HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-12-8, Page 511 'eiI�.IId and ke s Wel :Mood's Sarsaparilla is prepared by eX- ferienced phetinaeist3 of today, who have fbreut;ht to the production of this great jae4icinethe best resulte el medical re- s eitroh. ,, Hood's Sarsaparilla is a modern llttedioine, containing Poet those vegetable f►n$redients which ero aee in lYy In. tended by Nature herself for the allevia- Son of human ills. It purifies and en- Sebes the blood, tones the stomach end digestive organs and creates an appetite; • it absolutely Duras all scrofula eruptions naiie, pimples, Bares salt rheum, anpl (Wiry 01 e1cn disease, cures live r mplaet,kidney tronbles strengthens sad guilds up the nervous-sgstem. It en - Sleety overcomes that tired feeling, giving strength and energy in place of weakness end languor. It wards off malaria, ty ephoid 'over, and by purifying the blood it keeps the whole eystem healthy. Sarsa- ‘iniumpu S p a rilla jIt ths best -in mettle) One True Blood Purifier. 8gld 81y all druggists. $1; six for $5. • euro all Liver Ills and �d S pills Sick Headache. 25e. -Money to Loan. We have unlimited private funds for invest - anent up. on farm or village property at lowest antes of interest. DICKSON &c (7ARLING, Exeter. TT KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND' -•••°- DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S., Honor Graduate, University, of Toronto, Dentist: Y Tee xtr pain or a the e dwithout I q. bad "a[ter:•effeots;' directs,'" iPn Fan- ' Block. West side of Main street, Exeter. BR. A DiltSOt4, (D' 0' S. L. D. S•) DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Taranto University, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of t aitario. All, Bridge work, Cravens and Plate work done hi the neatest possible manner. A harmless anaesthetic for painless extraction. The strictest attention given to the preservat- ion of tne natural teeth. Office, opposite Con- - aril Hotel, Exeter, Ont. Astray .'here came to my premises, two steers, a light and a dark roan. Owner may receive Itemby paying cost, and proving property. paying Pons, Lot 22, con. 6 Hay Farm for Sale. ±Don. 9. lot 4. Blanshard. Ignores of land in / ate of good cultivation, well underdrained, i5 acres bush, 500 rods board and wire fences, =ten orchard, frame house 30x20 ft. k.ttehen 26xI8ft., barn 86x36 ft., wagon -house 84"2 ft., and other out buildings, hard and soft water very convenient with windmill, within smiles ofpostoffice, school and church. Fos further particulars 1'W to the For Sale. Brick Blacksmith shop,frame dwelling house ,acid half an acro of landau the village of Whal- en, township of Biddulpb. There is a good busi- ness done in the shop; on the premises are good premises ,rnittrees,andsmall frurt,Roodsupply of water end everything convenient. Reason for selling, • - ltsprepriptoris going but of business. For ft3rther'particulars, apply to, WM. OGDEN, Whalen, P.O. Farm For Sale- 100 roles in the township of Hay, lot 14. con. 10. The laud is in a good state of cultivation, Ugh and well -drained and is situated 1§ miles south of Zurich. There are on the premises a 3argeframe house with all the conveniences, good hard and soft water also never failing snails for stock, also first-class bank barns, with mfher outbuildings. The farm is well fenced ,and has a large orchard. This is one of the aitaest farms in this section and is admirably located. The owner is desirous of retiring from farming and will deal liberally with the •ionrchaset, Write or apply to George Sehoellig Zurich, P. 0. Monty To Loan .A large amount of private funds to loan at LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST on reason- • able terns of repayment. ELLIOT Sc GLADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, &c., Main St. Exeter. Moiling of County Council. The Council of the corporation of the County ref Huron will meet in the council chamber in the town of Goderieh on Tuesday the 6th, day of December next at 2 o'clock p. m. W. LANE,. Mated Nov. 21, 1808. 