HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-12-29, Page 1�y TWENTY—SIXTH YEAAR O. 20. HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING DECEMBER 29th, 1898, Cheap � - 'inter tl Hensa•li, G. es Sutherland, Notary Pnblio, Convey after, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent and'Issurer .of Maerlago Licenses. Legal doau menta carefully drawn at rensonablo rates tar sty to uhthe Post estate geneall a of in Footwear H T. D• COOKS, There's (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) I3arrister ).. .1 here, s a cordiality in the, Solicitor, Notary Publio, HonsaU Ont. o r t4rad boots, h th £ h eat acted.withou0 tn or bd effeots.. cfiieo in Petty's Block, l[ensall. At Zurich every Monday, commenoing Mav'30th. The Hensall Flour Mills, areas busy as ever, they are running to their full capacity. Ou new Chopper is causing quite asensation ages the farmers in the way that it d es the wor welcome of good, strong,warm F A• 19oliary, L. D. S., D. D. S.. Honor u to of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth w e er ora man, is wife or his children. New Hots for winter are among domestic problems now Yo r Vlliii them strong, VPdter- so excellent for them. Once tried always a onatoiner. We sell best American corn fo proof, warm, In short you oats you as ar pound d'etor a. sv have b stand want' boots that will be cog- charts an hang. coon liltos. f0rtable and save doctor's .bills a 13i'.i s, --Our business men report good Christmiss trade, -The snow -Save money on your shoe bill storms of this week have spoiled the loads articularl those Fannin too. 1Ne have them,all kinds. ' ' p g was observed here as a holiday on Here are a few low prices too • Men's "A.rtic Overshoes" made - • of good quality Jersey Cloth, lin- -ed with soft, warm wool, heayy soles`of pure rubber, good for all this winter,'fastened with our' -strong buckle, coin or bulldog toes, the cheapest overshoe in Perth . $ Snow Excluder Overshoe, fine -Jersey cluth,.buckled at the back bellow's fashion, waterproof' -up- per, pure rubber soles and heels,. snow or wet can't possibly get in,, dressy, neat, strong and •cheap , • Two buckle Boots -Men's stout oil . tanned waterproof pebble leather boots, thick,strong,solid, feather soles, lined with felt in- side, bellows front, to keep out wet and snow,fastened with two -...,,,7,_.. .. bucIi:les,,eas%lyyut on,easily took off, solid'woar. Men's Long .Felt Boots, strong,. •close grained, stoat waterproof leather to half way up the leg, -strongly pegged, solid hemlock leather soles, a square, honest, hard workable boot for........ . Heavy Buckle Rubber, strong, thick soles, quarter heels, sinele buckle to be worn with heavy =socks, first rate for winter team- ing per pair, A snag proof Rubber with roll- :er edge, thick soles, snag proof good. quality of Rubber, can't be beaten for heavy- winter work, cheap> at Men's Two Buckle Rubber,first air, the second •quality is $1.7a • at there is a good deal more than 25c. differ- ence. - FOR BOYS. Our buckle, heavy, solid, first quality Rubbers,.sizes 1, 6,5,only $1.00. We have a heayy assort- mentof socks for. men and boys '.to wear with rubbers. All kinds all prices, from 40c to '75 a pair. Solid leather leggings, nothing ,better•to keep out -snow and keep 'the legs warm and dry, tough, pliant: and wearable,' $1,35 per pair. THE WOMEN'S GOODS. Pain, Misery and doctor's -bills may all be saved in the price of ;some of these genuine foot warin- •ers, nothing so strong and warm ,as a pair of nice feltgaiters,with leather sake and low leather is north and south, fang teaming. -X -alas day coming this year on Snnday, it. Monday, and between our rink (which was open to carters in the forenoon and to skaters in the afternoon and evening), a Christmas tree entertain - ward to each year with great pleasure` Centralia and expectancy not only by the child- I ren, but by the parents, friends and Pt LIo . SWIooL EXAMINATION: -- a11,--Miss Louie Moir, who is attend- Thursday Dec. 22 was the day of our ing the Conservatory of Music in Tor. P. S. Exam, Early in the inox'i,ing onto, is homespending X-mas vacation many of our ratepayers, beth ladies with her parents. -Mrs. Swan and and gentlemen, could be seen wending daughter, Miss Tena, spent Sabbath their way schoolward,carrying baskets aid Monday with relatives in Goder- filled with good things, to witness ieh,-Dr. Seliery and George Trott the day's proceedings and to bid fare - were in Kincardine the first part of well to our genial teacher, 3. S. Del - this week visiting Mr. Sellery's par- gety,who,having taught here upwards eats.