HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-12-1, Page 53 "Cures talk of hood's si n as for o dexo. Its great ,Convincing women, constitutee vertising, wElous. They 'the people; •,dila the largest have made the greatest ;sarsaparilla made—cures aaceema, cures Rand weak nerves, ub a ,,�i�zo l s,atar catarrh ON9•;• i YCI: Sarsaparilla Is the bust—in " in favor Sarsaparilla; mer other cures language hrany;of have have sales necessary laboratory is known of scrofula, of curs -- 4` fact the .. , N`.1 e di ai recorded intruthful. of grateful men its most effective those curesare won the confidence given flood's $arsapa• in the world for its manufacture' on earth. Rood's by the cures salt rheum rheumatism, neuralgia o f dyspepsia, cures; which prove rt One True 131eod Purifier, mar-- it and liven and ad- of and has . cure liver ills. 'easy to I3oodi s Pi Xis take, easy to operate. 2 ,e. iVIOne_ t Lrara. Wehavounlimited rivate funds for invest- ment upon farm or villageproperty at lowest 'ate t rest. antes oEi u eDICISON & CARLING, Praetor, H' i{INSMAAN, L. D. S. AND s.•..> DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. •~t`r r D. S., D. D. S., Sonor Graduate <• of Toronto University, Dentist. ' 'if.r.f<e. a Teeth extracted without ain or bad after effects. Office p Fan Block. 'West side of Main street, Exeter. - DB. A D Honor Graduate and Roya4l_ Ontario. All work done hi harmless anresthetic *_rhe strictest ion of too natural tral Rotel, Exeter, RSDN, (D D. 8. t.. 0.8) DENTIST. of Plato A Con- : I 1 1 , . 1 l of the Toronto University, College of Dental Surgeons Bridge work, Crowns and the neatest possible manner. for painless extraction. attention given to the preservat- teeth. Office, opposite Ont. "There 'came light and a dark thorn by paying Astray t c a 1 in .c of a NI'' g' Bl n e. b7 ; t to my premises, two steers: roan. Owner mayreceive 't2prc.Joan Pore, d Lo2, en6Iay Farm for'Salo■ Con. y, o tr 4, Blanshard, 103 acres of land state of good cultivation, well underdrainod, S acres bush, zoo rods board and wire fences, -good young orchard, frame house 30x20 ft. 3sitchen 2GxIS ft., barn 80x36 ft., wagon -house 44x22 ft., andather out buildings, hard and soft water very convenient with windmill, within miles of post ogee, school and church. .Got further particulars applyy, to the proprietor, 'THOMAb THOMPSON, Woodham, 1!. 0. . For Salo. - Brick Blacksmith siiop,fram a dwelling house tind., ialtan acre of land in the village of Whal- en, township of Biddulpix. There is a good busi. mess done in the shop; on the ppr�emises are good ruittroes and smallfruit,good supply of water, and everythingconvenient. Reason for selling, --'he xt rietor is going out of business. . For further particulars, a ly to, �VT I.IJ OGDEN, 'Whalen, P,O. Farm F;ltr, '&iea 100 soros in the township of Hay, lot 4, con. 10, The land is in a good state of cultivation, i igh:and well -drained midis situated 11 miles' south of Zurich. , There are on the premises a 3argeframe house with all the conveuienoes, good hard and soft water also never failingg• wells for stock, also first-class bank barns, with either outbuildings. Tho farm is well fenced and has a largo orchard. This is one of the i12 est farms in this section and is admirably located. The owner is desirous of rotiring groin farming and will deal liberally with the purchaser, "Write or apply to George Schoellig Zurich, P. 0. 1P I re 25 .t of .4 Cu an', W Pr. Money To Loan A largo amount of. 