1 Clerk Dog Astray Came into the premises of the undersigned $ensall, on or about the 12th iust., a brown and White spotted spaniel dog, wearing a tag, Ng. Ark C.T.P..1898. Owner can have same by top 'dying to E. Sheffer, Centennial hotel, Hensall and paying expenses County Council Election Public notice is hereby giventhat a meeting. If the Electors of county Division No. 4 corn- -posed of Municip_alities of STEPHEN, EXETER AND USBORNE Will be held in TOWN HALL, EXETER, on MONDAY, December, 19th, 1898. ,alt the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m. for the purpose of nominating candidates to represent them intim Council of the County of Huron for the years 18998c 1000,' and that in case a poll is demanded gulls will be opened on the 2nd day of January 5899, in each polling sub -division at the time ind place fixed by By-law of the municipalities ls the said County Division. CHESTER PROUTY, Nominating officer for County Council Diyi- sion No. 4. Mated this 21st day of Noy. 1898. Farms for sale A. few good farms for sale cheap Money to ;nth. • Apply to JOHN SPACII.lvfAN Strayed 'Prom lot 4. eon, 6, Hay, on or about the first erif November. a one year old heifer, red, with ,asllittle white behind the front loft leg and a :white spot on her forehead. Any person striae information of her whereabouts will be suitably rewarded t JOHN TREBLE, Exeter. :^---.-.......erg hY The latest News, The >aew Methodist` •church, Lucas), will open the Sunday before Olirist. mas, The Woodstock board of trade has passed a resolution in favor .of having the town incorporated as a city, Dalt. Came"ran, of Caradoc, haying bought hie father's .farm at Cherry Grove,, has moved there and taken pos- sessions of it, { branch h of 1; n t n ofthe Berlin 1 .J'oh so, c the Merchants Bank, has received no- tice of his promotion to teller at the branch at Mitchell. Joseph Perrault was fined at Mont- real Monday $3 and costs for spitting in areet after he had been fat car, warned by the conductor. John Calx, who formerly had a mill at"Sweaborg, died Tuesday at Wing - ham . ing-ham. Ur. Carr was about 68 years of age, and was well-known in Oxford." The Postmaster General expects to have the new Impperial penny postage stamps ready Dec. 10, so that they may be purchased for use on Christmas day. Fred Simpson organist at the Askin street Methodist church, Londpn, haat left for Goderieh, where he has accept- ed a position in North street Methodist church. EAGYARD's YELLOW OIL Cures all pain in man or beast, for sprains, cuts, bruises, callous lumps, swellings, in- flammation, r'heumatism and neuralgia it 1s a specific. • • N. One day lett week Mrs. S. Caldwell, of Auburn, while out feeding;; the chickens, fell down and broke her hip bone, which will cause her to keep her bed for a few w"' eeks The congregation of the Evangelical, church, Milverton, met at the parson- age the other night And presented Rev. Mr. and Mret Finkheiner with an. address and an easy chair. • The name of Ald. James Hodd, the present chairman of the Finance Com- mittee, has been freelymentioned on the streets of Stratfor' in connection with the mayoralty for 1899. Always avoid harsh purgative pills. They first make yousick andthen leave you constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate thebowels and make you well. Dose, One pill. All cases of weak or lame back,back- ache, rheumatism, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's, Smart Weed and Belledonna Backache Plasters. Price 25 cents. Try them. For any case of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Belief is- sure. The only nerve medicine for the pricein the market, W. H. Rattan, teller at the Stratford branch of the Merchant's Bank, has been transferred to the Berlin branch and left Saturday for that place. His place has been taken 'by T, R: Low, formerly teller at.the Mitchell branch. Two well -know n and highly esteem- ed aged ladies of Hullett township are Mrs. Robt. Miller, of the base line, and Mrs. Wm. Murphy, of the gravel road they being sisters-in-law. Together it is they turn something over five hund- red pounds. Vm. Straughan,Benmiller,nlet with what might have proved a severe ac- cident on Monday; when he was driving, the horses went into the ditch and upset the load; his' leg got caught between the peg -rack and lumber, and was badly injured. One of the most sensationai features of the Napanee bank robbery trial was the placing in the witness box by the defence of a man who demonstrated that he could open safes without a knowledge of the coinbinaton, thus proving that there are others besides lovers who can laugh at lo,;:smiths,. It is now .understood in London that the People's Telephone Company, which recently obtained a fifteen -year fran- chise from the .city, will abandon the arrangement. The company recently asked for an extension of time,in which to install its plant, which expires at New Year's, but the request was not granted, and it is now impossible to carry out the terms of agreement. The creditors of the estate of I. Grossman, of Ailsa Craig, have made a settlement with Messrs. Simonski &, Levinski, who received the stock from Grossman, The creditors have obtain- ed from Simonski & Levinski stocks valued at about $4,000 and $1,700 cash. 