HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1899-1-19, Page 1TWENTY-SIXTH- YEAR NO,
this week replacing some or the tile in
the Braine frith larger ones. The re-
cent heavy rains proved too much fox,
e. J. Sutherland, Notary Pliblie,� Coaivey,(
•� anew, commissioner, Fire flisuraueo agent the capacity of the old tile, aiid as a
1 and Issr,ier of Monera Licenses. legal team! cottsecluence a portion of the .village
µ1i" Jariuiry Freez -^ meats carefully drtiwu at reasonable xate ,,,is submero•ed last v-eck. Cellars
alis-„F`c A' Money to lain on real estate at low rates et .in e
ut - er terest. Office at the fest Alco. Kensan, were tillec1. with water; and p,anerally,
Ea*much inconvenience was ezperieuced.
{ • y J. D. COOI{D,
ttr�r .. ...Kim H. _ -W.A. McKim, who some mouths
110.... fri (Late r, N garrovv 8 Protxa11. O Barrister ago opened cicledclryoadb store in the
n-- : = a 8eliclt r, NQtaryPublic, Hensen Ont village, has decided to move his stock
.. -
•. --
There are nearly three months of winter yet. Lots of colas
stormy weather yet. We've had a big trade in heavy
winter Garments and Furs but may be there's some one here
,and there who felt they couldn't afford even the moderate's
pric.eswe ask for them a month ago, Well, we've just ai
-knocked off most of the :profit--somecases make on these
. Goods and you can save 25 to 35 per cent on regular prices
:I*-- for Goods that will:in some case be good for years of stout,
Warne service. A price here and there to' give you an idea
.of values i—
ren Ladies' Curl Cloth„54
'2 wide in new blue shade,
splendid for Women's and
Ohildrens wear, regular
.�- price $1.255, clearing at a yd.
.= S8 inch Green and Red
Wool Plaids, regular price
• 35c a yard, during this sale
we will sell it for. ........ .25
Ladies Coney Fur Cape,
get thrrougl out with fancy
:= farmers' satin, a splendid
• cape for $9,75, now only..$6.75
Women's B1k. Goat
erg: Capes, 74 inches long,` 80
;.ate'--• inch . sweep, high storm
• collar, lined with fancy
se.farmers' satin, former price
was $9.75, now $7.50
.27.- Ladies' BIk. Oppossuxn
:® Cape, extra fine glossy fur,
25 melees long, . 80 inch
sweep, lined with heavy
2r--- satin, two pockets, wear
guaranteed, save $5.00, on
• Friday......, .. ..$19.00
Diisses Fur Ruffs, trim-
n-ied with two tails on each
side, in black: and brown,
• cheap at 60c, while they
last at.... . ... .45
teen's Haack and Brown_
Preise 'Meters, , heavy eget
weight, High storm collar, -
half belt on back, lined
with heavy tweed, sold - �
readily at $6,50, to clear at$4,95 --.�
Ladies' Astrachan Jack- .
ets, 32 inches long, 36 inch
bust, made of very best •
Astrachan Skins, beautiful •1
glossy curl, high storm
collar, lined with fine
quality satin, cut in latest
style, our regular price is • -e>
$45, you. can save $10,....$35.00.
Grey Goat Robes,made of ezne
good skins, size, 44 inches
wide'by 64 inches long, lined
with heavy tweed cloth,
many were sold at $5.00, �.
but we clear the balance at$3,90
A number of other robes
we will clear at big reduc-
tions, large size Saskatche-
wan, the best selling robe 7-2
onrthe market, regular price 7-2
$8.50 for., ......... .......i 0,75 -�
Smaller ,size, regular price •
$7:50 for .... ... .:.$5.75
Black Gallaway, made of
goodlarge skins, a first class
robe, large size, regular
price $10:00,;save $2,25..:.$7.75
N. B. -Highest market price paid for*fill kinds of Farm' Produce.
n:iEFs.-It is our sad duty this
`week to iecord the death of an old and
respected citizen, in the person of D.
Sachs, which occurred on, Sunday the
45th inst. His :remains were interred
In the Goshen line cemetery on Wed-
nesday. He leaves a wife, a son and
.four daughters to mourn his loss.-
Revival meetings are still going on in
rthe Evangelical church and much good
is being done. -A. Sachs, who was
.called home, owing: tothe death of his
father, left for his home isi Washing-
tont .Territory, on Monday.. - H.
WilIert shipped a car load of hogs on
Monday. -J. Ree yes is visiting his sis-
ter, Mrs. J. Hall. --Chas. Calfes, who
was here attending the funeral of his
:step -father, returned to his home in
ilarristore on Monday.
