HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-12-1, Page 8The
DIED IN DETRoM-On 'Thursday
Blg Cash Store. alias Mriggio 1Villis,' daughter of the.
late George Gillis late of Exeter. De-
ceased was in usual health and died
suddenly while performing household,
Some Very Special Snaps for SHREWD
23 yds wide -heavy flannelette for 1. This is the
kind that you usually pay 7c. per yard for, come in
and Seo it
25c. the pair for the best heavy° ribbed worsted hose
in the trade, suitable for ladies and big bovs,a great
16c. 1'7c. 20c. •23c. 25c. 28c. 3Oc. the pair for boys
and girls heavy ribbed pure worsted hose. This is
the best bargain in hose we have ever offered;ask to
see the range whether you want to buy or not.
$1.25 for men's natural lamb wove shirts and drawers the
finest and best we have ever offered. They were part of a
clearing line that come our way;regular houses would have
to ask $2.00 for same goods. $1.35for extra large sizes; just.
the thing for big stout men, they are unshrinkable.
$15, $r6 and $i7 are our prices for the best black astrachan
capes, in the trade, better furs no house can show,cash and
one price is what does it. -If you want a cape or,fur coat
you better see what we are showing.
Ladies' trimmed and untrimmed hats, all clearing out at
low, very low prices, If you want a hat we can use y_ou
Come and try cash and one price on your Xmas gro-
ceries, you'll be' surprised how much you will save --
the best, and nothing but the best in our grocery
Agent for the WESTERN Aesmteacs COM -
PANT, of Toronto ;; also for the Pingsix Fnta
INSURANCE Com aN', of London, England;.
the Arr.rAgon INsime Ccs CoMPANr, of Eng
Holiday Season -1898.
The Christmas holiday season is
with us once more. and our doors,
that formore than thirty years have
swung open to -welcome onecustowers,
will gladly do so again and with an
added feeling of gratitude for the uu-
diminished kindness of those whose
practical expression of it has brought
them to our counter with each succeed -
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Eiri s,
WeLtchcs, Clocks,
psctsi , etc
Watch Repairing a Specialty. •
December is t.
Additional locals on 4th page.
John Treble advertises a strayed
heifer in this issue.
Don't miss Bain st church' anniver-
ary Sunday and Monday.
.A. new type of la grippe has taken
hold of several citizens. •
ng year. "How long have yam: Mrs.Douglas visited friends in Strat-
family been buying here ?" "I do not ford_ dnring the holidays.
know, my parents bought here and I An intelligent boy wanted Ib learn
shave bought here in my school days printing. Apply at this office.
and now I ata buying for my children." Mr. Robert Sanders has returned
we thank the customers for the from Isis hunting tour through Mich.
knowledge of it. .
Weare doing our best just now to fill THE TIn1Es will be given to new sub -
our shelves, counters and show cases 10 ceps fol the balance of the year for
10 cents.
with all that we can procure that may
prove useful and pretty and moderate
in price and expect to have everything
in order for the same- date as in pre
John Cole, of Russeldale, has lost a
number of choice cattle. He advertises
in this issue for their recovery.
yious'years, viz. the 15th of December. i A large quantity of Wood has been
The cards will be ready as usual on the brought to town the past few days.
10th, and in these we can promise a. There are still numerous citizens re-
treat to all whose artistic sense finds quiring supplies.
pleasure and satisfaction in the gems I The Local election in West Huron,
of art that are produced with each sue- will be held on Thursday, December
8th. The candidates are Major Beck
and J. T. Gamow.
A large number of sports betook
'themselves to the swamp on Thursday
last and succeeded iu securing some
good bags of game.
cessive year.
To those who prefer dealing else-
where but look to Exeter for their.
supply, we can. assure a nice and
varied choice in the stocks of the other
dealers in town. There is no need of
anyone going form "home" to bay,
J. tG IGG,
fV t , It lt
Three weeks, and Christmas.
W. H. Levett was in London on
There are several December wed
dings on the tapis.
Supper and Lecture on Monday
evening in Main st church all foi 25c.