'The goods were in warehouse and in transit, and the latter were sold at 82c on the dollar. Itis expected that the creditors will receive about 50 cents on the dollar. Thomas Seldon, of Ingersoll, has done an immense business in export this fall. During the apple season he packed and exported oyer 20,000 barrels of apples to the English mar- ket. He has been quite successful with his apples, having disposed of over 17,- 000 barrels already. He made his last shipment of poultry on Saturday. Al- together, he has bought and exported over 20,000 head. Mr. Seldon left for the Old Country on Monday. The. Department of Agricultype at Ottawa has discovered from experi- ments in the poultryfeeding estab,�ish- ment at Carleton 'Place that tht3 best flesh -food for fowl is oatmeal ground' as fine as flour, mixed' with skimmed. milk. Poultry on that diet have taken on flesh with remarkable speed. Even Prof. Robinson was astonished at the result of the experiment. The result shows that the dairy Med poultry -rais- ing industries are intimately connect- ed. The Department of Agriculturel has just published -a valuable bulletin on peach culture lin Canada, prepared by John Craig, late horticulturist of the Dominion. Although the successful rultivbt.inn of peaches in Canaria . is confined to few districts of limited dimens'oils, Prof. Saunders says the 'area 1 . t-orable for the growth of this fruit i s -i cieiatly large t$ admit of a great i• tengiou Of the industry, The R Tale -year-old son of Mr. Evan8, forenlrtl of the bailing room at D, S. Perrin- ron'fectionery Works, Loudon,. et w -i -h :a most unfortunate accident aturei.k,v evening. The little: fellow lad ; u.t brought his father's supper - he fat -tri •y running over -time at this msy sr;:rson-and when passing a ma- chine be unwittingly put his left hand o11 it and started the machine going', n a ter inkling the little hand was cut off at the wrist. The wound bred freely, and the sufferings of the lad Were pitiable. MARKET REPORT$. Exeter December 7th 189b.. Wheat per bushel .. ,60 to 07 1 IDE Oats:.. 25 to 26 Barley. 44 tb 47 Peas ..55 to 60 Butter..,.•15 to 15 Ekgs. ... , 15 to 16 Turkeys ,. 7 to 8 Geese Ohiokens per lb .. 5 to 5 Ducks 7 to 7 Wool, ... ..,., 17 to 18 Dried Apples,. «}} Pork dressed . ; 5,50 2to to 5-03 Pork live weight 75 to 53.75 Ray per 500 to 6.00 Clover seed , 4.00 to 5.00 Alsf o clover 5. k vie 4.50 a OR m o thy seed .. ... 81,00 to 81.25. London, ,Doeember lth 0898. ' Wheat per bushe ,., ...62 co 63 Oats.... ...... .,:23 to 24 Peas 54 to G3 Barley,... -50 Buckwheat 36 to 38§ Corn , ' .... . ..... 59 to 39 33f to 48 Beans' .,.,40 to 60 Butter .,. .. ..:.13 to 14 Eggs 10 to 11 Ducks... ,., ::60 to 76 Turkeys per iG. 10 to 12 Ge oro r lb...... . 9 to Chickens 50 to 75 Cheese8 to 10 Potatoes per bag....... .. 86 'tot 00 r Hay per ton . , -.t 6.00 to $ 7'50 Pork per owl,. -,. 84.50 to 85,00 GRAIN MARKETS Montreal, Dec, 6. -Flour --Receipts, 2,000 barrels ; market quiet ; patent winter, $3.90 tai 4.180 ; patent spring, $4.40 to $4.50 ; straight roller, $3.50 to 3.70'; extra, $3.20 to $3.40 ; superfine, $2.50 to $2.70 ; strong bakers' $4.10 to $4.20 ; Ontario bags, $1.70 to $1.80. Wheat -No. 2 Manitoba hard, 74o to 76c ; corn, 40c to 42c ; peas, 66e to 67c ; oats, 29c to 30e ; barley, ..41c to 43c ; rye, 55c to 57c ; buckwheat. 48e to 50 c, oatmeal, $1.70 to $1.80 ; cornmeal, 95e to $L05. ; pork, $15.50 to $16; lard, 7c to Sc; bacon, 10d -to 11c ; hams, 10e to llc ; eggs, 13c to 15c. Toronto, Dec. 6. -Flour quiet and steady, with straight rollere quoted at $3.10 to $3;25 Toronto freight. Bran, $11 to $12 west, and shorts, $14 to $15 west. Wheat in moderate•demand,and prices steady ; red winter; and white quoted _et 68c. to 89c,,. north, and west; -and geese at 690 r to Me low freights ; No. 1 Manitou ,hard, •69ic to 70c, Fort William'; c.to 77e,Ower ' Sound, and Midland, and `S0e Toronto freights ; No. 1 northern,•76c to 77e, Toronto • freights. Oats firm; with'sale's of white at 20c west, and 2.8e' east ; peas, 62c to 62ic, north and' west, and 63iie on Midland ; rye, 51c to 52c out- ' side ; buckwheat, 45c to 47c • corn steady, at 33c to 34e west, for Canad- ian, and 42c to 43tc on track here for American ; barley quiet, No. 1 quoted at 47c to 48c west, and 49c east. • LIVE STOCK' MARKET.. Chicago, I11., Dec. 6. Cattle,in good demand, mostly $4.75 to $5.50 ; Christ- mas cattle sold' up to $5.95 ; common steers around $4.40 ; stockers and feeders, $3 to $4; calves, $3.65 at $6.75. Hogs higher, at $3.25 to $3.35, for common, up to $3.50 to $3.55, for choice to prime'; pigs; chiefly•$3.10 to $3.35. Sheep and lambs .'