowh'io ten foiled dead in her house at tt, i0g1i0Id 211. Tha body wee iound ith one Is Ind eirtioried ander a fold - g bed. She bead alone rr Tboalas laiely, of Pena, Ill., while iutkirg errangemente ter lass burial of his sieter, was killed on it eromeing near the burial grouod, and the t wo were aurted together. Lewis Doane, tvitenly-two years aa, died in Lamas, NY., on Saturday- from sonveleiouts grodaeed by a fright he was givers by an alleged "ghoet" u( a lIets lowe'eo pax.ty. The Towsi Pullnana is to be an- nexed to Chicago, and the Pullman, Corapany will sell all their property in the place not, required for their busi- ness to the higheet bidder, Irishmen of New York city have or- . ganizecl the United States Indepen- dent League. A Canadian branch is proposed, All opposed to Anglo -Says loeaagaile. litanee are invited ta. joie the The railroad bill and the bill taxing insurance oompanies 2 • per cent. on their gross premiums, is passed bY the extra seseion, of the Kansas Legiela- Lure, have been signed by Governor Leedy. The citizens of Eagle City, Alaska, waited on Jack jolly antl his gang of gamblers' and. toughs, giving them 48 hoarse° leave the eity. •Jolly refused to go, and was hanged by a. vigilanc,e committee. The Aesabet Manufacturing Com- pany, of Boston, with woollen mills 02 Maynard, has made an assignment Tor the benefit of its creditors. The lia- bilities, according to the July state- ment, amounted to $3,018,101, includ- ing $1,000,009 'eapital stock. At. Cincinnati, Ohio, Judge Holister has reversed the police court ruling in the Christina 'Science case of Harriet Evans and fre.ed her. The court holds that the rites 411e performed ,were re- ligious and not medical, and therefore not within the jurisdiction of the law under which she was prosecuted. . Perry Jones, cashier of the First Na- tional Bank of P.illipsbury, Pa, one of the most extensive coal operators in that section, and. largely interested in manufacturing enterprises in that vic- inity, committed suicide at his resi- dence on, Friday night. It is supposed that recent hard work and anxiety were the causes. • When My. Calvin S. Brice Of New Yerk died, it. was said he had. left a for- tune cif §10,000,000. ,A. petition forlet- tera of administration filed in the Surrogate's office declares he left no real estate, and that his personal. pro, party is valued at $600,000. It is said •Mr. Brice, lived at the rate of\ goo, - D00 a year. •• GENERAL. Sarah Bernhardt is learning to play The bethecabal of Queen Welhelmina of Holland is denied. . Emperor William is ill. His old ear treables has returned. • The German 'weavers' strike is spreading and 6;000 men are out. It is proposed to make Rome a sea- port. Estimated. cost $12,000,000. Berlin poltee are 'measuring and pho logrephing all known Anarchists. Use chief ennuch of the Sultan of Turkey is dead. He was worth , $200,- 000. - A congress teethe annihilation of tu- berculosis will convene in Berlin on May '43. ha Vatican will not be represented at the forthcoming disartnanaeut con,- f•tirence. • Spain haslost iteeteet: 500 war -vessels by battle and -wreck since the six- teenth century. New silver, hardly yet in circulation in Paris, has already been coun- terfeited. . Emperor William has conferred the order of the Black Eagle upon Herr Adolph Menet!, •the noted German. Floods in Chinese provinces have de- stroyed t he crepe -and famine has , re - suited in many parts of the -Empire. Emperor William 'himself designed the costumes in which • the Empress was arrayed during her visit in Pales- tine. * doeance is burdened with 4C0,000 pub - lie officials, eosting th,e state 615,000,- 000 francs a year, according to the esti_ mate of Le Temps. • .faisee 1875 latanburg has added to its., population- twice- as many persons as, Boston, and Leipsic has overtaken St. ,Louts. - • The Queen of Greece has bestowed th,e Medal of Vatted on 100 women who served as nurses in the late war between. Turkey and Greece. The 