HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1898-11-10, Page 5•Whis is the complaint of thousands 'at this Beason. Whey 'lave no appetite; food 4000 not relish. They need the toning up of the etomach and digestive organs, which A course of Ileoci'ci Sarsaparilla vigil give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, euros that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspeptic can know, oreatei an appetite, overcomes that Med feeling and build up and sustains the whole physical system. It so rompt- Iy efficiently relieves dyepeptic symp- 'Loins and cures nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost "a magic touch," • • 00 , Sarsaparilla 1.th6beSt-lfl fact the One True Blood Purifier. Tee's, are the best after-dinner 1.100d'S YILIS pills, aid digestion. Wee Public Notice. Notice is hereby given that aplaication has been made for the transfer of the hotel license held by James Coxworth, of the village:of Hem sail, to George Scott. .All parties interested are requested to govern themselves according- ly. JAMJS COXWORTFI, To Rent In, Exeter north, store and hotel, in tho block formerly known as the Walper Property. The premises [has been overhauled, refitted and ,sepainted. This is without doubt the best stand in the County for a good general store. Apply to L. 1VIcTAGGART, Hay le, o. Moneyt. Loan. We have unlimited private ftu12 s for invest- ment upon Sera or village property at loweet sates of interest. DICKSON & (ARLING, Exeter. H KINSMAN, D. S., 1). D. s., Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or bad after effects, Oi ffice n Fan - son's Block. West side of Main street, Exeter. DR- ANDERS01-1, (D.D.S. L. B.S.) DENTIST. Honor Graduate of the Toronto University, and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of S1ntar1o. All Bridge work, Crowns and Plate work done in the neatest [possible manner. A barmless anaesthetic for painless extraction. The strictest attention given to the preservat- ion of the/natural teeth. Office, opposite Cen- tral Hotel, Exeter, Ont. Farms for sale to JAIMIIMANGioney to "ew good farms f Farm for Sale. ---- Conl; 0, et;'4. Blanshard, 103 acres °fiend in state of good cultivation, well nnderdrained, acres bush, MO rods board arid:wire fences, good young- orchard, frame house 30x20 It. Ichen 96xI8 It., barn 86x36 It., wagon -house 94x22 ft., and other out buildings,_hard. and. soft -seater very convenient with windmill, within 2 sines - of post office, school and church. Foi further particulars apply to the proprietor, THOMAS TH011irPSObT, Woodham, R. 0. Fort Sale. • 13rick Blacksmith shop frame dwelling house and half an acre of land In thevillage of Whel- an, township of Biddulph. There is a good bud- ' mess 'done in the shop; on the premises are good fruit trees,and small fruit,good supply of water, And everything: convenient. Reason for selling, the proprietor is going out of business. For further particulars, applyto, WM. OGDge7, Whalen, P,O. Farm For Sal . A good Farm for sale of 100 acres of land in the township of Usborne, being lot No. 8. on the Ilth concessien and lying en the east side of the Exeter and St. Marys gravel road. This lea most excellent farm for fall wheat, or grain Df any kind. There is a frame barn, stable and shed on the faun but no house, There is also a good well of sprieg water ad a young bearing orchard end about, 85 acres of land under culti- vation. For further particulars apply to Itonnwr Cannetv, SR., lot 12, Con. 10, Tp. Vsborne, Winchelsoa P. 0. Farm For Sale. 100 acres in the township of Hay, lot 14. con, 19. The land is in a good state of eultivation, high tied well -drained and is situated 11 miles south of Zurich. There are on the promises a large ileum house with all the conveniences, good hard and soft -water also never failing wells for stoele also first-olass bank barns, with other outbuildings. The farm is well fenced And has a large orchard. This is one oi the finest farms