'private funds to loan at LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST on reason- able able terms of repayment. ILLL1OT & GLADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors; &6., Main St. Exeter. m • , at fleeting,' of The Council of of Huron will meet the town of Goderich of December next Dated Nov. 21,' 1898. County Council. in day the corporation of the• -County in the council chamber on Tuesday the 6th,, at 2 o'clock p. m. W. LANE, Clerk Dog Astray Came into tho premises of the undersigned, Eiensall, on or about the 12th inst., a brown and white spotted spaniel dog, wearing a tag, No. 127, O.T P..189B, Owner can have same by ap- plying to E. Sheffer, Centennial hotel,' Hensall, aid paying expenses. Uonnty Council Elections azblie notice is herebygiven that a meeting r the Electors i� eters of county Division 1To, 8 tom- posed of Municipalities of STEPHEN, EXETER AND USBORNE Will he hold in TOWN HALL, EXETER, on MONDAY, Elfecet-a-tbet-, 19th; 1895, it the hour of 1 o'clock p. m, for the purpose of uominatft� g candidates to represent them lathe ouneil of the County of Huron for the years 890 & 1900, and that in naso a poll is demanded tolls will bo opened on the 2nd day of January 890, in' each.; pollingsub-division at the : time tad place fixed by Bylaw of the municipalities 12 the said County Division. CHESTii;it PROUTY Nominating officer for County Council Divi- siOn No. 1. )ated this 21st day of Nov. 1898. AUCTIONSALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. SVm. MoCloyhas received instructions from Thos. 101sto xo sell by Public Auction on Lot 91, eon.' I, TnWItship of Hay, 00 Wednesday, Moo. 7th 1898, at ono o'oldok p, 01. the following farm stock and implements vizi—Domes — One ,. Giceneraal pa rpesc•mare ton yrs old.' Ono gonoral purpose gelding five yrs. olcI. One filly ono year • old sired by Wilder hoe; Cattlo-Ono newly eel - rod . .Milehcow, One COW sunoo90d t0 be in calf, two heifers ono your olcl, Two spring delves. $1100Ps--Nino well brocl Shropshire owns. four owe lambe. -•- Piga--Ono Berkshire brood sow With litter,Ond 13orkshire brood sow with lifter at foot, Twelve pigs.ten weeks old. — Poultry- lrwo pair of cle0so. about fifty 'hens.-Iitiple- anents Otic lumber waggon new, ono pair bob- sleighs nearly now, one road omit, ono a cwoll hinder ono Reaping luaohihe, one mower five ft put. ono soca drill comb, ono disc harrow, ono' Set, Diamond i hai�rrowp, single plows, one root pu:iper, one horse powor and g�rinder with lack, ciao turni.lr sower, ono fanning mill one 7 a. .seed' cleaner for clover ,tact thlnoth v. cele do_ power for ohurning, ono laactor, grain breis, one sot team harness, ono singlo harness, one milk tank and cans, two.gravel boxes, ono hay rack, ono large ft nit evaporator with mo chinos tom,. Rite, 0 (mantity of Mixed timothy atter clover 1i ay, also a gtaantft of pian I y gods, spades, Earles, shovels,,chtuins and other art rhos too rtumoroit to mention. Ail ta111 bo sold as the nronrietor ns leaving the fart.-T9RBf9 of sake—All sinus of five dollarsland muter casb'ovor" that a'noun . ton mon Ch.'s credit will bo given on fgrnishinx. approver' joint notes, a diienunt at the rate. of Are p1rer cent per nnrnuu.will be allowed. off all errant amounts for cash. ^Vlra'r-l. MCCI,OY, Tk10 r .A.uob. S' 1,l,STO Prop, The Latest News, Herman Ball laas been re-engaged to teach S. 8. 0, they, for 18057, He is u son of Rev, Mr. Ball, of Kirkton, for- merly of -Atwood. ,. II Groat Britaixi has any notion, that Uncle Sam is going to .acquire. and maintain the Philippines as a market for the products of other' natious,Great Britain will find ,t. vvl T id out that Uncle Sam is not exactly that .class of fool.. HALYARD'S YELLOW 01I cures all 'n in man pain t o x beast,for rains 'ci nis , 1 ovula p , bruises, callous • lumps, swellings, in- flainn:iation, rheumatism and neuralgia it is a specific, On Tuesday 15th ult., Wn$. Dermot' of Moray,was married to Miss Dickson of the vicinity of Olancleboye. On the same day Mi'. Connor's