.stronger • early, but weakened somewhat 'later ; sheep,$3.40 to $3.50 for commonerlots,' up to $3.90,.'to $4.30 for good choice ; heavy western export sheep, $3.90 ; yearlings, $4.10 to $4.80 ; common to choice lambs, $4 to $4.50 ; feeders, $4.50 to $4.80 for lambs, and $3.50 to $3.90 ' for western sheep. Receipts - Cattle, 17,500 ; hogs. 39,5G0 sheep, 22,000. Ask For These • Myrtle Cut, . Orinoco Cut, Cherub Cut. FINEST VIKGINIf. LE tF 1E0. E. TOCKETT & SON CO. MIN HEART PAINS The Heart and nerves are Often gffected and Cause Prostration of the Entire £ystem, A Kingston Lady Testifies to Her•El .,. perlence in the Use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. People who stiffer from any disease or disorder of the heart nervous system, such as Palpitation, Skip Beats, Smother- ing or Sinking Sensations, Sleeplessness, Weakness, Pain in the Head, etc., can- not afford to waste time trying various remedies, which have nothing more to back up their claims than the bold asser- tions of their proprietors. These diseases are too serious to per- mit of your experimenting with untried remedies. When you buyMilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, 'you know you have behind them the testimony of thous- ands of Canadians who have been cured by their use, One of these is Mrs. A. W. -Irish, 92 Queen Street, Kingston, Ont., who writes as follows t "1 have suffered for some' years with` sensation a smothering caused by heart disease. The severity of the pains in my heart caused me much suffering, I • was also very nervous, and my whole system was run down and debilitated. "Bearing of 141i1burn's Heart and Nerve Pills being a'specifc for these troubles, 1 thought 1 would try them, and therefore got a box at 141cLeod's Drug Store. "They afforded the great relief, having toned up my system and removed the distressing symptoms from which 1 suf•y feared, 1 can hearth, recommend these wonderful pills to all sufferers froth heart trouble," LiortaLiver Purrs cure 'anteater**, hes' pepola and Conatlpatfon, $very Phil perfect. M PlifSfNI MUNIN Of if GLO8ING YEAR Must EndT116Linos0?Mane11t%6i Favi To Baoisl. DisGaso, PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND, EARTH'S GREAT. MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION, "MAKES SICK PEOPLE WELL." Another short month and the year 1898 will come to a close. As the year ends, many loved and dear ones will pass away, severing ties and associa- tions that will bring untold sorrow, agony and mourning. The victims will come team all classes and condi- tions s of our population. While it iswe all leave must this transitory life, it ought to be well understood that our years of life son earth should be three score and ten or fourseore«years. When young and middle age men and women fail to reach a good old age, the fault is theirs in ninety cases out of every hundred. It is safe to assert they has violated the laws of nature and have allowed the disease to enchain them. Years ago the 'alt ention- of thatcele- . brated medical expert, Dr. Phelps, I was specially directed to the class re ft-rred to who die in middle age. He tt.tlized the fact that something far beyond the ordinary remedies an prescriptions of the day was required to meetthe Tailed conditions of suf- fering humanity. His wonderful life- giving prescription, Paiue's Celery Compound was the boon bestowed on the hosts who suffer froth the common diseases -penalties of nature for trans-'. gressions of its wise laws, Dr, Phelps Days are getting shorter, ..,.....