-Meoteas Murray, High School of twelve years, seven the last term, teacher, of Owen Sound; is visiting his feeling the need of a rest from the parents, Mr, end Mrs. James Murray, close confinement of the sehool-roo[n, town. -•J, C. Stoneman, as superintend resigned the principalship of our school eat of the Methodist Sunday school sometime ago. A goodly number of was presented with an easy chair, ac- teachers from the various local schools companied by an address, on the even- were present to lielp in the exams. of .f tbe•Christmas tree entertainment the scholars, The morning work was as a token of their appreciation of his carried on iu the Jr. Dep't taught by services. Mr. Stoneman made a feeling our efficient assistant teacher Miss and suitable reply, in which he thank- May Livens and was watched with ed the school for their beautiful and keen interbst by an. The classes did unexpected presentee Miss Doughty,of themselves and their teacher great Galt, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. C. A. credit and merit the praise accorded MaDonell--Mrs. 'Sheffer wee in Lon- them on all sides. Dinnerhaving been don a few days ao renewing acquaint- served by the ladies of :the section to ances - Mr. D. Urqubart was in Chat- the satisfaction of all, the afternoon pro- ham this week visiting his father who gramme was proceeded with. The is very ill. Mrs. Urquhart and daugh• scholars sung e. fitting New Year's ters spent Xmas in London, with Mrs. hymn mire the classes, in the Sr. Dept Urquhart'ssister.-A very pretty wed- 'Fere resumed. Their ready answers Methodist h h, d ung atook pes►dence of Mrs lace on Wednesday Gichrist teachers ewas ample proof to the all visiting meat in the c arc an nomination meeting in . Coxworth s ,Seaforth it being the marriage of her thoroughness of the work done by both hall, the day passed over quite briskly, eldest daughter, Miss Mary C., to C. R, scholars and teacher and drew forth 1.25 and quite a large number from the Meihm, a prosperous young mason, of the praise aud,applause of an appreci country, in addition to many visitors Hensall. The knot •was tied by the alive audience. The classes over the from a distance enlivened the village Rev. Dr. McDonald. After visiting entertainment began consisting of by their presence. -The Messrs. Brod- Stratford, Berlin and Toronto they speeches by the visiting teachers, cler- erick, Akron, Mich., accompanied by will take up their residence in Hensall gymen and others, interspersed by rec their sister, Mrs. M. Kelly, of near the where the g.r_oom has erected a fine stations and songs by the pupils. same place, spent • X-mas in Hensall residence. -We regret that Robt. Bell, Among the speakers was Wm. Baker $1.75 with their mother, Mrs. Broderick.- Jr.. of the Hensall machine works, is Sr„ JUL veteran trustee, who in behalf Mr. and Mrs. D. McAlpine, of Glencoe about to leave us, Seaforth town of the section read a beautifully word - spent part of last week and this with council having offered him a loan of ed address eulogizing Mr. Delgaty as a her brothers, the Messrs. McQueen. of $17,000 for 20 years. -James Coxworth manuan teacher, and expressing great the on - tract commencing cing J . 