HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-11-10, Page 6BIB TER
been:Wag itetire About Oar Own Country
Great Breate, the Witted States, lend
An Parte of the (Hobe, Condensed and
essorted for Easy Reading.
Cornwell distriet is alive with
The NortInvest Territorial elections
will take place on Nov, 4.
The Ban.k of Nova Scotia will estab-
lish a brunch in 'Winnipeg on Janu-
ary 1.
Ron. A.. G. Blair is ordering a lot of
new rolling stock for the intercolote
The Williams Shoe Co.. of Galt, has
definitely decided to move 1.0 Bramp-
There texe not enough ocean steamers
corning to Moutreal to handle the
freight offered..
-Tiontilton is considering a propesal
to build a new watermain at a cost
a about 4.170,000.
Or shipments from Rosslaed am-
ounted to 4,415 tons last week, exceed-
ing all previous records,
W. C. Maodonald, the efontrette mil-
lionaire, hes given 5 further sum of
e25.001) to McGill University.
eleinter has set in all through the
Alaskan gold fields. There is three
feet of snow in Chilkoot Pass
The American Society of Municipal
Improvements, meeting in 'Washington,
decided to meet next year in Toronto.
Mrs. Rowan, widow of the late John
Rowan, hotelkeeper at Hamilton, has
been left a fortune by relatives in In-
The exports from Toronto for the
first quarter of the present final year
totalled e1,959.487, nearly •double that
of a year ago.
The Niagara Historical Society pro-
tests against the proposed internation-
al tnonuraent at Quebec, to General
It is reported at Hamilton that Maj.
J. S. Hendrie will be gazetted lieuten-
ant -colonel, and will assume command
of the Welland Field Battery..
Mr. Jahn Bickel, the Manager a the
Royal Art Union at Montreal, has been
summoned on the charge of keeping a
common gambling house.
Majer A. et. Smith will likely suc-
ceed Lt. -Col. Lindsay as commander of
the Seventh Fusiliers, of London. The
battalion is being re -organized. •
It is stated that the Crown will not
apply for postponement in. the Nap inee
bank robbery trial when it comes up
on November 21.
The new railroad via the Crow's Nest
Pass is in operation to Kootenay Lake,
and a fine steamer is being put on the
route to Nelson.
Mr. W. W. Ogilvie takesexception to
Mr. Sifton's statement regarding the
damage to the Manitoba wheat crop,
and says the damage vvill not exceed 10
per cent over the whole Northwest.
Chief Justice Sir Henry Strong, ar-
bitrator in the case a McCord, an Am-
erican citizen, against the Government
of Peru, has awarded McCord $40,000.
The Humane Society has granted a
medal to Miss Ida Sraith, the Merrit-
ton school teacher, who displayed great
heroism during the recent cyclone,
An Order in Council has been passed
saper' =mating hIr. M. Sweetman,
Chief Postoffice Inspector of the Do-
minion, with headquarters at Toronto.
The office will be abolished.
Chevalier Drolet, of Montreal, passed
through 'Winnipeg on Sunday evening
an his way to Edmonton, to test a new
dredging apparatue, designed to ex-
tract gold from the sand ears and grav-
el beds of the riven. 4
•The 'steamship Turret Age, of the
Black Diamond Steamship line, at
Montreal, reports having collided wit b
and sunk the American etearn barge
Lloyd S. Porter, near Ct. Croix, above
Quebec, on Sunday. No Iives were
Charles Baker was sentenced by
Judge ;Tells at Hamilton to three years
in the reformatory for stealing a gold
watch. The evidence against him was
weak, and. he would have been acquit'
ted had he not gone into the box in
his own defence.
Rev. John Hunt, an aged. Methodist
minister, and. one of tha best known
citizens in Toronto, was run down by
a. bicyclist on Tuesday night while
crossing jarvis St. Mr. Hunt received
a bad scalp wound and will be laid up
Lor some time. The bicyclist rode
The Postmaster -General has decided
to permit all steamship companies to
carry mails to Britain, providing that
they become liable for the *safe deliv-
ery in England, that no compensation
be asked, and that the mall matter be
addressed by such steamer.
Capt. Dykes of the steamer Ganges
in. explaining the loss of his vessel be-
fore the coramiseioner at Halifax stat-
ed. that the wreck was pillaged by
schooners from Nevvfoundiand and
everything of value carried off. The
schooners bad. their names covered up,
and he. was threatened with shooting
when he attempted to learn the name
of one of them.