in this section and -..s admirably located. The owner is desirous of retiring from farming and. will deal liberally with the Inirchaser. Write or apply to George Sehoellig Enrich, P. 0. Str. yed. • ---- Onto the premises of the undersigned, lot 5, Don, 11, Hay, on or about lot October, a ewe Iamb. Owner can have Emile by proving pro- Terty and paying expenses. -s• JOHN ENGLAND Dashwood Public Auction Sale Sale of Real gette c in the village of Hansa)), Wm. McOloy bas received Instructions from Geo. Ingrain to sell bv Pubne auction in the village of Mesa% on 'pueselay, Nov. 22nd 1800, tat Two o'cloek, p, m•, the following valuable pronerty:--(Part consiste oe 2e feet frontage on Maio street on which Morels erected a frame store one sect a half storeys high, 20 x 62 feet, ' "with stone (teller full sime of tho building, stable 14 x 18 foot.. -(Prot 2) colisiSte o122 feet frontage vn Main streollon which is tweeted a store 17x24 ee Scot. one story and a half high with a kitehen and bake oven at the rear also a good well and pump,--(Pluetleonsistsiof 22 foot feoettige on Main streete-L'art 4), on south side of Rich - Monti street. consists of 51 feee frontage, on twhiolk is erected a comfortable frame !mese, 20 Ix 24 feet with kit:01101116 x 20, steno colter, wood abode() x 14, stable 18 x 20. --(Part 6( consists of a vacant IA on Richmond st. smith and carom:1y opposite part 4, one fifth acre` 66 toot lifroliteeo. whisfproperty is situated in the oentve of the 'heftiness part of vintage -TERMS 0' SALE - 20 per cent, or purchase money en day cif sale, balance may renutin on mOrtgage ate', tor an. Anima tor a umber of years, As Mr, legram sluts disposed og his fatale and purposes goiag -west, the A peoperey will lie sold wiOthout; reserve, ono, INGRM, • Wee, MeLOY, ' Pron. •Ac. eeelsiatietseeessnfeisi. Perth County Nete)S, • Miss Minnie, daughter of Rev. Mr, Nugent,of Ifeepeleras Seriously ilL Wm. Stinson has purchased the farie,VLogan, paying there- for $4,500. John Ogilvie, of Woodbain • has moved to the townline of 13ansherd and Fullerton. Miss Lizzie Smith left Woodham ox Monday last to take eharge of her new school near Woodstock, Miss Lottie Hueston has been re-en- gaged as teacher at S. S. No. 10, Blau - shard, at an increase of salary. H. W. Thomson has reconsidered the question of hisremoval to Mitchell, and has decided to remain in Strat- ford, Win. Fletcher, of Woodharn, has moved into Mrs. John Copeland's house, lately occepied by John Ogil- vie. Daniel Foley, janitor, Bank of Mon- treal, was united in marriage to Miss Julia Egan, Cherch St., St. Marys, on Oct, 11, The Freeman farna, Stratford Road, near St. Marys, ,consisting ef 106 acres, has been sold to Tulin Donald for the, sum of $4,300. , James Flynn has beep. sentenced to twelve months in the Central Prison for assaulting Wm,. Atkinson,a farmer living near St. Marys. R. Wilson, of Prospect Hill, is doing as well as can be expeeted under the circumstances. The lancing has to be repeated every few days. Mr. Howard Farrant, a student of the Mitchell high school,has passed, on appeal, the 4th form, which is equiva- lent to a first-class certificate. Joshua H. Burns and his mother have taken possession of the faxen lately worked by Al ex.Ross,Blanshard, the latter having rented Jas. Barnett's -farm, Mitchell Road. • must not be confounded with com- mon cathartic or purgative pills. Car- ter's Little Liver Pills are entirely un- like them in every respect. One trial will prove their superiority. John Burke, of the 7th con. of Hib- bert, died Oct. 22nd, and his wife fol- lowed'him a week later. They were buried in Irishtown cemetery. A grown up family mourn their loss. • Word reached MitchellFriday of the sudden death of Mrs. Frank Kerr,Ber- lin. Deceased passed peacefully away on Thursday morning. She was in her 27th year, and leaves a husband, and two small children to mourn her loss. A man's wife should always be the same, especially to her