HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-12-8, Page 1TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR NO. 17.
''''''`')"..)T• 't•t"' t -t :St: •Tti °e`..4. -u ' • teet:tvetnettt4.44:14,14toltit
1431.......aseessaill. ,4111t!now.--- . 4, ela nke '/AN'll IAN` 1 A
. , Honsall.
VV..I. e Are Satisfied * 1
„Mt, I G. .T. Sutherland, Notary Puldie, Convey
, •eiv °Amer, Commissioner, Fire Insurance agent
' ,, and Issurer of IVIarriage lacenges. Legal CL0011
IA meats carefully drawn at reasonable ,rates
* To Leave Tliese Values ei• 1VI 0 i le q to loan on real estate at low rates of in,
ali temst. Odle° at the Post office. Hensail. ,
e.i. , ...... . ,
To Your Own Judgment .
. 4 '5' (Late with Oarrow 84 Prondfootl Rarriater
. , t ...it. Solicitor Notary Publio, Rensall, Ont.
- - - 1'11
si • $4....NCIPPL ffiSHE'X :.GAZETTE.
If you need au3;. of these lines we know
you cannot buy them anywhere to better
Ladies' realefleeced lined cashmere Gloves, nice silk
a .• finish, very comfortable and warm; good value at per
Women's 2-1, Ribbed heavy all wool hose, seamless
feet, solid value at per pew. , . , .. „ .. , .
Men's all wool socks, heavy weight, grey and white
mixed, ribbed top, would sell readily at 25e. per pair,
our prwe while they last .., ... ... .
en's top shirts. extra heavs grey and black knitt,
fe with rolling collar, full size, a splendid vsearing shirt for
01•11•111.1111MMIIIMMINIM f•••••mpegoaaaamoes.
SOROOL Rienonae-The monthly re-
port of S. S. No, 2,Hay, for the mouth
of Novenibereis as follows. Nantes aze
in order of merit. V,K,M.Itussell;IV,
W. A Mengel!, IL F. Johnston, .Alice
Donnall ; Sr. III, Cora, Munn, T. E.
Gould, Loeisa Armstrong ; Jr. III,
.T R. Mnen, R. F. Northcott, Daisy
Dilling ; Sr. I f, Mabel Doegall, Beetle
it 1 Johnston, Percy Clark ; Pt. II, E. W. Northcott, Ethel Harvey; Jr. IL Mary
ce Mun 1, Geo, Arensteong ; Pt. 14 W. W.
7 Nor thco tt, Grace Anderson. T.
Ballentyne. The best spellers la the
a eionthly epelliog matches weee.:-V,
") Milton Russell ; IV, Alice Dougali ;
e Si. III, Wellie O'Brien ; Jr. 1“, J. 3,
Muaa ; Sr. If, Mabel Dougall; sle. II,
Moly Solneston ; Pt. II, Edgar Illtam ;
Pb. I, WillieNorthcott,
W. H. JOHNSTON, Teacher.
,V4 , -p A. Sellery, L. D S., D. D. S., Honor Grad
* e.' '' A.
of Toronto Univeriity, Dentists. Tee
extraci,-3,-.1 without.pnirz or bad eilhqs, . °al
'71 -al in Petty''S Block, Rowan. At Zurieh own
IVIoncloy, commencing May 30th. •
`Iait, I
to. .tt
V 13urnes.--We are now favored wit
Ake '
an abundance of snow; more than w
25,e. ,010, wood,
had for rnony years at this sea-
estes son, and is just what is wanted both
25, nee for farmers,poricc aanielwieissinaelresesbpmerieennsge.-ntGusgriaoleioteti,
.11,14 into m
asee, sleighinganeta20c.t with ready demanci
Aand good prices.-Geo.ni°°ngrag eaniTs-,
50c. ftl, t_ino ni4soanl ed 4fwietotris'etnwoettsoacykneeli .c1 im
on Monday
prices i; 1 attelsclescit,aatis.
env he a former issue of this paper, Mr.
gee Ingram intends going out to British
leg Columbia in the spring,to join the rest
ti,..4- of his family, who have from time to
▪ time been settling there during the
X past few years. -Miss Whitesides, one
sone of one efficient assistant Public School
teachers, is this week confined to her
111 X, room through illness. We hope soon
85 inch plain bloe Flette good weight and fast color,
Ctur regular price 7a to day• 5c.
Men'sheavy ail wool shirts and,drawers,plain grey rib
ed wrist bands and ankles, regular price 75a each, a genu-
ine bargain at 59c
este4. to see her sufficiently recovered to re-
. 26 inch fancy tweed drese Goods, b)kground with
m8,11 mauve check, very durable and extraordinarily
e• cheap at per yd .