Tbe immigration branch of the In-
terior Depavtment have a problem on
their hands, which it. is not easy to
solve. Two thousand Don Roborski
immigrants will ar.rive here in the
very worst time of the year, and with-
out. „sufficient means. They will have
to be housed and fed during the win-
ter weather, or they will find a Cana-
dian winter quite as hard to combat
• as Russian perseoution.
The BACA steamer Norseman, front
• Montreal, is at Liverpool. She lost 350
(sheep during the voyage,
The eargo of the wrecked Mohnen is
reported to be salvable, The recover-
ed merchandise will be laeded at Val -
clout)) 'dodos.
Salvage to the amount of $12,500 has
been 'warded to the British steamer
Marino for towing the cunard liner
Aurania, whieh she pinked. up at sea
Sept. 14, int e QueenstoWn. ,
jjr, Henry Guilford, a Bridgeport,
Conn., wanted on a oharge of murder.
Emma Gill, will be extradited from
England, atter e delay of fifteen
Major-General Wesley Merritt, re4
ceatly in command of .the TenitedStates
troops at .Manila, and Mies Lataxa
limas, of Mono, were married inthe
Savoy Hotel at London on, Tuesday. -
The British steamer Norseman, from
Mentreal, arrived at Liverpool and re-
ported at 350 sheep wore lost on the
,epasesaolereeting to the heavy weather
Another Indian uprising Is reported
near Canon City, Oregon.
Thursday, November 24, will be
Thanksgiving Day in the United
Col. George Re Waring., jun., died fn
New York of yellow fever, He lased
recently visited. Havana.
Tim United States Supreme Court
has decided that the joint. Traffics As-
sociation is an illegal combinations
Fire destroyed one of the piers and,
adjoining warehouses in Brooklyn, N.
ou Touneasisda.y, at. a loss of hell a
miltion ci
It is reported at Seattle, 'Weeh., from
Stine -se Cite, Alaskathat nixie men,
ailcAcorakerrizietns: were drowned recently
A wrecking firm in the United
Sfaotliat.vtape nes ramhe.isssleopnpharbor.1tioe d. Lot s tete ulGeo vbelit.tniamseliant
The John Stevenson Oar Building
Company of New York, has gone into-
receiyer's hands. The liabilities are
placed at $700,000. The assets will
equal the am.ount of the liabilities.
A bill incorporaing the Rutland -
Canadian. Railway was introduced in
the Vermout Legislature on Tuesday.
The road is to run from. Burlington to
the Canadian border. connecting with
the Oanada-Atiantio„
The Indian chief who is accused. of
being the main instigator of the re-
cent trouble at Leech Lake, Minn., is
reported to have crossed over on the
Manitoba side of the line to evade
Vatted States authorities.
The Spanish evacuation of Porto
Him is completed.
The renewed activity of Vesuviuebas
lm arat Torre Annungi-
xAccording to the Ne.tional Rewiew,
the Czar favors a revision of the Dray-
rus case.
The American authorities at Manila
have released some of the Spanish sail-
ors captured during th.e war.
Five more of the Diussuirnans con-
victed of taking part in the massaere
of British soldiers at Crete on Sep-
tember (1th, have been hanged.
Lt. -Get. Sir Wm. HowleyGood-
enough, in supreme command of the
British troops in South Afriea, ia dead
at Cape Town.
The editor of the Nacional has been
imprisoned at Madrid in oonsequence
of charges made by that paper against
Senor Rebot, the Civil Governor of
The Spanish Peace Commissioners
have accepted the negative view of the
United States Commissioners towards
the proposed assunaption by the United
States of the Cuban debt.
The Pellmen Car Company will have
to eiepose of the model ci! y of Pullman.
it canaot hold it under es character,
Maids only gives ite the right to manu-
facture cars.
The Constantinople correspondent of
the Times says that a body of Kurds
have fired upon axtd seriously wounded
the well-known German archaeologist,
Prof. Beide, while conducting his ex-
plorations in the Sipandagh district.
titeeng ParlY lelstacieted to Vet Eranee
Down Rimy.