father and mother celebrated the54th anniversary of their marriage, fit, large number of relatives Were present. Great quantities of apples are being exported to London frotu. Halifax. So far this season i s tact the 1 UrnP.S6 steamers . to P1 S have taken to Liverpool and. London 100,000 barrels of Nova Scotia apples, of -}which have been shipped byfarmers of the Annapolis valley. This is ,fair in excess of last year's` shipments. A fatal shooting accicleet occurred at Gug's Point, Oshawa, just west of the harbor, on Saturday morning, re - suiting in the death of Fred McLean, It seems that George liiaallett and Me - Lean went rabbit shooting. One asked he'other o ex to `,turn around, wlienthedr gunsstruck andMailett'sgundischarged and the charge struck .McLean in the efti thigh, McLean was removed to a farm house owned by Mr. Schemilt and Dr. Coburn was summoned but could do no good. McLean died a few hours later. An,inquest is deemed un - n eoessary. • Fire caused about $8,000 damage to Ile factory and plant' of the Stevens i4lanufaa.eturing • Company, iron and brass manufacturers, London,. Sunday night. -The blaze was discovered in .be polishing room on the top'flat Shortly after eight o'clock and before t was checked hacl spread to the roof tad through a large portion of the up- oer part of the building. the firemen prevented the names from reaching the varnish room, and confined it to the iwo upper storeys. A large quantity of astings was damaged by water. The oss is covered by insurance. Farms for sale . few goodfarms.for solo cheap &Loney to an. Apply to JOHN SPCrr ni a N Strad From lot 1, con. 6, Hay, on or about the first November, a ono year old heifer, red, with little white behind the front Left leg and a lute spot on her "forehead. Any person ving information of her whereabouts will be itably rewarded 12-16. . JOHN TREBLE, Exotor. STRAYED Strayed from lot 21 North Thames Road, usseldalo on or about the first of November head of cattle, 3 heifers rising3 years old red ith some white spots,5 steers rising 2 years d,: 3 of a greyish color. A reward of 310 will o given to any person giving any information at will lead to their recovery. t16 JOHN COLE, Russoldalo. P. O. COUGHS CURED fuickiy, permanently and pleasantly by the e of Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup. The ostsatisfactory cough remedy made. Price o. Dr•. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrupis nice to eke. and death to all worms. Contains its vnur a iv . 25 p g t c Price .,,,r„ HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL. rpplied externally cures Sprains, bruises. ts, Burns, Chilblains Lumbago and pain of kind. Taken internally cures Croup, beeping Cough, Bronchitis. Sore Throat, etc. Ce 255. TRE. MARKET REPORTS, ,)wheat perlruahei 00. to 01 oats ,,, .2a: to 20R�.' 13arloy, ,.. 11 to 9r Peas .50 to 00 he6c�srn Butter.— Eggs 3a lttoi ...,. „15 to 1,r Turkeys ^ . ,. 15 to 18 E XEi'r tR MES A I' t,w Departure. J.xeter' November .30th 18o8, your t)x M,trsehllnd,the celebrated French GO0S0 6 to Chiokops por Ili . , , •., , 5 to 5 ])tacks , , 7 to 7 ool..,, 17 to 18 Dried Apples,. 2,1 to ;d Dried dressed ,. $,'so te. 5,,,0 Pork live woight. 3.75 to 3.75. Hay per Clover seed . 1, to 5,00 .Aielko clover ,. 1.50 to 5,10 to tt c 6 it 0 1 aced .. ., 120 .0(p to: 1, London, November 30(11 1598, Wheat per buslio ,,, 62 to 93 Oats., „23 to 21 • 51 to }} GG —.44 to 50 ,.30 to 38! S.0 to 9 331 to 48 Beans • 40 40 00 ..•....13 to 1'i ..10 til 11 60 to 70 .,.,..,,10 to 12 9 to 10 vneose X22 to 110 Potatoes per bag ,,.,.. '..•86 tol 00 Hay per ton .3 6,00 to 3 7'80 Pork per cwt. . .. 