.. • Ladies'blk astrachan gauntlets,weillinediallthrough
good kid facing, nicely finisbed and a lot of warmth for
31 inch fancy flannelette in neat plaids, especially
ntees• for childrens wear, perfectly fast colors, an excellent
7.., wearing quality special at per yd.... ..... ........•
.. ... . .
Ladies'black goat cape,25 inches long80inches sweep
• lined with heavy fancy farmers satin, high storm eollsr
• a more comfortable and cheap capeis, hard to find
Ladies' astrachan jacket, 28 inchOe long made of No
1, quality skins, fine glossy curl, lined throughout with
heavy. black Italian, high storm collar,extra good value
at $20.00 better still at. .. .
ere Ladies' blk possum cape 80 inch sweep, 25 inches
nern• long, A. 1 quality fur, lined with heavy satin, high
ale storm collar two pockets, wear guaranteed, a beauty at $
se, some her duties. -Miss Aloud Stanleyt
C. ite.
e -,41e41 Mr. and Mrs. Miller Edwards, of the
IAN' of Lumen is visiting her uncle andau
nshp ▪ of Hay. -Miss Ida Dick,who
$1.00 oPe has occupied the position of ;saleslady
tifs' and milliner in London, during the
past season, is home on a visit tad
week. -Messrs. Ellis and Sraallacomb
have the rink now flooded, and with
continued cold *eather, expect to have
skating and curling in full swing herons
the close of this week. They had, with
commendable enterprise, the rink
4.ve ready just before the recent thaw,
ee e0 • which took the bottone out of it, after
te"" nesne all their trouble and expense. We
hope, however, they will not have a
M 00 erne , similar experience soon again, as our
Chirling Club is again reorganized with
loc. mv•
$9.75. Sea
p' go r
Soiroon REPORT. -The following is
the st:ending of the pupils in S. S. No.
6,1Tsborne,for the month of Noveinber.
Plthel GodboIt, Leslie Robinson ;
Se, I kr, Linda Bainter,Dora, Delbridge;
je. IV, May Hawkinei:;'Toria, Miners,
Rbbeett Wilcox '• Sr. ,rfl, Lucy Oeuch,
Ile,ae. Woods, BertnFletchera Tr. III,
'Man* Rowcliffe, lleton Slea.mon,
Lena,Woods ; Sr. II;''Oliver Jewitt,
CedilVirrina, Mary Delbnidgee Jr. II,
MyrtleeLevine, Flossie Fi•anms, Wil -
red Soils ; Sr. Pt. II, LestiCWOrden,
Villie Vale, Victor Sawyer • Sr. Pt.
II, Clarence Fletcher, Jackson Woods,
Bayes ; Sr. Pb. I, Othello Hey -
'rood, Alinnaa Hey wood, Sara Hicks;
s, Jr. Pe. LEfattip, 1:tuater,Laura. Woods,
Mine.* „
P. GA5C33QTRIls Teachers.
E. E. ,
• -
A. J. FORD & CO• a lone 1s t f raerers, including nem;
1 °
se as all the old -ti e players and man
new ones, and they as well as our
The Solid Value .Store,
s. wooictik elm .to resume their favorite 'winter pas-
• time -G. O. Petty. the enterprising
house, is g,etting in. and curing a large
, skitters axe. anxioas for ice, it order
Vair AN, VAN IA /AV 4>
.tgfritilliattit'1/414,944A.4;4"gt.f4.......magegaiL. .40312ator.-.1'A.4t0"Pkr-A., A A 11";-' proprietor of the Yorkshire packing ,
• Zurich
• BRIEFS. -A:igust Ehnes has receiv-
,ndivord from his son, Rev. M. Ehnes,
-seying that be and his wife have
safely. in Atrica, and will at once
take inp thew mission work. It took
them a month to reach their destine• -
tion. -Rev. J. P. Hauch, of Berlin,
general agent for the tipper 'Canada
Bible Society for this district, held the
annual meeting in the Evangelical
ohurch, on Tuesday evening. He de-
livered. an excellent address, and. told
of the good work being done by "the
_society., Th' old officers were re-enkt-
ed for the ensuing year. -Samuel
good has sold his farm to Mr. Brode-
rick, and intends moving to Zurich.