A despatela trom London,•saye—The
arrival of Major Marchand at '(bar -
tonna an his way to Cairo with the por-
tion of his :report which was not
Ciliated whea Capt. Baratier left Fait-
, bode is regarded as a rift in the clouds
overhanging Anglo-French relations,
Lo; in spite of the semi-offloial denial
1Issued in Paris that larders were seat
to the major to go to Cairo, it is fully
'believed. here that the French officer
' would not be cm his way to Cairo un-
less he had received a hint to that ef-
fetet froru the Frei:10h Government, who
consider that his leaving Fashoea will
:take the sting out of the eituation and
at tlae same time prepare France for
the eveatuei withdrawal of the whole
expeditioa, whieh uow consists of seven
officers and 120 men.
. The British view of this latest more
is that the, Marquis of Salisbury and
his Ministers are delighted to afford
'Major Marchand the fitoilities for
reaching Cairo. But they went& hard-
ly care to send bine back, except In the
oapaeity of a guest or scientific ex -
plover. That is to say, France •would
filet have to renounce her political
claims based On his mission.
In the meanwhile, in the voluatexy
return of Major Mexchand, the French
'hanisterv of Foreign Affairs, M. Del-
easee, and the Government of Prance
have got over a great difficulty from a
diplometio amour propre point of view.
Deleasee had, deelared that the
Freneh Government could not do the
Irapossible, that is to say, recall Ma-
jor Marchand. Therefore the latter's
return h,as enabled the French Govern -
meat to save its fee; as the saying
It is recognized, however, that, even
if the tricolour of France is hauled ,
down at Fastioda, the main subject of ,
dispute remains, and may oause anxi-
one moments in both countries, before
the Bahr -el -Ghazal question is settled .
although there has been a confident
feeling for the last few days that war I
will be averted. The French Minister- ,
ial crisis at first inoreasei the feeling
of anxiety which prevailed as to the
prospects of a peaceful solution; but in 1
the list of probable new Ministers the}
Britieh newspapers see a body of ex- ,
perienced and capable men, who are 1
ableto lead French opinion. The re.
e casse at the head o
th.e Ministry of Foreign Affair; how-
. ever, is not regarded favourably, as he
Is the father, so-called, of the Marchand
• adventure.
The French newspapers seem to have
little faith in Russia helping her ally
,itt the present crisis, while Russian de -
1 searches to the British mars affirm
! positively thet the Celr is decidedly p-
1 posed to war, and has counselled. the
!French Government to abandon its un-
tenable attitude. It is even said the
Czar irts characterized the Prenoh at-
titude as reckless. '0
tritainea tu0ASullable RYA, NINISIM
La view of the present situation it
may point a moral 11 attexttioa is drawn
to tbe strong naval position of Eng-
land in Europe, and to the reinforce-
raents which could at shori notice be
added to tbe 13ritish fleet says the Lon-
The Modern Vete oeteneeetlee°10 l'"e•
into Emend Arthaes.
"It ie wonderful how extensively
Paper i toking the plaoe of each sub -
;stances as wood, brick and iron in
varicella mechanical trades," flap
dealer in all sorts 01 novelties made
GUI of paper, "For instant)°, boards
don. Daily Mail. M. Gaya has told us of all sizes and shapes ere now mean-
ie' the Steele that a war with England factured ou.t of vrood pulp very fallh-
wouid infallibly conduot to anew Se- fully to resemble the grain end tex-
date and facts justify him in tlais
elar t /I ng propheoy,
In the Channel tee toroes of England
and Frame stand as follows:
England. France.
Battleships . . . . . . 8 6
Cruisers . . . .., . . 4 4
Torpedo craft. . . . , . 2 4
The port guard squadron of four
ture of every kind el wood. • The mae
terial costs about one-half the price of
the genuine article, and it is used by
eeePenters, cabinetmakers, Picture
frame makers and boat builders, for
Panollhag, wainscoting and decorative
work generally where lightness an4
durability are required. Tero excei-
lent qualities that the paper bottecle
battleships and one torpedo gunboat Peseeeti ere that they ere not eubjesat
beeu expressed that it would be it oailarr a:kitti,h(tiMPItetTien r a
1 ports.
. stationed at eaoh a the iraportant
tered, one battleseip or cruiser being I
. flagstaffs and spars for small sailing
vessels axe the latest development en
i1.1127saialiaisgoeand dry rot T.bare are n?
dispersed yesterday, though hopes had
!trengtlaened. F.nglaud, has, however, smooth and doee uot require planing,
even battleships, four cruisers, eight and cart be easiey out witb a fine saw,
thle'tseer ev?" reaann ° e .
