HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-12-22, Page 5• '+wilri Money To Loaii. -Marge amount of private funds to loan at „ „ T , f O W 't3I 1 ,At a rt+a z 1, IAIES OINTEREST on so i � I � zablo teV3"8 of rera Pont, 1+'vLL1OT & GLADMAN. Barristers, Solteitois. &c,, Main St. Exeter Money !� Ivey �^� v ®an. WeIlex unlinaitodprivate fends for inveet• npont upon farm or village property at lowest rates of inteeest. DICSON ee O:A.RL1NI0G, , Exeter. KINSMAN L, D. S. ANA 111', � H. DR. A, R 'itlikaIAN, • I,, rt' D. S , D, D. S., Honor Graduate . of Toronto University, Dentist.. P „ ^ 'teeth oattracted will out •pain or e in Fa • iPc 0}}c n had after. e e s 1t1 a effect e. block, West side of Mean iii street, Exeter. ANDERVI IM, $ L O. $.) DENTIST. Honor Graduate or. the Toronto University, d Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All Bridge work, Crowns and Plate work done in the neatest,: possible_•manner. A lie is for painlessextraetion. ] s Horst t harmless 8 a The strictest attention given to the 'preservat- ion of the natural teeth. Office, opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. Farris for sale • A few good farms for sale Cheap •Money to oan. Apply to JOHN SPACKMAN Farm for Sale. Con. 9, lut 4, Blanshard, 103 acres of hand in estate of good cultivation, wellunderdrained,.' 6 aures bush, •500. rods board and wire fences, good young orchard, frame house 30x20 ft. it 7rehen 26xI8 ft., barn 86x36 ft., waggon -house 44x22ft„ and other out buildings hard and soft water very convenient with windmill, within miles of post office, -school and church. For tfnitherartioulars applyto the proprietor, SOMAS THOMPSON, oodham, P. O. - STRAYED • Strayed fitim lot 31 North Thames Road, Busseldale on or about the first of November S head of cattle, 3 heifers rising 3 year old red with some white_ spots, 6 steers rising 2 years fold, 3 of a greyish color. •A reward of $10 will bo given to any person giving any information that will lead to their recovery. 41;-16 JOHN COLE, Russoldale. P. 0 Strayed From lot 4. con. 6, Hay, on or about the first or November, a one year old heifer, red, with a little white behind the front left leg and a white spot on her forehead. Any person giving,inforration of her whereabouts will be ;suitablyrewarded 2t-16 JOHN TREBLE, Exeter. Notice. Notice is hereby given, that the 24th Annual Meeting nf the members of the Hay Township ,Farmer 8 Mutual Fire Insurance Company will Ise held at the TOWN, HALL, ZURICH, ON 'Tsaesday, .)ion. 1«Dt13, • 1899 atone o'Clookm. Business,— Receivingi the Directors' and Secretary's Annual Reports; Election of Direc- tors, and other business for the good and wel- fare of the Company. All members are request- ed to attend. WM. LAMONT,Esq, HENRY EILI3ER, President. Secretary. Notice to Creditors Of Mary Rodd, late of the Village of Exeter, Widow, deceased. Pursuant to R; S. 0. 1837 of Chapter 129, ce is hereby given that ellpersons "havin c aims ainst the -state of the said1Vrary Rodd are on or before the lot day of February, 38 m 99, to send to Elliot & Gladan solicitors for William Northcott, the administrator, of the 31'state of the said deceased, full particulars. of their claims, and that after the said date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the said Estate amongthepartios untitled there - o, having regard only to such claims of which moUce shall have been given as above required, and ho shall not be liable to any personor per- sons of whose claim or claims be shall not then have received notice. r i Dated at Exeter 20th day of Dec. 1898. P ,.t ELLIOT & GLADMAN.. Solicitors for -the Administrator, Exeter. SOUTH HURON t• Farllaurs' Instituto. DIXON'S d.. ALL, BRUCEFIELO9 JAN U&RY, 3RD 1899. .At one o'clock p. in. Meetings will bo address- ed. by Simpson Rennie, MVlilliken, subject "The (destruction of weeds"; A. W