HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-12-22, Page 3T ET B Ti11-1313
118 Noi HEIL, Otna-riVe net,y.biees t411:41A•Or 410,3:MI:t; lanount ae paid %Mae fer the Phil -
1 HP eouna Sion. ef the •Egyptlan, foreee, beafiement to the Vatted Mabee of • the
flI 11 • biie. fereevall eadtlearel.XWaYafitaqn.na " One lialixtred artietfe slaty Men and
The British aPaealgass Officeallea: tee: •:atirtYeatonsea Will find a comfortable
ceived.-news that' Limits, Keating and
home fa 'the new institatlen in
which Verdi bee hatiereeted fee destie
THE VERY LATEST PROM Gale and twelve native selelieree *Ida
`were Zaassacred in October leeti were
ALL THE WORLD ONTK. killed while parleying ,with, tribeemea
eara • of the Niger territory, '•-• ;•; • '
Londele Truth antiouncee ;that the
lintereeting Item* Ajnitt Oar On Count Queen mother of tbe Netherlwrids hat!
cheat, Britain, -tthe United States, and , written ,
All 'Parts et the Globe, Contained and privately co ,tentea Vet:item
infOrming O'er Majesty of the betroth
Assortea for Easty leeaehrig. anfonning Her 'Majesty 'of the betroth.
eal of Queen airilhelmina to Prince
hehy union -levees. esillabe ertailaYed • When asked What kind of a ma lie
oi eivie works hr Ottawa riext: year. wanted to 'take over the ;financial de-
evoea bee commenced on the new Partment et the $111.(10,11, 1.40rd Kitchen -
bail at Kingston, ,Ont. to cost er replied: .want a axteen. thoeougb-
50,000. ' up- filianeti preblerris, and not
Ug 50 boa cars for the. Intereolortiai atilt waiting acir his fie/ejecta]. prodig
CANADA.. '•Rant •of
'The -•Deeeronto Or Works are build- over 25 years bide Gtme Kitchener is
Railway, • ratted to the Reyal institute of Bit
; It is said at 'Winnipeg that the C. The first womaa arallitect to'be ad -
P. RI, will erect a 1,000 ton emeiter in Usti Architepte is Miss' Ether Mary
• the, I3ou,ndary Creek district, BC. Charles. At the final examination the
ipointted a committee to consider and re -
The Council of Peterboro' bas are. ceannadelidangt'.cofisaa•rinieqpilj'ole'etLet'opudbellsolgcnbara-
thert npou a ealterne of municipal Mears 'acter to
shawracasaanlalet.ar lanearladge
of style, con i. I ping foun
dee' -
, p an
ions, e . is ISS Chati Suer
iley ea change in train a service, ':the -essfully accomplished. • .
D p. R. hopes to make the teip limn
stead of the present time of 54 hours, moeranradeisclkoteadP etiae aa.aort of a seecial
ee. I The report that W. C. Macdonald, n o engineers appointed
ia• the neillioaaire tobacco manufacturer, in° the 7sYle toirCPYIparell lethe4•etrorVailltdeactg4wsittali
ie to be knighted, has been semi -offi-
cially confirmed at, McGill • Univer- a deeper and better fortified harbdis
kitty, •• •The port of Famagusta will henceforth
be. capable of acconamodating the
' In a speech oh Thursday Mr. Chains slargest war ships and-• become the
itaeritan said he hoped in a few years trongest oatposts• of Great Britain in
to,see a federation of the empire, the Levitt.
:with colonial• representatives in • the .
:British Parliament.
The Farmers' Binder Twine Cenmany Two children were badly mangled by:
onteatal to Winnipeg in48 hours, in e The laritieh ; Ad.taieelty bus:Tecate
Of Brantford has just paid the aston- a nartd. dog which ran amuck in Phila.-
iehing dividend of 60 per cent. on its delphia.
°Vital stock for the year ending 0e- The business portion of eVeyanvvega
tober 15th last. . ; Ms.) Inte been burned.. Twenty sula2-
The permanent. infantry echools- of stantial buildings are in euins. '
London, Toronto, St. John's and Fred- r .
ericton will be concentrated at Ottawa John, McCultagh, former chief of
., under coramand of Lieut -Col. : Otter °police of New York, has taken charge
a course. of inetruction. f the pollee force in'Havana.
The officers of the Seventh` Fasiliere Frank Jay Gould, youngest son Of
at London ;have ai decided to resign the late Jay Gould, -is now, of age. and
as a protest agairtst Gen. Hutton's ace her to $10,000,000 under hie father's
tion discussing battalion reorganize- ' •
• •
tion with the citizens befere consulting - There is a projeat on• foot to build
the officers. • ; • an ice palace at Niagara Falls NY.;
The 47th Battalion. will oommence using ar 'clad ice, made in Hamilton,
their annual drill at Fort Henry, Ont., for the purpose. •
Kingatort, -on the 3rd of January, The repeef of the Greater New York
--evlien two of the companies will enter charter, to restore Brooklyn, N. Ye
the fort, the other coumaniee going to its former status as en independent
, in; in their turn. - pity, is being adeboated.