&MOGI. REPORT. -The following is
a correct report of the standing of the
downs in Thelon S. S. No. 12, lisborne,
for the month of November. Names
one arranged in order of reerit. IV,
Eva Tapp, Katie Twohey, Nettie
'Brooks • Sr. III, Chris. McCarthy,
McGee, James Ogden, Hector
Norah Kensela ; Jr. III, Mary
Ann McGee, Florence Brooks, Harvey
'Butherby, Norah McGee ; Sr. II, Mary
McCarthy, Willie McGee, Oscar
Morley, Bridget Whelihan ; Jr. II,
eGertie Sutherby, Freeman Arksey ;
Pt. II, Aylmer Morley, Edna Gunning,
'John Ohnarto Sr. Pt. I, Evelyn Ogden,
Walter Gunning, Norah M. McGee;
Jr. Pt. I, John Whelihan, Mary
C'mara, Bridget McGee, .Patrick Mc-
Gee, Stella Millson, Sarah McGee,
Maggie O'mara, . DelbertMorley,
Loretto McGee. Number on roll 83,
average attendance 27.
D. EnsTow, Teacher.
The pains of rheumatism should be
reminded that a cure for this disease
may be found in Hood's Sarsaparilla.
'The experience of those who have
'taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for rbeurcia-
;Jim, nn -d have completely and per-
eManently cured, prove the power of
medicine to rout and conquer this dis-
ease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One
sTrue Purifier and it neutralizes the
-acid which causes the aches and pains
..of rheumatism. This is whyit absolute-
lyeures When liniments and other out-.
'.ward applications fail to give per-
essatient relief. Be sure to get Hood's.
Us borne -council
. ,
Council met on Dec. 3rd, pursuant
to adjournment. All the members
were presenb. Minutes of November
meetipg eiere read and, approved.
fluriter:-Erelbridgeenlhat the 1.101)31-
nationi for- neetre and Couticillors to
serve in the municipality for the year
1899 be held at the Township elall,
Elimville, on Monday Dec. 26th at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. tn: for Reevejand
at 12 o'clock noon for Councillors,
thatY. Morley preside at said nomina-
tions, and in case polls are, necessary, -
they be be held as followse:-Dies 1,Town-
ship Hall, Elimville, F. Morley, R. O. ;
Div. 2, lot No. 0, N. T. R, George
Love, D. R. O. ; Div. 3, lot No. 2, con.
10, Henry Browne. D. R. 0, ; Div. 4,
Public Hall; Farquhar, Alex. Duncan,
D. R. O., that said polls be opened et 9
a. m. and closed at 5 p. m. on Monday
January 2nd, 1809,tliat the said Deputy
Returning Officers ,receive the votes
of the electors for County Councillors
at the same tune and places above pro-
vided, and that a by-law be dratted
'confirming the same. Carried.
Keddy-Hunter-That by-law No. 8,
1898, confirming the preceding resolu-
tion be read a first, second and third
time, passed by the Council, signed
and sealed. Carried,
Delbridge-Keddy -- That the ex-
penses of the Board of Health anwunt-
ing to $23.50 be paid. Carried.'
Hunter - Hunkin - That Joshua
Johns and William Turnbull be ap-
pointed auditors and that they meet to
audi , the Treasurer's books, and pre-
parethe financial statement on Satur-
day Dec. 17th. Carried.
A large number of orders vvere issu-
quantity of hogs, and with the con-
venience he has in his new block is in
a better position than ever to do a
rushing business this winter. -Miss
Herne, of Exeter, and. ,forerly of
Hensel], -was in the village this week
renewing acqUaintanees. =Miss Brett,
Publie School teacher, of the Parr line
neer Hills Green, epetit Saturday and
Sunday with friends in Hensall,-The
Rev. .T. S. Henderson addressed the
annual Thanksgiving offering meeting
of the Women's Foreign Missionary
Society on Wednesday evening last
in Carmel church. The attendance
was good and the address interesting.
-Dr. Graham, of Clinton, spent Sab-
bath last the guest of lames Suther-
land. -We are pleased to see that B.
Kaiser has eufficiently recovered from
his Tate serious illness, to be able to
resume werk.-Court Ivy Green Lodge
of the C. O. F. had their membership
swelled here on Thureday evening last
by no less than 19 new mensbers. A
pleasing feature of the evening's meet-
ing was an oyster supper served in
good style by Bro. D. W. Foss, of the
Palace Bakery and Restaurant, and
the presentation by the lodge to Bro.
McEwen, Grand Organizer, of a beaut-
iful gold -headed cane, with the in-
scription, "From Court Ivy Green
Lodge,Hensall, December 1, 1898."
The presentation was made in the
name of the lodge by Bro. (neve) 1. S.
Henderson, who in a neat speech, al-
luded with pleasure to the good stand-
ing and growth of Court Ivy Green
Lodge, and its indebtedness to Bro.