Campbell, :Provin- cial Road Gommissiouer, subject Good Roads ; D C Anderson, Rugbyy, efbjeet Clover as a fer- tilizer • R. Delbridgo - J. Bell, Winchelsea sub-. . jcct,lVlanagement of Creameries, and others, i Evening session 7.30 p. m. S Rennie subject Our Country past and present; D. C. Anderson, subject, How to pay off a Mortgage. TOWN HALL EXETER, JANUARY, 4TH... .1899. One • o'clock p. uz. W. Campbell, Provin- cial Road Commissioner, subject Goods Roads $ Rennie Milliken ,. Cultivation required. for ,corn, field roots and potatoes • D: C. Anderson, rugby ; Fields, fences and Buildings ; R. M. Morthe Kippin,What Loads to Successor failure au Farming ; R. B McLean and others will also wave addresses. Evening Session 7.30 p. m. S. Itlennio Milliken,Agriculture in:Public Schools; 33-•C. Anderson, Tho Advan:ai es of -Farm Life D. MoINNES, it. GARDINER, Pres. Sec. ME. ffillagailr. Elm Logs & Bolts EX To • Highest Cash prices peid•by the SUTHERLAND I RES CO., LIMITED For Elm Logs, cut.11, 13k, 10 and 18 feet long. Also Basswood Heading Volts,. 21 and 42 inches long. CUSTOM SAWING DONE' Apply at Gould's Saw Mill, aExeter. GUS. WAGNER, Foreman for l he Stitherlo Innes Co. No disease can resist the powerful medical properties of Burdook Blood .13itteirs, as is -roi• ed by the fact that thousands of Wo most bstinate eases s ha ve been cured, end norma needy bored by the use of this best of all re needles Lingering Coughs that seem tie stick to you ins.ppite of all you' can do, are promptly cued by Ar, wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Price 25c, All cures of weak or Tame back,back- xs he, rheumatism, will find relief by 'swearing one of Oat -ter s Smart Weed tratd Belladonna Plasters, .'rice 25 i..ents. Try thelia, ` The best way to :avoid sickness is to Molt y'ot rself healthy by takinghood's areapdhilia, the great blood purifier. FAT STOCK SHOW. T1`lr Fat Stook Show held here nn 1 F.c'iday ]stirs was not a success, ,pertly on account. of the. bad state of the' roads and tartly owing to the slate p r, being about two weeks too late, people owning stook for sale having disposed of it. 'Twelve dollars were taken at the gate,the fee being 15 cents, There were only a few animals in•each *lass, and competition wit's not keen.. Those dispoeedto`blame Exeter for the failure of the 10W shCul1 be informed that Exeter bad nothing to do with it, be- yond rising $50 to help pay, prizes. Its success or failure cannot be laid to Exeter, as -the affair is managed. by the South Huron ,A.gticulturalSociety*. Following is the prizelist:— CA7.'TLE—Thoroughbreds•--S teer, one year and under two, H. Smith; cow or heifer, H. Smith., Grades,—Steer, one year and under two, B. Smith; steer calf Mader one year, Jacob Roeder, Thomas Shapton & Son heifer, two years and under three, .Thomas Shap - ton & Son: Sweepstakes, , b eefin g animal, H. Smith. SHEEP. --Long• Woolled,—Ewe, Iwo • years and over, "Gibson' & Walker lst and 2nd,. George Penhale'; ewe, one year and under two, Gibson & Walker lst and 2nd, Thos. Shapton & Son ; ewe under one year, Geo. Penhale, Gibson & Walker 2ndand3rd ; wether under oney Gibson & Walker lst and 2nd. Downs—Wether, under one year, Gibson & Walker lst and 2nd and sweepstakes for best sheep shown. Grade Sheep,—Ewe, two years and oyer, Duncan McLaren, Thomas Shapton & Son ; ewe, one year old and under two, Gibson & Walker lst and 2nd ; ewe under one year, Gihsou & Walker 1st and 2nd; wether under one year, George Penhale lst and 2nd. PxGs—Barrow, over six months and under twelve, Hugh McCartney,. Thos. Shapton 01 Son ; barrow under six months, Lwin Armstrong sow under six months, Joseph Bawden, Irwin Arnrstrong;sow over six inonths,Hugh McCartney, Joseph Bawden, Thomas Shapton & Son ; pen of three hogs for bacon purposes, Irwin Armstrong, Hugh McCartney. Sweepstakes—Best pig of any breed, Hugh McCartney. A special prize was awarded C.Fahner for a pair of the largest and fattest pigs. The Tamworth pigs carried off the prizes for bacon hogs, and also the sweepstakes for best hog of any breed. • POULTRY. -Turkey cockerels hatch ed in 1898,Thomas Fear,Wlm Bawden, turkey pullets hatched in 1898,Thowas Fear, Wm. Bawden; best and heaviest turkes, Wm. Bawden ; geese hatched in 1898, Thomas Fear, 1st and 2nd ; ducks Batched 1898, John Delbridge, Thomas Fear ; pullets hatched in 1898, Thomas Fear Is eland 2nd, Wm.Bawden; best displayof dressed poultry,Thomas Fear, Win. Bawden. JUDGES.