HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-11-10, Page 8EX.'TE B' TIES •. A . alarea l} u M *G.824„ -X. Pratt Str. 1 bas on exllibition,opposite the Central CASH or PRODUC • ONLY ONE PRICE Ladies,,A. Do you know the correct thing in a fur oape this season is Black Astrachan. We have a stook of Black Astrachan fur capes, in 27 and 30 inch lengths, that for quality style and finish is hard to equal. The color is as Black aM Black can be, The Fur is as soft as soft can be, the curl is as good as good can be and the prices are as low as low can b Yes we can;save you, money on all kinds of furs:- Fur urs:Fur Coats, Fur Capes, Fur Robes, Fur NI its Far Collars all at closest prices. Our Specials 27 iri, Black Astrachan Cape, first quality 30 in.Black Astrachan Cape, best quality Black Mountain Bear Cape Child's Grey Persian Lamb Cap, best Men's Beaverized Cap, a. 1 quality Grey Goat Robes our best G-rey Fur Neck Ruff, ntv style Black Fur Neck Ruffs, 75c. and $15.00 $16.00 $8.00 $2.25 $2.50 $6.50 $1.00 51.00 Store closes each evening except Wednesdays and Saturdays. INsuR,A\eE. J A. STEWART -p" RNJ SI' ELI,Itf1', ---. . Agent for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COM- PANY, of Toronto; also for the PnONIx Finn nrsUBANOE COMPANY, of Loudon, England; the ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and. Sch�ol, i Books WE OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN Lead Pencils, Rubber Erasers, Pens, and Pen Holders, Ink, Ink Blotters, Ruled, Plain Foolscap, Slates & Pencils, Scribbling books Drawing Books Tablets, Rulers, Etc. d. GRIGG MART EXETER #.11c THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th 1898, LOCAL HAPPENINGS George Harton has nerved i town. Two weeks ;from Thursday will e Thanksgiving Day. Rev. Mr.Bray and family are visit- ing relatives in Loudon. November 5th, was the historical celebration of the Gunpowder Plot. Miss Lizzie Barker, ofDetroit, sister- in-law of John Gillespie, died there on Friday. Fred Gillespie left on Satur- day to attend the funeral. In consequence of the largely in- creased freight business done in this section, special freight trains have been run daily over this line. The last week for flower bulbs, Hya- cinths double 2 for 5c„ Chinese and Easter lilies 4 for 25c., Tulips and Fus- ias 4 for 5c at the Big Cash Store. A. number of young men were in Crediton Tuesday evening attending the concert given by the Colored folk, who held forth in Exeter last week. After a silence of several months the chimes of the Trivitt Memorial church rang out on Sunday last, the bell- ringers having returned to their labors. At this season of the year 1 quantities of apples are prepared marketing, and it behooves our coun- try friends to pay particular attention to the preparing and curing of them. The fruit should be carefully quarter- ed and not placed on strings or threads. �. The Stratford Herald says :=Rey. Winn. M. Martin, B. D., preached for Bev. E, W. Panton, Sunday. There were good congregations at both ser- vices. In the morning Mr, Martin preached a helpful sermon from Mat- thew 5 :' 20, 27 and 28. e For Marriage Licenses, The young daughter of Sohn North- cott, who was so badly bitten by a mad doglast eek was taken tothe w � Pasteur Institute,Chicago,on Monday. She was accompanied by her sister, Jessie and o `in to the se ere natu r of the'wounde had to be carried. It is hoped the treatment may prove bene, ficial and that a thorough cure can be effected. Wesddirig Rings, Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ONS. R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Additional locals on 4th page. G. W. Holman and family were here on Saturday calling on friends. P. Frayne and wife visited in Lon- don the forepart of this week. An intelligent boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. A. J. Rollins and daughter, Lillie, are visiting friends in Cleveland. THE TIMES will be given to new snb- cribers for the balance of the year for 15 cents. Rev. Martin attended a meeting of the Huron Presbytery at Clinton on Tuesday. Negotiations are in progress having in. view the establishment of a bicycle factory in Exeter. John Northcott, of the 3rd con. Hay, has been confined to his bed for some time with rheumatism. Just arrived a big stock of Boy's and Girl's water grain boots the kind for school wear, at the Big Cash Store. Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, spent Wed- nesday in town consulting with some town physicians in a case in the coun- try. Mr. Howard, a student of Huron College, London, occupied the pulpit of Triyitt Memorial church on Sunday last. Samuel Rowe, of Stephen, moved last week on to the farm he recently purchased from John Heywood, Us - borne, Boys Navy Ruffers, tweed lined,good wearers and very warm velvet collars, brass buttons, well made, Tailor finish at the Big Cash Store. Carling Bros. are showing a very fine line of ladies, kid gloves in green and tans. They are the sole agents in Exeter for Miller'sGlovinefor cleaning kid gloves. The Staffer and Dublin appointments of the Church of England have been acked to Mitchell, and an effort is be- ing made to make Hensall an indepen- dent parish. W. McKernan & Son, the carriage builders and blacksmiths, of Wood- ham, are rushing business this fall. They want a smart youth to learn the trade of blacksmith. Specialservices are in progress this week, in,James st. Methodist church Next .Sued y Mrs. Harrison, of Granton, will deli'trerthree addresses. She is -worts ilrearin . :.; =• • - MessrscDonell': & Co, sold their heavy draug1tt •stallion to Hendrie & Co. St, Marys, and have purchased from Mr. Hendrie the well-known pacing mare "Erie Girl." "Some of Your Perplexing Dreams," is the subject announced by the Rev. Chas Smith for next Sunday evening. In the morning he will preach on "John the Baptist's voice and your ' Bargains in flowering bulbs at the Big Cash Store: -3 Easter Lillys for 25c. ; 2 Chinese Sacred Lillys for 25c, ; a Namecl Hyacinths for 25c. ; 10 double ulips for 25c. ; 10 White Fusias for ;c. Liss Topping, a former member of th ! inton Collegiate Institute staff but who resigned some months:ago on account of ill health, died at ther home in Woodstock on Monday after- noon. London Free Press says: -The price of wood has gone up 50 c. a cord. The dealers claim there has been a scarcity throughout the country, nor have they had to pay such high prices for it in years. Patrick Murphy, aged 40, who lived alone inblacksmith,corner re teat of his of Chene'street Michigan Michi an Central Railway, Detroit,was burned to death, o. and, the shop destroyed b y fire, at 2 y o'clock Monday morning. Murphy was a native of iitrron. County, Ont„ where his parents still live. He had been in business where burned out since leaving Canada five years ago. hotel, Exeter, one of the best farm gates ever placed before the public. It is simple in construction, strong, handsome and cheap, it can be adjust- ed tosevora,llaositions iii a few seconds. It is self-locking, and no animal can open it. As a snow gate, it is very convenient and can be raised and lowered in a moment. It can also be tilted to allow small stock to pass un- der. No farmer should be without it, and all should call and inspect it. Mr. Pratt is offering territory for sale, and we see no reason why a smart sales- man should not make ready sales and secure a good return. LEARN TILE GERMAN LANGUAGE, - Mr. Welker, of London, has started a class in Exeter, and intends teaching the German language, He will give two lessons each weelfor three months, and guarantees to teach the pupils how to read,speak;understand the language thoroughly. The first lesson was given to a large class in the public school building last evening,to be followed by another lesson Friday evening. Mr, Welker carries splendid testimonials, and has decided. to give anyone a free lesson as a trial. This is a rare'oppor- tunity for those wishing to become thoroughly acquainted with the Ger- man language, (au essential acquire- ment in this locality) to secure tuition ata moderate cost. Class meets Tues- day and Friday evenings of each week. PEAT FtrEL Worms. --• Arthur G. Ardagb. 