HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-12-22, Page 4T TIMES , The-Molsons Bank ICHAUTSRMPI Or PARLIAMEN'asta Pebble. Capita - lies runa. , _ ., e. "4_ $24000400,70,1 . ' Mae, 'Office, Montreal., WilT4'413'ST"41"E°1"9,Esq"sustained Gemmel, mee.24ee • • Venice advancea to good farmers on their 13WO 40tO Witli one or more endorses at 7 per era. em annum. :xeiter Jeranoti, pen every lawInl day* from a,m. to, V.P1 a/al/MATS, le aeni, to 1 p.m, • ment rates of intereit allowed on depolts N. 11H1:111DON, . . ' Manager. _ , - pxoter,. Deo. 27th, tea , ... ..... width. .of stream, whiele :wee much 'needed io tialee of high Weter. In re- — daYa before the Friclaye of the•generel Additional Locals . Exeter' Public School. meetings of the Ipstiatite in . to the eomplainte Aticl. dissatie, .1Nseehers! —..e. order that the teachers at 0, distance i . . ' 40 .gard fantion which was oaused by the feet Vila ilia bridge was not Oceatpletea to,' the specified thew, the commissiouee states that he kuOws of no person who • reall s c ount of any , os on a c . the delay. The county maintainea. a very good deviation road for both • • • - . . . teams and pedestrians, ittni had the road marked by lights at nights. The wiiteact for the seeeesteeetuee of the Manchester bridge a'ndfor the removal of the, span and ita erection, over Dyer's creek was let to Rneter Bros, of Kin, , cardine, at $1,150 • and the eontract for the erection ea' the a,bu-tteeat was , awavtled to Frank Gutteridge, of Sea- ft oh ne t ino.; ,N va7et sT at epriedneertalbime nean,ileyeeree.wbpheoiriacbghs in regatd to two bridges. he thinks should be rebuilt, early next eummer-the Summerbill bridge and the bridge on the boundary. ee, tween Rullett and Ai cKilloR. The Summerhill bridge will require to be about 100 feet long and a steel bridge on cencrete abutments is recominenc1,- ed. The other bridge will require to be about twenty feet in length and cedar would . be a suitable material. The commissioner reports the issuing '' of -orders amounting to $5,749.38 m connection with the week in his de- partment. The report was sent to the road and bridee committee • - ' ' Thursday, Dec. S. The report of the committee respect- ing the consolidation of the county by_ laws was sent to the executive commit- tee. , . . • • • A report the committee meeting held at Whigham for the opening of tenders and letting of contracts for the erection of the Manchester bridge was referred. ter the road and bridgeevening. committee.' The "'council adjourned until three . O'clock. • Upon resuming in the afternoon, a few more accounts were read and re - ferred to the fmance committee. A report.shOwing the amount raised for county purposes by.. each minor municipality in the county was read and Ordered to -be tiled., Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by Mr. McInnis, that two inmates of the House of Refuge named Stone be ont and after this day free inmates, and that the clerk send and account to the from the Place of meet:leg may have Glad Christmas is drawing nigh, an 0. PpOptu.n ipy of attending, was sen b .A.tal now the selfish purl to the ecneeation conunittee. 'Who cloth not care a gift to buy, 'Aloyed. by Mr, Torrance,eeconded by ' Doth quarrel with his girla Mr. Elttys, Quit clause 17 of,by-law No. Yesterday was the shortest (147 in 2 of 1897 be struck mkt end the follow- the year. ing be substituted therefor: There shall Miss Hva.Carling has returned hon he Printed in a neat, compact form, in from lemetford. tYPe not larger than. small pica leaded, 5e0 copies of the ' minutes of each see- , .Athlated Sleeere; of Brantford,. ie visit. to ' the . clerk of eaoh munieipality log le fennly here. . . ,S.ahools close on Thursday for the eion, and the clerk shall send 8 copies ' -, • and six' copies, to. eaeb member of Christmas holidays. . . . . . . ' L. L. Follick, of Toronto, s t this council. .1 visi irie The motion was. refereed to the under the parental roof. e aPedal committee, who recommended . Will Browning has returned home lpt,5hroaets.c:tnitptiencIllendlekoinirati)oreciii;senseitpoirirtorhef.a:nhe:anbt fop the Christmas holiday's. . NOminations for municipal officers take place on Monday next. session to the clerk of each municipal- ity with instruotions t6 distribute one • Prescott Ross of Toronto is spend- rig the bolidays with his parents. a -a ' • ' • ' to the reeve arid oue to each of the 1, P • . other