husband, but if she is weak and nervous, and uses Car- ter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for they make her "feel like a, different person,' so they all say, and their husbands say so too 1 Some time since Mrs. W. Draper, of Prospect Hill pierced her foot by acci- dentally stepping on a rusty nail. The result has threatened to be serious and medical skill has been employed. The foot and leg are still much swollen and Mrs. D. suffers severe and almost constant pain. Frank Cornish, painter, St. Marys, happened with a painful accident at Dr. Mathieson house on Thursday. He was in the act of removing a window in which there was a broken pane,when it fell, cutting a deep gash in the back of the left wrist, which necessitated several stitches. At half -past four o'clock Wednesday Nov. 2nd, the home of Mrs, Haynes, Church St. St Marys was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding, when her daughter Emma Esther was united in marriage to Will E. Carnahan, mer- chant, Campbellford, by the bride's cousin, Rev. Arthur Rhodes, of Lon- don. One of the oldest settlers of Blau - shard in the person of Mrs. Thos. En- right, sr., passed peacefully away Wednesday after a lingering illness of a year or more. The deceased was a native of London, Eng. She came to reside at the old homestead on the River Road, Blanshard, in 1836 or 1837 and resided with her husband and family there until they retired to St. Marys about a year ago. James Gardiner, of Reinback, Iowa, it native of Hibbert township, has been spending a -week in the vicinity of St. Marys buying horses and cattle to take to Iowa. He left on Wednesday night of last week, with two ear loads, embracing five • stockers, fourteen yearlings and fifty calves. His pur- chase of • thoroughbred horses was especially fine, and included it five year-old mare, Hooper's Bell, the year- ling mare, Rose Reinbeek, from the well-known stock farm of John Hooper, sr., of Metropolitan, who is going out of the horse breeding business. Ile also bought tlae stallion, Lord Minto, aged one year, from R. G. Ratcliffe,of Anderson, and a mare (Heather Bell) and colt from James Ha,zelwood of Kirkton. The latter animal is regis- tered in the Clydesdale Horse Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and the other animals in the American Clydes- dale Association. Mr. Gardiner is do- ing well in the west. This is not the first tine he has come to Ontario for stockers, which at present are very scarce in Iowa. His family is well known in South Perth and South Hur- on, his father and family having mov- ed to Iowa twenty years ago. A. bro- ther, Moses Gardiner, who has made his fortune in Iowa, intends coming back to Ontario with bis family early in November. • They will reside in Exeter. For Favored Customers the dealea keeps KETT' (=ARS Sold at all prices and an the best valoo for 'the price. T E MARKET REPORTS. Exeter November Otli latas Wheat per beetle) .63 to 70 - BOtatIsley....... „„.. -25 to 26 Turkeys Pow Butter, Geese... DCI1, luieltea.1.*1..)," Wool., Dried Apples.. Pork dressed-... • Pork live weight eY' per ton .... •••••• 35.7050 t't.o0 63..01 Clov'er seed , -$4,00 to $5.00 Alsikc clover . .... ,....$4.50 to S5.00 Timothy seed $1,00 to $1.23 TIMES veru Frotells all'D186d8OS. IT IS COMMONLY KNOWN AS GRIPPE. a 1. 10 5 to 0 17 8 tg 8 Paine's Celery Compound the Only Medicine That Can Cope r.'sb to 5.50 • With the Dread Visitor, • London, November Oth 1898, Wheat per bustle....GE so 63 Oats. . ,...23 to 24i Peas . &I to 60 Barley; .41 to 50 Buckwheat .36 to 383 Bye -09 to 39 Corn . --Mk to 48 Beans . • •• • .,...40 to 60 Butter 13 to 14 Eggs •10 to 11 Ducks 60 to 70 Turkeys per lb.. 10 to 12 Gee,se per lb 9 to 10 ". • • 50 Lo 75 Cheese., , •E to 10 Potatoes.88 101 00 Hay per ton „ . 8.00 to 3 7'50 Pork per cwt... .. 