HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-12-15, Page 8etc
I. tie
1C -t
�ur Assortment of
Doffs and Egos is
-rugs Goods
Fancy goods,Toys,
simply immense'.,
15c. each, for good dotal, bound books,
all by good authors. Books that
are usually sold at 25c. each, our
price for Xmas, 15c. each or 7 for
05c. each for lovely celluloid covered
albums, you save about 25 per
cent by buying your albums at
the Big Cash Store.
150,;, 255c. and 35e. each for three very
special lines in new picture and
story books, just the thing for
5c. to 75c. for the most complete stock
of new and pretty dolts- that we
have evershown. Bring the little
tots in and let them see ourfam-
ily of happy looking dolls.
65c. and 75e. each for two very special
lines in new crokonole boards.
They are A. 1. value,see them.
$1.25 each for pure silk table covers,
knotted fringe, and gilt floral
figures -they're all O.K.
85c. and $1 for Misses and Ladies grey
or black gauntlets. Just the thing
for xmas presents.
$3.75 the pair for Ladies' grey persian
lamb, and black astrachan. fun
gauntlets, choicest goods in
$2.25 for children's best quality grey
Persian lambs caps. The kind
that is usually sold from $3,00 to
3.50. Cash and one price is what
does it.
$10.00 each for the new Electric Seal
Caperine with large roll storm
collar. This is the most dressy
fur garment in the trade -see
$11.00 each for Grey Persian Lamb
Caperine, full roll storm collar,
a beauty.
$9.25 for choicest Sable Neck Ruff,
Beautiful fluffy fur, perfect color,
and very stylish.
$1,00 the pair for all the new shades in
Ladies' Kid Gloves with heavy
stitched backs and the new Iarg
25c. 40c. 50c. and 70c. each for white
Lamb Neck Ruffs fQr children.
This is a lovely lot of new ruffs.
$L00 each for Ladies' grey or black
fur Neck Ruffs, extra value and
strictly up-to-date.
$2.75 to $4.75 for lovely Chenile Cur-
tains, full dado top and bottom,
and mounted with heavy fringe.
50c. 75c. and $1 for Ladies' Buttoned
Gaiters and Leggings. Jest the
thing for winter storms.
45c. the pair for Ladies' Worsted
stockings. This is a snap.
35c. the pair for Ladies'. Best quality
ribbed worsted Hose. This is
the regular 50c. line, our clear-
i3nc price while they last only
$1.35 each for heavy wool knee rugs,
worth in any regular store $2.00
to $2.25. 'Come quick for first
You'll miss it if you don't take
a look 'at our Black
Dress Goods
costs you nothing to see
what we have.
$5.40 for a full 97 peice dinner set, semi
porcelean, lovely new designs,
only 10 sets to sell.
$15.00, $16.00 and $17.00 for the very
choicest Black Astrachan fur
capes, Better furs no house can
show you.
$6.50 for the best, largest Goat Robes,
special value.
$32.00 for Ladies' choicest Coon Jack-
ets, beautiful dark fur, good
lookers and good wearers.
Stores open every evening till after holidays.
I For Marriage Licenses,
.Agent for the WESTERN ASSURANCE Com -
PANS', of Toronto; also for the Pam= FIRE
1NSUURAx0E Commonly, of London, England;
the Anil cE IIStlMaxon CersrA ir, of Eng
Holidy Season -1898.
To OuR Fl?Inse s
The Christmasi
holiday a season is
with us once more, and
, doors,
that for more has thirty years have.
swuiug open to welcome oar customers,.
will gladly do so again and with an
added feeling of gratitude for the un
diminished kindness of those -whose
practical eltpression of it 1
has brought
therm to our counber'with each succeed -
ng year. "How long have your
fatnily been buying here ?"' 1 do not
know, my parents bought here and I
nave banght here in nay
school days
and now l am buying for my children."
we thank the customers for the
knowledge of it.