members of the council.' Four Miss Gertie.Kemp has returned from hundred copies were printed hereto-. visitingafrs. (Rev.) Fatt, Burlington. fore. The comroittee's recommencla- Art. Ramsay, student, Toronto, • is MOD MS adopted, spending the X-mas holidays at home. . , The education coranuttee reported Fred Hess, clerk of the township of in favor of granting the requeet con- Hay was in. town Tuesday on business. tained in Mr. Rails' communication on Dec. will be behalf of the West Huron Teadhers .. Monday. D261h, will be nomina- lestitute. The report was adopted, will n tion day and Monday, 2, polling and the teachers li ye ThiirsdaY, ,' - As well as. Friday, for their annual Thomas Hazelwood and wife, of meeting. • Exeter, visited friends in Kirkton last The House * tee week . • . e of Refuge commit . ' d that the bad h ld. one meet- repoete y e . Monday next will be observed as a, Inc, since June namely on the 15th of ,ra • , , holiday, owing to Ohristnias falling on laoyember, when they met- at the Sunday. , House -of Refuge. They , found tbe Al . d . raan Mrs, Reppenstaal, of Michi- House in all its departments seernine- n n , - 0 gan, are visiting et Mrs. H. Horney's, ' t .1s. t and the inmates apparent -y well -ep ,..Usher/ie. ly well provided for A few of the ' - . • .Don't miss the song Service in Main inmates were considered fit subjects 1.. or .e.asy um, encl. the warden, . e SL Methodist church next Sunday I the 1 th physician and the inspector were in- • re . s • tructed to take steps to have them Sidney . Hancock, 1 of Eruerado, •r '''•"• '' • dL• removed. They found the farm work Dakota, is visiting frtends in an tock in around ETeter. • - . properly attended to and the s • . • fair condition. They audited the ac- Mrs. Dr. Harrison, of Detroit, is counts and found them correct Certain visiting her mother Mrs. Fanson, .inmates had complained to their 1 • .. Wi ham street. friends that Mr. French had Ill-treated , • . . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Francis, of them, but the coranutteewere satisaed, Ceesswell Mich.. are visiting in Us - after a thorough investigation, that 1. ', township. ' • . there was n he com laints or ne o ground for t p Good. id Santa ,C, aus las taken d that all the inmates were being Id 1 1full''powerful an g nnesessiOn, at the Big Cash Store. Go properly tree e by the keeper an . d' k ' sad see whit he has. matron. The committee instructed th . inspector, Mr. Coates, to buy anothe Mrs. Bruce, who has been visiting . .- 134;D114, 1 -Class -8.• An414 MItrtin, F. aendas, . May Armstrong', Herbert 13,1.1cl:seer ri;rayOulea,seEdRn;a-mcForateinlaktoZ,11*aemr.; Wilson ; Class 0, --- Florence Bissett, Sam T1 W'll• al • N '' . unnas, . i le um. . o on roll, 37, average attendance 27, ' T. ,T. LooKaAwr. Room 2 -Sen IV; ---Eva Balkwill and ' M. a. Y Clarke, equal, Nina Caeling,Bdna. Davidson. Carrie Dyer, :Seely') Gill, Barry ' . . . Ruston , Jun IV Ruby Treble, Annie Brinnacombe, Beatrice 'Lliker and Dolly Diokson equal, Winnie Car- . ling, IVfillie Martin, Ettie Kerslake, No on Roll 52, average attendance: 40. A. V. JEckna.L. RoOal 8 -Sr III: - Jessie Carnerou, Alvin Briatnell, Mary Parsons; Della Treble, Herby Rorrell, Wesley Snell ; Jr. III, Gerty:Trevethick, Fred Treve- thicx alatt• B • n R F• , • 01' , . le IOW , oy . airtime in Hooper, Edna rollick and Elmore Sen- ior equal.No. on Roll, 59; veeage A at- tendance, 47. • ,- A.IAY. GILL. ROOM 4 -Sr. 3: -Harty Zinger, Clara Ross, Willie . Murray,' Harold Collins, Olive Elliott, Georgie llyndman • Jr. 3 Maud Quance Martha Carlirg "'Wm Howard,' ' ' ' . ' ' Martha Snell, Elsie Sutton, L. ely Acheson. -No on roll, 57; average attendance 43 7 . - H. E. W.A.LROND. '''''' ROM 5 -Sr 2.e -.-Dyer rlindon, Stella8tyles Spackman, Roy Ford, Wesley Phair, Berta Snell, Wilber Bissett ; .Jr. 2, Lillian Towle Frank Howard Winnie , . , Hilston, Hector Heywood, Rotha Brown, 'Bweyn Petersom-No. on roll, 61 : average attendance, 41. • 'a ' : H.,D. PRINGLE. Rome 6-S 2 A ' II r :- lice Howard, Netta F rt F k ' B d 0111 ray e, ran aw en,. 1 ord Spackman, Jennie Welsh, Richard Gridley. -Ji. 2: -Forest Crews, Albert Chl•Dk t E ang, ar le rin wa me • roma ilalls, ECogli McKay, Earl Spackman.