HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-12-8, Page 8-CASH or PRODUCE ash Store. ONLY ONE PRICE S k w Complete ur Assortment of Fancy goods, Toy Dolls and .Books is simply immense. Xminas Goods 1,5c. each, for good cloth bound books, all by good authors. Books that are usually sold at 25e. each, our price for Xmas, 15c. each or 7 for $100. fisc, each for lovely celluloid coy ered albums, you save about 25 per cent by buying your albums at the Bi; Cash .Store. 15c. 25c. and 35c. each for threeer special lines a new picture and story books, just the thing for Xmas. ac. to 75c. for the most complete stock of new and pretty dolls that we have ever shown. Bring the little tots in and let them see our fam= ily of happy looking dolls. 65e. and 75e. each for two very special lines in new crokonole boards. They are A. 1. value,see them. $L25 each for pure silk table covers, knotted fringe, and gilt floral figures --they're all O.K. end $1 for Misses and Ladies grey or black. gauntlets. Just the thing for xmas presents. $3.75 the pair for Ladies' grey persi an lamb, and black astrachan fur gauntlets, choicest goods in town. $2.25 for children's ' hest:' quality grey persian lambs caps. The kind that is usually sold. from $3,,00 to 3.50. -Cash and one price is what does it. $10.00 each for the new Electric Sea1 Caperine with large roll storm collar. This is the most dressy fur garment . in the trade -see them. $11.00 each for Grey Persian Lamb Caperine, full roll storm collar, a, beauty. $9.25for choicest Sable Neck Ruff, Beautiful fluffy -fur, perfect color, .and very stylish. $$1,00 the pair for all the new shades in Ladies' Kid Gloves with heavy stitched backs and the new large clasps. 25c. 40c. 50c. and 70c. each for white Lamb Neck Ruffs for children. This is a lovely lot of new ruffs. $1.00 each for Ladies' grey or black fur Neck Ruffs, extra value and strictly up-to-date. $2.75 to $4.75 for lovely Chenile. Cur, tains, full dado top and bottom, and mounted with heavy fringe. • 50c. 75c. and $1 for Ladies' Buttoned Gaiters and Leggings. Just the thing for winter storms. 45e. the pair for Ladies' Worsted Over - stockings. This is a snap. 35c. the pair for Ladies' Best quality ribbed worsted. Hose. This is the regular 50e. line, our clear- ing price while they last only $1,35 each for heavy wool knee rugs; worth in any regular store $2.00 to $2.25 Come quick for first choice. You'll miss it if you don't take .a, look at our Black Dress Goods costs you nothing to see what we have. $5.40 for a full 97 peice dinner set, semi porcelean, lovely new designs, only 10 sets to sell. $15.00, $16.00 and $17.00 for the very choicest Black Astrachan .fur capes, Better furs %to house can show you. $6.50 for the best, largest Goat Robes, special value. $32.00 for Ladies' choicest Coon Jack- ets, beautiful dark fur, good lookers and good. wearers. Jo A. S T A l;a.' INSURANCE. J RNEST'ELLIOT, Agen for the WEsraxrz Aselmaxoin Cox. PANr, et Toronto ; also for the P.ROMIx FIRE rxsugANcir; ComreNr, of London, 'England; the .Ai iNcic Irreen,tNOE Coxr4 y, of Eng and, Holiday Seaswi.1898. To OUR PRIENDa The Christmas holiday season is with us once more, andour doors, that for more than thirty years have swung open to welcome our customers, will gladly do so again and with an 'added feeling of gratitude for the un- diminished kindness of those whose. praetibal expression of it has broiigght For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Wgtcllhes, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON R. H1CICS Watch Repairing a Specialty. (ly pitivi 00. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th 189$ them to our counter with each succeed- ng year. "Row long have your family been buying here ?" "I do not know, my parents bought here and. I nave bought here in my school days and now I am buying for my children." we thank the customers for the knowledge of it, We are doing our best just now to fill our sholves, counters andshow cases with all that the can procure that ntay prove useful and and pretty and moderate IA price and'expect to have everything in order for the same date tai its pre- Vioue :.ears viz. the 15th of December, �' s A _ember. The eards will be ready as usual on the 10th, and in these ere earn promise a treat to all whose artistic sense finds lett u p s ia3 and satisfaction in the gen-is of art that are produced with each suc- cessive year. To those Who »reefer•'dealing else where buteloo auto, Exeter for their 1?p w e agitate et nice and vaned .che ige id the stecks.Of the other dealers in town. h e e is no teed o. f anyone going form aoze to hav •J. zri S 1C 'l. Era ''m LOCAL HAPPENINGS Additional locals on 4th page. Mrs. Bruce of Ran -tilt= is visiting Miss Mortloek, Messrs. Rollins and McInnes are at- tending County Council this week. B. V. Elliot who went to New York some time ago to a n.dergo.an operation is expected home today.: Mrs, James ParkineOri.;artd daughter, Miss Maud, have rettzrtied:honie from Trout Creek for the winter.... It is said that the condtietors on the niain line trains' these days are real lonesome, owing to the high rates. The anniversaryservices `of J Coxes et, church take place on Stinday and lags: Monday nelrt. See posters for pacrticu- The many stores in town are begin- ning to put on Christmas cheer; and are displaying their goods to best Mrd- vantage ; there: is no need of ax person to becottze bewildered in selecting their Christtttasresents,-z•tbevalrious inert chants in this litre having Immense Croce;`, i 1'c1Wz`lsUIP 1IhucTurss,-The Deputy Attorney General hos interpreted. t Munieipa1. ei to read that`t the election Of township councillors is to be mode without regard to ward division, and by the genera: vote.. Crf NOEU AHes.-•JoseplaCohbleclich has perclhtjrec SteWart Bros'. lo Wrest in. the Exeter *oiler Mills,'mid will take possession about the .first of the year. Nye have not learned the in tentionS of Stewart Bros„ tis t o the b ftuture porsuits. .. HOUSE OIC £ uwr,--Mr, French at the "Castle" had an over supply of vis itors an Thanksgiving day, there being. over 75 registered. Sioee the iuceptioo of the institution it was estimated that'. nearly 7000 names appear on the regist- er cis visitors. Another, initiate was received ou Tuesday., in the person oi.' Tho. Leatitcrn, from Seaforth, aged 02 yeare. GOT '.Elf AGAIN. A,NOTKEE BANK- RUPT STOCK, --,1, W, Broderick has? just purchased by auetioau at a rate on the dollar, a Ban krupt Stock of Boots, Shoes. and Dry;.00ds, all brand new goods, in the original cases. "Its n,a cracker." This magnificent stock will move l,his week and be ready for sale in a few days. We ` intend to sell cheap. J, W, B1ZOD xoI , • EXETER NORTH NOTES. -- Miss Hunter, of Clinton; is visiting. Miss Alma Brooks. - Mr. 'Treble, who has been in Manitoba during the past four months, ,returned home last week,- The firemen of No. 1 company met ou Friday evening and elected their officersfor the ensuing year as follows : Captain, J. Sweitzer ; 1st Lieut. 0. Luker:., 2nd Lieut. J. .Willis ; est Branchrnan,R. Luker; 2nd Branch - man, F. • Wright ; 1st Roseman, A. egherson ; 2nd Hoseutan, J. Treble ; Se 4Treas., F. R. Knight. 1)i. a or MRs. Ronn.