HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-12-1, Page 6--- T " I I I � - 'f� ---1 I .� 1 �
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� . � I . �. � I . .1 . I I .. 11, I . . ,-.*,.�,—!. .1� M M-! I — I . �.. .1 I —. I I 11, 11 I . Vs KING;"
� I I I . I -- I tire told TkE 44KLONDIU
I I I I ,1*111 . I I . I I * t tly manifest—"I,fter''YO0, I � I
I ,,,,,���,�,.�l���"!....*.,�''l����!��,���'ll,�'I'll�ll,",..;;;mlll������!!,��ii��,,�!;;,,��ill��lI 11 11. I : I Ills *ark I . I. r . fired) I r--� � I
. 1. 0 w " 1 I op%v� �,*Xl* I � 'y hand and bandle(I left, the grape shot fell.like bail, but' RT( ET81 bow it is done. when the gun Is �
. I I � —,---- , I . .. . I '. I 11. kruolf the frienal GREAT STU UFBM � - the explosiOn, soluetildlep stolles FrOVAIL "Is "011ag-A cabill Nate*
1, , 11 . I I . 'IL d1z" the friendly joke, for Ills home wta I#f t him all untouched, 404 Billy'. . I the ,,force 64 , I . 1. I
I I , I .. I. .11, I V-4�- I - I 1, and there were grown tituld since poor Harry4a fatet �," - � . It t a recqx of the , . JIteC40114,01141,11. I
I .1 , =4 1 13sizid lapon throng, . Us. log.
I I I It:* 7k,i:1k#. 1W W � . once in, Richm mal ate n pressed closer to the boy who would . barrel, sometimes through the ander jklacdona a "-King of'
� , . . I . ,
I �
. I . I tb bo once bold w Alex ,I d, th
. .. OSO W XA not tell )A It I � I
. I .1 I . And they Were dear to, lit �Q, ag it there Were safety THEY COME FROM ouNs THAT lig 'of'. the breech, block 0911 , SO I a -
I his heart, 1, I , ok 0 of the' Riondike" was born .about 0',
1 . n yr, I yet. Ire was not tighting againattliem there. WORK THriNSELVE S. , direct pr , r � I I I ? t I L far I , , ,
I a 11 N L E 1) . contending only for they, pressed, Isaac I I . I � times through the li thi I� ye4ra,ago at Ash(lale Ming Settle-
. 0 AM"- WARN . I , personally, he was h Onward, onward . v Tom Carle, I " — � 1. . the, gases as they escape thr6 I , . , . t text, miles from , the town
W) Idu . I his natioli,s rights, his country's I QA- oudering somatim4s liciv mi � xx in quest '11,9,11,11terrid injitorovol"ents l,, ,11q)*k1enij,v1ro. muzzle Acting .on a Piston, is ment, abou, � I
w I , I �1�1
. . or,, . He bore. no, malice toward his ton fixed, and looking ag ,..
I I I Epty 0AYS. I � I TAR.BN UP 13Y A SPRING' of .AntigoniAll, Nova- $00tia-� I
L . A ,ST,ORV OF '$LAV Southern brathron,' and like MaPY Of Of theirLYOUng 1,jeuteriant -Graham, Arxlv�-Tljio oporallov. oirlAuttL)AIlaille 'PlOsiOn I ,
. . - I I Like many,,Othcr.m Who have made
I ff I I spite , rplolis Cleavft Xr,014%,114041. NoNN% instead of: making t be ex '4p
1 1 1 1 ,t Northern iiiell, still towering above them all, in the peoPlB
� .
I I k% 13Y IVIARY J. "OLKES. our staunchest, brAves do till iho work dixettly, (is die early
� he would evan, then have met, them! of Hose's prediction. 'rho ball for ' 6ury Bes- their mark in life J�Iacdonal
. � That great inventor, Sir H I -ely to cocking the �
,:* '' ma of re -i which he was the miirlc had not been , =P,r, oviliv,od an Idea which had hid- ' did wlio set' it Mel pocket, da�`j,s were al 11 Upon thpdartil.,Hiff , .
_7& . I more than half way with ter ls coming. An Ala- I gun Or raising ille, breech I .?a t I �
. 'One, ,iticjA., as, knew they war ik ' r was riot blessed with much of
. I - . I � .1i a � xl(� fired,yet, but it Nvi n it hadowy Suggestion of tbg Ma,Nim Makes it- doe paxt (if the
_::A_0AJ i §:� _
I 4t:A::0 I I . d out that I I
I I (nT +,-kZ9-k _ - I race of bloodthirsty demons, as Some bomiarl, volunteer bad single, trt of it indire?tly', this, world's gear a,nd during .big youth ,
, I . fanatios bad madly termed them. They Jorm, yelling exultingly as be saw it future. It is cu�riohs to note how, a, directly and P, I . I I I
, ,
I beating be;.trt, no wild yeirning to thexa,,like himself- ireel and, totter like a Ilrokall read, They a mind such as his want far ber throughits energy st6red.iii the.spling. itud,early manhood Aloxan4ok worked
I cm what were men, Most of � mast r . a f Ind � � , � I
. (Coxitinued,) I I*y o�wa; -no tj;� impulsive. man, gener,, were ,W -oj n 'O' Wiest a
. I ., lidshrinking fr two , Consequently Whorl the gun 1 in
�L I ,a to describe -7hearted, oll matched in, size the' a he Spring like a Ti a , eudeavour 9 C
a impossill . thorn, might worm combatants, both spleridid'marks, as yond the actual limitations which th. certain tbing's are done, and t I I
; �, .1 It Would b d PeTplax- , t1te woods, now just before -whteper OUS almost to a fault in Peace, but firm I ' - co . . Q' i be force of the livelihood from the StQUY hill ,farm"
I Tom's look of sma.zeluellt an � bold in store, And When the had lived Rose had I said,. and Bill Baker'& sure state of knowledge concerning, ammUn mpressed, and whel .;;�
� ,11 enemy the Alqbam- osed on eNplosion is dissipated the spring as� ,
� I I the face whip � and terrible in war. 'TOM � �4 ,
: ity, as his eye fell Upol 'Can along the lines. that the it hosPiot-'alm froze the laugh UpOu .. .. ition ,and guns at the time imp., . Naturally be grow dissatisfied, -an Ade- �
� , looked out upon him from 'is glass I con t hem, -had Shared the � � nd does the ielliall)(1119 c I
was in view there -was nought fall save an � 9 I Sent him staggering .0 ned to better ,
7 -ered, and pTiM* ,,v them in their var-� !an,& lips and I t which sorts itself aj his, onditipti. ,
1 covering. Precise, Pack Ijoy, th-at the long ,suspense as, end- �lities-lxad seen taking allowance for � the ground, j I last as4a;iae recolvad his Ili!*. k He contrived a cantiou thing& 'rho cartridges are fastened in tOrmi I -
. . ; t to comxxxeuoe� lous phases, and xr . I PI a row side by sil(le transversely 'on O. Glowing reports of the golden West,
,, with a decided best -clothes Air, Wboj�ed anq.the tray abou ra. to I' fainting, unger olostrig tile rear
� could it bet Tom asked this quoistIOU! I the vast difference whIell educatioul captain's ords ead the blow back a . ( I - long strip 0 clothi The end of tile of Men making great fortunes in 8�
, ,
, - arid of the barrel and that-. wlrked by I
F atitow laughingly ty make in ona's ; wounded George to a Place Of cOn"Iyar I I . sawifla �
aloud, while his COMP I , and babits of socia a Brain a I I )Toss -air, strip Is Put into. an OP0111119 Orcil few years fired his imagination and
� declared it some lady love be had i There was It halt in the front ranks, opinions, he SAW many Point Wit draulic machinery. to coml the gun, so,as to bring it cartridge in .