'first narrow guage 'railway train run by electricity in Europe was given a trial one saort road between Dusseldorf and Krefeld Germany. Of the thirty-eight Sultans who have reigned over the Ottoman Empire since the conquest of Constantinople, thirty- four have died violent deaths. General Lord Kitchener, the Sirdar, has decided to send a strong expedi- tion against Klialifa Andullah, vvho is now in Darfur'with 'a large force of Dervishes. Forty harbour engineers conanais- sioned by the Russian GOvernment have left Si. Petersburg for Tanen- wan, China, to carry out harbour \yolks there. T•he •Spanish Offload Gazette an- nounces that on January 1 Spain's floating debt was 551,810.595 pesetas, an increase of 11,812,095 pesetas over Janualy 1, 1808.. ' Waira suppers will be provided for the 'German army after New Year's Day. The increase of cost far pork and seusages for the Berlin garrison alone will be $200,000 a year. . There was .at one time in an office in adetaide, Australia, three gerst L men -of ths name of lasy. One was known as Sim Day, entailer as Pay Day, and the third as judgment Day, The Cologrie Valks Zeitung announ- ces thet it has received naive of the iril.P,ri.,30nm6nt of Gertnen Catholic miss sionaries by Chinese ta Haig; itt Shan Sze, about seventy miles south-west ne Ping -Yang, La Germany 45,251 pereone under 18 years of age were convioted of e,riev or misdemeanor in 1897. Of these 22,511 were sentenced for theft, 7537 or tenet) to the person', and 3,687 /or fraud. •A serigue revolution is now proceed. Ing in the republic of Boliva, The transit trade by way of Mellendo, Peru is interrupted. Ecuador eleo is much diaturised., bat Pato ie perfedly trap quil. An imperial edit has been. issued ie Pekin oommanding the immediale in stitutioo of the reforms in tile Method: • of training troops, in agrtoulture, . in mailefee,ture, ad i everythinalikeiy to eanduce to the prosperity of the em- pire. Poker bas beeu dechired e game of (Mance by the Vicuna Supreme Court, and is WO/laden, in Austria-Hazigary as eoraine ander the law passed in 1871, against gareee of hazard. The ,judges, before arriving et their declaims, des - oilseed the intelleetual eansael in,Lluf, ling, , • A deadlock lets reselled at Pekin flare the dernenel of the Russien autte, orities for the surrender of: cerlaie BriLieh properly which the Chinese Goveinment hadawarded, as part of • Lee Russian concession at ala -Kati. The British refuse to surrender tae property. Law he& got the better of theology for the first time et the University of Mille, the number of students en13011- e1 hi the former faeulty exceeding that in the latter. Ever since the re- moval of the university from Wittern- berg, Halle -has'. been the ceief theo- logical school for the ,•Lutheran con- fession in Germeill, • Two ehildren, Alfred and Leon jenot, aged eight and ten years respectively, were picked up in the atreets of Paris. They bad walked all the way from ISIOntceauaeas, distance of nearly 100 miles. Their:, iitther, with the evident intention of aband.ening them, had given thein a fictitious address in Paris, where he told them they would find him at work. AN IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY. New Viceroy of India ANSILUIC4tlie Robes • of (Mike. • A despateh • from Calcutta, says: - Lord Curzon a • Kedleston formally aseumed the vice -royalty of India, on Friday. A large gathering at Govern- ment house witnessed the ceremony, At 9.30 a.m., the new Viceroy, pre- ceded by his aides-de-camp, arrived at Government house, and proceeded to tile throne -room, where he shook hands with the Earl of Elgin, the re- tiring Viceroy, with the latter's fam- ily, with his aides-de-camp, the men= bers of the Council, and with the Lieut. -Governor and others. • AN IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY. General Sir Williara Lockhart, the Commander -ba -Chief of the British forces • in • India then formed Lord • Curzon's procession, and the whole party proeeeded to the Council room, where the impressive royal war- rant appointing Baron Curzon of Ked- leston Viceroy of India, was read. The ceremony, though formal, was most str'king, the brilliant uniforms of the officials and the foreign Consuls lend- ing much colour to the scene. Lady Curzon was among those present. EARL OE ELGIN DEPARTS. .