McEwen, the Grand Organizer, who
by his visit here hadnnspired the lodge
members with new life, energy and
enthusiasm, and who has been so slic-
ed in payment of accounts and Coun-
cil adjourned on motion of A. Rankin, its roll of membership. r
in his reply made a pleasing and. able
seconded by -VV. Kemeet ec
15th at 1 o'clock sddy to D.
isal address, in which he reviewed the
history and Fgrowth of the order, and . oat ET, Clerk.
-IMP. the high and enviable position it now
SCROFULA_ CURED. holds as one of the best fraternal and
P. Ducbuc, Magoff, (pie:, writes : I have used secret societies in the world, and
o h lth. selves vvorthy of the Order, and to seek
threebottles of B. . . for scrofula, Impure • urged' the rnemIeers to prove them -
Mei and Dy,spepsia, and was completly restor.
Milburn's Rheumatic Pills aro the only reli- to advance its best interests and their
able and sotisfactory'remedy for _Rheutriat_isiim: own in so doing, and in closing thank-
s tica Luba o out ana Neurelg
irfoe 50ern. all DrulgiG
sts. ed the Lodge most heartily for their
HAGYARD'S YELLOW Otte very handsome gift which he could as
Applied externally cures Sprainsbruises, mire them was a genuine surprise to
Cut OTT. 8' 'Tahillei1iairiteliiiigyaegliartS1 Perna him, and which would always serve
Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, etc: to remind hiin of Court Ivy Green
Price 25c.
Cramps, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhces. aro Lodge, of Hensall, and the pleasant
itrairs romptly relieved by Dr. FoWleettExtract week spent with its neemhere. - D.
of V't d Strawberry.
Another lot of MEN'S ULSTERS that will be sold
it very low prices,
LADIES' JACKETS to clear at heavy discounts
• Ali kinds of Fur Coat's, Capes, Robes, Caps and
'Fur Goods of all kinds will be offered at low prices to clear
Bargains in ritiitnery to dote out balance Of
Now is the time t,o buy your winter foot wear,
Rubbers & Socks; Overshoes, Rubber and felt goods. A
:heavy stock to close out.
arocory. stock complete ancl fresh and. will 1)e
sold as low as the lowest.
Market price paid fok All kinds of Farm Produce.
JOHN UALL, D�sliwoocl,
Morston was in Exeter this week spen-
ding a few days with friends. -- IVIrs.
(Rey.) W. E. Kerr received a present
from het father this week, in the form
of &handsome bicycle. -Special Meet-
ings are still being held in the Metho-
dist church this week, and. are being
well attended. -George IVfeEwan has
purchased the old Fansville church
property and intends either reinclying
or rebuilding it here for storage pur-
poses connected with his business here.
-Kenneth McArthur, of Ansa Craig,
is Imre this week visiting his brother.
-Dr. Ferguson was in London on
Monday. -James White, who has been'
ect yery ill for the past year, was able
last week to enjoy short drives. -Mrs.
R. 11, Collins and, sister,1111881 K. Bon-
thron, with other Exeter friends,
were visiting friends in thiS neighbor-
hood on Friday afternoon last. Mise
Troyer, eldest, (laughter of Chan. Troy -
o2 Bills Green, Wit8 taken tlanger'
musty ill of inflarnmatiori at the home
of Inobt. Ittrrott, boar here, a couple
of weeks ago, and has ever since then
been in it MOW:, critical condition. We
hope she may soon recover.
4 I
Ottlidrreh Cy for
• Farquhar
WEDDING BELLS. -A very happy
event 'took place at the residence of
James Harris, Uslsorne township, on
Wednesday evening, November 23rd,
When his dapghter, Mary Selina, was
united in, marriage to Charles C.
Brown, a prosperous young farmer, of:
Wawanosh township, Huron .county..
The Rev. Mr. Jewett, of Elimville,
conducted the ceremony in the pre-
sence of a large number of friends and
relatives of the contracting ' parties.
Miss Rita M. Harris, cousin of the
bride acted as bridesmaid. The groone
wasattended by Arnold Harris,brother
of the bride. After congratulations
the guests assembled. in the dining-
roomto a Most suroptitiene- repast. The
bride was the recipiengeflnany beauti-
ful wedding presents. On Friday the
happy coupleelefefor their future home
near Dungameen.