. thus, let I i And the compressed air threw . I to. take.Gre6ley's advioe-:
I , ,t last that he � and ivhile they stand there the North had misunderstood their It- "It's, only iny arm tbey'vekshatt8r- the - he decided I I .
I ,
�; left behind, suggesting , . . a duo concessions ad," George whispered, glancing' Badly I position, to be grosped by the mechnit with the
I read the note which lay just beneath � us look once =ore upon those Whom tions, and not =ad - die I Jim ,Far which Isaac'.9 plunger forwaird again, and meanwhile ism, 'For the first shot, You pull the ,,,to go west, and grow up
I . I
� 1, it, as that , might explain the mystery. t,wo have known. Xuat where Cho good when they Might have done so without at the ab ad b o - I Ill me, � front of it trigger -and afterwards .merely keep country", � I
1) UMQr0d faces of the Trish Tegiment yielding one iota of their honor. But tears were falling, "Will it k n, cartridge, ,tumbl6d in I qOw note . . I I
I: -,vith 0, fallow -Off'- h 0 1 - continuous pressure on It. I His first venture was in the- mirles�
, I So Tom did read it, xd and the tall cap$ of the Highlanders time for concession was Over now. Polit* think ?' was the ,next ,remark, Prompt- fhr9qgb a bole in tile gun and so & , I ',red. The I
.1 car 10011:ing over his, shoulder, aX I What happens, �The gull is fi . . I1,111 ,
: But there Was tO6 Mitch I axe perceptible, the 13th appears in ical fanatics had stirred, up the mass ad by, a thought of Annie, and came Pushed, into the' bore. But there outrush of buryiing gas at the muzzJe of.Coloro,d4,. where he 'Worked 'Us
, � . reading too. ae mother -'tone I view, our company marching decorous- of the people till nought but blood 1 Isaac did not believe it wOixld, I a bole in which ordinary Miller for some ten years anal
� , of the anxious, genuil ug, no cow- rong.'wit'h all a woman*s tenderness fie were no metallic cartridges in those Ineets It piston throagl . I I
. . about that letter to cause more than t ly on, no logging, no falter! could -wash away the fancied W held his canteen to days, and firil g� the charges ,was done the bullet pf.isses, and'tbrOW6 it fcjr�; by good management ,and ecOnOmY.saV-
1. the -S, - � � . - I 'ver of a
x- 1 Ards thers, though, almost every heart And they were re that � abbath bound it � up and I and Bes- ward. The connecting rods reverse the 1000o, ' Ts
three or four hearty laughs at the in ,weary Mau, v ad up the aum' of $ W I-
evsr, did the lips of the jointing, cry d�fforeutly from now I block Ive and ventitr ature be6
. .
. IOW-- TOM t had in it 6 . , . In ion bet -ore it gets to the ous M
. Pense of Toni and the wic . cime thought of home and m, how . . I A ot . barrel sPeculat,
I knew no)v for whom the picture Nye$ the dear ones left bahiwL Prayerswere not know that the green, silent woods whispering, I . semer's, gun, so far as. I' k ow, never Wbich closes the rear and of the , n -
� to Isaac-, I said by lips unused to PrAY, and -whO sheltered his brother, for his mother I "Water, boy, water." I I cw%rd, taking with it put his bard earned mousy I to a min
I .
I intended, and lie carried it r4s Of sins bad purposely withheld from him thC Isaac had n6to like many Others, - existed. anywhere save in his Printed and tbni- flies bael f the feed beIt, Ing claim, and jjx.a'sh6rt. time found
� but it wits many a day ere Tom Cal'le- shall. tell how many rem , :be South-' thrown his: canteen away',. arld he, gave description of it,' It was Just a dreoLm the new cartridge out O I
Timmle had joined i , I anisin at ''
ton heaxd the last of TjTXs, Belinda ,forgiven ,ware that morning written f a,ot that , to, 8 t 11 8 7 wlic, with by a great genius of What be - woul setting its own firing math that bis money had melted away Ond, :
I . "in heaven? Bibles, too, ,%veto pressed to ern Array. She, knew tile struggle It freely th b , t George, . Id 11 �
� Simmst I Ulse grow full cook compressing the main spring, that he bad nothing to show forAt but 11
. Numerous were the thinks sent bY throbbing hearts, and to riots More bad cost him to take UP a'rms against each drought, felt his p t, ,.vliqt lie did or ever . d, df -'course,
� Company R to Rose for her kind closely than to George Gral a people he liked so much, And she stronger, While his eyes kindled with like to do�xio aria tlta� moving the cartridge it has " a ground," an ,� � I
I klam's.broad burden fresh ioal ,,is the noise of battle grew knew how. to do, writes Park Berjam- grasped into line with the barrel; The hole in tile 11 . p
, .
thoughtfulness in setti He bad prayed that morning would not willingly add ito his � I 1� . . explosid 'having done all'this'at first some, experience. . ' � �
ng afloo,t a PIATI, chest. . � . I . About thislime he heard Of the dis-,
i )Y the same by teffing,hint of Jinamia's sin, and it louder, and Seemed to be coming rjaar� in_ . .� . I � n ssed I
whiob brought them so much good, in the clear moonlight, and I ,alight Wits terrible now, .hand dies out. ,Than the. cOMPT6 covery of gold Ili Alaska, and. dIsg1l4- 11
I eceivea the ines- moonlight he had tried to read aline was well she did riot, for had he known er. The ons �d forth its Then the American inventox- got: to' spring has a chance to - assart itself- . ado, -he, packed his gri I I
I I to be done in Annie's well-worn Bible, Opening to how near he - o belch( I . I rlying ad 101 Color, P �
and Rose, as she r- was to jintroje, be could Cannon after carin U . W I
i . 0ages, Wished itwas a I ura6ved, tor�i dil L ;ped work. ,The..11reech loading rifle was Forward goes the breech block d -ted foi- thi now Eldorado, ar- I
and wondered what she could where God promises to care for the wt- tot have stood there SO U fie thunder, b after ball l I ofit into ,the bo.T� and star Since- .
of Willis letters dow and the fatbeTless. Was it out- awaiting the first booming gull.whitit on its deadly track, b ttery after hat- I new to him in the early fifties, and it the cartridge o1e&d he bell; riving th6re with ths pioneers.'