We are doing our best jnstnow to fill
Our shelves, counters, and show cases
with all that We can procure that, may
rove useful and pretty
Irl rice and expect tot
have everything
in order for the sable date as in pre-
ir 15th
otis years, viz. theafDe
The cards will be ready as usual on ti
10th, andira these we call promise
treat to all whose artistic sense find
pleasure and satisfaction in the gems
of art that are educed with ,
pr each arta-,
eessive year.
To those who prefer dealing else-
where but look tb iExeter for their;
sappily, we can assure , a nice and
varied eboice + 'n the stoeksid the other
dealers in town, There ie no need of
aurone gating form "home" to buy,
sari SPrultgz, EXETER
Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clacks,
Spectacle,..- tc
Watch Repeirin a Specialty.
Additional locals on 4th page.
Crossley and. Hunter will visit Strat-
ord next fall
For good useful Xmas presents the
ig Cash Store is the spot.
Tats Tretas will be given to new sub-
cribers for the balance of the year for
10 cents,
Rev. v gorge Jackson, of LOndon,.
called ori many old friends in Fate r
on o ....
M nay
An immense stock s k of Fursvy '
er suit
able for Xmas pr : at the Big Cash
ednesday, e
for paying taxes Wit
al five per oast,
James Westcott, of Don: an.,.
formerly of Usborne, isatpr- rat -
neo ins acaivafntances err and a rid
Ladies' end gents' visiting cards
primed or onprint-e&, always in stock,
the very latest mrd 'fittest card) at
'tut Torts bida/
e Inst day
One week, aid Clrristrteais�
NO. 11UdI s 7t4 Os, et the Exeter 'fan
Ca•pt'.1. N. Howard is in Coderid.
t is is eek .as a Juryman.
Mrs. Wm, D:Luncey is visiting a siel
friend iullVlcCxilivrap.
The Presbytery of Huron will meet
in Clinton on January 17th.
Statutory meetings of Municipal
Councils are.being geld to -day.
?1Tr: Thoniaa Brame, Exeter North
is confined to his bed through illness.''.
You'll gu'll save rttona3r by buying your
Xmas groceries at the Big Cash Store.
Mr. Walter Carley, of Yorkshire,
gland, is visiting his ;cunt A11's. Tait
main st.
The snow storm of last week render-
ed the roads almost impassable for a
few da3 s.
Reg. Elliot, of Norwich, was in
town visiting friends the latter part
of last week.
Mr, and We. Levitt, of Granton,last
week visited their son, W. Levitt, of
Levitt's Fair.
Good old Santa Claus has taken fel
possession at the Big Cash Store. Go
incl see what he has.
Single fare tickets will be issued on
the railways from Dec. 24th, good to
return till Dec. 27th.
The most complete stock for Xnues
'Toys and novelties that, we have secs
is at the Big Cash Store.
The skating rink was opened for
clic first time on Saturday evening.
The attendance was fair,
Among the exhibitors at the Guelph
Fat Stock show were Thomas Russell
and H. & W. Smith, of Exeter.
Frank Lutz, who has been attending
College in Toronto, returned home on
Saturday to spend the holidays.
B. V. Elliot returned horse on.
Thursday evening. He is improving
rapidly since undergoing the opera-
Be sure and attend the lecture to be
given by the Rev. J. T. Kerrie, on
"South America." Friday evening of
this week in Gidley's Opera House.
The law is very stringent with are
spect to harboring lost cattle, etc. If
any stock conies to yourpremises or
you lose any stock advertise at once in
Consult the advertisements in THE
TIMES, and you will profit by buying
your Christmas goods from merchants
who solicit your trade. Each extends
a hearty invitation to visit their store.
Snow has fallen in greater or less
quantities ew ry day since Sunday
week. Old re; iidents say that winter
has set in earlier this season than at
any time during the past thirty or for
ty years.