• No. on roll, 53 ; average attendance, 42. . .. Leman MAY. ROOM 7 -Sr. 2: -- Dollie Dayidson, Irene O'Neil, Viola Sutton, Arthur Cann, Nelson Vale, Ida Cottle ; Mid 2 -H " arry Renclle, Mabel Piper, Willie oore, Teinnie Fulton. --No. on roll 52 ; verage attendance, 35. .. A. W. BALL. In .. lei Its „ Z a Z e- : g• .; rte. "-" ?a .. . ... tee, a the Then . tl Then the' Then No matter kind; It may year . Ni , ''• u e * feel ening inflanimation. It • Science. Patient toral and . pa igaek? probably . , Chest? probably Joints? probably where you needhave be an old; it Is • .',..Z‘ ' Yt , . ' . Immediately its soothing, peever. It quiets is a new A new remedies. methods. other plaster. The Triumph The Perfected Toil. Placed over aid in the lung affeetione Placed over . the. the lungs. rheumatism. . .. it is, it hour, must yield r , V 4. 1 • e ‘I •. . after applying warming, congestion; , piaster. combination Made Entirely of Modern Product . the to Ayer's treatment the stomach, kidneys. no a day, ,' • \ after chest Cherry of t , , nor IN longer. or to 9.,-7, e` '''4, 4, - ' ',1 4 0., n , 1 ' 't strength- draws of. unlike Medical of years it is all throat it stow .,. 1 hal, a you out new new any De Pea. • • • a vvg •HAVE--..somak. . .- : • • . 111111 ' ,A.g'''' mas PRESENTS , . And a large 'Assortment,. , Includincr b The latesD PLATED GOODS; ' • (Something very new. . HOCKEY )' her "ska and ot te from 450. up. . 1 , • . FANCY LAMPS 75e.up. (Be Sure and see them)) • . The above are a; few of . .. the many suitable lines. - We ave also a laige and complete , also a .11 . stock of AX . _aarcalagge. n tr ......__ _ _ Palencler for- December, I 898. • $LINDAY ....• - .. 4 11 1S. 25 5 12 19 26 TUESDAY... ..., . , 6 13 20 27 WEDN'ESDAY, . . 7 14 21 28 Txitinenav„ .. .. . 1 8 15 22 29 FRIDAY 2 9 -16 28 30 SATIMDAY... , 8 10. TT 24 31 e • it.Mtlie Ilit tPlt /tit t' ULTIRSDAY, DECEMBER 22nd 1898 THE COUNTY COUNCIL. E'ROCnnDINGs Op THE FINAL MEETneG , • OF VIE .00tINCIL 'OP 1897.8: • • The county council met at tne court house, on Tuesday afternoon of last week. This was the last meeting of the council of 1897-8;on the 2nd of January rtext a tiew council will. be elected for the ensuing term of two years. Foa- lowing are the names of the Members of the passing council; Philip Holt and Robert .MeLean, Goderich ; John- Oox, Goderich township ; James Snell, Hul- lett ; Geo. McEwen, Hensall • Sohn Torrance Bay; Dr. Rollins, Exeter -' Donald 'McInnis, Usboree ; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth ; John B. McLean Tuckersrnith • Archibald Hislop, M. P. P., 'Grey.; Henry Mooney, orris;M Donald Patterson, East Wawanosh ; Alex. Stuart, West Wawanoshe B. S. Cook, Howick; Robt..Miller,Wroxeter. Dar report of the session is necessarily a stinamary one. The chairvas occupi- el by Warden MeEwan, and all the members were in attendance. • a .Tuesday, Deg. 6. After the adoptTon of thelleiniates of bhe last day of the June Meeting, the !ollowing cominunications were read Ind sent to the special committee : Memorial ' from the council of the :minty of Welland, asking that the itunicipal Act be amended so that all !arm and garden. produee shall have a !ree market, either wholesale or retail, n every part of Ontario. ' From.county of Dufterin; re-amend- nent to -the Jurors Act. - ..-• • -- - • • From Lanark county, asking that the act re -commitment of vagrants be amended. ., . • • Petition frOin the:Clerks' Association of the 'county. of - Hurotaasking the aorincil to petition both the Local and Dominion Governments to amendtheir Election Acts so that municipal clerks. ;ball be recognized as . the legal custo- lia,ns of the voters' lists of their re- ;peed ve municipalities. . A letter from J. M. Best, claiming laxua,ges for Thos. Henderson, of the vicinitei of Seafortb, whose horse was eajured on a bridge, was sent t� the sxecutive conarnatee, .. ' A letter and circular from Henry rinsttong respecting a book entitled Ile Municipal Lawyer was sent to the sxecutive committee, A large .number of accounts were read and referred to the finance cone- mittee. . • • • Wednesday, Dec. 7. The council roet at 10 o'clock. • ' A. number of accounts were .sent to he finance committee. • The 'report of Dr. Shaw, medical mperintendent of the. House of Refuge was read and sent to the House of Re- fuge committee. D. Feench, manager of the House of Refuge, submitted a report of the pro- ducts of the farm in connection with the institution andthe work doee dur- ine the year 189$. There were pro- e aucea 420 bush. oats, 125 bush. barley, 150 bush. peas, 12 bush. beans, 95 bush. onions,: go busb. beets, 1.5 busb. garden 3arrota, 5 hush. parsnips, 20.b.usti. gar- den turnips, 225 bueb. •field turnips, 70 bush. carrots, 1200 bush. marigolds 400 , bugle potatoes,. 