0. E. has contracted with the Canadian Peat Fuel Co:, to operate works in this section, and to carry out his plans will visit Exeter shortly to secure information as to deposits of peat or swamp muck, average depth of muck, accessibility to bighway, the character of growth on surface, the price asked for the muck, etc. Any of our readers who have peat or swamp muck several feet in depth and two feet below the surface, will find some- thing decidedly to their advantage by leaving a sample at TINES office. Mr. Ardagh will be in Exeter in a few weeks and will interview all whose samples are sent in. Peat is used in- stead of wood and coal and is Much cheaper. The industry promises to become an extensive one in Ontario, and farmers having swamp muck on their premises will find it profitable. by leaving samples at this office. PRESBYTERY OP HURON. - This Presbytery met in Willis' Church, Clinton, on the Sth inst. In the ab- sence of Rev. Mr. Fletcher, Rev. 11Ir. Martin was appointed moderator rite TEnr. Messrs. Henderson and R. Ratcliffe were appointed auditors to examine the treasurer's book. Messrs. Anderson and Martin were appointed to address the Womens' F. M. Presby- terial Society at its annual meeting. The clerk's conduct in certifying Mr. Kitchen, of Brucefield, as a student of Knox College, was sustained. Rev. Mr. Millyard, of the Methoglist church, who was present, was asked to sit as acorresponding member. The in- struction of the General Assembly to organize a missionary committee in each congregation. was handed down to sessions. The auditors reported the treakurer's book as correctly kept. The report .of the trearurer was re- ceived and adopted. Rev. Mr. Graham reported for the Sabbath school com- mittee recommending that a confer- ence on Sabbath school work be held at the annual Christian Endeavour convention. The remit from the As- sembly re vacant 'congregations and ministers without charges was adopted. Consideration of other remits was deferred and the Presbytery adjourn- ed to meet in Clinton on the 3rd Tues- day of January next. BITTEN BY A MAD DOG. -On Friday afternoon last, Miss Nellie, the thirteen year-old daughter of John Northcott, of the 3rd. con.. Hay, was severely bitten by a mad dog. The dog belong- ed to the late Frederick Triebner, of Stephen Townsbip,who died some:days ago and had been wandering about in the swamp. It had just left the swamp and in passing over Mr. Northcott's farm, lay in the straw stack. During the afternoon Miss Nellie had oc- casion to go to the barn, and noticing the dog lying coiled in the straw,went towards it, and was about to pat the animal on the head when it snapped at her, and seizing her by the leg, tore the flesh in many places between, the knee and ankle, exposing the bone. Mrs. Nortbcott heard the:child's cries and went to her rescue, the dog still biting at her, and the mother's pre- sence upon the scene only prevented further injury, as the dog then cooly left the farm. . Nellie was carried into the house and was being cared for, when Dr. Browning, the family phy- sician, who was making a professional call, luckily happened along. He took in the situation, and at once cauterized the wounds. The doctor had met the dog leaving the farm and noticed its strange actions. As soon as possible, in company with George Geddis, he set out in search of it, overtaking the dog about half a mile from Mr. North- cott's, and when passing the animal it sprang at the doctor's horse and bit it. The dog was followed and shot. In the interval it had attacked a hog belonging to John Northcott and a dog of Wm. Northcott's. The horse was cauterized and is being kept by itself to await developments. The injured girl was taken to the 'Pasteur Institute, Chicago, on Monday. It is stated that a stave factory is to be started at the old saw mill, by a Company, and that 75 hands will be employed, The swamps near the town will be utilized in the manufacture of staves. John Spackman visited Grand Bend park last week. He intends building more cottages and putting up a much larger dining hall to meet the require- ments of his many campers during the next season. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spicer on Mon- day evening last celebrated their 50th anniversary (Golden Wedding), wh'n a few near relatives assembled to wi them continued life and happines They were the recipients of severalnic presents, There have been some sixty appli- cations sent in to the Government for ei the office of Inspector of weights and measures now held byyD. Coughlin, of Mt. Cannel, but who is likely to have his official head chopped off for alleged partizanship, • y,ww m, Ta li..„'Fick4td. CARLING BARGAINS! Read the list of bargains appended below. a You will find these prices are in your favor In some lines the quantities are not large. It will pay you to inspect them at once. • Grocertes. 