Mann, the Ottawa Waterworks De- The .1Tai Led- States battleship- Meese-.
partrnent clerk, has been 'found guilty chusetts is Moored at Brooklyn with a
ty Judge Mosgrove of embezzlement damaged hull:caused by running on a
of civic funds and sentenced to two rock in New York harbor.
year e in the penitentiary at King- The United Statee Navy•Department
store recommends Senator Hale's bill for a
eauseell; A. Alger, jr., on of General monument in •Havana to the' memory
Alger, United States Secretary of Wax, ot the victims of the Maine disaster.
wag seriously injured in an accident As the terms of enlistmenf of about
while coasting near Grand Mere, Que. 7 5ro
111.3 is manager of the Laurentide Pulp American sailors expire in the
Company' there. next three months, the authorities are
at a loss to find the necessary men for
Johanna Landrieu, wife of the late their shins •
Joseph Lemieux, whn was killed at Co -
team junction. some weeks ago, .has is- The' America n Secretary of Agee.
sued a writ against the Canada At- culture has received information that
I aitte-eelietel-way Company for aa,000 foot and mouth disease, one ,cef the most
damages for the death of hei. husband. feared.ef animal maladies' Is raging in
the Province of Hainut, Belgium.
Ottawa City Council has decid-
ed.to. ask the Ontario Legislature to ,Assistant Naval Constructor Hobson'
axnend the, Municipal A.ct so as to pro- will go to Manila to siipeaintend the
vide that a city of 50,000 inhabitants or vessels.
raising of the sunken Spanish war
over may be governed. by a Board of ' He expects to leave about the
3. Kelso, Seperintendent of deaths of fear soldiers (=erred at Cas -
'Ai Claildren's Aid Society for Ontario, does tle Ieland in Boston Harbour On Time -
not believe in a Curfew law. He de- day afternoon. The men were engaged
olares that the theory is all right, but
. in uhloading. Government mines.
in peactice the law has been a failure The court at Pontiac Mich , has de -
in the forty towns in Ontario where cided that silver coin 'is good money
it has been tried.- •• to pay off a mortaa,ge on any other
• The Toronto General Trusts Com- debt. • The holder - of a mortgage had
pany arid the Treats Corporation of demanded gold. leas suit fails.
Ontario are to be merged into one. The 'Col. Reel. O'Reillye chief eurgeon of
concern willelsaaa a.Peld' daecapttal of the United States and Lieut.' Weston
$1,000,000 and reaerve eentiageaceefund will start in a clay or two from New
of 1510,000. The bashiese intidee • the York for Iiingeton Jemaica to mak'
care of the two •cempanien new is es- a theratigh in; estigat'eon of. theeBrie-
1 ' ' • ' ' -
The notorious ',Wallin Matclies," the ,tropical .climates. .
e everest•oank •burglar and pickpocket At the monthly meeting Of the 13i-ite
in, America, was until a few deys ago lab Army and Navy Veteran Assobia.-
keepinastagracteiar in Montreal. He was tion, of Boston, 'Monday evening, Lord
arrested on a charge of noa-suppeireeof Wolserey and Lord Roberts of Kande-
his wife'- but, gave the police the slip har were elected honorary members,, a
;while; the caee, was pending and is not most cordial letter 'being • read .from
now ,toalas fotiade Lord -NVoleeley. ,
Control. This was carried by- 13 to 2°€11- of this mantla- '
• A. terrific- • explosion causing ' the
timated at ala,000,000:a tish method of. ,earing for troops in
Enaigia.tain re -Earns just published The Washiri• gton authorities have
• show that the number of emigranta curbed the growing ambitions of In -
from British ports to Canada for the specter De Berry, of Baffalo, and, un -
month ok...November last' was as foie til the Anglo-American conference
lows i—Englisle, 5611. Irish, 35; Scotch conclu.des, travelling salesmen for
24; and foreign, 677. Total for the ele- Canadian flame may come and go as
• eaven 'months ended' 80th November, Eng- they please.
a lath, 14,861 • Irish, 853 • Scotch 1 687*
' ' ' ' After serving eleven years for a
and foreign, 9;465. . • .,-G.
grime ,hii never committed, eorge Ogle
__. ; -Q•BRAT.: BRITAIN. . ' . was released from Sing Sing prison on
William B.laok, the novelist is dead. Wednesday on the Governor's pardon.
Rudyardiaipliag has accepted the He was convicted in 1885 of stabbing a
, .
vioe-presidency of the Navy League. man daring a quarrel. One of the
Repots of -threatened famine • in •men on whose testimony Ogle was con -
Russia. are being received in London vatted ' recently confessed • that the
daily. guilty one was hiraself.
The Prince a wales gave his cheque Secretary Alger has received a. id -
for one hundred guineas to the Gordon ter from General' Woods as to condi-
• memorial fund. . tions ea•Santiago. The Geneaal saya
that mattere of every kind aro. adjust -
The council 'of the' British Agricui- ing thP1XpelVeS to Lhe new conditions,
tune, Society has rescinded. „tee rule and fliata pebele• are returning to their
aaainet docking horses' tails.
Lord Mountsteehern has ,been ..epes
paintea a, member:doe tha :at.
tee Gordon College.
jane "Cakebread, notorj.ous for her
record of over 30 cbilViltiona' for
drunkenness, is dead at London, Eng.