2nd, 18 9,of Hay. -The new eon- for shop on Friday last sed of the effectsby auction. -W. decl in fitting toms. Otarture. her a Dspeech s the conveyance of Her Majesty's mail, A. McKim. was in Toronto this week. and recitationslfollowed,btit the climax from Hensanl pest office to Chiselhurst -The stoxirn of Tuesday again blocked was reached when two of the senior $L75 and intermediate offices, has been the roads. -Miss Vine Kerr is home pupils, the Misses. Maggie McCoy and awarded to T. Murdock, his tender from Toronto thio week on a holiday. Katie Elliott came forward and pre - being the lowest. Hadley Doan, of -Mr. and Mrs. Button, of Win ha,m, sented Mr. Delgaty with a well filled RodgerviIle, has faithfully performed spent the first part of this weekwithpurse together with a carefully word - this service in the past. -Mrs. A. Mur- Mrs. Button's sisters, Mrs. Dever and ed address. Mr. Delgaty replied in a dock, wife of . A. Murdock, boot and Miss Irving. - Rev. Mr. Wilson,of very touching manner and both par - $1•90 shoe merchant, on Saturday last treat- Benmiller, and formerly an associted ents and pupils were at Mmes visibly ed their customers to lunches in their minister of the Hensall Methodist cir- affected. Supper having been served store ; this is a practice annually ad- cuit, conducted services in the Metho- all returned to their homswell pleased • hered to by many of the town and city dist church on Sunday last. In the with the days• proceedings, but sorry merchants, and which is much appre- morning the reverend gentleman ad- to bid good bve to such an ardent $1.15 dated by the patrons, also serves to dressed himself particularly to . the teacher and friend. , cultivate a more friendly and social children, illustrating his sermon Bn,InFs,-On Saturday evening 24th relationship between buyer end seller. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, spent Tuesday in Kippen with their friends. $1.60 James Miller, who lately returuedfrom visiting in St. Louis, Mo., and who was very i11 while there, and is not yet fully recovered. We regret this week to have to report the death. of a brighttwo-year old child. of Mr. and • Mrs. Henry Soldan; of Manitoba, 1 while visiting at their brother-in-law's John Johnston, of the township of Hay, and we sympathize deeply with the bereaved parents while thus here on a visit. -Miss Van Horne, of Lon- don. was in th`e`village on Tuesday re- newing acquaintances. -Joseph Norris who is attending Dental College in De- troit, is .here this week visiting bis sisters, Mrs. Harold and Mrs. Murdock. -Mr. Geiger, of Manitoba, has been here visiting his brother, Owen Geiger the past few days. -Our butchers had fine displays of Christmas meats.: Mr. and Mrs. Grigg spent X-mas with re- latives in the northern part of the county. -The skating rink is being well patronized. -The sacrament of vamps the price is hardly to be the Lord's Supper was dispensed in t ,considered, pair $1.25 Carmel Presbyterian. church on San - Women's" felt slippers, soft, day morning last. The- preparatory warm, cosy felt slippers, fur service on Friday morning last was bound, pretty too, only:.... 51,00 conducted by Rev. Mr. Muir, of Bruce - Women's Felt Overgaiters, 10 field, --Mr. W. Doherty, of Huron Col- inches high, :large flat buttona�, legeLondon, and who will i ,n rnid- estra wear, extra cheap too,pair 50c. summer be regularly ordained, has • Children's Felt Lined Shoes,no been appointed by the Bishop to the chilblains, colds or whooping pastorate of St. Paul's church, Hensall cough from chilled feet when en- and Staffa, (Dublin havipg been separ- cased in these, and all they cost ated from the Hensall and Staffs ap- take possession of his interest la the is 60c. a pair. po]ntmentsandunited with Mitchell.) Roller Mills until March next. -Mrs. Mr. Doherty is a young man of good F. C, McDonell visited Exeter friends Might as well begin to have ability and fine promise, and his oc- on Wednesday. --The medical men are he comfort of Some of these caeional services here during the vacs- busy looking after patients suffering ncyhave been much enjoyed, so much frons severe celd.