• •A royal salute was tired, and the nationa , anthem was played. Directly after the Warrant bad been read the ,Earl of -Elgin and Lady • Elgin and their immediate party left: Govern- ment house. Lord Curzon accompanied the Earl of Elgin to the river side, and then returried to Government house, escorted by a full bodyguard of the Calcutta Light Horse. The route was lined by troops, another royal salute was tired, and the squadron, of ves- sels in the Hooghly displayed all their bunting. • • The Earl. of Elgin embarked on, board a launch, which took bim to the steamer Clive, at Diamond harbour, on his way to England. ICE BRIDGE AT THE FALLS. The Great Minter Slirehtele Formed , Yesterday -A. Magnificent Structure or 'fast Extent. • A despatca from Niagara Falls says: --The great ice, bridge of 1899 has come at last. Several times yesterday the great cakes of ice that flowed over the falls choked up in the river below the falls, forming a bridge from shore to shore, but in the course of half an hour or So the mighty weiglit of the current broke up the...ice jam and would caery it down through the rapids, much to the disappointment of the spectators who watched the vveter .all day. long: The night fell with decidedly lower. teraperature, which- everyone hoped would have •the desisted effect of ce- menting together the &eat flow of ice that had been constantly.pouring over the falls from the upper lakes. The early risers this morning were reward - 'ed by seeing the finest ice bridge that - has ever spanned Niagara's gorge be- low the falls, reaching, as it does, from the new steel arch bridge up to at - 'nest the Horseshoe Falls, and, unlike its predecessors, has no large crevices to make the trip across cumbersome, and has every appearanee at remain- ing in its present quarters until. the wa.roa rays of the spring sun melt its usefulness away. It was crossed to- day by two or three dozen oe the more venturesome. With the great lee pal- ace, the constructioneof ...whiels was conameneed to -day at Niagara Falls, N.Y., and which will be opened on January 21 with a grand display of fireworks, the winter will be lively around the Palls. ANOTHER CANADIAN SUICIDES. • Deliberately Threw Iiintscif In Front of• a Train, A despatch from Clyde, N. Ye says: --About twelve o'clock, Thursday, as a westbound freight on the Ceiatral rail- road was passing near. Pettey's c.rces. ing, about tares) -miles east at Clede,' wall -dressed youth about • sixteen years old threw laims.elf in front of tin • train, and was geotind to pieces. In the man'a overcoat pockets were found six photogeaphs and three letters. Tie, letters were addressed to George le Cluipmete Brantford, Ont. Some el: the photographs were taken in Brant Lord, tame in London, "(Mt., anti eons in atIalta.. Otte of the lettere Was writ • ten by hissister-in-laar, EnailY, 10 Brockhere i'ereett, New North road, ISeeten, and Was' dated Sept, 14; 1898, another fetter from a hrothee, W. 1-1. Chapman, Caledenia, Ont, de ted May 0, 1898. But 40 cents in nuniey weu, :mind on the body. , NARTiETS OF TIIE lilr(J113:11), PlleeS Of Grain, Cattle, Cheese, &e, 111 the Leading MartS. '1'0AONTO, !Tarrant:GI, Jan. 14'..