John Dauucey, who has been con-
ducting a grocery store here for some
months, has closed the btisinese
and moving to Ailsa Craig, where he•
has a similar business. Tlicy left. no
J. T. Manning has moved into the
residence lately occupied by 'W. ,T.
Carling, on William street, while Mrs.
W. Southcott has moved into the
residence recently occupied by J. T.
Manning, on Andrew street.
Farmers say there is too much snow
in the country. The slightest diver-
gence from the beaten path on the
sidoroa.ds ensures an upset, and on the
gravel roads running north and south
the snow has drifted in badly.
The Farmers' Binder Twine Company
of which Hon. Thomas Ballantyne is
president and Joseph Stratford mana-
ger,has just paid the astonishing divi-
dend of 60 per cent, on its capital stock
for the year ending Oct. 15th last.
Christmas and New Year's Days fall-
ing on Sunday, the Attorney -General
has issued, with the advice of the
Executive Council, a proclamation set-
ting apart the Monday following
in each case to be observed as a holi-
The raising of turkeys is becoming
an important industry, and will bring
an income of several thousand dollars
to the country this year. A large num-
ber of farmers delivered their turkeys
to Exeter. The price paid was seven
cents per pound.
A storm such as has been experienced
the past week, is very , rare this early
in December ; many of the country
roads are filled from fence to fence,and
the difficulties of a blockade being ex-
perienced so early in the winter, may
be a serious affair.
The regulations requiring all munici-
pal nominations to be made in writing
will come into effect f
t first 1 i
this year. Eachnorrunation must be
signed by the mover and seconder, and
shall also state the full name,residence
and occupation of the proposed ,candi-
N. Dyer Hurdon has recovered his
lost dog. it was found in Parkhill, a
subscriber of -Teta TIMES having notic-
ed the advertisement and wrote Mr.
Hurdon of the whereabouts of the dog.
Still evidence
ano her
tof the good re-
e -
s obtained s 1 b t t d fro m advertising dvertisin in
Tem Teems.
A pamphlet containing a complete
list of Farmers' Institute meetings for
the year 1898-99 is at hand. ,From it.
we learn that the year ending June
30th, 1898 was the most successful in
the' history of the Ontario Institutes,.
the membership at that date being in
excesslof1600,the figure it stoodat at the
time of the last report.
Some one has sent the following
"sere cure for smallpox, and which if
taken in time will act asapreventative:
One ounce of cream of tarter dissolved
in one pint of boilieg water, to be
drunk, when cold, in small doses at
short intervals.The cerre will, it is
asserted, ed, be complete in three days
and leave no marks or blindness.
The new Imperial penny postage
stamps have arrived at the Local post
office. They are tow for sale. The
nets` stanip, which is of the two -cent
denomination, will not .carry letters
throughout the kritashJ3lmprre until,:
Christmas day, -when the Imperial.
Penny 'Postage Act 'comes into force,
'Until then they may only be used in
the ordinary sense of a two -cent stamp.
In they shape 'e resemble s emble
the Jubilee
stabs and are so iia
p, mete t odd looking,
being o>' a purplish color, with'. a map%
of the western 1lentisphere engeteved
upon them, A patriotic motto and the,
wards "Chriettttits, 1898," are tri the
io"or portions.
This store has gained an enviable reputation for the.
Superior B
l e of Blankets it sells and the uniformally low prices ask-
ed for them. We have alreadysold a big pile of blankets,
r1>xcl there seems to beno let-up
up the demand. For the
sake of'inoreasing this trade and givingall our. customers the
benefit -of our low prices we quote the list of prices;
Fine unshrinkable white wove blankets full bleach-
ed, soft, lofty finish, thoroughly scoured, full standard sizes,
assorted fancy borders, fast colors.