BRIEFS. - Mrs. Frank O'Neil and.
family, of Napinkerrendin. are visiting
at the home of her brother, John Mc-
Queen. -A.• Ketchen left this week to
speak for the Farmers' Institute ; the
Ulna allotted to him is about three
months; he has' several subjects &one
which. to speak, and this is the third
season the society has sent him out. -
G. Turner is buying fowl for export. -
The Sabbath Schoola at, Mr. Grassick's
and G. Baird's School -a are closed for
the winter menths.-Mr. Rose, of To-
ronto, was here this week visiting his
nephew, Sohn Rose, G. T. R. agent. -
Miss Edith McLacklin, of Brussels, is
this week the guest of Miss Beetle Gib-
son:- James Foote /eft on Monday
morning for Winnipeg, where he in-
tends taking a mission field for the
winter. -Mr. Oliver, of London, the
gentleman who had the contract for
deepening Grey's creek; in the town-
ship of Tuckersraith, gave an oyster
sannee last week, at Dixon's hotel,
to a member of those interested in the
work. The members of the township
council were present. -A special meet-
ing of the Independent order of For -
resters, of Brucefield lodge, will be
held on Inhlan evening, 9th inst
Ilnanne.-The Lord's Supper will be
dispensed in St. Andrew's church on
the second Sabbath �f December. rhe
eervices in connetaion will be held on
tir:day and Monday as formerly. -John
Thompson, of the Medical College, To- "
ronto, was abiding ander the parental ,
roof during the' Thanksgivingholidays. 'd
-The sleighing ishringing out the cut-
ters and sleighs, which makes our vil-
lage astir, and has the tendency to
keep our merchants in good humor. -
Mrs, Sohn Anderson, of Stanley, who
has been spending a pleasantvisit 'with
her daughters, Mrs. WM. McDonald
and Miss Atiderson, of London, has re-
turned home. -Mr. and Mrs. James
Miller have returned home from St.
Louis. Mr, Miller is much improved,
although he is still very weak. Robert
McMorclie, whams on a tvvo weeks'
business trip to London,Toronto,Owen
Sound and Muskoka in conneetiot with
the Owen Sound Fire Insurance Com-
pany, has returned honie.-The fancy
quilt Evade by the ladies of the Mission
13anclaand which contains 263 names
was sold on the evening of the social,
and was'pnrchased by Mrs, ,T. Balfottr.
We learn that Min. Balfour purposes
eetcling this beautiful piece of work to
her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Gould, of Foe -
Mose. -Albert Taylot has taken a good
position at the tailoring in the Forest
BRIEFS. -Peter Carripbell does not
seem to improve much yet. -Mr,
Ewiert Kenner who has been staying
at his sisters for some time left for
leonse at Trowbridge on Friday last,-
Duncan McICellar is making prepare -
tions to build a flue brick house next
springe-The Y. P. society was not
very well attended Sunday evening,
no doubt owing to a erevere storm
beingin progress.-IVIr. Park read a
veep nteresting paper onlVfissions and
Mr. McKenzie gave a short but good
address on the work of the student's
IVEssionary Society of Knox College.
Toronto. The pastor, Rev, Mr, Scott,
also made a few remarks on the work
he had done during his term in the
college. - The snow storm of Sunday
evening and Monday has made the
roads very heavy in some places;
drifts of no mean proportion are quite
ournerous,-Samuel McLean purposes
leaving soon to go to Walton to learn
the blacksmithing.
Munn& - Last Sunday evening a
heavy snow fall set in, over a foot :of
snow fell during the night and as a
result we have excellent sleighing. -A
meeting of the local branch of the
Bible Society was held last Thursday
evening in the M. E. Church. After
tbe usual routine business, Rev. Rauch
of Berlin gave an interesting and pro-
fitable discussion on the subject "The
Book." The officers elected were as
follows ; Pres., Dr. Rivers ; Secy., S.
Brown; Treas. and Depositor, -Carl.
Bro wn-Ocenscil met as usual on Mon-
day last. Only one more sitting for
the present members at least this year
Who will transact our business next
year ?-Large quantities of brick and
tile are bein 4 disposed of these days.
Times are good Ceediton.-This is
shovelling season, when we are not
shovelling snow we are shovelling coal.
-Rev, Hussar ad family moved into
their new home in the village on Tues-
day of this week and now occupy one
ef the most commodious and elegantly
inrnished country paesonages in Lan-
non Conference. Rev. Hussar has
Reen truly an itinerant of late, this
heing his third move since coming. to
this =cost.
Bnenns..-Miss Arabella Box, who
has been in a dan„o•erous condition,
still continues very iow.-kuso .T.
Morrish, ramie teaeher, who .has
taught in this vicinity for -entiee time
returned last 'Week to her. home at
Grand Bend. Miss Morrish has by her
kind manner and distinguished ability
a9 a teacher won many friends
and their best wishes' acconepany.ing
her. Miss Morrich, who has been m a
dangerous condition is recovering, her
many friends wish her a speedy re-
REPoRT.-Reportfor S. S. No. 4, for
the month of November giving the
standing of pupils according to merit.