-A. Murdock Ss 0o. righ away, What d0 you so that they led to an ,appeal being have put an aceylene gas plant in, • pointed to this charge. ---The annual S. it S. J -mas. tree entertainments held in H 1 c y.s.RD's YELLOW OIL cures all A Tt eO8olD 1ueOthe Presbyterian church on ] riday bruises,ain M c allous luan or mps,rs vellingscuinr Store, evening last, and the each istchurch fiammation, rheusnatism and neuralgia Woodham. on Monday evening, wereealargely it is a specific. • attended, and most enjoyable andsnc- You hardly realize that itis medicine cessful in every respect, and not only Dr. Naismith, of Milverton, has been when taking Carter'sLittleLiver Pills. were tTie hearts of the childrenpteasecl appointed an associate coroner for the they are very small; no bad effects•by the fine gifts they received through county of Perth. throughout to make it more engaging, inst. the members of the Woman's and at the same time more impressive Missionary Society and other friends and easily -remembered by the young assembled at the residence of Jas. Del- minds, and id the evening he delivered gaty to bid Mrs. Delgaty, a met be'r of a fine sermon, evidencing careful and the W. M. S., farewell and presented thorough preparation and deep re- her with a silver fruit dish and spoon search and thought. -The literary and together with an address prior to her musical selections of Mr. Ruthven Mc- leaving for Blake. A most enjoyable Donald and frlrs. McDonald of Lon- evening was spent at the time referred don, who so largely supplied the pro- to. Conversation was free and hearty gram at the Methodist Xmas tree en- and an impromptu program admirably tertainment, were very much enjoyed. carried out. -Miss Pearl Cobleigli, of- -The f -The nomination meeting . held in Parent], is spending Christmas with Coxworth's hall on Monday evening her parentshere.-J. Wrightand Chas. was largely attended by the ratepayers 'Ashton, spent Christmas with their and more than ordinary interest was lady friends in Crediton. - George manifested in the matter of nomina- Blunt, of London is spending his see Mons for Reeve and Council, and the cation here, the guest of Mr. A. Nevin. receiving of the reports of the steward- -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCoy and ship of the retiring council Th A Nevin pn S en t T d y' London e .nes a In , nominations were received by clerk the guests of Mr. W. J. Clarke. -Mr. Cooke as follows: -For Reeve, D. Ur- Samuel Shearclown, of Lucan, has re- quhart, G. C. Petty, Geo. McEwen, J, turned home again. Far off hills are H. Beek. and Rev. J. S. Henderson ; not as green as they looked to Sam,- for Councillors, Wm Elder, J. HBeek, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, of London, spent John Coulter, G. F. Arnold; R. Patter- their Christmas holidays hero with son, jr., J. A. Ortwein, W.R. Hodgins,, her father, R. Hicks. -:dr. and Mrs. Henry Cook, George Brown,. and T. J. Wm, Lewis of London, spent Christ - Berry. At the close of the nomination mas holidays with their daughter,Mrs. Robt. Patterson, sr., was elected chair Thomas Neil. - Thoi'nas Elston of man, when a few hours were pleasant- Rod'gerville haspurchasedthe chopping ly spent in listening to the different outfit from Mr. Sans. Smith, and in - speeches. -The contest for reeve will tends running a large business here be between Urquhart and G. 0. Petty, during the winter. -Christmas day while, at time of writing the indica- was as fine as has been witnessed this tious are that most of the . candidates winter, and it was well celebrated in for councillors will stand. - The finer- our burg. The religious services were chants are distributing calendars to well attended, and in the afternoon at their customers, -Mr; Rundle does not, Sunday School a .large "gathering , witnessed a;very pleasant. but deep felt scene, which was the pre- sentation of a beautiful took by the Junior League to Mr. Delgaty our public school teacher ; the book was presented by Miss Gertie Cottrill, and Wesley Luker read a very touching farewell letter, after which Mr. Del- gaty addressed a few very touching sentences, expressing his grief at part- ing with this friends that he has so t long been- united with. Mr. Delgaty has for the past seven years taught i faithfully and well the bible class of this school, and is held in as high re- spect as any one who has ever been engaged here before, and it will be hard to fill the vacancy. He intends leaving for his new home in Blake on Thursday. -Miss Nellie Jainison held i her examination on Wednesday of last week; it was well attended and a merry time woe spent ; she intends leaving , for the Normal after the holidays._ .. b Yno. Caldwill Sr. and daughter, were