81.50 to 85.00 GRAIN MARKETS Toronto, Nov, 7. -Cars of red and white wheat west are quoted at Ole to 68c ; goose wheat is quoted at 70c to 72c west; Manitoba wheat is steady; No, 1 hard,Toronto and west,ls quoted at 81c,and No 1 northern at 78c. The flour market is dull; cars of straight roller, Toronto freights, are quoted at $3.40 to $3.50. The market for milt - feed is fire ; cars of shorts are quoted at $13 to $14, and bran at $9 west. The barley market is firm ; No. 1 is quoted at 50c, and No, 2 at 46c west, Buck- wheat is steady; cars west are quoted. at 37c to 38. Rye is firm; cars west are quoted at 48c to 49c. Corn is easy; cars of Canada yellow west are quoted at 34ic to 35c, and American, on track al Toronto, at 4.01c. Oats are steady cars of white west are quoted at 26ic. Peas are steady; cars north and west are quoted at 60c. Montreal, Nov. 7. -Market steady. Flour -Receipts. 900 barrels; patent winter, $3.80 to $4.10 ; do. spring,$4.60 to $4.80 ; straight roller, $3.60 to $3.80; extra, $3.20 to 33.40; superfine, $2.50 to 32.!70; strong bakers', $4.20 to $4.40; Ontario bags, $1.70 to $1.80. Wheat- No.2, Manitoba hard,75c to 77c; corn, 38c to 40c; peas, 66c to 68c ; oats, 29e to 30c; barley, 410 to 42c ; rye, 54c to 56e ; buckwheat, 48c to 50c ; oatmeal, $1.'70 to 31.80; cornmeal, 900 to 31; pork, $16 to 316.50; lard, 'Tic to 8ic ; bacon, 10c to 120; hams, 10c to 12c; cheese, Sic to 9c; butter, townships, 18c to 19c ; western, 14c to 15c; eggs, 19c to 16c. NOVEMBER DYEING. Success, Profit and ..Pleasure • When Diamond Dyes are Used. Thousands of city and country wemen and girls will dye during the natinth of November. Old dresses, costume, capes, jackets ,wraps, shawls, and clothing for men and boys will be brought from attics, closets and boxes and. prepared for the dye bath. It is safe to assert that . eyery wife, Mother and daughter who has heard of the wonder -working -Diamond Dyes will use them in preference to any other make of dyes. It is unnecessary to dilate upon the many grand results that users of Diamond Dyes obtain. A few words will tell the story. The Diamond Dyes 'will make the old things look as fresh and as good as new, and will give colors that sun or washing cannot fade. The unfortunate women who are induced by some dealers to buy imitationand adulterated dyes will certainly suffer loss of money, time and materials. There is profit iit home dyeing only when the Diamond Dyes are used. See that you get the "Diamond" from your dealer; refuse all imitation. IP -11.0160,-.61 A BRITISH SOLDIER Tells how Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills conquer Disease. Like the conquering armies of Britain, which are marching to victory in avatar quarter of the globe, Milbura's Heart The elcl eeeiny grippe is DOW pre. valent in many sections of the land, and, as in the past, it is the same old insidious foe--eruel and deadly, The late eminent English physician, Sir IVIerell McKensie, held that grippe WAS the result of "poisoned nerves." Sir Morelli compares it to an extraor- dinary disturbance in the telegraphic system produced by a thunderstorm, which is nothing compared with the freaks played by the living conductors in the hurna.n body when the govern- ing centres are out of gear. It is certain that the majority of medical men now agree about the theory of "poisoned nerves," which explains the almost infinite variety of the attacks that mark the disease. The profound impression made of the nervous systerci by the poison explains all the after effects of the rnaleely, and more especially that curious loss of yjtal energy experienced by victims of grippe. Ilit peet eeasons, when grippe was epidemic the ablest and most thought- ful doctors prescribed Paine's Celery Compound, a medicine that acts direct- ly on the nerves of the body, cleansing them from all deadly poisons, toning and bracing up the entire system. In this way fresh vitality is quickly bestowed and sound health restored. In Montreal on Oct 15MissMcIntyre, eldest daughter of the late Duncan Mc- Intyre,wae married to Archibald Hodg- son. In