-Sr. Pt. I, Bide Wein, 4‘Terner Eilber,
Edwin Wein, Albert Hartman, Leo
Hartman ; Sr. Pert Mildred Eilber,
Minnie Xestle ; Jr. Part II, Nora
Brown, Della Smith, Core, Clarke-,
August Hartma,n, Della Kestle, Aaron
Wein; Sr. Pt. II, Elgin! Amy and
Annie Hartman, ;Willie Roeszler and
Willie Snaith, Cecil Rowe; Jr. II,
Herbie Matlock, Almina Yaeger, A.
E. Whitaker, Jacob Hartman ; Sr. II,
Mabel Clarke and Tommy Roeszler,
Oliva Hartman, Ezra Wein, Nora
Hartman ; Jr. III, Freeman Illorlock,
Arthur Ay, Fred Amy, Pearl Kestle,
Garnet Amy, Albert Wein, Wilber
Rowe, Chester Rowe, Sohn Hartman ;
Sr. III, Russell Bastard ; Sr. III, Clara
Martens, Mary Roeszler, Emma Clark.
Saloon REPORT. -The following is
the correct report for S. S. No.
Stephen, for the month of December.
Names are in order of merit. -V, Ida
Sou, Edwin Beaver, Daniel Sanders,
George Sanders; IV, Stella Penhale,
Clinton Sweet, Chas. Sanders; Sr. III,
Herbie Ford, Marshall Box/ Vera
Sanders, Roy Parsons, FranU Trieb-
ner, Asa Penhaie, Minnie Triebner,
Homer Bagshaw ; Jr. III, Laura Joey,
Clara Beaver„ Matti° Willis, Viola
Penhate, Sadie Willis ; Sr. II, lt innie
Sanders, Willie Triebner, Senn/ San-
ders, Nelson Sa,nders ; Sr. Pt. Ed -
ie Herbie Dearing, Lizzie an-
ers, Beale Beaver" Mitchell Willis,
Violet Woods ; Sr. Pb. II, Lillian. Stan-
ake ; Pt. 1, Ralph Willis, Annie San-
ers„ Tommy Sanders, Gladys Bissett,
Larry Teichner, Vinnie Cookson,
Samuel Stanlake, Fred Beaver, Cicellia
Ford. s Average attendance, 35.
R. N. CREEGFE, Teacher.
°Or:WM. -Council meb December
5th 1898. All members present.
.Minietes of fast meeting read' and
signed. In compliance with Vic. 61,
•Cbap, 23, Sec. 9, and Sub Section
there to the Council is empowered. to
appoint Auditors to audit the books in
order that printed copies; may be (Wail -
able for distribution at nomination
day. Resolved that Henry Doyle and
Sohn Brokenshire be said auclitors,and
that a byelaw be drafted confirming
such appointment. Resolved that the
following persons be D. R. O. and the
following places be polling booths :-
Div. 1, Wm. 13akes, School hoose No, 1;.
Div. 2' 0, Brown, C. Rao's elsoe shop ;
Div. 3, C. Prouty, Town Hall,
Div. 4, H. Doyle, Cunningham's kit -
DIV. 5, Dan Buchanan, S.
Sweitzeins office; Div. 6, C. Stade,
Musser's Hall ; Dien 7, Robert Me-
Clinchn, S. 1101168 104D1 V'. 8, Sohn Love,
Maceabeee Hall, G. B. As the Auditors
here. Council to meet again 16 inst.,
all day. be circulated oti nomination
day, the acemints passed do not appenr
a. PROUTY, 0
had a terrible Couh. roe
leg isto tensernotiee
Was eareadein tha
destroyer. Du
Shileh'io Co
IthetlfrtatiStia,With its sharp twinges,
aches and pains. Do you know the
eintst ',Acid in the hlood has ac-
cumulated in your idliatit, The Clive is
fond. in Onncrs Sgttfanarilla Which
neutalizes the mitt Thousands write
that they have been dean pletely cured
0).003'014n by laood,'s Sarsaparilla,
good's Pl't1 cure iltinatia, sick head
0A6, hilioasinesa, indigestion; Pries
25totitto, •
Pablisbers and Peep e r
WErimbo 13erz.s.---.At the residence
ot the bride's parents, on Wednesday U 5
of thie week. Fred. Stewart, son of Here $ Your Chance
VVilliarxt 5 teWart, of Farquhar, was
wedded to Miss Rebecca, daughter of
George Kerslake of Lindley, There
were a number of invited guests pre -
sent to witness the happy event which .
passed off pleasantly. They will take
up their abode in Mr. Stewart's fine
new brick house on the farm he re-
cently purchased of Soho Kay. Con-
Bninrs.-Sohn Srnale and Joseph
Norris sold their valuable drivers to a
man in Luca n. -Mrs. Edward Drake
has returned home after spending
several months with her daughter,
Mrs. Riddell, of Manitoba. Mrs. Drake
looks well and, reports haying had a
most enjoyable. time. She, however.
thinks there is no place like home. -
Mrs. Charles Tuffin had the"misfort une
to fall and sprain her ankle the other
day, -William Oliver has purchased
the olcl Hanburn farm, which is immedi-
ately opposite his own. It contains 100
acres, and is well worth the money Mr.