La oommission, with reduced crews, el -
torpedo gunboats and eighteen destroy. th
Litz]. in tinae be used even more
ers, but these ships are very much scat- "Telegraph and telephone poles,
.1 the line of nuenufacture from paper.
They are made of ,pulp in which a
1 At short notice the French fleet 1 small arciou.nt of borax, tallow, and
y cru s-1
, are east in a Mould in the form of a
other ingredients are mixed. These
oould be re-inforced by three or fetal
' o3•d coast defence ships. •
as man
ers, and sixty ar sevanty torpedo boat's, hlength,o! 1 oev rodTotethepodleessIreadndainsmeter and
COULD I3E FURTHER REINFORCED; °ham" to be lighter and stronger
pars ere
The British fleet .
first-olass cruisers, twenty are varnished or painted tlae weather
and it is said that when they
wood. ' They do not creek or
by •three or four old' battleships, eight ' ?Plaint,
second -1 does not • affect them. ' id
• dol.easstsr,otaele.s.third-olass, and some thirty „teasing these advantages,BetsheepaaPP:ra:
• . 1 made article can be made fireproof by
Court or Cessation Hakes the nnonnee-
talent That it Will Institute a Supple.
meniary Enquiry.
A despatch from Paris says:— The
Dreyfue ease is to be again tried. On
Saturday the Court of Cessation, which
has been hearing the application, made
known its de ision to. grant a revision
of the case ated institute a supplemen-
tary enquiry. The court, however,
has declined to warder the release of
The decision of the court, textually,
is as follows:—"In view of the letter
of thx •sSep-
tember, 20, 1898 ; in view of the argu-
ments of the public prosecutor, de-
nouncing to the court the condemna-
tion pronounced by the fink court-mar-
tial of the elilitary Government of
Paris on December 22, 1891, against
Alfred rey us, thou a captain of ar-
lellery attaohed to the general staff ;in
view of all the documents in the ease,
and also of axtieles 443 to 436 of the
code of criminal procedure, amended
by the law of June 10, 1895, relative to
the achnissibility of an application in
proper form and. revision.
"Whereas the matter has been
brought before the eourt by the meek
prosecutor in virtue of the express or-
der of the Minister of Justice,
"Whereas, the application comes
within the category of tIte oases con-
tempialed in article 443, and has been
introduced within the period fixed by
article 444;
eWhereas, the judgment, a revision
of whith is demanded, has the force of
a chess judgee,
"Wheree,s, the doeurnents produced
do not place the court in a, position to
decide all the merits of the ease, and
there is ground for.making a eupple-
tnentaxy inquiry
"For these reasons the court de-
clares the appitcation to be in proper
form and legally admissible, and states
that it will institute a euppletuentary
enquiry, and declares there its no.
ground at the present moment for de-
ciding on the public prosteutore apple.
cation for a suspeasion of the pen-.
The judges of the court were own.
pied for tizree hairs and a half in con-
sidering the judgment. The publio,
whose admission le the court was re-
gulated with th reatest care, await-
ed the decision e Kb marked calmness.
.0nring the suet:erosion of trustiness the I
public erowded mitt the lobbies, and 1
1.hcre Wait oviderit anxiety to hear the I
restelt. There was no demonstration
when the court rose.
United States Prize Ship Panama Reported.
to Rime Foundered in the:Windward
Passage. Off Ceiba.
A despatch from Santiago de Cuba
says :—A rumour that the Govern-
ment transport Panama went down in
a gale 'in the Windward passage, off
Cape hIaysi, on Tuesday, and that few
of her passengers or crew escaped, has
caused great uneasiness here. There
is no telegraphic ooramunication be-
tween Santiago and Cape Maysi, and
it: is therefore impossible to verify the
story at present. The report was
brought by a fishing schooner which
arrived here on Wednesday morning.
Hex captain says that he picked up ae,
quantity of wreckage marked Panama.
Tim Panama was e prize that was cap-
tured during the war. She was not
in the best of shape when she left here
Monday. Her bottom was fouled with
marine growth, and her engines were
in bad condition. Many seamen here
considered her unsafe. She bad 300
persons on board—passengers and
crew—and was bound for heew 'York by
way of the north mast and Havana.
1 Congressman Dalzell,former Con-
gressman Huff, of Pennsylvania, and a
party of friends, who epent several
days here, were an board the Pa/tares,.