—Cattle,-John Gibson, Ilder- ton ; sheep and pies,—George Petty, jr„ Hensall; poultry, A. Q. Bobier and Charles Snell, Exeter. r All Doubts, ,:•Vanish n i` is .When Pane's.: Celery Corn - pound is Used. Its Wondrous Work Commands the Admiration'of AII. • It only requires the fair and honest use of one bottle of Paine's Celery Compound to convince a suffering man or woman that there is virtue, power and life in each drop of the wondrous medicine. This assertion is supported by the fact that thousands of men and women in Canada who can well afford to call in the best medical aid in n times of sickness are now using Paine's Celery Compound in preference to all other medical prescriptions. Some people, who have never tested the health -giving virtues, of Paine's Celery Compound, wrongly class it with the common patent medicines, Sarsaparilla, nervines and purifiers so extensively advertised. Paine's Celery Compound is far removed from any of these ordinarypreparations rt is as much superior to all other medicines as the diamond is snperior to cheap glass. Paine's Celery* Compound is the marvellous prescription of one of the greatest physicians that ever lived, and has won the hearty endorsation of the noblest medical men of the age. Its merits and its continued victories over disease have carried' it to endur- ing fame. It has given new life to those almost dying from liver and Kidney troubles ; it has raised up the rheumatic, neuralgic and dyspeptic, and purified the blood of those tortur- ed by blood diseases. if you are sick, ailing and cannot enjoy life, try one bottle of Paine's Celery Compound. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN ULD AND W5 LL-Ttuc1 REALEDY.—Mrs Wiusiow's Soothing Syrup has boon used for over fifty years by millions of mothersfor their children while teething. with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the grants, allays all pain,cures wind •boli° andis the bosh remedy forIiarrheea, Itis pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslose's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. The South Perth 'Agricultural 'Society . is in a dying condition, but the President claims that if St. Marys Council will grant $75 it will live a little. longer. The Council granted. $55. Nelson Dilyea, of the 14th con., Lott- don'Cp., died On Friday after a very brief attack of typhoid fever and in- flamn ntiou of the lungs. Mr. Bilyea u was ea ell known thro ghoot Devizes and et •r•ywhere he Went was ageneral favor i:. •. Yon- Stromlo ENow 'Whet 1 food's Sarsaparilla hits power to do foe : hose Who have :impure and impov',1 ',..lied blood. It _makes . the scrofula blood t , ;e and pure,aud cures , salt rhe (.'.at, dyspepsia, catarrh, Aleeu- atisn,11, t•vousness. If you are troubled 1 with au �• ailment caused or rpromoted , f b inni.,re blood, take Hoods Sarsap•- aylla its t'lllee. J PM Hood's Pilis are prompt and efficient„ easy to take, easy to operate. 3 L EXETZB 'l KM4A4M,` ,r44, 004F144.0m..r.l,00W+ 4tf!