driving home on Monday, when the c horse becoming annoyed at the pitch s holes ran away and threw them both out, Mr.;Caldwill got a bad cut in his e' head about 3 inches long and Miss d Caldwill was badly bruised. --Mrs. t Harrison, of Granton, preaches S. S. p anniversary sermons in the Metho- dist Church next Sunday; on the Mon- day following a grand New Year's supper will be given in the basement, Entertainment by the children. Ad- I+' mission 25 ata., children 15 cts.. Tea 0 at 0 o'clock. thlrij�? made that Mr. Doherty might be au .all troubles from torpidliver are reieiv- ed by their use. Read Stoneman Bros. change of ad- vertisement in this issue: They are holding,a clearing sale, and bargains ,are in'store for all who wish to avail •themselves. the medium of the X -inns trees, but all present were delighted with the fine programmes that had been rendered in the way of literary and 'Musical eel - forbids us giving a more particularized ections, and we only regret that space Bi account of these fine Sunday school entertainments which are looked for - ARRIVE • Another lot of MEN'S ULSTERS that, will be sold at very low prices. LA.DIES' JACKETS to clear at heavy discounts All kinds of FUr Coats, Capes, Robes, Caps and FRIDAY and SATURDAY AND TILL SOLD. 1 only Woman's a fur coat, 1 only, Man's 00 fur coat for $20.00. • Met's wool sox, 2 pairs for 25 cents. Men's uniou sox, 3 pairs for 25 cents, Men's fur caps from $1.26 up. Wool tams, 16 cents or 2for 26 cents. Meti's beavy buckle rubbers, $1.00. Men's Wale overshoes lined $1.00 Fur Goods of all kinds will be offered at low t 1 p os 0 0 ear Womaia's storm rubbers for 85 cents. Stock NoW is the time to buy your winter foot, wear, Rubbers 84 Socks, Overshoes, Rubber and felt goods. A heavy stock to close out. Grocery stook cornplete and fresh find will be 8old as low as the lowest. Market price paid for all kinds of Farm Produce. Baru:tins in nillinerY to olose out balance of Trousers (made to order) for $2.00. Vests (inede to order) for $1.10, Suits, (made to order) for $8.60. Men'a all wool reeferseer short over- coats, storm, collar, job litie $2.75 Quilts from 75 cents up. 1 ooly, down quilt worth $7,50 foe WeMee's and misses' strong laced boots for 49 cents. Bargain selling is the order here end secteeneble goode jug at the time you Want them, Terins cash end produce. MONS Sodom. ORRISTXA.S TRIBE ENTERTAINMENT. -The Christmas tree entertainment in connection with the Sodom Sunday School, on Thursday evening last was a success, 00t.withStanding the very, inclement weather and bad state of the roads. The program consisted tee 51 numbers, and all were well rendere: ed. Rev. Mr. Martin, of Exeter, ocs cupied the chair, The teacher deservee great credit for the manner in which tete children were trained, their part of the program being especially well carried out. A large number of pr - eats were distributed. ScnooL REPORT. - The December as follows. Names are in order of Dougall. H, F. Tolinstott, Alice Doug- all ; Sr. III, Cora Munn, Luella Munn Northcott; Daisy Dilling ; Sr, II, Mabel Dougall, Bettie Northcott, A. W. Johnston •, Sr. II, Mary Joheston The best spellers in the motithly spel- ling matches were :---V and IV, Alice Donal' ; Sr. Ill, Cora Munn • 'Jr. John R. Munn ; Sr. II, Mabel 'Dougall Jr. II, Mary Johriseoe • Pt. II, George Armstronege Pt. I, Willie Northcott. W. H. 3-0EINSTON, Teacher. To the Elect Lames awe GrE been ;lewd oa all aid election for County also in view of the pope . ;etc the honor should be passed aro have, after due consideration, cons ed. to joba in the fight. My experience in the County Council in past years affords me some knowledge of the work, and le considering my candide- titre, this fact should be kept in mind My aiin will be to serve all interests I alike, showing no preference to any I one of the three municipalities in the District, but working for the welfare of the whole. It will be impossible for me to personally see all the electors, 1 and 1 take the means a soliciting your yote, and asking as many as can to ' mark their ballots for ine on the 2nd january, 1899. Yours respectfully, John Delbridge. Vor Men, also a