Belleville on Wednesday Charles A. Ostrom, Woodstock, and Miss Em- ily C. Jones, of Sidney, were united in marriage at the•residence of C.G.Rowe J. P. Therhety, son of W. Doherty, the Clinton organ manufacturer, on the 26th wedded Miss Lama, daugh- ter, of Godfrey McGuigan, of Poplar Hill, near Strathroy. Until lately goose ' wheat has been regarded as an inferior ...rade and has been quoted at the lowest figures in all market quotations. It is now how- ever,bringing Most satisfactory prices. The Hamilton Herald says that last week goose wheat was the highest priced wheat4 on the Hamilton market, 70c. a bushel being paid for 'it. Red and white wheat, which were up a cent ini?riCe, were 68c. to 69c, a bushel. The cause 61 the upward tendency of goose wheat is to be found in, the old country deniand for it. Goose wheat is being used extensively in Italy in the Manufacture of niacaroni,end this leaxrpaleallyn! *the advance the price SCHOOL OPENING' 44202.- Aitiall line, fresh and bright of SCHOOL BOOKS and every. School re quisite at BROWNING'S Where the Scholars are always used well Encouraging Results Follow Proper Feeding and Nerve Pills are everywhere triumph- ing oversickness, weaknessand suffering. Mr. David Walsh, of Carleton Place, Ont., a man who has served with dis- tinction and credit in the British arm -r, and is now an employee of the C. P. Railway, says, "While in the ermy I got broken down, and my tierVous system 'was completely shattered. "1 Was much troubled with liver com- plaint, loss of appetite'etc. My rest be- came broken and wasdisturbed by vivid dreams. This hacl been going on for re years, although 1 took a great many remedies to escape from the troubloe which afflicted me. " liowevei' 1 got no relief entil started to take Milbure's Heart and Nerve Pills which I used together With Laxa-Liver'Pills, and now after having used it few boices, I an better than 1 have been for 'years. My nerves are restored to full free and vigor, I eat and sleep well, arid thy entire system has been totted end strengthened." 1\1 ilbere's Heart and Nerve Pills, stic., a box, or 3 for $7,25, at all• druggiets. LaxasLIver Pills," saye JODI Doherty, al North Street, St. Joint, N.B., e cured me of Constipation and distrese alter .pating. Their Action is natural and effective, There isa wide diversity of opi- nion about what constitutes a good cow but none about the beneficial effects resultieg from the use of Dick's Blood Purifier as atonic, appet- izer, blood pari- fier mid aid to thorough diges- tion for cows, sheepandhorses when they are put, on dry fod- der in the Pall. It assists the organs of the stomach to ettract all the nutriment from the food and puts • them in good strotig heal- thy coedition fertile spring • time. The mysterious visitor grippe may • pass many of 1.1C this autumn and win- ter •, we have, howeyer, no guarantee . that we shall be spared, so that it be- hooves all to be prepared for the arch enemy. To those who are run clown, weary, • tired, sleeplese, nervous, who have periodical headache And debility, we I say, "Use Paine's Celery Corn ponnd to ; fortify the systeni for all eixtere'eneieS Physically strong men and. women are not readily attacked by disease; the half -well and weakly mortals are the first -victims. At this time pre-; caution and preventiOu are , all impor- tent ; the hauishnient of nervousness, sleeplessness. languidness, debility and headache should be first thoughts with old and young. To safely guard against grippe and all other common diseases, Paine's Oelery Compound is the one effective medicine -the only sere preyentative of danger. Do not be misled by dealers who attempt, for the sake of the large pro- fits, to substitute something they call just as good ; where health is concern- ed there is no other medicine that can take the place of Paine's Celery Com- pound and give satisfaction to those who are anxiously desiring a now life. IISZPOSMIKEIRGVII DODZSLI1 Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Prospect Hill, left last -week for Nebraska to make an extended. visit to their son John, who haafor several years been a resident of that State and is engaged in the milling business. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. Aet OLD AND WItLL-TRIED REMEDY -1114's Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for oVer..FtY Viers by _Illations of mothersfor their candle° while teething. Nvith perfect success. te; soothes the child, softens the gun's, allays all pain, cures vetted colic, and is the best remedy Lor Diarrbeen, It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents it bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wieslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. • --- THE PIONEER L/MITED Is the name of the only perfect train in the Iworld, nowrunning every night between Chicago, Milwaukee Se St, Paul and Minneap- olis via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway -the pioneer road of the West in ad- opting all improved facilities for the safety and emoyment of passengers. An illustrated pare- ph).et, howing views of beautiful scenery along the route of the Pioneer Limited, will he sent free to any person upon receipt of two -cent postage sttunp. Address Geo. R. Heaftord, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Ill. ere To Advertisers. The benefit derived from an adver- tisement depends altogethex upon the number of persons who read. it. To reach the greatest number of readers at the least possible expense, is a question that should be ccnsidered very carefully by business men. A thousand small bills printed in 'Tor- onto or London, and distributed in this section, would be just as effective as if the bill had been printed in'town. There is not it doubt about that, but if you want to reach the people in their ' homes, neweVepen advertising is the only successful way. To get the best results use the paper with the largest circulation, and thegreatest amount of local news. Circulation is the proper basis upon which prices sli oulcl be fixed. If a newspaper with a circulation of 2,000.charges $100 per year, then one with a circulation ci f GOO would be entitl- ed to 330. An advertiser should take these facts into careful 'consideration, when making contracts. •Another fre- quent loss to advertisers is in the use of several papers when one covers the ground. nits TIMES is read. by more people in Exeter, Usborne, Stephen, Hay, the northern part of Biddulph and McGillivray than all other county papers combined, and an advertise- ment placed in it w ill be found the most effectual way in which to reach the people. RHEUMATIC: STJFFERERS. "1 have tried Milberns Ithemnritic Pills and find they do all that is claimed.for them. I can- not eay too much in their favor.' A Swift, 199 Simms Street, Toronto, Ont. Ridgetown has aboat 11 miles • of geanolithie walks. STUCK TO LOW'S. "We have tried a good many'worm medicines butduring the past, live years have stuck to Dr. Low's, es it proved to be the best." Samuel T. Sargent, Brockville, Ont. Laxa-Liver Pills euro Constipation and bili- eusness. They work without, a grip or gripe and never fail to do good. Price 25.c. • BOILS BANIS1111,1). 0. J. Murray, Charlottetown, P. E. writes; "About six months ago I was troubled with Painful boils and got one licIttle of 13. B. B, which ccenpletely cured me.' •.e.rk ••.• 1. es 1.11-1 0 r • ASS /11 , BEST FORTA8LE.DA1RY,AND •ERSiDARS.10.1SevilD•OrslEvi 'wlee‘• LEEMING ABLE8 -1 • bleK 490., A Oats ettreAst ProOrIcters. FREE. We give this fine watch, and also ,a chain and charm for selling two d (men Levee Comae Bele tons, at 10 cts. each. Send your address end we forward the Bu tto n s, postpaid, and our Premium List. No money re- quired. Sell the Bat. torts ameng your retern the money, mid we send the watch, prepaid. A genuine American watcht guaranteed a good timepiece. Mention this paper when writing, LEVEY& TillATOX ati Adelaide St. 13. Toronto, One, resetertrateaseesieeasiteceaci Days are getting shorter, 'aro, tt.