A number of officers who were bound.
home on sick leave were also among
her passengers.
The Panama. carried no mail. Post-
master Hugo Hydeman considered her
unsafe, and rsfused to put the mail-
bags aboard of her. .
Canadian Canners and the 'War and Ad-
iniralty. Supplies.
A. despatch from Ottavva, says; —
Lord Strathcona, Canadien High Com-
tnis4oner, is manifesting his interest
in Canadian affairs by endeavouring
to find new markets for Canadian pro-
ducts. He has been,in immniunication
with the War Office and tbe Admir-
alty in reference to Canadians eupply-
hat to these departments some of the
prodacts whieh are annually requited
by them in large quantities. A good
opportunity is now offered to Canadian
miners, and thoee who supply whet
are known in Englancl as preserved
provisione. Lord Strathoon.a says
those Canadian manufacturers in the
lines mentioned who desire to tett.
der should eubmit samples of their
ptoduets, such as canned beet, earned
mutton, tinned bacoo, sliced canned
fruits, entitled vegetables, and evapor-
ated vegetables, to the proper slut bori-
ties of the War Ofeicet in order that if
approve& their names may be placed
on the special li-t, as tenderers for
eh -so commodities are, only invited for
certain tipeeitely teleei 'it. brands.
• The War Office intones the High
Commiettioner that if these samples are
sent and approve& arrangements will
be mule to give an opportunity to
those Canadian firing to teoder.
In the Mediterranean the forces are
England. France.
Battleships. . . . 10 6
Cruisers . . . . 11 10
Torpedo craft. . . . 18 9
while England eas in reserve two old
ironciads and a dozen torpedo boats,
and France three battlesbips and
about sixty torpedo boats. The French
squadron could be quickly reinforced
by four more good but small battle-
ships and three or tour eruisers.
England has at the present time, be-
sides the ships enumerated above, a
torpedo ram, a torpedo depot ship, and
two' cruisers in the Mediterranean.
The last two have just been relieved.
The battleships off the French Medi-
terranean fleet are, though few in
number, all new and very fast. Le
Yacht, the leading French naval paper,
says of them, "They are of extraor-
dinery offensive and defensive strength.
They would have no reason to fear an
equal number of adversaries belonging
to a foreign fleet."
Of the eix, four have steamed at
seventeen knots for twenty -lour hours,
and are faster' than any completed
British- battleship be Europeen waters.
They have done this with their full
/oad. The other two are slower.
• Our greatest danger inethe Mediter-
ranean is the way in which our fleet
is scattered. At such a juncture our
ships—whicla are none too e numerous
in that sea—might well be concen-
trated.Perhaps such a concentration
is already quietly' taking place.
England has one new and fast battle-
ship—the Canopus—nearly ready. But
for the unhappy strike she and thvo
of her sisters would by now have been
at sea.
Given time and a sufficiency of of-
ficers England could add to her
strength, besides • the above ships,
three armoured cruisers, twenty old
battleships, mostly armed with muz-
zle -loaders, ten fine cruisers, and
twelve destroyers. Sh.e _ could also
strengthen her fleet by the purchase
of ships building fax foreign powers
in England, and now near completion.
Of these there are several available.
saturating it in a strong soletion of
1 alum water. When thoroughly dry
the paper poles and spars thus treated
I• well
"The manufacturer of enamelled
paper bricks, which commenced in
, 1896 has now beoome a definite in -
1 industry, as the material has been
used foe building purposes all over
the United States with very satisfac-
tory results.
"The production of these bricks on,
1 the hollow principle is a marked fee -
1 ture in their form, the object being
1. practically the same as that sought in
1 the making of hollow forged steel
shafting. Not only is te defective cen-
tre removed, but it is possible to put
a mandrel into the hollow, and, by ap-
plying- pressure the walls are opera-
, ed upon from. bot.b, inside and outside.
When a solid body is heated the tem-
• perature of the interior always varies
frons that of the outer portion, at first
often resulting in the expansion of
one or the other that ceases the de-
fects. It is for these reasons that the
plan of forming the bricks upon the
hollow principle and plugging them
afterward. is of advantage. Sawduet
is- found to be a good filler for this
purpose. It is first fireproofed, as is
also the paper pulp used in the bricks,
and then it is mixed with cement and
pressed into the hollow of the bricks
and em.00thed and enamelled over.