81.50 to $5.00 Peas Barley' Buckwheat -. ,... Rye Butter , Eggs Turkeys ro lk,,... Y sD x p Geo _ sa era 6 Chickens ... , GRAIN MARKETS Montreal, Nov, 28. --Market quiet, Flour --Receipts, 1,800 barrels ; patent winter, $3,08 to $4.10 ; patent spring, $4.04 to $4.60 ; straight roller, $3.60 to $3.80 ; extra, $3.20 to $3.40 • superfine, $2.60 to $2.70; strongbakers' p .10 to $4,30 ' Ontario bags, '4 , gs, $1.70 to $1.80.. Wheat, No. 2 Manitoba hard, 74c to 76c ; corn, 38c to 40c ; peas, 660 to 67c; oats, 29c to 30c ; barley, 41c to 43c; rye, 55c to '57c ; buckwheat, 48c to 50c ; oat- meal, $L7() to $1.80 ; cornmeal, 90c to $1 ; pork, $155.50 to $�6 ; lard; 70 to 8c. ; bacon, 100 to llc;; hams, lOc to;11c; limed eggs,13c to 15c. Toronto, N•e$'t' 28. — Exporters lire bidding about 67c for cars of red, and white harcl. Toronto and west, is quot- ed at 80e, and No. 1 northern and No. 2 hard, 77c ,• flour, quiet ; straight roller, iu bola., Toronto, quoted at $3.35; millfeed is firm, at $14 to $15 for shorts, and $11 to $12 for bran west ; barley, steady ; No. 1 quoted at 500 west-; buckwheat, is firm, at 44c to 45c west ; rye is steady, at 50c, yellow west being quoted at 32c to 33c west, and American at 41} Toronto ; oats are steady, at 27e west, 'and peas at OOe west. LIVE STOCK MARKET Montreal, Nov. 8.—About 700 head of butchers' cattle, -20 calves and 1,100 sheep and Iambs were offered for sale att'he east end abattoir to -day. The weather was beautiful, but the but- chers turned out strong, but pretty good cattle were much more plentiful than on Thursday, and brought lower prices than on that day. A number of prime North-west cattle sold ata little lower than 41c per pound. Prime Ontario beeves sold about hie per pound. Pretty good beasts sold at frofoot t31cto nearly z4c per pound, and tion stock at 2,�c to 3c per pound. Calves sold at $3 to $8 each. Shippers were paying 3Ic per pound for good' large:sheep. Lambs usually sold in lots at 40 to 4?c per pound, Choice lambs brought 4tc per pound. Fat hogs sold at $4.40 to $4.45 per hundred pounds, off cars. • nave you pried THE 611016E VIRGINIA Tobacco GEO. E. TUCE�ET & 501 CO, C!Mlie THE PIONEER LIMITED Is tho name of tho only perfect train in the world, now running every night between Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul and Minneap- olis via rho Chicago, Milwaukee' & St, Paul Railway—the pioneer road of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illustrated pam- phlet, showing views of beautiful scenery along the route of the Pioneer Limited, will be sent free to any person upon receipt of two -cent postage stamp. Address Geo. H. Heaflord, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ill. Save Money By Homo Oyehig, Easy way to make New Au- tumn Dresses Out of Old and•Faded Costumes and suits. Diau2cnd Dyes for Lon,; Years have Been the Standard home Dyes. Don't wear a faded gown. Don't look shabby simply because. you cannot afford to buy a new dress. It is not necessary to Wear clothing that is faded and shabby because you have no money to buy .lIlore. With one or two packages ofDiarnond Dyes; that cost ten cents, the old ,dress can 1>e dyed it fashionable and beautiful color and made to look like new. Thou sands of women will have autumn dresses this year that cannot be told from new,but will have cost tiled) only c trifle,the result of coloring over their old materials With Diamond .Dyes. Diamond Dyes give the newest :and. most beautiful colors that will not fade creels or wash out, and are the onl.. package Dyes that have stood the test of years of use: Never riskyoir goods with any of the Cnllltlen adulterated dyes. Paine'�s C:c1er�p Com ..cunt, J THE ONLY ttilEDIC1N +' THAT WOP S COM. i Pz.�El E ,cl:� 1) P1.,l:Z1VI.A.