+uKi'. ees nsowM*akA. 0. Ni444ietWaide.00 FACTS AE OUT HEALTH It is Easy to Keep Well If We Know How—S me .: the Cond to ec - v of o. it ns N es nary to Perfect Health, • The importance of maintaining , good health iseasily understoodand it is really a eiinple matter if we take a cor- rect view of the conditions required. In perfect health the stomach promptly digests food, and thus prepares nourish - moist. The blood is employed to carry this nourishment to the oJ au s, nerves, mizsolee and tissues which need it. The. first great essential for good health, there- fore, is pure, rich blood. Now it is cer- tainly afact that no meioine has such a record oe cures as hood's Sarsaparilla. It is literally true that there are hundreds of people alive and well today who would have been in their graves had they not taken Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is depended upon a family medicine and general regulator of the system by tens of thou- sands of people. This Is because Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure. This Is the`seceet of its great success. Keep your system ingood health by keeping,, your blood pure with Hood's Sarsapari t2R, which absolutely cures when other medi- cines fail to do any good whatever. P I S ,�!a i010412NaW.WcN1fYW a�l�'.iw:�,: t1. .•.,�..x.,, s1M w..... a..ry, MARKET REPORTS, l BiLloijs ,, L,a$ suixltrier l . Exeter IAce )3ur'2la1896, Wheat perbuehel .69 to 71 Oats.,.... .,25 to 2 Barley, ,,. PeaH — Butter.. „ Eggs,— ,,, Chickens per ib Duette Wool...,.. Dried Apples., Pork dressed• pork live wei;; h•t, Iiayper LOX . e t Clover seed • ... ,. Alsike clover Timothy seed . , - . 44 to 47 50 to 60 •,15 to i5 15 to le . 7 to 8 5, to 5 to 7 7 to • 17 to. 18 21 to 3 5.50 to 5,50 3.73 to 3,76 6 00 to 86.00 4,00 10 6.00 1.a t 1.50 to 5.00 i .. 0 l2-. . Loudon. .Deceznbor 21st 1848. Wheat per bushe,,. ., . ,..02 to. 93. Oats,.,, ., ,. ....23 to 2411 Peas . 64 to 60 Barley .,.. ....44 to 50 Buckwheat.,,.., .,.36 to 381 Corn ,,,,,.. ' •. . „ 59 to 38 Beans .,,... ,. .,,401 to 60 Eggs. .10 Ducks ..60 Tuz k e arm... Geese pert., ., „ l9 Ohickens 50 Cheese,...,, 8 Potatoes per bag „80 Hay per ton , .0 6.00 to Perk per out.. .. 84.50 to • Flood's Pills are the only pills to talre Sale Register-. with Hood's Sarsanarilia. The Model School Emination A meeting of the Board of Examin- ers for the County of Huron was held in the Court House, Goderich, to finish the work of the examination of the County Model Schools. There were in attendance at the two model schools fifty-four candidates, 24 m Goderich and 29 in Clinton. Of these three fail- ed in secnring the required number of marks. The following were success- ful in securing third class certificates valued for threey ears :— CLINTON. Lanes.—Mabel Capling, Edna Car- der, Kate .Campbell, Maggie. Dolly, Florente King, Maggie McLean, Bella McNabb, Martha McCleno-aghan, Bessie McTavish, Mabel Merritt, DellaO'Neil, Maggie Reith, Grace Shepherd, Emma Thompson. • Gentlemen. -- Harry R. Ainsley, Arthur Bean, Jerome Badour, W. E. Bryons, Geo. Buchanan, L. H. Colvin, Ernest Gregory, Edmund Geiger, T. B. Hooper, W. Hamilton, Fred Law- rence, Jonathan Peck, Geo. H. Ruttan, Edmund Strong, Alexander Todd. GODERIOH. Ladies. -Clara A. Bean, nilly May Bradley, Annie Dale, Fanny S. Gray, Maud A. Horton, Nina E. -Lockhart, Eunice Ann Merril], Sara McKnight, Mary Tobin, Annie E Whiddon. Gentlemen.—Wm. S. Bean, Norman Church, Andrew Orr Dixon, -Charles Down, Berton N. Gilban, Allen Jeckell, Harvey Lane, Jas. A. McTaggart, 'John Parkinson, Wm. R. Rogers, Wm. Ryder, Daniel Weber. Another Batch of Teachers. The Model school examiners, Inspec- tor Irwin of •Stratford,and Messrs. J. D. Spence of Mitchell, and Wm.Elliott of St. Marys,anet at the court house this morning and examined the papers submitted by the pupils of the Strat- ford and Mitchell Model schools. Fol- lowing is the result STRATFOR D —Maggie Anios, St. Marys ; Millie E. Abraham, Stratford; Jessie Burnett, Britton ; Rachel Carr, Stratford ; Hattie M. Dowd, Burns; Augusta. Finucane, Arthur ; Maud A. Jick]ing, St. Marys ; Maud Keen, St. Marys ; Jennie C. McKay, Stratford ; Mary M. McDonald, Hampstead;Lizzie