of Ladies' and Chiklrei Steph en. Scnooe REPORT. -The following the correct report for S. S. No. 3 Stephen, for month of December. Nanaes ate given in'order of merit ; V, Edwin Beaver, Ida „Tory, Daniel San- ders, George Sanders • IV, Stella Pen - hale, Clinton Sweet, 'Chas. Sanders ; Sr. III, Roy Parsons, Vera Sandersa Herbie Ford, Frank Triebnert Homer Laura Jory, Hattie Willis, Viola Pen - hale, Sadie Willis • IT, Jennie Sanders, Minnie Sanders, Triebner, Nel- son Sanders, Alonzo Ford ; Sr. Pt. II, Eddie Willis, Herbie Beaver, Mitchell Willis, Herbie Dearing,Lizzie Senders, Edith Parsons, Violet-WOods ; Int. Pt. II, Harry Parsons, Garnet Craig ; Jr Pt. II, Lillian Stanlake ; Pt. 1, Ralph. Willis, Samuel Stanlake, Annie San- der's, Vinnie Cookson. Tbe averag,e attendance was 31. The first term In 1899 commences on the 3rd day rif January. R. N. ORE2011, Teacher.' C red ito n. R. T. oy T. -The District meeting of the Royal Tempters will be held in the Lodge Ikons of Council. No 395 Ored- ton. on the 25th of Janury, 18439. In the evemng an open meeting will be held ab which a number of speakers will be present and a splendid program furnished. Everybody invited,further particulars later. The officers for the R. T. of T's. for 1899 were elected on Friday evening when the following were elected: -Select Councillor Bro, Wm. Lewis • Past Councillor Bro, Holtzman ; 'Vice Councillor Bro, Anderson ; Corresponding Secretary, sister Hannah Lewis • Financial Secre- tary, Bro Ernest M. 'Hill ; Treasurer, Carrie Feast ; Herald, Bro joseph P. Sentinel:frank Smith. TBE)v^i IVINATION. -The nomination here ee eionday was largely attended, greaesaterest being manifested in the proceedings. The old reeve, H. Eilber, who has done yeomares service for the township, having resigned, opened the way for an election,e,ndafterdisposing of the office of reeve, which was given to J. Sherritt, by acclamation, nomi- nations for the office of Councillors, poured in ratedly, as follows :-War. Anderson, Richard Hicks, Samuel Sweitzer, Samuel Sanders, VVilliam Yearley, Henry Willert, john Ratz and -Frederick Wuertb. Samuel San- ders resigned, thus leaving the other seven inthefield,and whose names will appear on the ballot. The nennination closed, a public meeting was.organized when speeches were delivered by the m- iring reeve and members of the old council. The late reeve gave a very nteresbing address, dealing lucidly with township matters for the past number of years. The nominees for lourity Council also gave addresses. They are :Dr, Rollins, Exeter. and D. McInnis and John Delbridge, Usborne. The meeting was the most interesting n the history of the township. Barnes. -The fire alarm rang out on Monc:lay, and for the first time the fire was brought into requisition, ut not nsed,the fire proving to be in a himriey on the resildence of W. B. eiser, north of the village. --The snow torm of Monday: evening again.block- the concessions, and rendered it iffieult foe the .canvassers making heir rounds. The contest fete muniet- al Councillors promises to be keen. Usborne Council Council met after nomination meet- ing closed, All members present. Minutes of previous meeting read A few orders were issued and coun- cil edjoiwnecl, Sine die. IViontrz Clerk. A. graml reMody for Consh, Colds and Constittiptien throughout the world far half a Unitary, hit Mired innuinerable cages of ineipient tonere 'lotion and relieved Many ih .;` refund pptir metier. Prier) Cromarty. tiday for Trowbridge, to speed the -Miss Pugh, of Toronto, who has been letting et Mr. Bell's, returned home goes around with a far away look in his bright blue eyes, -Mr. NV, Bell's house had a narrow escape from fire on rridey last. as it is the pateor and all the eontents are ruined. - There was tOrne insurance coo it, which will be of much use, if received. - The new hall was opened lash Wednesday by 4 big dance ; the young folks of the eis may seemed to enjoy themselves are looking for Munich% honors iti Hibbert township(' Por Iteevet nab)/ :earth and W. Sa diet; Councillors, . North, M. Miller, W. Dalrymple would make fair Councillors, Kirk on's 1,10.1ro. 11,b council met at call of Reeve