One million. dellare,heet already been
subbed 04; the" fie:6(.2=111one vvhich
fliittih Methodists are desirous a rais-
ing next. year. '
William ,Tlaorpe fell into a' tank of
botilieg liquid' , itt etioer Cohs
ehemioalworks gear London, -Eng.,,
dying inethetlai"
"Aortic' .1:lopetow,h,'-.Paynlaster4enerl:
al since 1895, hae beensippointed Lord
.Chapakerlain • in '64006W/on' Itizthe late
In tenders to tmhb Britisi Adinlraityf or
the construction of four battleships' to
.he,:hutifq:in:' private- ,y.artis;,
Tile Claeen hasegiveri „gulnet!,§F "t,t)
LOA Xitcherier'S 'foi"the aStitbl
lishment, a.C4orden MeMoriaL,001,-'
Inge. The: ftin4 Iiitts'uoW
reaehed ,400•000.
It is reported from ConistaetitiOPie
that an Imperial Ira& has been pro-
meadeljaktlett-' tho 'eon6ssg50j tfr the
lighting af SioY,rnar, ,
Geneial • ticiti •Ititeliener Ut
and cifeabled maisioiane.
The Empress Eugenie still remainsan
Parise aad) attended; by Male. Tiebreten,
takes a walk every afternoon o11. the
ttreTlertaioneg oafnytheuso-Ttroial.ler,les •wit,holtt. t-,‘
Pram° ;Waldemar, - eldest eon . of,
Prince • Henry • of Prussia, Eraperor
William's brother, wa,s reepritly attack..
ed -by a, serious throat trouble, and a
successful ,eperation was performea,
ThelPl, bieroaPair sli!it1AhmiraleihasbeWQfrn°:heoraunTs°siewuof0thelast
ty weeks in chengina the
'eition of the French transatlantic
A negro soldier of the United States
Array has- beea arrested at -11a.yana,
charged witheshothee two Spanish sole
die's. He wilt be dealt with ..by the
;.,SprisiasooltegkOtehugrtAs th.theerkasanexisefhetasvirgy roetfhixess;
iete to .take- charge of hills."
Santiago de Caba experienced a
ere earthquake stock Tuesday night
fright:ening many and destroying ' a
large quantity of crockery. Some of
the Americans not understanding -what
had happened were -considerably alarm --
ed. The 'shook lasted several seem:ids.:
Major 'Marchand, of Fashoda 'fame,
caleb,rated his: thirty-sixthe birthday -
1 ast Monday. ' He began life • - as a
notary's clerk in•Franoe. He has -bean
bath in the French army andi marlines,
but has spent, the greater portion of
hs 1120 In eerploring,e for. • geographiti• al
One. ot the bangnien of Australi&
went on strike for- salary,
after having learned' that the Chief ex-, of Paris received, an annual in-'
come of a15l)0 a year, nearly three times
the Australian man -butcher's income.
He was finally ccinvineed that his ,dutiris
iyere less arclueus than thoee of his
Parisian contemporary, and; he is now
doing business at the old stand: e
City Marshal A. D. Bryant', 'of Ma -
Kenzie, 'Tenn.; was shot in the back -of
the head three times on Wednesday
and almost instantly killed, while seat-
ed in the telephone office. The .mur-
derer was a by named Hughey Mc-
Call, who fled to his home, rigid com-
mitted suicide bytaking moephine.
The canee. alleged far the murder was
that McCall was arrested, by, Bryant
last Saturday for drunkenness ancl city
law violations. • •
• a—e •
The Po.11ice on thir
etztiler Pili
ear Nihst.
A despatch from Berlin says :—The
local paper of Memel, tthe northern-
most: eoWa• of Prussia, a week age cene
tained news, that in Memel, Ninemex-
sett, and Pelangen, and along the en-
tire Prgsso-li,ussian frontier illePrus-
sian died ,Russian police and regeniia
efficershad instituted. ,a. aherough
search far dynamite, bombs, ;Which Rus-
sian Nihilists, ;in Germany, plotting
against the Czar, were said to be smug-
. .
gling aceoss the frontier. TheBerlin
papers at fleet received the news with
incredulity, but:Trielay's issue of the
Memel paper reiterates its assertions
and fernishes,new details.
It is declared • that the- investigation
has beenmost thorough between Po-
laragen and Linaua,Russial .The police
aave searched every- house, .along the,
frontier and ehave made a number of.
arrests at: -Memel. sThe Prussian au-
thorities have - co-operated . with the
lauesian palice, and , their, activity has
uIire distriet along both sides of the
fourouisiteide,ratremendous , ..t.sen,s.at,ilatiin the
. .
M. de Roen.ae, 'a Russian pi:dice 6one-
raissioner, came". across the • frontier
'Tuesday for the- fillet search in Nime
meant t t. •Up to That time the,- bombs
had not been found, and it was thought
by the ,police that the plot to smuggle
them woes tae -frontierin all areb-
ability has been succepsful, Itheiaga it
washelieved 'that part at the infernal
machiees might be stile On Prussian
It wee a' Baiiis'ian mechanic -named-
Palzoffa e 'resident of -Krottinaeie who
revealed'. the, pica to the police.