I INgulaillio do next. One I ' t exted its blazingt fire, shell,aft- was a tremen . dons �dvancs beyond the rel, anot-her oaxtridge On t then bia sticces5 has been ph"enolnenal
. iciea
� d air, and burst I I and his doings have heM chronicied
told her at last ,wbat to do, She cQuJ inous that passage? Did it mean that shoiald herald the opening of the be - J tery op ready to ))a 9YAPPr-
, 't tie, I ell shell cut the Summer So he: embroidered movea Into Position' � ��
it there were he, so stroAg, so vigorous so full 0 after old muzzle loalder� ad after the next explosion, and than
. be kind to the soldiers, a bellowing, thunder- With murderous 'his$ - about ovement'something from one and, of Amikie,a t(i the Other' . I I �
, it in I I
any in Rockland. She could visit, I life, should bits the dust axe many It came at last, ' * , so. to. speak; with all sorts Of Odd at the .end of the I fires . - splendi&, i.
hours were done? He could not bellevs c the hills about rent the amoky -sk�, shriek after ig pin and the gun. physically Macdonald is �a gliland
their familles,speak to, them words of' ous roar, whoss echoes shool th the -rushing tg others firit -he good old Hi i �
if needful, their it. He wa,s tea full of hope for tbat, for miles, as the hissing shells went shTiq.k went down,wl embellishment$,, and , amor , ions begin over specimen of t
. . I
eomfort, and supply, ifter officer bit the dust, i with a sixort Section of L the barr�l -and all the opemt! , He, Stands 6 feet 2 inches
Uit- the ail- bursting wind, officer I � . Ou start the gun by pressing Clan.Doxiald, ,
. necessities. This was. just what S He could not die with Annie at hOmet plowing through $ - t des- rank after rank -was broken up, soul � 4gain. , and Is powerfully built. 'Many stories "' -
. a a menced her tRak alone, so be buttoned her Bible over harmlessly at last just beyond I a jar of God, and'hiriged. at its rear end so 'he' you the trig er',virltich releases the fixing of his kind-beartedness to. those 1whO,
. Avith a, right good will, startling many his heart, and prayscl that if.a bul- tined mark. The enemy Were in no after soul went to the I firing. could tilt it u dro � a in- pin and after that .the gun g6es - on a told, - and
I arLng a soldier's let struck him it might be there, f0ua hurry to ,retort, for a deep Silence an- tlxea there came a pause. The -1 to thq mouth of th * pocket, and I then . and draws -in its -own cartridge& and ,vvere down on ' their luclk�. ar I
an awkward youth we 3treet. ly hoping that would break its force. sited, broken are long by another beavy ceased, the stifling Smoke roiled graa a . . it, is Said that no Nova Scotian Over �
� dress by accosting him in the i I his handsome note thor- ually away, and showed a dreadf-a" turn� it back in line with the rest �Ilf pours out the bullets. for 00 I SE, ., I applied to him. for assistauce eithexL-,4� ��t
� inquiring into his history. and tre- There was a shadow or gun, whi6h did its works x filated aud.tOrul till . , in Colorado or in the yukon, and was I
1 . ql�sutly ending the interview by off- face, and it communicated itself ter oughly than its predecessor. had done, alght,-men . rau the barlCel. Now, that genius provided - AS LONG AS YOU CH , U I I
I . . exing him bar soft , Ud Isaac Simms, who was glancing 80 for where Several breathing formsbad not a vest.ige of their former looks was t it to. stop 'you let 90 r.ned empty away. I �1
. band, a 'Mingled s'p n ' to throw up the arid of his When you wan Q,
I jar One a piece 01'stealthily at him, and guessing o1wbat been there was -nought left save the left to tell who they hiid been. a A is Mre controlling Donald Melsaac, who shared his cab- . -
white �9 Of the. trigger., It I , . I a that i"',
leaving in his rougl, than he was thinking. Isaac, too, had PTSY- bleeding mutilated trunks of what together, in one frightful mass, the charge pocket, an& then he made a bole ch.the,kun btLrrel it the in Colorado for several yeaT4, saY I I
money, which affected him less a hose of whi Its Macdonald was the bP-4t bedrted:"nan-
I the side of the gun barrel through nozzle. Yea move -it arout
The battle dead Ana dying lay, ,smiles mireatbing ' �* . Ld on �
, and he, too, had were once human fo�ms. � t I who ever
the brightness of the, brilliant eyes he:, ad in, the moonlight dl" had commenced. Sherman's Brigades the livid lips of some, and frowns ais-1 , ' fired a - lit- pivot support as you like 8111d diree , -breathed. In- fact Melsaao .
abe kille rs. Arras, bonds, and Witich wben 'the gun WAS . ' 'I itays he -",'s too g"ood he d
lIVaT was thought. " What if I about . . i ra
remembered long after the sii .ring otbe I strearn. of steel: bullets Instead of
. spent. Every soldier's wife and ev- Wondering If his mother ever WO11111 in which was the N. Y. l3th) did Its t'gu ; toes, and, olots Of le of the exploWon, escaped and imposed upon by men ,whO,
, � Y 1
1 forget her soldier boy, even thougl"he part nobly, overrunning in Its head- feet, heads, fingerE, ,, I � ' � : stream of Water. When it is' proper- frequentl '
ery soldier's mother, i human hnir, dripping red with, blood, I , . PJTI.4� led troops &rjuot advance Wotild'coxne to him wjfh,�.a story Of
I was looked after. ir I long charges ' SSE D A* BUTTON I ly hand] I t
arid the Mather car weep ovi., lis nameless battery after batterYalld -parts of � . against - S,weeps the ex -w bard luck and no work When "a's a ma -
. riage was oftener ; might not at reeking little Were scattered over the field, which 10 I I ' '. I , its fire and it '-often .too lazy .
:seen in the muddy Hollow an grave. This to Isaac was the bards afts of death a wa�rshlp clear Of men- ter of fa -et tI .,
a by, of the sh, saw but a fe,.%v hours 't t�e Spring go. . toy Were . �, - .