-elfor an off-daYt we, lied rather a lively market al tee Weelearn ceettle yarde (Isis mprninge There were 22 _Weds of offerings re- Teived heate, Me -hada -la 1,6St bagel, There was not sleuth doing in expert cattle, but we had. some fairly goad stuff here, aid it sold in email lets at train $a to $4.25 and $4.50 per (est. A few sareais of selections sold at a4.60 per cwt. BuLehers' ciatee eold wail, oonsider- ing thct the qu.adity was not anything more Ili a ordinate/ Choiee butcher eattle eves firmat frpm 33-e to 40, and now and then 4 1-8c par lb, but the 1e8p was very, ocpiesionet, Good cattle fetched from 0:00 Co 3.7.0 per cwt.; medium sold from $3,e5 to $3,50 and $3.75, per ONV(;.; and inferior to cemmon fetched from aa.15 down to $480 per owe The sales to -day did not drag, and, everything sold early: The following transactions were re- ported;. - One load of butchers' cattle averag- ing 1,025 lbs, sold at 33-40 per lb. Another load, averaging 1,050 lbe, sold at 31-2o per lb. • Fourteen cattle, averaging 1,100 lbs, sold at ec, end ten, dollars back. A. load_ of balchere' cattle, averaging 1,085 lbs, solcl at $3.90 per cwt. . A load of butchers' cattle' , averaging 965 lbs, soad at 3 1-2-o per lb. Ten cattle, a.earaging 89,0 lbs, sold. at 3 1-4c, and five dollars back. Six shipping cattle, averaging 1,170 lbs, sold at $4.25 per cwt. There was no enquiry for milkers to- day, • Stocker, feeders, and bulls are unchanged. No one is shipping sheep just now, and they are dail at from 3 to 3 lala per lb. About fifty larabst came in and prices are _firmer at from $4 to $4.25, and oc- casionally $4,35, per cwt. A. •little more was reported as paid, but we Mallet it. Lambs flee ,in demand- • Bucks are slow at 2 1-2c per lb. A few good. Yeats will sell. Progs are steady and unchanged at $4.62 1-2 for the very best selections; light hogs are quoted at from. $4 to $4.- 25 ; but .tor any kind of heavy fat hogs the outside figure is $3.75; they wiil sell at this price, but not a cent over. Sows are worth 3c, and stegs 2c, par lb. Stores will not -sell. Shipping, . per aCw4tt.tl,' $ 400 $ 450 , Butcher, Musics, do . 3 75 4 121-2 13utcher, med. to good. . 3 50 - 360 Butcher, inferior, . . 300 325 Sheep and Lambs. Ewes, pee cwt. , . . 300- 325 Bucks, per oWt. . . 225 2 50 •La,mbs, per cwt, . . • 400 , 435 a/Bikers and Calves. Cows, each, . . . 25 00 50 00 Calves, each, . . • . -200 600 Hags. Choice bogs, per cwt, • 4 25 462 1-2 _Light hogs, per cwt, . 400 • 4 12 112 Ite7 (1°.' PsPr R°OwPITC.B.0 00 375 Eggs -Receipts lair, dexnancl good, and. prices firm. Choice boiling stock sells at 20 to 230; held fresh or cold stored at 16c; and limed at 14 to 15c. Potatoes -The market is steady and movement fair. Choice sold to -day, on track, car lots, at 55 to 58c. Dealers sell hat of store at 65 to 70c; farmers' loads sell at arouna 50 to 60c. Poultrye-Not much demand and re- ceipts almost nil. Prices are steady for good choice stock. Quotations are: - Chickens, per pair, 25 to 40o; ducks, 40 to 60c ; geese, per lb. 5 1-2 to 6c; turkeys, per lb., 9 to 10e. • Beaus -Firm. Choice hand-picked beans sett at 01.10 to $1.25; and corn- ro.oe, at 60 to 70c. per bush. ,Dried applese-Unehanged. • Dealers pay- 4 1-2c. for dried stock, delivered Bleetrs7 1()E r4eselt -at to 5 1-2.6; , evaporated 8' Lo 8 1-2e for small . Honey -About steady. Round lets of ()lee, delivered here, will bring about -2 to 6s; dealers' quote' from 6 to 7c;. r lb for '10 to 60-1b. tins; and in mb at around $1.25 to $1.50 • per zen sections, Baled hay -Movement is very tight. rictly choice car lots is quoted at .50' to $7.50 per I on ,• and No. 2 at $6. Straw -Price easy. Car lots are quot- at $4 to $1.50, on track. flops -Featureless. Deale,rs here sell 16 to 20o; and ou t side holders are king 18c. for choice. • DAIRY PRODLTC,E. Butter -Steady demand and moder- receipts keep the market unchang- as to prices. Quotations are as lows: -Dairy, tub, poor to medium, to tee; choice, 13 to 14e; largo Is, 14 to 15c; smhll dairy, lb. prints, out 15 to 16c ; creamery, tubs and ces, 19 to 20e; lbs., 20 to 21c. heese---No particular feature, Choice cks sell at from la to 10 1-2e. ch 51 Pe co do S,t $6 ed .at as Ale ed. fol 11 eel bo: oto • DRF.SSED HOGS, AND PROVISIONS. • Receipts of dressed hogs more liber- al to -day, but all erases are well main= teine,d. Farmers' lotias sold to -day at 'from $5.25 to $5,10, as to quality.; Western• hogs *ere quoted, tai track, in oda- lots, at about $5.10 to 55.15, mix- ed weights; awl arartliern iat about $5.15 to 05.20s202 select lots. The mar- ket for pork products quiet and pricss unaltered. Quota ticsue are a s follower -Dry sae t- ed shoulders, 7 1-2c ; long ()leer bacon car lots; 7 1-20; ten tote and case lois 7 3-4c; or ‘bleirs, 0 1-e to 8 3-1e. Seao•leed nmats-T-Linvi, heavy, 91-2 to 10c; ine,clium, leeto 10 1.