In ithe Military budget now' before
• •
e mperial • Reichstag , there is an ae.,
item of 34500 marks charged • to • .the
"secret fund," wherehy • is meant the
service which emaiatitine espionage
'upon suepeeted persons' — domestic
malcontents and • agents ca foreign, 11..;
Governments, Everybody is surprised
at . the smallness of -the amount asked, 'a
for to this service. alone
each year devotee erailliens.iOf
e•esaati. ;
, •• •ine
They- Af
none Market. ea
A alesfiat'ala facian :tendert says —The ateh
battle, of Cilatia 1m-ln hae atria .•• tit • *"'
nge 7
homes and to work ; that lassitiesa feeteta nedulia'r • trade7' DerVISIt -'Ske I e7. 'fre
erevraing fhat -aliurchea and . schoole: 'tonsetire- inav:-•aa*(iifieeial • ,nbc
;are opening and everybody looks to in ediesieseieteneeneenans of tar -epee eteheee
better and happier daYs. '
Aft APEALLINO AcorpEsr xi; ngi;#'
lt.lanyorile.at kai(dintitte•etia, TittliTZSge • Steel
minion arillons or Water. •
'A despatch' froim New York, says:—
The great steel gas tank of the Con-
solidated Gas Company at Avenue A
and 2011i street; the largest of iekindin the world, collapsed at 5.30 o'elock
on Tuesday afteraoon, It went down
with a crash and a roar like a great
explosion, Masonry of granite blocks
and bricks to the height of 50 feet fen
like a child's toy -house, and eight mil-,
lions of'gallons of water deluged the
streets, and in a' ten -foot tidal whim
carried death and destruotion through
tae surroundiates neighborhood: It is
not yet known ho* many were killed.
,and. injtifed,-but the 'list will be a
long one, e' About 25 people were in-
jured mare or less Severely, Many
People were caught in the streets by
the rushing waters and were hurled
hither and thither, receiving injuries
of various kinds, To make the scene
mere terrible, -the rushing waters tore
ap gas mains and destroyed, electric
light conduits, catrsing ahnost com-
plete darkness. ' This latter was par-
tially remedied, but the gas supply be -
tow Grand street, was almost totelly
plaut off *for the night.
The plant of the Consolidated Gas
Company occupies several blocks in
the neighborhood. of A.venu.e A. and
20th street. On Avenue A, begenning
at 20th street, is theefive-storey brick
factory of Henry Fuldner, naanufa.c-
aurer a extension tables. The other
helf of the block is oteupied by five -
storey tenements, the property of the
Gas Company, and largely tenanted
by its empbves. 'Immediately laa.ck of
the factory and tenements was the
great steel. tank, 178 feet in dia-
meter, and. 160 feet high. Rising out
of the ground and ,to a height of 50
feet was built a great circular wall of
granite and trick, and many feet in
thickriess. This was filled with eight
million gallons •of water.- The tank
was supported by eight great steel up-
rights, 212 feet high. The water in the
pit fitting. against the _tank made it
"gas tight." A gang of men were at
work under a fereman, filling the pit
with water to make the first "water
test."' The great 'tank, with a gas cape -
cite* cif 3,600,000 cubic- feet, ancl costing '
e300,000, seerued 'td withstand the test
well. The representatives' 62 the com-
pany and -the -farernan in .charge, were
congratulating themselves upon the
success, af the work.. The laborers
were even beginning' to gather up
their totils to knonk off. There were
many people on the streets, and crowd-
ed street cars weie coming and going •
0 or more men in the factory adjoinin
were finiehing up their tasks. Ther.
su.ddenly, and without a moment'
warning, oa,me an awful crash. Th
men below had scarcely time to fl
from beneath the 'falling ,valls ere the
were picked up by the mass of rollin
water and hualect hundreds oe fee
away. Into the basements, the firs
and second floors of factories and
tenements rushed the angry. floods
and with them weal death and destrria--'
tic'n.SHOT TR------OaTGH THE AIR.
. Waxen:seen were seat out of the fac-
torygtaindows and carried a block 'or
more asif mere straws on the crest' of
the flood. Women were -washed out af
the elites from the first floors and ale
most drowned. .
• Mary Anne O'Connell and her .iittle
four-year-old sister, Oatherine, were
seated, at the front window on the se-
concl floor of No. 835 Avenue A. Be-
fore they could. turn te flee a mush of
water struck them both; smashing than
through the door and carrying them,
haif a . block distant. Both were ter-
ribly injured, -the, little one perhaps
Henry,.Fincler was taken up bodily
and Ca,rried be 21st street., Ms
sone was also .citrried out of his office
by the wafer, but was caught in the
debris, and •but for' the timely'
some workmen with • axes he would
.ve been drowned.