7 tons of hay, e of an lore of corn fodder, 50 citrons, 30 quash, 100 cabbaee, 5 . bbls. apples. Their cows gaye 16,374 lbs, milk and bhey made 464 pounds of butter,whieh was all consumed in the House. One aundred evergreens Were set out (of Ahese several are dead) and 550 Guth- bort raspberries were planter' andhave ill made gocelgrowth. The fallplough- ng is all done and the land is ready :or the spring crops The report was :aferred to tlae House of Refuge cora- inittee. • A report by the clerk on salaries and Alter matters in connection with vari- )us houses of refuge was read and sent io the executive committee,' The county valet* reported eight ' prisoners, all males, confined in the pal. They were all connnitted for ragrancy, with the exceptioo of one nan who is awaiting removal to an will= for the insane. County, tocernissioner, John Ansley, eibrnitted a report of bueiness trans- , , tete?” by him since hisJune report.. It ;ordains some account of the work lotie ktricl gives ._ the • number and mounts of of the. ordets. issued for pay. nent for works uncier his control. A ;teat deal of. repairing. was done to the rridges and approaches in the eourity airing the past season and the com.. eiseioner reports that they are all now ii a good state of repair. The most rn portant were the Dyer and Ma:aches- er bridges. ' The short span' of the laliCtleSter WAS removed and erected ver what, is known as Dyer's ,creeleon he, boundary between Hullett and t.rawanosh. The bridge is about 48 '.0'c long' and 16 feet wide arid is sup- orted on concrete abutments, Making splendid bridge. , According to in-. bructione given at the June meeting,a hefoot, span lea been erected at the raechester bridge," Supported by an bia teent of Awe! and coricrete. Mr. tis :v* reports that the works at ianneesteinare Well and subetantially enentad will be. a great iMprovernerite llowing for it considerably greater township of Stephen of the amount due the county for their board to this date. Carried. - • • Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr. • Miller, that the :council, grant. a sum equal to the grant paidnby. the -.Legis- ' lature of Ontario' for the continuation classes for the public schools of the county taking up school leaving and entrance .exemmatiems. Referred to the ec'w• They recommended that Mr. Coates be instructed to have storm windows put o the n.orth and west w p n 'des of the building at once. The re- sl e , t was adopted. .Pe„f,. ..- . The road and,_.. bri ge ecortine,:.,e.e -1.• ' d • '' tt brought in the fcalowinserenor: , ' - (11 With regard to the Manch.ester seewrestling bridge we recommend that the con- tractors be paid in full, as by report of the engineer. It seems there was some Miss Mortlock, returned to her home in Hamilton this.week, . t . . . The most comple e stoak for Xmas . • e Toys and novelties that we have seen is at the Big. Cash Store, . Typhoid fever has been epidemic i Blanshard township. The Council are with the problem. . Th ft weather t the t t" The so. a eteresen time ..ETC., will have the effect of Injuring the • Richard Long, of Listowel, has sold the Wilson farm in the 6th concession • of Maryborough to Geo. H. Dickson, • who has disposed of his tun) on the boundary, near Tralee, to a neighbor, John G. Faulkner. Mr. Long has bought the 50 acre farm from Thos. Forbes, jr., in the 2nd of Elma, and is prepared to sell or . trade it for a 106 . nausea and vomiting; over the • bowels it controls cramps and colic. , . Placed over the small of the back, it removes all congestion from the kidneys and greatly strengthens weakness. For sale by. allDruggists. . 3.0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Masa - ' Rea X C _IL at. ' • • WS rre .9 - executive committee. ' e delay in the work. but no real clan mee Christmas trade materially. acre farm. • - Friday, Dec. 9. The Report of special committee was n ned b an one 2 In has been sustai . y y . ( ) . D V . The DarktoVen SWells le edhefore a, ' News bas reached Russeldale from 'the ----- ------- read and adopted. The report' recom- mended that the requesaof the Clerks' Association be granted and that a copy of the Clerks' petition be sent to each county Clerk in the Province ask- ing for co-operaticin in the ' matter ; that tto action. be...taken in reference to the the Lan- regard to the Summerhill bridge and the other bridges mentioned in the at .