J. McLennan,Donegal ; Bella McAlpin, Alvinston ;Alice McIntosh. St.'Marys; Nellie McFarlane, Donegal ; Jean 0. Murray, Newton ; Jessie Naismyth, Milverton ; Nettie Pelton, Listowel ; Bessie Scott,Stratford,LilyM. Stew- art, Belton ; ercy TCoeland, St. Marys ;• McGregor Easson, Stratford ; George Hofferd, Milverton ; Fred W. Kerr. Shakespeare; J. Edward Mc- Millan, Shakespeare ;; Wm. Moore, St. Marys ; Alfred J. Pike, St. Marys ;. Alexander Taylor. Conroy. MITCHELL—Ada Beattie,Seaforth; Laura Brown, St. Marys ; Rossie M. Caution, Mitchell ; Agnes Doughtery, Mitchell ; Kate A. Forrest, Amulree ; Rachel Kirk, Kirkton ; Kate Purcell, Seaforth ; Theresa Sweitzer, Brussels Robert Ir. McNab, Mitchell ; A. M. Woodley, Seaforth. Certificates of following will not be issued until they have sent in the re- quired, non professional certificates to secretary of Board, Wm. Davidson, Stratford : Misses Carr, Keen, McKay, Naismyth and Scott. BIRTHS. COATIIS In Usborne,on the 20thinst.,the wife of Wm. Coates of a daughter. HODGERT.—In Usborne, on the 1011i inst., the wife of Andrew Hodgert, of a son. HOLTZMAN In Crecliton,on the 16th,tho wife oe J. H. Holtzman, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. YOUNGS—SWANSON—In StMarys, on Dec. 7th, by the Rev. G. W. Henderson, Charles Youngs, of West Zona, to Miss Barbara Swanson. JONES—JARROTT—On the 14th inst., by the Rev Ohms. Smith, Mr, Edwin Jones to Miss Alice Myrtle, daughter et Mr. John Jarrett. of Exeter, DEATHS. BROOKS -In Exeter North, on the 21et inst., Wm. Brooks, aged. 62 years. 9 months. fiHOMPSON-1n Denver, Col., Dec, 10, J. J. Thompson, M. D. formerly of Kirkton, aged 35 years, 8 months. %NC cooL and_ MOIST. lit to 4 to 70 to 12 to 10 to 75 to 10 tol 00 S85 00 TBURSDAY, DEC. 22:—Dairy Cows and rearm Stock,tlae property of James Gardiner, lot 20, Thames Road, (Far- quhar). Sale at one o'clock. First class stock. THOMAS CAMERON, Auc. ..e T'rEGOLAB ACTION of the bowols is ;ressary to health: Laxa-Livor Pills e the best occasional cathartic for i +icily or general use, Price 25c. Wm. Hone, Topping, has bought 50 steres of timber land in the township t.e Stanley from Daniel Brennerman, e;so of Topping, for the sum of $700. Mrs. Chas. Smith, of James, Ohio, writes I have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills does me more good than all •the rest. The Albion hotel, Stratford, which for some months past has been under the control of Otto Jung, has changed hands, the purchaser being John C. Kress, who for four years past has been connected with the Walper House, Berlin. HAGYAIZD'S YELLOW OIL cures all pain in man or beast, for sprains, cuts,. bruises, callous lumps, swellings, in- flammation, rheumatism and neuralgia it is a specific. Mitchell has sold $7,028 of deben- tures, bearing 4 per cent. interest, to O'Hara & Co., of Toronto, at a pre- mium of $192. This was all used for granolithic sidewalks. Do not suffer from sick headache a moment longer. It is not necessary. Carter's Little LiverPillswill cure you. Dose, one little pill. Smell price. Small dose. •Small pill. EARACHE CURED.. "I was troubled with Earache for a long timo and could get ne ease until I tried Hagyara's Yellow 0i1, which made a complete euro.' Miss Anna Chapman, South River, Ont. • THE PIONEER 'LIM'ITED Is the name of the only perfoct train in the world, now ' running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul and Minneap- olis via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway—the' pioneer road of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illustrated pam- phlet, showing views of beautiful scenery along the route of the Pioneer Limited, will be sent free to any person upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address Geo. H. Heaftord, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ill. A Man is always in the SWI I If he wears onle of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting,, SUIT'S ELe.is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. His " goods are . the was troubled with Sick iea Headache and1 ilio sn B u ass, and could not .sleep at night. 