:License Commissioners.
'.The first batdh of license commis-'
aioncrs for the year passed through
,theGovernment Monday. ' Among
the newly appointed 'commissioners
i are the following
• South Perth-J-osephMcIntyre,' Jas.
'1e, Benjamin, F. Kastner.
est Huron -Samuel Sloan, .Tames
,Stev ns, HughMcQuarrie.
East. Huron- Thomas Gibson, Geo.
Fortune, George Murdie.
Father Chiniquy, the noted convert
from the Roman Catholic church, died
;at his home in Montreal..Monday
Why don't you try Carter's Little
Liver Pills P They are a positive cure
for sick headache, and all the ills pro-
duced by disorded liver, Only one pill
el dose.
FOR . internal or external use Hag-
ard's'Stellow Oil cannot be excelled as
•a pain relieving and soothing remedy
;for all pain.
All forms of scrofula, sores, boils,
;pimples and eruptions; are quickly and
,permanently eared.by Hood's Sarsap-
Hibbert. �-
BR>:nss.- Messrs. M. Harburn, of
Carberry, Man., ; and M. Metherell, of
Glasston, N. D., are spending the win-
ter at their homes. in Hibbert. -We
are glad to note that Mrs. G. Docking,,
who has been ailing for some time, is
recovering. - Miss -Pearl Vivian, of,
London, is visiting her parents. -Geo.
Smale is preparing for the erection of
a fine brick residence during the com-
ing summer. The pupils. of S. S. No.
2, surprised their.teacher the other day
by presenting him . with t handsome
album, cuff -box and cuff -buttons.
Win. Munro has purchased Samuel
Hooper's frame house end intends to
have it moved to Munro as soon . as
possible.-Wne.;Walters bad the:mis-
fortune to lose his most valuable
horse one 'lay lately.
DEATH. -The death of an old and
most respected pioneer resident of the
township of Hibbert, in the person of
Mrs. Jane Taylor, relict of the late
James Taylor, occurred . on Friday.
afternoon January 6th, at the home o£
her son,James Taylor,of Hensall.' 14Lrs.
Taylorwas a native of the county of
Derry, Ireland, and emigrated to this
country, together with her husband,
about 55 years ago. They then settled
in Cavan, in the neighborhood of Port
Hope, where they resided for eight
years. They then came to the town-
ship of Hibbert,' taking up the home-
steadfarm, lot 28, 10th concession.
The deceased being one of the oldest
residents of the township, was well
known and, very highly respected for
her many kind and social qualities.
Shewas a remarkably smart woman
for her age, 85 years. She went to
Hensall about six weeks ago to visit
her son, and was going around quite
smartly until within a day or so of her
decease, when she passed away very
d as she bad always:de-
peacefully, an
sired, with a short illness. She leaves
her; daughter, Mrs. Robert Newell, of
Chiselhurst,andher son,Jaines Taylor, 1
of Hensall, to mourn her loss.
A, Sollgry,l, fl. 8., D. Y), s;. Honor CTrndu to Goderich, and will leave for•that
ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth place about Febi it it v 1st: - Miss
oxtractod without pain or bad °treats. Mee Norris, of Statfa, is visite g Mrs. 11fur
in .Petty's B1oo1:; Hensall. At Zurich every dock and Mrs.' Her,ilcl. -Messrs \Vines
' A l
Boo To Tzir APPICT2D. -He is 1 from ithis stz tion oto 1'Taronto, this
coli int again, 1. P. Smith . will be at
1 v eelz.-John Shepherd last weak ship
faze (J, nniexcial liotol, 1Tensall, on peel from this station 85 head of cattle
Thursday, J auu Lry 20th. :lf.yout' eyesand two carloads of sheepto Liverpool.'
are affected don't m:2 to calf and see -La grippe has been epideillic trap
n tele
him, vliiir durtng ; the peel few weeks
AN UNPLEASANT Eh.eltai771c L—T'VO The thio°° t11�t3 tai iilil)lerens.to men
young men of Exeter, Messrs, Brooks 'ttori. Miss Mo, ie Buchanan is visit -
and Treble, attended the carnival, here ing friends in Ethel. -Mr. Berry, of
on Tuesday. When they were ready Lucknow,spent the peat few days visit -
to go home, their horse was missing ing his son. --Mrs. John Itte A.w
Uister as
land could; not be found. Thinking it (.in Courtwright lastweek, atoc:'_tling,
bad got outt of the stable and gone 1 the funeral of her mother,Mrs. Scobie,
home, they hired a horse' and set out -Miss Annie. Papple, of Toronto, is
after it. It having • failed to. N€still 'visiting . her. sister, •`rs. •Win. Mc,:.