� n Let. Load,or Plid the living mass .W8 h I . posed decks of a . t �
'', lines in Roolrland, than at the gates thought of all. The boy that would falling so thick a d ft tttle din'! agone moving on so hopefully berleat ' After that for nearly twenty years- Where the and of- improvement in to ,wor.k. Whether deserving or. no ,
1� . of more pretentious Jwellings� HaTrY'S not tell a lie for the sake of promotion. more deafening gj"t the bi, I inlight, "Like lep I . weapons is, cann:,ot it Made but little difference. to Mac�
jud others of but be preferred hoarser and heavier the batti� thunder,', the morning, MOO all .through, the period of the. war",of those 1. automatic, 0 jht the-
-mother and Bill's, her, was not afraid to die, 'of, the forest when autumn - -b � . -Px I Usslan now be foreseer,, but possibly the fu- donald. He invo:riably bt U
� here ,mid Piles dense deeperg the battle smoke#, dim- � 'the same Principle an to the cabini and would, say" "Don- �
standing, blessed the little laaY, fox that it should not be t: r, . . . ture may"show that M k", 1. �
� the sunshine brought so often to their � of bloodyalain, He ming the brighl-ness of that Sabbath blown " they lay there now, their ms n- I the rebellion and the Franco � he.
I . -%iould ratlier death " to Heav '110 aid this poor fellow is sic I or
the humble zre1w the Gftiel- glad remains arying loudly 'In � war, and the Russoi.rurkish war, whon. can be applied to the huge rifles of t �, 11
iv: should come to him up in morn. Louder, shriller L on- the heads of those, - nd , get: to . playing IS a Nova Scott of Work,. I
. scla%I1.4 homes,, while Annie and Wide, I milit inventions --.vote legion, a turrets; and ,when we all, and is out awilile," !
. int prayed from a full heart that I attic, where be bad lain so Oft an(I it scream, fiercer rose the Celtic OTY, foroverigeince, a ry . I . hose .
husband or list d t th, as wb, ' brought 'this curse upon us- 'Possible notion was exploit- 13-i, rater out of a we must. help him along for , "
� no evil should befall the I the patter of the rain 00 wilder rang the yells of the 13 To Be Contlavied. I when every ch shells like �i And helped 6
I renelc 0 ad -to its -utr .
th Above, or feigned to be asleep Its members plunged into the thickest . dust -past 'iha eptich Of at jjle Tate of some hundreds -per min- ,long he would be. , ��
the, brother of the heroic Rose, I 1. simple breach. loaders and into that of ute it Will be time to invent soma now 14ot infrequently tile. Ulan so . helpj�
� v a roof . I , I
when his mother stole noiselessly of the fight their demoulacitl Shouts I dttle,?,hip.tb With- ad till, io better than he,
as it he were a of the foe far ANIMAL BENEVOLE-N,0R. the magazine and the repeating guns- kind � . porb�.Ips It shoul ned out to be'r es� pioved'him-
across the threshold to a appalling, the heart othbore stand them. And after that - d be, and somatim
. CHAPTE and shielded more than ths rain of shot so vigorous- . . � . past'the clays of east iron, SmO a tussle be- I �
n VII. covered from the cold 1 3, great tit- naval war will become . I . self an ungrateful ,Vagabond,) but the *. I
. to flee as cannor arid into thbse of th( . , c I
. I Brightly, beautifully the Sabbath from the snow, which Sometimes found ly kept up, and ceirzing them DUmb Roasts Can 1110 U (111"Itt"lle an'd 11"'I'd Iss and . machine guns, and nearly to tween. floatini� machiiiaes with n ' 0 Ono next pitiful tale found. its"NvaY to the .1� I
,. I a ac an 5 . I I
morning broke over all the hills Ot an entrance through a crevice in the from p, k of fi d . . ilt nobody on board of them, and then -it : as. readily as if ,
them with wall. 71s. strange when ,we are in d&n- Steady in its place George Graham's as Nexi. those of the "quick fires"-st may as big .highlander's heart � I �� ?, -
the Northland, covering as, thought to do anything further with w,ell be' decided by cracking eggs to- he had alwaj�a:�entextalne`�90�- �-
I - ger ,what flights our fanoY often tak .giant form was seen: no thought Ofi�' A hard of wUd Asian buffaloes 'Will the explosion, except t.,?, throw, shot and gather, ust as.the children do , so often ,W I , . I ''I ,�
I floods of rosy light, burnishing the fox no I , . i . . . .axles.
d orest- _ � . . .It, is raper ad ' that X "donald in- -
. eat trees,with sheens of gold, an gathering up the minutest detalls Of Annie, now; no thought of homp'. charge any too, even a tiger, to save I 1, . ac
. which tiu,m out thought of Bible buttoned over the � 1. � . . I . at Easter. . . I . 11.1 t i �� ,
Ing each tall spire with colors our past life, and spreading . and � the life of one of -their number -Who has she" more indecisive groplug� - returning to Antigoxii.sh, D��xt. "
- I . tends I
adise, so radiantly before us With startling distinctness heart; thoughts only I Tbon came : . . I . nd if he doesi he will,, find , I
. seemed born of Pax. So Isaac, with possible death in ad- victory, . I been wounded. the recoil -wag made to co* the- gun- - I . . . ,� � summer, a glad to see him and eon- I .
, bright they looked, flashing from their ad where the fight Elephants, baboons 'end other aul- and then not ,only to .throw back the MOROCCOISIROUGH LIFE. many friends , 1.
lofty testing place, and glancing Off vance, thought of his past life; of 8v- Not far AWAY, ix� . eL $Winging L bree6h . I I I � . .. � � gratulate himon his good fortuxle, and . �
9 of ' th his home, -widow"s boys, Eli and I iin A -wila handiiaer but to open I _ "� Others who neverbedrd �
. . aorcj�,ss the valleys where the field, ery object connected W! was thickest, the ocks, the mollawill do the same thing. -this in a � 9haall arm- and that was strainge State 611 Afrair, ,,It lgtb C,jilitury ,no doubt many his namein the -
I waving corn and summer Wheat were from the grass plat in the rear, where Xohn, Stood firm as g-rRulte r � state. I I . all. That was as far as the -%voIrld . CITtlizattelk. , - of -him UntiI they saw .
growing. To the westward, too, Where his mother bleached her clothes in beaded sweat dropping from their I on the other hand, monkeys . have MY I . . I .papers, will. be 411-11te, a1fable,, and ' ' t I I .