Mrs. Fowler, of Peterborough, visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. Gladman during the
Miss Ada McLaughlin attended the
Batohe or's Ball at St Marys on Thur-
sday last.
Mrs. T. B. Carling spent Thanks-
giving with her mother, Mrs. :Verity,
in Brantford.
Mr. and Mrs. Golden, of Seaforth,
spent Sunday visiting Mr, and Mrs.
Stogdill here.
The Main St. Epworth League in-
tend having an entertainment .on
Tuesday, Dec. 27th. Particulars later.
On and after Christmas the rate of
postage to Great Britain 'And Ireland.
will be 2 instead of 5 cts. , but in the
Dominion the rate will remain at 3
Mr. Moses Gardiner and family, of
Iowa, son-in-law of Mr.' John Strang,
base Moved to town,"and will live in
the ;,nO sae lately vacated by -Saxon Fit-
ton; .on Huron St.
The late Mrs. John Glenn, who
died in Usborne• last week, was mother
of Mrs. T. M. Kay, f this town. She
was almost 90 year of age, and had
lived to see the fourth generation.
Major Deck, of Goderich, the. Con-
servative candidate for Wept Euros,
is putting up a strong fight against
Mr, Garrow, and has good prospects
of defeating the latter. Arrangements'
are being made for meetings at Win -
ham, Goderlah, ma Clinton, to be a
dressed by J, P. Whitney. Messrs.
i7arscallen and Silber will also speak
at some of the gatherings'.
Mrs. George Stevenson, of C on -
stance, spent Thanksgiving Day with
Mrs. M. J. White. She left on Friday
to visit friends in London.
The Rev. J. V . TenEyck, curate of
the Memoritil Church, London, will
conduct services in the Trivitt .Mem-
r Sundaynext Dec. 4th
orial church, on
The law is very stringent with re-
spect to
e-spect:to harboring lost cattle, etc: If
any stock conies to your premises or
you lose any stock advertise at once in
Carling Bros. are showing; a very
ne line of ladies, kid gloves in green
stud tans. They are the sole agents in
Exeter for MilIer'sGlovinefor cleaning
id gloves.
J. W. Broderick's cheap sale of
roceries has been a great success and
'n order to close out the balance of
the stock this week, great bargains
will be offered.
Winan's Cough Balsam it is a re-
liable remedy for Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitic troubles. Sole agent for
Dick's Lung Syrup.
( C..Lrrrz, Exeter.
Come and enjoy the anniversary
services in Main st. Methodist church
Sunday and Monday next. Sermons
on Sunday morning and evening by
Rev. Dr. Gifford, and on Monday
evening a splendid supper from 6 to 3
after wvhicli the popular lecture on
the "Mammoth Cave of Kentucky.
Allsare welcome.
W. A. Cook, of Exeter, Ont„ who
has just graduated in the shorthand
and commercial departments, left for
his home this morning, Mr. Cook has
made a very successful course in both
departanents, and Will do honor to his
alma mater in the west, -Kingston
Whig. Mr. Cook is a son of Mrs.
Wm. Bawden.
The following persons spent Thanks-
giving holidays ' with friends here :-
Prescott Ross, Ed. Bishop, Harry
Browning, Alex. Martin, students of
Toronto, spent the Thanksgiving holi-
clays visiting their parents in town. -
Messrs. P. and J Bawden, of Ridge-
town, and Geo. and Joseph BaWden,of
London, spent Thursday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bawden,
in a family re -union. We hope they
tnay live to see many such. festivities.
-Aquino, Snell, London, Luther
Howard. • Brantford, Miss Howard,
London, Visited their parents here. -
Mr. A. McTavish,London,spezit Thurs.
-- rs
day with friends in totvrl, M
,Carpel St, Marys,was the guest of
Mrs.. P. Halls. -W. S. Clarke and
daugghter, Toronto, Were guests at
P. Clarkes.
duties. Heart failure was the cause.
Her remains were interred i.n, Neil's
cemetery, McGillivray.