--The death pf• Mrs. Rodd took place in. Exeter North on Saturday last, after a short illness of la grippe. Deceasod was a sister of the Messrs. Northcott of Hay Township, and was widow of the late Wm. Rodd, who died in Exeter a few years ago. Mrs. Rodd enjoyed good health up to time of contracting a severe cold, and her death was a surprise to her many friends. She was a member of the Methodist church. The funeral on Tuesday was largely attended. PARCEL PoSTPACKAGE.y -The atten- tion of postmasters is called to the fact that no parcel can be sent from Can- ada to any other country by parcel post unless it bears a customs declara- tion setting forth the nature of its contents and its value. As the accep- tance by a postmaster of a parcel ad- dressed to any other country, and not provided with a customs declaration, will result in its being sent to the dead letter office, postmasters are specially directed not to accept such parcels without the customs declaration. Tri.x STORM. -The storm king reigned supreme Sunday last, and few people attended divine worship in 'the even- ing. Snow commenced to fall early in the afternoon and gradually thickened until by eight o'clock a perfect blizzard was raging. Monday evening snow had fallen to the depth of one and a half feet, the streets and walks being filled,nrhile the trees still retain- ed a heavy load and presented a fine appearance. The view up any of the streets with trees • and ground covered with fresh white mantle, was quite picturesque. AmirvERsa:RT Theanniversaryser- vices of Main St,. Methodist Church were conducted on Sunday and Mon- day last. Sermons were preached. on. Sunday to large congregations by Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Essex Centre, who de- livered two eloquent and thoughtful discourses. On Monday a tea -meeting was held, after which Dr. Gifford gave his lecture "The Mammoth Cave." It proved quite interesting, instructive and amusing and was enjoyed by all. The tea also was first -Class 'while the music firnished by the 'choir was of a high order. SOUTH IJURONF T STOUR SHOW. - The Fat Stock Show under the auspices of the. South Huron Agricul- tural Society, will be held at Exeter, on Friday, December 16th. For the accommodation of exhibitors arrange- ments have been made with the Grand .Trunk Railway for the return of all stock from Exeter . to the shipping point, free of charge, providing the stock remains the property of the original shipper, and on presentation of a certificate from the secretary to that effect. This arrangement in- cludes all stations" between London and Winghann, including Goderich. ; also from Brantford, Guelph, Wood- stock, Thorndale and Kelly's. Ship- ments from any other points will be. given the same advantages providing the parties notify the station agent at Exeter 6f their intention to ship stock to the show previous to the 16th. HOFIa7IAN - WILLIAZ6ts -A happy event took place at the residence of the bride's brother, Thomas Williams, Ray, when Miss Fannie, daughter of Richard Williams, of Exeter, was united in matrimony with. Charles Hoffman, a, prosperous young farmer of Stephen township, The wedding presents were numerous and costly. he bride was assisted by ) ss Stanley, -while: the groom was eu' orted by Thomas Williams brother of the bride The ceremony, was pedfornied,by Rev. pharlesSmith in the presence of a num, ber of invited 'guests. The ceremony performed, a sumptuous dinner was served, after which tdY&.tine was spent in games and miner amusements until the wee sma''ours, when 14Ir. and Mrs. Hoffman drove to their future home in Stephen township, -where they will reside on aline farm. .We:extend con- gratulations.: The skatittforthe• minntk ere` . , b tpg gotten in shape g wiis. Misses Livie and Ida- Carling are visiting fefends '7tz ort rjott. Will "}tawkshaw, o Se41for;th, visited. friends in'town ort l iu1day jest: liar Bhlelzwell,'i!Vtodstock,. is isatin + er "A'� visiting h . aunt, P curdle: P. 3V, cerins metal has beets ill for sOiile s had f+teovered suf1lcientl CKAIID CO. reat Special Sak of Overcoats Our extra stock of Men's and Boy's Overcoats and Ulsters must be cleared out before the end of this month.. We commence taking stock on the 2nd day of January and do not intend to enter one Coat in our stock book. Now is the time to make your selection while the styles and sizes are comple6e. Men's heavy Freize Ulsters, large, storm collar, well lined and made, a great snap fo • • •• • 3.95 Men's heavy Freize Ulsters,- line I wit fancy tweed lining, fully waterproofed, a rand Co for 6.50 Men's heavy Freize Coats, made of extra heavy imported material, specially well lined and . made for,...,..... .