"Allough paper horseshoes are a
• recent invention, /teeing only been
manuftweared within the past two
years, their use has already become
quite large with the owners of fine
horses, especially in cities where as-
phalt pavements abound. On such
. rottd,s in wet weather a horse fitted
• with paper shoes is less liable to slip
' than when provieed with iron ones,
j and, besides, being light and comfort-
• able for an animal to wear, they are
1 said to be more &arable than iron
' shoes, and are more easily and snugly
fitted to the hoof.
flee paper horseshoe is made in
practioally the same way that a papa.
car wheel is formed. The paper is im-
pregnated with co or turpentine to
make it waterproof, after which it is
glued together in layers. The glue
' or paste in a mixture of Venetian tur-
pentine, linseed.• oil, powdered cheek
lacquer, and. it does not become brit-
tle when drying. The moist mass of
paper and glue is subjected to a
strong pressure in a hydraulic press,
the holes through which the nails are
driven in fastening the shoe to a
horse's hoof being punched while the
paper is still moist. The blacksmith
fastens them on with nails in the us-
ual manner. These shoes cost from
*150 to $2 per set."
Statement That the Dervishes were bleated
• to Protect themselves Ender the
Tricolor *Before Onidurnian.
A despatch from London says:—The
Chroniele says it has received "e very
grave story regarding • Major Mar-
chan.de action on the Tipper Nile." The
paper declines to guarantee the accur-
acy of the story, but deolares that it
hes every appearance of trustworth-
iness. It adds that, if the story is
true, it is. calculated . to greatly in-
crease the tension . between England
and France for which reason it re- .
frains from making the nssertion, but
it appeals to the Government, in the
publie interest, to answer the foilow-1
ing questions:— i
" Does the Government possess infor- .
realism concerning a communication '
from Major Marcbenti to the Khalefa
before the battle of Omdurman?
" rf so, did the communioation invite
the eltehalita to boisi the French flag
with a view to becoming an ally of .
France and so deterring the Anglo.1
Egyptian forces from attacking him? I
" Has the tommintication, the flag, -
and the, Khatifa's. reply fallen into the ,
Sirdar's hands?" • •I
The Chronicle speaks mysteriously ot
knewledge that the story is going'
further," :and that it is "about. to be ,
published in a cot/trier over which we;
exercise na control." Hereupon it bitena i
the opinion that the Government ought ,
to deny Uhe story if it is untrue.
A despatel from Chietigo says:—The
British Governnaent. has .olosed it con-
tracti here for the immediate delivery
ot 1ee0t30- gullets of distilled spirits at
Montreal. An int inaation. was also.
given that steout 450,000 more ga !lone
would in allIikeritieet he ordei ed with-
in ithout ten days. This °Hex of 126,f00
gallons atrounts to nearly 5,0,00 barrels,
and witl requite ever sixty carts for
its i ransportation into Canada. The use
of the's dint i lel spirits thus ordered
will he in the metteleture of emokti-
lees evSeer. epirits
i$ one. of the ingredieeeee.
Er. TeonUmS /Passes Away Pinter Disives
sing Circumstance%
A despatch from St. Cathariaes, Out,
On Thursday Dr. Yeomans died about
midnight, under very peculiar and dis-
tressing circutastences. On Wednes-
day last a coneshaped piece of gia.ss
got iato his threat while he was par-
taking of a dish of apple E111108 at his
supper. The glass got into the sugar
and into the apple sauce . unnoticed,
a nd was not notie.ed by him
until , it got down hie throat.
The doctor caught his throat firmly
with his fingers and prevented • the
glass from getting any further down,
and then be succeeded in working it
stately out. •
The edges of the piece were sharp,
and the operation of extraeting it la-
cerated the throat badly, , His condi-
tion grew gradually worse, .sind al-
though several physicians were called
in the sufferer partsed away shortly
after 12 teclook on Thursday morning.