4 pounds special at 81.60 per pail'
o 11 n It $1,95 is u
6 is a ii $2.35 °n
7 u n ,, $2.75 is n
.Fine' extra' super .all pure white wove blankets
anufactured 'from irnported wool,absolutely free from grease
special fine, soft finish, guaranteed pure stock, full standard
sizes, new borders, fast colors, -
6 pounds special at $2.95 per pair
7 pounds special at $3.45 per pair
8 pounds special at $3.95 per pair
You cannot afford to miss such an opportunity as this
for buying first-class blankets at such reasonable prices.
A FUR Opportunity.
We never took so muchpride
in our Fur stock as this season.
As fine an assortment was nev-
er before shown in Exeter. We
have had a most successful
season in furs, and in order to
clear out the entire balance of
our stock before the end of the
year, we quote the following
interesting prices:
Ladies' Black Hare Neck Ruffs with tails and fastened with
spring fastners, special .
Ladies' Imitation- Astrachan Gauntlets, leather faced,
'' warm and; comfortable, special . . '
Ladies' Alaska' Sable Neck Ruffs, very fine and made up of
best quality fur, in various ends, tails &c. &c special 8.50
Ladies' Electric" Seal Storm Collars, lined with heavy satin
very full shaped
Ladies' Astrachan Capes, richly lined, and.. beautiful curl
and gloss, very special $14 to . -..
Ladies' Astrachan Jackets fnade from No. i skins, lovely
curl and gloss, lined with quilted satin . and striped
silk sleeve linings, regularly sold at $45 for
Men's Otter Caps, satin lined, special .
Men's. Imitation Astrachan gauntlets, leather faced, special
Men's Coon, Wallaby, Dog and Wombat Fur Coats allat
greatly reduced prices. See them. '
Special for XMAS Gifts.
Jockey Club 20, 25 and 35c.
New Mown Hay 20, 26, and 40c
White Rose 20, 25 and 40c.
Violette 25 and 35c.
Iris 25 and 35c.
AgneIs English Lavender water,
special 25c.
Agnels Eau De Cologne special 25c.
Becker & Steeles Florida water
Our special floral Papeteries,
containing 24 En velop ,
and 24 sheet sof note paper
correct shape and size, put
up in fancy decorated, hex,
very special 15c.
Very new, •fancy crepon pap-
er and envelopesin delicate
tinted shades, latest fad in
stationery, special per box
24 envelopes and 24 sheets
of note paper........ 25c
Our Leader lamps beautifully-
eautifullydecorated shade and fount
special at, .. 1,25
Low Wase' 1an in blended
decoration, g , 'lobe'
very new f r.. I.60
Fancy Bouquet Camp,
paintedbe shade,
hand go a e,
and fount, special... 3.25
Fancydec ed lamps,
_..y decorated urn p
different,a ewttir
of r ,ore,;se r n.
burner,,:.h nd-painted'glehe•
itade and °foutxt Special
Children's Japanese silk hak's
Initialled and hem stitched,
special 2
Ladies' full size, hem- stitched
silk hak's, any initial special 35c
Men's heavy full size, hem stit-
ched silk hak's, any initial, . 66c
Men's extra heavy, twilled silk
hak's, hem stitched,spe_iai, • 90c
Men's hem stitched hak's, good
size, any initial...,: . 35
Children's embroidered teak's
special 2 for
J��:pas e e Goods .
Fancy decorated cups and sau-
ceein fine china, special for 25
Hand painted Rose Jars beaut-
iful design 1.0
Hand painted Bon Bon dishes,
very new, specal...... , , . 1,00
Large Japanese 'Vases, beauti-
ful .pattern, each , . , .. , .. 1.00
Bon Bons in pretty boxes 16e
Fine mixed Creams and Choco-
lates in Fancy boxes, special 25c
Large size fancyleather v
ed poxes, conai.ning the fin-
est candy made,pair:of tongs
b each boa, a lovely Christ-
mas,gift, special for... , ... 50c
Fine mixed. Camay, specil 5Ib
a •,
for . .: ,,..I.,. 25c
Direct importers
er ate
We have just placed into; stock ;another lot of men's
and boys .overcoat, also another lot of Boys 2 and. 3 , peice
sin is, Below we quote the prices of a few of, the Hues,
Boy's, Ov.clrcats.