Exeter they came back, and' after a Dougall. -While Rev. Waddell was
few hours' search found the animal driving from Rippe°; on Tuesday even
near Rodgeryille. Four trips over ing, he, was thrown from his cart, in
the rugged road between Exeter and consequence of tate bad roads. His
Hensall in one night is not to be envied horse ran away but was caught by
and the chagrin of the two young men Frank Snell, of Exeter, who was
can be better imagined than described. • driving ahead, uhe runaway horse,
Bansps.-F. D. Arnold was in Lon- owing to the deep ruts in the snow,
don last week, with others, drawing being unable to turn out and pass his
for the Western Curlers'. Colts' League. rig. No injury was sestarned,but the
The league was formed a year ago for cart was slightly dam 'ieed,-Sid .Feir-
the purpose of drawing out the bairn, of Manitoba, 'ill is, visiting
younger curlers who would not appear friends in Ontario, called on old ac
in tankard matches. St. Marys' was quaintanees in the village last week.
represented at the meeting byMr. Mr. Fairbairn was a former: business
Garner ; Stratford, by' Mn. Feruson. man here. -Mrs. Fiiilayson,.whowent
Following was the result of the' draw- to the London hospital to undergo an''
ing :-St.Thomas vs. Ingersoll, Embro operation, was progressing nicely un-
vs. Forest eity,St.Marys vs.Stratford, til she :was attacked by the grip, which
Hensall vs.eSeaforth. Primary games has given her a serious set -back. Mr.
are- to be played, before the first of Finlayson spent the forepart -of this
February, at any time agreed upon, week with her.
and the finals ` before tie 15th of
February. -On Tuesday evening a very
.happy event took place at the resi-
dence of Daniel McColl,' of Usborne.
We refer to the marriage of his second the revival meetings at Eden and re -
daughter, Miss --Ida, to Mr. Edward, port very successful .meetings.. Rev.
eldest soil of John Colwell, of, . the Jewett will preach next Sunday night.
township of Tuckersmith. The cere- -Next Sunday the popular pastor of
mony was performed by Rev, 3. S. Hensall Rev. Kerr :will preach inoro.-
Henderson, in the presence of the re- ing and evening here, and Eden in the
latives of the contractingparties and a afternoon. Rev.Salton goes to Hensall..
few intimate friends. The bride was -There is talk of starting a cheese and
assisted by. Miss Mabel Colwell, sister butter factory here this spring,a meet
of the groom, while Daniel McColl ing will be held on Saturday night.-
acted as groomsman. The bride wore The Parson's Bros., are going to pack
a handsome cream gown, while the butter now that the fowl season is
bridesmaid was also dressed incream. over. -Miss Grace Salton returned to
The bride was the recipient of manyschool in Lucknow last Monday. - A.
valuable presents. The cereinony and Hooper lied a serious spill near here a
wedding supper over, the evening was few days ago. He escaped with a few
spent in usual festivities, after which Bruises. -Mr. Bagshaw our P. S. pain
the happy young couple repaired to cipal has beeu Iaid up with the grippe.
their home in Tuckersinith, amid the He is now convalescent and -into the
congratulations of their friends. -Mr. work in good earnest.
Sheffer is improving nicely under the
care of Miss Matthews, a trained nurse
of London, and Dr. Macdiarmid the
attending physician..-- Anniversary
services will be held in Carmel church
on Sunday : next, when Rev. Dr.
Torrance, Moderator of' the General
Assembly ; will conduct thee services,
morning and eyening, and -on the fol-
lowing evening a lecture will be given
by,Rev. W. J. Clarke, of London, his
subject being `'With Fire and Sword
in the Soudan.” A treat is in store for
all who attend. -Rev. ' W. E. Kerr de-
livered. the second of his series of
special sermons on Sunday evening
last, toa congregation that filled the
spacious church and gallery. His sub-
ject was "Blaspheming.'' It was an
able effort. --A number of ladies of Car-
mel church congregation. on Tuesday
attended a meeting of the Woman's
Presbyterial Auxiliary in Clinton. -
Miss Vina Cook has returned from at-
tending the wedding of her cousin,
Miss A. Cook, of Sebringville, and
Mr. Schroeder, of Fullerton: -•- The
first regular meeting of the new
council' was held on Monday everting
last, when the necessary officers were
appointed, --The remains of the late
John Gilchrist, recently of Hay, near
Hensall, who died at the home of hie
mother in Seaford), where they have
been residing for some time, were in-'
terred in the Rodgerville cemetery on.