burning brows, begrimed with battle had gone in,the w of making guns "IT .1 I
Prairie on prairie stretches on into 0.1- spring, to this blue ana,white checked . I been known to jail upon one of their work themselves, Eat Meanwhile it The Sultan -is still' a youth; entirely cover that he is really a. very fine Ils- I �
. -
. most interminable space, the saxae.TuIY blanket hung round his attic bed ,to smoke, *as wiflit unflinching nerve axla 0 is ill and drown him,'pos- . . s- not only ' I
I they. took number Wit had been very busy Perfecting a class in the � hands of big mother, 8, Circa low, you know,.'and
protect him from the - hands that trembled not, as an art of mercy, Similarly do wonderful . oa luck, I
sun Was shining, as quietly, as peace- winter, Storm. sibly Id 61 I an woman, and the Grand Vizier, Sid his go but in addition thereto, I I
their aims, see' I - CA
fully, as if in the there That Widow, so stern, so harsh, so sharp �ng more.than nue . fall I wolv6s destroy one of the pack Which Of 'guns which wou it ailquaiixto�n - 1,
heart$ of men . things provideayou. *orke& tbbm Your- the pleasure of the I I
burned no bitter feeling of fierce to almost every one, hvtd been the ton- before their mtre fire. el�,V_ AblAs . � I
I ,a Musa,� who, on the death of � I
I ng for detest of parents to him, and atear White as the winter Sn'0w one. boy -1 becomes helpless. . � guns which would d I . . ------ �
, and vindictive hate, -no thirati I If an otter is tra;pped his brother Ot- ealf-�-thlxt is, I its or even of fairly the late Sultan, seized the rains Of .. . � I I �
I -halr !,.qb face gleamed amid tb5 excited - eT It hail'of bulle , hing of the r and hurled the -than' existing STAYING ROME FROWSC.HOOL., �. , ,
each other's blood. Oh, how calm, ho,w glistened on the cheek of the fair Cars will run arouTIO: him all night large Shells, an& require not] .. powe .
still it was that Sunday morning both ad boy ashe remembered the only time thronq -. the fair b rtir puqhed back from � I . � .i- I
coroh;ng showing the utmost concern- t a.supply of ammunition, 11 Ministry 1, Into the dungeons. Of Fez � �
" d the girliQb forehead, and the 8 Spectator -rato" U to . fronli the Ats", ry ot ., I
� east, and north and West, and as the he ever was h I A Writer in the Loudon . . -�pp late Grand Vizier Beli"S a gh4krl'V,b"Vtcr
ateful to list, He ha I and Vlonly' ;f muscle Wherewith I I I
I sun rose higher in the heavens, haw asked her forgiveness for it, .-Ind she sun falling upon the unsheltered head, states th'it be hhS seen Sparrows in turn a �orunlCor work & I ever. The mit" an . d Tqtuan., The I . 'I'lle ol* Susan c.i.atelper . 34
I.. all it when she fo h%d been shot away, only last year in a 41. 1 �
� soothingly the bells rang out their Mus- surely would not roe., r Isaaes cap . groups discussing and lamenting'When raillease began to, �Ilt &eal swaths die4 in his chains , � ,Pm not going to 901106l'th's Morn- �41 I
1� 'raw Englarid's teMP- ,h shot it laY SNIVIT11- , one, of their number had fallen into al � I at the litteT- � I I I �ebar, ,,
,% ical chimes. From is read that letter Eli or j'ohn would send, and the ball whir, of poori . into the close Icirmation of the armies subterranean prison, . says little Susan Grat on(I. �
� Plea bills to the-fax�-off shores of Ore- beating the fatal line, -Mother, poor Ming in the dark life blood trap, Next ,day When, a robbin ,was Review. 80 ing," . I " 1.�
al., Worth and Gra,�elotto-t,he GatlingB plade) says the National indulgent ever .�',
I �L- � � atebar, , I �11 I ; � I
" � gon, the echoes rose and fell, ceasing Isaac is dead." He knew they would Harry Bqksr, iust behind, and just two, caught the sparrows paid no,attention back with the English lld-� trict'were the ordars, regarding his Mamma' Or I ' ' !,
16 went Camel I for the rain, is
.. I only when c-eaiw,d the tramp of the I call him " poor Isaac," for though They inches tallqr ilt-in the widow's Young- I He adds thAt he had seen a big� Pi * ,,gypt, the notchkiss-revolving can- confinement that even in the hour of, makw no objection, I I I 1!:R
, I a his "mother's . est. born. Poor Harry I He Irid ,done, smaller one thxough . . ta in -not Unfetter- . . ty, the sky �ia (lark, -, .: ,
many feet hastening Up to worship sometimes teased him a try to help a, at non settled disputes and disputan cleath his cbai94 were falling very, hearil . I I
. � I I I 11;
� Grod in his appointed way, old and ereat girl baby,"'they, Pelted him quite his besf, to keep the promise made so bole in the fence paling by pu . Iling the So � nth Americitu Squabbles. 'And, �d and the b6dY -was left until corrup- ' r " , I �,!
� **� . Monte in , �ot - Should be the winanortbeast-�-'T� ainy'( IlY. I I .. ;. ,
young, rich and Poor, father and mOth- q8 much as she only in a different 'waY. boastfully. In all the 13th Regiment I I I
I ��, its head. a thes� ,vors, the last refine I ti�n� hda in, Jest there I pre�akfast for Jit- �
I caped by . . ,�
ver I of a. Highland shepher The. v . I
I � I . er, sister and brother, husband and ,indhe left now thatboth would step be- there, was not one wb-3 played a bra i � St. John tells guns which you .-Woiked.' ry any question of bis having as �Artd SoA leisurely ' . W
� � part than he, firing off with every gun dible bird' a x - a -glance at the clock no �,
� . I Wife, assembling together. to keep the f -ween hiju And the bulla4- they thz,Z911t raised a smile %,,hose tat brought him some a . , next: step beyond was.the gun which tho-ald of bribery to his gaolers, The tie Susax , ,1 , I � ,)
� . holy day, that best day of thaLSeven' would li-Arra him. Eli vrould any way, a timely joke, which nearly every day in tbD Year,- . � worked itself, not � It Vart.: , � Of pextou:al poNfor bf the present Sultan and then, as the School boar ,'W� �, L :
I � . Praying not so much for their own bill- John. perbAps, would hesitate, as oven in That dreadful li,mr. But Hairy's . I -.11111M.- , � itself, observe, as by ,Merely ,set-. is very small' ha -allowed all affairs of roach )f,pleasure ,,is it �� 1.
I .