Elute Nap Overcoats sizes 22 to 20.$.300
r e h ,/ ' 7 to 28'- 5
Frieze Cloth Z 3, 0
n 29 to32 4 5
41 n 33. 37 $.0
Also a quantity ' of Tweed
Overcoats that_ will be "sold at
great reduction prices from $3
Boy's Suits,
Blue Serge 2 Piece suits $1.75 & $2.25
Boys 2 -piece Tweed suits $2.25 & up.
Boys 3 -piece Blue Serge suits $3.50 &$4
Boys 3 -piece Tweed. Slits $3.50 & up.
Odd pants & .Vests
Mens Tweed ' Pants ,front $1.00 up.
Mens Blk Stripe worsted pants $2.75.
Mens odd ?ants $1,00 each.
Boys Odd Vests 75c. each.
Boys short pants 75 & 85c.
Wen's Overcoats
Frieze Overcoatsallsle
s $4.
J/ // 80 00.
Freize Overcoats stoma proof sleeve. $S,
Blk „ <, „ ,/, ,/ $9.
Blue Beaver Overcoats $7.50,
Sborey'e waterproof Overcoats $10,50..
Also a quantity of ,INIei
Tweed Overcoats that will kap;'
sold at greatly reduced price
from S3 u .
Ladle's Mantle
Bik andCold Mantles $3.50.
A neat looking coat Bila; or Gold
Blk or Brown Bearer $5.00.
Curl cloth line coat 8:00.
�B1l.CuY d
B1k and Brown Mixed $10.00.
We are showing a good line of Men's Frieze
Overcoats at 4.50
Highest price paid for produce: -Butter 15c,, eggs 15c.r
Dried Apples 5c., Chickens 5c.,Ducks 7c., Geese 6c., Turkeys
Working i:,. t and
;:tit " i c H
We beg to inform the citizens of Exeter and countryAhat
we have added to our Flour and Feed business a full line of
brand new fresh Groceries, which, we will
Sell at Co to
To talose who buy their Flour and Feed from us.
This is no fake but a straight business offer.
Remember ! We sell Flour at mill prices always -Flour
and Feed from Exeter and Helisall mills always on hand.
Coal Oil .13 Raisins 4lbs. .25
Best Japan Tea .25 Currents 3} lbs, .26
Biscuits, albs. .20 Matches............ ........... .06
Salmon, canned .10 11113s. Oatmeal.. .25
Avail yourself of this offer and don't be bashful.
W. S. Dever, of Detroit, is visitin
T. W. Hawkshaw.
The thermometer on Wednesday
morning registered at zero.
An intelligent boy wanted to lear
printing. Apply at this office.
Local trains have been running very
irregularly since the recent snow
We learn that Rev.H.Bray has been
appointed to the parish of St. John,
near London.
Mrs. W. Levitt spent the forepart
of this week visiting friends in London
and Stratford.
Ears. Greenway, of Killarney, Man.,
who has beeu visiting Mrs. A. J. Rol-
lins for some time, returned home on
Dr. eorge Jackson, son of Rev.
George Jackson, of London, was
married on Monday to a young lady of
St. Thomas.
• The nomination for County Council-
lors for this division takes place at the
town hall, Exeter, on Monday after-
noon next at one o'clock.
Be sure and attend the lecture to be
given by the Rev. 3. T. Kerlin, on
"South .America, Friday evening of
this week ip Gidley's Opera House. /
J: V'✓. Broderick's is the spot for bap -
gains. The bankrupt stock of hoots
and shoes has arrived. We are -selling
cheap. Only 60 pairs of blankets left,the
balance goes cheap. J. W. BRODERIcle.