-' NENT CURES, The ablest and hest lien and woxuen of our .country— doctors, clergymen, lawyers, bankers, rlterchants and liter- arywomen—highly praise and recom- mend Paine's Celery Compound as a sure cure for xheuruatisn and sciatica. Remember well that disordered esti-- and a nerves, Earthly digest on, a d .slow i n o the incomplete vita f t bad invite 1 e alit p. y le lfhetlrnatism, just .�s they donervous debility and neuralgia. There is n surer start for rhennaatlsa3 tnatn 11 ruli down, nerveless condition. Yon cannot curc'rheumatism by out- ward applications. ' The disease is due to internal troubles and must be con- stitutionally attacked and got rid of. Paine's Celery Compound gives a healthy tone to the st011111ch, increases the appetite, and regulates the bowels, liver and kidneys, so .that they easily tbrow off poisonous matters that the sluggish system has allowed to lodge m r,r i � the blood,causing 1 cum• slam and o a e disorders. Dear in rnincl that rheumatism ne- glected means increased sufferings and certain death. Be wise while you have a fair measure of strength left. Use Po ine's Oelery Compound and banish an enemy that has no mercy when it obtains the mastery. Itsolely remains with you to determine w t he - her you will bnish danger or remain in misery and wretchedness. I physician, has at last opened his mat;; niticently equipped lnbciraatory ixl i, Windsor, Ont. There is a large staff' of chemists and physicians at his coin - mend, ' and the men and women of Canada may Dow procure the advice of this famous specialist tree of charge. ' Marsehand has a world-wide rep- utation for successfully treating ;til nervous diseases of leen and women, and you have but to write the donor to be convinced that your answer, when received, is from a man w11() is entitled to the high position he holds in the. medical fraternity. 'Why suffer' in silence when you can secure the advice of this eminent physician free of chnrga. All correspondence is strictly caufi- dential and navies are held as 8011recl. Anstvers to corresponcieuts,are mailed in plain envelopes. eiopFs, You are not asked to pay any e xni�- bIt• 4 • .aIltc pricefr o medicines, in f,tu.lt rarely happens that it patient has ex- pended pended of ex 50 cents. to one dollar be- tore he or she becomes 0 firm friend DO and todInlrer of the doctor, A. special staff of lady physicians assist Dr. Mal•sahand in his treattitent. of female cases. Always inclose three - cent etam when yc.n write and ad- dress The Dx'.:I\tarschand Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich,, U. S. A. Mention, this' paper.. Fred Thorne, who lived in Mitchell some th'elve vears ago, lost his wife in Detroit on Friday last, death being caused from heart disease. The Guelph Pat Stock and Poultry Show, and the annual meeting of the Ontario Bee -Keepers' Association are both to be held in Guelph on the .6th, 7th and 8111 of December, and the an- nual Meeting of the Guelph Poultry Association on Thursday of the same week. Two valuable cope' belonging to John Quinlan, of North Easth,lpe died last week. One of thein, it appears, ate too much frozen grass and before aid arrived the colt was dead. A few days after, as Mr. Quinlan was in the act of putting the baiter on a colt, the animal suddenly reared and fell back- wards against the stone wall. The blow to the spinal column was so severe as to cause instant death. The late John Thompson, of Downie, whose' sudden death by the roadside on. 21st. "ult.,was noted iri anothercolunn. For many years he farmed in Downie, where his widely and a large family live. The sorrowing family are : Dr. J. J. and 'Thomas, of Denver, Col.; Alex. and Robert, of Downie ; David, of Manitoba; Mrs. Luther Turner and Mrs. Fred. Turner, of Fallarton; Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson, of Kirkton; Mrs. ,Houston, Heidelberg; and Miss Nellie, who teaches