Andrew, 'Wendt, one of the killed,
as near, the. base of -the tank when it
!lapsed. Ile was caught by the eush-
Waters end. born .an almost incred-
le dietance. His mangled and ele
ost naked body wag, found against an
evaetia xailroad , pillar, at 21st and
rad avenue, more than a block away,
Building Commiesoner Gra,dy and a
rue of 100 men arrived. within half
hoer, and together with the file -
n -set tavv-ork to- excavate for bodies.'
ine soma tane•the workmen reduce
the water by two feet, and it evas
ought the basements-wduld -be emp-
d 10 Wednesday morning. The work•
e except ionally herd bora 1,O;Re of elitt
ezing oi th eviaer, ane mon .en ved
at eeverert with i09. l• •
Arrangebnent HelmOon Britain, From and
A despeteb, from, Berlia SeYS ;—'The
Belgian- Jyfiniste•r to Germany, Baron
Greindl, states that diplomatic nego-
tiations are On f00 l; betWeen (ilea Pena°
Free State and., Great 13rttain, on the
one hand, and 'Germany and "Prance, on.
the other, looking to the obtaining of
the aegnieseenoe of Prance and Ger-
many in the :treaty of May 12, 1894,
betvveen. Great Brita,in. and. the- Congo
Free, State. 13y the terins of, that
treaty Great Britain was to tease to
the Congo Free State a territory'
eluding the Province of Bahr -el -Ghazal
for the term of• the reign of Xing Leo-.
pold, and -a lease of a goodly pOrtion
of the territory was to be continued
to hts ivraiestY's successors., Great
Britain was to receive from the Congo
Free State a•lease of a strip of terri-
tory which substituted. Great 'Britain
for the Free State as Germany's neigh-
bour on the western boundary of Ger-
man East Africa. In deference to Ger-
triehY'a objeetioe Great Britain with-
-drew the article of the treaty where-
by it was provided. that territory
should be Massed to her, and Prenoe an-
duced the Free State tp. renounce her
claim. under the Britisli lease to the
Bahr-el-Ghezel. territory. • • .
'Poe the coneessions that are now
asked France and Germany are to re-
ceive oomPeueation in other parts of
The negotiations between Prussia
and Belguim regarding the neutral ter-
ritory of Moresetet, about one and one-
half square miles a laud on the Prus-
sian -Belgian frontier, are now ended.
This territory of about 1,000 acres in
extent, whicb, sinee -1815, has been pos-
sessed) in eamnaon by the two king-
Iclom.s, is ceeded by the new conven-
tion to Belgium, suleject to the consent
of the 'inhabitants.. Prussia is to re-
ceive compeneation in the shape of part
of the .Belgian. Hertogen forest,. near
The Mineral Production Nails Year Will
be 740,000,o0o.
• A- despatch from Ottawa says :—Mr.
editcir of the' Canaeliaa lVfining
Review, estimates the valu.e of Can-
ada's mineral praductioa thie year
will be' 64.0,000,000. Mr. Bell says that
Nova Scotia is making a good show -
in gold mining. The output of
gold in that province this year will be
about 30,000' ounces, $60,000 better than
last year: Mr.-Beil,points out about
the Add mining in .Nove Scotia that
the work is carried on ,entirely with
Canadian eapital, and the returns up -
021 capital ee:penditure are very high.
Th;e Nava -Scotia mines have not rich
deposits, but •instead the ore is low
grade. The facilities, hosvever for
getting. out the orearc so •good that
h the mimes can be successfully worked
el on smallecapital. The output of gold
y in Ontario, Mr. Bell says, will be less
y this yeer. than last, owing to bad man-
e. aaement of many of' the mines. The
I recent rich strike in the Mikad,o mine
in the Lake of the Woods district in-
elicates the presence of rich stringers
, in the mine, but the property has been
paying dividends hitherto on compara-
tively low grede ore.
Chicago now has a big eaunicipa
fight on. It is an aatempt to pas
through Council a fifty years' Iran
chiseto the Street Railway Company
Mayor Harrigan deelares he will vet
the measure, but his veto will likels
be votea cleave. Antafeanchise meet
Inv are iselag 'held eialitly, and all
the papers are up in arms against this
`'hoodli ng '
are •a_tready about 200 011 the Londen
nierkot,.: chierly '-pnrcnasee. from - one
f. :
of ,Taii
(Inc of' Xi& Vanden' -dealers
0 a -lye; :that. the fine athletic' .AerViShes
, make"' the fineet skeletons ever put,on
(he ,,,13.0110:?'..1-rna, t. The,'ittpefls8aiabf reef
t raaepaati tate 'is hay, but the tYpe'
r. 046.1.0011, dA1`,Y9lliklit,cPS "i'dOnlina40.8
a pa.iett stifffc.ient to cover, ',Oat -eike011
pongee Bet lin,"'
hevia aectieedethe greatitee "Setriabere ales
Gentereli echo:444e ,Tietielea" I Wei
' Thiel einseetlealee pays , the,
lereitab-Plateelita'aresa ,the'ekele -ea .ete
ikraser4teekg•O'iletilerellia*ingto': taea
1104'; baek, be selealixe in; eirdey„: to:
prionEp „Net single Gatemen. *004; or
ton „ It ' Cs always: :oatii
the ',k4niftiiSheti:whd eointii:th t
,•-•- t
clAttkot p'0i11teut3'..thk Curious •• !
..aCtlftliatIrcUciamp,n's akelatogs‘oe al- Aft.