21 pounds Redpaths extra Standard Granulated sugar for ............ .. .$1.00 Largest box Royal Yeast Cakes ............ .05 • Largest size Rising Sun Stove Polish o7 Best brand Baking Powder made in Forest City 1% pound sealers .. , ,19 I r pounds Tillson's best rolled Oatmeal 25 6 bars best white Castile or Oatmeal Soap .... 25 12 pounds best Green Coffee for 1.00 2 pounds best Baking Soda .... 05 3 boxes Eddy's best matches ............. 3 pound tin box, best Cream Soda Biscuits.... 6 pounds best Rice , ... ... . 6 pounds best Tapioca ... • .. . • .. - • - Best Yellow Soap, 8 bars for 3 pounds Fruit Biscuits for .... ...... . • The best Japan Tea in town for .24 .22 .25 .25 25 25 25 Our celebrated black Tea in lead packages for. .20 New Clover Honey, quart sealer for ...... .3o Choicest Salmon packed, 2 tins for .... . .23 McDonald's Tobacco (chewing and smoking) 3 plugs for.... 25 Staples. 36 inch Grey Cotton, extra heavy, per yard.. 23 yards, 31, 32 inch, fancy striped Flannel- ette for 30 yards of fancy striped Flannelette, warranted fast color for 5 I.00 ..... .... I.00 Best cotton Shirting, heaviest make, per yard. 11 r2 Heaviest Twilled Feather Ticking made, for.. .19 6 skeins best Scotch fingering yarn for ........ •25 Grey Flannelette, extra heavy and twilled special per yard .... .10 oots and Shoes. Ladies' heavy leather bats, pegged soles, splen- did wearers ........ 85 Ladies' fine Dongola Kid,' buttoned or laced, special value .... ...... 1.25 Boy's heavy tipped bals, will stand a lot of hard usage, special value . 1.10 Boy's fine bass, suitable for nice wear, a good line for ..... 1.25 Men's heavy whole stock grain leather top boots, we are showing a splendid line for. 3.00 Men's fine Dongola bass, good soles great wearers for ..... 2.25 Dress Goods. Ladies' black fancy Broches, 40 inch wide and warrranted fast black, special value, per yd. .25 Special line of Ladie's Tweed Dress Goods, just in, great value ........ . . .25 54 ihch black Estamine Serge, warranted fast dye, a great bargain, per yard ... .6o New poplins in all fashionable colorings, war- ranted all wool, and great goods to wear per yard .... .... .50 We are also showing a number of novelties in Dress Goods at $3.00, $3.5o, $4.00, $5.00, and $6.00 per Dress End. Millinery. Just opened out the latest novelties in this line. among them being some new shapes in walking hats and sailors. Furs. We are having great success with our Fur Jackets and Capes this season, Come and see the rareness we. are showing in this line. WepaY highest hi ,:hest market prices for Butter,. Eggs, Dried Apples, Poultry and all kinds of Farm Produce. he Ft ICKARD Direct Importers �r. • There is no Law on the Statute books relative to honesty in advertising. More's the pity,but there is a proverb about the Burnt Child.. We do not propose to sell goods at or below cost to catch the trade; this would be robbing our- selves. Neither do we propose to sell some goods below cost and put it on something else to make up the difference; this would be robbing you. We do a straight forward busines and thus have not been forced to humbug the people in or e to do business. Wo may say this year so far has been t best since we started,and we trust it will continue to increa This store belongs to the people of Exeter and surroundi country for trading purposes and we want every transaction t be pleasant and profitable. If your purchase is satisfactoi kindly favor us with a call: again, if ,not satisfactory pleas let us know and we`will gladly make it right. Our stoc was never in a better shape than it is at the present time. Highest price paid for produce: -Butter 15c., Eggs 15o Dried Apples 5c., Chickens 5c.,Ducks 6c., Geese 5c,, Turkey 7c. OARLINC BRO Tea Irovin6ia1 Eitiliciitia and Loan. al. . HEAD OFFICE (Temple Building,) TORONTO. AY,* iC 7A� AV* fiv 9,88OGIf TIOM, THE FIVE ESSENTIALS To SUCCESS. Ability'To formulate a safe and profitable basis 0 contact for both investors and borrowers. HonestyIn handling the Association's funds which is assured by ample bonds and Government supervision. SafetyIn loaning the association funds by strict super- visioof LocalBoards, Agents and Appraisers. Agents In securing active intelligent men who under- stand doing business on business principles without misrepresentation. Management Thorough application to require- ments of both Investors and Borrowers, and up-to-date methods so as to prevent vexatious delays and annoy- ance caused thereby. �•--li#si:' For Pamphlet. L. D. VINCENT, District General Agent, , EXETER, ONT. ' 4» 4».:c» 4ti'3:c.:4arci!.