• Denton Yeomans Was Lorn in Prince
Edward county, near Picton, el years
ago, and at, an early agetgrad-
untee as a phyeiolan nt Vietoria Vent-
ve sty, Cobourg. He preotised medi-
cine in alagersville, Welland, and
Pleton, anti from the Iteeter place re-
moveti to St. Catharines. tele was quite
twee:1stai as 5 physician, and svas po.
pul ir with a large portion of the .com-
What soured your Mel netted the
,fuelge of the desperado. You seem to
have gone baok cm the woeld. 'Why
'Cause it hairet square 3rer honor,
nowt' terreenmeet Asket Nenetuteen 10
Suppress, of 'Warlike Prepare.
thms--Ships Beteg tittroeit into OM-
A despatch from !Standen says e—The
Datly Meit of Monday publishes no
neves regarding England's war preear-
tions, explaining that silence as dee
to a letter from tile War °fele° ask-
ing it. not to publish "anything whieh
might be useful to n possible enemy,"
"We intend to ascertain," says the
Daily Maie."from the War Officio and
the Admiralty exactly what klad of
news it woutd lie permissible to pub-
lish." •
The Daily Mail confirms the reports
of unexampled activity at the Franca
dockyards, notably at Toulon, whero.
the coast forts have biome experiment-
ing with melinite shells against anold
gunboat. t
The Cairo to/respondent of • the
Daily Mail says an Egyptian battalion
has been despatched. to Pashada.
Most of the pa.pers are full of alleg-
ed war preparations, despite the un-
doubted feet that the authorities are
doing their best to prevent the publics
from knowing and even denying state -
Manta that have already appeared.
Sunday a sudden order was received
at Dover for an experimental mobiliza-
tion of the defence forties. All the
heights and forts were on Monday
merning occupied in a. manner giving
full satisfaction. The ttesenal at Wool-
wich is working until 1.1 rectook itt
night, Abe Government ttavtng given
large orders for guns, searchlights,and
other naval equipment. The Bristol
Channel squadron has oast anchor off
Theadvices from Paris, in especial
despatch, add little to what was al-
ready known regarding the situation
at Faahoda. It' Ls believed. Captain'
Baretier is taking only verbal instruc-
tions for Major Marehand. The ides
prevails at the French capital that
Count Muravieff, the Russian Foreign
Minister, while there on his recent
visit promised Russian support in opening the whole Egyptian question,
and. that Major Ma.x.chand will be in-
structed to fall batik and maintain his
occupation of the Bahr-el-Gazal posts.
A number of eignal men now ou
duly with the. Bentish. Channel squa-
dron, which arrived at Gibraltar on
Monday morning, have been ordered
home for service, it is presumed, on
board the auxiliary eruisers, if the
latter are required for active service.
The Pall Male Gazette on Monday
afternoon says:—" England has been
and even now is so near war that the
Government has carried its prepara-
tions to the farthest limit of the pre-
paratory stage. It has beext arranged
to call out the reserves and militia and
to mobilize the volunteers simultan-
eously, and to form large camps at
various important railroad junctions,
where rolling stock and locomotives
will be concentrated."
A sensation has been caused by the
arrest on Monday Morning of a sup-
posed Russian spy at a fort near Har-
wich. The man was already under sur-
veillance, and went to a redoubt,
where he tried to obtain some infor-
mation, from a sentry regarding the
fortifications, He was promptly arrest-
ed, and enquiries are being made re-
garding his antecedents.
The • Mystery Explained ley a Chemists'
It is generally supposed. that the nug-
gets which Inc found in the river grav-
els of Klondike and other auriferous
regions have been brought down by
the rivers direct from the reefs in wbich
the gold originally lay.
Many practical miners and scientific
men, however, have long been of ophie
ion that this eannot be the case, for no
masses of gold of so large a size are
ever found in the reefs themselves.
They believe, on the other hand, that
the nuggets bave grown where thee,
are now found, just as a crystal of salt
will grow in strong brine; but with so
insoluble e substance as gold it was
difficult to understand how suoh
growth could take place. Experiments
carried out in Australia have shown
that decaying vegetable matter will
cause the deposition of gold from so-
lutions of gold salts, but these salts
• are not known to occur in reefs,
The mystery is DOW solved. 'A Slavon-
ic chemist named Zeignuely has just
shown that go.ld itself can exist in a
soluble Parra. 1.3y acting on a slightly
alkaline solution of it gold salt with
formaldehyde and submitting tho pro-
duct to dialysis he has succeeded in ob-
taining gold in a colloidal condition,
in which state it is soluble in water
and my be precipitated by the ad-
dition of weapon snit. It is probable
(het some of the gold in quartz reefs
exists in this condition. It is washed
out by the rain, carried away in so-
lution by the rivers, and deposited in
the river gravels wherever there is any-
thing containing mit to cause itspre-
eipitation. Irt the course of ages a•
large nugget may hi this way . be
An invention recently exhibited at a
cenversazione of .the Royal Society of
England, seems likely, so. far as ,pri-
itab3 house-to-house eels are cement-
ed, to supersede the telephone. This
eontrivance is a telegraphic recorder,
without it battery, inventedby a Mr.