Sunday last. The remains were taken
to the Presbyterian church, where a
short service was held, the assemblage
of friends being very large. Deceased
Baca been ill for some months,sufferin
from consumption, He had attained
the ago of 32 years, 2 months, and was
a highly respected young man. -The
many friends of S. P. Humison and
James White, will be pleased to learn
that they have considerably improved
and are able to g
et around round ag
first carnival of the season was
held on Tuesday evening last. There
was a fair' attendance of skaters in
costume andothers, the bad state of.
ITeavy discounts will be given on Men's Fur Coats, Ladies'
Fur Gapes, Robes and all lines of fur goods.
Ladies' Jackets, Men's Ulsters, Boy's Ulsters, Ready-made
Clothing, also ordered Suitings Caps, Mitts, Shirts,
drawers and alllines of Winter Goods.
• All the above lines ]must be sold before arrival of Spring
Stock. Do not miss this sale as you will get bargains
011N HALL Da shevood,,
Monday, conimencing may SOth..
Central i a
BiarEFs.-Several from here attended
BRIEFS -Mrs Oestricher,.sr., is very
sick at present with slight hopes of
her recovery. Her children have been
summoned to her bedside. -Grip is rag
ing in and around our village. There
being another case of diphtheria in
our village, the trustees have closed
the school, for' an indefinite period.
The Board of..Health will hold a meet-
ing on, Thursday afternoon (to -day) to.
discuss the situation and endeavor to
statnp out the •dread disease if possible.
Special' evangelistic services are being
held in the German Evangelical church
by Rev. Mr. Litt. Rev. Hussar is site
ilerly engaged at his '3 den appoint-
ment. --Rev. Hussar preached in
Lucan last Sunday evening, his pulpit
here being filled by Rev. Crompton,-
who is residing with his•daughter,; Mrs
Walker. Mrs. Walker does not iin-
proye much in.health.:,
R a O , I
BiiEPs.-H. Moncrieff, of Petrolia,
has received an appointment in the
Bank. of Montreal. The bank has now
six employes in the branch here. -Word
has been received from Toronto of the
death of Wm. Lee, a former resident
of St. Marys. Deceased was 23 years
of age, and succumbed to that dread-
ful §disease, consumption. His many
friends will regret to learn of his un-
timely death. ---W. Angus, of Prince-
Albert, Saskatchewan, brother of Sam
Angus, at one time a barber in this
town, and who has been absent from
townfor seven years, is at present re-
newing old acquaintances. --A Sunday
School conyentiou will be heldiii the
Methodist chirch Pt
nn Nan -
day, Jan. 30bh.-Seyeral necv members
haye been added to the Sb. Marys
Citizens' Band, and it promises the
lovers of xnusic many pleasant open
,air concerts during the coming season.
The baud is under the direction of.
the roads preventing many from a Frank Allen, who has labored hard to
distance attending. Following were make this one of the best organizations
tie successful winners h Ladies' is
the town
costume, Josie Ford, as
"Flower Girl" Girls' character cos -
tome, Melinda Ortwein, as "Night" ;
Boys' character costume, James 13111 -
lard, as "Dude" ; Mens' character cos-
tume, Geo. Joynt, as "Medicine man".
Two mile race, , Albert Reichert ;
Boys' race, Willie Sheffer. Judges -
Geo, Turner, Brucefield, and Wesley.
\Thitesides. The Hensall Harmonica
band enlivened, the proceedings. -'
Robt. McLaren, of'Tclekerswith, and
John Scott, of Hensall, have both' been
confined to their rooms with severe
attacks of le grippe.-Robt. Veerett's'
new house has been Completed, and in
a few weeks lee will. occupyit.-The hand-
sonie residence which Henry Bundle
recently purchased from V, .1. Miller,
is also coon feted, find is one of the fin-
est residences in the village, Ile will
occupy it in a few weeks, ---Rev. J. S.
Jl:enderson and tames 'Sutherland, as
representative Elder of Cannel Presby,
cburole,wer!e ixi Clinton Tuesday
eitterrdinnti ineeiens nf1;1 ePreshvCery. ha re nines 111 lbeir ware rnnri'iaiiuew
11 lYr•,i u1 , ,'°r a is ,arty lu�,•ia ,a n,,o.,t,ar coal yill;ill is 't_td,iiiit
visit int,; 1,i r ct iiwtlf• ,11t . Es. :A. 1Fr t•,,,, a1.?i°i.liia ri,i.ivrfau,ii .aulr.il Y•iiia
Di,11 11,. 1"a,t• soi, ' tt, , �"F ,•Y 4' a , iiv i hnra5 ,, iia, �'. 1 , ;rev
Siff' :