Oliver paid for it. -We are sorry to say
ohat Anthony Allen, who is seriously
ill is at present no better.-Mr.Moore,
our village tinsmith, who has been do-
ing a rushing business, moyed his evife
and family to London this week.
_ 4 • 4
&mom REPORT. -The following is a
correct report of S. S. No. 1, McGilli-
ray, for the month of November.
Names in order of merit. Sr. IV,
Oh aal ieMiller,Iry ing Neil, EllaAi tkins,
Charlie Drunnaaond, Ray Cobleigh,
Gertrude eldryin ; Sr. IV, Patrick
John Miller ; Sr. III, Eva
AitIsins, Cora Lewis, James Glavin,
Ada Neil, Percy Simpson;
Libbie Miller, Ireine Cobleigh ; Sr, If,
lVfertha: Lewis, Clara Glaym, Edwin
Miller, Monica O'Reilly, Russell Simp-
son,.. Jr. rr, Willie Miller, Lance
Cobleigh, Fred Fenton, Lucy Cotter;
Sr. Pt. II, Ethelda, Altkins, Chester
Stewartson ; Jr. P. IL Murray Neil,
Cecil O'Reilly, Mable Miller, Bella
111.iiler, Thomas O'Reilly ; Pt. I, Mary
E. Flynn, Andrew Flynn, Garnet
Flynn. No. on roll 34, average atten-
dance 94.
Menreet ELST01sT, Teacher.
BRIEFS, - James'Marks-
home Islet Week after -spending the
summer soilinge-The Telepboiae Co.
are busy putting in the telephone poles
and. running a linefrom here td con-
nect with Clinton and Goderich, this
is going to be a great convenience to
our town at large.-Rey'd Mr, Graham
is at present Confined to the house with
a sore leg, but is recovering fast. -
Some of the fishermen lost some nets
during the storm of Suridayeenight and
Monday. -Mr. Contine's Mill is ready
for operation again and will do sewing
planing and chopping. -Tames Fergus
non returned on Saturday from a trip
up north. -L. 0. L. No. 24, held their
election meeting on. Monday night;the
following officers were elected for 1899:
--Henry Darah, W. M.; Wm. Elliott,
D. M. ; Donald Galbraith, Rec. See.;
John Tippett,- Treas.; A. E. Erwin,
Chap. ; Ed. Reid, Fin. Sec.; Ricbard
Elliott, Lect. ; Richard McDool, Wm.
Heard, Thos. Harrison, Wallace John-
ston and. Chas. Parker, Com.
BRIEFs -The annuul meeting of the
Dashwood Branch of the -Upper Can-
ada Bible Society was held in the Ev-
angelical church, Wednesday evening,
Nov. 30th. The agent of the society,
Rev. .T. P. Rauch, of Berlin, was pres-
ent and gave a very eloquent address
on the Bible and the vrorke of the so-
ciety. The following officers were el-
ected for the ensuing year : Pres, S
Snell; Vice Pres., Rev. A. W. Sauer;
Sec.-Treas., Thos. Snell; Depositor,
J. A. Waninabold. Committee: S. Hall,
T. Kellerman, T. Guenther, F. Baker.
-At the semtannuai busiaess meet -
lug sif the Y. P. A. on Nev. 21th the
following officers were elected : on.
Pres., Rev. .A. W. Sauer; Pre A. A.
Shetler; Vice Pres., Jane Ball; Rec.
Sec., Thos. Snell; Cor. Sec., tato.,
Greb; Treas.. E. W. Brokenell'ire;
Librarian ;D. W. Willett ; Organist,
Fanny Snell; Chorister, Lizzie Fink-
biner ; Supt. of Jr. Y. P A. Fanny
Snell, Assistant, Attie Hodgins, -The
second meeting of the local division of
the Wese Huron Teachers' Association
will beheld in the Public School here
instead of at Zurich, owing to the ill-
ness of E. S. Hagan, Principal of the
Zurich school, and President of the
association. All are invited to attend.