1 tried several doctors but to no effect, and got coria- a pletely discouraged.At last .1 sawW an advertisement s oeoC telling n about Preciousu Burdock Blood Bitters, My has- band induced rrie to try it, and to- day I am using the spELLs third sbaot ti ltehdc 0:12 an Eyesight is me a wonderful: amount of good. I feel better th n a ve ,lh a for years, and .ern con- fident 1 owe my restored health to B. B. B." MRS.: EDWARD BECK, Riverside, N.B, B.B.B. is the best remedy for Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Headaches, Coated Tongue, Liver Complaint, stn, t nodi P Jaundice, Scrofula, Blood Humors, and all Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Kid- neys and Bowels. AZ -.R R i"' ! L r2 l- O hZ 1 ct Days getting Thor r i ht: .are getting longer, Therefore it is necessary that you have s1c tatle, that are exactly suited to your eyes. Our Optician i s home again and prepared to give you the best expert attention. FTTOT■ r 4 Jewellery store. Mornings preferred for testing. 00.00U0000:b9CrF7**000000v`D,7., .".�,+;s<7CJ0teSse)0 L 3: c;,:^ .> Preventio of - to HOreSeSe Many a poor horse, utterly run Os down n by impoverishment cf blood and irs accompanying ills, is blamed o for laziness and . harstzly', treated. Q The use of 4 DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER lwqulci' strr"nhhthen such an one, A would fo tify him to endure fati;ne; b enable bine to accomplish work 0, twilling worker. y> . It greatly increases the flow and: rich- PACKAGE. BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY,AND FARM. NEW M[fiT MfiRKeT The undersigned has opened up a new meat market one door South of Gariin 's Store. where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on band. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T 1'IANNING u rteFs Pore a=: Undertakin - AiuI Furniture AT R. N. ROEW'S Everything up-to-date. Largest stock ever shown in Exeter. R. Na ROE EXETER MILLING CO THE ROLLINS AND WILLIAMS MILLING CO,, Are now ready to do business with the pub lie generally. All kinds of FLOUR, FEED AND MILL STUFF For sale at close prices. Leave your orders at the mill. We deliver every day to any part of the town free. We hope you will help us to make a success of the business, which means a. success for the town. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat At all times. xLxrnorn, No. 36. 'TEWART BROS. & WILLIAMS. r SUCCESSORS TO Call and examine his goods b buying your .FALL SUIT W. JOHNS, The 'Fait or A Dunnville JewelIer's Wife CURED OF PALPITATION OF THE HEART AND SMOTHERING SPELLS BY MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. Mrs. D. E. Lasalle, Canal Street, Dunn- ville, Ont., whose husband . keeps a jewellery store, and is one of the best r known and most progressive citizens of • Dunnville, Ont., gives th'e following de- scription of her recent experience in the use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills: " I took Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for weak nerves, dizziness, palpita- tion of the heart, smothering spells at night and sleeplessness. Before I used them I could not get restful sleep, and my nerves were often so unstrung that I would start in alarm at the least noise, and easily worried. "Last February I Commenced taking this valuable medicine, and it proved the fol weak and right t remedym shattered g Y nervous system, Milburti's Heart and Nerve Pills restored my nerves to a strotig and healthy condition, gave regu- lar and normal` action of the heart. "X, sleep well now, and stn better in every way, and I recommend them heartily to all who suffer as X