- Nights are getting longer, found that nervous diseases,b lo0 d Therefore it is necessary that youhave es l ec a etroubits,liver andkidneycomPliants, rheumatism, neuralgia and dyspepsia that are exactlysuited to eyes. Our Optician is home yourY again and prepared to give ydn the best expert attention - were dragging thousands to the grave every year, notwithstanding ah the well directed efforts of conscientious Medical men, This maryellous prescription of Dr. Phelps' was a revelation to the world, in that it cured desperate and long standing cases of disease that had baffled the best medical skill. Since its advent Paine's Celery Com- pound has saved tens of thousands, and is still conquering disease ,every day. No other medicine known to man has ever received such flattering notices and testimonials from promi- nent men and women and from the entire press of the land. It is the one and only life saver in every case of disease and suffering; it defeats death when the physician is unable to save. It is to this marvellous banisher of disease-Paine's Celery Compound - that we would direct attention of all who are run down, tired, sleepiesa.. nervous, debilitated and weak -symp- toms of the diseases we have referred to above. It will quickly give to every ailing man or woman that vigor strength and perfect health that in sure and guarantee a, happy old age. E. Cleaver has sold his farm near Moncton and - has bought a residence. in Milverton for $750, and will shortly move there with his family to enjoy the life of a retired gentleman. THE TIMES wisher them every comfort in their new home.• ' FOR OVER FIFTY -YEA. RS. • AN OLD AND WELL;TRIED RuMEDY: Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for 'ever fifty years by millions of mothersfor their children while teething,with perfect success. soothes the child, sofens thegums, allays all pain cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for liiarnccea. It is pleasant to the, taste. Sold by druggists in 'every :part of the -world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be ure and- ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. The Stratford General Hospital au- thorities in selectinga successor to Miss Fennell as lady superintendent, have placed their choice upon Miss (Millman a lady who at present presides over the surgical department of theToronto General hospital, THE PIONEER LIMITED Is the name of the only perfect train in the world, now, running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee Sc St, Paul and Minneap- olis via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway -the pioneer road of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illustratedppam- phlet, showing views of beautiful scenery along the route of the Pioneer Limited, will be sent free to any person upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address Geo, H. Heaftord, NEW General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ill. The undersigned has up Opened a P new meat market one door South .of Garl N's Store. where he will keep the',choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T ]'TANNING • EXETER MILLING CO.. SUCCESSORS TO THE HOLLINS AND WILLIAMS MILLING GO., Are now ready to do business with the pub tic generally. All kinds of FLOUR, FEED AND MILL STUFF For sale at close prices. Leave your orders at the mill. We deliver every day to any part of the town free, We hope you will help us to make a succuss of the business, which means,a success for the town, Highest Prices Paid for Wheat At all times_ TELEPHONE. No. 36. STEWART BROS. & WILLIAMS. A Man is always in the SWiM If he wears one of W. JOHN'S neatly fitting SUITS He is a pure fitter. His prices are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine his goods before buying your . FALL SUIT W. JOHNS, The Tailor HARD TO STOOP. Backache and Kidney trouble make a Halifax lady's life miserable. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HER. It would be well if every lady in Canada' understood' that pain in the back and backache were nothing more nor less than a cry of the disordered kidneys for help„ Hundreds of ladies have .found Doan's Kidney Pills a blessing, giving them relief from all their suffering and sickness. Among those who prize them highly is Mrs. Stephen Stanley, 8 Cornwallis St., Halifax, N.S. She says that she was troubled with a weakness and pain across. the small of her back, which was so intense at times that she coald hardly stoop. Hearing of Doan's I<idney Pills she got a box, and is thankful to say that they completely- removed the pains fromher back and gave tone and vigor to her; entire system. Mrs. Stanley also added that her husband had suffered from kidney derangement, but one box of Doan's Kidney Pills completely cured him, 1`7o one afflicted with Bacttach'e, Lathe 13aclt, Rheumatism, 1• right's Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, ple'eedv�pany on'0yieitilsoubn•sir. badfyPl trial every time cure when every' other remedy lads. Price sea n box. of g for 4r ea, at all tirxggists, Thin Donn Kidney Pill Co., Toron;ttl, an4 r� ear . -Quarters ef For ;o Undertaking-mos- And ndertaking - -And Furniture AT R. N. ROEW'S J Everything up-to-date. Largest stock ever shown in Exeter. R. N. ROWE SCHOOL OPENING' A full bright of' line, fresh SCHOOL BOOKS and every School quisite at BROWNING IS and re - Where the Scholars are always used well x 0 o. 0 0 ASK `v'OJ;; SEALER FOR 15 BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY,AND FARM FREE.a\ We give this fine watch, and also a chain and charm for selling two dozen Lavine Conten Bur. 