-,... . ' 8.50 Boy's Rigby proofed Freize Ulsters, well made and lined, grand value for ... - .. 3.50 Boy's Blue Nap Overcoats with capes attached, a snap: for , •.,• 2.75 rir/Our Christmas stock is now complete and is made up of the tmest collection of Goods we have ever offered for th e Christmas trade. We would be pleased to haye you inspect our stock, whether you want to buy or not. great bargains ins Ladies' Mantles. We will clear the balance of our Ladies' Mantles re- gardless of cost; here area few sample prices : -Ladies' short Coats of various styles 'and makes, clearing prices ........ , . 1,25 to Ladies' black rough cloth coats, newest cub and style, you may have thetn while they last for 1.75 ro Ladies' good blk.Coats boucle cloth,iegular- l - worth$7.5o,yours now for ...... ., ; . 5.00 � .•• Is Ladies' Coats, of various styles and colors. all bought new, fashionablegoodsa regular price from $g•oo, to $io.00, Your choice now -for. 6.75 A number of odd Garments not strictly up-to- date, to -date, which must be sold, your choice for .. , y. r a y o Wear Clothing. We have just -placed into stock another lot of men's and boys overcoat, also another lot of Boys 2 and 3 peice sui is, Below we quote the prices of a few of the lilies, Boy's Overcoats. Blue Nei) ' Overcoats sizes 22 to 20 $,800 Frieze Cloth a !, 27 to 28 $3,50 n !, /! 20 to 32 34.00 It /, /! r, 33 to 37 $4.50 Also a quantity of Tweed Overcoats that will be sold at great reduction prices from $3 .up. Boy's Suits. Blue Serge2 Piece suits $1.75 & $2,25 Boys 2 -piece Tweed suits $2,25 & up. Boys 8 -piece Blue Serge suits $3:50 &$4 Boys .$-piece Tweed Suits 33.50 & up. Odd pants& Vests Mens Tweed Pants from $1.00 up. Mens Blk Stripe worsted pants $2.75. Mens Odd Pants $1.00 each. Boys Odd Vests 75c. each. Boys short pants 75 & S5c. Men's Overcoats. Frieze Overceats all sizes $4,50. !/ /, n /, $5,25,Qa . /1 III! !/ .. 36 00. Freize .Overcoats storm proof sleeve .„$$. 13ik/l $°J. Blue Beaver Overcoats $10.50. Shorey's waterproof Overcoats sio.$0,, Also a quantity of Men's Tweed Overcoats thatl.w i� sold at greatly reduced prices' from 3 up. Ladle's Mantles Blk. and Cold. Mantles $3.50"'"{ A neat looking coat Blk or Gold $375 Blk or Brown Bearer $5.00.' Blk Carl cloth lined coat $8.00, Blk and Brown Mixed $10.00. We are showing a good line of Men's Frieze Overcoats at .. .. .... , .. .. 4. E Highest price paid for produce:-- Batter 15c., eggs 15o.,r Dried Apples 5o.., Chickens 5c.,Ducks 6c., Geese 50., Turkeys, 8c • Working g and me. Imporbnt otcEyerybqd�: We beg to inform the citizens of Exeter and county that we have added to our Flour and Feed business a full line o brand new fresh Groceries, whioh, we will Sell at Cost. m.--' To those who buy their Flour and Feed from us.' This is no fake but a straight business offer. TRY IT. PROVE Remember t We sell Flour at mill prices always -Flour and Feed from Exeter and Hensall mills always 011 hand: WE BEG TO SUBMIT A FEW PRIOES : Coal Oil a 13 Raisins .4 lbs. .25 Best Japan'Tea .25 Currents...............:a lbs:, .25 Biscuits, 3 lbs. „20 Matches ,0E4 Salmon, canned 1'O 12 lbs. Oatmeal... $ t Avail yourself of this offer and don't be bashful. ALL BUSINESS SPOT CASH W. T"REVeT Will,Iioss, of Clinton, spent Sunda under the parental roof. Miss Urquhart visited' friends in Centralia on Sunday last. An intelligent boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. Mrs. W. T. Acheson is 'confined t her room through illness this week. Hugh Skinner, of St, Johns, Mich., is visiting his sister, Mrs. John Taylor. Tam TIMES will be given to new sub- cribers fox