,nicaik. whiter 'thtin the tHb4/1/6
,HoWi'Vht WiAticrallY%bletiohed.Ahe" tth
FerOgit ewe ..havebeen,: erect: fraii
Bussian tiaturaiiiationGetinany, s +p21 as , '
talretit%3.(043; ty.t,Fopfitip,eisetateeiariale
,la '
!The ."Thillairaeitef
the oaPi;ureflokalcalag'-ni-4*4,
'Idnese .reformer.
— tee•a14
Ireported.to be' nonvoaned that ,warw4h
3;4 tendon 4O3patth kittYgr,.
le is reporod„Iii Odessa 'i:gait.,..fhogui!rie.,
Ish cava1*Pi'Str•i*JnOret0P4rhsteg,t40
1.-r°°P6.0, :6•P, 7.,(60.7tdy
Al red,
n The "Medea preieirMiJP�tjQq";
SUED FOR $50,000.
'Former Lord Mayor of liolidon Loses
llis Action',
:despatch ..frora•- Leaden saysaaA:
diet, Was die "Faiday' aweediedto the
endeate in tin aetioti which Sia
ernieriet. Lor.alylayor
don, brolight • against • a Londote
spapea•l'or• alleged libel. Tile arti-
tiPoti which" the dotted was ..heeeti,
Jane abili• lege The
ed the- imputation that he had :been
V of tieing lit offieial influence as
Mayor bp...floating a company or
ged * for the ,peerpeite ,of working
plate fee', ejeotieeSlighee ',-to
is. tate. etrete ,tta • the/city.; ' • ;
',X0eityli.,r,entidikktet oliargen•nn
path,' ant fiought :de,Mages t4, rth,e
Mit of 1 ; 0 •
ter 00iiiin $tallo,w,e44104, huge lotrox
oi-iinos.*Ieto4s. after ,.t)a.e,.•14•oote-; butt
,prUi.fman 1,1,1)47
AFttItO hones. Copeequentfra-ve
Oltelettin allaiia.a.ateta feeta.$5 to',$10
,nbovo'ones.o ,
e ilefentiantsaeleeded justifiontiop4
stiois bay, Summing up, said
there .41d, not Seen". to ' •be
oeith'cli irkroutatido sgaitat
the ether, heeds them 'did
atsPear to be. aayeacttial malice ea
exissionartea of Three Nations, Mamaered
by 'Chinese.
J. • Fleming, an English, missionary,
atis been'killed by natives and soldiers
at Tsing-lang, 90 mile a east of lauei-
Yang.The mission house was raided
and bUrned dOwn. There has been no
attempt, to punish at the hands of the
A Preach miesianares has been burn-
ed to death at Swatow. The mission
was attacked, and Catholio,crosses and
•altars -destroyed -by a mob of a thou-
sand Chrietian-hater. All escaped to
the memeteins 'but the French priest.'
The fleeing women were not pursued,
as the priest stood his -ground. He was
tied to the bedpost and the house set
on fire, the raissiohar3r being consum-
ed in the flames: „
41, Shan -Tung soldiers raided the
German Lutheran Miesien.They told
the ralaiionariaa, if they, Movea out
they lyvenied not be inolestea., (Inc
Freimuth told them to da. theie, worst.
They ran Freininth threugh the body
and, threw him into, a creek.. He
crawled away in the night, and wee
taken Care of by a f4endly7Oative un-
til his death.'
51ee Great itrilish Physician Possses•to IBS
8. :4:w...TE.r014:1E11
• -
A: despatch; beim I,oridope 'siva—Ste
Willianrj Jenner,: ''the ",tiaatinguishea
pathotegiee. aenca''physidian-le-braiteara
to thehaueen and 1?rinc4 of Weleg, di:64
on IVIondey. ; . •; ; •• ;
; The late- ••air Willitelif ;Teener; arhe
Was 'bare 'at Chatham in 1815 'and who
waS peeSiderit tirt. the' Rpy.n.1 College pf ,
.Phylii9f0,48 tp. 1889; witen.; lie se.
tired freea the:•peactice-- of hie;tircifee-
eloiai wee well kn�wn not oniy - to
•petatelogiate but to 'the. pablic at large'
aalhiteing bean ;•-filat'tageetablieli' he4
yona dispute the. 'difference in kind
betWoeu.typhus and' typhoid Wier. • lliefro
e On the 'death •Of Dr., Baty,' in ,I,S61, •
jenrier: was appointed •to- ,suceeed ;hien
as PhYeicieni • extracirdirmay, to the • 41
Qtteent and ale:Mixt eyeat. hiewas .ga4 .tr-SATh
*etied. pitysieimo,16,ordloary,,to her. street
Majesty,,. •reeeiting •the. :feline -prefer- it Pr
tneht .1853- the ;:hoeSehold) set ,the Wife
Prince,Og Weleses. .It, wiss reeetettie yepr-4;!
tint ':61 .liis,services rendered. during.'u nota
sere ;innAsg ,ott tho,, Pence- that' 'ha stated
Wag Made acnifehleiCelbeamicter ok- • the- wen' g
tat:It ..116Ths,v(r9.tq flUnler.043PaPeee On, an'ati,
feVer, the acute; ,specificalseaseo, :euppe
:theria, aiseseee of children and and,t
Sharp Use in ViThe4t--Ne. t Ile,rd.