I Isaac -was work Was done, and Mrs. Baker had� I . tin, a ba,mmer, . or opening a bras iii Grand , P . as, And a sense ( , Il- I i., �
,� for tl)e loved olles he now loved Susan best. -st-born IRY OPENING AFRICA. I . cl� State to be ,conducted by tI I as r
his brothers, and � '
Sins forgiven as proud of I be glanced but one boy now, for her fii , .. ' blood and for- Passes and l6av he hard at home i
gone to war, -the dear Ones far away, I d , veryLhing, get -Ling R Vizier, a man of dark "I',
I , I -and little, little dreaming as they admiringly at them as They marched upon tbe ground so blackened and dis- . . - . . -but � by - oing a . it,,into the barrel, bidding appearance, Who possesses .no stead of finding her in bar. ftecuStowed I
. . I � Cartridge, Putting For,thiS is a break -1 , I �1
I side by side, keeping even :-;Cap just figurarl, with the thick brains oozing I evelovilent of the .-Sta,014 . " firing, I pulling ' eat ability beyond the low ounuirig Place atsebool. �Iicf I I
I I Prayed, how the same sun stealing 90 Tile ]L,tvtd D . -cocking the harnme) gr from schOol and ,'
T�tain. street, with his from his mangled hend, and .the PUT- Colitinelit. I I putting in the new 6f'an ortaiAllI'diplamat, Seasoned with in'tIle routine; a re
softly up the church's aisle, and Sbu a. they did down I . , . l. �� 0 bell, I adie a, novelty; for om
ing on the church's wall, Was even then mother ,-Ind Susan looking on. Oneaow ple gore pou-ing from his lips, that, I . � . I ut the old ,% through -the whole oyelo, heartlessness as to tbe suffell"99 Of st s;, b e to.bor in �
'1�1 . looking' down on a far different scene, I =s t�iukin,gt of Susan., and one of 10:4 only (hose who snw him fall, could When the . Pritish have pushad on �o,ne, and so on, .it moreover b6r I a t is without precedent, these unaccustomed hours seems
11 was Harry. Poor 1T.Arryl I �t as ail(! doing every bit Of � Cho People tha I � "Iny fir- 11
. -a Scene of carwge, blood and death, wi owe MO bar. guess t -bat it pashoda to Albert Nyawo, tween each explosion, and the oxi� next His one ideal even before the Integrity Strange, just.as. to any of us 1� I
11 For, off to the southward, near where b quiet nu'd Ure sa�, it ags, ntly; for from I I � is the hoarding I iliar,�thin I .
I Close y Tsnac walked Bill. in, Sadly, revere 81-Y - of Moorish territory, I . n� - will. seem SU'Rfige "t"ext � . �,
I- kleSs though be was, be i they 961's. now- doing and will compil following.. : Y othe iliansUg Eimpiar 7*0 .
LI the waters of the Potomae ripple past subdued. He bad, -prayed "that morn- rude and ree or his ,country; And to do in -0, few weeks, there ivillbe open How rapidly? , Ordindrily ' from 250 'of moriey, ,-Ind to do this his tax col- seen in a Ot . r . � I L � 1.
ing-he never prayed, but when he saw fell fighting f uni , ,t h , .
. ille. grave of our nation's hero, an- we owe a debt of . ,tion to 000 times,per minate-but as a. tour lee -ors tire every W ere.tuining the lation to her' things Vies I
other concourse of people was gather- Isaac kneeling on his blanket he had all who' parish thus la continuous line of COMY" -0 arce�quite practicable but Some- . I I . . a , and pl;y, gil
a mood of praise. Sacred, . )wri, langth- do f, . � country. . L At I
� ,,�d Susan teadj
ad together; their Sunday bell the can- said to him, ', Manage to get Ili a. word gratitude 4 . What severe on 'the guri-at the ro,ta Vill-ages'are burned, and. prisoners with '.her. little br&IjPr,. and , �,walks
cLr; their Sunday hymn the bat- or two for me and Hal; *a need it, then, be ',he memory of those whose'from Alexandria, to Cape Tc I � ' 'lit- ,
, I chained neck to I s. would, � ,,
nows ra, . . rjeck, thrown into foul: About the house, and'duallY gets a
. grales are with the. slain, fir away be -'wise of the Afrioa,n Continent- . Of e , . .. required sums are tie tired of it all, AS any,of '�
tle-ory. � merey knows 11 and Surely if ever Poor � . otly mo4ern map of Africa � . dungeons until the �
ky, and sacred be I Open a stri. I ->,o 0 TIMES PER MINUTE. . . :�d for I
: neath Virg ,i's a � I � 0 . and for we all, Qld.a-nd. young, nf�e � �
Long before the earliest robin had mortal needed prayer it Was Hal, as . irli, it with a' Map in 'the . . heoming. Forturia.061y Tangier
I ied the memory of poor Harry Biker. His ATI(I rompare , . � : �, . I fort I I regular employment; I
, thrillad its matia, song, they had been his brother styled him. Half stupof a of'for,ty years ago, , ,1,his a,,, � quite an the northern districts are far enough our welfare some ,
on *8 constantly own worst enemy, he lived his life's scllo,)l g6ographie a', ,�i ll�p�..does not convey - to have, as the saying i§,'Our minds, ov� .� I
I the mom their bristling baY000t with The vile liquor be had I 'da'g d'a� Lot me Put it ane'th" removed fr6m headquarters to be free , And, '
- brief span, and died fit. 3ast a soldi;.r's Nearly half of the continent 'was then . . � presently little, Susan
1 g)it.tering in the, brilliant moonlight managed io get, he trudged on, boast I .,-Unknown Regions" �The ,speed Of a, bullet Such as is of this abuse of power, and there, ow- - oupied. r -.there's I
I like so, "only give d6atb. . I a black space with -
� - (.he December frost, as with regu- Ing of what he could �Printod across, it. Then, see What this "vey- is say 2,floo feet iluring the -first Ing no doubt to.the presence of Furo- gets interested in.tll.6 weathe� , , r �
- him a chance and held lick the entire I , - I fired UP� peans, the o6 thin place in the cl�uds, as there 0 '
Jar, even tread they kept on their wind geriarati" has done. - NOW E( . d
t . I second.b.fter leaving the gun lives and property of the
Ing way, knowing not if the pale stars, I Secession army. He'd like to see the . U, May go by steamer and rail from Y I on- are the target And distant iii,tives -are,, more .,Sebure.".and a much 'ton is even on the, radniest OfAays, I'D
"Shot. Plump througli t Upper �uzzlt. 'One Second brin of govefument. ex-� by co 'Son the sky,lightens Up 'I
, -it could kill him ; lie was good ,b: i thence - by O". far ji,om the in more hurdanO f . . Then Susan says, to her? .
watching their course so pityingly, as I ball th, row it� Alexandri,% to Oradutplan tPhAt ' mal!"'i"', I
it were, woalil ever shins ,ell them i at dodging -, he'd show 'am a thing or I story I on't the old woman Steamer to Alb6k,% Nyanza'; by rood after tile gun is fired.i-.he'first bullet ists. Ed the; groat iiid rich, agricul- good . . . -1 ''I I I I
again. onward,-on,waTd,-on-,vard still t�wo in the way 0 - he"d take 1, " ' araeterisfic, -yika;.by steamer down - ill (ben be at -ur, .st,ricts of the South have in the mother �, � � , � ", g I' � to Vje%r� '
ased over the bills, through he Southern gentle- and the, that lake; by road to Lake Nyassa; by . . 1 -and, be- been almost deva'tated, - it .