�r v..r.:c.:. iA q� i►� a►� iii q'P 1AP 14 iI'.1 l4I c►� i►� q� i►� s►o i►�ii� i►� iii q� iA i►�'T i►� its Sostser Cottage to rent;for particulars apply to T. Dearing, Exeter. WANTED. -50,000 lbs dried apples. We are paying 5c. per lb for good, bright apples. E. J. SPAcKL&N, Sarn- well's Block, -Exeter. FowL SUPPER. -The Ladies' Guild of the T. M. Church, will have their annual Fowl- Supper in Gidley's Opera House, on Monday, December 12th. WANTED. -50,000 lbs dried apples.. We are paying 5c. per lb. for good bright apples. E. J. SPA0KMAN, Sam - well's Block, Exeter. LAUNDRY. -J. M. Stogdill will open a laundry on Monday,:Nov. 7th, .in the premises recently vacated by W. W. Harrison, and is prepared to turn out work on short, notice and with satis- faction. Prices reasonable, J. M. Stog- dill. Prop. H. Smith, of the Springhurst farm shipped a car -load of fat cattle to Hou. Thomas Greenway, of Crystal City, Man. this week. This is the stock which Mr. Smith sold last summer, Oh The Dollar ! All for the rolling Dollars. Can't get along without it. You may call it cash, and by it live, and without it some move out, and through it others take our place. We justly deserve such if we exhibit lack of judgment, recklessness and incompetency to manage our affairs. We are after the rolling dollar or; the paper dollar, and we want to give you value for it every time. ' We are not going to give you two dollars worth for one. No buyer under the sun believes it, none can honestly expect such, therefore take warning that wherever you read such affairs there is a screw loose. Our Goods must bring a living profit, with- out it we go to the wall. "The only man I know of that profits by going to the wall is the paperhanger, and he seeks a profit there." Now.then come along•with your cash, inspect closely, and without prejudice, our stock of Ladies and Gents Underclothing (it is large). We speak for there satisfact- ion to the wearer. Already a great many have passed over our counters and a large shipment arriving this week. • Bring along your boys, large and small ; Come along ye fathers and mothers, young men and maidens, bachelors and spinsters. We are showing this week an ex- cellent assortment of Cashmere Gloves and Mittens for ladies and children, all new stock, 'White backs I and silk backs. We are offering 80 ,yards aP. '24 in. Flannelette for $100, fast colors. I Don't fail to see our underclothing, you will make a mistake if you do. J. Pk CLAR,I E A convention of the Liberals of West Huron has been called for Friday, November 11th, at Dungannon. The object of the conyention is to select candidates for both the Dominion Parliament and the Provincial Legis- lature, to contest the constituency in the Liberal interests of the elections shortly to be held to fill the vacancy caused by the withdrawal of the late M. C. Cameron arid the resignation of J. T. Garrow. EXETER MILLING 00. SUCCESSORS TO THE ROLLINS AND WILLIAMS MILLING GO,, Aro now ready to do business with the pub- lic generally. All kinds of FLOUR, FEED AND MILL STUFF For sale at close prices. Leave your orders at the mill. We deliver every day to any part( of the town free. We hope you will help us to make a success of the business, which means o: success for the town. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat At all times. TELEPHONE No. 36. STEWART BROS. & WILLIAMS. MEAN MEfIT MFIRKtT The undersigned has opened up a new meat market one door South of Carling's Mom where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T rIANNINGI LEVITT'S FAIR. --- Call and see our new stock of CHINA MEAT TRAYS, CHEESE DI6HES, LAMPS, FANCY, BTSOUITINES, OPAL PLATES, . JUBILEE. PLATES. Jarclineres Flower' Pats $ 4and 0 eta. each. , , Here is a snap in Glassware For 1Or-, you earl get A large size Pitc lir Speen Holder Celery Tray J3nt tr.v. Berry or Salt, b Dish and otlu•r articles too numerotl0 to mention. Fresh Oyster and: •rruit always iilr stock. Grapes 11'' 6ts, per basket. LEV>K' J'i PAIR