school in Downie. Two brothers, Thomas and Robert, of Da- kota, and one sister, Mrs. Thomas McIntyre, mf Buffalo, also strvive him. A Man is always in the SWIIVI If he wears one of W. JOHN'S 'neatly fitting SUITS • He is a sure fitter. His prices are away down. His goods are the best. Call and examine his goods before buying your ..FALL SUIT W. JOHNS9 The Tailor. PUT ��YOU ®i01 Y FIRMER U" PULSE. If It is Weak or Irregular don't Hesi- tate to Start the use of Milburn's Heart and Fier s nerve Pills at once. With a strong, steady, regular pulse we may expect vigorous health. With a weak, irregular, intermittent pulse we can tell at once the vitality is low—that Dizzy and Faint Spells, Smgth- ering and Sinking Sensations and similar conditions' are bound to ensue. 13y their action in strengthen n ;• the heart, toning the nerves and, enriching the blood, Milburn's 'Heart and Nerve Pills relieve and cure all those distressing conditions just enumerated.. Mrs. B. Croft, residing on Waterloo ' Street, St. John, N.B., says: " For some time past I have suffered frompallor, weakness and nervous pros- tration, I had palpitation and irregular beating of the Heart so severe, as to Cause me great alarm. I was treated by physicians, but got no permanent relief. "I am glad to say that from Milburn's Tleart and Nerve Pills , I derived the first real benefit that I ever,>;ot from. any medicine. My appetite is unproved, my entire system toned up, and I can do teal less than cheerfully recommend these pills to all regturing.a reliable heart and. nerve tonic. Miss Mary Fst'tticics, luoifth Bay, Ont., says ILnxa+l:.ivef Pittscured her of Siciklieadache, iron witt,nfi site tied suffered torn year. -L. C. 'ieIntyre, of Ness, is a candidate for the license inspector- ship. of North Middlesex. 7i. , Master William . ) Holxxie son of s s)\�� . S. Holmes, of Lucknow, lead his leg broken on Friday last, by a horse fall- ing upon him while riding the animal to water. , There was a pig killed at Maple Grove recently,which tipped the bean. at 255 lbs., six months and two weeks old, bred from a grade dam and Tam- worth oxth sire. The regulations requiring nomina- tions of candidates to be made iu writ- ings will come force for the first time at the coming municipal elections. Section 128 of the Municipal Elections Act says "The person or persons to fill each office shall be proposed and sec- oncled seriatim, and every such nomina- tion shall be in writing, shall state the full name, place of residence and occu- pation of the candidate, and slaall be signed by his proposer and seconder. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN ULA AND WELL -TRIED Risr suy,-14ica WinsloW'sSeething Syyixuap. has been used for over fiftyyears'by'minions of motlorsfor their children while teething' with perfect succuss. ie. soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be Biro and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Days getting , er r ,.: 4r Nights � d huger, again t11a1�11xt�Opraereidt. 2tSo ZGLltveCSS(�Itll titel 4b1testti ceislxcl1 t.i•, , 1satic a,nt.aele that are exactly suited to your eyes. /1optician home 3 j liFITTON'Sff T.FITTON'S'. Jewellery store Mornings preferred � arr eta for testing. ---.-- _ ----. ...... er o T i ,q�•li • , ac,t 1 e •.. n, •te 1 ;u a horse which is ''rundown,"—"out a soltc,•'' th•+'v0 iin.,overishment of the blood—but build him a'• , with t i.f':, Blood Purifier and he has both. . It i ov all the ,tup, tiosin his system. m.ad f o thfi s it. /:t lee l;;eoo,l and his spirit is high. It aids digestion ""t' 13)0.5.5tOhis;. his coat—brightness to e e—vim to his amble g Y z;.•;tion,' , ..-.au.,e Isis usefulness and value. CC ST a A : Fx:KAGE. Taw. stns as CENTS. 1, DICK & cos, PROPRIETORS: k ;.! LEEMING, MILES & GO., MONTREAL., AGENTS. .