78 1-2 cents,—Oats up 1.2 cent,
..--Corn Firm—Rye Steady—Pro-
Toronto, boo., 1.8.—Eggs—No much
earning' in. Demand steeds', and, Prices
unchanged, Quotetioris are: New
ZO to 22o; held. `fresh, 17 to 18c;
cold storage, 15 to 166; and limed, 14
to 15e. . •
Potatoes --Market steady; • demand is
fairly "active for all fiest-class stook.
Car Iota sold on traok to -day at around
60 to 61e. Dealers sell out of ,stote,
at 709.; farmere' logds sold at around
65 to 70e.
" Poultry—Deliveries not heavy and
market liblds steady to firm. Quota-
tions are :.---Chickens, per pair, 25 to
40o; duck, 40 to tific; geese, per lb, 51-2
to 60; ter:keys, per lb; 8 to 9 1-2o.
Beans—Choice hand-picked beans sell
ab $1 to $L10 ; Mad cominon• at 70 to
750, per busif. • • - •
Dried, apple,s—Dealera pay 4 to 4 1-2e
for dried stock, delivered here, and
small lots resell at 41a2 to 5c. Evap-
cleated, 8 to 8 1-2c for; small lots.
afoney—Market quiet. Round lots
of choice, delivered . here, will bring
about 5 14 to 6c; dealers quote from 6
to 70 per lb. for10to 60 -lbs tins; and
in 'comb at around $1.25 to $1.50 per
doeen sections. •
Baled hay—Very little doing. Strict-
ly choice, in car lots, is, quoted at
$6.50 to e7.50 per ton; No. 2, at e6. •
Straw—.Demand ail- Car lots are
quoted. at e4 to $4.50, on track.
(Il0p5.—Business is stow. • Dealers
here quote choice Ontario stock to-
day at 10 to 18c, while, hpeders will
take nothing and than pe.
Butter — Receipts coining forward
aria ample for the present trade eta
quirements. 'Dairy keeps easy and
ereamery about steady. Quotations
are as follows. ---Dairy, -tubs, poor to
medium, 10 to Ilci'choice, 1e to 14 1-2c;
large roels 13 to 1.4ci. smalle dairy, lb.
prints, about 14..1-2c; creamery, tubs
and boxes, 19 to 20c; lbso 20 to 21c. •
Cheese —Market firm; early makes
are selling .at Oto 9 4-2c; and late
Wakes at 91-2 to 10c. •
Wheat—The strong tone in Chicago
to -day unparted a decidedly better
to to the local market. In the
morning red and white wheat, north
and west, sold at 660, but this after -
/10011 none could be had under 656; odd
cars sold at 67c. IVIanitobas 'mite firm.
No. 1 hard, Toronto and. west, sold at
78 1-2o, No. 2 hard and No. 1 North-
ern, Toronto and west, at 75 1-2c. No.
1 hard, track, Midland or Owen Sound
sold at 73c.
Flour—Tone firmer among holders.
Straight roller in bbese north and,
west, offered. at 3.20;$and ex -porters
bid $3.
Oatmeal --Rolled oats, in bags, on
track here, e3.4O per bbl.; and in this.,
Millfeed—Scarce and in good en-
quiry. bar- lots of , bran, raiddle
freights, $13; and shorts, $15. Ton
lots of bran at Toronto mills sell at
$14, and shorts at $16. ' -
(Peas—Higher, Car lots, north and
we,st, 63 le2c, and. east, 64 1-2c.
Oats—Finner.White oats, xtorth
and west, sold to -day at 27 1-2c, a ad
mixed at 276; white said east at 28 1-2c,
13ariey--Quiet. Car lots of No. 1, out-
side, are quoted at 47c asked, and 46
1-2c bid. ;
Rye—About steady. Car lois; west,
are quoted 'at 51c, and east aa 52c.
Buckwheat—Scarce; exporters quote
45 to 46c for. car lots, outside.
Corn—Firm. Anaerioan yellow, track,
Toronto, sold to -day at 42e, -and mixed
at 41 1-2c. Canadian yellow, Chatham,
321-2 to 33c.
Low prices have had the effect of
stopping the heavy supplies which have
been corning forward all week, and to-
day deliveries were light. Values held
unchanged. Western hags' were sold.
an track to -day, car lots, at $5.10 mix-
ed weights; and Northern at $5.15 to
$5.25. On the street farmers' loads
sold at $5 to $5.40, according to qual-
ity. Provisions market remains un-
Quotations are as follows:—Dry salt-
ed shoulders, 7 1-20; long dear bacon,
car lets, 73.4o; ton lots and ease lots, 8o,
backs, 83-4 to 9c.
Smoked. meats—Hams, heavy, 10e; me-
diums, 101-2 to 110; light, lic: breakfast
bacon 101-2 to 11c; rolls, 81-2 to 83-4c;
backs, 101-2 to 11c; picnic hens, 73-4
to 80. All meats out of pickle le less
than prices quoted for smoked meats.