-2c ; light, 11.ce brealtfast basalts, 10 1-2 to 11.0 Piente hams, 7 3-1 to 8c. All Meets ant ot plekle le less than priess, quoted for smoked meats. • , • ' Larel-Ticuceet, 7c ; tubs, 7 1-2 to 7 3-4e; pails, 7 3-4 if 8c ; colepourat, to 6 1-2c. ' •• llnffalo Jan. 1 n-E3Oring wheat -Quiet steady; No. 1 herd, '79 1-4.e; No, 1, 7, 3 -le; No, 2 Northern, 75 1-4c. Wint et wheat---Notnirial ; No, 2, red, '74 1-5: No. 1 white 74 1-.2e. Corti-liesonna act five; strong; So. 3 yellow, 39a; No. a yellow, 381-4e to 38 1-2c; No. 3 corn. 38 1-4 to 38 1-2o; No, 4 tortel$0- Oa te-aaair enqu y; firm, No. 2 white, 030; No, 3 white e2e; No. 4 wilte, 51 to 01, 1-2c, Batley--Strente Ryas -Nate - mealy (De i etose) for No. 2, Flour-- Queets bet steady. Toledo, Jan, 13.e -Wheat ---No. 2 case 70 I -2o; May, 73e, Corn ----Ne. 2 unsea, 360, Oate-No. 2 mixed, 28c. Rye- D,oni uPi No. cash, .50e. Cloverseed-- itario cash, $4,30; Meech, $4.62 1-2. Oil -Unehenaed, Miiweakee, Jae.. 13. -Wheat, --No Northern, 69c; No, 2 Nortireen, 67 to 67 1-4o. Rye -No, 1, 54 3-4 to 550, 13arley-No, 2, al to 51 1-2o; sample, 42 1-2 to 01c. •Mintaeapolis, Jr.10.-Wheat---Jeuu- arY, 67 3 <F -8e; May, 67 3-4 to 67 7-8c; itly, 68 8-8c, on track; No. 1 hard, 68 3-3c; No. 1 Northern, 67 3-8e; No. 2 Noetbera, 65 3-8c. •Flour and bran -Unchanged. _Dean b., Jan. 143.-W5eo.1,--No.1 herd ea,sh, 687-8e; Jeaseery, 68e; May, 69 7-803 No. 1 Northern; cash, 66e bid; January, 68c bid; May 687 -Se, Detroit, Jae. 13e-Wleat closed; -No. 1 white, cash, 71c; No. 2 red, cash, and January, 70 1-2c; MaY 72 7-00•Y New 'York, Jan. 13. -Coffee -Options close steady; unehanged to five points higher; sales, 8,5ete bags, inebeding Marcie 5,61) to 5.650; My, 5.75 to 5,80c; July, 5.90c; August, 5.95c; September, 6.COcts Octeber, 6.05ce Deembee, 0.1.50; spot coffee, Rio steady-; mild coffee steady. Sugar - Raw irregular; fair refire Ing,. 3 13-16c; centrifugal, '96 test, 4 fi- len; molasses sugar, 3.9-16c; refined quiet. KILLED BY A LION. angiyieer on the lliaintia Railway Meets "• lritit I Terrible Death. A. despateh from London, says :-The. Central News says the Uganda railway has now reached. Siniba camp, 240 miles from 1Vlomba-se. The enterprise has suffered loss by the death of Mr. W. H. Harrison, One- of the engineers, who died from the effeets of a severe mauling aby a lien. Mr. Harrison went out shooting with Mr. Boothby, an,c1 a native servant. Near Kikiyu the party came aeross e liee and a lioness. Mr, Harrison shot and wounded the lion, and the enraged beast then turn- ed and sprang- upon him, clutching him by the left arm and dragging him some distance avaay. Then, seeing the servant, the lion dropped Mr. Harri- son and sprung upon the native. There- upon Mr. Harrison managed to secure his rifle, and fired'a second shot. Thi, unfortunately, did not kill the animal, 'which, now further infuriated, again seized his assailant by the already • badly itijueed' arm and mauled it in a shocking manner. Help arrived, the lion was shot, and Mr. Harrison was carried back to camp, where his arm was amputated, but he died ia" n •- days. AN INCENDIARY PARDONED. liad Bern Sentenced to Stwen Years by a Montreal Judge. ' A despatch; erom Montreal says:- Word has been received that the Gov- ernor-General has pardoned John Bels - est, who in June, 1896, was sentenced in Montreal to seven years in the penitentiary' for arson. ,Beier was a furrier, and in September, 1895, was arrested in cempany with Etenre- Cas- tle, • Isaac Davis, Wm. Thomas, and George Payeur, on a charge of arson in connection with the burping of a store