Stelges. It requires no -skill and
typewritee the message on the desk
of the receiver, while retaining an ad-
ditional copy la the hands of the son&
er, rt is such a revolution to tele-
graphy that the Post Office, on the ad-
vice of Mr. W. H. Preece, has adopt.
es1 it, and will 'listen it wherever re-
quired by the ptibIic at: a small cost.
The Home Smeltery has just Benetton -
ed ite introduction to Scotland Yard,
where forty instruMents have already
been ordered. •
Modes y
Makes thousande of womep smear
in silenoo, rather time toll their
troubles to anyoue. To such
Iudian Women's Beim hi it, per•
foot boon. 14 OUren all 'womb
troubles, corrects monthly irrega-
laritiesaboliabes the agontee of
child birte, makes vseale womep
strong, and renders lile wontb
allying. ' u2
Many Deaths Among it, S. Troop* In the
A. despatch Irmo. San Franoisco,
says :—The Associated Press ties re.
ceived the folleseing correspondence,
dated Manila, Oat. 15th Tile health
of the troops at preseut is far from
being good At Cavite the conditione
are very bad. tellers have been 40
deaths there since :September let,
mastly from typhoid fever. The hos-
pital •accommodations are irtadequate.
The supply of medicines was exhaust- 41.
ed at one dime, and for, days there was
nothing inedioinal to administer ta the
pa Ideals. ha Manila the oonditions are
better. The average number • of siok
in the hospitals, in addition to the num-
ber of men relieved from duty by or-
der of the physicians, is 800, The new *
oases reported to the hospitals daily
average about 40. There have been 12
cases of smallpox among the soldiers
so far, six of whiolt haves proven fatal.
Heart Spasms ,
- -
No organ in the b eau tot anatomy teedity
whose (Betimes cee be verb matte die 1-
, tooted than those a the tweet—and
medical disco...eery has made theta •
amenable to proper treatment. If yon
• have palpitation or flutteeing, short-
ness of breath, weak or irregular pulete
swellipg of feet or anklet; pain in the
left side, fainting spells, topsical ten-
dency, may of these ludieti. heart
enie. No matter of how logg stauding
Dr. Agnewe Cure for tbe Heart wig
cure—it's a heart specteo—aots meekly
—acts surely—Rots safely.
'1 was given up to die by physicians
and Mende. One dose of Dr. Agnate.
Ours for the Heart gave me ease, wed
six bottles cured my case of tfteres
Guarantee,' relief in 80 inbatitim
Sold by 0, Lutz, Exeter.
T ie Leading Specialists of America
250,000 ma.
Nothing Gen be more demoralizing to
young or middle-aged twin than the prea-
once of those "nightly losses." • They
produceweakness, nervousness, a feeling
of disgust anda.who le train of symptoms.
They unlit a man for bushiest% married
life and social happiness. No matter
whether caused by evil habits in yontli,
natural weakness or sexual excesses., onr
Now Method Treatment will positxvoly
cure Yam
Reader, you need help. Early abase or
later excesses may have weakened you.
Exposure niny have diseased you. You
are not safe till cured. Our New Method
will curo yott. You run no risk.
250,000 CURED
Young hran—You are pale, feeble
and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex-
citable. You become forgetful. morose,
IF and despondent; blotches and pirriPler,
fiSunken eyes, wrinkled face. Stooping
form and downcast countenance reveal
the blight of your existence.
No matter how serious your case may
be, or bow long you may have had it, our
cure it. The "wormy veins" return to
theitonormal condition and hence the
sexual organs receive Proper nourish-
ment. The organs become vitalized, all
unnatural drains or losses ceaseand
manly powers return. No temporary
beneht, but a_liermarkent cure assured.
We treat and - cure 'SYTIIILIS,
STRICT -ME. -1TA.111001)1eleg• SEMI-
BLAroletil, Km-
.MODRIteTE... ea.11,,veite
TrtnetteMBNT. .
ter a .011terrON. 'BLANK feel:10)Kit;
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Mit Fee; te Cep Getitteatee t ease
A Medleine Cboist In itself.'
Simple, Safe stet Quick Cure fer
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