.0 e
M itche 1 I
Banos. -Rev. Benjamin Clements,
of Clinton will preach educational ser-
mons in the Methodist chnech next
Sunday. -Rev. William Brad I ey preach-
ed in Guelph on Sunday last, exchan
ing pulpits with Rev. Mr. Glassfor ,
who preached very acceptably in Knox
church. -The Town Council held their
regular meeting on Monday evening.
There is very little talk about next
ye mos Council, w hich consist s
mayor and six councillors, be
a uomintttion theta will '
choice. - Mrs. Roh
Guiana, is how '
ents. Kr, ant
Albert EP'
ing, h-
fro fro
For iVien also a fall range
of' Ladies' and Children's
J. P. 'Rows
BROWN-RARRIS-In Vaborne, by the Rev.
Mn. Jewett, on, the 23rd ult., Mary Seline
daughter. of ,To.mes Harris to Mr. Charles 0.
Brown, of West Wawonsh.
1tEW-M A.RTIN--In Nissourl, on Wednesday,
Nov. 29th, at the residence of the bride's iar-
ents. by the Bev. M. DA0t1Kg-
to to Miss Maggie Martin,
ROFFMAN-liVILLIAMS-In Exeter, on the
7th inst, hy-Rer. Chas Smith, Chas, Flofd*man,
of Stephen, to Miss Fannie, second daughter
of Richard lArilliants.
ST.SWART-KERSLIJKE--.At Lumley, on the
7h inst., at theresidence of the 'bride's par-
ents, Fred Stewart. son of Wm. Stewart, of
Farembar, to Miss Rebecca, daughter of Geo.
E.DWARDS-In Mitchell, on the 30thult.,Cath-
°rine, wife Etemy Edwards, aged 41 years.
ROI)D-In Exeter North, on theard Inst...Mary
• Northcott, relict of the late W313. Rodd, aged
65years, 8 months.
SMITH -In Goderielt, ou Thursday: Dee. ist,
1898, Mamin M., eldest daughter ef Abraham
Snaith. •
ROBERTS-InGoderich, on Thursday. Dee.lat,
JoannaMacKay, wife of Jim. Ftoberts, -aged
51 years / month.
DAWSON-In Fullarton, on the 29th ult., Mar-
garet Jane, wife of Robt. Dawson, aged 41
lift6LVILLE-In Seaforth, on Nov. 20th. lfarY
Robison, -vv,..feof the late Lawrence. Melville-.
aged 69 year and2 months:
RANKIN-In Egmondviile, on 1,7ov,28th,Annie °
Oliver, relict of the late Walter Rankin, aged.
71 years and 5 months. •
DYNES -In Harpurhey, on Nov. 28th, ?mufti
nab. Laird, wife of Wm. Dynes, aged. 51 years
and 5 months.
e_ \ -
J. W. Irwin of Clinton has bought
the grocery stock of Robb Bros., Sea -
Thomas Gill from Logan has pup:
chased a house in Mitchell and wil1.
move in before January.
Mr. Crosswill was fined $10 and
costs by Magistrate Mackie at Berlin
on Nov. 29 for selling tobacco to a
miner. •
Jacob Shoemaker celebrated. his 99bla
birthday ou Nov. 21, at the 'residence
of his son Alex. Shoernaker, -Vire
miles south of Berlin.
Mrs. Annie Oliver Rankin, widow
of the late Walter Rankin, and. a na-
tive of Scotland, died at Egniondville
on Nov, 28, aged 71 years. She leaves
a family, three of whom Mrs. Haw-
thorne, James Rankin and Sohn Rank,
in, live in Seaforth. •
- On Wednesday,Nov. 23,the honse
Wm. Meredith, Stratford,, a fernier
resident of -Seaforth, was the scene of
a quiet wedding. The contracting par-
ties were William McLeod,of Seaforths
and Miss Mabel Meredith. The happy,
couple left for Seaforth..
Xmas I Xmas Stoneman Bros.,
Kirkton, have opened, up a fine assort-
ment of Xmas presents, viz : toys
games, Fancy China, Perfumes,Ladies'
Gauntlets, Gents' ties, etc., and are
selling them at very close prices.
Every purchaser in this
store is a partner in the busi-
ness, it is a cd -operative or
working together concern, the
more business we do the bet-
ter we can supply your wants.
The larger turn over the cheap-
er you can buy be cause we can
sell on a smaller margin; you
have no bookkeeper to pay
here and no accounts that the'
other fellow who would not or:: -
could not pay.
Itfen'e heavy all wool Pea jacket
or short overcoat,large storm
collar, good lining. - $3.50
Men's all wool English Beaver
overcoat Imyy Atta black,
farmer setne lining, Mohair
sleeve lining, velvet stellar,
a '7