the balance of the year for 10 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings, of Clinton, ,were the guests of Mrs. Johns over 'Sunday. Miss Annie Stewart entertained a number of her friends on Thursday evening las Russell Southcott, who underwent a surgical operation in London, return- ed home on Monday. , 011ie Quance, who has been visiting in Listowel the past few months re- urnecl home on Tuesday. Choice new Christmas Fruits at Stoneman Bros., Kirkton, the very finest in the market at bargain prices. Ladies' and gents' visiting cards% printed or unprinted, always in stock, (the very latest and finest card) at THE TIMES office. Seaforth has formed a Board of Trade, with D. D. Wilson as president which will consider the furtherance of the manufacturing industries of the town. • The law is very stringent with are sped 'to harboring lost cattle, etc. If any stock comes to your premises or ,,,you ase any stock advertise at once in TIMES: ents buy your felt boots, rubbers, nd socks, overAhoes, .and leggings at toneman Bros. They handle the cele - rated Granby and Canadian Rubber ods. Mrs. Lawrence I►lellville, one of the earliest pioneers of Mullett township, passed over to the silent majoity on Tuesday last, at the age of 69 years and two months. Ed. Bissett has moved into the store and residence one door north of Bag shave's bakery, where he will carry on the butchering business and reside in the residence in connection. Consult the advertisements in TRE `,runs, and you will profit by buying your Christmas goods from merchant who solicit your trade. Each e txt e a hearty intation to visit elici i vends .•t store; Merchants.,.shoiild • hot Cleave the pavement in front of their places of business to he cleaned entirely of snow. Not only does the frost very seriously injure the pavement thus exposed, but the absence of, a light ht coyeran of s g g now. renders.' them ex- ',ti'eznely. slippery, The little two•year}old daughter of ltev. S. 3. Allen, Brussels, got hold of ti; bottle of carbolic acid which Was in her reach but a moment. She drank some ' of the contents and was badly' burn ' . Medical assistance . Was at/ ' n once eared and aper thin done to ecu t �' g tacl the tle C #%o is u . f the: deadly draig, ',but on Wednesday the little. suffer va,s reported. very low.• *0 Ir setrri o tees Cottage to rent;for particulars apply to. T. Dearing, Exeter. • ` LosT.-In Exeter a silver mounted dog collar. Finder will confer a favor by leaving same at this office. LOST.-Lost,at Grand Bend, a young spotted hound, white, black, and liver colored. Anyone returning same toe N. Dyer 1turdon,-the Maisons Bank. xeter, will be rewarded. The officials of Victoria St.Methodist church, Godericb,intend to invite Rev: for T. E. Hnextarrisonyear., of Granton, as pastor LFVITr. 5 FAIR. Carrons .. The newest parlor game, made of best bird's eye maple, 'orna mental as well as amusing, for sample see our window. Also all the latest games frons. 5ctar to $3.50. II Rocking Horses, Sleighs and Carts,, Toy Stoves, Fancy Elates, Cups and Saucers in case, Rose Jars, Brushers Combs and Mirrors, Celluloid Shaving - Setts, Collars and Cuffs, Necktie Cases. Vases and Pin Trays of all kinds, Toy Watches. See our Beauty Pins in the window. Fre sh Oysters, Lemons, and OrangeE. !LE VITT'S PAIR CHRISTMAS • FRUITS t is scarcely necessary for ug to remind you that we are recognized and often told than we offer to our custom- ers the best fruits the mar- ket canp r odlxco. Vire are again in the front with€ choice new ValenciaRaisins f Currants. loose or in 'lb >� packages, Citron Lemon l� rmi 1 a e Orange - i.l.. � S AlmOndS � el a a, bents, Grenoble Walnuts. Have just 'taken' into stock two excellent brands ds al- moonThe "Royal al Clulb,r and.;: « , ,y The Anchor" also canned Corn,. Tomatoes and Pe> ",none better". Cholac buttei• 1.. Fresh 2ggs. • 166 . P CLARK