- mmissioner's report,we lecommeud c° • that the comniissioner make arra,nge- rdents. at once to have these bridges rebuilt and. ask for tenders, Which ctan be placed before the council at be .- - January session next. (3) The minutes • full house ou Monday evening. The 'entertainment was first-class. . • • • • The shed in connection with Main St. Methodist church caved in on Mon- day, eindee a heavy weight of snow. MM. (Rev.) Hunt, of Lensing, Mich., was renewing acquaintances here. She Detroiabf death of John Sutton in his 80th year. Deceased was one of the original settlers in that part of the county. Amone other things lefb to perpetuate his '''memoryis the -well- known "Russeldale House," built and owned by him in the early history of Russeldale.. Afterwards he worked for • , It h eu matis rn ill unred wttb ouj. fiEVir Medicine. i 1 istie • INVENTION hfannatic Insoles fi Bishop & soot. EXETER N. B. -We have a, large stock ol • Heaters) whict petitionefrom county of ark,. the cOntrautieetion from the county of Dufferin or that from the county Of VVellaricr'e. ,7, , ' ' The reaortaf tlee,fieance committee, of the committee meeting held .in Wineharn Jul Mb to open tenders • n y ,. and award contracts for the erection of Manchester bridge were placed before , us. They appear satisfactory, was the guestef Mts. Jas. Richardson. i r. .ewrt atudent o Knox o ege,• al •H ' t ' ' f K 0' 11 • Londbn, occupied the pulpit in Trivia Meniori al Chtircit ton %'Sunday evening last. many years with. the Thomson & Wil- n- C . ' Mat h 11 • d St tf d 1 ta.ms o. up i 1 c e an ra or , pe- fore leaving to make his home on the e • other eide of the border. Through -life he justly earned the respect of all who ----a-- urn ' Illi 11 I bring Gonitort To 1111 - • e , . , - ,L."_.! - tilERE Is tio cgsk OF RREI.7-C fit tmeeiger pier CAN BE ClIRED Font'. ee• stoves (Cookers and enust be sold. Oome aud get a bargain befom it is too late. • . -- dealing with a large number of ac- counts- was then taketrup; and a por- tion quite and we find that by not accepting any of the tenders for excavating on that , . • , • : • • John Dearing of Michigan is spend - Jol . n big the holidays with his Mr. had the pleasure t g . e of 1 nowid him ------e-----.--- - - . -a - --- RDSTIC RICEDMATIO INSOLES effect a per - . .„... a .. 5 . AN ENGINEER'S RREUMA.TISIL of was considered a'nd adopted. ' After thenoon intermissionethe re- port -of the executive committee was laid before the couneil and was passed. The committeerecommended that the salary of Mrs. French, matron of the House of Refbge, be increased by the day, hut getting this work done by private contract, a saving of $175'was made to the county. (4) We recora- mend that the report of the commis- sioner be printed. in the minutes as usual. (5) We have prepared a by-law parents, and Mrs. Wm. Dearingaof Stephen township. .. . . Henry Ha,iet and wife, Of 'Michigan . are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dear- ing, of Stephen, and other friends in this vicinity. ' . • . A New Departure. • • DaMarschand,the celebrated French physician, has at last opened his niag- P recently . equipped laboratory . m Windsor, Ont. There is a large staff manent cure where all other remedies fail to afford theslightest relief. Thoy make the old folks young again And make the cripples leap; And give you comfort while awake And comfort while you sleep. Rustic Rheumatic Insides are made tofit David Weeks of Owen Sound, Ont., Endneer of. the Owen Sound Branch of the O. P. R. writes: "Three boxes of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills cured me of Rheumatic pains in ni3 shoulder, from -which Isuffered for some years They also cured my wife of Rheumatism' Oi 17 years' standing.' .1.3rice 50c.. all dealers, . sure of $25,Zper annum, commencing •A. January lstnext ; that the matter of purchasing the work on Municipal law referred to in the communication of Henry Armstrong be deferred until the January session in order that the work may be examined ; that Fountain to repeal all former by-laws dealing . . d k with county bridges, an as you to pass the same. ' . Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr. Patterson, that the report be amend by striking out clause 1 and substiti 'ing the following: That the engin, . forwardto the forthwith . • In gain S. Methodist church, next Sunday niorning,' there will be a Christmas sermon by the Pastor, and a song service in the evening . Carling Brbs. are showine, a ver . q e y fine line of ladies' kid gloves 111 green and ta,n,s. They a,le the. so'le agents of chemists and physicians at his com- • mend, and tbe men and women of Canada, may now procure the advice of this famous specialist free of charge. Dr. Marschand has a world-wide rep- utation for successfully treating all • ervous diseases of men and womeu, all size's of shoes and will be sent by mail • to any address on receipt of price, 50c. A. Dositivp cure guaranteed in every COSO of Rheumatism or Mineyirefitinded. Advice furnanee. free on appbma log. Olteneral agents aanted everyw ere. Done suffer any more but send at. once for a pair of thane Rheumatic Insoles that will give YOU OVOrlasting relief and happiness. .Ad - 'dress. MADE A NEW 11LA.c.N. ' "I IVIust say Laxa-Liver Pills made a nee man of me. I Was troubled with Indigestion Fluttering of the Heart and pain In the small o the back, and after taking tho naxeeniver Pill for about three weeks they cured me.' Me, ville Miller. Bensfort P. O.. Ont ' • . Naylor,who made a claim for damages arising out of an accident at Gauley's bridge,be paid $2,5 in full of all claims; that a grant equal to the Legislative grant be given by the council to the clerk specifications and ail the other pape • in his hands In connection wit Manchester bridge, Hunter Bro..., paid the balance claimed by them, less PI ter for 1VIiller s Glovinefor cleaning -xe kid gi. oyes. - . Geo. Balsden and John Prier, o Dakota,former residents of this section nd you have but to write the doctor to be convinced that your answer, when -received, is from a man who is . . entitled to the high position he holds in the medical fraternity. III THE DR ARSCHNID HEIIICAL Co 0 . Detroit, Mich. Windsor, Ont. - Bi 0 Yc LE& Public schools in the county for con- tinuation for the 1898. .the sum of $200, and that the question of payment of this latter sum be de- are renewing. 'acquaintances here. Why suffer in silence when you can secure the this ...e3!.,eateaseee.a.a.a.aea classes year In • • • reference to the claim of Thomas Henderson for .damages sustained by his horse. on the bridge known as Sproat's bridge, the committee report- ed that they had communicated with Henderson's solicitor, who had agreed to defer entering the case for trial, the conncil agreeing not .to take any ad- vani apee ee to limit of time ; and they recommended that the matter be re- ferrecl to the warden and Mr. Hays, couricillorfor district No. .5, to make inquiries and to enake such' settlement ferred till the Januer meetine to be ' Y e, . then dealt with by the council. t TeeLPse• On motion of Messrs. Rollins:: and Hislop clause 5 be struck oat. • The report as amended was then adopted. . The second report of ' the executive comiriittee, recommend g . 'in that 100 $ be paid the clerk as remuneratiop for his services in connectionan withY the ensuing county council elections, was read and adopted.. The council adjourned. - They have been residents of. the west for some yettia. and have prospered. They will remain here during the win- .,.. tee, . a • .. . • . • A. -G Ardagie of the Canedian Peat • • . , . , . . fuel Go. was in town on Monday mak- . . . . nag inquiries as to Peat deposits and ualiae of same ' -Owin tothe depth cl -., • . g , • of snow nn the.ground he was unable to examine swam s but will of the . . P , return at first opportuntty and make farther investigations. The qualifications of a township advice of . eminent PhYsician free of charge. . All correspondence is strictly confi- dential and names are held as sacred• :A.uswers to correspondents are mailed iv 'plain envelopes.. You are notasked t o pay any exor- • ' • hitant price for medicines, in fact it rowdy happens that a patient has ex- pended Ove.r 50 cents. to nue dollar be- fore he or she becomes a firm friend and admirer of the doctor. ' A special staff • of lady physicians assist Dr. Marschand in his treatment - A very pretty wedding took place at four o'clock on Wednesday afternoon at St. Martin's Church, Montreal, -when Miss Ethel L. Brotherhood, eldest daughter of james. Brotl civil perhood, enemeer, formerly of Stratford, was 1 •'• •some it Rb't nairiec o o erTalbot. Harding, barrister-at-laW, of Stratford, and son of Judge Harding,- of L' 1 ' inc say. STOP IT ! STOP ITI Dorn imagine for 4 ininute that a cingh !enemas to nothirg. Thousands of people are in them graves to -day who let Are You Interested in Wheels1 .. . ' We • Handle a a . of the lead- -,..