did," Milburn's i•Ieert and Nerve Pills, See. a box, or 3 toe Snee, at all druggists. T, .MT ,oust CO., Toronto, Ont. ta n-Ltv r its cora Constisatpall ElSI:t ffeedacheBiiloesneee, byspeple. very gieranteed perfect, and to work with out (r.Drips or pain. Pttoe'-2sc., arts drugttists* SCHOOL OPENINGIA A full line, fresh and bright of %. U SCHOOL BOOKS and every School re- quisite at BROWNING'S Where the Scholars alt; always used well �0q 0 X0 i" •a3%29,ar,-m.br,.m,0cvra. -an.,M. FREE. We give this Sne. watch, and else a chain and charm for selling two dozen Lavas Co,.t.AR BUT, TONS, at 10 cls. each., Send your nddre's and we forward the Battens, postpaid, • and our Premium Ls money List. No re- qwred y . Sell the But. tons atnorg your friends, return the money, and we send the watch, prepaid. A genuine American watch, iiaranteed `tun bt g a good timepiece. Mention this paper when whiting. LLIVER BUTTON OO., aaotn �. TronOnt g a • O 0 without loss of tissue and make h9m a cheerful, It pays to use Dick's Blood Purifier, p ness of a cow's milk. ® 50 CENTS A LEEMING,Montreal MiLES gr, CG,, Agents, .000014.46>4o0 004A.0®4.3.95•se3. TrRIAL SIZE 25 'CENTS. DICK & CO,, Proprietors, 2. da460.60•00040t 0,044 'k'i'ti"ddrs"dltda'dartt>�'t'>i�'�'`dt'd4'df:°�Vrih'ta"sVii'�'t Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and Charm by. selling twenty Topaz Scarf Pins, at 15 cents each. Send your address and we forward the Pins and our Premium List, postpaid., N - money required. These Pins will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance' of the best diamonds, and has never before been off• red at anything like this price. Tice Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made; and fully guaranteed Unsold Pins may be returned. Meothis paper when writing. THE GEST PIN CO., Freehold BuiIdi -g, T route, Ont. ASL��PPr,4�EVr'�RRi+UI��RN,i€i",rlr'l��nfA�Sr�,7r'.?"��,�R3.`s: r a?R8.'.rVIF:'A'�� t, " V A Solid Geld Shell !ling g or Curb Miain Ura;lel rri C' T send money. Just your name Zsisl F.r13;47."` i - so and udrlress on a POST CARD, and �- 5'i -e r.1 $'4 i we win send you 20 packages of •rangi , 1ROMA.IC CAOHi.ii , adel:cious con- fection to perfume the breath, to sell { fur us, If ,you ,min, a: 5 cents per package. When sold send us our money, 81.0e. and we will send you FREE your choice of the beautind prizes illustrated. Goods return, able if not sold. Mention this paper. SNOWDON CHAMBERS TISOALL SUPPLY CO., TORONTO, ONT. Genuine Padlock and Key Dr' iFARME �e You)r'ug ill find at Bissett's tiVareroorai We would recommend those suffering from Coucrns, COLDS, and .BRONCHTAT, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT , RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENTS FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP. 0 LUTZ ,4 Suit of CIoLne a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good W orkmanship, s Moderaie Cost, Perfect Fit, You look for these in an old .and reliable Place, and A. J. sNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any P Y of these. A large assortment 1 Pent of vale a winter cleeas In Worsteds and 'SWeetts, are now on our Shelves, and we Will take much pleasure in showing then to you. There are many Other lines that are specially at. r active. Ai,. 01411Ciets the following line of Agricnl tural Implements BERING HIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY RAKES.. Af ull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disc and Diamond Harrows Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine . STOVES. Gurney stores and furances.. waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. oods 1 1. a` We are xn the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stook of a'`. $1.7no Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up the best suit for $10.00 that can. be bought in the count y . b GIVE : �y E LL. J. 11. rieve