A. E. Rannie has disposed of his im-
plement business to a Mr. Thompson,
of Seafortb, who takes possession
shortly. Mr, • Rannie goes to Toronto,
where he has secured a situation with
the same firm as general agent.
Stoneman Bros., Kirkton, have put
Myth special efforts -fora large Christ-
trade,.Ce hY .
ie a carefully
selected stock in lines
and `
a d at close
prices. It will pay you to call and see
them before making your purchase. great reat` sensational' drama "A.
Grlass in •five, acts, will, he pres-
ented by "The Garrick club," Exeter,
in Gidley s Opera House, on Wednes-
day evening, Dec. "21st. Proceeds in
aid of the poor of Exeter. Tickets 25
d. 35 cents. See bills for particular
find Gllristmas Is dere fl ain
We are prepared for it with a
full and complete stock of Baking and
Confectionery, Forel WI arid Domestic
Frtr s
t Oysters s nd
3iddies. -Candy in
abundance. b ace.
Over -r o t
tie hundred d6r
eties to choose from, and some of the
choicest that are made.. ,All kinds of
nuts, -.Cocoa nuts, Walnuts Alntends`
shelled Almonds, Filberts, Pecan, Pea-
nuts, etc., sweetest and best oranges,.
also Lemons, Spanish _Onions Crab.
berries; Newfl , new dates, all' at
the usual low Christmas prices.
also have afine lot of beautiful fiowert-
ing plants, suitable for Christmas
sent:. Ctt flowers, roses, cars tins
vioeis,smilax holly.Thanket
past kind favors, and promising 'us»
tourers every attention with low prices,
we solicit your continued patronage.
WANTED. -1000 hides wanted at .the
xeter Tannery. '
Fon SALE. -First class horse blank-
Pets and stocking yarn for sale cheap,
'for cash or wood, at the Exeter, Wool-
len Mill. .
Lose. -In 'Exeter, a t ilTel mounted
dog collar, Finder will confer a fuvoar
by leaving same at this office.
Xmas Coed3, o
We have a 'full assortment of iron
toys, 5 cts. to to $1.50. Dolls
$7.00. Dolt swings and to 5c.
beds, rocking horses, sleighs and carts,,
books, games, cards and calendar's,
5cts. up. Child's wash setts, stoves
and ranges. Mechanical toys,. " musi-
cal toys, child's tea setts, building and
puzzle blocks, shaving setts, necktie,,
glove and handkerchief cases, . toilet
setts, photo,. scrap and autograph
albums; china, glass, and hand paint-
ed opal ware, fancy lamps, $1.00 to
3.00. • -
Presents for every person, young
nd old, rich and poor. Examine our
tock before buying elsewhere.
Fresh oysters, oranges, lesions.
undies and nuts. -
!' !
The inaudible and noiceless:
of of time has again brought tis;
ce to face with never to-befor--
s anon
when festivities and
socialnth '
rel "
e t s
g g bring friends
rom far and near. when 'famil
reetings and' reunion ., tsiar:k °an-
her milestone on the journey:
ermit me just here and .now, to
ish our many customers, friends
and well wishers �" MERRY
C1113 tSTI A. ,: W f e. i
S, e trill r' ry sit
foremind you that our supply'': of
Christmas Fruits are pp' to roar
most ardent wish, both in quality
and ,price. We carry in stock
the choice 'Valencia Raisins,Seed-
S or
Sultana ul ala Raisins,o
e Raisins, Ca.ltfarnia q.
ti I .•
Crovv Muscats ,s
tie boa, s. itt
Deheeas and tleq ''
Ro al �ticl?;it
ams ,chaisep atras and V'ostizzat ,
You t e'btt g curl of get `' er
fruit. Lemon, Ora nge arid Citron
peels, Icing sugar, Cheeolat, Co-
coa Cocoanut and some r4 differ-
, •. orh s in Essences,
1 ,
o e bixtelr 15c.
Fresh Eggs