- % e eA mg CANADIAN ,,,..41 Air.. -Ujae. ree ace.e_ea and. AME.RICAN ''' i rig . , . 1 411‘ niaKes at prices 4 4 4 I_ , to Suit me times. _. as they think advisable. In reference to the eeport of the committee to re- vise and consolidatethe bylaws ef the county, the committee recommended — The recent bank aobbery trial at Na- Panee cost the Coun•ty of Lennox $2,000. . . . councillor are : He must reside with- : the t .n ,,,,e eownship or two miles of the boundaries ; he must also show, by the last revise d Assessment roll of the, of female cases. Always inclose three- cent stamp when you mete and ad- clrese 'The DaMarschand Ohemical Co., Detroit, Mich., IP. S. A. :Mention this acough take its course.. Ston that cough at once with Shiloh's Consumption Cure, which all druggists sell at 25c., 59c. and .S1.00 a bottle. If it fails to help you, your money will be refunded. - A f . few second hand organs 5 and 6 Octave h . that bylaws No. a of 1874 and No. S of 1890 be rescinded and new bylaws Malcolm MacCormack, oferatalt, has been awarded. the Gaelic scholarship, municipality, that he hes at least- either in his own name or that of his Paper. " • WI AO VED Y. sewitig Ma Clairles passed to conform with the resolution___ heretofore by for the endowment of which the late wife -$400 freehold or $800 household, , . ALWAYS ON HAND. passed the council deal- jug with these two bylaws, and that one hundred copies of ° such bylaws be Printed, but not until the end of' 1899, so that all bylaws and proceedings of the council of the year 1899 May be in- eluded in etich consolidation. The county property committee. re- ported as follows: . ' . - Your 'committee visited the goal and Ron, M. O. Cameron, Lieutenant -Gov- ernor of theNorthwest Territories,lef t $1,000 to Queen's University. By-elections were field on Wednes- day last in North Simcoe, W tL li es arn - ton, Ont., East, Prince P. E.) Mont- niag»y, Que., Begot, Que., and East Northumberland. All went Liberal except North Simcoe„ where, Mr. Me- Carthy, an Independent ConservativeMOSt over -and above all charges, liens and encumbrances. . The residence of Robert Winter,Sea- forth,was laet. Wednesday the scene of , • a 1 t weddi • 1 inived b Rev • - -11 e' ng, so en . y . Dr. McDonald. The contracting par- t• . A • . 1 Ai• ej- lee were Wm. Anent anc Miss Janet Winter. The bride was attended by • ' Turner.-' .• * Miss Ida . The groom was as- 1 A Fleshy a -e. 0 • consumptive • Did you ever see one? Did you ever hear of one? Con- - ___ Haring [moved one 'door north of The R. Pickard Co's. store we will -• . . keep a good stile cleon of vac 0.71 „rod salted rok,„„„, Also Poullry and genie in season. . `.. SAUSAGE, AND BOLOGNA . P. S.—Selling out Dise rows at cost. ' • PERKINS •& MARTIN . r Main street. Exeter. found' everything clean and in good. order and the number of inmates core respcnds with the goaler's report -8 was elected, The good road agitation is gaining m strength. Froall parts of the pro- sietecl by Thomas Stephens. Those pre- sent from a, distan ce were 1VIr Ainent from Brussels ; Mr.and Mrs. Willi ' J- am Coates, certainly not. SUMpti011 is a disease that invariably causes loss of , Pee ..'4..cod :" A .g„, Lti the !hoarier. . 4 , • ...._ , 111.,ALltR 11,c---- B . aly The Best Males; seven .committed as vagrants, one insane. We recommend that. the goatee's request for lumber to. :purl) a well be granted, as he is willing to do the work for nothing, and that the goaler's report be printed in the min- otes. We WO tli d also cell the attention of the council to the fad that some. thing will have to be done in the near vince come cheering reports of thepria. gress. The growth of the reform in this respect is not spasmodic, buteven steady and solid. In ninny of the cities and towns the idea of permanently ina proving the streets has seized upon the people, and with this object in view many of them, have invested in costly machinery and made a start in • the of Loudon. Mrs. Ament, of Berlin, and Miss Vainey Crawford, of 8 .Marys.. St. . • Sinee Nov. 1 last Samnel Petch, a farmer living near Linwood, has lost five .valeable cows by smile deadly poi- son. When the first one died hig Was suspected, but when others sickened