GRADUATED - We notice in a St'
Catharines paper of. 'recent date that
Miss Addie Holland, daughter of A.Rolland, Exeter North, has received
her diploma as trained nurse, granted
by the Mack Training institution of
that city. Miss Holland's name ap-
pears first in the list,' We also notice
the name of Miss Shaw, sister of Mr.
Shaw, Exeter North.
THANRSG1VING D.-Thursda1 last
was observed here as a general. hall -
day. A union service was held in the
Presbyterian church in the moaning,
a sermon appropriate to the occasion
being delivered by Rev.- Chas. Smith,
of Main street church. There was a
fair attendance and a liberal collection
taken. in aid of the poor.
Those having the misfortune to be rup-
tured should read the advertisement in
another column, of T. Y. Egan, Hernia
specialist, of Toronto, who purposes
visiting Exeter, Cpmmeroial Hotel.
Monday all day and evening Dec. 5th,
His success in the treatment of hernia,
judging from the evidence submitted,
appears phenomenal in the light of so
many failures by others. Note the
date of visit. •
.t'EACHERS' MEETING.The second
regular meeting of No. 1 Local Teach-
ers' Association of West Huron will be
held in the Exeter School on the after-
noon of December 4th; et 1.30 p. m„
when the following ;program will be
presented; -Address, S Del aty; Sing-
ing with class, Miss Bali ; Report of
Constitution committee, W. Lockhart;
Third class literature lesson with class,
Miss Robertson; Discussion on resolu-
tions, Nos. 1, 8 and 4, passed by the
0. T. A., led by H.N. Anderson; Read-
ing, Miss Ball; Subject chosen, P. Gar-
diner; Essay,Mr.Haggith; All teachers
and others interested in education
are cordially invited to be present.
Chairman. Secretary.
fowl supper under the auspices of the
Trivitt Memorial church, was held on
Monday evening last, end 'vas the
most successful ever held. The wea-
ther being favorable there was relarge
tattendanee,while the program render-
ed was excellent. The address by Rev.
Kerrin, of Mitchell, was full of inter-
est, and' was delivered in masterly
style. Short addresses were also given
by resident ministers. The speeches
were interspersed " with vocal selec-
tions by Miss Myra Pickard,ofLondon,
daughter of the late Robert Pickard,
of Exeter. She possesses a clear, sweet,
voice and knows how to useit. Misses
Ball, Martin,`Hicks, and Mrs.Billings
also took part in the programwith ac-
ceptance. Pro-ceeds about $80.
Russ=r.L vs RUssnLL.-This long
pending litigation was terminated at
the trial on Wednesday, of last week,
at the High Court Sittings in Gode-
rich. The action was one brought by
David Russell, of Exeter, to.have his
step -mother, Mrs. Agnes Russell, de-
clared a trustee of his father's estate
for the payment to him of the sum of
$1,500, either now or at the death of
Mrs. Russell. Mr. Russell's father .left
a will by which. he gave his whole es-
tate to Mrs. Russell, the step -mother,
for life, and after her death the real
property to Thomas Russell, a step-
brother of the plaintiff. By the will
the plaintiff, David Russell, was cut
oft with a legacy of $5. On the case
coming.before Chief Justice Meredith
en Wednesday, he advised a settle-
ment, and the parties agreed that a
judgment be entered for plaintiff for
$600 payable at once without costs
Dickson & Carling for plaintiff,,Elliot
& Gladman for defendant.
the indications on which great reliance
is always placed point to a long and
severe winter,, says the Albany Ex-
press. In the first place there is the
goose hone. • For the . first. time in
eight years it is very wide and nearly
all white,.:which.is a sure sign of early
snow; deep snow, and snow. of long
ation. Then there is the rag weed.
I is unusually tall. Thus does nature
p vide for the feeding of the non
migratory •bird when there is to be
deep snow. Moreover, examination
f corn husks has disclosed that they
e unusually heavy. That is another
ign of extreme cold. The woodchuck,
furthermore, corroborates the other
evidence with fur of unusual thickness.
That is a sign that never -fails, even
when others do. Lastly there. is to be
considered that there is a surplus of
temperature which will have to be
wiped out, by a corresponding deficit.