� Dl kS Blood, Purifier �Eelr „ ' t Chilli hl4'11l ^dl+ l:;YabMldafI,'is111^hia; t ib. '?'3'•ital`d6L}flfsiaMlfNNI MliAW Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and. Charm by selling twenty Topaz Scarf Pins, at 15 cents each, Sea,: ; our address :,i d we forward the Pins and our Premium List,. postpaid. 71' money required. These Pins will alino,t sell themselves, for the Top -rt c an the h infante of the best. diamonds, and bas never before been oft* red et anything like this price, The Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well mare, and fully guaranteed. Unsold Pins maybe returned. Mention this paper when writing. THZ GEN PI11 CO., Frechced Building, T rento Ont. E Ri aI Fd4 ,+ 5rSRTha<',FRfV't°,hnrrlRT4.'4°v't`vwasv^'AKRyi'$mm.,,„t'a1FaP„wraw mmagmw.,\V For And Furniture AT R. N. ROEW'S Everything up-to-date. Largest stock ever shown in Exeter. R. Na ROWE A full line, fresh and bright of SCHOOL ROCS and every School tie- quisite at BROWNIN 'S Where the Scholars are always used well ASK r•611 BEST FORTABLE.DAIRY,AND 1'.afra•,, •gym-arsao.-or,a ur..ar, rti.. orszi FREE0 We give this fine watch, and also a chain and thorn% for selling tWb dozen Laves Cottaa Bur, TONS at 10 C is each. Send' your address and we forward the Huttons, postpaid, and our Premium List. No money re- quired. Sell the But. tons among your friends, return the moneyand we send the Watch, prepaid. A genuine American wateht guatantced a good timepiece. Mention this paper when writing.' LEVER. I1UTTON CO„ see Adelaide St. E. Toronto, Ont. Genuine Padlock and Key E E r i �l.a� 0� �i , ri '- E � s• �t"��1'.,Fr 0 . G��.- 6N'T send money. Just roar name, and address on a POST 0190, and we will send you 20 packages o1 h `' AROMATIC CACHOU3. adelicious con- fection to perfume the breath, to sell for us, if you can, at 5 cents per package. When sold send us our money, 31.00, and we will send you FRt.E E your choice of the beautiful prizes illustrated. Goods return- able i1 not sold. SUPPLY 00,, thisftpaper. TISDALL SUPPLYW®,,TORONTO Qrarns )r'ug We would recommend those suffering from CoUGIls, COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN's LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT: RHEUMATISM INFLUE 'ZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also co uclition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICES LUNG SYRUP. 0 LUTZ; i.' It ©f Woa,r'iess Slagle GarineI1t :lould Combine now a days, Lc rectness of Style, Good Workmanship, Moderate Cost, Perfect Fit, You look for these in an old and reliable place, and A. J, SNELL never di� disappoints ' 1?p 1 o h patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Pall Winter Goods In Worsteds and Tweeds ar.r, e. now on our shelves, and we wil) take ninobleasure in. showing It them to you, There aro many other lines that are 'specially at tractive GIVE VS A CALL. wie giA'oai + Jr H. Orley FsRMERS You will find at liissett's'sVnreroom the following line of Agric*rl tural Itnplernents BERING IIN- DERS, 1,1O�WrERS. ROLLER B AND RAT,E, BEARINGS, STEEL SULK k RAKES. Afull line of Seed Frills, 'Cultivators Disc and Divr)•c'rd' Hattows Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING EIAO INES4 ETC RaThe celebrated KnollWasher I ymond sewing 1111(1 wringers machine 'I ° STOV Corney stoves and fazrances. wag '"ons. 1 u5�'``~a'le .f r o �..� fuseless The Chatham !Waggon and a ful lBuggiees.inof the celebrated McLaughlin WITH SPRING F L O'i bis Collies the necessity of SPRING tARMENTS rf We are in the vall with all that is desirable insilo line, a , Let us show you our stook of $1700 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put u)1the best suit for $10,00 that roan be bought in the county.