of a than named Trudeau. Ca,S- 11e left the • country, and the others were tried and acquitted, with the ex- ception 'of Belem', who was convicted mainly on the evidence of the acquit- ted George Payeur. WILL NOT H ANG TILL MARCH. -- Judge inieffulre Fix, if Mc Execution on a Church Holliday by masfaue. A despatch from Ottawa, says' -The last Government mail from the Yukon brings the intelligence that Judge Du- gas bed pos)Poned the hanging 02 the Indians and Henderson becatise the day get- down for the execution was a Church holiday, All Sa'ints' day. Judge IVIeGuire tried and sentenced the In- dians, who shot tvs o white men while rowing in aa boat. , The Indians were •on the shore. Henderson had a quarrel with a comrade while the two were on their way to the Klondike. Hen- derson, without any warning', shot his comrade dead, He is rot expected to live until March, the time to which the execution has been postponea. Henderson VilS also tried and. senteno- ed by JudgesMcGuire. WEL.SH M/NERS PLANWAR. one or the Greatest Struggles Knownjj Tit IS a4011'N'it!Oti. A despatch -1'0171 London says: -Two great bodies of minere in the souell of Walee---the Miner's Association and the Miner's Vedas- altion-are atoutt to malgamatT, the real objetts stain Le force such a fight with the mine - owners as easily 1:•H:11 be the greatest struggle NAN-vet:la lateour and capitel known in this gencretion. The recent. detest in South Wales tendert.; Os) men pugnacious, and tha, are ready to pro- claim voter "tlet- insteat their icadere 'give the signal: Ths effect of' this on 'English heals, is likely to be over- whelmingly cl ORNEDel'HIRTEEN STATIONS. 'ex ',tots in Sicily nave Alarm- ing- Primo], t I ous A despatch from Aeneas .says :-Des- patehos from alessina,Sictly, say that . toting hie been 'renewed there becithee of the attentpt at over -taxation. A mole of ee.s-ettiii thouoand people au:r- ounded Lim- • fa-tunic:ilea offices tittd • nossiesd tise,twineowe, slioutieg "Dowt1 .wiila the neunist i pa I ity I" '5111 '00 5te140/i3 Wbicli taxes are sole:tete:1 hive been drenched with tt70500 rt .1 turned. Tlis 1 toops have nit lyten 31bte to control the leole Two OUR • RECORD - E510, 8 187 . „ 250,9oo _ Dials E D EN CURED WE CURE PER-VOUS 01-0(.4 ,i1S0 , DiSIASES' 250,000 CURED whenignorant of the tenible erin107_011. YOUNG MAN Bave '37°11 Maned , against nature Nvere coreniatiee. , Balaton onlaSeesid the fascinating allureraents or t1i1 e habit? when too late to avoid: the t libel results. Were your epee opened to oy RIVATE orBLOOD your peril? Did you later on loodoontraetanPman- isease?' Were youtiared ? Do yottnew ,and then.seesorae casentanst rynastoths? Dat yolgeitarry-in-tyserneesent On. ,ditione sYonktiorr,4,LIKE'EAT.0.4; LHEDSoN." Itetarried,,are yon con- stantly itving In dread? ;Is Marriage a failure *with you on awe:inter anyareak nese- caused by earlY abuse or (tosses? . Have you, bean: drasee with. mercury? This beek1etw8llrointott4t0 you the results of these °antes aadospt 'out bow oer NEW METHOD TR - MENI n11poSitivelY'cure east. It shows how tliove dshave been saved by ur Sow e %CYR J. ORUBAARTAMNETNETt T1: Ot ANY' CURABLE CASE DR NO PAY. We treat end cure -EMISSION VARICOCELE, SYPHILIS. GLE STRICTURE,. IMPOTENCY, CRET DRAINS, UNNATURAL.- 011ARGES,RTDNEY and BLADDER diseases, ' , CURES GUARANTEED "-The Wages of Sin" sent free' by. enclosing:2estamp CONSULTATION •TeRITBENB AS,TTmIBONT.,, ei A NK ME 'PRE.E. If urstsablitio:o.can,for HOvnite for :01411'EDY.6 KERGAN MIGALIgan Ave. and Shelby St. DETROIT, MOH. . A HEVT ttatriSFA0i.e, see es,- e s1- 4 a-shieeeopoloa9aaas, Fylly-Pectoral 4., A QUICK Ctrat FO COUGHS AND COLDS • very vekrabteoeiteery a,ffectiont of fie T1 -110A1-' or LUNGS • Loge Bottleg, 2$4' • leAVie & tAWRIthICE Co., Limited Prop's. of Perry nava' Pain -Eater eliiiitikM4404041SsIt4e.00,1ittraip • 1•111 ;salters hive teen Woutelad. lire loll- a sit. 1 .311 Govarnme”t his oarl.N•3 roe rein, irr\lri, fereseetalte lor ISO 6alviaon.