J- , f light, lboughl�ll was "ill's ell in, I will strike You There w ,C al di
"mme ,' to Lake Tang� at Yot - I I "Do void think 0 ng I . , .
Idt, . a I .
they pr� J, tle tuck out of t ,.is the whizzing -hat inst' coming I last ton years I
gv,ues a ea 1 stearher'down that lake4nd the T C Rut second IS 'ended You by the con -slant ,raids of' Cho Saltan's off?" 11 I � 11
� . the down the valleys, across mon.-yes he would," and so he went ,1,,tb shriek met hi r, arid the fall� TpPer fore the second 11 �t Ifts.Greatbar, older Chan'91IK911 I I
1 the fields, 'till the same sun which i though&ssly boosting on to deathl Ing, bleeding figure met his view. , I Shire River; by road around ivinrchl- will be hit: by ail of,thom. and ariother soldiery engaged in lax-col,]Peting. B . . , 1, as In- oth I or
. shone so softly on their distant homes, � Spite of his jeering words there Was the I -Lower Shire River i batob. of thirty-three Nvill be in flighL . I . I and wiser, in.the weaChe I
� sort Falls to . . ---------,O- ., I kinks 80 Yet',
I I --- be a first second the bullets � . things, aays'slie, hardly tl L r it
X-086 also over fbe Federal Fly, ,is it I Will Mather was not there. Indispa- a keert pang in Billy's heart aS , by Strainer the Lo,wer-ShirP and up the Or if after the . I � e
i ward ' O Fort Sa- 'Ind You � I
. his been aptly termod,moving on sitic, ,d him at Washing- shrank a -way from the gory mass he i Zambesi to Son%,,, by road t . Id all be stopped in mid air t I . OF'COURISE.. I and'sure onoughjta� the
.� . which lay beyond, so well n had detaino sudden o COU , � 'would find I ,y, af- hE � is shut in, blacker than .over and . I
, I., to the Wab ' ton, -.Ihd with a hearty, God speed he knew ,had been his brother,�A, I liaburY; IbY Postmooach to IBUIUW810, walked. toward the gun You - A lawyer in court t -he other (I and more heavi I IT A� (I -
" " . concealadand So devoid of Sound that had sent his comrades on their way, tip -heaving of something in his throat a Town � . at, every six feet., . girl falls mbre , . I I
- nd by r6ilroad to Cope Ix tbousand a suspended-. bull . n. ter a alose,eross-ex0mination of- & Wit- r ', it goes., the -wh6lo, day long -a ra'110 , I
, none could guess that the. treacherous lamenting that he, too, could not join and a blur, before his vision, as he be The distance is 06tit a, . To return to the .progress of inve . . so I , bool at .
il � I . Woods, ivearing -in-law - I slid it �cau old gx1opiligs lift- ness, an Oterate IriShWorriftri in I Lre- day-a�xjd Susan so . I �
'001, so inviting a hat it was to 90 to 4xid fifty mile%. , I . . dbesWt go,to . . .t �
� so e them, and bidding his brother gan to realize ,W I two hundred o . tion. There Were the.� I I . She Stay$ lit the 'house, Arid, t �
1 4 (Caring a mighty, ex- do some fighting for him. War. But there wAs than no time to be traversed in eighty-f"Ve. days, Thus at some WAY. to utilizle the recall of ference to Cite po,§iCiorl lot, the doors and all. I, 4
I . look, Were she _ . dread Ad gets pretty bricsome before nightfall, J I
I Pectarit host, watching as eagerly for; waste over a, fallen brother. The ailroad, from the Caps ,It, of course; h, come to windows, etc., ked 'the i I I
I At the head of his oompquy Capt. the droam of 9, I' the gun, Whit I oin the night'the Wind � .
I I the a4vaneitig foe as ever ambushed Carleton moved, V irm, erect and dignl-� work must go on, and with the whis- to the Delta, makes progro,�S toward nothing, There were the machine following ,question- , .&nd now, my .But some tini yiorth- I 11
Spider wilit for its do ad proy, I' of, development, , tell the couxt how Cho, changes and comes out 66iii the, I
fied, as if born to command, he did full pared words, "Poor Hal, at. realization.. I gU6 at a high stage I good, *Omau� . T aggedo the 811,11 � ,
� . 1, lting Out it ( S ift�,kour house. To Ivitich west. ,be Storm has P,
� I Rackwardi-bac, 0 -ice to the Carleton name, ofWhich tender for, You When we get the v �� , � - ' , . run i . i
------- ---- 7, it,is truo,,burt incidentally' ge Q�x Susaw iH,UP
I Confederrife r , line J)ftO , line, rank Just . � , . S,anuy tl,T,6u . the, r ek the ,good Woman, replied. How (10 tb61 Shines brightly, and littllo� d.barly and , ::: �
I ,�' I he 1yas justly Proud; but 'his face W4* Monts lickedi" he marked the Position gh sho
I I offer rank, b t - batiallon; of by Signs he a�ul;j�%jot miss ,o*d then q,LA?,HD PAPER AND EYESIORTo ,of order con.t. I I And when I Shute, whin I'm cot) And. off t6schlool bright An I I
I alion afte I I , of their own OxPlOsiOus- 6thalrg run? . I., I
� :1 . I I unti.t �in num r,9 it more- than quad- puler thin its wont, and A, tinge t pregged closer to -his comrahe;,iaying, - hysioians have con- they r their intrica a stba� 1� I 91ad, to 90. . . 1, � .