These indications wfll convince even
the more skeptical and induce them to
make wise provision. '
Miss Mill is visiting in London.
Miss Ella Rollins is visiting . friends
in Centralia this week.
Miss Hannah Parsons spent Thanks-
giving Day with friends here.
Miss Myra Pickard, of London. was
the guest of Miss Edith Gidley this
James Dignan & Sons, of this town,
put on 110 shoes on Monday. Beat this
if you can. ,
Mr. Jos. Spackman, of Shedden, is
spending a few days with his brother,
John Spackman;
Mr. and Mrs, Kay, of Usborne,; spent
the holidays with Ml. G. Wilson,
Thomas st.-St. Mary's Journal.
Mr. and Mrs. Easton have moved
here from Guelph, And have taken up
their residence in Ed. Braund's house
north of the river.
Bear in mind the anniversary Ser -
Vials of
er-vices'of Main street Methodist church
on Sunday and Monday, December 4th
and 5th. Sermons will be preached on
Sunday by Rev. Dr. Giff. ord, of Essex
Centre. On Monday following, a tea
Meeting Will given. in the church.
v Gifford, of Essex (,entre Will•
Rev. Dr. c+iff . , ,
deliver a lecture on "The Mammoth
Cave,"white• a program of singing and
Maisie will also be rendered, Go and
bolo youreolf.
iei..ard Cu.
We are now showing a beautiful stook of goods suitable
for the C.hristuta,s and holiday trade. These goods were all
purchased from the manufacturers for Spot Cash, and for
variety and beauty our display excels anything ever shown
before in Exeter. Beautiful hand painted Vases, Rose Jars,
Nick Nacks chic., Sc., from Japan ; Vase Banquet and Urn
Lamps and Glassware from Pittsburg ; fancy decorated
China from France ; fancy embroidered Handkerchiefs
from Japan ; Perfumes from France and Belgium; Furs from
best manufacturers in N onsreal, and hundreds of other things
from all over the world, go to make up an elegant assort-
ment to choose from where every taste can be indulged, and
that at a ,moderate price, yoti are invitedto inspect our stook,
OUR LEAllE?. LAMP, fancy
decorated Fount and Shade to match,
fillled, with large size burner, with
wick complete, a bargain for ,,,'1,25
Low bone, very new style Lamps, .
fancy decorated fount and shaded
. Globe, "special for , 2.00
Fancy decorated Globe Larep
with brass foot, in assorted 'colors,
. splendid value .... .. 1.60
Low tone Globe shape Shade,
Lamps -in varigated decorations with
heavy brass foot, very new and stylish, .... ..... .
Large new Lamp with beautiful hand painted decorations
screw lift burner, extra large Globe, . ors a 6.o0
Ladies' black Astrachan Capes,
good curl and bright lustrous finish
lined with quilted satin, . $14.50
Very fine qdality whole skins
Astrachan Capes, 30 inches long,
very full sweep, lined with fancy
silk $22:50
Ladies' 30 inch Electric Se.al
Capes, fined with Taney embossed
Satin, yery full sweep, a heantifui
garment for • $35.00
Ladies' Electric Seal Gauntlets,
best lining etc., special for ' $5.00
42 inch wove broche, in various
patterns, a great snap, per yard..
Fancy Tweeds in leading shades,
great value.
45 inch, all wool "Henrietta,
beautiful glossy finish, special
value .50
42 inch all wool, Poplins in all
the latest shades and c lorings cor-
rect style for this sea$ons wear.. .50
Black Peau de Soil Suits, war-
ranted not to curl-ra great special 1.00
1 Ready=tomWea ° Clothing.
have just placed into stook :',another lot of meals
and boys overcoat, also another lot of Boys 2 and 3 peke
sui is, Below we quote the prices of a few of the lilies.