„ • Therefore it is necessary that .“11 1 et t" 1-141( L3ft!CrIle that are exactly suited to your eyes. Our Opti, tan 05 home again and prepared to give you the bs expcit attention. T. FITTON'S. Jewellery store. Mornings preferred for testing. rwmiwithwgiumw EARN A WATir" Earn this valuable Watch, Chain and Charm by selling twenty Tapas Scarf Pins. at 15 cents each, Send your address and we forwardtbe Pins and our Premium List, postpaid. Ito money required, These PIM will almost sell themselves, for the Topaz has all the brilliance of the best diamonds, and has never before been offered at anything like this price. Te Watch is neat in appearance, thoroughly well made, and fully guaranteed. Unsold Pins may be returned. Mention this paper when writing. THE GEM PIN CO., Freehold Building, Toronto, Ont. VMMAIMNAMMiYMMYMANAMARANWW,WAY, Muservemaa*-..*0 .ttILICS11.14 Genuine Padlock and Key V A S51ic3 kIkI Sheli Sin& c..63 or Curb Wain Urn Ni OFT send money. Just your name AY and address on a POST 0.90, and we will send you 20 packages of AROMATIC CACHOU?, a delicious con - 40 perfume the breatit, to sell for us, if you can, at 5 cents per package, When sold send us our moneY, 31.00, and we will send you FREE your choice of the beautiful prizes illustrated. Goods return- able if not sold. Mention this paper. SNOWDON CHAMBERS TISBALL SUPPLY 00•3 TORONTO, ONT. 1.-ete,•ie -ka A woman who is weak, nervous anci sleepless, and who has cold hands and feet, cannot feel and act like it well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation, remove nervousness, and give strength and rest. -edMX11412ate,--- Miss Jennie Vic:knee. of Duluth. Minn , and de ug ler of re Veorge Vickers, Al itelten, wee- le:el.:ea le me, LeRoy Eger, Duluth, oe the eeth of October. FAR. uartersr" 'Pear +7... Undertag---=m- And Fture AT R. N. ROWE'S Everything up-to-date. Largest stock ever shown in Exeter. R. N. HOWE • 1.10--rzz,7 icug • to-te We would recommend those suffering from COUGHS,' COLDS, and BRONCHIAL, troubles to use WIN'S 'COUGH BALSAM. It is also a reliable remedy for children. We manufacture WINAN'S LINIMENT, an excellent reme- dy for NEURALGIA, PAINS, SORE THROAT, RHEUMATISM INFLUENZA. Also WINAN'S CONDITION POWDER, the best in the mar- ket. Try our Lotion for scratches on horses, also condition pow- der for same SOLE AGENT FOR DICKS LUNG • SYRUP. LUTZ "it of Clot,;i:-s. Singie Garv:era •ouid Conabme now a days, Cur etIctness of Style, Good Workmanship, • Moderate Cost, • Perfect Fit, You loolvfor these in an old am! reliable olatie., • and A. J. SNELL never disappoints hi patrons in any of these. A large assortment of Fall es, Winter Goods in Worsteds and Tweeds, are now on our shelves, and we wifl take much, sleasure in showieg them to you. There Are many otherlines that are specially af. ctilf will find at Eiesett's I'Vareroom , the folic ing line of A grien toral Implements EEIRIING B N - DERS, MOWERS, ROLLER AND BALL BEARINGS, STEEL SULKY RAKES. A full line of St t•d Drills, Cultivators Dire ahci Dinrcord Bari ows Plows, end Turnip Drills. SUMO MACHINES, ETC The celebrated Knoll Washer . Raymond sewing and wringers machine 4 STOVES.--eiks., Gurney stoves and fr.-trances. waggons Eugpes Bicycles. The Chatham Waggon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin 13ligeies.• , 6 p 41. WITH SPRING Conies the necessity of 'SPRING eAriliEHTS We are in the van with all that is desirable in the line. Let us show you our stock of 07.00 Fancy Worsteds in all the newest colorings. Remember we put up the best suit for $10.00 that can be bought in the county. GIVE US A CALL. J. H. Crieve A Man is always in fhe SWM If he wears one of W JOHN'S neatly fitting He is it sure fitter. His prices are away down. His geods are the best. Cell and examine his goods before buying your seedeessesa.,_,FALL SUIT W, JOHNS, irtiorn