at oese Hall, Exeter, Dec. 23,t98. Mi tes of previous meeting read A eputation of property owners, wni g fame lands in !stocks of 20 acres r over, waited on the Council asking hat stile rates levied ou said lands ro year to year for village purposes hall.Enot exceed 3i mills on the dollar. Aitf.rthehtneaterttinerg wasthlealdsacildver:dfoeeParliftbaay: Moved by E. Christie, seeleel cienge eration on motion of E. W. Harding that By-law No. e.13, teseided having been read rst end second time be now read a third time and finally passed. -Carried, Evans -Harding -That the follow- 'ngaccountsbe passed and orders drawn Treasurer for same. -W. H. Per- ms, ac 85c; James Denuis 50c. ; Wm. 41einson, snowplowing $3.00 ; W, Ore,ech, labor $1.25. -Carried. 7he matter of remitting clog tax eses conrieered, and on motion of W. BisseLs seconded by W. Harding, illy person bringingsatisfactory proof 26orfetfthahniodtediaa.ith of their dog before the of Reeve. o. H. BIssEer, Clerk. Samuel Lamport and wife, o spent Sunday last with Mrs. mrents, Mr. and Mrs. Rowe. 1 At Cost, Undow Cost, and Half Hoe. Commencing Monday, January 2nd,1899 We start our annual low price tremendous fifteen days' sale. Giv- ing up the profit and in many cases more than the profit in order to reduce our stock before stock taking, while everything is new and up-todate. But remember it is for 15 days only. We are going to crowd into this great fifteen days' sale all the force and energy necessary to convert three thousand dollars of our stock into money, if possible. All winter goods will be slaughtered at prices regardless of cost. Hundreds took advantage of our big mid winter sale last year, and hundreds will take adVantage of it this year - We haven't time this week, owing to the rush tor X-mas and holiday Goods, to give but only a few prices, but they will show you what great values you will get during the sale. fts handfuls of money in your pocket if you take advantage of the 15 days' sale. All Lines of Dress Goods, including Black, Plain, and Fancy Dress Goods, also Linings and Trimmings will go at cost price Mothers,.if you want to clothe your children cheap, come during our sale. We Start Dress Coods at Regular Price. 8ale Price. Fancy check, Tweed effects - - 17c per yd. 140 per yd. Black, Cardinal, Navy Blue and Brown Serge - 25c 11 11 19c a a 11 11 N II 11 special 30c s 28c. e Silk finish Henrietta in all shades, very special 60c 11 11 42c er Fancy Ble,ck, Silk an'd Wool mixture, newest goods 75c 59c e MEN'S SCOTCH. ENGLISH AND CANADIAN TWEED SUITINGS. We have about 30 ends of choice Tweed Snitings, all new stock and the nobbiest effects in the market, bought at bargain prices. We will clear the lot at these extra low prices. reit and satisfaction guaranteed REGULAR PRICE. SALE PRICE. 14.00 11,25 11 permanent finish, black Worsted Suits - 20.00 10.00 0 Blue and Black Serge Suits - - 16.50 18,75 This is a chance of a lifetime to secure a cheap suit. These prices are for only 15 days. If your old suit is getting shabby or faded, we want to see you, We offer all otu• READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING at greably redueed prices. Men's Overcoats, Suits, odd Vests* Pants, Smocks and Overalls at almost your own prices, OUR STAPLE DRY GOODS are always great value, but we cut them still lower, 26 inch Flanuetette, "pretty stripes" at 3ic per yard 36' e Heavy sheeting e eic good value at tic yd. 36 e Extra heavy sheeting ,, Cie N el 11 Se 0 Cottonades and mole skin "Tweed effects" 20c per yard, reguler prize 25e Shirtings and Ginglemis at very low prices. Men' Felt, Boots, Lumberman's rubbers and Socks, Overshoes, Leather Lege gimes, *Underwear, Mitts, Gloves, top alias, Socks, Caps, Hats aed Gent's Furnishings at cosb prices. Socks, Overshoes, Mt, and lowest posssiblc price. BOOTS AND SHOES. -We lead in this department, having had long expeelenee in the Shoe Trade. Profits all taken off foe 16 deys. 10e off every dollar on Groceries and Patenb Medicines, Glee one Groeeky ri 11 fl department atrial order and be corivosceil that you are money ahead by dealing here for choice Groceries. Tho above prices aro foi oash and produce on y. a tor