Ladies' Ringwood Gloves in blk.
and colors, plain and fancy
designs,special value for........ .25
A grand assortment of Ladies'
Kid Gloves in plain. and embroid-
errd backs, laced and buttoned,
see our leader for 125
3o yards fast color stripe Flannelettes for $r.00
23 yards 31, 32 inch, best colored Flannelette for..... I.00
to yards 36 inch fast color heavy twilled flannnelette for . x,00
3o yards 36 inch fast collar, heavy tweed Flannelette for.. i:oa
Heaviest Feather ticking made, per yard ..... Ig
Heaviest colored Shirting made, per yard r r i2
Good size heavy cotton Blankets
in grey and white, special per
pair s 75
Extra large size cotton Blankets
hi white and grey, fancy striped
borders, a snap for. • 1 00
50x75 wool Blankets, fancy bor-
ders, special value per yard... _ ..1.60
56x76 wool Blankets, large warm
comfortable, a snap per pair 2.00
Extra large• size wool Blankets
with fancy cord borders, special
per pair 00
,uuuua l l u uu uuuisuisui u
See our P. D. Corsets, regular
price 125, our price 100
Ask to see our special corset at.. .50
See our Papetines at 5c, 10c, 15c and
Envelopes, good quality, at 5c, Sc
and 10e per package
Tablets at 6c, 10c, 121 c and 25c ouch,
1I Y1
Sotne v&y new ideas from New York just introduced
into our Millinery department. If you want :.., nobY
Millinery we can please you, call and inspect our stook.
Wepay highest the hi _hest market prices for Butter, Eggs,_ Dried Apples, Poultry and all kinds of Farm Produce,
Direct importers.
Boys Overcoats.
Blue Nap Overcoats sizes 22 to 20 $,300
Frieze Cloth n ,, 27 to 28 $3.50
N 11 n If 20 to 32.$4.00
0 83 to 87 $4.50
Also a quantity of Tweed
Overcoats that will be sold at
great reduction prices from $3
Boy's Suits.
Blue Serge 2 Piece suits $1.75 & $2.25
Boys 2 -piece Tweed suits $2.25 & up.
Boys 3 -piece Blue Serge suits $3.50 &$4
Boys 3 -place Tweed Suits $3.50 & up.
Odd pants& Vests
Mens Tweed Pants from $1.00 up,
Mons Blk Stripe worsted pants $2.75:
Mens Odd Pants $L00 each,
Boys Odd Vests 75c. each. .
Boys short pants 75 & 85c.
We are showing a good
Overcoats at
Men's Overcoats.
Frieze Overcoats all sizes $4.50.
N „ If „ $5.25.
,c • ., „ !, 86.00.
Freize Overcoats storm proof sleeve $3
Blk „ a „ ,, $9.
Blue Beaver Overcoats $1050:
Shorey's waterproof Overcoats $10.53.
Also a quantity of Men's_
Tweed Overcoats that will lie''
sold at greatly reduced prices
from $3 up.
Ladle's Mantles
Bits. and Cold Mantles $3.50.
A neat lookingcoat Blk or Gold $8'75
Blk or Brown Bearer $5.00.
Blk Curl cloth lined Oat8;94,
Blk and Brown Mixed $10.00.
line of Men's Frieze
• $4,50
-Highest price paid for produce: -Butter 15c., eggs 15c.s'
Dried Apples 50., Chickens 50.,Ducks 6c., Geese 50., Turkeys
A"4-'♦ tt rfr ars ..STA a►i •n i ars an a►. 4» ar...p 4» a ♦ an a;♦ ......Y. :I. d► av1 ar
or...a► ► .1► .a► a. as a► q. 4.-"m.".1.1:1;*
" a► a►•.a► a ► a►.a►.a►
a►$'l'► AV.s.to► a
' T116 Frovin6ial Building •and Loan =o
HEAD OFFICE (Temple . Building,) TORONTO.
ih EXETER, . .
+AV q iA+A• • qt r iA +i• +y. + .• +i saw l +i l 4 ' sT +i• q sig +A• +a• +i ik?ep
Abilit To formulate a safe and profitabt basis of ►
contract. for both investors and borrowers.
cls which is .4
Honest In handling the Association's fun
assured by ample bonds and Government supervision..
Safety+ In loaning the Association funds by strict super-
vision of Local Boards, Agents and Appraisers.