I . I I . I �,
� 11, . I . � . rupled that ii,jadful of man steadily sadness rested, upoll it as, his regimen as he did so- . some acriumn P , jOt Out Of Or" ,.axld cartri :t a they ,run down, and whin 11m I I I .. � -
I I last in front of what was luded that much harm may be done mechanistri jammed., . , d6wnhey run DOP. . . -� ,
. . I i I � ,
. I I 1. . , I L rdovIllg 0%. From out their lofty covert balted at "Ike, Shot right 01 . I K;apa,t� stuck hilf Way'In'the barxe]LS� . . I I . . � 1111�' ,
IL 1. � supposed to be the hidden foe, Thomas Hal's a 90ner- .01 1`tO the eyes, . by th6bighly, ilived � 1,N ,,SS, 0PlNf.OlST. , , I -1 I
, r
I . � the eneray peered, exulting that the Ara when , through -his top-kubt, Nvlthw,.a Piece 11 . [a, Especially there was, nothing to do but Pull them �, --.- , . , � , , , 'r, 1,01 WI, � . I LIC I � 11
. ,� 1. . fort une Carleton had wept bitter to . kull, If you'd Used in some modorn bool a to be apart, and fix them, wbich is not 130 . a one bt the ,�OWTJS I , ,,,
. - I ,s of the great Republic, their bo, laid his Mary to -rest.' beneath South Your oap wedgail in his a Scalped I J'S,it believe Sillo,"WAS THINKING OF IT 'At a police court il * C89
. , I � . whilorn molher, wel-6 so Surely within, . been a faille taller you'd been for school obildrer� -sn one Is on the firing line, So . . . *1. , In tie north of Scotland I wj,tn
11 . . Carolinala, sunny skies, and had thought do is made to the aisy whi I ii�ll
I Mj'ka of the last ge � 'gh,
I I (h,�.ir power, atid pausing for a time instead of Hal. So Much YOU got for '111111tic'M 'Refet" oration, whoseun- there being no suggestion bf any Air- ,Mrs. Elvorson�Oh, TvIrs.. Downaloi aho.t�,ad signs� Of lcvity -while being'ex'
: I in sheer wantonness, just as, a kitten he could flavor be reconciled to the loss, ' I 'Slub.' " I I i , n . tatever of using the exPlO- your daugIltor �
but he was half glad now that She, Was b8lix L Involuntarily, but I glazed, surface dia not act. 'Way W1, I hear Chat Mahal is araltiod and waspromptAy cautioned by
I . I ,sports with the mouse, 8110, hos 1lr(1,SdY doo,4, for she was born of Southern Isaac shuddora� .. Q -non-refleoting � I � � a1vt force of A gun to work, j.t -and* prod M"a4dingtoli. � I the presiding magistrate ild addro-1;8 the
.1. . . , n0ab, fatiguo 1110 eYO. I t . -liat W )bwnslelgh�Yes; 1,110,Y bxPeOt courL In a bee felso he
I I . I iiptured, and kn�wa cannof Aspave� On- :1 ' Id rather she should ore he coal& loolt b 'k tho .; I , 1-�, 6vey,Ything t as known Pointing ougaged to . oniIing inanner, I
, . . 6 ,)I()Od arid he wou oio, -------NW- �. mp
I Ward,-ouward,-ouward ,swep,t the I . � ie,fae adapted Mrs, I some time during the W
I I i'� to to tI to be married ))c oommilt6d, 4or Conte,
not 'know the: errand which had ad him forwaxd; and solab (0, ' ,t tligt Of all forces .t�
I . . Federal troops, t1oir polished arrusawl,. 060 the ruin which, but for hl� sahort' OAjtip.110 TOO TAUi , ,A, that same, explosion NVhy, wha0makes you look 9 O�Ivl 111� i,hl o0ort � said th,43, fc)low�
. ligaght hint fc) Virginia, whore ftrk he !� to , operate giro'. winter, 11 i, al"o ,
L I least AUIted i o (1, ,Slight all, OJ
I I I I I alitfe Ing uhtforms flar4hing ,in fhel - - I � TimulinS, YOU )a Mak- wad probably the Worst nyj Do you know anything about; wi(-% r 'disdain, �
. , .
I . ,r* a flag for I Vact , � Statute, would have come to b!T T don't seent to I lmp�aetioa, , blo, the Un I I I �,pliod (11�, 009
I I Morning stl�lfgbf, just as th and loved o'shoui(I ,�vere no marks upon him yet ;'Ll"Ifuid vie tA tha 1&4dlady ail and most obviously ! � . - t. him? 111))A tho court' rf 19-
I � . t riot. know how be had come to. war Ing As much 10 I time was kipe tot a, Way of doing " ob.
� I . .which they fought Waved in tile 11lorn- 'here � the uncovered hooLd, to tell where ? J Mrs, tiver,sion-Oh, no; 1100king mu tri,te with s0lue db'RY�
I � 1with ber save
I ' ry nod , people. �J, Was another ad been, Thai ball$ *1116 lst'ruckl'yolt (Ud' t ouikt to be invented. and it Was (1011�, SL I W, said the Witne!�$'
., .
I I 'Jug by�ae o.lThei -,vere wai worn kin Sad, he It the .wind easov M little I 1 She th is Only thinking.' Onee Nvboyi I; lie Do ' 11 .that ye are I - . mer, I
I n(I t ,�jjz p, thought, too, ,#hioll made 11' ' It '*as "'ram - was A boy I beard. our miuls(or ay, '
I t usaad him b VaA, to � . yclre, Jist ll 0 0
� I , !ps ;voro. ,trche�j Wijb jo.v� tiful down otheral o auto thd,t tho could put The In" that did � , .1'mi T cher, tilt' J.n,tle
I . y big fair . axim, Like 6,11 I 'thalh' I I .
I � orish thirsL i,d passed t4i�vo that .Tuly day. The green, beau 0.1 the he'd we a q ad )AIM to come td a bod ejtd�
. for hours h, they, Made lifting occaslow. ly great, inveAtioliS the �
, .
I I I er. EU,t wooda standing thete $0 silently bO- ff jh6 wropt4 void, meat Oqds 'bit me, M trame skniplidity, of ,this one becomes ho ex0o. t . . I . � � I I I I I I . L .
- or. 6x � I I . : I I I I � b � 11,
, ,
1g ,
V, "
5111F 1
at It
I ,
r 8.1
� fliny had tilated �ood W' wati .1 fore him probably Shalt oil more than hair, but doing ho other aam&96� Above 0 (rt,marri . I � I I 11 � � �
I at I I I I I �
I I I. I n'�)l � � I
. 11 1. � . "'(�, I'll I . I I
-, � for �bis d4l tbey trirry; tbere wag one with whom he had in bygone (TAY8 aroun(l, Wore, Ilphina., at right,, at 11 o it r worii wtaa " k.", 'ad to h . . . " . . I I I I � I I I I � I I :, . . " 11 I 11 I
. . Ao falti"Ting In ilIph, rallIvii, no haint- . ) I I - . , * . � I . . ,, I I I � I I , I I I 1 . � . I I I
I I . I I . . . I I ". I L I I I . I I . � ,
" . . . I . I . . I I IN .. � I . I I I L I . I . , I I I., I � I . I I . I I � �, . . I I , 1�,( � 1� I I. I I � I I � I .1 1 I � , � I "
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I I I. I I I . I I . .1 . � � . 1 I I I I . . I 1. I � . I! I . I I � I � � . I I I I . �, I �1. 11, - !,�� 11 I � . �Jvl
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