veterinaries were called in flesh. . , .. If you are light in weight, • , if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly take . Sootrs Emislon . . H a dee, : (Jou Lamb mid Sheep Skins. • Note the eddrees, one door north, of The R. Pickard Co's etore. ILIUM DAY,, PllePr . and-. .. ignore The Rest., In the encl you . will. find' future to thegoaler's house,; either by repah•ing it or by 'miming a new one, as Mr. Grifn n complai ns thee the house at present is very, unpleasant and dis- . agreeable to live in. We visited the registrar's office and found everything in a satisfactory oonditione r We re- commend that Mr. McCreath's. reqoest for rubber /betting for the .court house ' right direction. Fortunately thievery commendable movement is not, confin, ee to the urban municipaliti- es. The agitation has extended to the rural communities as well and is not losing strength even there. Not only are the yeoinanry in the back townships thoroughly imbued evith th.e practical utility of the movement, but many mid they pronounced it poisoning, but. whether given , by some mischievous Peron ov from something they had eaten they were nimble to decide. One of the animals was skinned, and before the carcass was buried or destroyed a pig got at it, and Shortly after eating some of the flesh it aleo died. . . , . . of .cod . liver og qua hypo- tthalphifes. No remedy is such a perfect prevent- iye to consumption.' Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you find ' you are losing flesh, '- . , 5o YEARS' . EXPERIENCE ...... ,. , : ,:,,,, v;;,., ... . - . it cheapest. Furnish that. va-- ' . ant l' c00111 with one. Of our .. Bed R ' oom Setts ab1 est,. / T . Chairs Etc. . . , ..., ' " ° . ' ' , . Get Something Nice--""* stairs ., be granted. Sour committee also inspeeted the court houee and found everything clean and, well kept, The report Was.adopted.. A motion by Messra. Cox and Snell that the • eletie be, paid. '$100 for his' 7. ' rcy' for the services as reeurrung ecioCer Air uue .of them are ready to join forces with the most liberal advoeates of the r f • e orni and inaugurate a sweeping change. It is now recognized that one of the Most. serious drawbacks to. the good roads movement is the protraction of 'that ,,, antiquated system relic] , YOU is Y ni. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,CoPYFfile whieh is sold for the small price'of eta , 50 eta. and $1.00,does not cure take thebottle back and . i' Will will irgfliiitpd your money._ Sold for over ilt amide° Price 25 ets, and so asT.car ' 8Ru you should begin to take it. And no other remedy.osiGNs has cured .so, manypases a COI1StifIlpti011, unless you are far advanced with this diSease Scott's Erriul- , TRADE MARKS dc -s &C. Anym,Aemang a slcetcb and description rnaY quickly ascertain Our opitii6ii 11%0 whether an inViSilticili is prObably patentable. Commode/t- tiotis strictiy confidential, Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest egeney.for seeming petente: Patents taken tiirOugh MutIn & CO. reeeivei ' • ' :We have it; you want it.. ' Take a look at . f -11.' r t , . • ) our •ii.. me o S' FITRNI' TITRE .andyou''' w'll; ••••-- ' i , county counell election of 1890 was re- ferred to the executive committee. At the evening eession a, eortimunic:r- Von fr0/0 8. P.' Halls, cm behalf of the Teachers' A.ssociation .of SIV ost Aurae, of Making kinwen as Statute labor. nut like the ' toll -gates evhipti at en earlier period la the history of Ontario studded all the leading.roeds, the statute laboraysten, ef he:long the highWay'S hi .repair is YOtING A, grand old remedy Eor Cough, rokis and Consumption ; used throughout thr winqd for / 11,11gifelec,,neV;a11" 611re# inamitrirl.' ' 'la"? 1).e nintien me ere (wed many in adtanced steam. Um ittObt satldled 'iyith ; thereatas , ., 81011 will hold every ducement to you for 5 perfect cure. All Drugglatso. cot. end Sid Scort & Dowst TorMito. oeetat tidies, elli withentnTre, In the . Sdtlitifit ..ffintritan. A ha ildainnely warded weekly Unmet et ematioe of an Wen -tide jointed, teertne, sa c; kOttr; vntr menthe, SL BOld Infell nefeiidealerit. MUNN as find wha,t - y.ou are looking for..- 01113LEY .dt 'SoNe , ' . FURNITURE asking the council to grant the Timm- destined to becoma obsolete-, .. , we will refund Seale minKty. 'Pried ..& 0 I c , ,... . Broadway Newyork , AND USDBRTAIKEBS''' oC e e at nettle, D. Q. - Opera 0$30 -Block. -.-eseeereet.