Agents In securing active intelligent men who under-
stand doing business on business principles without
anagement Thorough application to require-
• ments of both Investors and Borrowers, and up-to-date
methods so as to prevent vexatious delays and annoy-
ance;,caused thereby.
Ask For Pamsl•i>i,e
L. D, VINCENT, District General Agent,
GLENN -In Usoorne on the Ord NovembF
Jane Stewart, (relict of the late John Glen
aged 83 years, 9 months.
FARR-KELLY-At the R. C. Church. Bly
on Nov. 22, by Rev. Father McEwen M.F.
of Saltford, to Miss Annie Kelly of Myth.
SHIER -CASE -In Toledo. Ohio, on Nov.
at the residence of the bride by the Rev. Dr.
P. F. Rosselot, Mr. Wesley A. Shier to Mrs.
Oooia Case,
GOOK -SERB At the residence of the bride's
parents, near Nile, on Nov. 23, by Rov, Hall,
1). C. Cook, of Clinton, to Miss Aggie, daugh-
ter of S. Kerr..
MAKINS-POTTER-At the residence of the
bri d__eq's sister, Holmesville on Nov 22.by Rev..
G. W. Andrews, George Making, of Norwich,
to Miss Alice Potter.
WALKOM-COURTICE-At the residence of
the brides parents, on the 22 ult., by the Rev.
Mr. Andrew, Simmons Walkom, to Female,
daughter of Chas. Courtice. all of Fullarton
SINCLAIRBELL-At the residence of •the
bride's father, London Road, Tuckersmith, on
Nov.23, by Rev. S. Atebeson, W, Sinclair to
Miss Aggie,daughter of A. Bell, all of Tucker -
smith. .
READY-On Friday, Nov. 13th, in St. Marys,
the wife of J. Ready.of twin daughters,
The nuptials • of Mr. Wm. Sinclair
and Miss Aggie Bell, of Tuck'ersmith,
were performed on Wednesday*
afternoon, November 23, at 2 p. m.
at the, residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell, London Road.
It is scarcely necessary for us
to relnnind you that we are
recognized and often told
that we offer to our custom-
ers the best fruits the mar-
ket can produce.
We are again in the front with
choice new Valencia Raisins,
Currants, loose or in 3 lb,
packages, Citron, Lemon e
Orange ee1s,A.lmonds, Fil-
berts, p
Have just taken into stock
two excellent brands of sal-
mon, The "Royal Clnb"and
"The Anchor" also canned
Corn, Tomatoes and Peas
"none better".
Chore butter 150',
.resit Eggs
Cottage to rent;for particulars apply
to T. Dearing, Exeter.
LOST.-Iu Exeter a silvermounted
dog collar. Finder will confer a favor
by leaving same at this office.
LOST. -Lost at Grand Bend, a yoang
spotted hound, white, black, and liver
colored. Anyone returning same to
N. Dyer Hurdon, the Molsons Bank,
Exeter, will be rewarded.
BE YE OLQTHED.-We are going to.
clear out the balance of our overcoats,
comprising boys, youths and mens at
startling low figures: -J. P. CLARK.'
Aro now readyy to kinddo s 01 business with the pub
tic generally. .511
For sale at close prices. Leave your orders
at the mill. We deliver every day to any part
of the town free. We hope you will help us to
make a success of the business, which means a
success for the town.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat
At all times.
The undersigned has opened up a
new meat market one door
South 0f 6arling'S Stor&.'
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on hand.
The newest'acne arlor made
p game,
of best bird's eye maple, orna-
mental as well as amusing, for
sample see our window.
Also all the taus' games from 5ctR
to $8.50.
Pocking Hors+ eig lis and Carts,
Pocking l g,
Toy Stoves, Pat . Plates, Cups and
Saucers in case. 1;+,-:n Jars, Brusbees
Combs and a :i r c+, s, '.:elluloid Shaving .:
Setts, Collars And Odle, Necktie Cases,
Vas A 1 inds To.
es d Psiu sof all ca
n Trays y
See our neauty Tins hi the window.
Fresh 0ystez'a, %bions, and Oranger.