Lard --Tierces, 7c; tubs, 71-2 to 7 3-40;
pails, 73-4 to 86; compound, 6 to,6 1-20,
No Prospect of DE R. MG Opening' the
Victoria: Itridge.
•A despatch froLondon says
made on Tueeday at. Maribor-
eu,gh lio.use as to•the reliability of the
rumour that- the Prince of Wales is to.
.cross the- Atlantic.; next :summer to
open the new Victoria ..jubilee bridge
at Montreal, on the, invitation 02 the
Grand, Trunk Bridge ,Co., tesulted in
•poset lye asserancie tette th,ere is to tenth
whatever in tae rumour. Its is gaiter -
elle beiteyeden cOurti (tholes here, that
11ml-evince taill not leave Europa in the
'gear future, on account d
of the age an
,generally critioal health of his moths
ex ; case cif tiny untoward happen-
ing" to 'UM 4ueen the Prince's absence
'Weald involve serious difficulties.
It fliecit's Ghastly blileovery on 'teach
• ' ileatm •
despatch fioica betroit, Minh, says0X1k ' Fran -Broke, of 1,65,1 leussel
, this eity; Genie home Jebel iVoiat
aday, fouaddiri one becitodneht
shot dead; and La another hie -0;
ia xt"zr
ilIle nettrics- irate. his Wife; She
that she titea aria
oing to heaven,. and take her lit.
tighter With her, from. which it la
sea she • coratnitted' the murder
hen killed. lateseil. '.fhe•wortlAtt heti
in poo' health for setae that).
re part of the wri.tor *t. the artioied °Ole nt the hetitts- 11143. and ln
• .
aaeb.Qaqie6I°11:S4Lt1784ij:LIDIYI n'i‘ f1:1;14311)‘bi
Watuan'a pe, -
QtiMherioalusokbilbleseinrstc:11.40:t, nix Lkapi 4e;rfo:. °.1.1.1,1017e, e°11:ti.,11011.0tml
Orem& teed rethaere 1/e watt
All Insane Man Secitres Entrance to the
'A despatoli from St. John's, Nfld.,
sane—Rev. Sidney Chancey, a Metho-
dist minister settled on the Prench shore
writes to the St, John's papers detail-
ing the wretched. condition of the
people living there. Efe" dealato that
circumsta.nnes are d,eplorable,
that, alarming destitution prevails
alone the whole eoaSt line, and that
prompt assistance isneoessary to pre-
vent wholesale starvation.. Scores of
families, he says, have not more than
two barrels of flour with which to
tide over the -winter of Sir months'
duration, for which period the coast
is blocked with is floes. He instances
cases w -here families are already exi.st-
.ing on fish and, diseased potatoes, hav-
ing no flour, and urges prompt relief to
,e'sert the disastrous coneequences
which` must otherwise entitle.
It Is a marvellous cure for ail snob elis.
gusting and. disfiguring diseases nts te•
acme. salt Rheum, Tetras; Barbera' Itina.
Scald Head. Moors, Blotches. It auras alt
eruptions of the akin and makes it .oft
and white. --27.
Sold by C. Lat; Eveter.
The Loading Specialists of America
20 Years In Detroit,
250,000 Curet-
Thousands of young and middle -aired
men are troubled with this disease -many
unconsciously. They may have a innar
Mg venation, smell, twisting stream,
sharp cutting pains at times, suirbt dis-
charge, diffloulty in oommenoing, weak
regale emissions, and all the sylaptems
of nervous debility—they have STRIC-
TURE. Don't let doctors experiment on
you, by putting, stretching, or tearing
you. This will not eine you, as it will re -
MENT absorbs the stricture tissue;
It can never return, No pain, no Safer.
lag, no detention from lousiness by our
method. The sexualorgausare strength-
ened. The nerves are invigorated. -•
the bliseof manhood returns.
OThousands of young and middle-aged
men are havillg their sexual vigor and.
• vitality continually sapped by this die -
ease. They are frequently unconscious
of the 0.9.1180ofthese symptoms. General
Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail-
ing Manhood, Nervoimnesq, Poor Mem-
ory, Initability,at times ferafirting Sen.
*Ulm Sunken Eyes, with dark circles,
Weak Back, General Depression, Lack
of Ambition, Varioecele, Shrunkca
Parts, etc. GLEET and STRICTURE
may bathe MUM Don'toonsultfuni77
doetors, as they have ne experience in
these special diseases—dm:et allow
Quaoks to experiraent on you. Consult
Specialists„whe have made alifeetncly of
Diseases of Alen an clWoin en. Our NEW
tively mire you: One thousand 'donate
for a On.S0'we.accept for treatment and
cannot eure. Terms moderate fora cure.
We treat and cure: EMISSION'S,
FREE. If livable to can,' write for
Der. Michigan Ave, and Shelby St,
Num Fmts tiVii.SATESFAIlfa
' 1 'Oilt
The �&L
& L RittiLsitoN
I the boat and Most palatable; preparation of
Ced Divot 011, agreaingavith the monde:Licata
Thera,' paivoucproN.
preiSribealiyatae 'looting peyslieatteef
155 xnr
-136 alleayee .101c• 15Avrs X4Wnnt,ren
ereducei Arid
h a MriulreiI
111X tTtiti•i