'TONS, at 10 cts. each. Send your address and we forward the Buttons, postpaid, and our Premium List. No money re- quired. Sell the Set- tees among your friends, return the money, and we send the watch, prepaid. A genuine Antcrican emelt, guaranteed a good timepiece,, Mention this paper when writing. i EVIIOB is111TTON 90 Adtenld0 St. ti. Tate/0o. Ont. T. FITTON'S. .Jewellery store. Mornings preferred for testing • • • • • • o•o•p po*-0,00oo •oo•C► "ThatFeeling" Ti Is just as common and just as reasonable in horses as it 'is in risen, When their blood is m poverished their appetite and energy leavethem-their w e gy le vark. feels twice as hard. Dick's Blood Purifier 411•••11,1 1. _-•••••--- ear , .► •.. yrM.,,.i- ' ' restores this lost vitality -The food is enjoyed-Eter"y particle it digested, -The hide frees itself. Bots' and kindred `worms are des.' troyed and the horse thrives. , 30 Ceuta a Package. Trial $ Ceuta. LEEMIN6, MILES & CO. Montreal, Agents. DICK -I=00., Propriatore, 000000 0• �51ff►it'tr'lhifliid¢k`2W�'sW�'tY'Jia`YktY's,'kd:.-'s�rYh`1t1t3e'U►�'dL�1,M1i`s'�'Y�`a'tr.'eta'!+1.'�"�`t�'Y���Si`ahll!'rF+t►lfilWdY�.'- N Earn this valuable Watch,. Chain and Cha, -a by selling twenty Tpna.g Scarf Pins, at 15 cents each. Send your address and we for miellthe. Pins and our Premium List; postpaid. 1f' money required Te•P1*. will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance oral_ diamonds, and has never before been ofr red at anything like this vice Tb•e, - Wafcb is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fullyf,,aaras-xd, -- Unsold Unsold Pins may be returned. Mention this paper when writings ' THE GEM PI/4 CO,, Freehold Buildtii 1` Tonto Cat: ANWIPJ41.'AMMIAt RAAfVV4 R9Ar,'ruts ,IAWAwt,t 113-45!.1.5? •11..44-sR Genuine Padlock and Key A Solid Gold Shell Rada F REE. or Curb Cllaill Crap, :lel ylON'T send money. Just your name kr and address on a POST CARO, and we will send you 20 packages of AROMATIC CACHOUS, adelicious con- fection to perfume the breath, to sell for us, if you can, at 5 cents per package. When sold send. us our money, $1.00, and we will send you FR E E your choice of the beautiful prizes illustrated. - Goods return- able if not sold. Ideation this paper. SI4OWOON CHAM3tRS f TORONTO ONT. TISDALL SUPPLY CO. T_J- irrz7S I FARMERS 'hu toi'eI -' -- You wi11 find at Bissett's Wareroom We would recommend those suffering from COUGHS, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINA.N'S COUGH BALSAM. Ir is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT • RAF,UMATISM INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG SYRUP.. 0 LUTZ A Suit of filmes or a Single Garment Should Combine now a days, Correctness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fitt. You look for these in an old and. reliable Place, and A. J. SMELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of s �i Winter Goods at sir In. Worsteds and Tweetts, are now on our shelves, and WO will take much pleasure in siirwinf; them to you. There are many other lines that are specially at. tractive. s 'b,1 yi +14Mp s r tlt the following line of Agricp1 tural Implements BERING BIN- DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY RAKES. Afull line of Seed Drills, Cultivators Disc and Diamond Harrows Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES, ETc The celebrated • Knoll Washer Raymond sewing and wringers machine STOVES. Gurney stores and furances. waggons Buggies Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a ful line of the celebrated McLaughlin Buggies. 'BILI.,'' WITH SPRING FLOWERS Comes the necessity of SPRING - GARMENTS � 4 RRI 11 l Weare _with We 1 e 1n the van wit � all . that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stook of $17.00 Valley Worsteds in all` the newest colorings.. Remember we put up, the best suit4or.:10.00 that calix be bought ht in the count; y GIVE VS A CALL, J Grieve